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Mary, Will I Die?

by Shawn Sarles

Bestselling author Shawn Sarles' most terrifying YA horror yet . . .It starts innocently enough. Four kids - three girls, one boy - are at one of their houses, playing games. One of them has read about "Bloody Mary" and the idea that if you look into a mirror and say her name thirteen times, she will show you the future. Some legends say she'll show you your one true love or a skull to mark your death within five years. Others say that conjuring Bloody Mary will bring her into your world.Both sets of legends are true. The kids go through with the act, saying her name thirteen times. One girl looks in the mirror and sees her longtime crush. One girl looks in the mirror and sees the boy in the group. But she pretends to see something else. One girl looks in the mirror and sees a girl she's never seen before but can't get out of hermind. And the boy . . . he sees a skull. But he pretends to see something else. They try to laugh it off. And mostly they forget about it. Or at least they don't talk about it. Yes, over the next few years, whenever they look into a mirror, it's like there's always another figure standing in the background, getting closer.Just short of five years later, the four of them are no longer friends, having gone on separate paths. The girl whose house it was has always tried to avoid the mirror they used - because she always sensed someone in the background. One morning as she's passing by, she sees much more than her own reflection - it's a scary figure taunting her. She startles and breaks the mirror. When the pieces are put back together (barely), the figure is gone.That day in school, a new girl arrives. Her name is Mary . . . .

Maryann's Appaloosa

by Karen L. Phelps

When fifteen-year-old Maryann Madigan’s parents are killed in a plane crash, she’s uprooted from a privileged Boston lifestyle to a Wyoming horse ranch. Living with an aunt she barely knows, the young woman struggles with her grief until a spirited appaloosa stallion captures her heart. There’s just one problem, she’s terrified of horses. Determined to learn how to ride, she enlists the help of Rick Ferguson, a charismatic, dark-haired cowboy who falls hard for the shy but resilient beauty. Clandestine riding lessons conquer her fear of horses and kindle their young love. When a vindictive ranch hand goes too far, Maryann must fight to save her beloved horse, her hero, and the place she now calls home.

Mary's Monster: Love, Madness and How Mary Shelley Created Frankenstein

by Lita Judge

The dark, captivating story of one remarkable young woman. And her monster.Creative genius...? Inventor of science fiction...? Pregnant teenage runaway...? Who was the real Mary Shelley? Mary's Monster is the compelling and beautifully illustrated story of Frankenstein's author Mary Shelley - the original rebel girl and an inspiration for everyone from teenage readers to adult. Aged 16 and pregnant, Mary runs away to Switzerland with the married poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Few people would have guessed that that fateful act would lead to a gothic novel still celebrated 200 years later. But cast out by her family and isolated by society, Mary Shelley created Frankenstein and his monster, forged in the fire of her troubled and tragic life. Part biography and part graphic novel, Mary's Monster is an engrossing take on one remarkable young woman and her monster.

Mary's Wild Winter Feast

by Hannah Lindoff

When winter rain washes away Mary’s chances for a sledding day, she thinks there is no hope for excitement. But with a little imagination and a brimming pantry she soon finds herself caught up in a colorful journey. Together with her father she relives five Alaska adventures, each uniquely inspired by a jar in her pantry. From salmon to blueberries, each lively tale introduces young readers to Mary’s homeland and invites them to learn about how different places can produce different foods.

Más allá de la Barrera: Libro 1 de Las Crónicas de Dartmoor

by Jen Minkman

“Las personas me vuelven a ver cuándo paso junto a ellas. Ellos saben a dónde voy. Mis pies casi tropiezan en el pavimento desigual de la calle adoquinada cuando siento la mirada de Mark en mí. Esta es la única vez que se da cuenta de mí – por una razón que desearía que no existiera. Todas las otras veces quiero que me vea – en la escuela, en la plaza del mercado, en las fiestas de mis compañeros de clase – sus ojos saltan sobre mí. Soy una loba vestida de oveja para estas personas. Una amenaza potencial. Ya sé lo que va a pasar una vez que llegue a la clínica. Me darán ese horrible té de hierbas que siempre me hace sentirme somnolienta y mal del estómago – Para “calmarme”, dicen – y luego tendré que hablar con ese psiquiatra despistado que me hará las preguntas habituales sobre ciertos escenarios y cómo respondería a ellos. Para medir mis posibles tendencias violentas. Porque ese estigma ha estado en mí desde que cumplí doce años y la persona que más amaba en todo el mundo fue purgada de esta ciudad. Mi nombre es Sarah, y mi padre era un agresor.” Regresa al mundo de la Serie “la Isla” y conoce a Sarah, residente de la Ciudad Dartmoor. Está amargada,, se siente atrapada, Y ella no quiere nada más que aventurarse más allá de la barrera que la mantiene dentro. Ella simplemente no tiene ni idea de cómo hacerlo. Pero cuando ella descubre un secreto que el Presidente Jacob preferiría mantener en secreto, Sarah se ve obligada a buscar la libertad – porque ella conoce a alguien que es más prisionero que ella, y necesita desesperadamente su ayuda.

