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Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
العبرات 451731 مصطفي لطفي المنفلوطي 0001
أسواق الذهب 452280 أحمد شوقى 0001
أميرة الأندلس 452281 أحمد شوقى 0001
شرح تشريح القانون 452291 ابن النفيس 0001
كليلة و دمنة 453031 مجهول 0001
عنترة بن شداد الجزء الأول 452287 مجهول 0001
سيرة الأميرة ذات الهمة وولدها عبدالوهاب - جزء1 450781 ليس موجود 0001
The Half Wives: A Novel 5525555 Stacia Pelletier 9780547519463 0001 Contains images
Despicable Me 3: Agnes Loves Unicorns! 4078214 Universal 9780316507486 0003 Contains images
The Poetics of Information Overload 1190114 Paul Stephens 9781452944104 0003 Contains images
At the Speed of Light There is Only Illumination: A Reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan (Reappraisals: Canadian Writers) 5898394 John Moss Linda M. Morra 9780776618678 0004
Home-Work: Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature (Reappraisals: Canadian Writers) 5897869 Cynthia Sugars 9780776618685 0004 Contains images
Contrition 1033410 Maura Weiler 9781476793450 0005 Contains images
The Class 3994064 Linda Asher Francois Begaudeau 9781583229408 0006
Aboriginal Canada Revisited: Politics And Cultural Expression In The 21st Century (International Canadian Studies Series) 5897836 Kerstin Knopf 9780776618227 0008 Contains images
Death of a Pilgrim 782666 David Dickinson 9781569476956 0008 Contains images
Death on the Holy Mountain 782668 David Dickinson 9781569476970 0008 Contains images
The Trouble With Marriage 321109 Debby Holt 9781849831697 0008
Devil at the Crossroads 782670 Olive Etchells 9781569477007 0009 Contains images
The Light of Burning Shadows 330453 Chris Evans 9781849831956 0009 Contains images
Love Affairs for Grown-Ups 321108 Debby Holt 9781849831680 0009
The Curious Incident at Claridge's 284454 R. T. Raichev 9781849011228 0010 Contains images
Death of a Wine Merchant 782770 David Dickinson 9781569478479 0010 Contains images
Epitaph Road 782949 David Patneaude 9781606842942 0010 Contains images
The Tension of Opposites 782947 Kristina Mcbride 9781606842911 0010 Contains images

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