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Letting Hearts Heal

by Luna Jensen

Mason returns to Sweet Valley, Montana, with nothing but a backpack full of rejections. After nearly a decade in the big city experiencing the highest highs and lowest lows, his heart and spirit are shattered. Fire robbed him of cooking--the only thing he's good at--and now he's out of options. Thrust into instant fatherhood, Dean struggles to find a balance between getting to know his young son and building his business. Meeting Mason again after many years apart just adds another element to the juggling act. Dean's vision for his ranch give them a chance to work together--to find each other and to heal--but it's no easy feat for a grief-stricken little boy, an overwhelmed loner used to focusing only on his work, and an insecure chef. Can they find the path to healing and happiness?

Leviatano Moby Dick, o Il cowboy fuorilegge ricercato

by Wakii Reeder Buckshot Billy

Questa storia parte da un classico della letteratura, “Moby Dick” di Herman Melville, e lo trasforma in un western. Un racconto sulla vendetta, in cui il capitano Achab dà la caccia a un ricercato di nome Leviatano Moby Dick. Non potrete che essere rapiti da questo racconto marinaresco ambientato sulla terraferma! Nel libro è incluso un questionario.

Libertà condizionata (Serie Liberi #1)

by Emanuela Graziani Ba Tortuga

Si dice che un uomo può sempre tornare a casa. Sage Redding, dopo essere stato in prigione, torna al ranch di famiglia nel nordest del Texas per aiutare il padre malato con i cavalli. Adam (Win) Winchester è un agente di contea e il cugino di uno degli uomini rimasti uccisi nell'incidente che ha spedito Sage in prigione per quasi dieci anni. I suoi zii Jim e Teddy sono determinati a farla pagare a Sage e a tutta la famiglia Redding per il loro lutto, ma Win pensa che Sage abbia onorato i suoi debiti e che abbia bisogno di un amico. Forse più che un amico. Anzi, Win ci conta. Nessuno nega che Sage sia un ex detenuto andato in prigione per omicidio colposo. A dispetto dell'amore per il padre, Sage è tornato sapendo che le cose sarebbero probabilmente andate male per lui. Forse un uomo può sempre tornare a casa, ma non è detto che riesca a restarci.

Liebe auf Bewährung (Das Recht auf Liebe #1)

by Nora Lys Ba Tortuga

Buch 1 in der Serie - Das Recht auf LiebeEs heißt, ein Mann könne immer nach Hause zurückkommen. Daher kehrt Sage Redding nach einer schwierigen Zeit zurück auf die Familienranch im nordöstlichen Texas, um seinem kranken Vater beim Training der Westernpferde zu helfen. Adam (Win) Winchester ist ein Polizist auf dem Land und der Cousin eines der Opfer, die bei dem Vorfall, für den Sage fast ein Jahrzehnt im Gefängnis verbracht hat, getötet wurden. Während Adams Onkel, Jim und Teddy, fest entschlossen sind, Sage und die gesamte Reddingfamilie für ihren Verlust büßen zu lassen, ist Adam der Meinung, dass Sage seine Schuld beglichen hat und vielleicht einen Freund braucht. Möglicherweise braucht er ja jemanden, der mehr als ein Freund ist. Genau genommen setzt Adam darauf. Niemand streitet ab, dass Sage ein Ex-Knacki ist, der wegen Totschlags im Gefängnis gesessen hat. Aus Liebe zu seinem Vater ist er zurückgekehrt, obwohl er weiß, dass es wahrscheinlich schlecht für ihn laufen wird. Ein Mann kann vielleicht immer nach Hause zurückkommen, schafft es aber möglicherweise nicht, zu bleiben.

Liebe, die wie Wasser fließt

by Rowan Speedwell Heike Reifgens

Drei Jahre als verdeckter Ermittler in einer der übelsten Banden des Landes haben FBI Agenten Joshua Chastain gebrochen. Im Kampf gegen Albträume und Abhängigkeit verlässt er den Asphaltdschungel und reist ins Pferdeland New Mexico, wo er hofft, auf der Ranch seines Onkels neu anzufangen. Vorarbeiter Eli Kelly verbringt sein Leben damit, misshandelte Tiere zu rehabilitieren, und Joshua ist für ihn nur eine weitere, verlorene Seele. Aber als Joshua langsam beginnt, sein Leben wieder aufzubauen, erkennt Eli, dass Joshua sehr viel mehr ist als nur sein neustes Projekt. Joshuas Plan scheint aufzugehen – vielleicht war ein Neuanfang wirklich genau das, was er gebraucht hat. Dann, gerade, als er endlich Frieden gefunden hat, zerstören Gewalt und Hass beinahe all seine harte Arbeit und zwingen ihn dazu, darüber nachzudenken, was er sich eigentlich erhofft – von der Freundschaft mit Eli und vom Leben.