Más allá de la broma

by Maite Carranza Júlia Prats

Un apasionante thriller juvenil en el que nadie es como aparenta... La ambiciosa Lara, su novio Miguel y Raúl, su mejor amigo, son los reyes del instituto. Aunque no todo es como parece, y nadie lo sabe mejor que Paula, la antigua mejor amiga de Lara. O Malena, la chica a la que le han estado haciendo la vida imposible. O Álex, que ha entrado este curso. Cuando eres nuevo, puede ser que alguien quiera bajarte los humos. También puede ser que tus compañeros te gasten alguna broma, incluso una broma de muy mal gusto. Lo que no suele pasar es que aparezcas muerto esa misma noche. Una broma es una broma, ¿verdad?

Más allá de la frontera

by Margarita Longoria

Veinte cuentos, ensayos, poemas y cómics de autores célebres y galardonados componen esta antología juvenil que explora la experiencia mexicoamericana. En esta colección que mezcla diferentes géneros: cuentos, ensayos personales, poesía y cómics, este grupo célebre de autores comparte las fronteras que han cruzado, los obstáculos que han atravesado y las dos culturas por las que continúan navegando como mexicoamericanos. Más allá de la frontera es a la vez una carta de amor reveladora, desgarradora y esperanzadora de la comunidad mexicoamericana a los lectores jóvenes de hoy. Una poderosa exploración de lo que significa ser mexicoamericano. Incluye obras de Francisco X. Stork, Guadalupe García McCall, David Bowles, Rubén Degollado, e.E. Charlton-Trujillo, Diana López, Xavier Garza, Trinidad Gonzales, Alex Temblador, Aida Salazar, Guadalupe Ruiz-Flores, Sylvia Sánchez Garza, Dominic Carrillo, Angela Cervantes, Carolyn Dee Flores, René Saldaña Jr., Justine Narro, Daniel García Ordáz, y Anna Meriano. "Esta magnífica antología de cuentos, cómics y poemas es fresca, divertida y está llena de voces auténticas de la literatura juvenil quienes revelan lo que significa ser mexicoamericano ... No te la debes perder". -SLC, reseña destacada "Excelente ... Una colección memorable". -Booklist, reseña destacada "En esta antología las voces saltan de las páginas... Causará una impresión duradera en todos los lectores". --SLJ, reseña destacada

Más allá de las estrellas: ¿Estamos solos en el universo?

by Álex Riveiro

¿Hay vida en otros lugares del Sistema Solar? ¿Cuántas civilizaciones pueden existir en la galaxia? ¿Nos conoceremos algún día? Desde pequeños, nos fascinan las estrellas y los planetas. En seguida nos preguntamos si en su superficie podría haber criaturas, como tú y como yo, preguntándose si en otros lugares de la galaxia habrá seres como ellos... La avalancha de preguntas es imparable: el ser humano es curioso por naturaleza. Si alguna vez te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas, este libro es para ti. De la mano de Alex Riveiro, autor de Hacia las estrellas. Una breve guía del universo, y creador de Astrobitácora, el podcast de referencia de astronomía en español.

Más locos que enamorados

by Violeta Boyd

De la autora de Díselo a la luna y Un beso bajo la lluvia, llega la comedia romántica más divertida y alocada de Wattpad: un road trip en el que nada es lo que parece y donde puede pasar cualquier cosa Una novia a la fuga, un friki desempleado y un perro en celo… ¿Qué podría salir mal?Levina Roth se encuentra camino del altar para casarse con un hombre al que no ama. Allek Morris recibe una llamada para ofrecerle su trabajo soñado en una ciudad al otro lado del país. Cuando sus caminos se crucen, Levina convencerá a Allek de que la lleve con él a Portland. Pero Allek sospecha que no todo es como Levina le cuenta. Durante un viaje en el que se enfrentarán a atracadores con pistola, cabañas siniestras e intentos de secuestro, comenzarán a conocerse cada vez mejor y a descubrir que la vida al lado del otro puede ser muy divertida. Porque, cuando se juntan dos personas que vienen de mundos tan opuestos... cualquier cosa es posible.

