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Miedo: Hay algo entre ellos… (Saga Olvidados #Volumen 5)

by Michael Grant

A pesar del hambre, de las mentiras y de la plaga... están decididos a sobrevivir. «Una historia emocionante y llena de tensión, narrada con un estilo trepidante que no te deja descansar... Adoro este libro». Stephen King Ha pasado un año desde que todos los adultos desaparecieron... En la nueva y precaria vida que han construido comienza a arrastrarse la que probablemente sea la peor encarnación de la Oscuridad: el miedo. La vida en la ERA se quiebra cuando la Oscuridad pasa a ocuparla, al ennegrecer por completo su mundo en forma de cúpula. En la oscuridad surgen los peores miedos, y se cumplen las intenciones más crueles. Sin embargo, en los momentos más terribles, los habitantes de la ERA conservan la voluntad de sobrevivir y el deseo persistente de cuidar de los demás en su grupo devastado. Cueste lo que cueste...

Miel y limón

by Elbeth Vicious

«Y ahí, entre toda esa locura a medio camino entre lo salvaje y lo amable, me encuentro los ojos más bonitos del mundo.» Carla está harta. Harta de su trabajo, de su bloqueo creativo y de esa rutina que amenaza con asfixiarla a cada día que pasa. Harta de todo y de todos, excepto de ese delicioso pastel de limón que, cada martes y jueves, encarga a su restaurante favorito. Por eso, cuando introduce la mano en la bolsa de papel marrón y se encuentra con un estúpido e insulso pastel de miel, pierde la cabeza. Dispuesta a descargar toda su frustración con quien haya cometido ese terrible error, pone rumbo al restaurante. Sin embargo, al abrir la puerta, frente a una clase llena de mujeres (y un hombre) preparadas para aprender repostería, se topa con lo último que necesitaba en su vida: una fuerza de la naturaleza encerrada entre rizos y curvas llamada Ángela. Arrastrada por su energía, no tarda en convertirse en una alumna más. Y, por mucho que intente negarlo, el rencor comienza a transformarse en algo que Carla no sabe o no quiere identificar. Porque lo que Ángela y Carla sienten está muy claro para todos... excepto para ellas. Pero el amor no entiende de dudas ni miedos y parece decidido a cruzar sus caminos una y otra vez hasta que acepten que su destino está en brazos de la otra.

Mientras camino entre las sombras (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 2)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Apasionante segunda entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido». Continúa la historia de Amelie y Bastian. El cielo y la tierra vuelven a unirse con más aventuras y desafíos para los protagonistas. Amelie y Bastian creyeron en un final feliz y en tiempos alegres. Pero aquellos empezaron a verse ensombrecidos por un veneno dormido que despertó para reclamar un alma. Había una vez un muchacho de ojos verdes que se sacrificó por la chica que amaba; y su sacrificio fue tan grande que tres ángeles de Dios bajaron a la Tierra para convertir a esa chica en una guerrera. Ella transformó su sufrimiento en valentía y penetró en el infierno como un rayo de luz que se abre paso entre nubes negras. El amor de Amelie y Bastian terminó por desatar la tormenta.

Mientras contemplo la eternidad (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 3)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Última y esperada entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido» de Matías Zitterkopf. La historia de amor de una chica normal que se enamoró profundamente de un ángel. Perdida en la niebla de su mente, un único recuerdo del pasado se presentará. Amelie tendrá que buscar a aquella mujer que debía revelarle el secreto de su sangre. Las espadas se forjarán y la sangre correrá como ríos. Mientras contempla la gran batalla comprenderá que al fin de cuentas el Paraíso no es tan claro y el Infierno tiene razones para ser oscuro. Había una vez una muchacha humana que se creía común y corriente y se enamoró de su ángel guardián. Ambos se sacrificaron por un amor tan inmenso que hizo temblar los mundos celestiales y demoníacos arrasando con todo a su paso. Fue el principio y también fue el fin.

Mientras mi cielo se derrumba (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 1)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Primera entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido» de Matías Zitterkopf. Una romántica historia entre un ángel y una hermosa mujer que irá más allá de la fina línea que separa lo humano de lo divino y desatará todas las tormentas del infierno. <P><P>Amelie Roger pronto descubrirá que la vida no es tan simple como ella cree y que a pesar de brindarle la alegría de una gran amistad, esta también puede arrebatarle lo que más quiere. Un delgado velo separa nuestros mundos; el humano y el de ellos. Seres milenarios se mueven invisibles y batallan de manera eterna entre nosotros. <P><P>Había una vez un ángel guardián que incumplió la tarea que le habían encomendado y una humana de cabellos rojos que se enamoró de él. Y su amor fue tan grande que rompió todas las reglas y enojó a los demonios. Ese fue el despertar de una tormenta que había estado dormida.

