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Showing 33,051 through 33,075 of 47,956 results

Projektmanagement: Eine Einführung aus sozial- und organisationswissenschaftlicher Sicht

by Marcel Schütz Pia Lehmkuhl Heinke Röbken Etienne Witte

Das Lehrbuch bietet einen grundlegenden Überblick über sozial- und organisationswissenschaftliche Aspekte des Projektmanagements. Es ergänzt damit die klassischen betriebswirtschaftlichen Einführungen in die Projektarbeit. Die zahlreichen Facetten der Gestaltung und Durchführung von Projekten werden ausführlich beschrieben. Lernen, Wissen und Innovation sowie informelle Abläufe, politische Mikrostrukturen, Netzwerkaktivitäten, Personalpolitik und Störungsereignisse werden diskutiert. Durch die Einbindung aktueller Projektstudien und Beispiele aus der Führungserfahrung der Autoren hat das Buch einen starken Praxisbezug. Jedes Kapitel enthält außerdem Lernziele in Form von Vermittlungspunkten, anhand derer die LeserInnen ihr Verständnis der Texte überprüfen können. Das Lehrbuch ist so aufgebaut, dass es als Semesterlektüre eingesetzt werden kann. Einzelne Kapitel können aber auch selektiv als Nachschlagehilfe für verschiedene Studienmodule und -fächer innerhalb der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, der Sozialwissenschaften und des Ingenieurwesens genutzt werden. Ebenso profitieren EinsteigerInnen und bereits Fortgeschrittene in der Projektpraxis von der Lektüre.

Proletarian Lives: Routines, Identity, and Culture in Contentious Politics (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)

by Marcos E. Pérez

Based on multi-year ethnographic fieldwork on the Unemployed Workers' Movement in Argentina (also known as the piqueteros), Proletarian Lives provides a case study of how workers affected by job loss protect their traditional forms of life by engaging in progressive grassroots mobilization. Using life-history interviews and participant observation, the book analyzes why some activists develop a strong attachment to the movement despite initial reluctance and frequent ideological differences. Marcos Pérez argues that a key appeal of participation is the opportunity to engage in age and gender-specific practices associated with a respectable blue-collar lifestyle threatened by long-term socioeconomic decline. Through their daily involvement in the movement, older participants reconstruct the routines they associate with a golden past in which factory jobs were plentiful, younger activists develop the kind of habits they were raised to see as valuable, and all members protect communal activities undermined by the expansion of poverty and violence.

Proletarian Peasants: The Revolution of 1905 in Russia's Southwest

by Robert Edelman

In this book, conceived and written for the general reader as well as the specialist, Robert Edelman uses a case study of peasant behavior during a particular revolutionary situation to make an important contribution to one of the major debates in contemporary peasant studies. Edelman's subject is the peasantry of the right-bank Ukraine, and he uses local and regional archives seldom available to Western scholars to give a detailed picture of the ways in which the inhabitants of one of Russia’s most advanced agrarian regions expressed their discontent during the years 1905–1907. By the 1890s, the landlords of Russia’s Southwest had organized a highly successful capitalist form of agriculture, and Edelman demonstrates that their peasants responded to these dramatic economic changes by adopting many of the forms of political and social behavior generally associated with urban proletarians.

Proliferation of Weapons- and Dual-Use Technologies: Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic Approaches (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Margaret E. Kosal

This book explores and analyzes the rapid pace of technological evolution in diplomatic, information, military, and economic sectors, which has contributed to a dynamic international policy environment. Global political stability is greatly influenced by innovations originating from numerous sources, including university labs, the technology sector, and military research. Collectively, these innovations guide the movement of people, ideas, and technology that in turn affect the international balance of power. The objective of this volume is to develop new insights into how the proliferation of innovative ideas, low-cost weapons, and dual-use technologies impact the changing global security landscape. Innovative and dual-use technologies can be used for beneficial purposes or defensive purposes. Alternatively they may be appropriated or employed for nefarious purposes by hostile military powers and non-state actors alike. Such actions can threaten global security and stability. As the complexity of technological innovations continues to increase, existing control mechanisms such as international regulations and security arrangements may be insufficient to stem the tide of proliferation over time. As such, this works seeks to assess and present policy solutions to curtail the threat to global stability posed by the proliferation of weapons and dual-use technology.