Liebe mit Brief und Siegel

by B. A. Stretke Heike Reifgens

William Drake führt ein ganz normales Leben - er hat einen Job, einen Hund und ein Haus am Lake Superior - bis ein panischer Anruf seiner nichtsnutzigen Schwester Katrina, die ihn um Hilfe bittet, sein ganzes Leben aus der Bahn wirft. Und wie um zu beweisen, dass jede gute Tat im Leben belohnt wird, wird Wills Ankunft auf der Ranch von Katrinas Verlobtem Martin in Montana von einem geplatzten Reifen begleitet. Will erhält Hilfe von einem großen, gutaussehenden und geheimnisvollen Samariter, der sich wenig später als Elijah Hunter herausstellt, Martins Bruder, und der am meisten verwirrende, beunruhigende Mann, den Will je getroffen hat. Elijahs kochende Wut über Katrinas schändliche Pläne erstreckt sich auch auf Will, und er verlangt, dass Will so lange auf der Ranch bleibt, bis die Angelegenheit geklärt ist. Will kann zwar Katrinas Platz einnehmen, aber Elijah macht es ihm nicht leicht und stellt Will bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit auf die Probe. Doch dann gelingt es Will, Elijahs Ansprüche mit seinen kompromisslosen Moralvorstellungen noch zu übertreffen. Die gegenseitige Anziehungskraft zwischen den beiden Männern wächst, wird aber durch ein Ultimatum Elijahs kompliziert: Er will, dass Katrina den Ehevertrag einhält - es sei denn, Will stimmt zu, Elijah zu heiraten.

LIFE Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at 50

by The Editors of LIFE

LIFE Magazine presents Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at 50.

The Life She Left Behind

by Jessica Blair

As a young widow with futures to secure for her two daughters, Glenda McKinley is torn between remaining at her beloved estate Pinmuir in the Scottish Highlands, or following the plans her deceased husband made to join his brother in America. Though her inclination is to stay among all that is dear and familiar, she is forced to reconsider when her daughter Caitlin's health takes a turn for the worse and the family doctor suggests a change of scenery would do her good.The family's imminent departure for Colorado comes as a blow to Ros, the eldest girl, who has fallen in love with Clive, son of their estate manager. For her sister's sake, however, she agrees to try life on her uncle's cattle ranch and the family travel half the world away to start anew.America is a whole new world to the McKinley family, and in spite of the hospitable welcome they receive from Gordon McKinley, the scale of the country and hard realities of ranch life come as a shock to the family who pine for the things and people they left behind in Scotland.When a gentle, unassuming cowboy falls for Glenda, she has a strong incentive to stay and make a new life. But with Ros yearning for the man waiting for her back in Scotland, can the family ever find true happiness when each must pursue a different dream?

The Life She Left Behind

by Jessica Blair

As a young widow with futures to secure for her two daughters, Glenda McKinley is torn between remaining at her beloved estate Pinmuir in the Scottish Highlands, or following the plans her deceased husband made to join his brother in America. Though her inclination is to stay among all that is dear and familiar, she is forced to reconsider when her daughter Caitlin's health takes a turn for the worse and the family doctor suggests a change of scenery would do her good.The family's imminent departure for Colorado comes as a blow to Ros, the eldest girl, who has fallen in love with Clive, son of their estate manager. For her sister's sake, however, she agrees to try life on her uncle's cattle ranch and the family travel half the world away to start anew.America is a whole new world to the McKinley family, and in spite of the hospitable welcome they receive from Gordon McKinley, the scale of the country and hard realities of ranch life come as a shock to the family who pine for the things and people they left behind in Scotland.When a gentle, unassuming cowboy falls for Glenda, she has a strong incentive to stay and make a new life. But with Ros yearning for the man waiting for her back in Scotland, can the family ever find true happiness when each must pursue a different dream?

