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Showing 33,651 through 33,675 of 47,697 results

Quantum Social Science

by Emmanuel Haven Andrei Khrennikov

Written by world experts in the foundations of quantum mechanics and its applications to social science, this book shows how elementary quantum mechanical principles can be applied to decision-making paradoxes in psychology and used in modelling information in finance and economics. The book starts with a thorough overview of some of the salient differences between classical, statistical and quantum mechanics. It presents arguments on why quantum mechanics can be applied outside of physics and defines quantum social science. The issue of the existence of quantum probabilistic effects in psychology, economics and finance is addressed and basic questions and answers are provided. Aimed at researchers in economics and psychology, as well as physics, basic mathematical preliminaries and elementary concepts from quantum mechanics are defined in a self-contained way.

Quantum Social Theory for Critical International Relations Theorists: Quantizing Critique (Palgrave Studies in International Relations)

by Michael P. Murphy

This book examines the crossroads of quantum and critical approaches to International Relations and argues that these approaches share a common project of uncovering complexity and uncertainty. The “quantum turn” in International Relations theory has produced a number of interesting insights into the complex ways in which our assumptions about the physics of the world around us can limit our understanding of social life. While critique is possible within a Newtonian social science, core assumptions of separability and determinism of classical physics impose limits on what is imaginable. The author argues that by adopting a quantum imaginary, social theory can move beyond its Newtonian limits, and explore two methods for quantizing conceptual models—translation and application. This book is the first introductory book to quantum social theory ideas specifically intended for an audience of critical International Relations.

Quartiersentwicklung in ländlichen Kommunen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen organisierter Dorfgemeinschaft (Edition Centaurus - Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit in Theorie und Praxis)

by René Gründer

Das Konzept der Quartiersentwicklung entstand in einem großstädtischen Kontext. Mit der Annäherung der Lebenswelten von Menschen in städtischen und ländlichen Kommunen, wird diese sozialräumliche Strategie aber auch für kleinere Städte und Gemeinden interessant. Was bei der Übertragung von Quartiersentwicklungsansätzen auf die Besonderheiten des ländlichen Raumes zu bedenken ist und welche Chancen sowie Herausforderungen dies für die Gestaltung zukunftsfähiger Dorfgemeinschaften bedeutet, wird in diesem Buch auf Grundlage von Theorie und Forschungsergebnissen praxisbezogen dargestellt.

¿Qué decimos cuando decimos el credo?

by Enrique Martínez Lozano

Todo lo que acaece en el tiempo y el espacio es relativo, dice relación a aquellas coordenadas espaciotemporales en las que surge. Así ocurre con el Credo, nacido dentro de un idioma cultural concreto, y en un contexto sociohistórico determinado. Si pretendemos que tenga sentido para quienes nos hallamos en un contexto bien diferente y hablamos otro idioma muy distinto, se hace necesaria una traducción o trasvase cultural.Es la tarea que emprende el autor. A partir de la comprensión de lo que quisieron expresar nuestros antepasados con aquellas fórmulas, hace una relectura de las mismas, queriendo ser fiel tanto a su contenido como al momento de mutación cultural en el que nos encontramos. Para facilitar la relectura propuesta, el texto va precedido de una Introducción, en la que, de modo sintético, se plantea la novedad de nuestro momento, caracterizado por la emergencia del modelo no-dual de cognición. Desde este modelo es desde donde se aborda la lectura del Credo.En el Epílogo, el autor propone ir más allá del Credo, abogando por una espiritualidad transreligiosa y transconfesional, e insistiendo con vehemencia en la necesidad de cultivar la inteligencia espiritual, como condición para una vida más plena.Enrique Martínez Lozano (Guadalaviar, Teruel, 1950) es psicoterapeuta, sociólogo y teólogo. Es autor de varios libros y se halla comprometido en la tarea de articular psicología y espiritualidad, abriendo nuevas perspectivas que favorezcan el crecimiento integral de la persona. Su trabajo asume y desarrolla la teoría transpersonal y el modelo no-dual de cognición.