Prologue to Education: An Inquiry into Ends and Means (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by John N Wales

Many people have come to feel that the controversy on education in Britain has got bogged down in political polemics, and that common polarisations between ‘conventional’ and ‘progressive’, ‘selective’ and ‘comprehensive’, ‘elite’ and ‘democratic’ are both unrealistic and damaging. The author believes that a new educational ethic is needed now that former religious sanctions are no longer generally operative. He believes that it is possible to regard the concept of a Rational Good as a basis for educational theory and practice. The book discusses important practical issues in education: liberty and equality, use and abuse of convention, the ethical basis and occasion for coercion, the validity of co-education as an educational principle and the John Wales concludes that the correspondence between the popular extremes of educational views is much more significant than their differences.

Prom Night: Youth, Schools and Popular Culture

by Amy L. Best

Best shows us that, while the prom is often trivialized, most kids take the prom seriously. The prom is a space where kids work through their understanding of authority, social class, gender norms, and multicultural schooling. Proms are more than just pictures and puffed sleeves--they are a mythic part of youth culture and, for better or worse, will always be a night to remember.

La promesa de las Lilas: Una historia inspiradora de coraje y empoderamiento

by Leah Almario-Rivera

EPILOGO De vez en cuando, mis amigos y familia me conectan con alguien que tiene un miembro de la familia diagnosticado con autismo, en caso de que pueda darles una mano u ofrecerles consejos. “¿Qué sugieres que haga? ¿Tienes algunas pautas?” Mi corazón se va con esa familia. ¿Cómo puedo ayudar cuando estoy a miles de kilómetros de ellos? En otros casos me han preguntado, “¿Por qué no trabajas directamente con niños con autismo ya que se beneficiarán de tu conocimiento?” Ojalá pudiera. Especialmente en América del Norte, las familias solo tratan con profesionales certificados en la materia. Mi conocimiento se limita a mi experiencia personal. En la reunión de atletismo del año pasado, un padre que conocía a Gordon desde el jardín de niños vino hacia mí. “¡Mira a tu hijo! Ha pasado por un largo camino.” Le sonreí, y mientras miraba a Gordon de reojo sonreí con mucho orgullo y asentí. Sí, estoy orgullosa de él. “Deberías escribir un libro.” Sugirió el padre. “¿Por qué?” Fruncí el ceño reaccionando a su sugerencia. “Gordon no es un prodigio ni ha desarrollado habilidades extraordinarias atribuidas popularmente a gente con autismo.” “Se han escrito muchas historias sobre éstas personas asombrosas. Pero el universo también está interesado en la historia de Gordon.” Agregó. Reflexioné ante la idea. Es cierto. Mi hijo tal vez no tenga habilidades increíbles, pero su historia puede servir de inspiración. Nunca había pensado en escribir nuestro viaje. Al pasar los años, la incidencia del autismo ha crecido. Cada vez que menciono ‘autismo’, el extraño con el que estoy hablando inmediatamente compartirá su historia sobre alguien que conoce que también está en el espectro (desorden del espectro autista) y se podría beneficiar de mis consejos e historia. Mientras tanto y afortunadamente, una gran dive

Promise Land

by Jessica Lamb-Shapiro

"In writing this book I walked on hot coals, met a man making a weight-loss robot, joined a Healing Circle, and faced my debilitating fear of flying. Of all of these things, talking to my father about my mother's death was by far the hardest." The daughter of a widowed child psychologist and parenting author, Jessica Lamb-Shapiro grew up immersed in the culture of self-help, of books and pamphlets and board games and gadgets and endless jargon-filled conversations about feelings. It wasn't until she hit her thirties that Jessica began to wonder: if all this self-improvement arcana was as helpful as it promised to be, why wasn't she better adjusted? She had a flying phobia, hadn't settled down, and didn't like to talk about her feelings. Thus began Jessica's fascination with the eccentric and labyrinthine world of self-help. She read hundreds of books and articles, attended dating seminars, walked on hot coals, and attempted to conquer her fear of flying. But even as she made light of the sometimes dubious effectiveness of these as-seen-on-TV treatments, she slowly began to realize she was circling a much larger problem: her mother's death when she was a toddler, and the almost complete silence that she and her father had always observed on the subject. In the tradition of Augusten Burroughs, Jessica Lamb-Shapiro illuminates the peculiar neuroses and inalterable truths that bind families together, whether they choose to confront them or not. Promise Land is a tender, witty, and wise account of a young woman's journey through her own psyche toward the most difficult stage of grown-up emotional life: acceptance.

