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A Laboratory Guide to the Anatomy of The Rabbit: Second Edition

by Edward Craigie

The present work does not in any way aim to replace Bensley's Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit, which has long since proved its value beyond question. The attempt has been to meet a need for a shorter and less detailed laboratory guide adapted to courses for which Bensley's Anatomy has been found too extensive. Classes for which the present book is designed have assignments of time for this subject varying from about twenty-four hours to about sixty hours. Some of them have two-hour periods and some have three-hour periods. Some, moreover, have need for special emphasis on certain parts which are of less immediate interest to others. Of the twenty-eight illustrations, fifteen are new and the remainder have been borrowed from Bensley's Practical Anatomy. Four of the latter were the work of the late Dr. Bensley, the rest were prepared by the present author.

Labor and the Constitution: Labor and Property, Privacy, Discrimination and International Relations (Controversies In Constitutional Law Ser. #Vol. 2)

by David L. Gregory

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

La Miglior Guida per Imparare Qualsiasi Lingua in Maniera Facile & Veloce: Impara una lingua in 1 settimana

by Sophia Soarez

Una guida dettagliata per imparare qualsiasi lingua in modo facile e veloce Questa guida ti aiuterà ad imparare la nuova lingua in 1 settimana e ti insegnerà trucchi e suggerimenti per diventare madrelingua della nuova lingua. Sulla base di fatti scientifici, questo libro ti spiegherà: - il modo più semplice per imparare una nuova lingua - Come impiegare il tuo tempo in modo efficace - Come diventare un madrelingua - Come imparare la corretta pronuncia della nuova lingua - Come posizionare la bocca per una pronuncia corretta - Come memorizzare le parole di una nuova lingua - Come rimanere motivati - Come migliorare l'accento Se vuoi imparare una nuova lingua in una settimana e diventare un madrelingua, allora questo libro fa per te. -> Scorri fino all'inizio della pagina e fai clic su Aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disclaimer: Questo autore e / o il / i proprietario / i dei diritti non fanno rivendicazioni, promesse o garanzie circa l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declina espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all'interno di esso. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento.

La màgia d'escriure

by José Antonio Marina

La gran creació de la intel·ligència és la capacitat d'expressar, dir, comunicar-nos, escriure. És el moment de la gran síntesi, deposar en net. El que sentim confusament, allò que sabem en termes generals, el que ens passa pel cap com una sospita o un desig de premonició adquireix precisió i fermesa. Aquest també és un llibre de màgia, com ho era La màgia de llegir. Tracta de la transfiguració de la realitat. El que eren les coses, esdeveniments, passions, es transforma en paraules. Hi pot haver màgia més gran? A La màgia d'escriure ens acostem a la intel·ligència que crea mitjançant paraules i ens preguntem: com podem ensenyar a escriure a l'escola, a l'educació secundària? Com podem els adults aprendre a escriure? En aquest llibre, però, hi ha una tercera part. També hem entrat a l'habitació de treball de molts escriptors per descobrir-hi els seus secrets, els mecanismes més ocults de la creativitat. Hem fet de cronistes d'allò que és meravellós. I, després, hem intentat fer una pedagogia de la creació literària. No se'ns pot acusar de ser massa humils. José Antonio Marina i María de la Válgoma.

La décroissance sans fuir la ville - Deux ans de décroissance en famille

by Marzia Bosoni

Notre famille se compose de deux adultes, une adolescente, deux enfants et une chienne. Nous vivons depuis quelques années dans la petite ville de Ravenne, où nous avons emménagé justement pour effectuer notre décroissance en famille. Et nous y arrivons, sans avoir fui la ville et sans grandes ressources financières, dans la joie et en conscience. Telle est l’histoire que nous souhaitons partager, car si nous avons réussi, cela prouve que cette vie est véritablement à la portée de tous !

La Boiseslle: Ovillers/Contalmaison Somme (Battleground Europe)

by Michael Stedman

This addition to the growing series of battlefield guides has been written by Michael Stedman, author of Thiepval. Drawing upon the wealth of material available in both national and local archives, documentary evidence, personal reminiscence and British and German unit histories, La Boiselle will add enormously to the experience of any visitor to this extraordinary location on the Somme battlefield.This distinctive volume has ample detail to satisfy the discerning expert whilst retaining the accessible style which will ensure that anyone new to these magnificently informative places will feel at home with the text. Apart from the historical detail, La Boiselle is illuminated by a distinctive and detailed array of maps and aerial photographs which will guide the reader both at home and in the field. To support the maps a sequence of contemporary and comparison present-day photographs will enable students to plan and execute a series of enjoyable, informative and evocative tours through the locality. These walks will guide people to little-known sections of still existent front-line and assembly trenches, dug-outs, gun-pits and observation posts, past the memorials and cemeteries, with an eye for detail as well as to the human and personal experience of the conflict. If you are researching the story of a family member who served or is commemorated here, if you wish to deePen & illuminate a visit to a new Western Front location, if you are a student of the battlefield and the military tactics employed here, La Boiselle will add enormously to your knowledge and understanding of this powerful place. In an unsentimental manner, La Boiselle can transport you back across eight decades to understand something of the experience of the Tommies and their German counterparts who fought and died here during the Great War.

L Is for Lollygag: Quirky Words for a Clever Tongue

by Chronicle Books

Go beyond the typical ABCs with a foray into unusual vocabulary in this illustrated dictionary for wordsmiths of all ages.A is for apple? B is for ball? Humbug! Forget about that hackneyed gobbledygook. In this lexicon of linguistic delights, word lovers of all ages will discover that A is for alley-oop, B is for brouhaha, and L is for, well, lollygag! Packed with quirky illustrations, fun trivia, and lists within lists, this is one humdinger of a dictionary.

Kyoto Travel Map Fourth Edition

by Periplus Editors

The Kyoto Travel Map from Periplus is designed as a convenient, easy-to-use tool for travelers.<P><P> Created using durable coated paper, this map is made to open and fold multiple times, whether it's the entire map that you want to view or one panel at a time.Following highways and byways, this map will show you how to maneuver your way to banks, gardens, hotels, golf courses, museums, monuments, restaurants, churches and temples, movie theaters, shopping centers and more!This 4th edition includes maps and plans that are scaled to: City Plans: Central Kyoto 1:20,000 Greater Kyoto 1:55,000 Kawaramachi & Gion 1:10,000 Nara 1:17,500Area Map: Kansai 1:250,000Periplus Travel Maps cover most of the major cities and travel destinations in the Asia-Pacific region. The series includes an amazing variety of fascinating destinations, from the multifaceted subcontinent of India to the bustling city-state of Singapore and the 'western style' metropolis of Sydney to the Asian charms of Bali. All titles are continuously updated, ensuring they keep up with the considerable changes in this fast-developing part of the world. This extensive geographical reach and attention to detail mean that Periplus Travel Maps are the natural first choice for anyone traveling in the region.

Kuwait Soil Taxonomy

by Shabbir A. Shahid Samira A. Omar

This book provides guidelines to key soil taxa in the deserts of Kuwait and guidance to associated procedures for laboratory analyses of soils, leading to land use planning on informed decisions. Soils are essential to provide food, feed, and fiber in addition to multiple ecosystem services that sustain life on earth. To achieve the above services sustainably, it is essential to use soils rationally based on their potential for specific uses. This requires establishing national soil classification systems to assess soils locally and to provide guidance to other countries where similar soils may be occurring. Once soil classification is established, it becomes easier to adopt technologies established on similar soils and environmental conditions without conducting long-term and expensive experimental trial. The taxa are established based on soil’s morphological, physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties and climatic factors. It offers opportunities to maintain future soil surveys and their correlation to the soils of Kuwait. The book is useful in other arid region countries where similar soil and environmental conditions are existing, such as Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. The book also has international relevance, as it was prepared by extracting definitions from USDA-NRCS keys to soil taxonomy, and sections related to soils of Kuwait are added in the book. The book is a unique and excellent addition to the international soil literature.

Kurukshetra January 2022

by Publications Division

Kurukshetra January 2022 English edition is dedicated to the topic of Smart Agriculture in India.

Kung Fu for Girls: Self-Defense with Style

by Simon Harrison

Kung Fu for Girls is your guide to the art of self-defience with control, power, and, of course, style. You already have all of the tools from your arms, head, butt, and legs to your cell phone, keys, high heels, and handbag now learn how to use them! With this simple, stylish course in essential kung fu moves, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence you need to stand up to any situation and keep you and your friends out of harm's way. Stash the book in your handbag don't go out on the town without it!

Kumihimo Wirework Made Easy: 20 Braided Jewelry Designs Step-by-Step

by Christina Larsen

Discover the gorgeous jewelry that can only be created with kumihimo wirework! Whether new to kumihimo or looking to take your skill to the next level, Kumihimo Wirework Made Easy is the companion you need. Author Christina Larsen will show you how easy it can be to transition from traditional kumihimo materials to wirework with her expert guidance, comprehensive instruction, and inspiring designs. In this must-have resource, you'll find: • A complete guide to understanding wireworking tools and materials specific to kumihimo wirework. • Full step-by-step tutorials for 3 basic kumihimo braid structures perfect for wirework jewelry designs. • Project instructions for 20 inspiring kumihimo wirework designs including earrings, bracelets, and pendants.Kumihimo Wirework Made Easy has everything you need to bring the ancient art of traditional Japanese braiding to your modern jewelry designs.

Kritische Theorie des Hörens: Untersuchungen zur Philosophie Ulrich Sonnemanns (Studien zur Kritischen Theorie)

by Martin Mettin

Die Geschichte der Philosophie ist eine Geschichte des denkenden Sehens. Zwar bedeutet dieses Sehen Aufklärung, jedoch wächst kulturgeschichtlich zugleich seine Tendenz zum instrumentellen Registrieren, zur „Okulartyrannis“. Es sind die im Zuge dieses Prozesses vernachlässigten Potentiale des Hörens, die einen kritischen Einspruch gegen solche Verdinglichung geltend machen können. Diese These der späten Arbeiten Ulrich Sonnemanns nimmt Martin Mettin zum Ausgangspunkt. Dabei rekonstruiert er entlang des Sonnemannschen Œuvres die Untergrundgeschichte einer verdrängten Philosophie des Hörens. Aufklärung erweist sich hier als Forderung nach Hellhörigkeit, nach einer sensiblen Aufmerksamkeit für die von Widersprüchen verdunkelte Welt. Erstmalig stellt das vorliegende Buch alle Werkphasen Ulrich Sonnemanns in ihrem systematischen Zusammenhang dar und ruft damit einen zu Unrecht vergessenen Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder ins öffentliche Bewusstsein. Im Zentrum steht Sonnemanns Ansatz der Negativen Anthropologie (1969). Anhand dieser ergründet der Autor die philosophische Bedeutung von Hörerfahrungen im Zusammenspiel von Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte, Erkenntnistheorie, Sprachphilosophie und Psychoanalyse.

