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Zwölf Tage (Der\buchladen Ser. #2)

by Feliz Faber Isabelle Rowan

Fortsetzung zu Eine RandbemerkungWeihnachten ist für viele die Zeit der Liebe und Freude, doch für drei Männer in einem Buchladen namens Margins wird die heiße australische Weihnacht auch zu einer Zeit des Nachdenkens über das, was einst war und das, was noch kommen wird und zeigt ihnen auf, wie wichtig Heimat und Familie sind. Ihre Lebenswege führen im Buchladen zusammen, doch dabei hat jeder seine eigenen Hürden zu meistern: David fällt es schwer, mit seinem Sohn wieder eine Verbindung aufzubauen; John erfährt etwas über den Vater, der ihn verlassen hat, und Jamie macht sich darauf gefasst, Weihnachten zum ersten Mal allein verbringen zu müssen.

Zuflucht im Käfig

by Feliz Faber Tempeste O'Riley

Kieferchirurg Kaden Thorn führt ein ruhiges Leben, jedoch ohne jede Hoffnung auf eine Liebe, wie er sie sich ersehnt. Seitdem er von Schwulenhassern brutal zusammengeschlagen wurde, kann er seine Beine nicht mehr gebrauchen und sitzt im Rollstuhl. Er hat die Hoffnung aufgegeben, je einen Dom oder auch nur einen "normalen" Partner zu finden, der ihn liebt. Als er praktisch unter Zwang eine Einladung zum Abendessen bei seiner besten Freundin annimmt, ist das letzte, womit er dort rechnet, ein starker Dom, der über seinen Rollstuhl hinwegsehen kann. Architekt Deacon James ist als Dom sehr anspruchsvoll, hat aber die letzten paar Jahre ohne Sub oder Partner zugebracht. Als einer seiner Angestellten ihn zu einer Dinnerparty einlädt, um ihm seine Lebensgefährtin vorzustellen, riecht Deacon ein abgekartetes Spiel, stimmt aber trotzdem zu. Er ist stolz auf seine ausgezeichnete Menschenkenntnis, und als er den jüngeren Zahnarzt kennenlernt, sieht er nicht den Rollstuhl, sondern einen liebenswerten, devoten Mann, der mehr als nur sein Interesse weckt. Kades Ängste und die Dämonen der Vergangenheit, die ihn heimsuchen, sind eine Herausforderung für Deacon; er braucht sein ganzes Können und seine ganze Erfahrung als Dom, um Kades Vertrauen und Hingabe zu gewinnen. Doch Deacon ist fest entschlossen, diese Schlacht erfolgreich zu schlagen, um Kade an seiner Seite und zu seinen Füßen zu haben.

The Zozobra Incident: A Bj Vinson Mystery (BJ Vinson Mystery #1)

by Don Travis

2nd EditionA BJ Vinson MysteryB. J. Vinson is a former Marine and ex-Albuquerque PD detective turned confidential investigator. Against his better judgment, BJ agrees to find the gay gigolo who was responsible for his breakup with prominent Albuquerque lawyer Del Dahlman and recover some racy photographs from the handsome bastard. The assignment should be fast and simple. But it quickly becomes clear the hustler isn't the one making the anonymous demands, and things turn deadly with a high-profile murder at the burning of Zozobra on the first night of the Santa Fe Fiesta. BJ's search takes him through virtually every stratum of Albuquerque and Santa Fe society, both straight and gay. Before it is over, BJ is uncertain whether Paul Barton, the young man quickly insinuating himself in BJ's life, is friend or foe. But he knows he's stepped into something much more serious than a modest blackmail scheme. With Paul and BJ next on the killer's list, BJ must find a way to put a stop to the death threats once and for all.First Edition published as The Zozobra Incident & The Bisti Business by Martin Brown Publishers, LLC, 2012.

Zombies in Love

by Dianne Hartsock

Something’s gone terribly wrong. In one breath, Patrick and Thomas have gone from a loving couple to zombies on the run, fighting to stay one step ahead of the dog pack sent to bring them down. What’s worse, Patrick seems to have lost his mind, a wide-eyed innocent not realizing their danger.Heartbroken, Thomas wonders if he’ll ever get his lover back, let alone find the sanctuary rumored to be in the east, before their lives come to a depressing and rather horrifying end.

Zodiac Starforce Volume 2: Cries of the Fire Prince

by Kevin Panetta

High school is anything but average for this gang of demon-fighting magical girls! The team forms a surprising alliance with their secretive UK counterparts to save their town and themselves!After defeating a former Zodiac Member and her mean-girl minions, the girls thought they'd catch a break! But once a mean magical girl, always a mean magical girl and Libra's former best friend wants that power back! Determined to bring the goddess Cimmeria into our dimension, her coven opens a portal to the dark dimension Nephos, only they don't get what they bargained for. A new big-bad has come out to play and demons begin to overrun the town! Zodiac Starforce discovers they aren't the only Zodiac team in the game and together they form a tenuous alliance to find out who's behind the demon infestation. The series Comics Alliance calls "your favorite new magical girl team" returns with even more laughs, crushes, and monsters in their latest adventure! Collects Zodiac Starforce 2 #1-#4.

Zodiac Starforce: By the Power of Astra

by Kevin Panetta

They're an elite group of teenage girls with magical powers who have sworn to protect our planet against dark creatures . . . as long as they can get out of class! Known as the Zodiac Starforce, these high-school girls aren't just combating math tests. They're also battling monsters--not your typical afterschool activity! But when an evil force from another dimension infects team leader Emma, she must work with her team of magically powered friends to save herself--and the world--from the evil Diana and her mean-girl minions!From Kevin Panetta (Bravest Warriors) and Paulina Ganucheau (TMNT: New Animated Adventures, Bravest Warriors), this super-fun and heartfelt story of growing up and friendship--with plenty of magical-girl fighting action--delivers the most exciting new ensemble cast in comics! Collects Zodiac Starforce #1-#4

Zipper Mouth

by Laurie Weeks

Selected by Dave Eggers for Best American Non-required Reading, Laurie Weeks' Zipper Mouth is a short tome of infinitesimal reach, a tiny star to light the land."--Eileen Myles, author of Inferno. Zipper Mouth is a brilliant rabbit hole of pitch-black hilarity, undead obsession, the horror of the everyday, and drugs drugs drugs."--Michelle Tea, co-founder of Sister Spit. In this extraordinary debut novel, Laurie Weeks captures the freedom and longing of life on the edge in New York City. Ranting letters to Judy Davis and Sylvia Plath, an unrequited fixation on a straight best friend, exalted nightclub epiphanies, devastating morning-after hangovers--Zipper Mouth chronicles the exuberance and mortification of a junkie, and transcends the chaos of everyday life. Laurie Weeks has been a superstar in the New York downtown writing world since the 1980s. Her fiction and other writings have been published in The Baffler, Vice, Nest, Index Magazine, LA Weekly, and Semiotext(e)'s The New Fuck You. A portion of this novel appeared recently in Dave Eggers' The Best American Nonrequired Reading. Weeks has taught in writing programs at University of California San Diego and the New School, and has toured the United States with the girl-punk group Sister Spit.

Zipper Mouth: A Novel

by Laurie Weeks

This novel of a young lesbian addict in &’90s NYC &“recalls Naked Lunch&” with &“dreamy, impressionistic, and rapturous&” prose—&“an ecstatic love story&” (Publishers Weekly). Written in the brash, fervent voice of the young and addicted, this debut novel from underground superstar Laurie Weeks &“is a short tome of infinitesimal reach, a tiny star to light the land&” (Eileen Myles). Strung out on dope and unrequited love for her straight best friend, Jane, the novel&’s unnamed narrator zig-zags between glimpses of her childhood and early teens to the raw, super-caffeinated world of her present on the streets of New York. Chosen by Dave Eggers as Best American Nonrequired Reading and a winner of the 2012 Lambda Literary Awards, this novel encapsulates the soaring highs and gritty lows of the junkie and the reckless intensity of love. &“The book&’s pulse is evident on every page.&” (Lambda Literary) &“Zipper Mouth is a brilliant rabbit hole of pitch-black hilarity, undead obsession, the horror of the everyday, and drug, drugs, drugs.&” —Michelle Tea, co-founder of SisterSpit

Zipper Fall

by Kate Pavelle

A Steel City StoryWyatt Gaudens, an advertising executive and adrenaline junkie, has fine-tuned the art of breaking and entering into apartments, misusing his considerable rock climbing skills. Once inside, he steals a pretty, shiny thing or two. When his friend Reyna complains that her jerk of a boss makes her workplace a living hell, he breaks into her boss's home to get even. More than any other pretty thing, what really catches his eye the most is her boss, Jack. Working hard to overcome his own lingering problems, investment specialist Jack Azzuri focuses on his second chance at making his business grow. But grief for his sister, Celia, recently killed in a suspicious climbing accident, sabotages his attempt to start over. When he meets Wyatt, he's strongly attracted even though Wyatt is the last person he should associate with. With Jack's explosive temper and Wyatt's adrenaline addiction, the path to a stable relationship will be a tough climb. They might succeed if they can sort out what really matters, as well as learn to take the good with the bad. Wyatt hopes to speed their progress by solving the mystery that's weighing Jack down: how did Celia really die?

Ziggy, Stardust and Me

by James Brandon

The year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. <P><P> In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. <P><P>To cope, Jonathan escapes to the safe haven of his imagination, where his hero David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and dead relatives, including his mother, guide him through the rough terrain of his life. In his alternate reality, Jonathan can be anything: a superhero, an astronaut, Ziggy Stardust, himself, or completely "normal" and not a boy who likes other boys. When he completes his treatments, he will be normal--at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web stumbles into his life. Web is everything Jonathan wishes he could be: fearless, fearsome and, most importantly, not ashamed of being gay. <p><p> Jonathan doesn't want to like brooding Web, who has secrets all his own. Jonathan wants nothing more than to be "fixed" once and for all. But he's drawn to Web anyway. Web is the first person in the real world to see Jonathan completely and think he's perfect. Web is a kind of escape Jonathan has never known. For the first time in his life, he may finally feel free enough to love and accept himself as he is. <p> A poignant coming-of-age tale, Ziggy, Stardust and Me heralds the arrival of a stunning and important new voice in YA.

Zest for Life: Lesbians' Experiences of Menopause

by Jennifer Kelly

Highlighting how and why the concerns of lesbians are often overlooked during the "change of life," this book draws on lesbians' menopausal experiences to illustrate how menopause can be a time to rejoice, not despair. Hormone replacement therapy, health services, body image, and homophobia are some of the topics discussed in this illuminating guide that doctors, heterosexual, and homosexual women will learn from and enjoy.

The Zero Knot

by K. Z. Snow

Eighteen-year-old Jess Bonner is casting off pretense--and, with it, some friends from his past who aren't particularly trustworthy. In just a few months he'll be starting college, and it's time for him to admit the truth: he's gay, not bi, and only one of his old friends holds any kind of real interest for him. When Dylan Finch, aka Mig, follows his lead and puts some distance between himself and the old crowd, he and Jess give in to a mutual attraction that's been building for years. But navigating a fledgling relationship isn't easy for beginners, and forces they can't seem to control keep tripping them up: sexual appetite, personal insecurities, fear of discovery, and more. They need clarity. They need courage. Just as they're on the verge of finding both, a vindictive act of jealousy sends one of them to jail. All their hard-won victories are in danger of falling to dust. And the only way to save what they have is to recognize it for what it is... and fight for its integrity. Second Place: Best LGBT Young Adult / Coming of Age

Zero at the Bone: Eiskalt Bis Ins Mark

by Feliz Faber Jane Seville

Nachdem er Augenzeuge eines Mafia-Mordes geworden ist, wird Chirurg Jack Francisco ins Zeugenschutzprogramm aufgenommen und an einen sicheren Ort gebracht, bis es Zeit für ihn sein wird, vor Gericht auszusagen. Ein Profikiller, nur als D bekannt , wird durch Erpressung dazu gezwungen, Jack aufzuspüren und zu töten. Doch ein letzter Rest von Gewissen verbietet es D, einen unschuldigen Mann zu ermorden. Stattdessen geschieht das Unwahrscheinliche: Jack und D werden zu Verbündeten und sind bald schon gemeinsam auf der Flucht vor geheimnisvollen Feinden. Um zu überleben, müssen die beiden Männer zusammenarbeiten. Aus diesem Zwang heraus formt sich zwischen ihnen eine emotionale Bindung, die bald schon zu einer unerwarteten Leidenschaft heranreift. Jack sieht die verwundete Seele unter Ds kaltem, emotionslosem Äußeren, und D erkennt in Jack den einen Menschen, der ihm helfen kann, wieder zu dem Mann zu werden, der er einst war. Je näher sie dem Tag von Jacks Aussage vor Gericht kommen, desto klarer erkennen Jack und D, dass sie nicht nur um ihr Leben kämpfen, sondern auch um ihre Zukunft... ihre gemeinsame Zukunft.

