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Baghdad without a Map and Other Misadventures in Arabia: And Other Misadventures In Arabia

by Tony Horwitz

&“A very funny and frequently insightful look at the world&’s most combustible region.&”—The New York Times Book ReviewNATIONAL BESTSELLERPulitzer Prize-winning journalist Tony Horwitz's 1991 classic account of his travels across the Middle East and through the Arabian Peninsula, now in eBook for the first timeWith razor-sharp wit and insight, intrepid journalist Tony Horwitz gets beyond solemn newspaper headlines and romantic myths of the 1990s, to offer startling, honest close-ups of the Middle East. His quest for hot stories takes him from the tribal wilds of Yemen to the shell-pocked shores of Lebanon; from the sands of the Sudan to the souks of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.Careering through fourteen countries, including the Sudan, Iraq, Israel, and Afghanistan, Horwitz travels light, packing a keen eye, a wicked sense of humor, and chutzpah in overwhelming measure. This wild and comic tale of misadventure reports on a fascinating world in which the ancient and the modern collide.

Bajo la mirada del dragón despierto

by Mavi Doñate

Mavi Doñate, corresponsal de RTVE en Pekín, nos ofrece un libro imprescindible para entender la transformación del mundo global. «Bajo la mirada del dragón despierto es tan solo una de mis crónicas, contada en primera persona, sobre la cobertura periodística que jamás habría querido hacer, pero que, de seguro, ha sido y será la más importante de mi carrera». China está lejos. Es lo primero que aprende un periodista destinado en un extremo del mundo al que nunca hemos prestado demasiada atención. Cuando Mavi Doñate llegó a Pekín en el verano de 2015 con el vértigo anidado en el estómago, cumplió un sueño que la había acompañado desde niña: ser corresponsal. Lo que no podía imaginar entonces es que estaba a punto de protagonizar una de las etapas de mayor intensidad informativa de este primer tramo de siglo. Mavi Doñate posee un don innato, mezcla de intuición y sutileza, para contar historias. Su relato personal de los seis años que vivió en el gigante asiático, elaborado a partir de los recuerdos y las voces que quedaron fuera de la información diaria, nos ofrece un valioso retrato de la China actual. Estas páginas recorren los contrastes de un país en constante reinvención y nos llevan de la política internacional a la vida cotidiana; de la modernidad sin freno a las tradiciones más arraigadas; del bullicio en las calles por las celebraciones del Año Nuevo al silencio de los peores días de la pandemia, y nos recuerdan que, durante décadas, hemos vivido de espaldas a ese dragón milenario que esperaba su momento para despertar. El Jurado ha dicho: «Periodismo en primera línea».Premio Ondas, 2020 «Por su forma de contar asuntos muy graves y muy trágicos, con un estilo didáctico en un país donde es muy difícil tener acceso a las fuentes fiables [...] manteniendo la cabeza fría, dando crónicas con honestidad ética e información puntual y clave».Premio Cirilo Rodríguez, 2021 «Por su limpia mirada a la trasformación del gigante asiático, acercando de forma trasparente y didáctica sus cambios y su importancia estratégica a la audiencia española de forma clara y visualmente cuidada en sus crónicas y reportajes».Premio Club Internacional de Prensa, 2019 «Por el trabajo realizado en la cobertura del coronavirus desde China y su contribución a la información de calidad que debe ofrecer una televisión pública».Premio José Manuel Porquet, 2020