Kristeva in America: Re-Imagining the Exceptional (Pivotal Studies in the Global American Literary Imagination)

by Carol Mastrangelo Bové

This Pivot studies the influence of Julia Kristeva’s work on American literary and film studies. Chapters consider this influence via such innovative approaches as Hortense Spillers’s and Jack Halberstam’s to Paule Marshall’s fiction and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, respectively. The book also considers how critics in the United States receive Kristeva’s work on French feminism, semiotics, and psychoanalytic writing in complex, controversial ways, especially on the question of marginalized populations. Examples include Kelly Oliver and Benigno Trigo on Orson Welles’s The Lady from Shanghai and Touch of Evil as well as Frances Restuccia on David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. Carol Mastrangelo Bové also examines Kristeva’s take on the US in her essays and fiction, which provide a vital part of the dialogue with American critics. Like them, Bové incorporates Kristeva’s thought in her own creative readings of little-known authors and directors including Christiane Rochefort, Nancy Savoca, and Frank Lentricchia.

Krav Maga: Use Your Body as a Weapon

by Boaz Aviram

The noncompetitive self-defense technique known as Krav Maga originally began in the Israeli Defense Force, of which author Boaz Aviram has been a long-standing member. Krav Maga combines fighting techniques from a wide range of martial arts, from boxing to jiujitsu to judo, and teaches its students invaluable lessons in optimizing self-defense, maintaining awareness, and striking most effectively. Boaz Aviram provides sound information on how to best tackle your opponent in the quickest and most efficient way. Some of these methods include: Preemptive counterattacks Using your opponent's most vulnerable areas to your advantage Paying attention to possible escape routes Using common objects at hand for self-defenseKrav Maga offers the original philosophy and application of hand-to-hand training as it started out, and Aviram scrupulously explains the origins of each technique to help the reader best comprehend it. This book provides over 150 techniques with over one thousand photos to help you get started in the world of self-defense, self-awareness, and maximum efficiency.

Kraken & The Colossal Octopus

by Bernard

First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Korean War: An Annotated Bibliography (Routledge Research Guides to American Military Studies)

by Keith D. McFarland

The Korean War is the most comprehensive and detailed bibliography compiled to date on the American involvement in "The Forgotten War." In this revised and expanded second edition, Keith D. McFarland’s clearly written annotations provide concise descriptions of more than 2,600 of the most important books, articles, and documents written in English on the conflict in Korea. Key topics include origins of the war; the political and military roles of North and South Korea, the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, and other United Nations members; campaigns and battles; weapons and uniforms; and the military and diplomatic aspects of the war. Specific subjects are easy to find using the index organized by topic and author, making The Korean War a necessity for every academic or research library.

Korean-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Bilingual Visual Dictionaries)

by DK

With over 6,500 fully illustrated words and phrases in Korean and English, along with a free bilingual audio app, using and learning Korean has never been easier.Perfect for tourists, business travellers and students, DK's Korean English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is your essential companion when buying food, talking about work, discussing health, and studying the Korean language.The dictionary is incredibly easy to follow, with thematically organized vocabulary so you can find closely related words on a particular topic. Words and phrases are illustrated with full-colour photographs and artworks, helping to fix new vocabulary in your mind. A comprehensive two-way index provides an instant reference point for new Korean vocabulary.The supporting audio app enables you to hear over 6,500 words and phrases spoken out loud in both Korean and English. Available on the App Store and Google Play, the audio app is easy to use and provides an intuitive reference for language learning, helping you learn, retain, and pronounce important vocabulary. The dictionary gives a pronunciation guide for every Korean word, and you can use this alongside the app to perfect your pronunciation.

Korea - Culture Smart!

by James Hoare

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times

The Koran: Selected Suras (Dover Thrift Editions: Religion Ser.)

by Arthur Jeffery

The Koran is the sacred scripture of Islam, a collection of revelations that Mohammed, the Prophet, said he had received from God (through the angel Gabriel) in seventh-century Arabia. Mohammed preached these revelations in rhymed verses that comprised suras, or chapters. Shortly after his death, his followers published the suras as the Koran (an adaptation of a word meaning "scripture lesson"), which today is considered one of the great sacred books of the world. Deeply moralistic, full of passion and fervor, the suras deal with such topics as the omniscience and majesty of God, death and judgment, the proper conduct of the faithful, stories of previous prophets, kindness to orphans, and much more.The complete Koran consists of 11 suras — arranged from longest to shortest — plus an opening prayer and two closing charms. The selections in the present volume were carefully chose to give a cross-section of the whole and to illustrate Mohammed's teaching as it developed from the rhapsodic style of his early Meccan period to the workaday legislative material of the Medinan period. This excellent English translation replaces the original verse form with accurate, highly readable prose, making a treasury of eternal wisdom from the Koran accessible to both the novice and the serious student.

Konfliktlösung in der Frühen Neuzeit (Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa #3)

by Wim Decock

Das vierbändige „Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa“ beschäftigt sich mit rechtlichen und außerrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europäischen Ländern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium für die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen. Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert. Nach einer Einführung in die jeweilige Epoche werden die für den Zeitabschnitt kennzeichnenden Akteure, Verfahren und Institutionen vorgestellt sowie Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme der Streitentscheidung in zeittypischen Konfliktfeldern behandelt. Die europäische Perspektive des Handbuchs schlägt sich in Überblicken zu einzelnen Ländern, Regionen und Rechtskulturen nieder. Ausführliche Hinweise auf die weiterführende Literatur runden die Darstellung ab. Der vorliegende Band 3 umfasst Beiträge zur Frühen Neuzeit.

Konfliktlösung in der Antike (Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa #1)

by Nadine Grotkamp Anna Seelentag

Das vierbändige „Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa“ beschäftigt sich mit rechtlichen und außerrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europäischen Ländern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium für die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen.Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert. Nach einer Einführung in die jeweilige Epoche werden die für den Zeitabschnitt kennzeichnenden Akteure, Verfahren und Institutionen vorgestellt sowie Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme der Streitentscheidung in zeittypischen Konfliktfeldern behandelt. Die europäische Perspektive des Handbuchs schlägt sich in Überblicken zu einzelnen Ländern, Regionen und Rechtskulturen nieder. Ausführliche Hinweise auf die weiterführende Literatur runden die Darstellung ab. Der vorliegende Band 1 umfasst Beiträge zur Antike.

Konfliktlösung im Mittelalter (Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa #2)

by David Von Mayenburg

Das vierbändige „Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa“ beschäftigt sich mit rechtlichen und außerrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europäischen Ländern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium für die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen.Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert. Nach einer Einführung in die jeweilige Epoche werden die für den Zeitabschnitt kennzeichnenden Akteure, Verfahren und Institutionen vorgestellt sowie Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme der Streitentscheidung in zeittypischen Konfliktfeldern behandelt. Die europäische Perspektive des Handbuchs schlägt sich in Überblicken zu einzelnen Ländern, Regionen und Rechtskulturen nieder. Ausführliche Hinweise auf die weiterführende Literatur runden die Darstellung ab. Der vorliegende Band 2 umfasst Beiträge zum Mittelalter.

Konfliktlösung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa #4)

by Peter Collin

Das vierbändige „Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa“ beschäftigt sich mit rechtlichen und außerrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europäischen Ländern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium für die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen. Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert. Nach einer Einführung in die jeweilige Epoche werden die für den Zeitabschnitt kennzeichnenden Akteure, Verfahren und Institutionen vorgestellt sowie Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme der Streitentscheidung in zeittypischen Konfliktfeldern behandelt. Die europäische Perspektive des Handbuchs schlägt sich in Überblicken zu einzelnen Ländern, Regionen und Rechtskulturen nieder. Ausführliche Hinweise auf die weiterführende Literatur runden die Darstellung ab. Band 4 umfasst Beiträge zum 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.

The Knowledgeable Knitter: Understand the Inner Workings of Knitting and Make Every Project a Success

by Margaret Radcliffe

Knitting is a combination of skill, determination, and adaptability. Whether you’re looking for a suitable substitute yarn, trying to modify a pattern, or fixing a mistake, Margaret Radcliffe offers proven advice that will help you solve all of your knitting quandaries. With this definitive guide, you’ll not only learn how to adjust armholes and shape collars, but why certain techniques work best in different situations. Radcliffe gives you the confidence and inspiration that will help you become a better, happier, and more confident knitter.

Knowledge Power: The Ultimate Quiz Book 2

by Seasons Publishing

This book would be of interest to students preparing for competitive exams, quiz competitions and to the general public of all ages.

Knowledge Power: The Ultimate Quiz Book 1

by Seasons Publishing

This book would be of interest to students preparing for competitive exams, quiz competitions and to the general public of all ages.

Knowledge Power: The Ultimate Quiz Book 3

by Seasons Publishing

This book would be of interest to students preparing for competitive exams, quiz competitions and to the general public of all ages.

Knowledge Management: Linchpin of Change

by Sylvia P Webb

This guide sets out the key considerations and provides some practical guidelines to assist in developing and operating an effective knowledge management function. Case studies demonstrate the ways in which different organisations have set about putting Knowledge Management into practice.Contents: Introduction - management fad or essential management technique? Perceived differences between knowledge & information; Key management considerations and influences; Shaping the policy; Role of knowledge management in the management of change; Getting started - importance of initial planning and early staff consultation and involvement; Use of consultants; Responsibility, access and control; Systems and procedures; Skills required for day-to-day operation and maintenance; Value - can you show it on the balance sheet? Case studies; How to find out more - useful contact details.

Knowledge Is Beautiful: Impossible Ideas, Invisible Patterns, Hidden Connections--Visualized

by David McCandless

Impossible ideas, invisible patterns, hidden connections—visualizedDeepen your understanding of the world with these mind-blowing infographics from the bestselling author of The Visual Miscellaneum

Knowledge in Change: The Semiotics of Cognition and Conversion (Law and Visual Jurisprudence #8)

by Jan M. Broekman

All knowledge is always a matter of change, as this book underlines. All knowledge links You and Me to Reality. This process of positioning cognition has become heavily influenced by conversion. Its cultural background is in this book named ‘the New Plural’: a worldview based on combinations of Analog, Digital, AI and Quantum understandings of reality.The New Plural, combined with in-depth observations on the Subject in new forms of knowledge formation, forms the background theme of the book. To understand the Subject as defined in past centuries, like Kant’s so-called ‘split ego’ or Voegelin’s ‘flow’, are outlined together with Husserl’s ‘phenomenology of ego-positions’. Today, one encounters the Subject transformed into a Self with other forms that replace the traditional Subject and its position. The dynamics of the Self are therefore broader than any Selfie can picture. What the book calls ‘the Self in digital culture’ and for what it introduces the name Self-E, is therefore essential for a semiotic observation of all actual patterns and practices of communication.The decentering of the Subject changed human cognition. The book introduces ‘The 3-S Triad’ (composed of the ‘Subject–Self–Self-E’), which has taken the place and functions of the classical Subject and its dynamics. Cognition has assumed a different position in the heart and mind of every human being. At the same time, the influence of ‘The New Plural’ has grown, making digital thought formation the leading pattern and foundation of today’s knowledge. That different view on human identity made knowledge as understanding and its traditional grasping disappear. All fragments of planetary life were subjected to a newly conceived and often digitally anchored fitting. That forms one of the most powerful and global challenges to the human mind. What if we conclude about climate change that our knowledge fits the problems concerned? The book’s final pages outline an epistemological path through such complex zones of knowledge! But its broad and encompassing background question remains, what the concept of change really means when it is challenged to clarify the topic we name climate change.