Zero at the Bone: Eiskalt Bis Ins Mark

by Jane Seville

After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hitman known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won&apos;t allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies. Forced to work together to survive, the two men forge a bond that ripens into unexpected passion. Jack sees the wounded soul beneath D&apos;s cold, detached exterior, and D finds in Jack the person who can help him reclaim the man he once was. As the day of Jack&apos;s testimony approaches, he and D find themselves not only fighting for their lives... but also fighting for their future. A future together.

Zerbrochenes Glas

by Melina Wilke John Inman

Im Alter von sechsundzwanzig Jahren geht Gordon Stafford davon aus, dass seine Tage gezählt sind. Zumindest hofft er das. Vor zwei Jahren kam durch seine Schuld bei einem Autounfall ein Mann ums Leben. Seither plagen ihn Schuldgefühle und Selbstmordgedanken. Dann bewahrt ihn Squirt – ein Obdachloser, der sein eigenes Päckchen zu tragen hat – vor einem schrecklichen Schicksal. Über Nacht findet Gordon nicht nur ein neues Licht, dem er folgen kann und vielleicht sogar den Mut, zu leben, sondern er begreift auch, dass vielleicht am Ende des Tunnels die Liebe auf ihn wartet. Gordon hätte nie gedacht, dass er einen Weg finden würde, sich selbst zu vergeben. Doch indem er das tut, öffnet er sein Herz – für die Liebe eines Mannes, den er am meisten verletzt hat.

Zenobia July

by Lisa Bunker

The critically acclaimed author of Felix Yz crafts a bold, heartfelt story about a trans girl solving a cyber mystery and coming into her own. <P><P>Zenobia July is starting a new life. She used to live in Arizona with her father; now she's in Maine with her aunts. She used to spend most of her time behind a computer screen, improving her impressive coding and hacking skills; now she's coming out of her shell and discovering a community of friends at Monarch Middle School. People used to tell her she was a boy; now she's able to live openly as the girl she always knew she was. <P><P>When someone anonymously posts hateful memes on her school's website, Zenobia knows she's the one with the abilities to solve the mystery, all while wrestling with the challenges of a new school, a new family, and coming to grips with presenting her true gender for the first time. Timely and touching, Zenobia July is, at its heart, a story about finding home.

Zenith - El Proyecto Interescisión: primer libro

by Arshad Ahsanuddin Carlos Bermejo Pérez

¿Y si pudieras cambiar la historia? ¿Y si alguien ya lo hubiera hecho? Obligado a quedarse en tierra después de que un intento de rescate en la órbita terrestre saliera mal, el comandante Martin Atkins de la Marina Confederada recibe una oferta del Proyecto Interescisión, un consorcio de corporaciones civiles que está a punto de perfeccionar la tecnología que permitirá viajar a otro sistema estelar. A pesar de sus reticencias, la oportunidad de volver a sentarse en el asiento del piloto de una nave es demasiado tentadora como para dejarla pasar y convence a su mejor amigo y compañero de tripulación, Charles Davenport, para que deje por un tiempo el ejército y se una a él a bordo de la Zenith, la primera nave estelar creada por la humanidad. Edward Harlen es un joven ingeniero brillante y una de las piezas clave en la construcción de la Zenith y la instalación del innovador reactor de plegado espacio-temporal. Sin embargo, Edward tiene sus propios motivos para unirse al proyecto. Tiene una deuda pendiente con su jefe, Trevor Sutton, una sed de venganza que su superior desconoce. Cuando la hermana de Edward, Stella, entra en escena y se asegura un puesto en el proyecto, todo el plan que había elaborado meticulosamente se desmorona. Stella podría arruinar no solo el ardid de Edward, sino toda la misión de la Zenith. Para complicarlo todo, la chispa de atracción que salta entre Edward y Martin es algo que no se puede permitir, pero que tampoco puede ignorar. Edward sabe el secreto que se esconde tras el Proyecto Interescisión; el potencial oculto de una tecnología que, en las manos equivocadas, podría convertirse en el arma definitiva: la habilidad de volver a escribir la historia, no solo una vez, sino todas las que se desee. Cuando un enemigo oculto se pone en marcha para destruirles y la lista de víctimas se multiplica, Martin y Edward tendrán que elegir entre dejar que el amor dicte sus destinos o alzarse en a

Zenith Dream

by F. T. Lukens

in the Broken Moon series finale, Ren, a technopathic star host in search of his lost brother, wakes from life-threatening injuries to discover his love, Asher, has returned to his position with the Phoenix Corps. Aboard the private trading ship, the Star Stream, the crew informs Ren the draconian Corps leaders believe hes dead. No longer hunted for his powers, he has an opportunity to disappear, but Ren is determined to fix his mistakes. He convinces the crew to join him for one last dangerous mission: Find Asher, free his brother Liam, and escape the Corps reach forever. But a war is brewing between two formidable armies, and Ren is drawn into the conflict. With friends by his side, Ren must make a choice, and it will affect the future of his found family--and the whole star cluster--forever.

Zênite: O Projeto Intercessão: Livro Um (O Projeto Intercessão #1)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

E se você pudesse mudar a história? E se alguém já tivesse? Aterrado após uma tentativa de resgate em órbita terrestre, o comandante Martin Atkins, da Marinha da Confederação, é abordado pelo Interscission Project, um consórcio de empresas civis à beira de aperfeiçoar a tecnologia para viajar para outra estrela. Apesar de suas dúvidas, a chance de voltar ao lugar do piloto é grande demais, e ele convence seu melhor amigo e colega de equipe, Charles Davenport, a deixar as forças armadas temporariamente e se juntar a ele como parte da tripulação do Zenith, a humanidade. primeira nave estelar. Edward Harlen é um jovem engenheiro brilhante e um participante importante na construção do Zenith para tirar proveito da tecnologia não testada da unidade de espaço dobrável. Mas Edward tem sua própria agenda para ingressar no projeto e uma pontuação amargamente pessoal para acertar com seu chefe, Trevor Sutton, uma vingança da qual Trevor é totalmente ignorante. Mas quando a irmã de Edward, Stella, entra em cena e consegue garantir uma posição no projeto, toda a trama cuidadosa de Edward fica perturbada, e ela pode significar a queda não apenas de seus planos de vingança, mas de toda a missão Zenith. A centelha de atração entre Edward e Martin é uma complicação que Edward não pode pagar, mas da qual ele não pode deixar de ir. Pois Edward conhece o segredo no coração do Interscission Project, o potencial oculto da tecnologia que em mãos erradas pode se tornar a arma definitiva do assassino: a capacidade de reescrever a história, não apenas uma vez, mas muitas vezes. À medida que um inimigo invisível se move para destruí-los, e a contagem de corpos se multiplica, Martin e Edward devem escolher se permitirão que a possibilidade do amor desafie seus destinos, ou então pegarão em armas em uma guerra para controlar o máximo possível. poder antigo e terrível no universo.

Zeit und Zärtlichkeit

by J. R. Loveless Heike Reifgens

Kaden James verbirgt seine quälende Vergangenheit und einen mit Narben übersäten Körper, was es ihm nicht leicht macht, einen Job zu behalten. Das Blatt wendet sich für ihn endlich zum Guten, als er Arbeit als Koch auf einer Ranch in Montana findet, wo er dem verboten gutaussehenden Logan Michaels begegnet. Logan ist anders als alle Männer, die Kaden je getroffen hat, und ehe er es sich versieht, ist er auf dem Weg, sich in den großen Cowboy zu verlieben. Aber Kadens Albträume lassen sich nicht so leicht bannen - und er hat nicht nur Angst vor seinem eigenen Schatten, sondern muss ein Leben voller Missbrauch, schrecklichen Erinnerungen und seine Sucht nach Selbstverletzung bewältigen. Kann Logans zärtliche Berührung Kaden helfen, zu heilen?

Zami A New Spelling of My Name: A New Spelling of My Name

by Geraldine Audre Lorde

"ZAMI is a fast-moving chronicle. From the author's vivid childhood memories in Harlem to her coming of age in the late 1950s, the nature of Audre Lorde's work is cyclical. It especially relates the linkage of women who have shaped her . . . Lorde brings into play her craft of lush description and characterization. It keeps unfolding page after page."-Off Our BacksFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Zahra Owens's Greatest Hits (Dreamspinner Press Bundles #14)

by Zahra Owens

Don&apos;t miss these four contemporary romances from Zahra Owens: In Diplomacy, Jack and Lucas start a passionate relationship, which continues long after their partners return. Diplomatic circles are notoriously conservative though, and they each know that the right woman by their side makes a very significant contribution to their success. Will they be able to make the right choices in their professional and personal lives? Or will they need to sacrifice one for the other? In Façade, Jonas Hunter, high-class body for hire, meets his match in new client Nicky Bryant, an effeminate, tantrum-throwing, attention-seeking bad boy of Paris haute couture, everything he despises in a man. But Jonas soon learns they each carefully maintain a façade. In The Hand-me-down, Jez pays a visit to his old friend Nick, who introduces his much younger lover, Jaime... and then asks Jex to look after him when Nick is gone. And in the reader-favorite Western Clouds and Rain, Flynn doesn't bargain for being captivated gentle, lonely Gable, who captures his heart and moves Flynn to take on an incredible burden: saving Gable's ranch.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Zaftig: Well Rounded Erotica

by Hanne Blank

"Zaftig, in Yiddish, means juicy. It also means voluptuous, plump, and round in a deliciously sensuous sort of way," writes Hanne Blank. "Used to refer to people's bodies, it suggests opulence and abundance, a sort of unconventional beauty built on heft and curves and softness. Zaftig is also, often, a euphemism for saying that someone is fat." Hanne Blank presents Zaftig, the first erotica collection celebrating the sexuality of voluptuous women, a full-bodied volume filled with surprising, steamy stories showcasing the sex lives of women of size and their admirers.

Zack's Story: Growing Up With Same-sex Parents (meeting the Challenge)

by Keith Elliot Greenberg

My name is Zack, and I'm 11. I live in New Jersey with my mom and Margie. I call Margie my second mother. My mom and Margie are lesbians--they fell in love with each other and have a relationship together. Sometimes kids say really mean things about gay people, and I know that some kids think that having lesbian mothers is strange. But I think we live the way every family does. When I'm not in school, I like to play baseball, go on picnics, and go in-line skating.

Zach's Man

by Elizabeth L. Brooks

I am a gay man, not a straight woman, no matter what parts my body has, no matter how hard it is for my family to understand. I'm luckier than many in my position. My family may not understand, but they are only confused, not hateful.And I have Zach, who knows who and what I am, who sees the real me.Note: This story is included in the author’s anthology, Whetting the Appetite.