¿Qué estarán haciendo?

by Carmen Pérez-Lanzac

Qué piensan, cómo y dónde se divierten los adolescentes cuando no los ven sus padres. La periodista de El País Carmen Pérez-Lanzac ha realizado una investigación sobre los lugares y las formas de diversión de los jóvenes entre 14 y 19 años. Así empieza ¿Qué estarán haciendo?«Este libro es el resumen de catorce meses durante los que me uní a ocho grupos de adolescentes. Con ellos compartí bailes en discotecas, noches de botellón, tardes en el cine y cotilleos tumbada en el suelo de un trastero. Presencié una pelea entre chicas y la venta de 100 gramos de hachís, canté en un karaoke, fui a comprar discos y a un concierto de hip hop, recorrí de punta a punta varios centros comerciales, me congelé en un parque, asistí a una fiesta en una mansión y me atiborré de patatas fritas, pizzas, hamburguesas y Coca-Cola light.»

Que Font Les Grands Managers: 17 Conseils pour devenir un bon manager et habiliter vos subordonnés

by Gary Randolph

On dit qu'un employé heureux est un employé productif et qu'un bon manager peut rendre un employé heureux, ce qui fera de lui un employé productif. Si vous souhaitez maximiser le rendement de votre organisation, vous devez avoir certaines qualités de leadership en vous. L'une des responsabilités d'un manager compétent est d'aider votre équipe à rester productive et bien organisée. Cet ebook est un guide détaillé pour améliorer les compétences managériales qui augmenteront le rendement de votre organisation. Cet ebook vous apprendra : - Comment former votre équipe. - Comment motiver votre équipe. - Comment organiser votre équipe. - Amélioration des compétences de communication. - Conseils pour devenir un bon manager. - Comment se racheter. - Problèmes courants auxquels les managers sont confrontés. - Comment résoudre les problèmes courants. --> Faites défiler vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément Clause de non-responsabilité: Cet auteur et/ou le(s) titulaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie en ce qui concerne l'exactitude, la complétude ou la pertinence du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité pour les erreurs et omissions dans le contenu. Ce produit est à titre de référence uniquement. Veuillez consulter un professionnel avant d'agir ou suivre l'un des contenus trouvés dedans.

Qué hacen los grandes administradores: 17 Consejos prácticos para convertirse en un mejor gerente y empoderar a tu equipo

by Gary Randolph

Se dice que un trabajador feliz es un trabajador productivo, un gerente puede hacer feliz a un trabajador al cual hará un trabajador productivo. Si quieres maximizar la produciión de tu firma u organización, debes tener algunas cualidades de liderazgo en ti. una de las responsabilidades de un gerente competente es ayudar a su equipo a mantenerse productivo y organizado. Este libro electrónico es una guía detallada para mejorar las habilidades gerenciales que incrementarán la producción de tu organización. Este libro electrónico te enseñará: -Cómo motivar a tu equipo -Cómo orgnizar a tu equipo -Mejorar las habilidades comunicativas -Consejos para convertirse en buen gerente -Cómo resarcirte -Problemas populares que enfrentan los gerentes -Cómo resolver los problemas populares

Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads

by Rosalind Wiseman

In Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads, Rosalind Wiseman gives us the tools to handle difficult situations involving teachers and other parents with grace. Reassuring, funny, and unfailingly honest, Wiseman reveals: * Why PTA meetings and Back-to-School nights tap into parents' deepest insecurities * How to recognize the archetypal moms and dads- from Caveman Dad to Hovercraft Mom * How and when to step in and step out of your child's conflicts with other children, parents, teachers, or coaches * How to interpret the code phrases other parents use to avoid (or provoke) confrontation * Why too many well-meaning dads sit on the sidelines, and how vital it is that they step up to the plate * What to do and say when the playing field becomes an arena for people to bully and dominate other kids and adults * How to have respectful yet honest conversations with other parents about sex and drugs when your values are in conflict * How the way you handle parties, risky behavior, and academic performance affects your child * How unspoken assumptions about race, religion, and other hot-button subjects sabotage parents' ability to work together Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads is filled with the kind of true stories that made Wiseman's New York Times best-selling book Queen Bees & Wannabes impossible to put down. There are tales of hardworking parents with whom any of us can identify, along with tales of outrageously bad parents- the kind we all have to reckon with. For instance, what do you do when parents donate a large sum of money to a school and their child is promptly transferred into the honors program- while your son with better grades doesn't make the cut? What about the mother who helps her daughter compose poison-pen e-mails to yours? And what do you say to the parent-coach who screams at your child when the team is losing? Wiseman offers practical advice on avoiding the most common parenting "land mines" and useful scripts to help you navigate difficult but necessary conversations. Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads is essential reading for parents today. It offers us the tools to become wiser, more relaxed parents- and the inspiration to speak out, act according to our values, show humility, and set the kind of example that will make a real difference in our children's lives.

The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on Sex and Citizenship

by Lauren Berlant

In The Queen of America Goes to Washington City, Lauren Berlant focuses on the need to revitalize public life and political agency in the United States. Delivering a devastating critique of contemporary discourses of American citizenship, she addresses the triumph of the idea of private life over that of public life borne in the right-wing agenda of the Reagan revolution. By beaming light onto the idealized images and narratives about sex and citizenship that now dominate the U.S. public sphere, Berlant argues that the political public sphere has become an intimate public sphere. She asks why the contemporary ideal of citizenship is measured by personal and private acts and values rather than civic acts, and the ideal citizen has become one who, paradoxically, cannot yet act as a citizen--epitomized by the American child and the American fetus.As Berlant traces the guiding images of U.S. citizenship through the process of privatization, she discusses the ideas of intimacy that have come to define national culture. From the fantasy of the American dream to the lessons of Forrest Gump, Lisa Simpson to Queer Nation, the reactionary culture of imperilled privilege to the testimony of Anita Hill, Berlant charts the landscape of American politics and culture. She examines the consequences of a shrinking and privatized concept of citizenship on increasing class, racial, sexual, and gender animosity and explores the contradictions of a conservative politics that maintains the sacredness of privacy, the virtue of the free market, and the immorality of state overregulation--except when it comes to issues of intimacy.Drawing on literature, the law, and popular media, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City is a stunning and major statement about the nation and its citizens in an age of mass mediation. As it opens a critical space for new theory of agency, its narratives and gallery of images will challenge readers to rethink what it means to be American and to seek salvation in its promise.

The Queens' English: The LGBTQIA+ Dictionary of Lingo and Colloquial Phrases

by Chloe O. Davis

A landmark reference guide to the LGBTQIA+ community's contributions to the English language--an intersectional, inclusive, playfully illustrated glossary featuring more than 800 terms and fabulous phrases created by and for queer culture.Do you know where "yaaaas queen!" comes from? Do you know the difference between a bear and a wolf? Do you know what all the letters in LGBTQIA+ stand for?The Queens' English is a comprehensive guide to modern gay slang, queer theory terms, and playful colloquialisms that define and celebrate LGBTQIA+ culture. This modern dictionary provides an in-depth look at queer language, from terms influenced by celebrated lesbian poet Sappho and from New York's underground queer ball culture in the 1980s to today's celebration of RuPaul's Drag Race.The glossary of terms is supported by full-color illustrations and photography throughout, as well as real-life usage examples for those who don't quite know how to use "kiki," "polysexual," or "transmasculine" in a sentence. A series of educational lessons highlight key people and events that shaped queer language; readers will learn the linguistic importance of pronouns, gender identity, Stonewall, the Harlem Renaissance, and more.For every queen in your life--the men, women, gender non-conforming femmes, butches, daddies, and zaddies--The Queens' English is at once an education and a celebration of queer history, identity, and the limitless imagination of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Queer and Catholic