Knowledge Genius!: A Quiz Encyclopedia to Boost Your Brain (DK Knowledge Genius)

by DK

A brilliant book that puts your general knowledge to the test: pick your subject, look at the pictures, and see if you can name them all.A brilliant quiz book for clever kids - put your general knowledge to the test and boggle your family and friends with your brainpower!Can you name the longest river in Europe? Do you know your skull from your sternum? Can you identify an archaeopteryx and an allosaurus? Can you recognise the flags of India and Italy? You can! Then what are you waiting for? Open the pages of Knowledge Genius! to find out what you know, and challenge yourself to learn even more!With more than 60 topics, from across the encyclopedia, there's something for everyone. The pages are packed with eye-popping pictures - but do you know what they show? To help you, "Test Yourself" panels list what you're looking for. With three levels of difficulty, the challenge gets harder as you work your way from Starter, to Challenger, and finally the truly tricky Genius category. If you need it, there's a fun fact with every picture to give a helpful clue.Take on the Knowledge Genius! brain-busting challenge!

Knowledge Encyclopedia Plants and Fungi

by DK

Explore the wonderful world of plants and fungi, with everything from cacti and carnivorous plants to trees, flowers, and mushrooms.Why are flowers colorful and fruits sweet? How does a carnivorous plant kill its prey? Why do stinging nettles sting? How do trees turn light into food? This ultimate nature book for children will fascinate young readers with its microscopic detail and amazing facts on the plant world. Children aged 9+ will find themselves totally absorbed in the complexities nature, made clear through engaging explanations, intricate illustrations, vivid photographs, and striking 3D images. Knowledge Encyclopedia: Plants and Fungi! teaches kids all about plants and fungi by showing how they work with beautiful illustrations. Peer inside a leaf, watch a seed sprout, follow a root underground, and see how a flower becomes a fruit.This all-encompassing nature encyclopedia for kids offers: A whole collection of facts, charts, timelines, and illustrations that cover a vast range of topics.Plants and fungi from around the world shown using amazingly detailed CGIs that entice young readers to dive in and explore.Important STEM topics covered in life sciences curricula.A visual approach using illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D CGI images.Knowledge Encyclopedia: Plants and Fungi! shows how plants and fungi form the foundations of every ecosystem, making our planet habitable. Life on Earth couldn&’t exist without plants and fungi. Plants create the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. They regulate the climate, provide habitats for animals, and produce sustainable resources that we can use to make books, clothes, furniture and houses. Fungi are just as important.Every page is packed with incredible facts and statistics. Did you know that the seeds of the Australian snottygobble plant don&’t grow until they&’ve been pooed out by emus? Or that the world&’s oldest tree began growing before the pyramids were built?More in the SeriesKnowledge Encyclopedia Plants and Fungi! is part of DK&’s visual and informative Knowledge Encyclopedia series. Complete the collection and dive into the deep with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean!, take a trip to the solar system with Knowledge Encyclopedia Space! and travel back to prehistoric times with Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur!

Knowledge Encyclopedia: The World as You've Never Seen it Before (DK Knowledge Encyclopedias)

by DK

Change the way you see the world, with a groundbreaking visual approach to the wonders of our planet, in this fully updated edition.Explore the universe, from the inside of an atom to black holes, then discover the explosive science behind a fireworks display. This fully updated third edition of Knowledge Encyclopedia will continue to fascinate young readers with its microscopic detail and amazing facts on a huge range of topics. Children aged 9+ will find themselves totally absorbed in complex subjects, made clear through engaging explanations, intricate illustrations, vivid photographs, and striking 3D images. From Viking raiders and Samurai warriors to robotics and chemical reactions, amazing animals, the human body, the marvels of history, and more are visualized in incredible detail, inside and out, providing a mind-blowing introduction to every aspect of human knowledge.This all-encompassing encyclopedia for kids offers:- A whole collection of facts, charts, timelines, and illustrations that cover a vast range of topics.- Complex subjects that are explained using amazingly detailed CGIs that entice young readers to dive in and explore.- A fully updated edition, including all the latest developments in science, technology, space and geography.- A visual approach using illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D CGI images.Children can explore the world as they&’ve never seen it before, looking at what makes the human brain so special and finding out how the body&’s cells make energy. Journey through history in this visual encyclopedia, from the earliest life forms right up to our world today. More in the SeriesKnowledge Encyclopedia: The World as You&’ve Never Seen it Before is part of DK&’s visual and informative Knowledge Encyclopedia series. Complete the collection and dive into the deep with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean!, take a trip to the solar system with Knowledge Encyclopedia Space! and travel back to prehistoric times with Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur!

Knowledge and the Curriculum (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 12): A Collection of Philosophical Papers

by Paul H. Hirst

The papers in this volume provide a coherent philosophical study of a group of important and pressing educational issues such as the selection of objectives for less able children, the fundamental characteristics of teaching and the integration of the curriculum. A thesis on the necessary differentiation of knowledge into logically distinct forms is outlined, and is defended against recent philosophical criticisms. Its implications for curriculum planning are examined, with particular reference to the urgent problems of adeqately characterizing liberal education and those forms of moral and religious education that are appropriate in maintained schools.

Knowledge and Character bound with The Modern Teacher (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by William Archer

Written before, but published after The First World War, this volume’s plea for a national system of education which will produce a nation of prosperous, morally fulfilled people able to live at peace with other nations is doubly poignant given the sacrifice of the ‘lost generation’. However, the author also sees the horror of the War as an opportunity to change human destiny through education, an opportunity to abandon the narrow system of education in favour of one which will ‘bring education in touch with life’ and provide Britain with the intellectual and moral efficiency necessary to steer her through the following turbulent years of the twentieth century. Covering the core subjects of the English school curriculum in the early twentieth century the chapters in The Modern Teacher, if somewhat utopian, describe best practice in teaching of the particular subject and suggest possible improvements. One chapter also discusses the importance of the relatively new subject of citizenship, as well as the moral education of pupils.

Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic

by Simon Winchester

“A delightful compendium of the kind of facts you immediately want to share with anyone you encounter . . . . Simon Winchester has firmly earned his place in history . . . as a promulgator of knowledge of every variety, perhaps the last of the famous explorers who crisscrossed the now-vanished British Empire and reported what they found to an astonished world.” — New York TimesFrom the creation of the first encyclopedia to Wikipedia, from ancient museums to modern kindergarten classes—this is award winning writer Simon Winchester’s brilliant and all-encompassing look at how humans acquire, retain, and pass on information and data, and how technology continues to change our lives and our minds.With the advent of the internet, any topic we want to know about is instantly available with the touch of a smartphone button. With so much knowledge at our fingertips, what is there left for our brains to do? At a time when we seem to be stripping all value from the idea of knowing things—no need for math, no need for map-reading, no need for memorization—are we risking our ability to think? As we empty our minds, will we one day be incapable of thoughtfulness? Addressing these questions, Simon Winchester explores how humans have attained, stored, and disseminated knowledge. Examining such disciplines as education, journalism, encyclopedia creation, museum curation, photography, and broadcasting, he looks at a whole range of knowledge diffusion—from the cuneiform writings of Babylon to the machine-made genius of artificial intelligence, by way of Gutenberg, Google, and Wikipedia to the huge Victorian assemblage of the Mundanaeum, the collection of everything ever known, currently stored in a damp basement in northern Belgium. Studded with strange and fascinating details, Knowing What We Know is a deep dive into learning and the human mind. Throughout this fascinating tour, Winchester forces us to ponder what rational humans are becoming. What good is all this knowledge if it leads to lack of thought? What is information without wisdom? Does Rene Descartes’s Cogito, ergo sum—“I think therefore I am,” the foundation for human knowledge widely accepted since the Enlightenment—still hold? And what will the world be like if no one in it is wise?

Knowing Nothing, Staying Stupid: Elements for a Psychoanalytic Epistemology

by Dany Nobus Malcolm Quinn

Why is stupidity sublime? What is the value of a 'dialectics of ignorance' for analysts and academics? Knowing Nothing, Staying Stupid draws on recent research to provide a thorough and illuminating evaluation of the status of knowledge and truth in psychoanalysis. Adopting a Lacanian framework, Dany Nobus and Malcolm Quinn question the basic assumption that knowledge is universally good and describe how psychoanalysis is in a position to place forms of knowledge in a dialectical relationship with non-knowledge, blindness, ignorance and stupidity. The book draws out the implications of a psychoanalytic theory of knowledge for the practices of knowledge construction, acquisition and transmission across the humanities and social sciences. The book is divided into two sections. The first section addresses the foundations of a psychoanalytic approach to knowledge as it emerges from clinical practice, whilst the second section considers the problems and issues of applied psychoanalysis, and the ambiguous position of the analyst in the public sphere. Subjects covered include: The Logic of Psychoanalytic Discovery Creative Knowledge Production and Institutionalised Doctrine The Desire to Know versus the Fall of Knowledge Epistemological Regression and the Problem of Applied Psychoanalysis This provocative discussion of the dialectics of knowing and not knowing will be welcomed by practicing psychoanalysts and students of psychoanalytic studies, but also by everyone working in the fields of social science, philosophy and cultural studies.

Know Your Mind: The Complete Family Reference Guide to Emotional Health

by Daniel Freeman Jason Freeman

This authoritative mental health guide includes an A-to-Z reference for common issues as well as tools for self-diagnosis and resources for seeking help.Know Your Mind is a comprehensive guide to common emotional and psychological issues. It is an essential resource for anyone seeking advice for themselves, a family member or friend. Co-written by one of the UK’s leading clinical psychologists, it draws on the best evidence-based clinical practice and the most up-to-date psychological research.This volume begins with a concise summary of proactive steps you can take to maintain your own mental health. It then covers a wide range of issues, from addiction, anxiety, and depression to eating disorders, hallucinations, memory problems, and mood swings.

Know-It-All Anthropology: The 50 Extraordinary Human Innovations and Events, Each Explained in Under a Minute (Know It All Ser. #9)

by Simon Underdown

An informative reference containing concise explanations for the major anthropological discoveries in human physical, cultural, and social history.Who are we? What is it about our species that sets us apart from every other living creature, past and present, on this planet?These are perennially compelling questions about human evolution and development that continue to cudgel the best brains on earth. Know-It-All Anthropology seeks to understand the roots of our common humanity, the diversity of cultures and world-views, and the organization of social relations and practices.If you only have under a minute, that is enough time—by reading this book—to meet the ancestors and master the basic ideas, personalities, controversies, and future directions of the study of humankind.The Know It All takes a revolutionary approach to learning about the subjects you really feel you should understand but have never gotten around to studying. Each book selects a popular topic and dissects it into the fifty most significant ideas at its heart. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in three hundred words and one picture, all digestible in under a minute.Other titles in this series include: Know It All Chemistry, Know It All Classical Music, Know It All Energy, Know It All Fashion, Know It All Great Inventions, Know It All Jazz, Know It All Medicine, Know It All Shakespeare, Know It All Whiskey, Know It All Wine, Space In 30 Seconds, Sports in 30 Seconds.

