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American Tall Tales: A Companion Reader with Dramatizations

by Jim Weiss Jeff West Chris Bauer

Ride across Texas on a mountain lion with Pecos Bill...Work up a giant appetite with the mighty lumberjack Paul Bunyan...spread happiness with Johnny Appleseed...and confront the Fastest Draw in the West! This beautifully illustrated Companion Reader is an exact transcript of Jim Weiss’s award-winning storytelling performance of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, available on MP3 and audio CD from Well-Trained Mind Press. Ride across Texas on a mountain lion with Pecos Bill...Work up a giant appetite with the mighty lumberjack Paul Bunyan...spread happiness with Johnny Appleseed...and confront the Fastest Draw in the West! This beautifully illustrated Companion Reader is an exact transcript of Jim Weiss’s award-winning storytelling performance of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, available on MP3 and audio CD from Well-Trained Mind Press. For decades, Jim Weiss has entertained his many listeners with gripping plots, vivid characters, and beautiful words. But his performances are much more than mere entertainment. Jim's stories build language skills by filling young minds with wonderful vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and rich images. Now, our Companion Readers bring these language-learning benefits to a new level. Language, both written and oral, is most easily and thoroughly learned when heard, read, and spoken. Listen to the Jim Weiss performance on CD or MP3. Read along with the performance. The first half of this book as word-for-word transcript of Jim Weiss's performance. Students can improve their reading fluency, vocabulary, and their understanding of punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar by following along as Jim performs these words. Even students who are not at the level represented in this book can be moved forward in reading competency by reading along as Jim speaks the words. Say the words. The final element in language learning is to speak great words and sentences out loud. The has been turned into a short, accessible dramatic version that can be performed by two or more actors. The plays can be memorized or read from the scripts; either way, students will begin to gain confidence in their own language use and in their ability to speak in front of others.

The Americana Series Volume Two: Valley of the Vapours, Fire and Ice, and After the Storm (The Americana Series)

by Janet Dailey

Three love stories set against great American landscapes in an acclaimed series by a New York Times–bestselling author and “romance legend” (Publishers Weekly). With more than three hundred million books sold, Janet Dailey is an icon of American fiction. In a romantic tour of the United States, the first lady of romance wrote fifty novels, one set in each state. The three enchanting installments of the Americana Series included in this collection tell heart-soaring tales of love and desire in Arkansas, California, and Colorado. Valley of the Vapours: One kiss was all it took for Tisha’s father to jump to the wrong conclusions and demand that Roarke Madison do the right thing by his daughter. Surely Roarke would put a stop to this ridiculous talk of marriage. Instead he presents her with the most beautiful diamond solitaire engagement ring . . . Fire and Ice: Some women marry for love. Alisa Franklin has to marry to satisfy conditions in her domineering mother’s will and gain custody of her sister, Christine. It’s not easy for her to accept Zachary Stuart’s proposition—or to live with him without letting down her defenses . . . After the Storm: Rad MacLeod was the best-looking, nicest guy in Denver, Colorado—the only man his wife, Lainie, ever truly loved. When he went away, her heart was shattered. But now he’s back. They’re both a little older, a whole lot wiser . . . could their connection be hotter than ever?

El amor de Anna

by Fabiola Arellano

De Inglaterra a la salvaje América. Una mujer rota que tendrá que vencer numerosos obstáculos para volver a ser feliz. Para Anna, huérfana de madre desde muy temprana edad, el sentirse querida y parte de su propia familia, parece tan imposible como encontrar la olla de oro al final del arcoíris. Recluida por su madrastra en un exclusivo internado para señoritas, Anna tiene que soportar los constantes ataques de su prima Lineth y los brutales castigos impuestos por miss Steel. Es en medio de todo ese caos cuando conoce a ese chico de oscura mirada que, con su voz profunda, logra sacarla de las terribles pesadillas que martirizan sus noches. Vendida a un depravado y traicionada por su madrastra, Anna se ve obligada a tomar medidas desesperadas, sin embargo, escapar de la mano fiera de la mujer que la cambió por unas monedas no es tarea fácil. Sin más, Anna se ve secuestrada en un barco rumbo a América. Sola y a merced de un hombre que bien podría ser su abuelo, la joven tendrá que sacar fuerzas si quiere salir bien librada de un matrimonio impuesto y recuperar a su único y verdadero amor. Por desgracia para ella, los obstáculos no son solo materiales o circunstanciales. El principal reto a vencer son las innumerables cerraduras con las que su ángel ha guardado el corazón.