The Promise of Happiness

by Sara Ahmed

The Promise of Happiness is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: "I just want you to be happy"; "I'm happy if you're happy. " Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the "happiness duty," the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which is deemed good, and that by being happy ourselves, we will make others happy. Ahmed maintains that happiness is a promise that directs us toward certain life choices and away from others. Happiness is promised to those willing to live their lives in the right way. Ahmed draws on the intellectual history of happiness, from classical accounts of ethics as the good life, through seventeenth-century writings on affect and the passions, eighteenth-century debates on virtue and education, and nineteenth-century utilitarianism. She engages with feminist, antiracist, and queer critics who have shown how happiness is used to justify social oppression, and how challenging oppression causes unhappiness. Reading novels and films including Mrs. Dalloway, The Well of Loneliness, Bend It Like Beckham, and Children of Men, Ahmed considers the plight of the figures who challenge and are challenged by the attribution of happiness to particular objects or social ideals: the feminist killjoy, the unhappy queer, the angry black woman, and the melancholic migrant. Through her readings she raises critical questions about the moral order imposed by the injunction to be happy.

The Promise of Sociology: Classical Approaches to Contemporary Society, Second Edition

by Rob Beamish

Unlike most introductory texts that take a topical approach to studying sociology, this smart, challenging, and accessibly written text looks at the core principles of the discipline, making links to a contemporary context. The second edition of this award-winning book has been substantially revised, making more direct connections between Generation Z, Mills’s concept of the sociological imagination, and the challenges students face in higher education today. The section on popular culture contains a new chapter on the history of popular music from early rock ’n’ roll to contemporary pop and R&B. New chapter objectives, end-of-chapter review and reflection questions, key terms, and glossary, as well as an instructor’s manual, make this text much more useful in the classroom.

The Promise of the City: Space, Identity and Politics in Contemporary Social Thought

by Kian Tajbakhsh

Using three core ideas--the hybridity of identities, multilayered spaces and the porousness of borders, and the structural contradiction between community and market/state system, this critical urban social theory argues that the complex experiences in cities still contribute to the deepening of radical democracy in a multicultural society.

The Promise of the Metropolis: Bangalore's Twentieth Century

by Janaki Nair

The volume provides a comprehensive perspective on the city of Bangalore that relates to three levels of analysis, that of the conceived city, the perceived city and spatial practice.

The Promise of the University: Reclaiming Humanity, Humility, and Hope (Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives #10)

by Áine Mahon

This book offers philosophical readings of the contemporary university and is motivated by a series of pressing challenges in the global context of Higher Education. It argues that the university is a place for community, for refuge, for enlightenment and the careful questioning of knowledge, but it is also a place for visceral ambition and for intellectual cowardice, for blinkered individualism and professional competitiveness. In the context of a highly competitive post-crash global economy, contemporary students are placed under increasing pressure to distinguish themselves from their peers via a portfolio of learning excellence and extracurricular achievement. Growing numbers undertake part or full-time employment in order to cover registration fees and the basic costs of living. University staff take on very different forms of pressure that operate across the life-course of an academic career – from early-career anxieties to the worries of more privileged and permanent faculty who fear they do not meet ever-changing structures, assumptions and demands of the university itself. This book argues that these interlinked agendas demand consideration from philosophers of education in Ireland, Europe and further afield. It proposes that we must embody a very careful balancing act: one where we remember the romantic ideals and promises of the university while still acknowledging the very real and pressing challenges faced by our staff and students. The book will be of interest to academics, graduate students, and advanced-level undergraduates in Philosophy, Education, Mental Health, and Organizational Psychology in both North America and Europe.

The Promise of Welfare Reform: Political Rhetoric and the Reality of Poverty in the Twenty-First Century

by Elizabeth Segal

Find out how-and why-legislation has made economic rights more important than human rightsSince 1996, politicians and public officials in the United States have celebrated the "success" of welfare reform legislation despite little, if any, evidence to support their claims. The Promise of Welfare Reform: Political

The Promise of Youth Anti-Citizenship: Race and Revolt in Education

by Kevin L. Clay Kevin Lawrence Henry Jr.