Know It All

by Marsha Kranes Fred Worth Steve Temerius

The Definitive Collection for Die-hard Trivia Buffs (and the Rest of Us Who Think We Know a Thing or Two). 5087 questions and answers on: Language * Art, Comics and Literature * Presidential Trivia * The World * Television and Radio * Sports and Games * War and the Military * America-Past and Present * Religion, The Bible and Mythology * Music and Theater * Science, Nature and Medicine * The Cinema * Food * Business, Advertising and Inventions * Miscellaneous.

Know It All: 132 Head-Scratching Questions About the Science All Around Us

by Mick O'Hare New Scientist

A joy for science lovers, Know It All is your ticket to a grand meeting of curious minds!New Scientist magazine’s beloved “Last Word” column is a rare forum for “un-Google-able” queries: Readers write in, and readers respond! Know It All collects 132 of the column’s very best Q&As. The often-wacky questions cover physics, chemistry, zoology and beyond: When will Mount Everest cease to be the tallest mountain on the planet?If a thermometer was in space, what would it read?Why do some oranges have seeds, and some not?Many people suffer some kind of back pain. Is it because humans haven’t yet perfected the art of walking upright? And the unpredictable answers showcase the brainpower of New Scientist’s readers, like the anatomist who chimes in about back pain (“Evolution is not in the business of perfecting anything.”) and the vet who responds, “Quadrupeds can get backache too!”

Know How We Got Our Bible (KNOW Series)

by Justin S. Holcomb Charles E. Hill Ryan Matthew Reeves

The easy accessibility of the Bible in most of the world's major languages can obscure a dramatic and sometimes unexpected story. In Know How We Got Our Bible, scholars Ryan Reeves and Charles Hill trace the history of the Bible from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting key figures and demonstrating overall the reliability of Scripture.Reeves and Hill begin with the writing of the Bible's books (including authorship and dating), move into the formation of the Old and New Testaments (including early transmission and the development of the canon), and conclude with several chapters on Bible translation from the Latin Vulgate to the ongoing work of translation around the world today.Written simply and focused on the overarching story of how the Bible came to us today, Know How We Got Our Bible is an excellent introduction for formal students and lay learners alike. Each chapter includes reflection questions and recommended readings for further learning.

Knots: A Realistic Novel In Collage (Selected Works of R D Laing #Vol. 7)

by RD Laing

Originally published in 1970, Knots consists of a series of dialogue-scenarios that can be read as poems or brief plays, each complete in itself. Each chapter describes a different kind of relationship: the "knots" of the title: bonds of love, dependency, uncertainty, jealousy. The dialogues could be those between lovers, between parents and children, between analysts and patients or all of these merged together. Each brilliantly demonstrates Laing's insights into the intricacies of human relationships.

The Knot Yours Truly: Inspiration and Ideas to Personalize Your Wedding

by Carley Roney

Your wedding day is a unique opportunity to show the world just who you are as a couple. The Knot Yours Truly helps you envision your celebration—from the big decisions like venue to the small stuff like escort cards—and show off your particular style. Chock-full of fresh ideas for your ceremony, centerpieces, wedding cake, The Knot’s Yours Truly also includes 20 craft projects for personalizing your day. From invitation embellishments to a macrame leash for your four-legged ring bearer, this book has everything you need for the most extraordinary day.

The Knot Ultimate Wedding Lookbook: More Than 1,000 Cakes, Centerpieces, Bouquets, Dresses, Decorations, and Ideas f or the Perfect Day

by Carley Roney

You want a wedding that will wow your guests, but where do you begin? Carley Roney, founder of the world's most popular wedding destination,, has compiled The Knot Ultimate Wedding Lookbook to make the entire wedding-planning experience enjoyable. More than 1,000 gorgeous color photographs give couples endless inspiration for their wedding day, and useful tips, time lines, and lists help the lovebirds flawlessly pull off every detail. Each chapter is bursting with creative and classic ideas to make the day as meaningful as it is beautiful: Stationery: Save-the-date cards do double duty when printed on coasters or delicate handkerchiefs.Ceremonies: An auspicious bird's nest adds a beautiful and rustic touch for carrying rings at a farm wedding.Dressing Up: A retro bride goes glam with a feathered veil and pearl button-accented gloves. A casual groom and his mates add a personality pop with chocolate-brown Keds to match their wedding chinos.Cocktail Hour: For a low-key affair, mini grilled cheeses dipped in shot glasses of tomato soup satisfy.Centerpieces: Fruit slices suspended in crystal vases overflowing with Crayola-bright poppies and orchids offer a cheery setting.Cakes: White lace frosting details that match the bride's dress and the couple's monogram turn a pale green cake into a chic masterpiece.From classic white-on-white palettes to floral themes to fun fantasy ideas, the choices are limitless. Purple, pink, red, robin's egg blue--find inspiration at every turn in all the colors a bride can dream of! And The Knot Ultimate Wedding Lookbook is loaded with money-saving ideas that don't sacrifice style. Expert advice and rich images add up to a delicious visual feast and essential resource to help you create an event as special as you are as a couple.From the Hardcover edition.

The Knot Outdoor Weddings

by Editors Of The Knot Carley Roney

The romance of an outdoor wedding is undeniable. In any outdoor setting--beach or backyard, vineyard or mountaintop--the couple has unlimited opportunity to personalize their day and create unforgettable ambience. The 50 real weddings featured in The Knot Outdoor Weddings were inspired by twinkling lights and cityscapes, fresh herbs and countryside farmers' markets, shells and the sea, mountain peaks and endless vistas. . . . These gorgeous celebrations reveal the keys to making the most of your setting's natural beauty, while infusing it with special, meaningful touches that are all your own. The Knot Outdoor Weddings also includes location-specific planning advice for the details of your event, such as attire, color palettes, stationery, menu, and favors, as well as considerations for perfecting your plan B and keeping guests comfortable in any weather.

The Knot Little Books of Big Wedding Ideas

by Carley Roney Editors Of The Knot

The Knot, the #1 resource for brides, compiled their all-time best wedding details (cakes, bouquets and centerpieces, vows, décor and more), planning advice, and ideas for celebrations big and small within this beautiful box set of four colorful mini books. Whether you're looking for a breathtaking bouquet, an unforgettably original cake, or the perfect reading for your ceremony, these books offer hundreds of ways to make the day your own. With more than 200 photographs and inspiration for:Invitations * cakes * bridal bouquets in every hue * aisle and altar decorations * ceremony readings * guidance for writing your own vows * escort cards * table settings * centerpieces * reception décor * toasts * favors * and more

The Knot Guide to Wedding Vows and Traditions [Revised Edition]: Readings, Rituals, Music, Dances, and Toasts

by Carley Roney

From the #1 wedding brand comes this indispensable resource, completely revised and updated, to help you choose the perfect words, music, and traditions for your ceremony and reception The ceremony is the cornerstone of your wedding celebration. There are countless ways to make it your own, from meaningful poetry readings to the music that plays as you walk down the aisle. The Knot Guide to Wedding Vows and Traditions is an important resource for brides and grooms. New and expanded topics in this edition include:-Interfaith ceremonies and blending spiritual traditions-Ways to use technology to enhance your ceremony-New online resources for finding the perfect words for your vows, program, and more -Gay marriages and civil unions-Popular song choices that are already considered classicsThroughout, you'll also find a rich and inspiring selection of both classic and original ideas for:-Religious or secular vows and readings-Traditions and symbolic rituals-Speeches and toasts-Music for the processional, recessional, and the special dances at the reception

The Knot Complete Guide to Weddings

by The Editors of Carley Roney

From the #1 wedding website, this completely revised and updated edition of the classic wedding planning bible answers all of your questions, with all the latest information and tools a bride could want. Overwhelmed by the countless questions and details your wedding entails? Don't despair! The Knot Complete Guide to Weddings takes you step-by-step from your engagement to the big day, from the reception to the honeymoon. Inside you'll find checklists, worksheets, insider advice, and in-depth sections on:How to personalize your weddingUpdated wedding etiquetteCreating a realistic budgetSneaky cost-cutting tipsDress shopping adviceTips for working with florists, caterers, officiants, and othersInvitation wordingVows and ceremony detailsUnique Wedding customsALL NEW SECTIONS ON: Planning Online and Destination Weddings, and a color-coded section with over 100 vibrant photographsFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

The Knockoff Economy: How Imitation Sparks Innovation

by Kal Raustiala Christopher Sprigman

From the shopping mall to the corner bistro, knockoffs are everywhere in today's marketplace. Conventional wisdom holds that copying kills creativity, and that laws that protect against copies are essential to innovation--and economic success. But are copyrights and patents always necessary? In The Knockoff Economy, Kal Raustiala and Christopher Sprigman provocatively argue that creativity can not only survive in the face of copying but can thrive. The Knockoff Economy approaches the question of incentives and innovation in a wholly new way--by exploring creative fields where copying is generally legal, such as fashion, food, and even professional football. <p><p>By uncovering these important but rarely studied industries, Raustiala and Sprigman reveal a nuanced and fascinating relationship between imitation and innovation. In some creative fields, copying is kept in check through informal industry norms enforced by private sanctions. In others, the freedom to copy actually promotes creativity. High fashion gave rise to the very term "knockoff," yet the freedom to imitate great designs only makes the fashion cycle run faster--and forces the fashion industry to be even more creative. Raustiala and Sprigman carry their analysis from food to font design to football plays to finance, examining how and why each of these vibrant industries remains innovative even when imitation is common. There is an important thread that ties all these instances together--successful creative industries can evolve to the point where they become inoculated against--and even profit from--a world of free and easy copying. And there are important lessons here for copyright-focused industries, like music and film, that have struggled as digital technologies have made copying increasingly widespread and difficult to stop. <p><p>Raustiala and Sprigman's arguments have been making headlines in The New Yorker, the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Boston Globe, Le Monde, and at the Freakonomics blog, where they are regular contributors. By looking where few had looked before--at markets that fall outside normal IP law--The Knockoff Economy opens up fascinating creative worlds. And it demonstrates that not only is a great deal of innovation possible without intellectual property, but that intellectual property's absence is sometimes better for innovation.

