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Psychiatric Social Work in Great Britain: 1939-1962 (Routledge Revivals: Noel Timms #3)

by Noel Timms

Originally published in 1964 Psychiatric Social Work looks at psychiatric social work as an established form of professional social work in Great Britain, as well as the mental health policy introduced at the time of the book’s publication. The book looks at how social workers in the 1960s were striving for professional status, and the interest that grew around their professional status during this period. The book examines changes and issues in their training and a general picture of those who qualified. It looks at the careers of a group of social workers and follows the developments in child guidance, mental hospitals, and the care of the mentally ill in the community. The contribution of social workers is discussed and their activities of the professional associations in training and professional development is examined. This book will act as an important historical look at the changes to social work.

Psychiatrische Kartierungen des Selbst: Rekonstruktionen adoleszenter Bildungsprozesse zwischen Familie und Jugendpsychiatrie (Rekonstruktive Bildungsforschung #44)

by Julia Becher

Mit einem stationären Aufenthalt in einer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie sind jugendliche Patient:innen und deren Familien mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Neben der als ‚psychische Krankheit‘ gedeuteten Krisenkonstellation und damit verbundener Leiden sind es die mit der Einbindung in psychiatrische Institutionen verknüpften Positionierungen, (diagnoseförmigen) Zuschreibungen sowie (familialen) Erwartungen, Hoffnungen und Ängsten, mit denen sich Jugendliche vor dem Hintergrund adoleszenter Entwicklungs- und Individuationsprozesse auseinandersetzen müssen. Auf der Basis zweier Fallrekonstruktionen werden adoleszente Subjektbildungsprozesse im Spannungsfeld von familialen Dynamiken, gesellschaftlichen und insbesondere schulischen Transformations- und Normalitätsanforderungen sowie jugendpsychiatrischen Interventionen untersucht. Die Analysen stützen sich auf Interviews mit Jugendlichen und Familiengespräche, die im Längsschnitt durchgeführt wurden. Die qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie leistet einen empirisch fundierten Beitrag zur sozialisations-, jugend- und familientheoretischen Frage nach der psychiatrisch moderierten und familial vermittelten Ver- und Bearbeitung psycho-sozialer Krisen in der Adoleszenz und der damit verknüpften (Re-)Strukturierung adoleszenter Selbstentwürfe.

Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry

by David Cooper

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1967 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

Psychiatry and the Human Condition: A Scientific Biography of Silvano Arieti (1914–1981) (Springer Biographies)

by Roberta Passione

This book is the result of extensive archival research conducted on the Collection “Silvano Arieti Papers” held in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. It offers readers the first scientific biography of the renowned Italian-born psychiatrist Silvano Arieti, who in 1939 emigrated to the United States, where he gained fame and recognition for his work on schizophrenia. In 1975, the second edition of his book, Interpretation of Schizophrenia, received the National Book Award in Science. The book has been cast as a twofold journey: an exploration of the life of a psychiatrist and scientist and an overview of twentieth century psychiatry and its significant issues, debates, and transformations. Readers will find useful insights for a better understanding of psychiatry as a discipline capable of portraying the complexity of human nature.

Psychiatry in a Changing Society

by S H Foulkes G Stewart Prince

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1969 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

Psychiatry in Crisis: At the Crossroads of Social Sciences, the Humanities, and Neuroscience

by Vincenzo Di Nicola Drozdstoj Stoyanov

The field of academic psychiatry is in crisis, everywhere. It is not merely a health crisis of resource scarcity or distribution, competing claims and practice models, or level of development from one country to another, but a deeper, more fundamental crisis about the very definition and the theoretical basis of psychiatry. The kinds of questions that represent this crisis include whether psychiatry is a social science (like psychology or anthropology), whether it is better understood as part of the humanities (like philosophy, history, and literature), or if the future of psychiatry is best assured as a branch of medicine (based on genetics and neuroscience)? In fact, the question often debated since the beginning of modern psychiatry concerns the biomedical model so that part of psychiatry’s perpetual self-questioning is to what extent it is or is not a branch of medicine. This unique and bold volume offers a representative and critical survey of the history of modern psychiatry with deeply informed transdisciplinary readings of the literature and practices of the field by two professors of psychiatry who are active in practice and engaged in research and have dual training in scientific psychiatry and philosophy. In alternating chapters presenting contrasting arguments for the future of psychiatry, the two authors conclude with a dialogue between them to flesh out the theoretical, research, and practical implications of psychiatry’s current crisis, outlining areas of divergence, consensus, and fruitful collaborations to revision psychiatry today. The volume is scrupulously documented but written in accessible language with capsule summaries of key areas of theory, research, and practice for the student and practitioner alike in the social and human sciences and in medicine, psychiatry, and the neurosciences.