The Might (The Raven Rings)

by Siri Pettersen

THE MIGHT is the furious conclusion to the fantasy epic THE RAVEN RINGS and is about the search for one's own roots, prejudices, power struggles, arrogance and love.I loved (Odin's Child) deeply from the first to the last word, and was instantly and thoroughly immersed. -- Laini Taylor, bestselling author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. ...The story examines and upends everything its characters believe in, including their world, their history, their faith, and themselves, while intertwining elements of politics and Norse mythology with a side of forbidden romance. Kirkus Reviews Blood magic, blackmail, and battle rock a rich world of fading magic to its core in this internationally bestselling Norwegian epic fantasy. Publishers Weekly The intrigue, scope, and depth of His Dark Materials, set in an immersive Nordic world as fierce and unforgettable as its characters. Rosaria Munda, author Fireborne/Flamefall - Aurelian Cycle The world building is stupendous. MidWest Book Review HIrka has been sent to the world of the blind, a powerful and immortal people whom she has been taught to fear since infancy--and who now see her as their only chance to reignite a thousand-year-old war. The blind will use Hirka's ability to travel between worlds to return to Ym, the land where Hirka grew up and where the blind were betrayed all those years ago. And this time, they will prevail. Hirka is torn between her loyalties to the people who birthed her and the people who raised her, between the savior she is expected to be and the individual she wants to be. And every choice she makes pulls her further away from Rime, the love of her life, who is doing everything he can to stop Ym from falling to pieces all around him. A million things stand between Hirka and Rime. But only together can they stop the end of the worlds.

Mighty Mike Bounces Back: A Boy's Life With Epilepsy

by Robert Skead Mike Simmel

Mike has epilepsy and sometimes it's hard to feel like a "real" kid. He is scared of letting other people know about his disease-or even worse, being seen having a seizure! He is often worried and afraid of what other people will think. Soon Mike starts playing basketball at his school, and he learns to overcome his worries and to be courageous in the face of obstacles including his epilepsy. Written by a real-life basketball star with epilepsy, Mighty Mike Bounces Back is a fun, empowering story written to help kids learn to live comfortably with their epilepsy and to take control of their life.


by Andrew Norriss

MEET FLOYD. He's a tennis star. Possibly good enough to win Wimbledon one day. MEET MIKE. He's... different. Apart from anything else, Floyd seems to be the only one who can see him. But Mike must have appeared for a reason. And finding out why is perhaps the most important thing Floyd will ever do...

Mil formas de decir te quiero (Forever #3)

by Cristina Boscá

Después de Se buscan princesas y Siempre junto a ti llega Mil formas de decir te quiero, novela que da cierre a «Forever», la trilogía fan fiction de los Gemeliers que te dejará sin palabras Nadie creía en ellos, nadie pensó que podría ser real algún día... O quizá eran Robin y Jesús precisamente, los que nunca imaginaron que la vida juntos podría ser tan perfecta. Cinco meses después aún se les encoge el estómago cada vez que sus labios se tocan. Aunque sea con ese beso sencillo que se dan al saludarse. Quizá sea la emoción de saber que por fin, pueden darse tantos cómo quieran. Pero no todo será perfecto en la vida de Robin y Jesús... Será un reto para ellos sacar tiempo para verse con tanto trabajo y tantos compromisos. No siempre es fácil sacrificarse por la persona que amas y un viaje a Los Ángeles pondrá en peligro todo lo que han conseguido con tanto esfuerzo. Por su parte, Dani ha superado la definitiva ruptura con Baby. Se quedó tan decepcionado con su actitud y sus mentiras que no le fue difícil dejar de pensar en ella. Ahora está feliz, disfrutando de su mayoría de edad, saliendo con sus amigos, más concentrado que nunca en el trabajo y enamorándose cada cinco minutos de una chica diferente. La vida en París también ha cambiado. Baby lleva meses saliendo en serio con Ángel. Son la pareja perfecta. Incluso los padres de ambos aprueban la relación que poco a poco se consolida a pesar de ese pequeño pinchazo en el estómago que Baby intenta ignorar que siente cada vez que se acuerda de Daniel.