Más luz x favor: Tenés el poder de cambiar el mundo

by Connie Isla

Una de las influencers veganas argentinas de mayor crecimiento cuenta su viaje profundamente personal, un recorrido que va desde su temprana pasión por distintas formas de expresión artística hasta su experiencia de autodescubrimiento y su entrega completa a la causa feminista y a la lucha por un estilo de vida sustentable. Hola. Soy Connie, y quiero agradecerte que tengas mi libro en tus manos. Vengo a proponerte que me acompañes en un viaje, un viaje personal y revelador. Un recorrido por algunas cosas que hice en mi vida, gracias a las cuales me caí, me levanté, reflexioné, aprendí, cambié y entendí que está en nuestras manos hacer de este un mundo mejor. Y que para eso primero es necesario estar dispuestos a conocer, a cuestionarnos y saber algunas cosas que a veces preferiríamos no saber: de dónde viene eso que comemos, quién hizo las prendas con las que nos vestimos, cuánto tarda en degradarse esa botella de plástico que usamos y desechamos, y por qué a veces miramos para otro lado cuando se nos presenta esa verdad incómoda. Espero que acá encuentres no sólo respuestas, sino también preguntas, así como también herramientas para ayudarte a transitar este camino largo pero poderoso. Porque la información es poder, y tenemos el poder de cambiar el mundo. Sí, vos, una sola persona, aunque te cueste creerlo. Cada pequeña acción cuenta. Necesitamos acercarnos un poco más. Tener más compasión. Más conciencia. Más empatía. Más amor. Más luz, por favor.

¡Más muertos que nunca! (Monster High #4)

by Lisi Harrison

El padre de Draculaura cree que los RAD deberías asistir a su propia escuela, pero Frankie y sus amigos no están dispuestos a renunciar por lo que tanto han luchado. Cuarta entrega de la saga más vampitástica, Monster High. ¡No te puedes perder las nuevas aventuras de Draculaura, Frankie, Cleo y Lagoona, junto a Robecca, Venus, Rochelle y Wydowna Spider! Los RADs son libres ¡por fin! y Draculaura (Lala) puede mostrar sus colmillos orgullosa. Pero cuando su padre, Drácula, la visita, todo se complica. El señor D cree que los RADs deberían tener su propia escuela, algo exclusivo, pero Lala y sus amigas no están dispuestas a renunciar a algo que les ha costado tanto ganar: un lugar entre los chicos del Instituto. En medio de esta pelea familiar, Merston High participa en un concurso publicitario a nivel internacional. En una batalla de un padre contra su hija por el cuerpo estudiantil de Salem, Frankie será la protagonista principal y Draculaura deberá morir (otra vez) si quiere salvar su adorado instituto.

Más que amigas (Monstruoamigas #4)

by Gitty Daneshvari

¡¡¡MONSTRUOAMIGAS PARA SIEMPRE: EL PODER DE LA AMISTAD!!! Cuarta entrega de la saga infantil más vampitástica de Monster High. ¡No te puedes perder las nuevas aventuras de Draculaura, Frankie, Cleo y Lagoona, junto a sus nuevas compañeras Robecca, Venus y Rochelle y Wydowna Spider!La nueva monstruoamiga, Wydowna Spider, comienza a despejar las telarañas sobre la misteriosa amenaza que se cierne sobre Monster High. Una antigua sociedad secreta de monstruos parece empeñada en convertir Monster High en algo más que un instituto: ¡en una cárcel! Pero cuando Rochelle, Robecca y Venus descubren una segunda sociedad secreta de monstruos... ¡¡¡el destino de todos los alumnos de Monster High estará en sus manos!!!

La máscara de los espectros

by Oscar de Muriel

1889. El pánico llega a los teatros de Londres

Máscara de sombras

by Linsey Miller

Una novela de fantasía protagonizada por un personaje muy especial. Asesinos, ladrones, amor y... una despiadada lucha por la supervivencia. Un grupo de asesinos. Una audición para convertirse en el nuevo asesino de la Reina. Y Sal, criminal de género fluido en busca de venganza. Sallot Leon se ha criado entre ladrones y criminales, malvive con lo poco que consigue robar y su futuro no es nada prometedor. Pero todo cambia cuando cae en sus manos un anuncio que puede brindarle una vida mejor: la Reina busca un nuevo miembro para la Mano Izquierda, su colección personal de asesinos. Es su única oportunidad para escapar de la miseria, excepto por un detalle: la audición consiste en un despiadado entrenamiento en el que todo está permitido, en especial la muerte. Para vencer, Sal debe competir contra los más experimentados asesinos del Reino. Si logra sobrevivir, no solo conseguirá escapar de su desdichada vida, sino que, además, logrará su verdadero objetivo: infiltrarse en la Corte y vengarse de los nobles que destruyeron su hogar.