by Amie Evans Trebor Healey

How does one reconcile the tension between the community of one’s own Catholic upbringing and a sexuality and gender identity that may be in conflict with some of the tenets of the faith – especially when one is a member of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex community? Queer and Catholic offers a source of comfort to members of these communities, focusing on not only practicing Catholics, but also the entire experience of growing up Catholic. This unique book discusses Catholicism beyond its religiosity and considers its implications as a culture of origin. This widely varied and entertaining book pulls together a comprehensive collection of essays, stories, and poetry that together represent an honest and engaging reflection of being a queer person within the Catholic experience.

Queer and Trans Madness: Struggles for Social Justice

by Merrick Daniel Pilling

This book urges those invested in social justice for 2SLGBTQ people to interrogate the biomedical model of mental illness beyond the diagnoses that specifically target gender and sexual dissidence. In this first comprehensive application of Mad Studies to queer and trans experiences of mental distress, Pilling advances a broad critique of the biomedical model of mental illness as it pertains to 2SLGBTQ people, arguing that Mad Studies is especially amenable to making sense of queer and trans madness. Based on empirical data from two qualitative research studies, this book includes analyses of inpatient chart documentation from a psychiatric hospital and interviews with those who have experienced distress. Using an intersectional lens, Pilling critically examines what constitutes mental health treatment and the impacts of medical strategies on mad queer and trans people. Ultimately, Queer and Trans Madness: Struggles for Social Justice explores the emancipatory promise of queer and trans madness, advocating for more resources to respond to crisis and distress in ways that are non-coercive, non-carceral, and honour autonomy as well as interdependence within 2SLGBTQ communities.

Queer Bangkok: 21st Century Markets, Media, and Rights

by Peter A. Jackson

The Thai capital Bangkok is the unrivalled centre of the country's gay, lesbian and transgender communities. These communities are among the largest in Southeast Asia, and indeed in the world, and have a diversity, social presence and historical depth that set them apart from the queer cultures of many neighbouring societies. The first years of the 21st Century have marked a significant transition moment for all of Thailand's LGBT cultures, with a multidimensional expansion in the geographical extent, media presence, economic importance, political impact, social standing, and cultural relevance of Thai queer communities. This book analyzes the roles of the market and media - especially cinema and the Internet - in these transformations, and considers the ambiguous consequences that the growing commodification and mediatisation of queer lives have had for LGBT rights in Thailand. A key finding is that in the early 21st Century processes of global queering are leading to a growing Asianisation of Bangkok's queer cultures. This book traces Bangkok's emergence as a central focus of an expanding regional network linking gay, lesbian and transgender communities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines and other rapidly developing East and Southeast Asian societies. Peter A. Jacksonis associate professor in the School of Culture, History and Language at Australian National University. "The myriad faces of Thai gender/sexuality culture have been an attraction for both pleasure-seekers and researchers/scholars/activists. Exploring the rapidly changing LGBT cultures and Thai queer identities, the essays collected here provide insightful analyses of historical continuities as well as developing variations within the highly complex erotic/economic texture of Thai society. A must-read for anyone in the booming field of gender/sexuality studies. " -Josephine Ho, Chair Professor, Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, Taiwan

Queer Business: Queering Organization Sexualities (Routledge Advances in Critical Diversities)

by Nick Rumens

In this modern day and age, it is surprising that managerialist perspectives, practices and ideas are colonising the study of sexualities in organisation. A timely intervention into the contemporary vitality of queer theories, Queer Business is an innovative book length exploration of how queer theory has been used in management and organisation studies, with the aim of broadening and deepening queer scholarship in this discipline. Through both scholarly and original empirical research, Rumens also seeks to demonstrate how queer theory has been mobilised in MOS and how it might be advanced in a field where it has yet to become exhausted and clichéd. In particular, this volume shows how scholars can use queer theory concepts to explore how lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sexualities and genders are understood and experienced in the workplace. Challenging notions of LGBT+ inclusivity in the workplace through concepts such as queer liberalism and homonormativity, Queer Business will appeal to scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as management and organisation studies, queer studies, gender studies, sexuality studies, organisational theory and cultural studies.