Knocked Up: The Shooting Script (Shooting Script)

by Judd Apatow

They say that opposites attract. For slacker Ben Stone (Seth Rogen) and career girl Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case—at least for one intoxicated evening. Two months and several pregnancy tests later, Ben and Alison go through a hysterically funny, anxious, and heartwarming journey that leads to huge laughs.This Newmarket Shooting Script® Book includes: Introduction by writer/director Judd Apatow Article and artwork by Charlyne Yi (who plays Jodi) Complete shooting script 30 color photos Script magazine article by Sarah Vance Complete cast and crew credits

Knocked Up: The Shooting Script (Newmarket Shooting Script)

by Judd Apatow

They say that opposites attract. For slacker Ben Stone (Seth Rogen) and career girl Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case—at least for one intoxicated evening. Two months and several pregnancy tests later, Ben and Alison go through a hysterically funny, anxious, and heartwarming journey that leads to huge laughs.This Newmarket Shooting Script® Book includes: Introduction by writer/director Judd Apatow Article and artwork by Charlyne Yi (who plays Jodi) Complete shooting script 30 color photos Script magazine article by Sarah Vance Complete cast and crew credits

Knock Out Headaches

by Seymour Diamond Gary Ruoff

Are you suffering in silence? Have your headaches increased in severity and frequency? Are medications that previously provided relief suddenly less effective or not working at all? Are your headache symptoms causing you to miss family functions, social activities, and work? Has the pain that was once a nuisance now become completely frustrating and debilitating?Within the pages of Knock Out Headaches, author Gary E. Ruoff, MD, will educate you about what's happening in your body and why. Learn the types of headaches and their symptoms. Discover the origins of headaches, trigger mechanisms, and ways to avoid them. Receive strategies for connecting with a knowledgeable physician, developing a total plan for headache management, and committing to making the changes that can lead to healing.Headaches can be controlled and effectively managed! Let Knock Out Headaches help you take charge of your symptoms and reclaim your life.

Knock Out Headaches

by Gary Ruoff Seymour Diamond

Are you suffering in silence? Have your headaches increased in severity and frequency? Are medications that previously provided relief suddenly less effective or not working at all? Are your headache symptoms causing you to miss family functions, social activities, and work? Has the pain that was once a nuisance now become completely frustrating and debilitating?Within the pages of Knock Out Headaches, author Gary E. Ruoff, MD, will educate you about what's happening in your body and why. Learn the types of headaches and their symptoms. Discover the origins of headaches, trigger mechanisms, and ways to avoid them. Receive strategies for connecting with a knowledgeable physician, developing a total plan for headache management, and committing to making the changes that can lead to healing.Headaches can be controlled and effectively managed! Let Knock Out Headaches help you take charge of your symptoms and reclaim your life.

Knitting Sweaters from Around the World: 18 Heirloom Patterns in a Variety of Styles and Techniques

by Kari Cornell

This knitting book features patterns, techniques and inspirations from across the globe for eighteen cozy, stylish, and timeless sweaters.Knitting Sweaters from Around the World celebrates classic styles and centuries-old knitting traditions from Europe, Asia and the Americas. These designs are presented with patterns by well-known contemporary designers like Beth Brown-Reinsel, Melissa Leapman, Hv©lv®ne Magnv?sson, Candace Eisner Strick, and many others. After an introduction detailing the history of sweater knitting, each design begins with a history of the techniques and patterns it uses. Some of the designs in this book, such as the Cowichan-inspired Swallows and Ivy Wrap Cardigan, the Men's Fair Isle pullover, and the Eriskay Gansey, are very traditional garments, allowing you to try the same stitches and techniques that have been passed down for generations. Other sweaters, such as the Bulgarian Roses Intarsia Cardigan and the Turkish Delight Sweater, are modern creations inspired by patterns and stitches used in a particular country or region.

Knitting Sweaters (Idiot's Guides)

by Megan Goodacre

Stitching a sweater is a rite of passage for knitters. It means your skills are advanced enough that you can read and follow a pattern, understand the shaping and sizing involved, and have the stamina to actually finish the project. But finding sweater patterns that aren't boxy, ugly, or outdated can be a challenge, and even then, the directions are often so complicated and confusing knitters don't even want to cast on. Idiot's Guides: Knitting Sweaters is a clear and colorful guide that offers 20 chic and stylish patterns for knitting pullovers, cardigans, shrugs, and more, all featuring easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and hundreds of inspirational color photos. In it, you get: • 20 stylish sweater patterns for various skill levels, from newer knitters to more experienced stitchers. • Tips for understanding yarn weights, choosing the best yarn for a sweater, and calculating how much is needed. • Easy advice on shaping and sizing for the most figure-flattering finished sweaters. • Pointers on casting on, binding off, assembly, and finishing techniques. • Lessons on stitching sleeves, necklines, collars, hoods, pockets, and more. • Guidance on reading charts, understanding gauge, and avoiding common pitfalls. • Adorable sweater patterns for babies, toddlers, and children. • Fun and funky, sophisticated, and cozy classic sweaters for women. • Masculine patterns for pullovers and jackets for men.

Knitting Stitches Step-by-Step: More than 150 Essential Stitches to Knit, Purl, and Perfect

by Jo Shaw

A modern, photographed directory of over 150 knitting stitches, covering techniques including cables, fair isle, lace, and intarsia.More than 150 eye-catching, stash-busting stitches to take your knitting to the next level. Take your knitting to the next level with Knitting Stitches Step-by-Step. Whatever your knitting ability, this essential guide will help you master a huge range of techniques and patterns, including colorwork, fair isle and intarsia, cables and textural patterns, lace knitting, and methods for casting on and off. Find inspiration for your next knitting project or adapt a design you know and love with tips on incorporating different stitches into your work. Every stitch is accompanied by full instructions, with clear photographs and annotations so that you can follow even the trickiest of methods with ease, while the Tools chapter will help you prepare with the right needles, yarn, and other tools you&’ll need to recreate each technique.With an at-a-glance gallery to help you find the perfect stitch for your next project, this modern classic is a must-have for knitters of all ages and abilities.

The Knitting Pocket Bible (Pocket Bibles Ser.)

by Mimi Hill

From making stripes to making shapes, from tension swatches to avoiding tension headaches, from creating fringes to dealing with frogging, you'll find all the handy, easy-to-follow advice you need in The Knitting Pocket Bible to ease your woolly worries. There's also valuable advice on what items to make for friends and family, tips on what to do if you drop stitches or it all goes wrong and a handy guide to deciphering knitting patterns.Wondering how to set up a knitting group? Not sure which wools and colours to use? Find tips on all the rules and regulations or running a knitting group, make sure you've got all the right knitting needles and knitting equipment you need to make your knitting project go as smoothly as possible. Knitting doesn't even need to be woolly - find out all the alternative types of yarn to knit with, from eco-friendly hemp to baby soft bamboo.Small and durable, and perfectly designed to be dipped into again and again (just like your wool stash!), The Knitting Pocket Bible is sure to be a trusty companion in your knitting bag whatever your knitting project.This beautiful hardback edition has both dust-cover and gold embossing on the spine making it the perfect gift. Every Pocket Bible is lovingly crafted to give you a unique mix of useful references, handy tips and fascinating trivia that will enlighten and entertain you at every page. There is a Pocket Bible for everyone...Other titles in the series: The Baking Pocket Bible, The Cat Lover's Pocket Bible, The Jane Austen Pocket Bible, The London Pocket Bible and The Wedding Pocket Bible.

The Knitting Pocket Bible (Pocket Bibles Ser.)

by Mimi Hill

From making stripes to making shapes, from tension swatches to avoiding tension headaches, from creating fringes to dealing with frogging, you'll find all the handy, easy-to-follow advice you need in The Knitting Pocket Bible to ease your woolly worries. There's also valuable advice on what items to make for friends and family, tips on what to do if you drop stitches or it all goes wrong and a handy guide to deciphering knitting patterns.Wondering how to set up a knitting group? Not sure which wools and colours to use? Find tips on all the rules and regulations or running a knitting group, make sure you've got all the right knitting needles and knitting equipment you need to make your knitting project go as smoothly as possible. Knitting doesn't even need to be woolly - find out all the alternative types of yarn to knit with, from eco-friendly hemp to baby soft bamboo.Small and durable, and perfectly designed to be dipped into again and again (just like your wool stash!), The Knitting Pocket Bible is sure to be a trusty companion in your knitting bag whatever your knitting project.This beautiful hardback edition has both dust-cover and gold embossing on the spine making it the perfect gift. Every Pocket Bible is lovingly crafted to give you a unique mix of useful references, handy tips and fascinating trivia that will enlighten and entertain you at every page. There is a Pocket Bible for everyone...Other titles in the series: The Baking Pocket Bible, The Cat Lover's Pocket Bible, The Jane Austen Pocket Bible, The London Pocket Bible and The Wedding Pocket Bible.

The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook: How to Write Great Patterns that Knitters Will Love to Make

by Kristina McGrath Sarah Walworth

Take your knitting knowledge to the next level with this helpful guidebook from two professional knitting tech editors that sets much-needed standards for writing clear, accurate instructions—perfect for those interested in writing and selling original patterns. Knitting patterns are notorious for inaccuracies in measurements and confusing directions—but no more! The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook sets new standards for clear, accurate pattern writing, walking aspiring and experienced designers alike through each must-have component of a thorough, well-written pattern, including how to devise and present gauge, charts, and sizing information that is correct and easy-to-follow. With a focus on how to make patterns accessible to contemporary knitters—especially beginning knitters—this much-needed reference book is destined to become a classic in an industry that is beginning to professionalize after decades (even centuries!) of informal and home-based instruction. With 90,000 patterns being sold annually on the popular knitting community site Ravelry, there's a burgeoning group of indie knitwear designers eager for this guidance, provided by authors Kristina McGrath and Sarah Walworth, who host a monthly live broadcast on the technical aspect of knitting design.

Knitting Pattern Essentials (with Bonus Material): Adapting and Drafting Knitting Patterns for Great Knitwear

by Sally Melville

Bring Your Vision to Life with Pattern-Drafting EssentialsWhat's the number one mistake that knitters make? They follow a pattern exactly! In this comprehensive guide to sweater construction with an exclusive bonus chapter containing four extra sweater patterns, acclaimed knitting instructor Sally Melville reveals the secrets to creating or modifying a pattern so the finished project looks and fits exactly how you want it to. Pattern drafting has never been easier to understand as Sally breaks down each skill, including how to * calculate your personal measurements, ease, and stitch patterns* create a pattern for an existing garment that you love* shape a variety of necklines, shoulders, sides, sleeves, and hemlines* combine garment elements for an endless array of design possibilities* rescue a project when it doesn't turn out as expected* finish your projects with a professional look* knit 12 original projects that showcase the elements covered in the book With Sally's knitting expertise at your fingertips, you have all the tools you need to adjust patterns to fit you better than ever and create patterns that finally make your dream designs a reality.

Knitting Modular Shawls, Wraps, and Stoles: An Easy, Innovative Technique for Creating Custom Designs, with 185 Stitch Patterns

by Melissa Leapman

Noted designer Melissa Leapman has developed an innovative technique that promises hundreds of beautiful shawl design options in Knitting Modular Shawls, Wraps, and Stoles! Beginning with a simple triangular wedge, Leapman shows how multiple knit triangles can be joined together to create square, rectangular, trapezoidal, and semicircular shapes. Her easy and customizable technique offers knitters of all levels endless flexibility in design and yarn choices. Charted patterns for 185 different stitches allow readers to select their favorite embellishment for the main fabric of their shawl. Colorful photographs of 20 of Leapman’s original designs illustrate the creative potential of this technique. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Knitting Ganseys: Techniques and Patterns for Traditional Sweaters

by Beth Brown-Reinsel

Originally released in 1993, Beth Brown-Reinsel's bestseller, Knitting Ganseys, is a classic in the hearts of traditional and modern knitters alike, bringing this historic tradition to your needles for 25 years! This completely revised and update version of the perennial bestseller includes 100% new photography, new patterns, and more!This special edition celebrates with new patterns for sweaters in the traditional gansey style as well as new explorations of modern gansey-inspired patterns. Full-color, step-by-step photography walks you through a variety of traditional gansey techniques and construction methods, plus contemporary sources for traditional gansey yarns are shared, making this as vital to your knitting library as the original.