Bajotierra: Un viaje por las profundidades del tiempo

by Robert Macfarlane

Robert Macfarlane nos invita a bajar la mirada hacia las profundidades de la tierra: un descenso hacia la historia, la cultura y las memorias del subsuelo. «El gran escritor y poeta de la naturaleza de esta generación.»The Wall Street Journal ¿Por qué descender? ¿Qué sabemos de los mundos que yacen bajo nuestros pies? ¿Qué nos pueden enseñar de nosotros mismos? Bajotierra es una exploración épica del mundo subterráneo a través de los viajes del autor a variopintos paisajes del subsuelo y de la mitología, la literatura y la memoria que los acompañan. En este extraordinario periplo por nuestra relación con la oscuridad, el enterramiento, el pasado y el futuro de nuestro planeta, nos trasladamos de los orígenes del universo a una Tierra poshumana, pasando por las cámaras funerarias de la Edad de Bronce, las catacumbas de París, la macroinfraestructura para almacenar desechos nucleares en las profundidades de Finlandia, el deshielo de los glaciares de Groenlandia, los ríos que desaparecen bajo tierra, las cuevas bajo el hielo ártico y la red fúngica por la que se comunican los árboles. En su habitual afán por encontrar los vínculos entre el paisaje y el corazón humano y gracias a una prosa lírica y llena de fuerza, el autor expone e ilumina esta parte oculta y, apelando a nuestro tiempo, nos invita a ver el mundo desde una nueva perspectiva que indaga sobre el origen y la pérdida pero también en la esperanza y el miedo por el futuro de nuestra existencia. La crítica ha dicho...«Un libro excelente: valiente y sutil, empático y extraño.»Dwight Garner, The New York Times «Macfarlane se atreve a adentrarse en el mundo oculto de la tierra e iluminar no solo aquello de lo que huimos, sino también lo que no sabemos ni que existe [...]. Bajotierra es un portal de luz entiempos oscuros. Necesitaba este libro de belleza subterránea para equilibrar el dolor del que estamos siendo testigos aquí arriba.»Terry Tempest Williams, The New York Times Book Review «Una magistral y cautivadora exploración del mundo bajo nuestros pies [...]. Es como si, en lo profundo de la roca ancestral, Macfarlane estuviera ganando perspectiva no solo sobre el tiempo y sobre la naturaleza, sino también sobre su propia carrera literaria [...]. Un libro extraordinario, culto y ameno a la vez, emocionante y bellamente escrito.»Alex Preston, The Guardian «Construido a escala épica y escrito con un lenguaje bellamente elocuente y sensible [...]. Una narración de aventuras, terror, descubrimiento y esperanza [...]. Un libro lleno de sabiduría profunda y conmovedora humanidad.»Sean Hewitt, The Irish Times «Maravilloso [...]. Con una curiosidad inacabable, generosidad de espíritu, erudición, valentía y claridad [...]. Un libro que vale la pena leer.»The Times «Leer a Macfarlane nos conecta con nuevos y deslumbrantes mundos. Se trata de una conexión que nos brinda, más que nada, placer. Y ese placer, a su vez, nos conecta con aquellos artistas que pintaron, hace miles de años, rojas figuras danzantes en las cuevas de Noruega.»Barbara J. King, NPR «Extraordinario [...]. Al mismo tiempo docto y ameno, apasionante y bellamente escrito.»The Observer «Sorprendente y memorable, Macfarlane se ha convertido en Orfeo, el poeta que se aventura a las profundidades más oscuras y retorna -terriblemente solo- para cantar lo que ha visto.»New Statesman


by Ruth Whitehouse Esmahan Aykol

Kati Hirschel, the owner of Istanbul's only mystery book store, is fed up. It all started when her lover Selim insisted that she behave like the Turkish wife of a respectable lawyer. Looking demure and making witty small talk were the only requirements. Then her landlord announced an outrageous rent increase on her Istanbul apartment.She has no desire to move in with Selim. She'd rather learn the art of bribing government officials in order to find a new place. Kati is offered a large apartment with a view over the Bosphorus at a bargain price. Too good to be true until a man is found murdered there and she becomes the police's prime suspect. In her second novel Esmahan Aykol takes us to the alleys and boulevards of cosmopolitan Istanbul, to posh villas and seedy basement flats, to the property agents and lawyers, to Islamist leaders and city officials-in fact everywhere that baksheesh helps move things along. Esmahan Aykol was born in 1970 in Edirne, Turkey. She lives in Istanbul and Berlin. She has written three Kati Hirschel novels. Baksheesh is the second and has been published in Turkish, German, French, and Italian. The first, Hotel Bosphorus, was published by Bitter Lemon Press in 2011.

Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations: Proceedings of the Tourism Outlook Conference 2015

by Alan A. Lew Akhmad Saufi Imanuella R. Andilolo Norain Othman

This book contains 35 papers from the Tourism Outlook Conference held in Lombok, Indonesia in July 2015. The book presents comprehensive discussions on sustainability in the tourism industry. It includes research on various constituents of the tourism sector and analyses of each of them from a sustainability standpoint. Case studies that are global in nature are presented to show how sustainable applications can be used and how concerns can be addressed. The book is a response to rapid change in contemporary tourism trends brought about by global economic and social forces such as development pressures, population growth, major resource extraction, industrial fishing, global climate change and steadily rising sea levels. Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations serves as a platform for students and educators, government agency employees, hospitality and tourism industry practitioners, public and private land managers, community development workers, and others interested in identifying practical solutions, charting new directions, and creating opportunities for sustainable tourism development.

Balco Atlantico

by Jérôme Ferrari

In a village square in Corsica lies the body of ardent nationalist, Stéphane Campana, shot down at close range. And over his body weeps Virginie, the young woman who has venerated Stéphane all her life - a veneration that has led her to abandon herself to him and his twisted desires completely.Meanwhile, brother and sister Khaled and Hayet, who once gazed out to sea from the shoreline path known as "Balco Atlantico" and dreamed of a better future, are now stranded in Corsica. As Ferrari traces the history of Stéphane and Virginie that leads to the shooting in the village square, we encounter the story of Khaled and Hayet and see through their story and the stories of many others in this one Corsican square how a relentless pursuit of happiness and fulfilment can bring us perilously close to despair and disillusionment.

Balco Atlantico

by Jérôme Ferrari

In a village square in Corsica lies the body of ardent nationalist, Stéphane Campana, shot down at close range. And over his body weeps Virginie, the young woman who has venerated Stéphane all her life - a veneration that has led her to abandon herself to him and his twisted desires completely.Meanwhile, brother and sister Khaled and Hayet, who once gazed out to sea from the shoreline path known as "Balco Atlantico" and dreamed of a better future, are now stranded in Corsica. As Ferrari traces the history of Stéphane and Virginie that leads to the shooting in the village square, we encounter the story of Khaled and Hayet and see through their story and the stories of many others in this one Corsican square how a relentless pursuit of happiness and fulfilment can bring us perilously close to despair and disillusionment.

Bali: The Legendary Isle

by Patrick R. Booz

The tropical island of Bali is a place of extraordinary beauty#151;and even more extraordinary people. Terraced rice paddies climb up the steep slopes of misty volcanoes like steps reaching to the sky#151;and waving palms are silhouetted against vast sandy beaches and tropical sunsets that glow with ever-changing colors. Highland volcanic lakes surrounded by lush jungles contrast sharply with the island's busy towns and roads with a multitude of people. In Bali: The Legendary Isle, author Patrick Booz takes you on a guided tour around this Indonesian island paradise. From Bali's fabled temples#151;with their elaborately carved statues and colorful painted panels#151;to the bustling village life surrounding them, this photographic journal provides a detailed look at a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and relevance in the modern world. The photographs of National Geographic photographer R. Ian Lloyd present Bali in all its glory#151;from the ritual celebrations and theatrical performances of a Balinese temple festival to the luxury of the islands renowned resorts. Bali: The Legendary Isle is an unforgettable record of an incomparable island and her people.

Bali: The Legendary Isle

by Patrick R. Booz R. Ian Lloyd

The tropical island of Bali is a place of extraordinary beauty-and even more extraordinary people. Terraced rice paddies climb up the steep slopes of misty volcanoes like steps reaching to the sky-and waving palms are silhouetted against vast sandy beaches and tropical sunsets that glow with ever-changing colors. Highland volcanic lakes surrounded by lush jungles contrast sharply with the island's busy towns and roads with a multitude of people.In Bali: The Legendary Isle, author Patrick Booz takes you on a guided tour around this Indonesian island paradise. From Bali's fabled temples-with their elaborately carved statues and colorful painted panels-to the bustling village life surrounding them, this photographic journal provides a detailed look at a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and relevance in the modern world.The photographs of National Geographic photographer R. Ian Lloyd present Bali in all its glory-from the ritual celebrations and theatrical performances of a Balinese temple festival to the luxury of the islands renowned resorts. Bali: The Legendary Isle is an unforgettable record of an incomparable island and her people.