Mil lugares donde encontrarte

by Claudia Gray

Mil universos. Mil posibilidades. Un destino. Marguerite tiene una misión: perseguir a Paul Markov para vengar la muerte de su padre. Los padres de Marguerite Caine son genios de la física. Sus teorías sobre los universos paralelos han sido muy discutidas, pero por fin han podido demostrar la existencia de otros mundos: han inventado el Pájaro de Fuego, un colgante que permite saltar de una realidad a otra. Cuando el padre de Marguerite aparece muerto, su joven y enigmático ayudante Paul, huye a otra dimensión con los datos de la investigación y el prototipo del Pájaro de Fuego. Marguerite no puede permitir que escape de la justicia e inicia su persecución a través de mundos muy distintos del nuestro. Cada vez que Marguerite encuentra a Paul, le surgen más y más dudas de que sea realmente el asesino de su padre... Y no solo eso, sino que está segura de que es el destino lo que enlaza sus vidas. ¿Podrá finalmente confiar en Paul o descubrirá que su historia de amor siempre acaba en traición?

Mil veces hasta siempre

by John Green

En su nueva y esperada novela, John Green, el aclamado y premiado autor de Bajo la misma estrella y Buscando a Alaska, nos cuenta la historia de Aza con una claridad desgarradora e inquebrantable. Una brillante historia sobre el amor, la resiliencia y el poder de la amistad para toda la vida. Aza nunca tuvo intención de investigar el misterio del multimillonario fugitivo Russell Pickett. Pero hay una recompensa de cien mil dólares en juego y su mejor y más intrépida amiga, Daisy, no está dispuesta a dejarla escapar. Así, juntas, recorrerán la corta distancia y las enormes diferencias que les separan del hijo de Russell Pickett, Davis. Aza lo está intentando. Trata de ser una buena hija, una buena amiga, una buena estudiante y, tal vez, incluso una buena detective, mientras vive en la espiral cada vez más estrecha de sus propios pensamientos. Reseña:«Mil veces nos da una lección que necesitábamos desesperadamente: Sí, esta bien no estar bien. John Green ha construido una novela profundamente honesta, a veces dolorosa y que da mucho que pensar, escrita con el encanto característico por el que todos conocemos a este autor. John Green, bienvenido de nuevo. Te echábamos de menos.»Mashable

Milagres Inesperados: Baseado em uma história real

by Linda Henderson

De descendência judaica, Camilla Ravinsky nasceu em Porto Rico: filha mais nova da família, com seis irmãos mais velhos. Após ser milagrosamente curada de um câncer, ela começa uma jornada como missionária, a qual transformará sua vida: viaja para Honduras e, posteriormente, para o Brasil, onde encontra canibais que viviam ao longo do rio Amazonas. Esta é sua história e também seu legado de coragem!  

Milagros Inesperados

by Linda Henderson

Camilla Ravinsky nació de herencia judía en Puerto Rico. Era la niña más joven de su familia, con seis hermanos mayores. Después de ser milagrosamente curada de cáncer, comienza un viaje que transforma la vida como misionera a Honduras y, posteriormente, a los caníbales que vivieron a lo largo del río Amazonas en Brasil. ¡Esta es su valiente historia y legado!

Miles Away from You

by A. B. Rutledge

<P> It's been three years since Miles fell for Vivian, a talented and dazzling transgender girl. Eighteen months since a suicide attempt left Vivian on life support. Now Miles isn't sure who he is without her, but knows it’s time to figure out how to say goodbye. <P> He books a solo trip to Iceland but then has a hard time leaving the refuge of his hotel room. After a little push from Oskar, a local who is equal parts endearing and aloof, Miles decides to honor Vivian's life by photographing her treasured Doc Martens standing empty against the surreal landscapes. <P>With each step he takes, Miles finds his heart healing--even as he must accept that Vivian, still in a coma, will never recover. <P>Told through a series of instant messages to Vivian, this quirky and completely fresh novel explores love, loss, and the drastic distances we sometimes have to travel in order to move on. <P>From debut voice A.B. Rutledge comes a quirky and completely fresh story of young love, loss, and the drastic distances we sometimes have to travel in order to move on, perfect for fans of Adam Silvera and Jandy Nelson. Explores gender nonconformity and the spectrum of sexual preference in an authentic way.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man