The Z Word

by Lindsay King-Miller

&“Sexy, scathing, delightful, and intimately devastating.&”—Gretchen Felker-Martin, author of Manhunt and CuckooPacked with action, humor, sex, and big gay feelings, The Z Word is the queer zombie romp you didn&’t know you needed.Chaotic bisexual Wendy is trying to find her place in the queer community of San Lazaro, Arizona, after a bad breakup—which is particularly difficult because her ex is hooking up with some of her friends. And when the people around them start turning into violent, terrifying mindless husks, well, that makes things harder. Especially since the infection seems to be spreading.Now, Wendy and her friends and frenemies—drag queen Logan, silver fox Beau, sword lesbian Aurelia and her wife Sam, mysterious pizza delivery stoner Sunshine, and, oh yeah, Wendy&’s ex-girlfriend Leah—have to team up to stay alive, save Pride, and track the zombie outbreak to its shocking source. Hopefully without killing each other first.The Z Word is a propulsive, funny, emotional horror debut about a found family coming together to fight corporate greed, political corruption, gay drama, and zombies.

Yuma Prison

by Dale Chase

When young Wynn Dyer is released from Yuma Prison after a six-year sentence, he’s forced to sell himself for money as a matter of survival. Town marshal Jack Halligan becomes one of his customers, falling for Wynn and helping him land a cowhand job on a local ranch.Then Wynn takes up with another cowhand named Lane. This not only complicates Wynn’s situation, as he still believes he loves Jack, but leads to problems for the marshal.Inexperienced in matters of the heart, Wynn tries to hold onto both men but risks losing them both. Can this young cowboy find his way in romance and in life?

Yuletide Present

by Deirdre O'Dare

Scarred by an abusive stepfather who destroyed his confidence and faith, Rob is adrift. Trying to live on the street, he falls under the domination of an older man who is only marginally kinder to him. This man, self-proclaimed leader of a Wiccan coven, is very arrogant and self-centered. Through this association, though, Rob obtains a job in a book store. He also serves as an assistant to Daniel in rites and ceremonies, albeit living in fear of making mistakes. At a sabbat gathering, he meets Sean.Sean grew up in a Wiccan home and only left following his parents’ death in an accident. He has floundered along alone and now works as a nurse. Seeing a notice of a coven in his new home town, he attends a sabbat gathering. There he meets and is instantly drawn to Rob, seeing the gentle, truly good soul behind his shyness. Sean recognized he must woo the other man carefully and win his trust before they can begin a real relationship. Daniel stands in the way.When Daniel’s overbearing ways finally create a rebellion in the group, Sean sees a chance to step in. Will he manage to show Rob that sex can be about caring, trust and love instead of domination and harsh control?

Yule Meet Again

by Robert James

Some Christmas gifts don’t come neatly wrapped with a big red bow. If you had the chance to reconnect with your first, secret love, would you do it? Or is it better to preserve the sweet distant memory?Lovelorn Ezra is firmly entrenched in his holiday funk when Brant, a knight in shining swimming trunks who, as a camp counselor, rescued him from loneliness at summer camp two decades earlier, unexpectedly walks back into his life. Brant was his first major crush and has been his fantasy lover ever since.Now that they’re both consenting adults and unattached, is it time to make his move? Should he?

Yule Be Naughty

by Kris T. Bethke

Sequel to Accepting SubmissionAsher and Trey have enjoyed two years of mated bliss. It’s still not easy for Asher to ask for what he needs, but he’s accepted his submissive nature and trusts Trey to dominate him. But with the growing pack and the holidays approaching, Asher finds himself losing touch with his Dom.In a desperate attempt to gain his mates attention, Asher acts out of character and breaks the rules. He knows it’s the fastest way to get Trey to focus on him. Asher doesn’t want to be selfish, but he knows that their dynamic is important to them both. Being naughty works like a charm. Can these two men finally have the conversation they need to have? And will it be enough to save their love?

Yule Be in My Heart

by Feral Sephrian

As a homosexual Pagan, Ethan is the ultimate odd-man-out in his Presbyterian family. While his parents and siblings are supportive enough, his other relatives all but despise him and his lifestyle.Years after starting again in a new state with his boyfriend Caleb, Ethan is invited back home to spend the holidays with his family. Knowing this could end in disaster, but hoping for a new beginning, Ethan and Caleb accept the invitation. Things get off to a rough start, but nothing prepares them for the fiasco at Christmas dinner ...

The Yuchae Blossom (World of Love)

by Asher Quinn

Can two men find happiness in a country that doesn’t accept their love? When Jack Calloway is transferred to his firm’s South Korean branch on Jeju Island, he’s assigned a valet, the beautiful but shy Song Woo-bin. He stirs feelings Jack has rarely experienced for another man, but everything seems to be against them—Jack is older and Song Woo-bin’s supervisor. He is just beginning to understand the new culture surrounding him even as he accepts his own desires for the first time, and Song Woo-bin is closeted, inexperienced, and estranged from his family. Their path to each other is full of obstacles and societal disapproval. Will the two men eventually come together amid the clash and complement of Eastern and Western culture… and find a home among the yuchae blossoms?World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship (Sexuality, Culture and Health)

by Peter Aggleton Rob Cover Deana Leahy Daniel Marshall Mary Lou Rasmussen

Sexual citizenship is a powerful concept associated with debates about recognition and exclusion, agency, respect and accountability. For young people in general and for gender and sexually diverse youth in particular, these debates are entangled with broader imaginings of social transitions: from ‘child’ to ‘adult’and from ‘unreasonable subject’ to one ‘who can consent’. This international and interdisciplinary collection identifies and locates struggles for recognition and inclusion in particular contexts and at particular moments in time, recognising that sexual and gender diverse young people are neither entirely vulnerable nor self-reliant. Focusing on the numerous domains in which debates about youth, sexuality and citizenship are enacted and contested, Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship explores young people’s experiences in diverse but linked settings: in the family, at school and in college, in employment, in social media and through engagement with health services. Bookended by reflections from Jeffrey Weeks and and Susan Talburt, the book’s empirically grounded chapters also engage with the key debates outlined in it's scholarly introduction. This innovative book is of interest to students and scholars of gender and sexuality, health and sex education, and youth studies, from a range of disciplinary and professional backgrounds, including sociology, education, nursing, social work and youth work.

Yours for the Taking: A Novel

by Gabrielle Korn

The year is 2050. Ava and her girlfriend live in what's left of Brooklyn, and though they love each other, it's hard to find happiness while the effects of climate change rapidly eclipse their world. Soon, it won't be safe outside at all. The only people guaranteed survival are the ones whose applications are accepted to The Inside Project, a series of weather-safe, city-sized structures around the world. Jacqueline Millender is a reclusive billionaire/women’s rights advocate, and thanks to a generous donation, she’s just become the director of the Inside being built on the bones of Manhattan. Her ideas are unorthodox, yet alluring—she's built a whole brand around rethinking the very concept of empowerment. Shelby, a business major from a working-class family, is drawn to Jacqueline’s promises of power and impact. When she lands her dream job as Jacqueline’s personal assistant, she's instantly swept up into the glamourous world of corporatized feminism. Also drawn into Jacqueline's orbit is Olympia, who is finishing up medical school when Jacqueline recruits her to run the health department Inside. The more Olympia learns about the project, though, the more she realizes there's something much larger at play. When Ava is accepted to live Inside and her girlfriend isn’t, she’s forced to go alone. But her heartbreak is quickly replaced with a feeling of belonging: Inside seems like it’s the safe space she’s been searching for… most of the time. Other times she can’t shake the feeling that something is deeply off. As she, Olympia, and Shelby start to notice the cracks in Jacqueline's system, Jacqueline tightens her grip, becoming increasingly unhinged and dangerous in what she is willing to do—and who she is willing to sacrifice—to keep her dream alive. At once a mesmerizing story of queer love, betrayal, and chosen family, and an unflinching indictment of white, corporate feminism, Gabrielle Korn's Yours for the Taking holds a mirror to our own world, in all its beauty and horror.

Yours All Along

by Roni Loren

The new Loving on the Edge romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Nothing Between Us turns on the heat between two men who wonder how much they're willing to risk in the name of love.Four years after an accident tore their friendship apart, Hunter and Devon are living separate lives. Hunter is now the all-America hero--a congressman's son and a pro pitcher in Houston preparing to marry his beauty-queen girlfriend. Devon is in Dallas running a new restaurant. But when Hunter unexpectedly shows up in Devon's bar, Devon can't turn him away. Damn it if the man isn't still gorgeous. But engaged? Hell no. All he's doing for Devon is bringing back memories of their college-roommate days, and the night their relationship went too far. Turns out Hunter has never forgotten it either.Now Devon can't help but be drawn in all over again by the only guy who's ever gotten close enough to break his heart. Maybe one more night together would be enough for both of them to finally move on. Or maybe one night will change everything...

You're You (Lorimer Real Love)

by Mette Bach

Freyja, leader on her school's Gay-Straight Alliance, is a politically active 17-year-old who has always identified as a lesbian. When her girlfriend breaks up with her, she is upset and has to distance herself from her ex and the pride video blog they created together. Freyja needs a new cause so she starts volunteering at the local food bank. There, she learns about food justice and begins to develop feelings for her male team leader, Sanjay. When Freyja is accused of "going-straight" she has to decide if she can reconcile with self-identifying as a bisexual and take a chance on love with Sanjay. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

You're the One

by Gene Taylor

Intimidated by the clubs and cabarets of 1970s Chicago, shy English teacher Graham Thomas needs a miracle just to be able to talk to a man. When help arrives from a Robert Redford look-alike wizard, Graham brushes him off--he's obviously certifiable. Or so Graham thinks until he tries out a popular song title as a come-on line and everything changes. Given the power to make others fall in love with him, Graham begins to enjoy the nightlife. But when he misuses his gift, he finds himself with accidental and unwanted suitors, including the senior dean at his school, a ticket-mad cop, and a rich young banker. Then Graham meets Mark Matthews and finally faces the moral issue of whether it's fair to use magic to make someone fall in love. It would be so easy....

You're Not from Around Here, Are You: A Lesbian in Small-Town America

by Louise A. Blum

This is a funny, moving story about life in a small town, from the point of view of a pregnant lesbian. Louise A. Blum, author of the critically acclaimed novel Amnesty, now tells the story of her own life and her decision to be out, loud, and pregnant. Mixing humor with memorable prose, Blum recounts how a quiet, conservative town in an impoverished stretch of Appalachia reacts as she and a local woman, Connie, fall in love, move in together, and determine to live their life together openly and truthfully. The town responds in radically different ways to the couple’s presence, from prayer vigils on the village green to a feature article in the family section of the local newspaper. This is a cautionary, wise, and celebratory tale about what it’s like to be different in America—both the good and the bad. A depiction of small town life with all its comforts and its terrors, this memoir speaks to anyone who has ever felt like an outsider in America. Blum tells her story with a razor wit and deft precision, a story about two "girls with grit," and the child they decide to raise, right where they are, in small town America.

You're a Mean One, Matthew Prince (Boy Meets Boy #2)

by Timothy Janovsky

An "effervescent" (Rachel Lynn Solomon) stand-alone Christmas LGBTQIA+ New Adult RomCom, perfect for fans of Schitt's Creek and Red White & Royal Blue.BRING A LITTLE JOY TO THE WORLD? NOT TODAY, SANTA.Matthew Prince is young, rich, and thoroughly spoiled. So what if his parents barely remember he exists and the press is totally obsessed with him? He's on top of the world. But one major PR misstep later, and Matthew is cut off and shipped away to spend the holidays in his grandparents' charming small town hellscape. Population: who cares?It's bad enough he's stuck in some festive winter wonderland—it's even worse that he has to share space with Hector Martinez, an obnoxiously attractive local who's unimpressed with anything and everything Matthew does.Just when it looks like the holiday season is bringing nothing but heated squabbles, the charity gala loses its coordinator and Matthew steps in as a saintly act to get home early on good behavior...with Hector as his maddening plus-one. But even a Grinch can't resist the unexpected joy of found family, and in the end, the forced proximity and infectious holiday cheer might be enough to make a lonely Prince's heart grow three sizes this year.While part of a series, this book stands alone.People Are Raving About Timothy Janovsky:"This book made my queer heart so very full and deeply happy."—Anita Kelly"A cinematic daydream guaranteed to steal your heart."—Julian Winters"Wonderfully upbeat and sweet."—Suzanne Park"Full of hope and heart."—Alexandria Bellefleur"[A] fresh, sweet, and swoony love story that blends coming-of-age comedy with the nuances of exploring sexual identity."—Alison Cochrun

Your Wish, My Demand

by J. D. Walker

Clint Beck has been best friends with Kyle Rivers for over ten years. They went to college together, and now they share a successful boutique landscaping business. Clint usually takes the lead, and Kyle tends to follow.Kyle is naturally submissive and has suffered a lot of abuse from overly aggressive ex-boyfriends. Clint has always loved Kyle, and he longs for the day when he can move their friendship to something deeper. He knows he can be the caring Dom Kyle yearns for in order to become whole again.One afternoon, Clint suggests they go to Ties That Bind, his favorite BDSM club. Kyle is usually reticent, but he agrees. Clint knows this is the chance he’s been waiting for. Once at the club, Clint uses all his skill to show Kyle how it can be with a Dom who can meet his partner’s every need in a safe, loving environment. Is Kyle ready to choose the one man who can give him exactly what he needs in every way?