Bali: A Travel Adventure

by Patrick R Booz R. Ian Llyod

The tropical Indonesian paradise of Bali has extraordinarily vivid beauty. Terraced rice paddies seemingly rise up to the sky, while silhouetted palms, still active volcanoes and volcanic lakes contrast with lovely beaches and lagoons. Bali's temples, carved statues, and colorful art are evidence of a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and simplicity in a modern age. Bali: A Travel Adventure is an unforgettable visual record of the island and its people.

Bali: Sekala & Niskala

by Fred B. Eiseman

In Bali, what you see--sekala--is a colorful world of ceremony, ritual, dance, and drama. What you don't see--niskala--is the doctrine underlying the pageants, the code underlying the rites, and the magic underlying the dance. Bali: Sekala & Niskala explores both tangibles and intangibles in the realm of Balinese religion, ritual and performing arts."The best book on Bali for the serious visitor ..." "Has the freshness of personal experience."- Dr. Hildred Geertz, author of Kinship in Bali and professor of anthropology at Princeton University"The editor can cheerfully recommend this book, which are absolutely crammed with unusual lore and information."- Dr. Frederick E. deBoer, editor of Bali Arts and Culture News

Bali: The Ultimate Guide to the World's Most Spectacular Tropical Island

by Linda Hoffman

The only guide you'll need for getting around Bali! Everything you need is in this one convenient travel guide--including a large pull-out map!This updated and revised edition of the bestselling Tuttle guide to Bali gives the latest information on what to do and see on this spectacular tropical Indonesian island. Bali is one of the few places in the world where an ancient civilization still thrives in the modern world. And the island has so much to offer: ancient temples, elaborate ritual celebrations, spellbinding music and dances, exquisite art and crafts, gorgeous beaches, bustling markets, delicious food, and much more!Bali: The Ultimate Guide to the World's Most Famous Island is the most complete guide to Bali ever published. Lively articles by world renowned experts present every aspect of the island's history and culture, along with detailed descriptions of all the sights, with maps and photos included.An informative travel reference section at the end of the book gives important travel and etiquette tips, transportation notes, a language primer, and a glossary.

Bali: The Legendary Isle

by R. Ian Lloyd Patrick R. Booz

The tropical island of Bali is a place of extraordinary beauty-and even more extraordinary people. Terraced rice paddies climb up the steep slopes of misty volcanoes like steps reaching to the sky-and waving palms are silhouetted against vast sandy beaches and tropical sunsets that glow with ever-changing colors. Highland volcanic lakes surrounded by lush jungles contrast sharply with the island's busy towns and roads with a multitude of people.In Bali: The Legendary Isle, author Patrick Booz takes you on a guided tour around this Indonesian island paradise. From Bali's fabled temples-with their elaborately carved statues and colorful painted panels-to the bustling village life surrounding them, this photographic journal provides a detailed look at a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and relevance in the modern world.The photographs of National Geographic photographer R. Ian Lloyd present Bali in all its glory-from the ritual celebrations and theatrical performances of a Balinese temple festival to the luxury of the islands renowned resorts. Bali: The Legendary Isle is an unforgettable record of an incomparable island and her people.

Bali: A Travel Adventure

by R. Ian Llyod Patrick R Booz

This stunning Bali travel pictorial features stunning photography that highlights the breathtaking landscapes of Bali and the diverse customs and traditions of the Balinese people.The tropical Indonesian paradise of Bali has extraordinarily vivid beauty. Terraced rice paddies seemingly rise up to the sky, while silhouetted palms, still active volcanoes and volcanic lakes contrast with lovely beaches and lagoons. Bali's temples, carved statues, and colorful art are evidence of a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and simplicity in a modern age. Bali: A Travel Adventure is an unforgettable visual record of the island and its people. The culture of Bali is a colorful world of ceremony, ritual, Balinese dance, and drama. Bali: A Travel Adventure explores what you will find rooted in Balinese culture, when you travel to Bali. You might learn when uncovering Balinese history, rituals and performing arts, that Bali is quite an alluring place.