by Jason Reynolds

"Everyone gets mad at hustlers, especially if you're on the victim side of the hustle. And Miles knew hustling was in his veins." <P><P>Miles Morales is just your average teenager. Dinner every Sunday with his parents, chilling out playing old-school video games with his best friend, Ganke, crushing on brainy, beautiful poet Alicia. <P> He's even got a scholarship spot at the prestigious Brooklyn Visions Academy. Oh yeah, and he's Spider Man. But lately, Miles's spidey-sense has been on the fritz. When a misunderstanding leads to his suspension from school, Miles begins to question his abilities. <P> After all, his dad and uncle were Brooklyn jack-boys with criminal records. Maybe kids like Miles aren't meant to be superheroes. Maybe Miles should take his dad's advice and focus on saving himself. <P> As Miles tries to get his school life back on track, he can't shake the vivid nightmares that continue to haunt him. Nor can he avoid the relentless buzz of his spidey-sense every day in history class, amidst his teacher's lectures on the historical "benefits" of slavery and the importance of the modern-day prison system. <P>But after his scholarship is threatened, Miles uncovers a chilling plot, one that puts his friends, his neighborhood, and himself at risk. <P>It's time for Miles to suit up. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Miles Morales Suspended: A Spider-Man Novel

by Jason Reynolds

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds comes the &“action-packed…banter-filled&” (School Library Journal, starred review) sequel to his groundbreaking young adult novel Miles Morales: Spider-Man about the adventures of the unassuming, everyday kid who just so happens to be Spider-Man.Miles Morales is just your average teenager. He has unexpectedly become totally obsessed with poetry and can never seem to do much more than babble around his crush. Nothing too weird. Oh! Except, just yesterday, he used his Spidey superpowers to save the world (no biggie) from an evil mastermind called The Warden. And the grand prize Miles gets for that is… Suspension. But what begins as a long boring day of in-school suspension is interrupted by a little bzzz in his mind. His Spidey Sense is telling him there&’s something not quite right here, and soon he finds himself in a fierce battle with an insidious…termite?! His unexpected foe is hiding a secret, one that could lead to the destruction of the world&’s history—especially Black and Brown history—and only Miles can stop him. Yeah, just a typical day in the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Miles to Go for Freedom: Segregation & Civil Rights in the Jim Crow Years

by Linda Barrett Osborne

“A detailed and thought-provoking account of segregation” including photos and first-person stories illustrating life in the Jim Crow era (Publishers Weekly, starred review).Told through unforgettable first-person accounts, photographs, and other primary sources, this book is an overview of racial segregation and early civil rights efforts in the United States from the 1890s to 1954, a period known as the Jim Crow years. Multiple perspectives are examined as the book looks at the impact of legal segregation and discrimination on the day-to-day life of black and white Americans across the country. Complete with a bibliography and an index, it is both an engrossing read and an important addition to black history books for young people.“A valuable and comprehensive perspective on American race relations.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)“Readers will come away moved, saddened, troubled by this stain on their country’s past and filled with abiding respect for those who fought and overcame. Osborne expertly guides readers through this painful, turbulent time of segregation, enabling them to understand fully the victims’ struggles and triumphs as they worked courageously to set things right.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)“The text is elegant and understated. Drawing on personal interviews, the author provides incidents of everyday racism that young people will be able to grasp and relate to immediately.” —School Library Journal (starred review)“Tight, consistent focus, pristine organization, and eminently browsable illustrations make this middle-school offering a strong recommendation.” —Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books“A well-written chronicle of the African-American struggle for equal rights in the United States. The reader will be quickly engaged.” —Library Media Connection

Miljul Kar Rahane Vaala Aman

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

मूल्य शिक्षा के आधार पर कहानियाँ

Millard Fillmore: 13th President of the United States

by Kevin J. Law

Examines the life of Millard Fillmore from birth to death, including his childhood, education, and political career.

Millicent Simmonds: Actor and Activist (Movers, Shakers, and History Makers)

by Rachel Smoka-Richardson

Deaf actor Millicent Simmonds captivated audiences with her performances in Wonderstruck and A Quiet Place. She has appeared in music videos, TV episodes, and at awards shows that have brought awareness to how deaf people experience the world. Learn more about this talented young actor and how she intends to give deaf people the space to tell their own stories.