Knitting for the Absolute Beginner (Absolute Beginner Craft)

by Alison Dupernex

Techniques, step-by-step photos, and simple projects for new knitters—both adults and kids! Covering all the essential techniques, including basic garter and stocking stitch, casting on and casting off, and increasing and decreasing—all clearly explained using step-by-step photographs and simple instructions—this book is a treasure trove for beginning knitters. Alison Dupernex&’s designs have a timeless appeal that will delight knitters of all ages, and there are projects for children as well as adults. Within a few pages you can be knitting a fabulous stripy scarf, and by the end of the book you can get started on knitting yourself a gorgeous cable-knit cardigan! Packed full of helpful tips and simple projects, this is a must-have book for anyone who wants to knit. Previously published as The Beginner&’s Guide to Knitting

Knitting for Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time

by Betty Christiansen

Easy patterns for charity knitting projects from blankets to bears! All across America, people are knitting for peace. In yarn shops and private homes, churches and synagogues, schools and even prisons, they meet on weekday evenings or weekend afternoons to knit afghans for refugees, mittens for the homeless, socks for soldiers, or preemie caps for AIDS babies. The tradition goes back as far as Martha Washington, who spearheaded knitting efforts for the soldiers of the Revolutionary War, and has seen a recent flourishing in what is nowadays called &“charity knitting,&” &“community knitting,&” or &“knitting for others.&” And whether it&’s for world peace, community peace, or peace of mind, today&’s various causes have the common goal of knitting the world into a better place one stitch at a time.Knitting for Peace is an exceptional book that celebrates the long heritage of knitting for others. It tells the stories of 28 contemporary knitting-for-peace endeavors and features patterns for easy-to-knit charity projects such as hats, socks, blankets, and bears, plus a messenger bag emblazoned with the Knitting for Peace logo. Enlivened by anecdotal sidebars and quotations from both knitters and peacemakers, this inspiring book also includes everything readers need to know to start their own knitting-for-peace groups.

Knitting for Olive: Twenty Modern Knitting Patterns from the Iconic Danish Brand

by Knitting for Olive

Discover twenty stunning, timeless knitting patterns, from cult Scandinavian brand Knitting for Olive.This book includes twenty gorgeous, accessible knitting patterns, and includes both brand new designs and a selection of tried and tested fan-favorites. There is a project here for everyone; the designs vary in difficulty, and cover a range of sweaters, tops, cardigans, hats, and scarves. Each project includes a full pattern, explanation, and four-color photographs. There is a techniques section at the back of the book to provide the knitter with any extra information they need to tackle every piece in the book. Fully illustrated with beautiful and stylish photography, this book will take you straight to the heart of the world of Knitting for Olive, and show you how to create your own contemporary, Scandinavian-inspired pieces.Projects include:Chunky Rib SweaterDecember Hat & Olive ScarfWaffle SweaterOlive TopIt's Not A SweatshirtKarl Johan SweaterSimple and Simple SweaterPuff Tee

Knitting for Baby: 30 Heirloom Projects with Complete How-to-Knit Instructions

by Melanie Falick Kristin Nicholas

&“One of the best books . . . for the novice knitter&”—a beautifully illustrated step-by-step guide to making memorable gifts for infants to two-year-olds (Library Journal).Knitting for Baby provides knitters of all levels with everything they need to create handmade expressions of love for those special babies in their lives. Master hand-knitting designer Kristin Nicholas and bestselling author Melanie Falick offer 30 fresh, irresistible designs sized for infants to two-year-olds, step-by-step instructions and illustrations, and a comprehensive how-to-knit section for those new to the craft. From booties and blankets to toys and sweaters, the exquisite projects showcase contemporary colors and luscious natural fibers that are as soft as a baby&’s skin. Each of the patterns is clearly written and thoroughly tested and is accompanied by beautiful, hand-painted illustrations of the skills required, from casting on the first stitch to colorwork, cables, and finishing details. Engaging color photographs by acclaimed baby photographer Ross Whitaker show the finished garments and accessories being worn and enjoyed by a charming cast of babies being their naturally delightful selves. Originally published in 2002, Knitting for Baby has sold more than 40,000 copies in hardcover. The new paperback reissue of this timeless book is sure to find an even broader audience of knitters, both novice and expert.

Knitting for Anarchists: The What, Why and How of Knitting (Dover Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Lace)

by Anna Zilboorg

Every knitter takes a different approach, and this revolutionary guide fosters experimentation and self-expression. Author Anna Zilboorg defies the notion of a one-size-fits-all teaching method, assuring readers that the techniques most comfortable and intuitive for individual knitters are always correct. Her explorations of the construction of knitted fabrics are founded upon the understanding that there are many different ways to produce the same satisfying result.Offering advice rather than rules, Knitting for Anarchists promises to broaden the horizons of active knitters and to encourage beginners. Patterns for sweaters, pullovers, and cardigans include helpful photos, charts, and directions that serve not only as guidelines but also as springboards for unlimited variations.

The Knitting Book: Over 250 Step-by-Step Techniques

by Vikki Haffenden Frederica Patmore

Everything you need to teach yourself how to knit, from casting on to creating your own designs.This new edition of DK's knitting bible takes you from beginner to expert, with hundreds of step-by-step techniques, more than 120 stitch patterns for a variety of knitting stitches, and 20 knitting projects suitable for all abilities.Fully illustrated and easy to use, The Knitting Book is a one-stop resource for beginners and a rich source of inspiration for avid knitters who want to progress their skills and try new stitch patterns. Each technique is shown in clear photographic steps and explained with helpful annotations and arrows, from basic casting on to intricate Fair Isle and cable patterns.A photographic stitch gallery showcases over 120 different stitches to inspire you - try your hand at everything from garter stitch to intarsia, or customize projects with your own stitch choices.This updated edition features 10 brand-new project patterns, including an arm knitting pattern, as well as 10 projects from the original edition that have been reimagined with new yarns and fresh colours.Simple, clear, and comprehensive, The Knitting Book is the only book you need to progress your skills and create your own beautiful, unique pieces."

The Knitting Answer Book, 2nd Edition: Solutions to Every Problem You'll Ever Face; Answers to Every Question You'll Ever Ask

by Margaret Radcliffe

With expert answers to scores of new knitting questions, Margaret Radcliffe’s classic guide is better than ever. You’ll find a wide assortment of cast ons and bind offs, techniques for beading and knitting backwards, tips for knitting in the round, and strategies for measuring tricky fabrics. Whether you’re a beginner venturing out into the wide world of yarn crafts or a more experienced knitter struggling through complex needlework challenges, The Knitting Answer Book has a solution for every knitting problem you’ll encounter.

Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary: 150 New Stitch Patterns to Knit Top Down, Bottom Up, Back and Forth & in the Round (Stitch Dictionary Ser.)

by Wendy Bernard

The author of the Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary returns with 100s of inspiring new stitch patterns in this essential reference volume.Wendy Bernard’s innovative reference book Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary was the first of its kind to provide stitch patterns written for top-down, bottom-up, back-and-forth, and in-the-round constructions. Since its release in 2014, it has become a beloved, contemporary classic. In The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary, Bernard picks up where the first volume left off, adding hundreds of new stitch patterns organized similarly by type—knit and purl, textured stitches, ribs, lace, and cables—plus a chapter on mosaic knitting. Each chapter of The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary includes a customizable pattern so that knitters can easily swap out stitch patterns to make their own unique knitted items.

Knitting (Idiot's Guides)

by Megan Goodacre

Learn how to knit in just minutes!Knitting is one of the most popular crafts among people all ages, but if you've never picked up a set of needles before, it's hard to know where to begin. Geared toward the absolute beginner, Idiot's Guides: Knitting teaches the basics of knitting in a series of lessons using full-color, step-by-step photo-rich instructions that enable you to clearly see how each stitch, finger movement, and yarn movement is executed. Lessons are accompanied by practice projects, allowing you to try out your newly learned skill. As the lessons become more advanced, so do the projects, so you'll not only get instant gratification by knitting a project right away, you'll also become more proficient as you learn and have the motivation to keep going. In addition, the book includes over 20 fun and fresh projects along with galleries of stitch patterns for beginner and intermediate-level knitters. This completely illustrated guide is an essential tool for every new knitter. Features include:• Tailored to the absolute beginner who has never picked up a pair of needles before, with clear, easy-to-understand illustrated instructions. • Clear, comprehensive, color step-by-step instructions for all the basic techniques of knitting—casting on, binding off, knit and purl stitches, and so much more. • Stitch galleries with nearly two dozen patterns for decorative stitches such as cable, seed, and lace. • Practice projects throughout help the reader learn and practice techniques. • Handy guides to teach you how to decipher a chart, read a pattern, increase and decrease rows, buy the right yarn for your project, and more.

A Knitter's Home Companion: A Heartwarming Collection of Stories, Patterns, and Recipes

by Michelle Edwards

&“A cozy and charming collection of essays about the joys of knitting—complete with lovely patterns and yummy recipes&” (Kate Jacobs, author of The Friday Night Knitting Club).A Knitter&’s Home Companion is an illustrated collection of stories, patterns, and recipes from beloved knitter and essayist Michelle Edwards. This heartwarming title will appeal to knitters interested in not only stitches, yarn, and patterns, but also in the lives of other knitters, the lessons that can be learned from their craft, the ways knitting helps knitters cope during difficult times, and the role of knitting in family life. &“Let [this book] keep you company when you need another knitter&’s voice beside you,&” Edwards writes in her introduction. Like a good friend, A Knitter&’s Home Companion will inspire readers to laugh, cry, remember, be thoughtful, cook, and, of course, pick up their needles—sometimes to soothe, sometimes to celebrate, and sometimes to just pass the time. Divided into four chapters—Motherhood, Home, Community, and Legacy—stories range from &“But She Doesn&’t Have Any Underpants,&” about the challenges of knitting for family to &“Home Ec Workshop and the Mystery of the Indian Slipper,&” about finding community at a local yarn shop. Projects range from mittens and socks to a baby blanket and afghan.

The Knitter's Handy Book of Top-Down Sweaters: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges

by Ann Budd

Fiber and yarn enthusiasts nationwide will celebrate Ann Budd's latest addition to The Knitter's Handy Book series. Answering to a growing interest in knitting sweaters from the top down and knitting seamless sweaters that require little finishing, this handy book offers instructions for knitting four basic sweater types: circular yoke, raglan, set-in sleeve, and saddle shoulder. Patterns are offered in multiple sizes and yarn gauges and for a broad age group.Following the basics for each of the four sweater types are three diverse patterns from top designers that illustrate some of the many ways that instructions can be used as springboards for creative expression, including color, texture, and shaping variations.Also included for intermediate to advanced knitters are personal design touches, detailed charts, clear instruction, and quick tips to expand knitting possibilities and maintain creative originality. A key reference for knitters of all skill levels, this is the new essential knitting resource on your bookshelf.