Your Shadow Half Remains

by Sunny Moraine

The Last of Us meets Bird Box in Sunny Moraine's Your Shadow Half Remains, a post-apocalyptic tale where eye contact causes people to spiral into a deadly, violent rage.ONE LOOK CAN KILL.Riley has not seen a single human face in longer than she can reckon. No faces, no eyes. Not if you want to survive.But when a new neighbor moves in down the road, Riley’s overwhelming need for human contact makes her throw caution to the wind. Somehow, in this world where other people can mean a gruesome, bloody death, Ellis makes her feel safe. As they grow closer, Riley’s grip on reality begins to slip and she can no longer fight her deepest desires.All Riley wants to do is look.“A refreshingly original take on dystopian fiction, Moraine's latest is as haunting as it is thought provoking.” —Booklist (STARRED review)At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Your Mother Should Know

by Paul Alan Fahey

Philip feels in control of his life -- at least until his best friend, Jonathan, contracts AIDS, passes away, and leaves him feeling disconnected and uncertain about the future. Then the one steady influence in his life, his mother, becomes seriously ill. The doctor who makes the diagnosis of ovarian cancer is not hopeful. Once his mother commits to the treatment plan, there is nothing Philip can do but follow the blueprint they both hope will lead to her recovery.In late April 1992, Philip accompanies his mother to Los Angeles for her monthly treatment. When he accidentally takes a wrong turn off the freeway, all hell breaks lose. Suddenly they find themselves in the center of the Rodney King riots. Gunshots ring out. Helicopters hover overhead. People loot and vandalize stores while others burn and overturn vehicles. Fires spring up all over the city.In unfamiliar territory, Philip must guide his mother through this labyrinth of chaos to safety. With wit and insight coupled with a maternal concern for what's best for her son, Philip’s mother proves the old saying: a gay man’s best friend is truly his mother.

Your Lonely Nights Are Over

by Adam Sass

Scream meets Clueless in this YA horror from Adam Sass in which two gay teen BFFs find their friendship tested when a serial killer starts targeting their school&’s Queer Club.Dearie and Cole are inseparable, unlikeable, and (in bad luck for them) totally unbelievable.From the day they met, Dearie and Cole have been two against the world. But whenever something bad happens at Stone Grove High School, they get blamed. Why? They&’re beautiful, flirtatious, dangerously clever queen bees, and they&’re always ready to call out their fellow students. But they&’ve never faced a bigger threat than surviving senior year, when Mr. Sandman, a famous, never-caught serial killer emerges from a long retirement—and his hunting ground is their school Queer Club.As evidence and bodies begin piling up and suspicion points at Dearie and Cole, they will need to do whatever it takes to unmask the real killer before they and the rest of Queer Club are taken down. But they&’re not getting away from the killer without a fight.Along the way, they must confront dark truths hidden beneath the surface of their small desert community. When the world is stacked against them and every flop they know is a suspect, can Dearie and Cole stop Mr. Sandman&’s rampage? Or will their lonely nights soon be over . . .

Your John: The Love Letters of Radclyffe Hall

by Radclyffe Hall Joanne Glasgow

A collection of love letters written by Hall to Evguenia Souline from 1934 to 1942 offering insights into the artistic and political ideas of the 20th century's most famous lesbian novelist. The letters convey the obsessional love and betrayal of which good drama is made and which editor Glasgow argues was the cause of Hall's creative decline. Additionally, the letters supply important critical information about the author's views on her novel (banned in 1928 by the British government), her ideas about politics, religion, and the literary scene. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency (American Poets Continuum Series #194)

by Chen Chen

What happens when everything falls away, when those you call on in times of need are themselves calling out for rescue? In his highly anticipated second collection, Chen Chen continues his investigation of family, both blood and chosen, examining what one inherits and what one invents, as a queer Asian American living through an era of Trump, mass shootings, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Always at work in the wrecked heart of this new collection is a switchboard operator, picking up and connecting calls. Raucous 2 a.m. prank calls. Whispered-in-a-classroom emergency calls. And sometimes, its pages record the dropping of a call, a failure or refusal to pick up. With irrepressible humor and play, these anarchic poems celebrate life, despite all that would crush aliveness. Hybrid in form and set in New England, West Texas, and a landlocked province of China, among other places, Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency refuses neat categorizations and pat answers. Instead, the book offers an insatiable curiosity about how it is we keep finding ways to hold onto one another.

Your Driver Is Waiting: A Novel

by Priya Guns

In this electrifyingly fierce and funny social satire— a gender-flipped reboot of the iconic 1970&’s film &“Taxi Driver&”—a ride share driver is barely holding it together on the hunt for love, dignity and financial security . . . until she decides she's done waiting.&“A ferocious new voice. A fierce and immersive debut.&” —Weike Wang, author of Joan is Okay and ChemistryDamani is tired. Her father just died on the job at a fast food joint, and now she lives paycheck to paycheck in a basement, caring for her mom and driving for an app that is constantly cutting her take. The city is roiling in protests --everybody's in solidarity with somebody-- but while she keeps hearing that they&’re fighting for change on behalf of people like her, she literally can&’t afford to pay attention.Then she gives a ride to Jolene (5 stars, obviously). Jolene seems like she could be the perfect girlfriend - attentive, attractive, an ally - and their chemistry is off the charts. Jolene&’s done the reading, she goes to every protest, and she says all the right things. So maybe Damani can look past the one thing that's holding her back: She&’s never dated anyone with money before, not to mention a white girl with money. But just as their romance intensifies and Damani finally lets her guard down, Jolene does something unforgivable, setting off an explosive chain of events.A wild, one-sitting read brimming with dark comedy, and piercing social commentary and announcing Priya Guns' feverishly original voice, Your Driver Is Waiting is a crackling send-up of our culture of modern alienation.

Your Driver Is Waiting: A Novel

by Priya Guns

A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: Autostraddle, Shondaland, Booklist • In this electrifyingly fierce and funny social satire—inspired by the iconic 1970s film Taxi Driver—a ride share driver is barely holding it together on the hunt for love, dignity, and financial security...until she decides she's done waiting.&“What you are about to read is a call to arms. Best to prepare for a confrontation." —New York Times Book Review"A perfect gut punch of a novel…Full of love and real friendship and frustrations boiled over and the urge to burn everything down…This is a hard-hitting masterpiece.—Kristen Arnett, author of With Teeth and Mostly Dead ThingsDamani is tired. Her father just died on the job at a fast-food joint, and now she lives paycheck to paycheck in a basement, caring for her mom and driving for an app that is constantly cutting her take. The city is roiling in protests--everybody's in solidarity with somebody--but while she keeps hearing that they&’re fighting for change on behalf of people like her, she literally can&’t afford to pay attention. Then she gives a ride to Jolene (five stars, obviously). Jolene seems like she could be the perfect girlfriend--attentive, attractive, an ally--and their chemistry is off the charts. Jolene&’s done the reading, she goes to every protest, and she says all the right things. So maybe Damani can look past the one thing that's holding her back: she&’s never dated anyone with money before, not to mention a white girl with money. But just as their romance intensifies and Damani finally lets her guard down, Jolene does something unforgivable, setting off an explosive chain of events.A wild, one-sitting read brimming with dark comedy, and piercing social commentary and announcing Priya Guns's feverishly original voice, Your Driver Is Waiting is a crackling send-up of our culture of modern alienation.

A Younger Man

by R. W. Clinger

Handsome fifty-two-year-old Wolf Cannon is pretty much set in his ways. He’s a real estate agent who enjoys a decent cup of coffee every morning and realizes he may never meet the guy of his dreams. Truth is, his mundane life is set on repeat and often gray. Then he meets a younger man and his world turns topsy-turvy.Enter Tin Kimple, younger at thirty-two and the new owner of the coffee shop Wolf frequents. Tin is cute and charming. No wonder Wolf finds him attractive and irresistible. Tin’s not shy, either -- he scrawls his phone number on Wolf’s coffee cup. How alluring.There’s no way Wolf will reach out to the younger man for a date or some other whatnot. Not in this lifetime. Tin’s too young for him. But what if he does call the coffee shop owner? Will the two have something in common? Or will Wolf realize really is too old for Tin and remain alone and lonely?

A Younger Man

by Cameron Dane

There's nothing like coming "out" in a small town. Fearful of causing more gossip and embarrassment for his teenage sons and ex-wife, Noah has been living a quiet life. Goaded by his elder son, Noah is finally ready to take the plunge into the dating world. But what he hadn't counted on was his rising passion for a younger man.Recently divorced and out of the closet, Noah Maitland is a regular Joe, salt-of-the-earth kind of guy who is newly navigating the world of dating other men. So far he hasn't had a lot of luck. Noah is a father first--he has two teenage sons. The owner of a handyman business in a small community, Noah wants someone to love who is also appropriate for where he is in his life.Zane Halliday is a young man--much too young for Noah--who is struggling to take care of his brother and sister and meet his bills every month. Recently thrown out of his apartment, Zane stumbles on Noah, literally, and Noah offers Zane some much-needed help. Each man is dealing with his own set of problems, and both crave someone to talk to and trust. Soon a friendship between Noah and Zane blossoms. But Noah could never fall for someone so much younger than he is--not to mention Zane is not gay. But what if sexually innocent Zane isn't as straight as he assumed he was? How will Noah be able to resist this much younger man once Zane figures out the only person he wants is Noah?