The Life She Left Behind

by Jessica Blair

As a young widow with futures to secure for her two daughters, Glenda McKinley is torn between remaining at her beloved estate Pinmuir in the Scottish Highlands, or following the plans her deceased husband made to join his brother in America. Though her inclination is to stay among all that is dear and familiar, she is forced to reconsider when her daughter Caitlin's health takes a turn for the worse and the family doctor suggests a change of scenery would do her good. <p><p>The family's imminent departure for Colorado comes as a blow to Ros, the eldest girl, who has fallen in love with Clive, son of their estate manager. For her sister's sake, however, she agrees to try life on her uncle's cattle ranch and the family travel half the world away to start anew. America is a whole new world to the McKinley family, and in spite of the hospitable welcome they receive from Gordon McKinley, the scale of the country and hard realities of ranch life come as a shock to the family who pine for the things and people they left behind in Scotland. <p><p>When a gentle, unassuming cowboy falls for Glenda, she has a strong incentive to stay and make a new life. But with Ros yearning for the man waiting for her back in Scotland, can the family ever find true happiness when each must pursue a different dream?

The Light of the Western Stars

by Zane Grey

Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 - October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier, including the novel Riders of the Purple Sage, his bes selling book. This is one of his stories.

The Light of Western Stars

by Zane Grey

A New York society girl buys a ranch which becomes the center of frontier warfare. Her loyal superintendent rescues her when she is captured by bandits. A surprising climax brings the story to a delightful close.

Light the Stars: A Romance Novel

by Raeanne Thayne

Return to the one that started it all with the very first book in the beloved Cowboys of Cold Creek series! Wade Dalton is having a bad day: his five-year-old has accidentally set the kitchen on fire. His daughter is surly, as usual. The baby hasn't been fed yet. And his mother—aka "the childminder"—has eloped with a scam artist. Could it get any worse? Turns out it can, when the annoyingly beautiful daughter of said scam artist shows up at the door, batting her doe eyes at Wade and offering to be his temporary nanny until the newlyweds' return. Could he trust her to be under his roof? Could he trust himself with her under his roof? Originally published in 2006

Light the Stars & The Farmer Next Door

by RaeAnne Thayne Patricia Davids

BESTSELLING AUTHOR COLLECTIONReader-favorite romances in collectible volumes from our bestselling authors.LEARNING TO LOVE AGAINWade Dalton is having a bad day. His five-year-old has accidentally set the kitchen on fire. His daughter is surly, as usual. The baby hasn’t been fed yet. And his mother—aka “the childminder”—has eloped with a scam artist. Could it get any worse?Turns out it can, when the annoyingly beautiful daughter of said scam artist shows up at the door, batting her doe eyes at Wade and offering to be his temporary nanny until the newlyweds return. Can he trust her to be under his roof? Can he trust himself with her under his roof?FREE BONUS STORY INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME!The Farmer Next Door by USA TODAY bestselling author Patricia DavidsWidow Faith Martin settles in Hope Springs planning to turn a run-down farmstead into a home for her recently orphaned nephew. Her neighbor, Adrian Lapp, is drawn to the courageous woman, but has vowed to never marry again. Can these broken hearts be brought together for a second chance at love?


by Zane Grey

Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 - October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier, including the novel Riders of the Purple Sage, his bes selling book. This is one of his stories.

Lightning of Gold: A Western Story

by Max Brand

From legendary Western author Max Brand comes a tale of covert espionage, gold, and a mysterious figure on horseback. In this dramatic and strange story, Lefty Bill Ranger, an Alaskan mail carrier, travels to Circle City through a terrific snowstorm. There he meets Menneval--a man who is widely feared throughout the territory--and is offered a job. He is to go to Tuckerville, California, and from there to the mountain fastness where Peter Crosson and his son, Oliver, live in total isolation. Menneval wants Ranger to watch and report what he sees for a period of six months. The pay for this espionage will be $6,000 in gold. Ranger, attracted by the money, accepts the assignment. In the Sierra Mountains, Ranger sets up his camp and, pretending to be a trapper, keeps the Crosson ranch under surveillance. One day, Ranger is amazed to witness a gigantic mountain lion being pursued by a pack of wolves and followed by a bronzed youth on horseback. The wolf pack seems to be under the guidance of the youth, who carries only a hunting knife. Later, two hardcases fully armed with rifles and revolvers attempt to enter the Crosson range, intent on rustling Crosson cattle. They disappear, and, when Ranger next sees them, the men are afoot, covered with wounds, their clothes in tatters, fleeing in terror for their very lives. It is here that Lefty Bill Ranger will experience, for the first time, what is called the lightning of gold.