The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges

by Ann Budd

Created for knitters who want standard sweater patterns in a variety of sizes and gauges, as well as those who want a template from which to develop their own designs, this book provides easy-to-follow charted instructions for 18 sweaters, three in each of the six most popular sweaters constructions. Each style is then provided in 15 sizes ranging from toddler to large adult, then further divided into six possible gauges: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 stitches per inch combining for 90 options for each of the six styles, or 540 patterns in all. The cardigan and neckline variations make for more than 1,000 patterns. Detailed schematics for finished dimensions are included, along with a glossary of techniques and a chapter on design considerations. This is a definitive resource for the passionate sweater knitter.

The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns

by Ann Budd

Offering charts and plans for making infant- through adult-sized projects, this unique book provides knitters with a complete resource of more than 350 patterns for caps, tams, scarves, vests, sweaters, mittens, gloves, and socks that are written for multiple gauges to accommodate all weights of yarn from bulky to fingering. Also included are the basics of pattern design and alteration to allow for the addition of different types of texture and color patterns or the modification of existing patterns to accommodate more gauges. Patterns are also accompanied by an assortment of ideas for edgings and finishes, further expanding design options.

The Knitter's Book of Socks: The Yarn Lover's Ultimate Guide to Creating Socks That Fit Well, Feel Great, and Last a Lifetime

by Clara Parkes

A sock is a work of wonder. No other knitted garment has as many structural demands or endures as much wear and tear. The humble sock must defy gravity, suffer the confines of our shoes, and endure being trampled on all day long. All too often, the root cause of a sock's triumph or failure is the yarn itself. In The Knitter's Book of Socks, Clara Parkes shows you how to knit socks from yarn up, following the sock yarn life cycle from its foundations to its final moments on a proud foot. By understanding a sock's basic needs--elasticity, strength, and moisture management--you'll learn how to play with these tools like building blocks, confidently combining fiber, twist, ply, pattern, and clever stitch tricks to construct your perfect pair of socks. To help put these principles into practice, The Knitter's Book of Socks also offers 20 fresh, original patterns from today's sock-design luminaries, including Cookie A, Cat Bordhi, Ann Budd, Nancy Bush, Anne Hanson, and Melissa Morgan-Oakes. The socks presented here run the gamut from simple knit-and-purl combinations suitable for beginners to innovative designs with lush colorwork, swirling cables, and delicate lace. Understanding the elements of yarn is the first step on every successful sock knitting journey. With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to make any sock yarn shine and love every pair of socks you knit. From the Hardcover edition.

Knitspeak: An A to Z Guide to the Language of Knitting Patterns

by Andrea Berman Price

This handy guide unravels the mysteries of terms, symbols, and abbreviations to make pattern reading easy for knitters of all levels. Knitting can be a challenging craft, but even more challenging than knitting itself is the cryptic language—a mix of abbreviations, numbers, jargon, punctuation marks, and other symbols—in which patterns are usually written. It&’s no wonder so many beginners (and even some whose skills are quite advanced) are intimidated by the bewildering code—or that so many yarn-shop owners grow frustrated by the amount of time they must spend deciphering patterns for the uninitiated. Enter Knitspeak, a knitter&’s dictionary that disentangles the mysteries of pattern language and translates it into plain English, helping knitters to easily transition from confused to confident. Andrea Berman Price&’s essential guide—written in a friendly, reassuring tone and formatted for quick reference—begins with an overview of how knitting patterns are organized. It then offers a comprehensive alphabetical listing of all the abbreviations, words, phrases, and symbols typically encountered in patterns.Knitspeak&’s many easy-to-understand drawings clarify basic and not-so-basic needle techniques, and a series of sidebars deals with issues ranging from keeping track of simultaneous shaping to substituting yarns and reading a yarn label. The book&’s appendix is filled with valuable tips, charts, and worksheets.

Knits from the Greenhouse: Knitting Patterns For Plant-based Fibers

by Cornelia Bartlette

The properties of plant-based yarns--cotton, linen, hemp, and others--are unique, naturally. They don't behave the same as wool yarns; to show off their best characteristics you need the right project. Knits from the Greenhouse is here to help you cultivate these fibers into beautiful finished designs. Dig in to find: • High fiber knitwear using 100% plant-based fibers, as well as blended yarns. • 18 projects designed specifically to show off the best properties these fibers ensure you have a beautiful finished project no matter the season. • Helpful tips and tricks from agrarian designers who love working with plant-based fibers. From soil to skein to finished project, working with plant-based fibers is a joy with Knits from the Greenhouse--green thumb not required.

KnitOvation Stitch Dictionary: 150+ Modern Colorwork Knitting Motifs

by Andrea Rangel

A brand new stitch dictionary from the author of the wildly popular, AlterKnit Stitch Dictionary.KnitOvation includes more than 150 brand new colorwork motifs to expand knitters' creative possibilities and draw them further into the world of stranded knitting with clever, quirky, and beautiful motifs including botanicals, animals, and geometric patterns. The motifs are accompanied by a selection of accessory and garment designs to illustrate how the motifs can be used, and technical information on new topics including using charts and adding flourishes with duplicate stitch. More knitters than ever are enjoying colorwork, so now is a fantastic time to give them another tool for their knitting toolbox. Whether you&’re looking for new colorwork motifs, knitting techniques, or pattern ideas, KnitOvation makes a great gift for experienced knitters or for beginners looking for inspiration.

Knitalong: Celebrating the Tradition of Knitting Together

by Larissa Brown Martin John Brown

An inspiring history of communal knitting events—from circles to online meet-ups to socially conscious knit-ins. Includes 20 projects. The immensely popular knitalong—an organized event where people knit together for a common goal—has only grown with the explosion of the Internet. Yesterday&’s wartime Red Cross sock drives have evolved into today&’s meet-ups at locales as diverse as cafes, state fairs, and major league ballparks, as well as international online gatherings; in fact, at any given time tens of thousands of people worldwide are involved in knitalongs, organized around a particular yarn, a favorite social cause, an intriguing project, a special event, or myriad other themes. Authors Larissa Brown and Martin John Brown present an inspiring look at centuries of people knitting together, and why knitters find the interaction so meaningful and worthwhile. Along the way, they offer 20 projects especially suited for different types of knitalongs. The Barn Raising Quilt and the Traveling Scarf, for instance, call on individual knitters to collaborate on a single project; while the Pinwheel Blanket and the Meathead Hat encourage a community of knitters to improvise on the same pattern to come up with a variety of results. Also included is essential information about finding, joining, and starting knitalongs. Hundreds of knitters participated in the knitalongs hosted by the authors as part of their research, and this book will inspire thousands more to get involved in the knitalong movement. The only book that celebrates this tradition of community and purpose, Knitalong is sure to have a powerful impact.

Knit Wear Love: Foolproof Instructions for Knitting Your Best-Fitting Sweaters Ever in the Styles You Love to Wear

by Amy Herzog

Discover how to knit sweaters that flatter your size, shape, and style in this guide by the author of Knit to Flatter.In this follow-up to Knit to Flatter, author Amy Herzog is back with more real-talk for knitters. In Knit Wear Love, she guides us through picking a base pattern that not only works for our inherent shape, but also suits our size and style—all with the skill of a top-notch teacher and designer and the honesty and humor of a BFF. Known for her uncanny ability to simplify what might initially seem complex, Herzog masterminded for Knit Wear Love an easy mix-and-match pattern system that allows us to choose among the eight key sweater forms (pullover, cardigan, vest, cowl, tunic, wrap, tank, and bolero/shrug); eight fashion styles (modern, classic, romantic, sporty, bohemian, avant-garde, vintage, and casual); a trove of customization details; ten sizes; and three gauges of yarn. The result? Sweaters we can knit with confidence, wear with pride, and love for many years to come.

The Knit Stitch Pattern Handbook

by Melissa Leapman

Beloved knitwear designer Melissa Leapman offers a comprehensive stitch dictionary and guide with more than 300 original knitting patterns, including slip stitches, cables, and lace.Knitters love their stitch dictionaries. Melissa Leapman, known for her knitting references, shares 300 of her favorite stitch patterns developed over her long career. With basic step-by-step knitting instruction, information on how to most effectively use a stitch dictionary, and a wealth of original stitch patterns, this book will appeal to all levels of knitters looking for a comprehensive, yet portable volume. The book includes stitch patterns in five categories from imaginative novelty stitch patterns to traditional knit designs. Each stitch pattern will include a gorgeous photograph as well as written and charted instructions.

Knit a Hat: A Beginner's Guide to Knitting

by Alanna Okun

An introduction to the wide world of knitting by way of making your own hat. Knitting is an excellent handcraft and something people love the world over. For crafting newbies, knitting can seem highly daunting: you need needles (but what size?), yarn (but what weight?), and a pattern (but what kind?), and very quickly knitting can start to resemble another language, tricky to navigate and even harder to master. Knit a Hat teaches you everything you need to know about the previously scary craft: the needles you’ll need, the yarn to use, and tried-and-true techniques to get you started, keep you going, and help you wrap everything up. Alanna Okun is an expert knitter and o?ers very accessible instructions: Her idea of starting with a hat rather than a long scarf is sure to make this book easy for even the wariest of beginners. Building on our crafting how-to series, Alanna welcomes readers into the knitting community and invites them to knit a hat with con?dence.

Knit 2 Together: Patterns and Stories for Serious Knitting Fun

by Tracey Ullman Mel Clark

The star of HBO&’s Tracey Takes On . . . shares her love of knitting alongside &“unexpectedly enticing designs&” in a book that will have you in stitches (NPR). Tracey Ullman has been known for almost 20 years as an award-winning comedian, actress, writer, and producer, well-loved for her eccentric and iconoclastic humor. She is also an avid knitter, and she brings the same freewheeling spirit to her most recent production, a book she created with knitwear designer and yarn-shop owner Mel Clark. Although she has been knitting since the age of four, Ullman was, she says &“helpless to make anything other than long, holey scarves&” until she met Clark, who taught her how to follow a pattern and knit for real. Passionate and funny, serious and spirited, Knit 2 Together features lively lessons for beginners and more than 30 original designs for knitters of all abilities and stripes—from witches britches and house slippers to a saucy apron and a table skirt. Complete with sidebars and vibrant color photographs, the book also relates Ullman&’s personal stories and reflections on her life in knitting. This one-of-a-kind brainchild of two perfectly matched creators—one a master of knitting, the other a master of wit—is sure to delight veteran and novice alike.

Knit 2 Together: Patterns and Stories for Serious Knitting Fun

by Tracey Ullman Mel Clark

The star of HBO&’s Tracey Takes On . . . shares her love of knitting alongside &“unexpectedly enticing designs&” in a book that will have you in stitches (NPR). Tracey Ullman has been known for almost 20 years as an award-winning comedian, actress, writer, and producer, well-loved for her eccentric and iconoclastic humor. She is also an avid knitter, and she brings the same freewheeling spirit to her most recent production, a book she created with knitwear designer and yarn-shop owner Mel Clark. Although she has been knitting since the age of four, Ullman was, she says &“helpless to make anything other than long, holey scarves&” until she met Clark, who taught her how to follow a pattern and knit for real. Passionate and funny, serious and spirited, Knit 2 Together features lively lessons for beginners and more than 30 original designs for knitters of all abilities and stripes—from witches britches and house slippers to a saucy apron and a table skirt. Complete with sidebars and vibrant color photographs, the book also relates Ullman&’s personal stories and reflections on her life in knitting. This one-of-a-kind brainchild of two perfectly matched creators—one a master of knitting, the other a master of wit—is sure to delight veteran and novice alike.

Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events, and Symbols of the Order of the Temple

by Karen Ralls

This authoritative sourcebook offers comprehensive information on Knights Templar history, symbols, key figures, unanswered questions, and more. Who were the Knights Templar? And how did they become the wealthiest multinational corporation in the medieval West? These powerful crusaders of the late Middle Ages remain a source of fascination for their mysterious ways and their far-reaching influence. The knights of the Order of the Temple were not only warriors, but also diplomats, international banking experts, advisors to popes and kings, and much more. Written by leading Templar authority and medieval historian Dr. Karen Ralls, Knights Templar Encyclopedia presents the history of the Order of the Temple in an accessible A-to-Z format. This authoritative sourcebook features a wealth of information on the key Templar people, places, events, symbols, organization, daily life, beliefs, economic empire, trial, and more. It includes photos and illustrations, an extensive bibliography, a historical timeline, and a list of major European Templar sites.

Knights: Chivalry and Violence (Casemate Short History)

by John Sadler Rosie Serdiville

“A really informative book . . . It whets the appetite to learn more” of the medieval warriors, their training, armor, weapons, and chivalry (Army Rumour Service).Originally warriors mounted on horseback, knights became associated with the concept of chivalry as it was popularized in medieval European literature. Knights were expected to fight bravely and honorably and be loyal to their lord until death if necessary. Later chivalry came to encompass activities such as tournaments and hunting, and virtues including justice, charity and faith. The Crusades were instrumental in the development of the code of chivalry, and some crusading orders of knighthood, such as the Knights Templar, have become legend.Boys would begin their knightly training at the age of seven, learning to hunt and studying academic studies before becoming assistants to older knights, training in combat and learning how to care for a knight’s essentials: arms, armor, and horses. After fourteen years of training, and when considered master of all the skills of knighthood, a squire was eligible to be knighted.In peacetime knights would take part in tournaments. Tournaments were a major spectator sport, but also an important way for knights to practice their skills—knights were often injured and sometimes killed in melees.Knights figured large in medieval warfare and literature. In the 15th century knights became obsolete due to advances in warfare, but the title of “knight” has survived as an honorary title granted for services to a monarch or country, and knights remain a strong concept in popular culture.

Knife Skills: An Illustrated Kitchen Guide to Using the Right Knife the Right Way. A Storey BASICS® Title (Storey Basics)

by Bill Collins

Good knife skills are key to feeling confident and comfortable in the kitchen. Chef Bill Collins teaches you how to wield cooking knives properly, so you can slice, peel, bone, and dice with ease. <P><P>Illustrated step-by-step instructions show you how to cut and carve seafood, poultry, meats, and produce of all kinds. In addition to profiling the best uses for a variety of knife types, Collins includes tips for using other sharp kitchen tools like graters, vegetable peelers, and mandolins. Get ready to chop away!

Knickers in a Twist: A Dictionary of British Slang

by Jonathan Bernstein

Don&’t play the silly bugger in front of your mates! Take a deep dive into British language and culture with this &“hilarious and entertaining&” reference (Chicago Tribune). Brits and Americans dress the same, eat at the same chain restaurants, and pass music back and forth across the Atlantic, and our national leaders are practically conjoined twins. But the second the Brits open their mouths, all bets are off. So don&’t dream of visiting the United Kingdom, dating a Brit, or truly understanding what Jude Law is saying without this handy, hilarious, and informative guide to Britspeak. With the cheekiness of Austin Powers and the tidbit quotient of Schott&’s Miscellany, screenwriter Jonathan Bernstein&’s collection of Cockney rhyming slang, insults culled from British television shows of yore, and regional and &“high British&” favorites provides hours of educational, enlightening, even life-saving hilarity. And if it doesn&’t accomplish that, at least you&’ll be aware that when a British citizen describes you as a &“wally,&” a &“herbert,&” a &“spanner,&” or a &“bampot,&” he&’s not showering you with compliments. Knickers in a Twist is as indispensable as a London city guide, as spot-on funny as an episode of The Office, and as edifying as Born to Kvetch and Eats, Shoots and Leaves. &“Indispensable.&” —Vanity Fair &“Will probably do more for revolutionizing the way you and your nearest and dearest address one another than any other book out this year . . . Often bring[s] an overt chuckle.&” —Edge New York

Kleines Business-Lexikon: Für Enthusiasten, Zyniker und junge Akademiker

by François-Xavier Chenevat

Leadership, CRM, Generation Y, Audit ... Die Welt der Wirtschaft und in den Büros ist voller Begrifflichkeiten, die Fragen aufwerfen. Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Und macht das alles überhaupt Sinn? Alles andere als bierernste Definitionen liefert das kleine illustrierte Wirtschaftslexikon von François-Xavier Chenevat. Vergessen Sie trockene und dicke Fachbücher der BWL und VWL: Das Büroleben in seiner ganzen Absurdität finden Sie hier erklärt - mit Texten und dazu passenden Comics. Sie werden nicht nur schmunzeln, Sie werden schallend lachen!

KJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Comfort Print: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation

by Thomas Nelson

A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God&’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman&’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God&’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman&’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman&’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the kingdom.Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman&’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds. Since the publication of the first edition of The Woman&’s Study Bible, this landmark study Bible has sold over 2 million copies. Features include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage ScriptureDetailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the BibleThousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to ScriptureOver 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your lifeInsightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledgeBook introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each bookHundreds of full-color, in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees give a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themesQuotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journeyTopical index and concordance help locate words and show the number of occurrences throughout the BibleClear and readable KJV Comfort Print® typeface in 10.5-point print size

KJV, Reference Bible, eBook

by Thomas Nelson

This classic King James Version UltraSlim Reference Bible has a wealth of study helps.á Over 60,000 center-column references guide you to related verses for further study and understanding of the Bible, and a concordance enables you to locate key verses and concepts.á Book introductions, explanatory notes, and full-color maps furnish background information to enhance understanding of the Scriptures.á This Bible is a beautifully packaged resource for comfort, wisdom, and inspiration.

KJV, Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible

by Thomas Nelson

The KJV Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible features the timeless beauty of the trustworthy King James Version Bible. While the traditional design of the King James text starts each verse on its own line, this edition improves the reading experience and comprehension by keeping the writers&’ thoughts together in paragraph format. And with Thomas Nelson&’s exclusive KJV Comfort Print®, you&’ll enjoy typography designed to be exceptionally easy-to-read and honoring the legacy of the King James Version.In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.Features include:Clear and readable 10-point KJV Comfort PrintLine-matched double column textBible book introductionsWords of Christ in redOver 22,000 translator notesOver 43,000 cross-referenced passagesConcordanceOne-year Bible Reading PlanThe Parables of Jesus Christ chartThe Miracles of Jesus Christ chart

KJV, Minister's Bible, Ebook

by Thomas Nelson

Pastors and church leaders stand ready to meet the needs of their flocks. And Thomas Nelson's beautiful and durable KJV Minister’s Bible is here to help. With sermons, readings, outlines, prayers, and more, this Bible is a one-stop resource, offering direction for weddings, funerals, communion and baptism services, confirmations, dedications, and a variety of other pastoral care situations.Features include:Complete text of the timeless King James Version, perfect for all devotional and worship settingsA comprehensive collection of pastoral resources, located between the Testaments--prayers, sermons, outlines, and more

Kitty Language: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding Your Cat

by Lili Chin

Learn to identify every meow, tail swish, and slow blink in this fun, informative, illustrated guide to feline body language, from the author of Doggie Language.Have you ever wanted to know what your cat really thinks? Professional artist Lili Chin explores felines in this whimsical visual guide to reading and understanding the feelings and behaviors of your kitty.Packed with playful, vibrant, and informative illustrations, Chin demystifies common behaviors—including sniffing, rubbing, kneading, staring, stalking, and more—so you can help your kitty feel safe, secure, stimulated, and happy. Did you know that the further apart your cat's ears are, the less relaxed he is feeling? Or that when kitty bumps you with the top of her head, it can be a sign of affection, a request for interaction, or her way of saying, "You are my friend"?A well-known artist in the animal training and welfare world, Chin creates informational artwork backed by scientific research and vetted by animal behaviorists and veterinarians. From head rubs and tail twitches to eye blinks and ear flicks, Kitty Language is a fun and quick read to help pet parents connect with and appreciate their feline friends.


by Isabelle Francais Sandy Meyer

Complete Care Made Easy books address all the major concerns about owning and training a small pet. Each care book offers practical advice, emergency first aid tips, fun activities, and more! Look to the training titles for in-depth training techniques and helpful tips.

The Kite and the String: How to Write with Spontaneity and Control--and Live to Tell the Tale

by Alice Mattison

A targeted and insightful guide to the stages of writing fiction and memoir without falling into common traps, while wisely navigating the writing life, from an award-winning author and longtime teacherWriting well does not result from following rules and instructions, but from a blend of spontaneity, judgment, and a wise attitude toward the work--neither despairing nor defensive, but clear-eyed, courageous, and discerning. Writers must learn to tolerate the early stages, the dreamlike and irrational states of mind, and then to move from jottings and ideas to a messy first draft, and onward into the work of revision. Understanding these stages is key.The Kite and the String urges writers to let playfulness and spontaneity breathe life into the work--letting the kite move with the winds of feeling--while still holding on to the string that will keep it from flying away. Alice Mattison attends also to the difficulties of protecting writing time, preserving solitude, finding trusted readers, and setting the right goals for publication. The only writing guide that takes up both the stages of creative work and developing effective attitudes while progressing through them, plus strategies for learning more about the craft, The Kite and the String responds to a pressing need for writing guidance at all levels.

The Kitchen Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Kitchen with Natural Ingredients, Sacred Rituals, and Spellwork (House Witch)

by Skye Alexander

Discover the magical properties, qualities, and symbolism of 100 basic ingredients so they can add magic to any meal—at any time and in any situation.Every house witch knows: the kitchen is an essential part of your magical practice. From preparing food to enjoying a meal, it&’s important to honor the process of making a dish, to appreciate each individual ingredient, and to make magic from the recipes you already know and love. First, dive into the world of kitchen magic and spellwork; then go back to the basics to learn the magical properties, qualities, and symbolism of 100 essential everyday ingredients so that you can learn to add a little magic to every meal. You&’ll learn: -That chocolate (especially the rich, dark variety!) is associated with love -That snacking on figs can spark creativity and even help you earn money from your creative endeavors -That you should choose your squash wisely for different shapes, colors, and even growing seasons are associated with different outcomes -That onions can be used to ward off evil spirits and negative energies and can protect your home -And much more! Transform your favorite recipes into magical spells, use different ingredients to maximum advantage, and enhance your kitchen witchery with the help of The Kitchen Witch.

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