Psychiatry in Dissent: Controversial issues in thought and practice second edition

by Anthony Clare

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1980 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

by Alex Constantine

Bombing minds rather than bodies is the warfare of the new millennium. This book uncovers the terrifying extent of electromagnetic and biotelemetric mind control experimentation on involuntary human subjects."The evidence presented in this book is a savage indictment of democracy-turned-dictatorship. The sordid truth about what really goes on in the halls of power is often too much to take, but it does help to have some idea of what we're up against." -- Nexus

The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture

by Margo Natalie Crawford Brandon J. Manning Aida Levy-Hussen Régine Michelle Jean-Charles Calvin Warren Soyica Diggs Colbert Michael Chaney Douglas A. Jones Jr. Gershun Avilez Robert J. Patterson

What would it mean to "get over slavery"? Is such a thing possible? Is it even desirable? Should we perceive the psychic hold of slavery as a set of mental manacles that hold us back from imagining a postracist America? Or could the psychic hold of slavery be understood as a tool, helping us get a grip on the systemic racial inequalities and restricted liberties that persist in the present day? Featuring original essays from an array of established and emerging scholars in the interdisciplinary field of African American studies, The Psychic Hold of Slavery offers a nuanced dialogue upon these questions. With a painful awareness that our understanding of the past informs our understanding of the present--and vice versa--the contributors place slavery's historical legacies in conversation with twenty-first-century manifestations of antiblack violence, dehumanization, and social death. Through an exploration of film, drama, fiction, performance art, graphic novels, and philosophical discourse, this volume considers how artists grapple with questions of representation, as they ask whether slavery can ever be accurately depicted, trace the scars that slavery has left on a traumatized body politic, or debate how to best convey that black lives matter. The Psychic Hold of Slavery thus raises provocative questions about how we behold the historically distinct event of African diasporic enslavement and how we might hold off the transhistorical force of antiblack domination.

Psychische Erkrankungen als gesellschaftliche Aufgabe: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf aktuelle Herausforderungen (Schriften zu Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Studies on Health and Society #5)

by Pauline Mantell Carolin Schwegler Christiane Woopen

Psychische Erkrankungen sind eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung mit vielen Facetten und müssen als solche auch interdisziplinär betrachtet werden. Der vorliegende Sammelband setzt genau hier an und hat das Ziel, ein differenziertes Bild über die Bedeutung psychischer Erkrankungen und den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit ihnen zu zeichnen. Die vielfältigen Fragen, die sich dabei stellen, werden durch Vertreter*innen aus den Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften erörtert. Dies beinhaltet theoretische sowie praktische Perspektiven mit historischen, aktuellen und zukunftsperspektivischen Schwerpunkten, die sich insgesamt dem Ziel widmen, aktuelle Herausforderungen aufzuzeigen und einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung in den Bereichen der Krankheitsbehandlung, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung zu leisten.

Psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Pflichten (BestMasters)

by Daniela Schick

Im aktuellen Diskurs erhöhter Krankenstände durch psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung am Arbeitsplatz bietet dieses Buch eine umfangreiche theoretische und praktische Handlungsempfehlung bei der Einführung psychischer Gefährdungsbeurteilungen in Organisationen. Zusammenfassend wird zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass die Implementation der psychischen Gefährdungsbeurteilung auf den Ebenen Individuum, Team, Führungskräfte und Organisation ein bisher wenig genutztes, jedoch durchaus zukunftsorientiertes und nachhaltiges Potenzial für alle Organisationsmitglieder beinhaltet. Es veranschaulicht, welche konkreten Herausforderungen, Widerstände und Handlungsfelder allein durch die Bezugnahme auf die Gefährdungsbeurteilung innerhalb einer Organisation herausgearbeitet werden können. Das Buch nimmt übersichtlich und detailliert die Perspektiven des Arbeitsrechts, der Betriebswirtschaft, des Gesundheitsmanagements und der Organisationsentwicklung ein. Es steht somit als wichtiger Beitrag und ganzheitliche Orientierungshilfe für eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Mitarbeiterbindung sowie ein gesundes Unternehmen.