Young Queer America: Real Stories and Faces of LGBTQ+ Youth

by Maxwell Poth

Get to know real queer kids from all over the country—these inspiring stories of LGBTQ+ youth, written in their own words, provide crucial snapshots of what it's really like to grow up trans or queer in America.Photographer and activist Maxwell Poth has traveled all over the United States, inviting LGBTQ+ youth to share their stories as part of Project Contrast, a nonprofit that amplifies these voices and connects kids and families with the resources they need to survive and thrive.This book collects the stories and portraits of seventy-three queer kids and teenagers from fifteen different states. In their own words, these young people share the challenges they've faced coming out or coming to terms with their own identities; they write about their families, their schoolmates, their teachers, and the queer community they've found throughout their journeys; and they offer messages of love and support to their LGBTQ+ peers. Featuring a foreword by trans actress and model Isis King, this book sends a powerful message to the many LGBTQ+ kids growing up in small towns who feel isolated: We see you, we love you, you are not alone.THESE STORIES ARE VITAL: Across the United States, a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is targeting queer and transgender youth. These stories will not only help queer and trans kids everywhere feel seen and connected to one another, they will shine a much-needed light on the challenges and realities of growing up queer in America. From stories of kids surviving on their own after coming out to close-minded families, to examples of supportive parents who encourage their kids to be proud of who they are, these narratives demonstrate that growing up queer or trans in America is difficult and complicated and normal. This book is a powerful reminder that no matter what your path looks like, you deserve love.IN THEIR OWN WORDS: In this groundbreaking book, LGBTQ+ kids and teens tell their stories in their own words. The submissions that Poth and his Project Contrast team have collected are honest, articulate, and uplifting—these kids deserve to be taken seriously, and this project has given them a platform to share their truth with the world.A PASSIONATE ADVOCATE: Author and photographer Maxwell Poth has been working with LGBTQ+ kids all over the United States since 2017. He started his nonprofit, Project Contrast, to amplify the stories of queer youth and connect them with the community and resources they need to thrive, no matter where they are in the country. His work highlights the unique mental health challenges facing queer and trans young adults, and demands that we stop turning a blind eye to the harm that is caused when we single out those who are different instead of embracing and uplifting them.Perfect for:Queer and trans kids and teens who want to see their experiences reflected in printParents and family members of LGBTQ+ youth who want to show support or learn more about their loved one's experiencesAllies who are inspired by the book's mission and contentAnyone interested in understanding the next generation of queer Americans

Young Mungo

by Douglas Stuart

From the Booker Prize-winning author of Shuggie Bain, Young Mungo is both a vivid portrayal of working-class life and the deeply moving story of the dangerous first love of two young men. <p><p> Born under different stars, Protestant Mungo and Catholic James live in a hyper-masculine world. They are caught between two of Glasgow’s housing estates where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be sworn enemies if they’re to be seen as men at all, and yet they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the dovecote that James has built for his prize racing pigeons. <p><p> As they begin to fall in love, they dream of escaping the grey city, and Mungo must work hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his elder brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold. But the threat of discovery is constant and the punishment unspeakable. <p><p> When Mungo’s mother sends him on a fishing trip to a loch in Western Scotland, with two strange men behind whose drunken banter lie murky pasts, he needs to summon all his inner strength and courage to get back to a place of safety, a place where he and James might still have a future. <p><p> Imbuing the everyday world of its characters with rich lyricism, Douglas Stuart’s Young Mungo is a gripping and revealing story about the meaning of masculinity, the push and pull of family, the violence faced by so many queer people, and the dangers of loving someone too much.

The Young in One Another's Arms: A Novel (Little Sister's Classics Ser.)

by Jane Rule

An award-winning novel of lesbian identity and camaraderie amid violence and war Ruth Wheeler is the one-armed caretaker of a motley crew of boarders living in her rooming house in Vancouver, British Columbia. The miscreants and outcasts in residence include a sexually confused academic, a one-time-dope-addict-turned-law-student, a high-minded deserter of the Vietnam War, a socially conscious female radical, and a gay man on the run from the cops. Despite personal differences and a turbulent outside world teeming with police brutality, the renters’ affection for one another grows and they form a progressive and idealistic “chosen family.” However, Ruth’s devoted and assimilative spirit is put to the test when her property is slotted to be destroyed by developers. The household packs up and sails to Galiano Island, where they establish a new home, start a business, and strive to overcome the initial antipathy of their neighbors. They even decide to collectively raise a baby born from an unwanted pregnancy. Winner of the 1978 Canadian Authors Association Best Novel of the Year Award, The Young in One Another’s Arms stands as one of the most sophisticated portrayals of an alternative model for domestic life.

Young Bloomsbury: the generation that reimagined love, freedom and self-expression

by Nino Strachey

'Entirely original and thrilling . . . this is Gatsby made real' JULIET NICOLSON'This witty, fascinating book is a delight. Read it.' MIRIAM MARGOLYESIn the 1920s a new generation stepped forward to invigorate the Bloomsbury Group - creative young people who tantalised the original 'Bloomsberries' with their captivating looks and provocative ideas. Young Bloomsbury introduces us to an extraordinarily colourful cast of characters, including novelist and music critic Eddy Sackville-West, 'who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet'; sculptor Stephen Tomlin; and writer Julia Strachey. Talented and productive, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives.Bloomsbury had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, feeling that every person had the right to live and love in the way they chose. But as transgressive self-expression became more public, this younger generation gave Old Bloomsbury a new voice. Revealing an aspect of Bloomsbury history not yet explored, Young Bloomsbury celebrates an open way of living that would not be embraced for another hundred years.

Young Bloomsbury: the generation that reimagined love, freedom and self-expression

by Nino Strachey

'Entirely original and thrilling . . . this is Gatsby made real' JULIET NICOLSON'This witty, fascinating book is a delight. Read it.' MIRIAM MARGOLYESIn the 1920s a new generation stepped forward to invigorate the Bloomsbury Group - creative young people who tantalised the original 'Bloomsberries' with their captivating looks and provocative ideas. Young Bloomsbury introduces us to an extraordinarily colourful cast of characters, including novelist and music critic Eddy Sackville-West, 'who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet'; sculptor Stephen Tomlin; and writer Julia Strachey. Talented and productive, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives.Bloomsbury had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, feeling that every person had the right to live and love in the way they chose. But as transgressive self-expression became more public, this younger generation gave Old Bloomsbury a new voice. Revealing an aspect of Bloomsbury history not yet explored, Young Bloomsbury celebrates an open way of living that would not be embraced for another hundred years.

Young Bloomsbury: the generation that reimagined love, freedom and self-expression

by Nino Strachey

Surprisingly little has been written about second-generation Bloomsbury who tantalised the original 'Bloomsburies' at Gordon Square parties with their captivating looks and provocative ideas.Young Bloomsbury introduces us to an extraordinarily colourful cast of characters, including novelist and music critic Eddy Sackville-West, 'who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet'; sculptor Stephen Tomlin; and writer Julia Strachey. Talented and productive, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives. Bloomsbury had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, but by the 1920s self-expression was becoming more public, with cross-dressing Young Bloomsbury giving Old Bloomsbury a new voice in a chosen family of a shared rebellion against pre-war conventions.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Young Bloomsbury: The Generation That Redefined Love, Freedom, and Self-Expression in 1920s England

by Nino Strachey

An &“illuminating&” (Daily Mail, London) exploration of the second generation of the iconic Bloomsbury Group who inspired their elders to new heights of creativity and passion while also pushing the boundaries of sexual freedom and gender norms in 1920s England.In the years before the First World War, a collection of writers and artists—Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and Lytton Strachey among them—began to make a name for themselves in England and America for their irreverent spirit and provocative works of literature, art, and criticism. They called themselves the Bloomsbury Group and by the 1920s, they were at the height of their influence. Then a new generation stepped forward—creative young people who tantalized their elders with their captivating looks, bold ideas, and subversive energy. Young Bloomsbury introduces us to this colorful cast of characters, including novelist Eddy Sackville-West, who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet; artist Stephen Tomlin, who sculpted the heads of his male and female lovers; and author Julia Strachey, who wrote a searing tale of blighted love. Talented and productive, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives. The group had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, feeling that every person had the right to live and love in the way they chose. But as transgressive self-expression became more public, this younger generation gave Old Bloomsbury a new voice. Revealing an aspect of history not yet explored and with &“effervescent detail&” (Juliet Nicolson, author of Frostquake), Young Bloomsbury celebrates an open way of living and loving that would not be embraced for another hundred years.

The Young Activist's Dictionary of Social Justice

by duopress labs

A Is for Ally, Advocate, Anti-Racist, Ancestors, and Assembly Using simple explanations and appealing illustrations in a familiar A-to-Z format, The Young Activist's Dictionary of Social Justice will teach kids the new vocabulary of change. Vetted by an anti-bias, anti-racism educator, this essential new resource is packed with easily understandable definitions of timely concepts. Each beautifully designed spread represents a letter and provides concise, age-appropriate definitions for 10 or more terms, with subject matter spanning issues like racial justice, climate change, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, income disparity, voter engagement, and immigration. In addition to information, the pages are also full of inspiration: Bite-sized bios accompany key terms, illuminating the stories of justice advocates who got involved with a cause at a young age. Infographics and sidebars bring complementary concepts to life. And with the rich resource section in the back, kids can read more about how to take action on the cause that&’s meaningful to them. Read on, and let&’s work together for a more equal world for all. Featuring: Audrey Faye Hendricks (arrest) Claudette Colvin (boycott) Iqbal Masih (child labor) Greta Thunberg (climate justice) Malala Yousafzai (education) Mari Copeny (environmental racism) Parkland Survivors (gun control) Ruby Bridges (integration) Frederick Douglass (literacy) John Lewis (nonviolence) Clara Lemlich (organize) Marley Dias (representation) Dolores Huerta (strike) Jazz Jennings (transition) Autumn Peltier (water protector)

You Will Never Sell This House

by Scott Alexander Hess

A family curse. A lusty midnight visitor. A terror awakened.Still grieving the death of his lover, Colm returns to the family estate on Christmas Eve to prepare to sell the house. An unexpected visit from Sebastian Lore, his brutish yet handsome neighbor, leads to fireside drinks.As things heat up between them, Sebastian shares a long-buried secret that sheds a terrifying light on Colm’s father’s prophetic warning: You will never sell this house.

You Will Be Safe Here

by Damian Barr

From the author of the acclaimed memoir Maggie &Me comes a stunning debut novel about the legacies of abuse, redemption, and the strength of the human spirit, set in South Africa over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.South Africa, 1901: At the height of the Second Boer War, Sarah van der Watt and her son are taken from their farm by force to Bloemfontein Concentration Camp where, the English promise, they will be safe.Johannesburg, 2010: Sixteen-year-old outsider Willem just wants to be left alone with his books and his dog. Worried he's not turning out right, his mother and her boyfriend send him to New Dawn Safari Training Camp. Here they “make men out of boys.” Guaranteed.You Will Be Safe Here is a deeply moving novel of two connected parts. Inspired by real events, it uncovers a hidden colonial history and present-day darkness while exploring our capacity for cruelty and kindness.

You Were Always the One

by Hollis Shiloh

Max struggled through every day in high school, especially when his hormones seemed to crave boys rather than girls. His best friend Mason and Mason's younger brother Jamie made a bright spot in his teen life, until he confessed to Mason he was gay. Mason responded by ripping away all his joy, ending their friendship, and warning Max against seeing Jamie. Max is a policeman now, comfortable in his sexuality but private and wary, taking solace in his job and the friendship of his golden retriever, Alex. But the past he thought was behind him demands resolution when a prickly, wounded, shockingly sexy Jamie gets arrested, and Max comes to the rescue.

You Want to Marry Me?: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Han Meimoxiang

After they had been married for several years. Xing Biao's subordinates chatted like this."Do you know who you shouldn't offend the most?""Oh, my lord's son, my lord is acting as if he is my ancestor. The Lawyer Su loves him a lot too.""Bullshit, have you ever seen the Lawyer Su let the child recite the criminal law? "I can't do it by myself. If my boss pleads for mercy, my boss will also learn the criminal law.""In that case, no one is allowed to provoke the Lawyer Su?""Lawyer Su will not let go of the people who provoke him. Boss, boss's son will not let you go either."

You Want to Marry Me?: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Han Meimoxiang

After they had been married for several years. Xing Biao's subordinates chatted like this."Do you know who you shouldn't offend the most?""Oh, my lord's son, my lord is acting as if he is my ancestor. The Lawyer Su loves him a lot too.""Bullshit, have you ever seen the Lawyer Su let the child recite the criminal law? "I can't do it by myself. If my boss pleads for mercy, my boss will also learn the criminal law.""In that case, no one is allowed to provoke the Lawyer Su?""Lawyer Su will not let go of the people who provoke him. Boss, boss's son will not let you go either."

You Want to Marry Me?: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Han Meimoxiang

This is a story about two men fell in love after them get married. One of them is an elite lawyer who has both civil and military, wealthy and talented. The other one is masculine, ex-underworld brother who exploded with force.Their love is not violent, earth-shattering, but slowly budding in the trivial matter. Su Mo's exquisite life attitude and Xing Biao's rough behavior style are very different, but in the continuous running-in increasingly consistent. Bit by bit, day after day, one day suddenly looked back. It turned out that he already loved him so much ...☆About the Author☆Han Mei Moxiang, a well-known online novel author. She is good at writing Boy Love type novels and is a contracted author of well-known websites. Her novels are loved by many readers. The delicate and sweet love and distinctive characters in her novels have been loved by most people.