When inclusion into the fold of citizenship is conditioned by a social group&’s conceit to ritual violence, humiliation, and exploitation, what can anti-citizenship offer us? The Promise of Youth Anti-citizenship argues that Black youth and youth of color have been cast as anti-citizens, disenfranchised from the social, political, and economic mainstream of American life. Instead of asking youth to conform to a larger societal structure undergirded by racial capitalism and antiblackness, the volume&’s contributors propose that the collective practice of anti-citizenship opens up a liberatory space for youth to challenge the social order. The chapters cover an array of topics, including Black youth in the charter school experiment in post-Katrina New Orleans; racial capitalism, the queering of ethnicity, and the 1980s Salvadoran migration to South Central Los Angeles; the notion of decolonizing classrooms through Palestinian liberation narratives; and more. Through a range of methodological approaches and conceptual interventions, this collection illuminates how youth negotiate and exercise anti-citizenship as forms of either resistance or refusal in response to coercive patriotism, cultural imperialism, and predatory capitalism. Contributors: Karlyn Adams-Wiggins, Portland State U; Ariana Brazier; Julio Cammarota, U of Arizona; Michael Davis, U of Wisconsin–Madison; Damaris C. Dunn, U of Georgia; Diana Gamez, U of California, Irvine; Rachel F. Gómez, Virginia Commonwealth U; Luma Hasan; Gabriel Rodriguez, Iowa State U; Christopher R. Rogers, U of Pennsylvania; Damien M. Sojoyner, U of California, Irvine.

The Promised Land

by Boulou De B'Beri Handel K. Wright Nina Reid-Maroney

Eschewing the often romanticized Underground Railroad narrative that portrays southern Ontario as the welcoming destination of Blacks fleeing from slavery, The Promised Land reveals the Chatham-Kent area as a crucial settlement site for an early Black presence in Canada. The contributors present the everyday lives and professional activities of individuals and families in these communities and highlight early cross-border activism to end slavery in the United States and to promote civil rights in the United States and Canada. Essays also reflect on the frequent intermingling of local Black, White, and First Nations people. Using a cultural studies framework for their collective investigations, the authors trace physical and intellectual trajectories of Blackness that have radiated from southern Ontario to other parts of Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, and Africa. The result is a collection that represents the presence and diffusion of Blackness and inventively challenges the grand narrative of history.

The Promised Land?: The Lives and Voices of Hispanic Immigrants in the New South (Latino Communities: Emerging Voices - Political, Social, Cultural and Legal Issues)

by Patricia L. Goerman

Through analysis of in-depth interviews with seventy-three Hispanic immigrants in Central Virginia, this book offers a rare in-depth look at the views and circumstances of immigrants in a new receiving area. It provides an examination of the new migration trend including an analysis of immigrants' living and working conditions, their family life, and their plans for the future.

Promises to Keep: Cultural Studies, Democratic Education, and Public Life

by Greg Dimitriadis Dennis Carlson

This book takes a serious look at the erosion of democratic public life and public education, and offers directions for re-imagining, re-designing, and re-inventing the current system. Bridging the disciplines of film studies, postcolonial studies, curriculum theory, and politics, these essays suggest new possibilities for curriculum, and shed new light on what shape public education could take in coming decades.

Promoting Community Change: Making It Happen In The Real World

by Mark S. Homan

Designed for students who want to move beyond the theoretical discussion of community and become effective agents of change, PROMOTING COMMUNITY CHANGE, 6th Edition addresses the real-world issues facing professionals in social work, human services, and community health. <P><P>By emphasizing the role a strengthened community can play in preventing and solving the problems commonly experienced by individuals and families, the author gives students the tools they need to improve the lives of individual clients as well as entire communities. <P><P>Students will learn to identify the issues related to change so that they can bring clients, families, and other community members together to build a healthier community for themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools

by Peter Aggleton

The contribution schools can make to improving students’ health and wellbeing is increasingly recognised. Schools that have embraced this role and adapted policies and practices to create an environment in which young people feel safe and happy have reported broad and significant gains. Through expert contributions from active researchers and experienced practitioners, Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools combines recent research with knowledge of the current climate in which schools are operating. Offering authoritative advice on effective intervention, this book provides an overview of the key issues that need to be addressed, including: alcohol use sexual health drug use obesity mental health. This accessible text is innovative in its focus on how schools can build partnerships with young people, parents, and health professionals to promote their commitment to health and wellbeing. It highlights successful approaches for promoting health and educational goals, and provides useful advice on planning and evaluation. Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools is invaluable reading for professionals working in and with schools to implement healthy schools programmes and to bring about improvement in health and wellbeing, including teachers, nurses, and health and education managers. It is also of interest to students, researchers and policy-makers.

Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning (Higher Education Ser.)

by Robert A. Corrigan Anabel Pelham Elizabeth Sills

Starting from the premise that our health status, vulnerability to accidents and disease, and life spans – as individuals and communities – are determined by the organization, delivery, and financing (or lack thereof) of health care, this book explores how educators and community caretakers teach the complex web of inter-connection between the micro level of individual health and well-being and the macro level of larger social structures. Through the lenses of courses in anthropology, ESL, gerontology, management information systems, nursing, nutrition, psychology, public health, and sociology, the contributors offer examples of intergenerational and interdisciplinary practice, and share cutting-edge academic creativity to model how to employ community service learning to promote social change.

Promoting Healthy Human Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Social Work and Social Development Perspectives

by Ndangwa Noyoo

This is the first book that examines healthy human relationships in post-apartheid South Africa. In contemporary South Africa, human relationships are under considerable threat. Despite the 1994 commitment to an inclusive and human-rights-based democracy, human relationships remain strained. Bearing in mind South Africa's tortuous and divisive past, this book brings to light many issues, prospects and challenges with regard to the promotion of healthy human relationships after apartheid ended. Social work and social development perspectives are central to the issues that are raised in this volume. The profession of social work has always championed the centrality of human relationships, being less interested in the internal functioning of people and more interested in their interpersonal functioning within broader structures and forces, including social justice, building people's strengths and capabilities, anti-discrimination, diversity and empowerment.This edited book is based on select papers presented at a social work conference in 2019 that was co-hosted by the Department of Social Development at the University of Cape Town and the Association of South African Social Work Education Institutions. In the chapters, the contributors offer some solutions to the ubiquitous societal ills that emanate from either corrosive or broken human relationships:Resurgent racism in post-apartheid South Africa and the need to promote healthy human relationshipsPromoting healthy human relationships with sub-Saharan African immigrants and South AfricansPromoting family and human relationships in a traumatised societySocial policy, social welfare, social security and legislation in promoting healthy human relationships in post-apartheid South AfricaSocial protection as a tool to promote healthy human relationships in South AfricaPromoting Healthy Human Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa is an essential resource for an international audience of scholars, policy-makers, and social work and social development practitioners, legislators and students.

Promoting Heritage Language in Northwest Russia (Routledge Studies in Linguistic Anthropology)

by Laura Siragusa

This volume illustrates how language revival movements in Russia and elsewhere have often followed a specific pattern of literacy bias in the promotion of a minority’s heritage language, partly neglecting the social and relational aspects of orality. Using the Vepsian Renaissance as an example, this volume brings to the surface a literacy-orality dualism new to the discussion around revival movements. In addition to the more-theoretically oriented scopes, this book addresses all the actors involved in revival movements including activists, scholars and policy-makers, and opens a discussion on literacy and orality, and power and agency in the multiple relational aspects of written and oral practices. This study addresses issues common to language revival movements worldwide and will appeal to researchers of linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, education and language policy, and culture studies.

Promoting High Technology Industry: Initiatives And Policies For State Governments

by Robert Wilson Jurgen Schmandt Suzanne E Smith Brian H Muller

In the wake of declining federal involvement in state affairs, state governments have taken the initiative in creating science and technology policies and programs for economic development. The contributors to this study look at the attempts of eight states—California, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and T

Promoting Inclusive Systems for Migrants in Education (Migration and Education)

by Paul Downes Jim Anderson Alireza Behtoui Lore Van Praag

This novel contribution examines the lived experiences of migrants in education in various international contexts, exploring common school system features that promote students’ inclusion and challenge their exclusion.With a range of international contributions and case studies from Canada, the US, Hong Kong, Japan and Europe, the book offers critical, theoretically innovative understandings examining national policies and practices to develop reforms, focusing on agency, heterogeneity and systems of relational spaces for migrant youth. Chapters engage with discussions around differentiated needs of marginalised and vulnerable groups, as well as the importance of superdiversity in studying and developing inclusive systems for migrant youth in education.Offering unique insights, the book outlines a framework for the promotion of inclusive school systems that ultimately look to create quality learning environments that prevent discrimination, and support students’ holistic needs. It will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the fields of sociology of education, philosophy of education, psychology of education, teacher education and social policy.

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