Psychische Gesundheit bei der Arbeit: Gefährdungsbeurteilung und gesunde Organisationsentwicklung

by Ralf Neuner

Das Buch schlägt die Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Es klärt die wichtigsten Begriffe rund um das Thema psychische Belastung und geht auf die bestehenden gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen und Aufgabenverteilung ein. Kommentare zu Normen und relevante Gesetze wurden aktualisiert. Die vierte, umfassend überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage beleuchtet Arbeitskonzepte, die unter den Begriff New Work fallen.Im Hauptteil werden Methoden und Verfahren zur Messung und Dokumentation von psychischen Belastungen erläutert. Dazu hat der Autor einen Darstellungs- und Kriterienkatalog erarbeitet, mit dem sich der Leser die spezifischen Vor- und Nachteile einschlägigen Verfahren zur Ermittlung psychischer Belastung erschließen kann. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse sind Handlungsgrundlage für die gesunde Organisationsentwicklung. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele werden Maßnahmen und deren Nutzen zur Verbesserung der Qualität der Arbeitsgestaltung für die Beschäftigten und das Unternehmen aufgezeigt.Das Buch wendet sich an alle Interessierten, die wissen möchten, wie man psychische Belastung bei der Arbeit effektiv erfassen und in der Folge verringern kann. Dazu gehören Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit genauso wie Arbeitsmediziner, Betriebsräte, Personalverantwortlich und alle, deren Anliegen die Verbesserung der Qualität der Arbeitsbedingungen ist.

Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt: Soziale und ökonomische Relevanz für Gesellschaft und Unternehmen (essentials)

by Nicole Susann Roschker

Experten weisen seit vielen Jahren auf die ökonomischen und sozialen Folgen hin, die für Unternehmen und Gesellschaft gleichermaßen durch die eklatante Zunahme psychischer Erkrankungen in Zusammenhang mit der Arbeitswelt entstehen. Gleichwohl gilt Gesund¬heit meist noch als rein private Angelegenheit, um die sich der Einzelne selbst zu kümmern hat. Doch Arbeitgeber spielen im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung der Arbeits-bedingungen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Lösung des Problems. Die Publika¬tion legt dar, warum die Gefährdung der Gesundheit von Beschäftigten bereits jetzt ein Risiko¬potenzial darstellt, das nicht mehr ignoriert werden kann, und weshalb dies als gesellschaft¬liches und ökonomisches Issue Bestandteil der Unternehmens¬berichterstattung sein sollte.

Psycho-Analysis and Social Psychology (Psychology Library Editions: Social Psychology)

by William McDougall

From the Preface: ‘In these few lectures delivered in the University of London (May 1935) I have returned to the always interesting, but generally quite futile, task of criticizing the teachings of Professor Sigmund Freud and his school. On the present occasion my criticisms are made with ruthless frankness, in accordance with the policy I have recently adopted. I have realized too late that I might have done more for my chosen science, had I from the first spoken with a less modest voice.’ Originally published in 1936, two years before the author’s death, this title is a critique of the teachings of Freud and his school from a social psychology standpoint. It has several appendices which include the examining of ‘Totem and Taboo’ and the Oedipus complex.

A Psycho-Analytical Approach to Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Case Studies, Treatment (International Library of Sociology)

by Kate Friedlander

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Psycho-Criminological Perspective of Criminal Justice in Asia: Research and Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Beyond (Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences)

by Heng Choon Chan Samuel M.Y. Ho

This book offers both theoretical and practical examinations of the psycho-criminology of criminal justice in Asia, with particular emphasis on the Hong Kong and Singapore contexts. It is designed to present the current state of the field, which addresses key topics in three major sub-areas – policing and legal system, offender rehabilitation and treatment, and research and future directions. Written by academics with extensive research experience in their respective topics and senior ranking practitioners in their fields, topics include psychologists’ involvement in different aspects of forensic investigation, police emotional reactions to major incidents, the application of psychological approaches in developing offender rehabilitation and treatment modules to address different offender’s criminogenic needs, and legal issues related to the insanity defence, fitness to plead, the jury system, and the procedural justice and legitimacy. An important reference for post-graduate courses, this book will be of special interest to criminologists and psychologists working in forensic settings, mental health professionals, policy-makers, police personnel, prison officials, and legal executives. <P><P>Chapters include: <P><P>1. Youth gang offenders in Singapore <P><P>2. Offender rehabilitation: the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department <P><P>3. Juries as decision makers in East Asian judicial systems: Hong Kong, the Mainland China, South Korea, and Japan <P><P>4. The psychology of violent extremism: what we know and what else we need to do

Psycho-Social Approaches to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Change, Crisis and Trauma

by Anathasia Chalari Eirini Efsevia Koutantou

This book explores how meaning-making during the COVID-19 pandemic, and specifically during the period of the April 2020 lockdowns, may be derived from shared lived experience among participants, residing in diverse geographical regions. This study conducted 46 in-depth interviews with Greek participants residing in 13 district countries and 23 cities around the globe and argues that meaning making of the pandemic derives from shared lived experiences of radical change and everyday transformations, fearful as well as well as hopeful perceptions of crisis and trauma emerging through loss of life before the pandemic.