Amor desesperado

by D. E. Daum

Amor desesperado por D. E. DAUM Bien educada y gentil, Valerie Johnson viaja en tren y diligencia desde Boston para reunirse con su esposo a tres mil millas de distancia en Virginia City, Nevada, solo para descubrir que es una viuda. Bien educada y gentil, Valerie Johnson viaja en tren y diligencia desde Boston para reunirse con su esposo a tres mil millas de distancia en Virginia City, Nevada, solo para descubrir que es una viuda. Con poco dinero, incapaz de encontrar un empleo respetable, acepta un puesto temporal como cortesana en Rosie's Parlour, un elegante burdel de Virginia City. Cuando el dios Duke Dugan elige a Valerie, ambos se preguntan si es lujuria o amor a primera vista. Fascinado por la hermosa prostituta de cabello en llamas que llama Red, Duke, deseando saber más sobre ella, la lleva a cenar al mejor restaurante de Virginia City. Para su consternación, Valerie descubre que Duke es un capitán rebelde, que, junto con sus dos hermanos, está en una misión desesperada por la despreciada Confederación. Le diría a las autoridades, excepto que hay un problema: se ha enamorado de él.

Amor Desesperado

by Dee Dawning

Bem-educada e gentil, Valerie Johnson viaja de trem e diligência desde Boston para se juntar ao marido a cinco mil quilômetros de distância em Virginia City, Nevada, e acaba por descobrir que é viúva. Bem-educada e gentil, Valerie Johnson viaja de trem e diligência desde Boston para se juntar ao marido a cinco mil quilômetros de distância em Virginia City, Nevada, e acaba por descobrir que é viúva. Com pouco dinheiro, incapaz de encontrar um emprego respeitável, ela aceita uma posição temporária como cortesã no Salão da Rosie, um elegante bordel de Virginia City. Quando o deus grego Duke Dugan escolhe Valerie, ambos se perguntam se é luxúria ou amor à primeira vista. Fascinado pela bela prostituta de cabelos flamejantes que ele chama de Ruiva, Duke, desejando aprender mais sobre ela, a leva para jantar no melhor restaurante de Virginia City. Para sua consternação, Valerie descobre que Duke é um capitão rebelde que, junto de seus dois irmãos, está em uma missão desesperada para a desprezível Confederação. Ela o denunciaria às autoridades, exceto por um problema: ela se apaixonou por ele.

Amor en as Tierras Altas: Un Vaporoso Romance Histórico del Oeste

by Simone Beaudelaire

Garden City, Kansas, 1888. Un pequeño pueblo del oeste recibe un regalo de Navidad anticipado: un nuevo pastor para la iglesia. Es joven, guapo y soltero. Pero para la organista de la iglesia Kristina Heitschmidt, el reverendo Cody Williams no es más que un problema. Sobre todo porque su primer movimiento es intentar quitarle el control de la música. Pero Kristina no va a renunciar al trabajo de su vida. Con la Navidad acercándose rápidamente, parece que los dos están en un punto muerto. Hasta que una repentina tempestad los atrapa juntos en la iglesia durante la noche. Obligados por fin a tratar el uno con el otro, se dan cuenta de que los sentimientos explosivos entre ellos son en realidad síntomas de una pasión abrumadora que podría, si finalmente pueden ser honestos, llevar al amor de toda una vida.

Amor no Riacho do Lobo

by Ailene Frances

Faíscas voam, mentiras se desenrolam e equívocos que levam ao perigo são cometidos quando um rico pecuarista do Texas esconde sua identidade ao conhecer a filha mimada e rica de um empresário de Nova Orleans que havia sido prometida cegamente em casamento a ele. Aiden é um bonito e sexy dono de fazenda no Texas, que foi abordado por um parceiro de negócios de Nova Orleans para se unir em casamento com a filha dele. Querendo ver sua futura esposa em seu próprio elemento, sem que ela soubesse quem ele era, ele alega ser a pessoa enviada para buscá-la. Pauline é a filha mimada que resiste a casar com um homem que ela tem certeza que se parece com um sapo velho e, depois de se apaixonar pelo cowboy sexy que fora enviado para buscá-la, foge e é capturada por traficantes cruéis. Agora, Aiden deve encontrá-la e resgatá-la... bem como confessar sua verdadeira identidade. Ele a encontrará a tempo de salvá-la de um destino tão cruel? E.... Eles serão capazes de sobreviver aos perigos que os ameaçam, aprender a amar um ao outro e superar tudo isso por uma vida feliz juntos?

Ananias Green

by B. M. Bower

B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays about the American Old West. This is one of her stories.