Queer By Choice: Lesbians, Gay Men, and The Politics of Identity

by Vera Whisman

Queer by Choice enters the controversial debate of sexual identity by examining choice in gay men and lesbian sexual identity. Drawing on interviews with a sample of 72 people, Whisman analyzes if, and to what extent, choice played a role in determining identity. Contributing factors such as race, class, religion, and educational level are considered. The results of the study are stimulating and often surprising, and contribute to the escalating debates over sexual identity as lesbians and gays continue to soldier for rights and representation.

Queer Campus Climate: An Ethnographic Fantasia (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Benjamin Arnberg

Queer Campus Climate: An Ethnographic Fantasia is a visceral and provocative account of the lives of ten queer college men living in the Deep South. The book serves many goals. It is an emancipatory research document told in the raucous, fiery voices of these queer men whose narratives are presented free from the sanitizing impulses of traditional scholarship. It is a manifesto on postqualitative paradigms applied to a queer subject. It is a public history of the life and times of queers subjects living under an alt-right political assault. And it is an analysis of how a hostile campus climate impacts psychosocial development of marginalized students. Blurring the line between literature and research, Queer Campus Climate: An Ethnographic Fantasia contains a cast of characters (including a bear, a twink, and three drag queens) who dish on sex, gender performance, mental wellness, relationships, harassment, addiction, professional development, and politics. Their stories are told against a musical backdrop that includes selections from Puccini to Frank Ocean, which provides a multisensory experience unlike anything else in sociological research.

Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America

by Margot Canaday

A masterful history of the LGBT workforce in AmericaWorkplaces have traditionally been viewed as “straight spaces” in which queer people passed. As a result, historians have directed limited attention to the experiences of queer people on the job. Queer Career rectifies this, offering an expansive historical look at sexual minorities in the modern American workforce. Arguing that queer workers were more visible than hidden and, against the backdrop of state aggression, vulnerable to employer exploitation, Margot Canaday positions employment and fear of job loss as central to gay life in postwar America.Rather than finding that many midcentury employers tried to root out gay employees, Canaday sees an early version of “don’t ask / don’t tell”: in all kinds of work, as long as queer workers were discreet, they were valued for the lower wages they could be paid, their contingency, their perceived lack of familial ties, and the ease with which they could be pulled in and pushed out of the labor market. Across the socioeconomic spectrum, they were harbingers of post-Fordist employment regimes we now associate with precarity. While progress was not linear, by century’s end some gay workers rejected their former discretion, and some employers eventually offered them protection unattained through law. Pushed by activists at the corporate grass roots, business emerged at the forefront of employment rights for sexual minorities. It did so, at least in part, in response to the way that queer workers aligned with, and even prefigured, the labor system of late capitalism.Queer Career shows how LGBT history helps us understand the recent history of capitalism and labor and rewrites our understanding of the queer past.

Queer Carnival: Festivals and Mardi Gras in the South

by Amy L. Stone

The importance of citywide festivals like Mardi Gras and Fiesta for the LGBTQ communityFestivals like Mardi Gras and Fiesta have come to be annual events in which entire cities participate, and LGBTQ people are a visible part of these celebrations. In other words, the party is on, the party is queer, and everyone is invited. In Queer Carnival, Amy Stone takes us inside these colorful, eye-catching, and often raucous events, highlighting their importance to queer life in America’s urban South and Southwest. Drawing on five years of research, and over a hundred days at LGBTQ events in cities such as San Antonio, Santa Fe, Baton Rouge, and Mobile, Stone gives readers a front-row seat to festivals, carnivals, and Mardi Gras celebrations, vividly bringing these queer cultural spaces and the people that create and participate in them to life. Stone shows how these events serve a larger fundamental purpose, helping LGBTQ people to cultivate a sense of belonging in cities that may be otherwise hostile. Queer Carnival provides an important new perspective on queer life in the South and Southwest, showing us the ways that LGBTQ communities not only survive, but thrive, even in the most unexpected places.

Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day

by Peter Ackroyd

In Queer City, the acclaimed Peter Ackroyd looks at London in a whole new way--through the complete history and experiences of its gay and lesbian population. In Roman Londinium, the city was dotted with qqlupannrin (“wolf dens” or public pleasure houses), qqforniees (brothels), and thermie (hot baths). Then came Emperor Constantine, with his bishops, monks, and missionaries. And so began an endless loop of alternating permissiveness and censure. Ackroyd takes us right into the hidden history of the city, from the notorious Normans to the frenzy of executions for sodomy in the early nineteenth century. He journeys through the coffee bars of sixties Soho to Gay Liberation, disco music, and the horror of AIDS. Ackroyd reveals the hidden story of London, with its diversity, thrills, and energy, as well as its terrors, dangers, and risks, and in doing so, explains the origins of all English-speaking gay culture. At the end of the book is an extensive and up-to-date bibliography that enables the reader to delve more deeply into homosexuality from the renaissance to today in England and in Europe. Peter Ackroyd is an award-winning historian, biographer, novelist, poet, and broadcaster. He is the author of the acclaimed nonfiction best sellers London: The Biography, Thames, and London Under, biographies of figures including Charles Dickens, William Blake, and Alfred Hitchcock; and a multivolume history of England. He has won the Whitbread Biography Award, the Guardian Fiction Prize, and the Somerset Maugham Award. He holds a CBE for services to literature.

Queer Community: Identities, Intimacies, and Ideology (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Neal Carnes

The context for this work is defined by a second wave of social and political activity contextualized by queer. For example, three, self-identified black, queer women started the Black Lives Matter movement. For a new generation, the first-wave reclamation of queer speaks to their position in a world that continues to marginalize and oppress, particularly sexually and gender fluid and non-normative people. Using empirical work carried out by the author, Queer Community describes queer-identified people, their intimate relationships, and how they are evolving as a unique community along politically-charged, ideological lines. Following an exploration of the history and context of ‘queer’ – including activism and the evolution of queer theory – this book examines how queer-identified people define the identity, with reference to ‘queer’ as a sexual moniker, gender moniker, and political ideology. Queer Community will appeal to scholars and students interested in sociology, queer theory, sexuality studies, gender studies, cultural studies, and contemporary social movements.

Queer Criminology (New Directions in Critical Criminology)

by Carrie L. Buist Emily Lenning

This book surveys the growing field of Queer Criminology. It reflects on its origins, reviews its foundational research and scholarship and offers suggestions for future directions. Moreover, this book emphasizes the importance of Queer Criminology in the field and the need to move LGBTQ+ issues from the margins to the center of criminological research. Core content includes: • Contested definitions of and conceptual frameworks for Queer Criminology• The criminalization of queerness and gender identity in historical and contemporary context• The relationship between LGBTQ+ communities and law enforcement• The impact of legislation and court decisions on LGBTQ+ communities• The experiences of queer victims and offenders under correctional supervision This revised and updated edition includes new developments in theory and research, further coverage of international issues and a new chapter on victimization and offending. It is essential reading for those engaged with queer, critical, and feminist criminologies, gender studies, diversity, and criminal justice.

Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories

by Bob Guter John R Killacky

Get an inside perspective on life as a disabled gay man! Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories reverberates with the sound of "cripgay" voices rising to be heard above the din of indifference and bias, oppression and ignorance. This unique collection of compelling first-person narratives is at once assertive, bold, and groundbreaking, filled with characters-and character. Through the intimacy of one-on-one storytelling, gay men with mobility and neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injury, deafness, blindness, and AIDS, fight isolation from society-and each other-to establish a public identity and a common culture. Queer Crips features more than 30 first-hand accounts from a variety of perspectives, illuminating the reality of the everyday struggle disabled gay men face in a culture obsessed with conformist good looks. Themes include rejection, love, sex, dating rituals, gaycrip married life, and the profound difference between growing up queer and disabled, and suffering a life-altering injury or illness in adulthood. Co-edited by Bob Guter, creator and editor of the webzine BENT: A Journal of Cripgay Voices, the book includes: two performance pieces from acclaimed author and actor Greg Walloch poetry from Chris Hewitt, Joel S. Riche, Raymond Luczak, Mark Moody, and co-editor John Killacky essays from BENT contributors Blaine Waterman, Raymond J. Aguilera, Danny Kodmur, Thomas Metz, Max Verga, and Eli Clare interviews with community activist Gordon Elkins and Alan Sable, one of the first self-identified gay psychotherapists in the United States and much more! Queer Crips is a forum for neglected cripgay voices speaking words that are candid, edgy, bold, dreamy, challenging, and sexy. The book is essential reading for academics and students working in lesbian and gay studies, and disability studies, and for anyone who's ever visited the place where queerness and disability meet.

Queer Domesticities

by Matt Cook

Sissy home boys or domestic outlaws? Through a series of vivid case studies taken from across the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Matt Cook explores the emergence of these trenchant stereotypes and looks at how they play out in the home and family lives of queer men.

Queer Entanglements: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Animal Companionship

by Damien W. Riggs Shoshana Rosenberg Heather Fraser Nik Taylor

Queer Entanglements provides the first comprehensive account of the intersections of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans, and non-binary people's lives with the lives of animals. Exploring diverse topics such as domestic violence, grief following the loss of an animal, veganism, cruelty-free makeup products, Pride events, and community activism, the book offers a theoretical and empirical basis for understanding the contexts that bring together human and animal lives. By using real-world examples, it provides a lively and engaging view of what it means to think about the connections between animal and human lives, even when human experiences operate at the expense of animal wellbeing. This critical, intersectional, and interdisciplinary perspective on human-animal relations will be of interest to scholars and students in human-animal studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and cultural and gender studies.

Queer Families, Common Agendas: Gay People, Lesbians, and Family Values

by Richard Sullivan

Vital information on family services, custody, and access rights for gay parents!Queer Families, Common Agendas: Gay People, Lesbians, and Family Values examines the real life experience of those affected by current laws and policies regarding homosexual families. The book will help policy makers, lawyers, social workers, and the general public better understand these families. Here you will be able to compare the progress of policy in the U.S. and Canada for gay and lesbian parents and their children and explore relevant legal approaches in the two countries. In Queer Families, Common Agendas: Gay People, Lesbians, and Family Values, a range of strategies for advancing the rights of sexual minority parents are considered for legal feasibility and political viability. You will gain insight into the contradictions in policies and practices that ultimately disadvantage children based on their family origins, and you will discover alternative approaches for improved services to homosexual families. Queer Families, Common Agendas explores: family law and protection of women-headed households legal definitions of motherhood and fatherhood in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom family and adoption idealogies concerning gay families and their rights to adopt new ways to make social services responsive to minority families the lesbian and gay “agenda” the value of family and the family of values--as opposed to the worn-out phrase “family values” Queer Families, Common Agendas serves as a primer to assist you in understanding the legal struggles that lesbian and gay families are facing today. You will explore concerns about family law, protection of women-headed households, motherhood, fatherhood, adoption and family ideology, and how to make social services responsive to gay and lesbian families. This excellent reference provides you with the necessary background and techniques to create services that are responsive and effective with sexual minority families.

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