Psycho-social Career Meta-capacities

by Melinde Coetzee

This book introduces a coherent perspective on the self-regulatory career meta-capacities that individuals, as career agents, need to successfully manage their career development in a boundaryless occupational world. Enriched by empirical data and case studies by subject specialists in the fields, it serves as a cutting-edge benchmark for specialists, professionals and post-graduate students in the careers field to study. This book allows an in-depth view of the most recent research trends on the critical psycho-social constructs influencing the adaptation, adaptivity, adaptability and employability of individuals in a turbulent, uncertain and chaotic work world. In addition, it offers the practising professional new perspectives of career constructs and measures to consider in career counseling and guidance for the contemporary career.

Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Life Satisfaction and Drug Use (Quality of Life in Asia #11)

by Nicole Wai-ting Cheung Yuet Wah Cheung

This book studies young people’s use of psychoactive drugs and its social and psychological correlates in Hong Kong. Specifically, it focuses on how life satisfaction may affect drug use among a sample of psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong. The book addresses the dearth of research on the role of young people’s life satisfaction in their drug abuse and engagement in other risk behaviors in Hong Kong. It also examines how changes in the drug scene from heroin addiction to psychoactive party drug use since the late 1990s has necessitated a deeper exploration of the subculture of young people, which shapes their attitudes and behaviors regarding how they structure their lives and how they perceive the risks of drug use, in the context of the global trend of normalization of recreational drug use. Readers will benefit from the results of a rigorous analysis of a unique set of longitudinal data that reveals the factors influencing drug use among young psychoactive drug users, academic implications of the findings for social science theory and research on young people’s drug use, and practical implications of the findings for prevention and intervention services for young people in Hong Kong and other Asian societies.

Psychoanalysis and the Future of Global Politics: Overcoming Climate Change, Pandemics, War, and Poverty

by Robert Samuels

This book offers a unique approach by using psychoanalytic theory to explain how we can resolve the most important issues facing the world today and in the future. One of my main arguments is that we need to move beyond national politics in order to provide global solutions to global problems. However, there is a misplaced fear concerning global governance, and much of this phobia is derived from a misunderstanding of history and human psychology. Not only do we have to learn to give up our idealized investment in nations and nationalism, but we also have to move beyond seeing the world from the perspective of a victim fantasy. Since we often repress real signs of global progress, we experience the global present and the future in negative ways. To reverse this perspective, we need to first understand the incredible progress humans have made in the last two hundred years, but we also should not ignore the real threats we face.

Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)

by Louis Althusser

What can psychoanalysis, a psychological approach developed more than a century ago, offer us in an age of rapidly evolving, hard-to-categorize ideas of sexuality and the self? Should we abandon Freud's theories completely or adapt them to new findings and the new relationships taking shape in modern liberal societies? In a remarkably prescient series of lectures delivered in the early 1960s, the French philosopher Louis Althusser anticipated the challenges that psychoanalytic theory would face as politics moved away from structuralist frameworks and toward the elastic possibilities of anthropological and sociological thought.Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences translates Althusser's remarkable seminars into English for the first time, making available to a wider audience the origins and potential future of radical political theory. Althusser takes the important step in these lectures of distinguishing psychoanalysis from psychology and especially psychiatry, which long resisted Freud's analytical concepts of the unconscious and overdetermination. By freeing psychoanalysis from this bind, Althusser can then apply these analytical concepts to the social and the political, integrated with Marxist theory. The result is an enlivened methodology for comprehending social organization and change that had a profound influence on the Frankfurt School and scholars who continue to work at the forefront of radical thought today: Judith Butler, Étienne Balibar, and Alain Badiou.

Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat: Clinial and Theoretical Studies

by Daniel Jacobs Howard B. Levine Lowell J. Rubin

The analytic literature has heretofore been silent about the issues inherent in the nuclear threat. As a groundbreaking exploration of new psychological terrain, Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat will function as a source book for what, it is hoped, will be the continuing effort of analysts and other mental health professionals to explore and engage in-depth nuclear issues. This volume provides panoramic coverage of the dynamic and clinical considerations that follow from life in the nuclear age. Of special interest are chapters deling with the developmental consequences of the nuclear threat in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, and those exploring the technical issues raised by the occurrence in analytic and psychotherapeutic hours of material related to the nuclear threat. Additional chapters bring a psychoanalytic perspective to bear on such issues as the need to have enemies; silence as the "real crime"; love, work, and survival in the nuclear age; the relationship of the nuclear threat to issues of "mourning and melancholia"; apocalyptic fantasies; the paranoid process; considerations of the possible impact of gender on the nuclear threat; and the application of psychoanalytic thinking to nuclear arms strategy. Finally, the volume includes the first case report in the English language - albeit a brief psychotherapy - involving the treatment of a Hiroshima survivor. A noteworthy event in psychoanalytic publishing, Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat betokens analytic engagement with the most pressing political and moral issue of our time, a cultivating of Freud's "soft voice of the intellect" in an area where it is desperately needed.

Psychoanalysis at its Limits: Navigating the Postmodern Turn (Routledge Revivals: Anthony Elliott: Early Works in Social Theory)

by Anthony Elliott Charles Spezzano

Has psychoanalysis become postmodern? How are the various schools of psychoanalysis being altered by postmodernism? What role does psychoanalysis have to play in the cultural debate in postmodern times? Originally published in 2000, Psychoanalysis at its Limits offers a stimulating account of the complex and contradictory nature of psychoanalysis in the postmodern age. It presents a history and critique of the concept of postmodernism throughout contemporary psychoanalytic thought. As such it is a critical survey of the complex relations between desire, selfhood and culture.

Psychoanalysis, Classic Social Psychology and Moral Living: Let the Conversation Begin

by Paul Marcus

In Psychoanalysis, Classic Social Psychology and Moral Living: Let the Conversation Begin, Paul Marcus uniquely draws on psychoanalysis and social psychology to examine what affects the ethical decisions people make in their everyday life. Psychoanalysis traditionally looks at early experiences, concepts and drives which shape how we choose to behave in later life. In contrast, classic social psychology experiments have illustrated how specific situational forces can shape our moral behaviour. In this ground-breaking fusion of psychoanalysis and social psychology, Marcus gives a fresh new perspective to this and demonstrates how, in significant instances, these experimental findings contradict many presumed psychoanalytic ideas and explanations surrounding psychoanalytic moral psychology. Examining classic social psychology experiments, such as Asch’s line judgement studies, Latané and Darley’s bystander studies, Milgram’s obedience studies, Mischel’s Marshmallow Experiment and Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment, Marcus pulls together insights and understanding from both disciplines, as well as ethics, to begin a conversation and set out a new understanding of how internal and external factors interact to shape our moral decisions and behaviours. Marcus has an international reputation for pushing boundaries of psychoanalytic thinking and, with ethics being an increasingly relevant topic in psychoanalysis and our world, this pioneering work is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, moral philosophy scholars and social psychologists.

Psychoanalysis in Social Research: Shifting theories and reframing concepts

by Claudia Lapping

The use of psychoanalytic ideas to explore social and political questions is not new. Freud began this work himself and social research has consistently drawn on his ideas. This makes perfect sense. Social and political theory must find ways to conceptualise the relation between human subjects and our social environment; and the distinctive and intense observation of individual psychical structuring afforded within clinical psychoanalysis has given rise to rich theoretical and methodological resources for doing just this. However, psychoanalytic concepts do not remain the same when they are rearticulated in the context of research. This book traces the reiteration and transformation of concepts in the psychoanalytic theory of Freud, Klein and Lacan, the social theory of Butler, Derrida, Foucault, Laclau and Zizek, and case studies of empirical research ranging from the classic Tavistock Institute studies to contemporary work in politics, gender studies, cultural studies and education. Each chapter explores one cluster of concepts: Melancholia, loss and subjectivity Overdetermination and free association Resistance, reflexivity and the compulsion to repeat Repression, disavowal and foreclosure Psychic defenses and social defenses Arguing against the reification of psychoanalytic concepts, Claudia Lapping suggests the need for a reflexive understanding of the play of attachments and substitutions as concepts are reframed in the contrasting activities of psychoanalysis and research.

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