You Think We Don't

by J. M. Snyder

Two college basketball players on a team bound for the championships carry on an affair after hours. Neither talks about the time they spend in each other's arms. They kid themselves and pretend it's just sex. They think no one else knows.They're wrong on both accounts. But it isn't until a fellow teammate interferes that they're willing to admit how much they care for each other.

You Should Be So Lucky: A Novel

by Cat Sebastian

An emotional, slow-burn, grumpy/sunshine, queer mid-century romance for fans of Evvie Drake Starts Over, about grief and found family, between the new star shortstop stuck in a batting slump and the reporter assigned to (reluctantly) cover his first season—set in the same universe as We Could Be So Good.The 1960 baseball season is shaping up to be the worst year of Eddie O’Leary’s life. He can’t manage to hit the ball, his new teammates hate him, he’s living out of a suitcase, and he’s homesick. When the team’s owner orders him to give a bunch of interviews to some snobby reporter, he’s ready to call it quits. He can barely manage to behave himself for the length of a game, let alone an entire season. But he’s already on thin ice, so he has no choice but to agree.Mark Bailey is not a sports reporter. He writes for the arts page, and these days he’s barely even managing to do that much. He’s had a rough year and just wants to be left alone in his too-empty apartment, mourning a partner he’d never been able to be public about. The last thing he needs is to spend a season writing about New York’s obnoxious new shortstop in a stunt to get the struggling newspaper more readers. Isolated together within the crush of an anonymous city, these two lonely souls orbit each other as they slowly give in to the inevitable gravity of their attraction. But Mark has vowed that he’ll never be someone’s secret ever again, and Eddie can’t be out as a professional athlete. It’s just them against the world, and they’ll both have to decide if that’s enough.

You Rock!

by Drew Hunt

Driving home from a concert, William Prout worries his rock star vocalist boyfriend Alex “Tank” Sherman is about to dump him. Things haven’t been the same between them since Tank and his nu metal band went to New York City to discuss a recording contract. William doesn’t think their relationship can withstand the increased publicity Tank’s fame will attract. Already Tank is withdrawn, distracted, and won’t answer any of William’s questions.William’s fears heighten when Tank directs him off the highway and along a series of dirt tracks. Where are they going? Will the end of their car journey also be the end of them as a couple, or has Tank worked out a way to have both a career and William?

You Only Live Twice: Sex, Death and Transition (Exploded Views)

by Mike Hoolboom Chase Joynt

YOLT explores two artists' lives before and after transitions: from female to male, and from near-dead to alive. The unspoken promise was that in our second life we would become the question to every answer, jumping across borders until they finally dissolve. Man and woman. Queer and straight. What if it's not true that you only live once? In this genre-transcending book, trans writer and media artist Chase Joynt and HIV-positive movie artist Mike Hoolboom come together over the films of Chris Marker to exchange transition tales, confessional missives that map out the particularities of occupying what they call 'second lives': Chase's transition from female to male and Mike's near-death from AIDS. Weaving cultural theory with memoir and media analysis, YOLT asks intimate questions about what it might mean to find love and hope through conversation across generations. 'Chase Joynt and Mike Hoolboom here give each other the gift so many people only dream of: ample, unhurried space to unspool crucial stories of one's life, and an attentive, impassioned, invested, intelligent receiver on the other side. The gift to the reader is both the example of their exchange, and the nuanced, idiosyncratic, finely rendered examination it offers of biopolitical experiences which, in many ways, define our times. I'm so glad they have each other, and that we have this.' - Maggie Nelson 'You Only Live Twice is an intelligent ode to enchantment, to the possibilities that arise in 'second lives' when all past expectations have been foreclosed.' - Chris Kraus 'The writing is out of the park -- strong and surprising, a relay race of brilliant twirling, tossing thoughts back and forth like balletic rugby bros. Joynt and Hoolboom's dances of disclosure are so courageous and generative, gifts to us all.' - John Greyson

You Never Know

by Mary Calmes

Hagen Wylie has it all figured out. He’s going to live in his hometown, be everybody’s friend, explore new relationships, and rebuild his life after the horrors of war. No muss, no fuss is the plan. He’s well on his way—until he finds out his first love has come home too. Hagen says it’s no big deal, but a chance encounter with Mitch Thayer’s two cute sons puts him directly in the path of the only guy he’s never gotten out of his head. Mitch returned for three reasons: to raise his sons where he grew up, to move his furniture business and encourage it to thrive, and to win Hagen back. Years away made it perfectly clear the young man he loved in high school is the only one for him. The problem? He left town and they have not talked since. If Hagen’s going to trust him again, Mitch needs to show him how he’s grown up and isn’t going to let go. They could have a new chance at love… but Hagen is insistent he’s not reviving a relationship with Mitch. Then again, you never know.

You Must Not Miss

by Katrina Leno

One of Us Is Lying meets Carrie in this suspenseful story of friendship, family, and revenge. <P><P> Magpie Lewis started writing in her yellow notebook the day after her family self-destructed. The day her father ruined her mother's life. The day Eryn, Magpie's sister, skipped town and left her to fend for herself. The day of Brandon Phipp's party.Now Magpie is called a slut in the hallways of her high school, her former best friend won't speak to her, and she spends her lunch period with a group of misfits who've all been as socially exiled as she has. And so, feeling trapped and forgotten, Magpie retreats to her notebook, dreaming up a magical place called Near.Near is perfect - a place where her father never cheated, her mother never drank, and Magpie's own life never derailed so suddenly. She imagines Near so completely, so fully, that she writes it into existence, right in her own backyard. At first, Near is a peaceful escape, but soon it becomes something darker, somewhere nightmares lurk and hidden truths come to light. Soon it becomes a place where Magpie can do anything she wants...even get her revenge. <P><P> You Must Not Miss is an intoxicating, twisted tale of magic, menace, and the monsters that live inside us all.

You Make Things Better

by Faye Worthington

Beautiful and elegant Ellie Spire notices her best friend Alice Peatrunk isn’t happy these days. How can she be after losing her husband and son a year earlier? Life has become an unshielded and emotional blur for Alice as her grieving continues, even with Ellie’s help.Alice currently resides with Ellie, a temporary arrangement until she can move into her newly-purchased condominium. Ellie’s romantically affected by Alice, though, and finds her more than kind, thoughtful, and extraordinary. Ellie watches Alice: reading, sleeping, and gardening, as summertime swiftly moves forward.As Ellie’s tender and erotic emotions for her grieving guest heighten, she notes Alice relies on the next door neighbor’s abandoned dandelion garden for therapy. A week passes, then another. But something strange begins to unearth at the garden as the anniversary of Alice’s loss unfolds. Something unsettling, ominous, and troublesome occurs. Ellie notices Alice keeps digging and digging among the dandelions. But why? What’s happening at the garden? A single afternoon’s moment of necessary survival change their lives forever, but is it for better or worse?

You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty: A Novel

by Akwaeke Emezi

Named a Most Anticipated Book of 2022 by The Washington Post, Oprah Daily, Vulture, Harper&’s Bazaar, Thrillist, Essence, Good Housekeeping, Glamour, Marie Claire, Parade, Bustle, BuzzFeed, Refinery29, Business Insider, The Guardian, Financial Times, PopSugar, Book Riot, LitHub, Bookish, LGBTQ Reads, and more! &“A deeply heartfelt romance novel.&” —Marie Claire &“Riveting...emotional.&” —Book Riot A New York Times bestselling author, National Book Award finalist, and &“one of our greatest living writers&” (Shondaland) reimagines the love story in this fresh and seductive novel about a young woman seeking joy while healing from loss.Feyi Adekola wants to learn how to be alive again. It&’s been five years since the accident that killed the love of her life and she&’s almost a new person now—an artist with her own studio and sharing a brownstone apartment with her ride-or-die best friend, Joy, who insists it&’s time for Feyi to ease back into the dating scene. Feyi isn&’t ready for anything serious, but a steamy encounter at a rooftop party cascades into a whirlwind summer she could have never imagined: a luxury trip to a tropical island, decadent meals in the glamorous home of a celebrity chef, and a major curator who wants to launch her art career. She&’s even started dating the perfect guy, but their new relationship might be sabotaged before it has a chance by the overwhelming desire Feyi feels every time she locks eyes with the one person in the house who is most definitely off-limits—his father. This new life she asked for just got a lot more complicated, and Feyi must begin her search for real answers. Who is she ready to become? Can she release her past and honor her grief while still embracing her future? And, of course, there&’s the biggest question of all—how far is she willing to go for a second chance at love? Akwaeke Emezi&’s vivid and passionate writing takes us deep into a world of possibility and healing, and the constant bravery of choosing love against all odds.

You Know, Sex: Bodies, Gender, Puberty, and Other Things

by Cory Silverberg Fiona Smyth

A completely new approach to learning about puberty, sex, and gender for kids 10+. Here is the much-anticipated third book in the trilogy that started with the award-winning What Makes a Baby and Sex Is a Funny Word"Silverberg's writing is fearless . . . Here is that rare voice that can talk about the hardest things kids go through in ways that are thoughtful, lighthearted and always respectful of their intelligence." —Rachel Brian, The New York Times Book ReviewIn a bright graphic format featuring four dynamic middle schoolers, You Know, Sex grounds sex education in social justice, covering not only the big three of puberty—hormones, reproduction, and development—but also power, pleasure, and how to be a decent human being. Centering young people&’s experiences of pressures and joy, risk and reward, and confusion and discovery, there are chapters on body autonomy, disclosure, stigma, harassment, pornography, trauma, masturbation, consent, boundaries and safety in our media-saturated world, puberty and reproduction that includes trans, non-binary, and intersex bodies and experience, and more. Racially and ethnically diverse, inclusive of cross-disability experience, this is a book for every kind of young person and every kind of family.You Know, Sex is the first thoroughly modern sex ed book for every body navigating puberty and adolesence, essential for kids, everyone who knows a kid, and anyone who has ever been a kid.

You Know Me Well: A Novel

by Nina LaCour David Levithan

You Know Me Well is a deeply honest story about navigating the joys and heartaches of first love, one truth at a time. Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really?Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, having just run away from a chance to finally meet the girl she has been in love with from afar. Mark, meanwhile, is in love with his best friend Ryan, who may or may not feel the same way. When Kate and Mark meet up, little do they know how important they will become to each other -- and how, in a very short time, they will know each other better than any of the people who are supposed to know them more.Told in alternating points of view by Nina LaCour, the award-winning author of Hold Still and The Disenchantments, and David Levithan, the bestselling author of Every Day and co-author of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (with Rachel Cohn) and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with John Green).

The You Kind of Kind

by Nina West

Go Big!Be Kind!Be You!Welcome to a magical adventure to discover kindness in the world—especially the kind inside you.In this heartfelt and joyous story, little Nina embarks on a boisterous day of exploration, a colorful day where she sets out to find, well, Kind. With a backpack full of her favorite things, Nina guides readers through the neighborhood to identify kindness in the wild. Along the way she shines a light on the importance of loving yourself as well as others, revealing that sharing your unique form of kindness—the you kind of Kind—is the most wonderful gift of all.Readers of any age will have a WUZZFASTIC time reading this linguistically luscious book out loud and will delight in its empowering message of kindness, community, love, and inclusion.