Bali: A Travel Adventure

by R. Ian Llyod Patrick R Booz

This stunning Bali travel pictorial features stunning photography that highlights the breathtaking landscapes of Bali and the diverse customs and traditions of the Balinese people.The tropical Indonesian paradise of Bali has extraordinarily vivid beauty. Terraced rice paddies seemingly rise up to the sky, while silhouetted palms, still active volcanoes and volcanic lakes contrast with lovely beaches and lagoons. Bali's temples, carved statues, and colorful art are evidence of a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and simplicity in a modern age. Bali: A Travel Adventure is an unforgettable visual record of the island and its people. The culture of Bali is a colorful world of ceremony, ritual, Balinese dance, and drama. Bali: A Travel Adventure explores what you will find rooted in Balinese culture, when you travel to Bali. You might learn when uncovering Balinese history, rituals and performing arts, that Bali is quite an alluring place.

Bali: A Travel Adventure

by R. Ian Llyod Patrick R Booz

The tropical Indonesian paradise of Bali has extraordinarily vivid beauty. Terraced rice paddies seemingly rise up to the sky, while silhouetted palms, still active volcanoes and volcanic lakes contrast with lovely beaches and lagoons. Bali's temples, carved statues, and colorful art are evidence of a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and simplicity in a modern age. Bali: A Travel Adventure is an unforgettable visual record of the island and its people.

Bali: Morning of the World

by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni Nigel Simmonds

This volume is stunning representation of one of the truly magical islands on Earth. Author Nigel Simmonds takes a personal look at Bali, remembers his first encounters with the island, and gives valuable insight into a fascinating culture that has managed to preserve its elaborate and time-honoured tradiitons against many odds. Soaking up the sun on a beach, visiting shrines and temples, watching traditional dance performances, or simply sitting and taking in the general ambience are all part of the "Bali experience" shared here.

Bali: A Paradise Created

by Adrian Vickers

Bali: A Paradise Created bridges the gap between scholarly works and more popular travel accounts. It offers an accessible history fo this fascinating island and an anthropological study not only of the Balinese, but of the paradise-seekers from all parts of the world who have invaded Bali in ever-increasing numbers over the decades. This books shows how Balinese culture has pervaded western film, art, literature and music so that even those who've never been there have enjoyed a glimpse of paradise. This authoritative, much-cited work is now updated with new photos and illustrations, a new introduction, and new text covering the past twenty years.

Bali By Design

by Jacob Termansen Kim Inglis

[Bali has long been a creative inspiration for the world-providing exciting new design ideas that are emulated today in homes and hotels around the globe.] The open to the elements bathroom with interior courtyard garden, the giant bamboo sofa with handwoven cushion covers, and the garden pavilion or balé with raised platform seating are all examples of concepts that originated on the island.All these-and much more-may be viewed in [Bali By Design provides coverage of the latest and best design work in Bali today. Featuring 25 stunning contemporary homes, it showcases the ideas of a new generation of talented international and Indonesian designers.] Each of these extraordinary houses presents new solutions for age-old challenges-illustrating how stylish modern lifestyles may be achieved through clever architecture and interior design. See the selection of artful furniture and furnishings in open, airy rooms, the inclusion of natural stone in shady courtyards and swimming pools, and the plethora of handcrafted surfaces, objects and artifacts.[Many of these houses explore ways of reducing power consumption for a more sustainable, low-carbon future. Others present a modern urban version of the tropical Bali design style that has its roots in a traditional rural environment. All, however, combine modern technology with exotic local materials-Balinese sandstone, volcanic rock, recycled ulin wood-for breezy indoor-outdoor living.With over 300 stunning photographs by Danish photographer Jacob Termansen and an insightful text by British author Kim Inglis, this book is a fitting testament to the originality and talent of Bali's design world.]

Bali Street Atlas Third Edition

by Periplus Editions

Detailed regional and town maps are presented, with dense town areas and prominent resorts shown at 1:10,000 to 1:25,000 scale for detailed coverage. Altogether there are 50+ maps for easy location of places, buildings and other places of interests.