The Lightning Runner: A Western Story

by Max Brand

Notorious outlaw Lawrence Grey has been captured near El Paso. Marshal Neilan has a proposal for him. Neilan will set Grey free if he tries to locate John Ray, a man who was last known to be living in San Vicente, Mexico. The men Neilan sent previously have disappeared or quit the job. Brick Forbes of Pittsburgh is worth millions. Ray once did him a kindness. Now that Forbes is desperately ill, he wants to leave his fortune to Ray rather than to his own relatives. Grey agrees to Neilan’s proposal and goes to San Vicente, where he promptly saves the life of Mexican general Miguel O’Riley during a bombing attempt. The general makes inquiries and learns that the stranger who saved his life is called John Lawrence and that he is studying Spanish. Another American named Dickson Jarvis, employed by Forbes’s relatives, informs O’Riley that Lawrence is actually a wanted outlaw on both sides of the border. Later, Jarvis is murdered. Lawrence has his own audience with General O’Riley and asks him for a guide into the mountains. O’Riley sends for Oliver Slade, a man who strangely resembles the one who killed Jarvis. This proves only the beginning of an intrigue in which Lawrence’s life is threatened continually from all sides.

Like Doctor, Like Son

by Harlequin

It was a shocking way to find out he had a nearly grown son — one so like him in looks and intention. GP Quinn Jamison knew that more than an unexpected pregnancy must have kept Faith away from him for so many years. He couldn't believe she had fallen out of love with him, any more than he had stopped loving her. Now he had a chance to discover the truth&#8230and plan their future.

Lily (Seven Brides #7)

by Leigh Greenwood

The way Zac Randolph saw it, he was the luckiest man on earth. The handsome devil even owned his own Little Corner of Heaven, the best saloon in California. And with every temptress on the Barbary Coast yearning to take him to paradise, he certainly had no plans to be trapped by the so-called wedded bliss that had already claimed his six brothers. Then an enchanting angel came into his life, and Zac had to fight harder than ever to escape the holds of matrimony.

Lily and the Major (Orphan Train #1)

by Linda Lael Miller

The first novel in the romantic Orphan Train trilogy is a beloved historical classic about a woman who must choose between her family and her one true love—by #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller.In his arms, she discovered how tender—and how bold—true passion could be… Lily Chalmers wanted only two things from life—a farm of her own, and to find the sisters she hadn’t seen since they were all little girls heading West on the orphan train. She certainly had no desire for a husband. Yet proud, innocent Lily had no idea what desire meant until she met Major Caleb Halliday, a man who could ignite her very being with a single touch…a glance…a whisper. Sheltered in his arms, Lily rode the crest of a wild, helpless passion. And though she struggled against her own willful heart, she knew she could never choose between the dazzling man who had claimed her love so completely, and her bold, long-cherished dream…

Lin McLean

by Owen Wister

In the old days, the happy days, when Wyoming was a Territory with a future instead of a State with a past, and the unfenced cattle grazed upon her ranges by prosperous thousands, young Lin McLean awaked early one morning in cow camp, and lay staring out of his blankets upon the world. He would be twenty-two this week. He was the youngest cow-puncher in camp. But because he could break wild horses, he was earning more dollars a month than any man there, except one. The cook was a more indispensable person. None save the cook was up, so far, this morning. Lin's brother punchers slept about him on the ground, some motionless, some shifting their prone heads to burrow deeper from the increasing day. The busy work of spring was over, that of the fall, or beef round-up, not yet come. It was mid-July, a lull for these hard-riding bachelors of the saddle, and many unspent dollars stood to Mr. McLean's credit on the ranch books. "What's the matter with some variety?" muttered the boy in his blankets. The long range of the mountains lifted clear in the air. They slanted from the purple folds and furrows of the pines that richly cloaked them, upward into rock and grassy bareness until they broke remotely into bright peaks, and filmed into the distant lavender of the north and the south. On their western side the streams ran into Snake or into Green River, and so at length met the Pacific. On this side, Wind River flowed forth from them, descending out of the Lake of the Painted Meadows. A mere trout-brook it was up there at the top of the divide, with easy riffles and stepping-stones in many places; but down here, outside the mountains, it was become a streaming avenue, a broadening course, impetuous between its two tall green walls of cottonwood-trees. And so it wound away like a vast green ribbon across the lilac-gray sage-brush and the yellow, vanishing plains.