The Mask (Orca Sports)

by Eric Howling

Fourteen-year-old Logan Grant is the star center for the Westside Wolves bantam hockey team. He has all the skills and all the looks, but he has alienated many of his teammates with his me-first attitude. One night Logan's life is forever changed when a fire sweeps through his house. He survives, but his face and body are badly burned. Too embarrassed to show his deformed face on the ice, Logan believes he'll never play hockey again until he stumbles across an old goalie mask that gives him the courage to get back to the rink. Taunted by the other players, Logan is defended by an unlikely ally, a teammate he once bullied because of his own facial disfigurement.

Mask of Shadows (Mask Of Shadows Ser. #1)

by Linsey Miller

Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class—and the nobles who destroyed their home. When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand—the Queen's personal assassins, named after the rings she wears—Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge. <P><P>But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.

Masked (Orca Soundings)

by Norah McClintock

When Daniel enters a convenience store on a secret mission, he doesn't expect to run into anyone he knows. That would ruin everything. And when Rosie enters the same store to see what her father wants, she's hoping to make a quick getaway with her waiting boyfriend. All Daniel and Rosie want is to get in and out without any trouble. Neither expects what happens next. A masked man enters the store. "This is a stickup," he announces. He has a gun and isn't afraid to use it. When he's ready to leave, he decides to take Rosie hostage. And then things get complicated…

The Masked Truth

by Kelley Armstrong

'[A] terrifying thriller where suspense and psychological horror serve as perfect counterpoints to themes of forgiveness and growth. . . . Masterful storytelling . . . overflowing with twists.' - Publishers Weekly, starred review'Action-packed suspense from beginning to end.' - Kirkus ReviewsThey want her dead - but this time, she won't hide.A few months ago, Riley Vasquez was caught up in a horrific murder. Now everyone around her thinks she's a hero. Riley isn't so sure. Meanwhile British army brat Max Cross is suffering under the shadow of a life-altering diagnosis he doesn't dare reveal.The last thing either of them wants is to spend a weekend away at a therapy camp alongside five other teens with 'issues'. But that's exactly where they are when three masked men burst in to take the group hostage. The building has no windows. The exits are sealed shut. Their phones are gone. And their captors are on a killing spree. Riley and Max know that if they can't get out, they'll be next. They'll have to work together - but first they'll have to trust each other with their deepest secrets.A heart-stopping YA novel of terror and suspense from number one bestselling author Kelley Armstrong.Books by Kelley Armstrong: Women of the Otherworld series Bitten Stolen Dime Store Magic Industrial Magic Haunted Broken No Humans Involved Personal Demon Living with the Dead Frost Bitten Walking the Witch Spellbound Thirteen Nadia Stafford Exit Strategy Made to be Broken Wild Justice Rockton City of the Lost A Darkness Absolute This Fallen Prey Watcher in the Woods Alone in the Wild Darkest Powers The Summoning The Awakening The Reckoning Otherworld Tales Men of the Otherworld Tales of the Otherworld Otherworld Nights Otherworld Secrets Otherworld Chills Darkness Rising The Gathering The Calling The Rising Cainsville Omens Visions Deceptions Betrayals Rituals

Masquerade: Number 2 in series (Blue Bloods #2)

by Melissa de Cruz

Schuyler Van Alen wants an explaination for the mysterious death of young vampires. With her best friend, Oliver, Schuyler travels to Italy in the hope of finding the one man who can help - her grandfather. Meanwhile, back in New York, preparations are feverishly under way for the Four Hundred Ball, an exclusive gala hosted by the city's wealthy, powerful, and unhuman - a true Blue Blood affair.But it's at the after-party, a masquerade ball thrown by the cunning Mimi Force, that the real danger lurks. Hidden behind the masks is a revelation that will forever change the course of a young vampire's destiny.Rich with glamore, attitude and vampire lore, this second installment in the Blue Bloods saga will leave readers thirsting for more.

Masquerade at Sea House

by Elisabeth Ogilvie

Monica Christie and her brother Martin didn't intend to take anything that wasn't theirs, only to borrow it for a little while. To the brother and sister who had lived in many European cities, Sea House and Sea Island meant America. They were just going to steal two weeks' escape at Sea House, and recapture some of the happy times they had spent with their father. How could anything bad ever happen at Sea House? But something was wrong. There were the strange, dragging noises in the night; the beautiful, antique chess set that disappeared; the odd behavior of Homer Brice. Worst of all, Monica and Martin knew they were imposters. Mystery adds tension and suspense to Elisabeth Ogilvie's new teenage novel. A family-owned Maine island makes an unusually romantic and atmospheric setting.