A Million Junes

by Emily Henry

Romeo and Juliet meets One Hundred Years of Solitude in Emily Henry's brilliant follow-up to The Love That Split the World, about the daughter and son of two long-feuding families who fall in love while trying to uncover the truth about the strange magic and harrowing curse that has plagued their bloodlines for generations. In their hometown of Five Fingers, Michigan, the O'Donnells and the Angerts have mythic legacies. But for all the tall tales they weave, both founding families are tight-lipped about what caused the century-old rift between them, except to say it began with a cherry tree. Eighteen-year-old Jack “June” O’Donnell doesn't need a better reason than that. She's an O'Donnell to her core, just like her late father was, and O'Donnells stay away from Angerts. Period. But when Saul Angert, the son of June's father's mortal enemy, returns to town after three mysterious years away, June can't seem to avoid him. Soon the unthinkable happens: She finds she doesn't exactly hate the gruff, sarcastic boy she was born to loathe. Saul’s arrival sparks a chain reaction, and as the magic, ghosts, and coywolves of Five Fingers conspire to reveal the truth about the dark moment that started the feud, June must question everything she knows about her family and the father she adored. And she must decide whether it's finally time for her—and all of the O'Donnells before her—to let go.

The Million Pieces of Neena Gill: Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2020

by Emma Smith-Barton

*Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2020**Shortlisted for the Branford Boase Award 2020**Shortlisted for the Romantic Novelists' Association Debut Romantic Novel Award 2020* 'Powerful, relatable and uplifting' - Emily Barr, author of The One Memory of Flora BanksHow can I hold myself together, when everything around me is falling apart?Neena's always been a good girl - great grades, parent-approved friends and absolutely no boyfriends. But ever since her brother Akash left her, she's been slowly falling apart - and uncovering a new version of herself who is freer, but altogether more dangerous. As her wild behaviour spirals more and more out of control, Neena's grip on her sanity begins to weaken too. And when her parents announce not one but two life-changing bombshells, she finally reaches breaking point. But as Neena is about to discover, when your life falls apart, only love can piece you back together.

A Million Quiet Revolutions

by Robin Gow

Robin Gow's A Million Quiet Revolutions is a modern love story, told in verse, about two teenaged trans boys who name themselves after two Revolutionary War soldiers. A lyrical, aching young adult romance perfect for fans of The Poet X, Darius the Great is Not Okay, and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Universe.For as long as they can remember, Aaron and Oliver have only ever had each other. In a small town with few queer teenagers, let alone young trans men, they’ve shared milestones like coming out as trans, buying the right binders—and falling for each other.But just as their relationship has started to blossom, Aaron moves away. Feeling adrift, separated from the one person who understands them, they seek solace in digging deep into the annals of America’s past. When they discover the story of two Revolutionary War soldiers who they believe to have been trans man in love, they’re inspired to pay tribute to these soldiers by adopting their names—Aaron and Oliver. As they learn, they delve further into unwritten queer stories, and they discover the transformative power of reclaiming one’s place in history. Further reading on trans history is included in backmatter.

A Million Shadows (A Thousand Faces #2)

by Janci Patterson

Sixteen-year-old Jory escaped from the shifters who killed her father, but her life is far from returning to normal--even by the standards of a shape-shifting spy. Jory’s mother is covering her pain with prescription drugs, leaving Jory alone to hide them both from the murderous shifters who are still hot on their tail.When Jory’s mom lands herself in the hospital, Jory thinks things can’t get any worse. Then she receives an offer from her boyfriend’s mother, Aida--help her track down the man who betrayed them all, and Aida will make sure Jory’s mother stays hidden and safe. There’s just one catch: the man they’re hunting is responsible for her father’s death--and Jory knows Aida means to protect him.It’s an offer Jory can’t afford to refuse. As she circles closer to her mark, Jory knows she’s playing a game of cat and mouse, but she can’t be sure if she’s the predator or the prey. Before she risks the lives of more people she loves, Jory must decide which of the many dangerous people in her life she’s going to trust.And who she is going to betray.

A Million Times Goodnight

by Kristina McBride

One night. Two paths. Infinite danger.On the night of the big spring break party, seventeen-year-old Hadley "borrows" her boyfriend Ben's car without telling him. As payback, he posts a naked picture of her online for the entire senior class to see.Now Hadley has a choice. She can go back to the party and force Ben to delete the picture. Or she can raise the stakes and take his beloved car on a road trip as far away from their hometown of Oak Grove, Ohio, as she can get.Each storyline plays out in alternating chapters. In one strand, Hadley embarks on a reckless adventure with her best friends, spinning the perfect plan for revenge. In the other, stuck in a car with her ex-boyfriend, Josh, she's forced to revisit the mistakes they each made, including whether they should ever have broken up at all. As events of a wild night race toward an explosive conclusion, old feelings are rekindled, friendships are tested, and secrets uncovered that are so much worse than a scandalous photo.A Million Times Goodnight is a fast-paced romantic contemporary thriller ripped right from the headlines.

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