The You I've Never Known

by Ellen Hopkins

<P>How do you live your life if your past is based on a lie? A new novel in both verse and prose from #1 New York Times bestselling author, Ellen Hopkins. <P>For as long as she can remember, it’s been just Ariel and Dad. Ariel’s mom disappeared when she was a baby. Dad says home is wherever the two of them are, but Ariel is now seventeen and after years of new apartments, new schools, and new faces, all she wants is to put down some roots. <P>Complicating things are Monica and Gabe, both of whom have stirred a different kind of desire. Maya’s a teenager who’s run from an abusive mother right into the arms of an older man she thinks she can trust. But now she’s isolated with a baby on the way, and life’s getting more complicated than Maya ever could have imagined. <P>Ariel and Maya’s lives collide unexpectedly when Ariel’s mother shows up out of the blue with wild accusations: Ariel wasn’t abandoned. Her father kidnapped her fourteen years ago. What is Ariel supposed to believe? Is it possible Dad’s woven her entire history into a tapestry of lies? How can she choose between the mother she’s been taught to mistrust and the father who has taken care of her all these years? <P>In author Ellen Hopkins’s deft hands, Ariel’s emotionally charged journey to find out the truth of who she really is balances beautifully with Maya’s story of loss and redemption. This is a memorable portrait of two young women trying to make sense of their lives and coming face to face with themselves—for both the last and the very first time. <P><b> A New York Times Bestseller</b>

You in My Arms

by A. C. Katt

Jason Monroe has to leave school to be the guardian of his sister Kitty when his dad and step-mom die in a car crash. He's working two jobs to keep them afloat, but their boat is leaking, much like the roof of their old house. Jason doesn't have time for love that is until Zach Montgomery, the owner of the Asbury Park Sunset Club, the premier gay bar and dance club on the Jersey Shore comes calling.Jason's priorities are non-negotiable: take care of his sister; keep a roof over their heads; go back to school eventually. Can one club owner make it easier to uphold his priorities and maybe add him to the list?

You Had Me at Hero

by Michael P. Thomas

When seventeen-year-old Mark Potts fell from a balcony, he lost both the use of his legs and any faith in heroes. Now twenty-nine, he’s long-since come to terms with his injury. His job provides more opportunities for eye-rolling than for riding to anybody’s rescue, but with two kids to bring up, he barely has time for his husband, much less for heroics. Besides, Starr Bradford is a policeman -- how many heroes does one family need?Mark and Starr love each other madly, but stress management is a load-bearing pillar of their happiness. When Mark’s coping skills fail him at exactly the wrong moment, he’s left hanging by a thread of words he should’ve kept in his mouth. He has the power to repair their relationship, but when Starr’s workday suddenly goes south, will he get to wield it? Keeping it together long enough to find out is a job worthy of any superhero!

You Gotta Be You: How to Embrace This Messy Life and Step Into Who You Really Are

by Brandon Kyle Goodman

Audible's Best of the Year in Well-Being YOU ARE ENOUGH EXACTLY AS YOU ARE. ​ From the time we&’re born, a litany of do&’s and don&’ts are placed on us by our families, our communities, and society. We&’re required to fit into boxes based on our race, gender, sexuality, and other parts of our identities, being told by others how we should behave, who we should date, or what we should be interested in. For so many of us, those boxes begin to feel like shackles when we realize they don&’t fit our unique shape, yet we keep trying because we crave acceptance and validation. But is &“fitting in&” worth the time, energy, and suffering? Actor, writer, and activist Brandon Kyle Goodman says, Hell no it ain&’t! As a Black nonbinary, queer person in a dark-skinned 6&’1&”, 180-pound male body born into a religious immigrant household, Brandon knows the pain of having to hide one&’s true self, the work of learning to love that true self, and the freedom of finally being your true self. In You Gotta Be You, Brandon affectionately challenges you to consider, &“Who would I be if society never got its hands on me?&” This question set Brandon on a mission to dropkick societal shackles by unlearning all the things he was told he should be in order to step into who he really is. It required him to reexamine messy but ultimately defining moments in his life—his first time being followed in a store, navigating his mother&’s born-again Christianity, and regretfully using soap as lube (yes, you read that right!)—to find the lessons that would guide him to his most authentic self. Compassionate and soulful, funny and revealing, You Gotta Be You is an unapologetic call to self-freedom. It&’s about turning rejection (from others and yourself) into a roadmap to self-love. It&’s a guide to setting boundaries and fostering self-growth. And most importantly, it&’s an affirmation that we are enough exactly as we are.

You Exist Too Much: A Novel

by Zaina Arafat

A novel of self-discovery following a Palestinian-American girl as she navigates queerness, love addiction and a series of tumultuous relationships' The Millions, One of the Most Anticipated Books of the YearTold in vignettes that flash between the US and the Middle East, Zaina Arafat's powerful debut novel traces her protagonist's progress from blushing teen to creative and confused adulthood.In Brooklyn, she moves into an apartment with her first serious girlfriend and tries to content herself with their comfortable relationship. Soon, her longings, so closely hidden during her teenage years, explode out into reckless romantic encounters and obsessions with other people which results in her seeking unconventional help to face her past traumas and current demons.Opening up the fantasies and desires of one young woman caught between cultural, religious and sexual identities, You Exist Too Much is a captivating story charting two of our most intense longings - for love, and a place to call home.

You Exist Too Much: A Novel

by Zaina Arafat

A &“provocative and seductive debut&” of desire and doubleness that follows the life of a young Palestinian American woman caught between cultural, religious, and sexual identities as she endeavors to lead an authentic life (O, The Oprah Magazine).On a hot day in Bethlehem, a 12–year–old Palestinian–American girl is yelled at by a group of men outside the Church of the Nativity. She has exposed her legs in a biblical city, an act they deem forbidden, and their judgement will echo on through her adolescence. When our narrator finally admits to her mother that she is queer, her mother&’s response only intensifies a sense of shame: &“You exist too much,&” she tells her daughter.Told in vignettes that flash between the U.S. and the Middle East—from New York to Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine—Zaina Arafat&’s debut novel traces her protagonist&’s progress from blushing teen to sought–after DJ and aspiring writer. In Brooklyn, she moves into an apartment with her first serious girlfriend and tries to content herself with their comfortable relationship. But soon her longings, so closely hidden during her teenage years, explode out into reckless romantic encounters and obsessions with other people. Her desire to thwart her own destructive impulses will eventually lead her to The Ledge, an unconventional treatment center that identifies her affliction as &“love addiction.&” In this strange, enclosed society she will start to consider the unnerving similarities between her own internal traumas and divisions and those of the places that have formed her.Opening up the fantasies and desires of one young woman caught between cultural, religious, and sexual identities, You Exist Too Much is a captivating story charting two of our most intense longings—for love, and a place to call home.

You Don't Live Here

by Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider, author of The Beginning of Everything, delivers a witty and heartbreaking tale of first love, second beginnings, and last chances in this timely and authentic bisexual coming-of-age story, perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera.In Southern California, no one lives more than thirty miles from the nearest fault line. Sasha Bloom is standing right on top of one when her world literally crumbles around her. With her mother now dead and father out of the picture, Sasha moves in with her estranged grandparents.Living in her mom’s old bedroom, Sasha has no idea who she is anymore. Luckily, her grandparents are certain they know who she should be: A lawyer in the making. Ten pounds skinnier. In a socially advantageous relationship with a boy from a good family—a boy like Cole Edwards.And Cole has ideas for who Sasha should be, too. His plus one at lunch. His girlfriend. His.Sasha tries to make everything work, but that means folding away her love of photography, her grief for her mother, and he growing interest in the magnificently clever Lily Chen. Sasha wants to follow Lily off the beaten path, to discover hidden beaches, secret menus, and the truth about dinosaur pee.But being friends with Lily might lead somewhere new. Is Sasha willing to stop being the girl everyone expects and let the girl beneath the surface breath through?

You Don't Know Jack (Holiday Hotties Romances Ser. #2)

by G. R. George Renee George

You Don't Know Jack is a MM fairytale Christmas romp from USA Today bestselling GLBT romance author Renee George, writing as G.R. George. The second book in her Holiday Hotties Romances series is a romantic comedy sure to have you reaching for the ice. Jack Frost, a geeky professor, and lots of snow...who knew winter could be so hot!Science Professor Dev Garson has always loved the winter, and the only thing that would make him happier than fresh snow on the ground is a new boyfriend for Christmas. When his high school crush Jack returns home after a ten-year absence, it stirs up old feelings of unrequited longing and desire, but Dev worries he's setting himself up for heartbreak.Jack Moroz has come home to take over his father's business--that of a Jack Frost. It's his job to cut a path of winter across the northeast territories for the holiday. He has always avoided relationships, because, as a creature of magic, he can never be truly honest with a partner. When he runs into Dev again after a decade at the North Pole, he knows there are a million reasons why dating a human is a bad idea. But Jack can't get past the one reason he should give the nerdy professor a chance--having Dev near brings him incredible joy. It doesn't hurt that Dev is still sexier than a candy cane dipped in chocolate and just as lick-able.After an accidental fall on the ice, Dev begins to see the world and Jack in a whole new way. His head injury has him seeing the real Jack Frost, but the same twist of fate that draws these two men close may also tear them apart.This GLBT short paranormal romance contains explicit male/male content and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

You Don't Know Jack (The Center)

by Mc Lee

Jack has never known an ordinary life. "The Center," a shadowy organization with its own hidden agenda, has been his home, his school, and his job. Under the command of a man he knows only as his guardian, Jack has trained relentlessly in order to carry out the Center's secret missions. In the three years since he turned thirteen, he's been given more and more complex assignments, rarely questioning the reasons behind each operation. Now, going by the name Jack Carlisle, his orders are to go to Maine and befriend high school track star Leo McCormack. Jack finds Leo easy to like, and soon the like becomes something more. He knows he shouldn't act on his attraction--it's against all the rules. However, Leo wants Jack in his life as much as Jack wants Leo, and soon the two begin a relationship. Jack gets a sweet taste of real life, but when the mission ends the fallout could be disastrous--and not just because Leo's father is the target of the operation.

You Don't Have a Shot

by Racquel Marie

A queer YA romance about rival soccer players from author Racquel Marie, perfect for fans of She Drives Me Crazy.Valentina “Vale” Castillo-Green’s life revolves around soccer. Her friends, her future, and her father’s intense expectations are all wrapped up in the beautiful game. But after she incites a fight during playoffs with her long-time rival, Leticia Ortiz, everything she’s been working toward seems to disappear.Embarrassed and desperate to be anywhere but home, Vale escapes to her beloved childhood soccer camp for a summer of relaxation and redemption…only to find out that she and the endlessly aggravating Leticia will be co-captaining a team that could play in front of college scouts. But the competition might be stiffer than expected, so unless they can get their rookie team’s act together, this second chance—and any hope of playing college soccer—will slip through Vale’s fingers. When the growing pressure, friendship friction, and her overbearing father push Vale to turn to Leticia for help, what starts off as a shaky alliance of necessity begins to blossom into something more through a shared love of soccer. . . and maybe each other.Sharp, romantic, and deeply emotional, You Don’t Have a Shot is a rivals-to-lovers romance about rediscovering your love of the game and yourself, from the author of Ophelia After All."You Don't Have a Shot has every ingredient that makes rivals-to-lovers such a great trope, but it's also so much more. It's a story of grief and loss, of legacy, of culture, of holding the things and people that bring us joy close. I don't think anyone will be surprised when I say that Racquel Marie has done it again: this is truly young adult contemporary at its best." —Jonny Garza Villa, author of the Pura Belpré Honor Book Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun

You Don't Go Back

by Terry O'Reilly

What do you do when the past comes walking through your front door?That’s what Rick Jensen and Ed Doherty have to decide when Jerry Taylor, Ed’s former lover, long thought dead, comes knocking on their door the night of their sixth anniversary. Will Jerry’s re-emergence in Ed’s life bring the end to the happiness Rick has found with him? Or will Rick’s love for Ed be strong enough to supersede the memory of what Jerry and Ed shared?

You Do You-nicorn

by Erin Vanessa

Be your own fabulous self in this affirming picture book complete with real paper unicorn horn pieces to punch out and assemble into a headband!You Do You-nicorn is a sweet, funny story about inclusivity and staying true to yourself. A gender-fluid child shows their friends that they can be and do whatever they want and feel like--whether it's playing the digeridoo-nicorn, painting a baboon-icorn, or changing their name to Ruth-icorn! Remember: Only YOU know how to do you! And you can feel like your own unicorn by assembling a sparkly unicorn headband with pieces included at the end of the book! .