Bali Tourism

by Arthur Asa Berger

The island of Bali has long been characterized in the West as the last “paradise” on earth, but there is far more to this small Indonesian province. Bali Tourism presents an enlightening ethnographic study of some of the most important icons—for tourists and locals alike—in Balinese culture and society and explores the growth of this island as an “exotic” vacation destination. In addition, it offers a firsthand look at many aspects of daily life, a semiotic analysis of its dominant cultural symbols, and insights into tourists’ perceptions of Bali. A thirty page photo section offers a unique glimpse at this remarkable island. Through a distinctive use of cultural analysis and psychoanalytic modes of interpretation, Bali Tourism offers an in-depth study of Balinese tourism, society, and character. This handy, easy-to-read text is an essential overview of what the island has to offer tourists and looks at the exciting possibilities—and the potential pitfalls—of visiting this extraordinary land. The book paints a vivid portrait of this country’s hidden gems and popular tourist destinations, exploring the ways visitors see Bali—and how the Balinese see visitors—as well as the promise and problems Bali faces in developing its tourism industry. Bali Tourism is an ideal book to read before visiting Bali yourself—or recommending/planning a trip for others. The fresh insights it presents will help make any trip to the region more rewarding for the traveler. It is also a unique scholarly resource, complete with informative tables, references, and a bibliography, for academics and students at all levels of tourism studies.

Bali Travel Map Ninth Edition

by Periplus Editions

The Bali Travel Map from Periplus is designed as a convenient, easy-to-use tool for travelers. Created using durable coated paper, this map is made to open and fold multiple times, whether it's the entire map that you want to view or one panel at a time.Following highways and byways, this map will show you how to maneuver your way to banks, gardens, hotels, golf courses, museums, monuments, restaurants, churches and temples, movie theaters, shopping centers and more!<P><P> A unique, easy-to-handle folding system that allows you to view the map one panel at a time for quick reference, and a fully digital map base, which allows our maps to be frequently updated.Periplus Travel Maps cover most of the major cities and travel destinations in the Asia-Pacific region. The series includes an amazing variety of fascinating destinations, from the multifaceted subcontinent of India to the bustling city-state of Singapore and the 'western style' metropolis of Sydney to the Asian charms of Bali. All titles are continuously updated, ensuring they keep up with the considerable changes in this fast-developing part of the world. This extensive geographical reach and attention to detail mean that Periplus Travel Maps are the natural first choice for anyone traveling in the region.<P> Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.

Balinese Architecture Discover Indonesia

by Julian Davison Bruce Granquist

Balinese Architecture is a step-by-step guide to the intricacies of Balinese vernacular architecture, the written word being complemented throughout by watercolor illustrations of different building types, design concepts and construction techniques.

Balinese Art

by Adrian Vickers

[Balinese Art is the first comprehensive survey of Balinese painting from its origins in the traditional Balinese village to its present position at the forefront of the high-priced Asian art scene.] Balinese art has been popular and widely collected around the world for many decades. In fact, the contemporary painter who commands the highest prices in Southeast Asia's hot art market is not Chinese but Bali-born Nyoman Masriadi (1973-)-and this book demonstrates that his work draws on a long and deeply-rooted tradition.[This book surveys the art scene in Bali for the past two hundred years. The author shows how Balinese painting has deep local roots and has followed its own distinctive trajectory, yet has been heavily influenced by outsiders.] Indian artistic and religious traditions were introduced to Bali over a thousand years ago through the prism of ancient Javanese culture. Balinese artists and craftsmen have also interacted with other Asian artists, particularly those of China, and later Western artists. From these sources, an aesthetic tradition developed that depicts stories from the ancient Indian epics as well as themes from Javanese mythology and the religious and communal life of the Balinese themselves.Starting with a discussion of the island's aesthetic traditions and how Balinese art should be viewed and understood, this book goes on to present pre-colonial painting traditions, some of which are still practiced in the village of Kamasan-the home of "classical" Balinese art. However, the main focus is the development of new styles starting in the 1930s and how these gradually evolved in response to the tourist industry that has come to dominate the island. [Balinese Art acquaints readers with the masterpieces and master artists of Bali, and the final chapter presents the most important artists who are active today and serves as an introduction to their work.]

Balinese Flora & Fauna Discover Indonesia

by Julian Davison Bruce Granquist

This book provides a general introduction to the natural history of Bali, looking at each of the major ecosystems in turn and highlighting their most salient and interesting features. Watercolor panoramas and illustrations of typical or otherwise significant plants and animals from each type of habitat complement the text and provide the reader with a visual reference for some of the sights he or she is most likely to see during a visit to the island.

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