The Massachusetts Adventure

by John Ifkovic Courtney Thomas

THE Massachusetts ADVENTURE by John W. Ifkovic

The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook

by Mark A. Goldstein

The second edition of this definitive guide for clinical care of adolescents builds upon the practical knowledge and guidance of the first edition, and expands into new subjects of adolescent care. The handbook is divided into three sections: general adolescent medicine, sexuality, and mental health, and contains relevant, practical knowledge, covering those areas most often seen in the practice of adolescent medicine. The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook, 2nd edition details best practices in regards to diagnostic evaluations and clinical care, but also instructs practitioners on the best methods to connect, communicate, and continue that care with adolescents, in order to provide optimal treatment, and instill healthy lifetime behaviors. Each chapter is written by clinicians who have been trained at, or are members of the staff of Massachusetts General Hospital, and this edition has nearly doubled the amount of skilled physician authors. While this title has been revised and updated, entirely new chapters devoted to hypertension, immunizations, breast disorders, HIV, and resilience have also been added, reflecting new and changing contributions to the field of adolescent medicine. This second edition brings together the practical, hands-on knowledge of the first edition, along with new information and additional subject areas to create a balanced, multi-specialty method to treating and engaging adolescent patients.

Master of Iron (Bladesmith #2)

by Tricia Levenseller

In Master of Iron, the conclusion to Tricia Levenseller’s exciting Bladesmith YA fantasy duology, a magically gifted blacksmith with social anxiety must race against the clock to save her beloved sister and stop a devastating war.Eighteen-year-old Ziva may have defeated a deadly warlord, but the price was almost too much. Ziva is forced into a breakneck race to a nearby city with the handsome mercenary, Kellyn, and the young scholar, Petrik, to find a powerful magical healer who can save her sister’s life.When the events that follow lead to Ziva and Kellyn’s capture by an ambitious prince, Ziva is forced into the very situation she’s been dreading: magicking dangerous weapons meant for world domination.The forge has always been Ziva’s safe space, a place to avoid society and the anxiety it causes her, but now it is her prison, and she’s not sure just how much of herself she’ll have to sacrifice to save Kellyn and take center stage in the very war she’s been trying to stop.

Master of One

by Jaida Jones Dani Bennett

Sinister sorcery. Gallows humor. A queer romance so glorious it could be right out of fae legend itself. Master of One is a fantasy unlike any other.Rags is a thief—an excellent one. He’s stolen into nobles' coffers, picked soldiers' pockets, and even liberated a ring or two off the fingers of passersby. Until he’s caught by the Queensguard and forced to find an ancient fae relic for a sadistic royal sorcerer. But Rags could never have guessed this “relic” would actually be a fae himself—a distractingly handsome, annoyingly perfect, ancient fae prince called Shining Talon. Good thing Rags can think on his toes, because things just get stranger from there...With the heist and intrigue of Six of Crows and the dark fairy tale feel of The Cruel Prince, this young adult fantasy debut will have readers rooting for a pair of reluctant heroes as they take on a world-ending fae prophecy, a malicious royal plot, and, most dangerously of all, their feelings for each other.

Master of Sorrows: The Silent Gods Book 1 (The Silent Gods)

by Justin Call

You have heard the story before - of a young boy, orphaned through tragic circumstances, raised by a wise old man, who comes to a fuller knowledge of his magic and uses it to fight the great evil that threatens his world.But what if the boy hero and the malevolent, threatening taint were one and the same?What if the boy slowly came to realize he was the reincarnation of an evil god? Would he save the world . . . or destroy it?Among the Academy's warrior-thieves, Annev de Breth is an outlier. Unlike his classmates who were stolen as infants from the capital city, Annev was born in the small village of Chaenbalu, was believed to be executed, and then unknowingly raised by his parents' killers.Seventeen years later, Annev struggles with the burdens of a forbidden magic, a forgotten heritage, and a secret deformity. When he is subsequently caught between the warring ideologies of his priestly mentor and the Academy's masters, he must choose between forfeiting his promising future at the Academy or betraying his closest friends. Each decision leads to a deeper dilemma, until Annev finds himself pressed into a quest he does not wish to fulfil. Will he finally embrace the doctrine of his tutors, murder a stranger, and abandon his mentor? Or will he accept the more difficult truth of who he is . . . and the darker truth of what he may become . . .

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