You Can't Tell by Looking

by Russell J. Sanders

Gabe Dillon’s life changes when he gazes across his new school’s commons and spies handsome Kerem Uzun, and he wants to know more. Kerem is senior class president. He is mostly very well-liked. He comes from a family of doctors, is of Turkish heritage, and he is Muslim. At first, Gabe doesn’t understand the ritual he sees Kerem performing. But as the boys bond, Gabe is eager to learn about Islam. He’s falling in with a boy who may or may not be gay, a boy whose religion may condemn Gabe’s open homosexuality. Complicating the budding relationship is Timur, Kerem’s cousin, who has grown up alongside Kerem as his brother. A family tragedy left Timur homeless, and Kerem’s parents took him in. But as Kerem grows into his own way of looking at life and how it fits into his devout practice of his faith, Timur is becoming more fundamental in his practice of Islam. And he isn’t the only one opposed to the friendship between Kerem and Gabe. Can they forge a lasting relationship amid so many challenges?

You Can't Go Home Again

by Michael Murphy

In work and in love, life has taught seasoned police officer Jack that closeness only leads to pain. But Jack is wracked with guilt when his rookie partner Kevin is shot during an undercover assignment and dies in his arms. Why didn't he take the time to get to know the rookie a little? At the funeral, Jack takes a liking to Kevin's brother, Devin. But Jack knows making a connection can cause more hurt, and living on opposite coasts is an added obstacle. With his brother dead, Devin feels a responsibility to Kevin&apos;s pregnant widow, Marie. He packs up and moves east, only to have Marie, outraged that he's put his life on hold, slam the door in his face. Devin turns to the only other person he knows in town. As much as it goes against his philosophies on life, Jack takes him in without hesitation. Their tentative exploration into romance is interrupted when Devin is mistaken for his dead brother and taken captive. Just as Jack opens his heart, reality slams into him. But he can't lose anyone else. More than the need to simply save a captive drives Jack to find Devin and bring him home.

You Can't Choose Your Family

by Zahra Owens

Jay and Fran have been a couple for twenty years. They have a great relationship with only one minor bone of contention: while Fran is very much a member of Jay&apos;s extended family, to Fran&apos;s family, Jay is just "his business partner." It&apos;s not that Fran doesn't want to come out to his family; it&apos;s more that they don&apos;t want to hear it. When Fran&apos;s father, an evangelical minister, dies, Fran hopes the rest of his family will be more accepting. This hope is nipped in the bud by his very conservative older brother, so Jay&apos;s mother steps in and invites Fran&apos;s mother over for Christmas... but will joining Fran's happy-go-lucky in-laws be too much for Fran&apos;s mother, or will they help her see the truth of just how much Jay means to Fran?

"You Can Tell Just By Looking": And 20 Other Myths about LGBT Life and People (Myths Made in America #9)

by Michael Bronski Ann Pellegrini Michael Amico

Breaks down the most commonly held misconceptions about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their lives In "You Can Tell Just by Looking" three scholars and activists come together to unpack enduring, popular, and deeply held myths about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, culture, and life in America. Myths, such as "All Religions Condemn Homosexuality" and "Transgender People Are Mentally Ill," have been used to justify discrimination and oppression of LGBT people. Others, such as "Homosexuals Are Born That Way," have been embraced by LGBT communities and their allies. In discussing and dispelling these myths--including gay-positive ones--the authors challenge readers to question their own beliefs and to grapple with the complexities of what it means to be queer in the broadest social, political, and cultural sense.From the Trade Paperback edition.

You Can Say You Knew Me When

by K. M. Soehnlein

Charming underachiever Jamie Garner is living a sexy slacker's life in San Francisco during the dot-com boom--avoiding his stalled career as a radio producer, barely holding on to his relationship, but surrounded by fun-loving friends. And then Jamie gets the call he's always dreaded: Teddy, the father who never accepted him, has died. It's time for the prodigal son to come home to the subdivisions and strip malls of suburban New Jersey to face the emotionally barren family he left behind years ago. Caught between the guilt he wants to shake and the grief he can't express, Jamie takes solace in a box of memorabilia he finds in the attic, marked "1960," the year his father spent in San Francisco but kept secret. Jamie is especially drawn to a moody, enigmatic photo of the stunning Dean Foster, his dad's closest friend, who headed west then mysteriously disappeared. Determined to unlock the mystery of his father, Jamie seeks out the artists and poets, the free spirits and wild men mentioned in Teddy's letters to Dean. It's a journey that takes him deep into the subcultures of San Francisco, from the bohemian heyday of the Beat Generation through the Internet mania of his contemporary world, even as it unleashes something primal, hungry, and slightly dangerous in Jamie. As his search for the elusive Dean Foster turns ever more obsessive, undermining his friendships, his income, and his fidelity to his partner, Jamie is forced to decide what he is willing to risk in the pursuit of the truth. "Engaging . . . the flow and intensity of the writing make it difficult to put Soehnlein's book down . . . With remarkably stylish and witty prose, Soehnlein keeps the reading convincing and compelling, displaying a knack for giving just enough detail to put the reader right in the scene."--The San Francisco Chronicle

You Can Never Walk Away

by Edward Kendrick

When his lover is killed while they're on a job, Kegan goes into seclusion, vowing never to return to the Agency, the covert organization they worked for. His handler has other ideas, tricking Kegan into coming back, then partnering him with Gage to find and eliminate Ash, a rogue operative.Kegan and Gage locate Ash only to discover he's on the run because he found out that Patterson, the head of the Agency, is not what he seems. When the three men team up to bring Patterson down, will their budding personal relationship save them -- or get them killed?

You Can Choose Your Friends

by Zahra Owens

Twenty years before You Can&apos;t Choose Your Family, Jay Molenski saved Fran Galloway&apos;s life. Franklyn Galloway is the youngest son of a conservative Evangelical minister, and it goes without saying that he is stuck in the closet. He dreams of being an architect, but his father puts a stop to that faster than Fran can say "Frank Lloyd Wright." So when Fran meets popular, laid-back Jay Molenski, he does everything he can to deny the sparks flying all around them. It only works for so long. After a brutal trip home, Fran finds himself staring down a fifth of vodka and a bottle of sleeping pills. How can Jay and his family make Fran see that he deserves not just love, but the freedom to be himself?Be the change - $1.20 of every sale will be donated to the It Gets Better Project.

You Belong With Me

by Jeff Erno

High school junior Wesley Harris is a stereotypical shy, soft-spoken nerd. He is obsessed with crafts and art and doesn't even need to come out of the closet to become the target of antigay bullying. Though he has the support of close friends and liberal-minded mother, he finds it hard to believe in himself. Brad Johnson, Wesley's new neighbor, is Wesley's age--and his complete opposite. A popular jock and hero of the school's baseball team, Brad has an outgoing personality and a reputation as a ladies' man. When he and Wesley are alone, away from their classmates' scrutiny, they become friends despite their differences. But when Wesley confesses to wanting more than friendship, Brad walks away, unwilling to risk their romance being exposed. Though devastated, Wesley resigns himself to accept that they were never meant to be. The next time he runs afoul of bullies, school counseling empowers him to report them. Encouraged by his new confidence, he decides to attend the school dance and face Brad....

You Belong With Me

by J. R. Loveless

Scott has been in love with his best friend Craig for years, but watching Craig with his manipulative boyfriend has worn Scott down, and he knows he needs a break from the pain and maybe a change of scenery and perspective. His twin sister, Karen, convinces him to spend a summer in Paris. Karen is sick and tired of seeing Scott suffer, and she's not going to stand for it anymore. She confronts Craig and tells him what he's been missing by spurning Scott's affection in favor of a jerk who mistreats him. When Craig unknowingly breaks Scott's heart, Craig opens his eyes--and his own heart--to the possibility of a future with Scott. He plans to use the time while Scott's abroad to orchestrate a romantic surprise that will show Scott they belong together. But when he sees Scott with another man at the airport, Craig fears he's too late.

You Belong to Me

by Edward Kendrick

Corey Byrne loves his family--as long as he only has to see them once a year. Since he's not out to them, it makes things... tense. Returning to his job at a homeless shelter after Christmas, he finds someone has left him a very expensive present. Soon, he begins to get messages from the anonymous gift giver. Then Corey's friend Brad is murdered in Corey's apartment and undercover detective Scott Reed is assigned to protect Corey. As they work together to find the killer, they realize they're starting to care about each other. However Scott is unwilling to act on his feelings unless Corey comes out to his family and coworkers. As the threats from the stalker intensify, Corey is forced to admit that love is too precious to hide from. Perhaps now is the time to be honest about who he is and accept the possibility of love in return--before it&apos;s too late.

You Asked for Perfect

by Laura Silverman

For fans of Adam Silvera and Nina LaCour comes a timely novel about a teen's struggle when academic success and happiness pull him in opposite directions.<p><p>Senior Ariel Stone is the perfect college applicant: first chair violinist, dedicated volunteer, active synagogue congregant, and expected valedictorian. And he works hard—really hard—to make his success look effortless. A failed calculus quiz is not part of his plan. Not when he's number one. Not when his peers can smell weakness like a freshman's body spray.Ariel throws himself into studying. His friends will understand if he skips a few plans, and he can sleep when he graduates. But as his grade continues to slide, Ariel realizes he needs help and reluctantly enlists a tutor, his classmate Amir. <p><p>The two have never gotten along, but Ariel has no other options. Ariel discovers he may not like calculus, but he does like Amir. Except adding a new relationship to his long list of commitments may just push him past his limit.

You Are the Reason (The Tav #2)

by Renae Kaye

A Novel in The Tav seriesDavo's a pretty average guy. He has a decent job, owns his own home, and spends his weekends at the pub. He fully accepts that he's gay, but doesn't want to be one of those gays who are girly. He likes football and other masculine pursuits, and firmly avoids anything that could be seen as femme--including relationships that last beyond fifteen minutes. Then Davo's friend and gay idol not only gets a boyfriend, but also adopts a baby girl. Davo is seriously spooked and scuttles down to the pub. That's where he meets Lee, cute from her cherry-red hair to her pretty little dress and pointy red shoes. Davo is charmed--but how is that possible? He's gay. Isn't he? Then Lee tells him he's actually a guy--he just likes to wear women's dresses occasionally. Thoroughly confused about an attraction that's out of character for him, Davo begins the long journey to where he can accept himself without caring what everyone else thinks.

You Are Ill, I Can Cure: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Free雅

The first time Qi Qi saw Yi Ouhua was when he was ten years old. At the time, he only felt that the boy had great perseverance; the second time Qi saw Yi Ouhua on the big screen in Times Square, he thought that the man was very powerful; the third time Qi saw Yi Ouhua was at the hospital. Qi Qi was injured by the berserker and saved by Yi Ouhua. At the same time, Yi Ou Hua was also thinking that once the berserk factor appeared in this man's body, the consequences would be unimaginable. He had to find a reason to monitor it. If there were any signs of berserk, he would immediately kill it... At that time, Yi Ou Hua thought like this, but afterwards …

You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery

by Dara Hoffman-Fox Zinnia Jones Sam Dylan Finch Zander Keig

Are you wrestling with questions surrounding your gender that just don’t seem to go away? Do you want answers to questions about your gender identity, but aren’t sure how to get started?In this groundbreaking guide, Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC—accomplished gender therapist and thought leader whose articles, blogs, and videos have empowered thousands worldwide—helps you navigate your journey of self-discovery in three approachable stages: preparation, reflection, and exploration. In You and Your Gender Identity, you will learn:Why understanding your gender identity is core to embracing your full beingHow to sustain the highs and lows of your journey with resources, connection, and self-careHow to uncover and move through your feelings of fear, loneliness, and doubtWhy it’s important to examine your past through the lens of gender explorationHow to discover and begin living as your authentic selfWhat options you have after making your discoveries about your gender identity

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