Linda Lael Miller Brides of Bliss County Series Books 1-3

by Linda Lael Miller

Join #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller in Bliss County, where the women are ready to meet the men of their dreams! THE MARRIAGE PACT Ten years ago, Hadleigh Stevens was eighteen and this close to saying "I do," when Tripp Galloway interrupted her walk down the aisle. Now that she's recovered from her youthful mistake and Tripp's interference, Hadleigh and her single friends form a marriage pact. She doesn't expect Tripp to meddle with her new plan to find Mr. Right--or to discover that she's more attracted to him than ever! Divorced and eager to reconnect with his cowboy roots, Tripp returns to Bliss County to save his ailing father's ranch. He's not looking for another wife--certainly not his best friend's little sister. But he's never been able to forget Hadleigh... THE MARRIAGE CHARM The women of Bliss County have a pact--to find husbands. The right husbands. One already has: Hadleigh Stevens, who married rancher Tripp Galloway a few months ago. Now Melody Nolan thinks it's her turn. Melody has recently found success as a jewelry designer, and her work is the focus of her life. She's not exactly unhappy, but she wants more. She's always been attracted to Spence Hogan, the local chief of police, but she's convinced that Spence, a notorious charmer, isn't what you'd call husband material. Spence is a good cop who isn't scared of anything--except love. And yet...there's something about Melody. Something his heart can't ignore. THE MARRIAGE SEASON Since Hadleigh, Melody and Bex--the best of best friends--entered into a marriage pact, two of them have found (and married) the men of their hearts. But Bex doesn't think she'll be as fortunate as the others. Then single father Tate Calder comes to Mustang Creek with his two sons in tow, boys who befriend Bex's eightyearold nephew. Which means she and the handsome, aloof newcomer are constantly thrown together. But is the marriage season over? Or can a man with doubts about love be the right husband for a woman who wants it all?

Linda Lael Miller Classic Western Romance Favorites: Just Kate\Part of the Bargain\Deadly Deceptions

by Linda Lael Miller

Love in the West has never been easy… Don’t miss a single classic story in this collection from #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller.Just KateEver since Kate Blake’s sister died in a car accident, it’s been just Kate to live up to her senator father’s expectations and her mother’s idea of perfection. But now, after a painful betrayal by those she loves, she decides it’s time to live for herself and claim what she wants. And what she wants is Sean Harris. The only man she’s ever loved…her late sister’s husband.Part of the BargainTo heal the wounds left by a broken marriage and the death of her beloved stepson, Libby Kincaid returned to the ranch where she grew up. But instead of the solace she craved, she found Jess Barlowe—sexy, alluring, and mad as hell. For years Jess had been her enemy. But soon those adversarial sparks ignited into a fire of passion…Deadly DeceptionsMojo is trying to enjoy her lovely new home, courtesy of her wealthy sister, Greer, but she’d rather be back in her apartment in Cave Creek, Arizona. Life was a lot simpler then. Now her sexy cop boyfriend can’t seem to let go of his past, while her sister’s being blackmailed for secrets in hers. There’s also a ghost who who needs help, but as the murders pile up, Mojo’s starting to discover secrets that even the dead don’t want disturbed.Originally published in 1989, 1985, and 2008

Linda Lael Miller Stone Creek Series Books 4-6: A Stone Creek Christmas\The Bridegroom\At Home in Stone Creek

by Linda Lael Miller

The last three stories in #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller's reader-favorite Stone Creek series In A Stone Creek Christmas, veterinarian Olivia O'Ballivan communicates easily with animals, but men are another story. Especially globe-trotting architect-turned-rancher Tanner Quinn, who is thrust into Olivia's life when she cares for his daughter Sophie's pony. Will Tanner and Olivia discover the holiday spirit...together? The Bridegroom finds undercover agent Gideon Yarbro honoring a decades-old promise to help Lydia Fairmont, even though she's being followed by a host of trouble. But can he keep his promise--even if he needs to marry her to save her?Ashley O'Ballivan is At Home in Stone Creek, where everyone in her life is marrying and starting families--except her. But why bother dating when no one can compare to Jack McCall, the man who left her heartbroken years ago? Now he's back in town...but maybe he isn't who she thinks he is.The Stone Creek Box Set Collection, Volumes 4--6A Stone Creek ChristmasThe BridegroomAt Home in Stone Creek

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