And Baby Makes Five

by Debra Clopton

Re-read a fan-favorite Mule Hollow story by bestselling author Debra Clopton Take two stubborn humans. Add his dog, her donkey--and a brand new baby. A donkey with a penchant for breaking and entering? Cort Wells had never heard of such a thing, until he and his dog moved to Mule Hollow, Texas. Soon he found out the donkey's owner was Lilly Tipps, eight months pregnant and raised by her man-hating grandmas. So when one day Lilly wound up in his barn--and his arms--Cort began to think the donkey was going to be the least of his worries&#8230. Originally published in 2006

And Cowboy Makes Three (Cowboy Country Ser. #7)

by Deb Kastner

She fled their wedding years agoNow she’s back…with a baby!Coming home with a baby and no wedding ring was just what everyone in Cowboy Country expected from bad girl Angelica Carmichael. But she’ll brave their scorn to fulfill Granny Frances’s dying wishes, even if it means ranching with Rowdy Masterson…her jilted ex-groom. Rowdy’s still bitter but this new, softer Angelica—paired with a precious baby—might be too loveable to resist!

And Kill Them All

by J. Lee Butts

Determined to find her family's murderers, fifteen-year-old Clementine Webb vows to hunt them down, one by one. Texas Ranger Lucius Dodge tries to talk some sense into the little lady. Trading lead with stone- cold killers is men's work. At least it's what Lucius always thought- until darling Clementine shows her aim is true.

And One Rode West (Camerons Saga: Civil War Trilogy #3)

by Heather Graham

In the aftermath of the Civil War, when raids on rebel plantations threaten her family property, Christa Cameron coaxes a young Union officer into marriage, secretly vowing to keep her purity intact.

And One Wore Gray: Cameron's Saga (Civil War Trilogy #2)

by Heather Graham

In the sequel to One Wore Blue, the other Cameron brother, Daniel, is bewitched by Callie Michaelson, a wild beauty who hates the South but who could make him forget the horrors of the war.

And the Devil Makes Five (The O'Malleys of Texas #4)

by Dusty Richards

From acclaimed western author Dusty Richards comes an explosive new novel in his O&’Malley saga, the powerful story of a strong Texan family caught in the crossfire of rebels, assassins, and history itself . . . It begins with a spectacular train robbery—a brilliantly planned, brutally executed heist masterminded by a shadowy gang of conspirators with far deadlier motives than money or gold. Their mission: to steal the train&’s shipment of powerful explosives. Their goal: to assassinate Mexico&’s legendary resistance leader Benito Juarez—at a small stagecoach station owned and operated by the O&’Malley family . . . As a lifelong patriot himself, Joe O&’Malley understands the struggle for freedom. As a proud Texan, he knows the importance of fighting for your land and your liberty. But as patriarch of the O&’Malley clan, he also believes that his family comes first—and that any outsider who brings their war into his home will have to face another deadly force of resistance…named the O&’Malleys. &“Dusty Richards is the embodiment of the Old West.&”—Storyteller Magazine

And the Wind Blows Free

by Luke Short

A man could thunder up a fortune with the hundreds of thousands of wild, scrawny longhorns that came up the Chisholm Trail through Indian territory to Kansas. Big Jim Wade was desperate for money for himself and for the woman he loved. So he leased a million acres of grasslands from the Cheyenne chiefs and gambled everything he had to build a cattle kingdom. But that was the year the Cheyenne went on the warpath and all hell broke loose on the range.

And Then Came Spring

by Margaret Brownley

It all started with an ad in a mail-order bride catalogue . . .Mary-Jo has traveled halfway across the country to meet her match, arriving just in time for his funeral. Returning home seems like her only option until her would-be brother-in-law proposes a more daring idea.

And There I’ll Be a Soldier: A Western Story

by Johnny D. Boggs Chris Abell

Tormented by Southern partisans, Missouri farm boy Caleb Cole joins the Union’s Eighteenth Missouri. About the same time, down on the Texas coast, violin-playing Ryan McCalla, from a well-to-do family, enlists in the Confederacy’s Second Texas—mainly in the spirit of adventure—with some friends.The two teenagers are about to grow up quickly.Fate will bring the two together—along with a teenage girl from Corinth, Mississippi, when the Confederate and Union armies clash at Shiloh, Tennessee, and then again in the town of Corinth.They will learn that war is far from glorious.

Andrew Grey's Westerns (Dreamspinner Press Bundles #2)

by Andrew Grey

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of best-selling Westerns from Andrew Grey: A Shared Range: Despite Wally's inclination to help the wolves Dakota's men shoot to protect the cattle, he and Dakota find they have a lot in common, including a fierce attraction; A Troubled Range: Phillip accepts Haven for who he is, seeing through the mask Haven uses to hide his attraction to men, but their tentative and secret relationship will be under a huge amount of stress; A Wild Ride: Dante Rivers just lost the rodeo, is frustrated as hell, and knows just where to go. That night Ryan Abbott catches his eye; The Good Fight: Jerry just hopes his new employee, John Black Raven, ends up being more helpful than distracting--but John's deep eyes and long hair are very distracting; Eastern Cowboy: Brighton is instantly drawn to the intensely handsome and huge Tanner--he's everything Brighton likes in a man, though he holds back because Tanner is an employee, and because he can't understand why a man as virile as Tanner would be interested in him.

Andy, The Liar

by B. M. Bower

B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays about the American Old West. This is one of her stories.

Angel Creek (Western Ladies #2)

by Linda Howard

Desire came like a wildfire to the Colorado claim a woman's property...and her heart. For five years after her father died, lithe, beautiful Dee Swann held on to Angel Creek valley and her independence. The homestead was hers, and she vowed no one else would ever own it...or her. Then Lucas Cochran came back to Colorado. In the drought-cursed high country, he needed Angel Creek and its cool water to turn his Double C ranch into the cattle dynasty he craved. His ruthless ambition guaranteed he would fight to take it away from the black-haired, green-eyed spitfire who claimed it. But the passion that blazed when Dee Swann and Lucas Cochran met shocked them both. Unbidden, unexpected, their kisses swept them toward a dangerous destiny where dreams might be could be killed...or love would be born as wild and unfettered as this glorious frontier.

Angel Creek and A Lady of the West (Western Ladies #1, #2)

by Linda Howard

Desire and danger blaze like wildfire across the bold American these scorching novels from "New York Times" bestselling author Linda Howard. ANGEL CREEK: After her father died, beautiful Dee Swann held on to her homestead in the Colorado hills, fiercely determined that no one would claim her land -- or her independence. Then ruthless, ambitious Lucas Cochran came to Angel Creek valley to challenge her on both counts....He needs the valley's cool waters to turn the drought-cursed high country into the cattle dynasty he craves. But as their fiery confrontation flares into a wild and unfettered passion, they are bound together in a dangerous destiny -- with much more than just frontier dreams at stake. ... A LADY OF THE WEST: Victoria Waverly was a noble daughter of the war-ruined South -- and wife in name only to a heartless Western rancher. Yet neither honor nor pride could quench her forbidden desire for hired gunman Jake Roper. His narrow gaze, hard as ice, hid tender emotions -- and he cursed his burning need for this graceful, innocent lady. For the blazing New Mexico territory called him to fight for the sweeping ranchland that was his birthright. On a mission to set right the past across the lawless land, the powerful cowboy and the aristocratic beauty would reach the heights of passion -- and step closer to the flames of destruction. ...

An Angel For Dry Creek (Dry Creek Series #1)

by Janet Tronstad

A police sketch artist flees Seattle after witnessing a murder and finds refuge in Montana at the home of a man and his twin sons. She settles into her small-town life and develops a bond with the boys. Can the boys' real-life angel face the danger of her past?

Angel Gone Bad (Gone Bad #2)

by Sabine Starr

A Good Plot. By day Angel Morgan reads her thrilling dime novels about the Wild West to the corseted members of the Red River Book club. But when the sun sets on the Texas border her own life proves to be stranger than fiction, especially when a friend's life depends on her utilizing her many secret talents. . .A Surprise Ending. Rune Wulfsson is no stranger to Angel Morgan's talents--the ones that left him burning for more and the ones that left him wrongfully locked up in jail. Now that he's no longer behind bars, he's riding hard for some good old fashioned revenge. But first he needs Angel's help in hunting down some horse thieves, kidnappers and killers. Tough enough without Angel and Rune's hands all over each other. It gets worse. But sometimes, bad is good. . .

Angel of Mercy & Standoff at Mustang Ridge

by Heather Graham

He's no saint, but neither is she... Brad McKenna is a DEA agent running from lethal enemies, each painful step drawing him deeper into the tangled Everglades. But he can't run forever, and when he is shot and left for dead, the last thing he expects is to wake up facing a silver-eyed angel. Wendy Hawk is no angel, but when she finds Brad wounded and unconscious, she acts instinctively to save him. Wendy is cautious by nature, and her reclusive existence is rocked by the intrusion of this rugged, hunted man. In the anonymity of darkness and unanswered questions, Brad and Wendy are drawn together-because now killers want both of them dead. FREE BONUS STORY INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME! Standoff at Mustang Ridge by USA TODAY by Delores Fossen When deputy sheriff Royce McCall responds to a break-in at his family's cabin, he doesn't expect the intruder to be the beautiful Sophie Conway! Sophie becomes a killer's target, and Royce vows to protect her. But when the memories of their one-night stand become clearer, so does the fact that Sophie is keeping secrets...

The Angry Town of Pawnee Bluffs

by Lewis B. Patten

When Jesse Marks' fiancee and her kid sister are brutally attacked and left for dead by two unknown drifters, all of Pawnee Bluffs rushes to join the posse to track down the killers. The angry townspeople whip themselves into lynch-mob frenzy, and Jesse wishes he didn't wear a badge. Sworn to uphold the law, he must bring the fugitives to a fair trial. But Jesse has a mighty struggle to overcome his personal feelings of hatred for the men who violated his sweetheart. And beyond that, there is bound to be plenty of trouble. ...

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