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La boda (Escocesa #Volumen 2)

by Julie Garwood

En las altas tierras de Escocia, una gran batalla y un gran amor están a punto de comenzar... Mientras viaja de Inglaterra a Escocia para casarse con un terrateniente, lady Brenna es atacada por unos fieros guerreros que la capturan y la obligan a casarse con su jefe, Connor MacAllister. Esta boda es el primer paso en una terrible venganza que envolverá a Brenna en las sanguinarias guerras entre los clanes escoceses. Su marido no la ama y le ha prometido que podrá volver a su casa en cuanto le dé un hijo. Pero Brenna no puede negar que diez años atrás, cuando vio por primera vez a MacAllister, pensó que era el hombre de su vida. Y ahora, mientras intenta ganarse el afecto de MacAllister, lady Brenna solo puede confiar en su corazón...

La boda

by Danielle Steel

¿Puede la planificación de una boda, las intromisiones de los familiares y el estrés por los preparativos romper la idílica relación de dos enamorados? Allegra, una atractiva abogada de veintinueve años, ha pasado toda su vida en Hollywood. Sus padres se dedican al mundo del cine y de la televisión y sus clientes son actores y celebridades que reclaman su atención veinticuatro horas al día. Tras una dolorosa ruptura con su novio de siempre, no tarda en conocer a Jeff y descubrir que es el hombre de su vida. Perdidamente enamorados, deciden casarse... y empiezan los problemas: Jeff no acepta las exigencias de los clientes de Allegra y, por otra parte, ambas familias no juzgan con igual rasero su decisión de pasar por el altar. Este conflicto hará que aflore lo peor de aquellos que rodean a la pareja y a ellos mismos les hará dudar de su amor y determinación. ¿Puede la boda amenazar la idílica relación que ambos comparten? ¿Encontrarán la manera de superar las dificultades y de comprender el verdadero significado de su enlace? La crítica ha dicho...«Las cuestiones que Steel plantea sobre los conflictos de culpa y responsabilidad, independencia y seguridad, libertad sexual y el tejido de relaciones que forman la sociedad y la familia son cualquier cosa menos simples.»Booklist

La boda

by Danielle Steel

Allegra, una atractiva abogada de veintinueve años, ha pasado toda su vida en Hollywood. Sus padres se dedican al mundo del cine y de la televisión y sus clientes son actores y celebridades que reclaman su atención veinticuatro horas al día. Cuando rompe dolorosamente con su novio de siempre, no tarda en conocer a Jeff y descubrir que es el hombre de su vida. Perdidamente enamorados, deciden casarse... Y empiezan los problemas: Jeff no acepta las exigencias de los clientes de Allegra y, por otra parte, ambas familias no juzgan con igual rasero su decisión de casarse. Este conflicto hará que aflore lo peor de aquellos que rodean a la pareja y a ellos mismos les hará dudar de su amor y determinación. ¿Puede la boda amenazar la idílica relación que ambos comparten? ¿Encontrarán, finalmente, la manera de superar las dificultades y de comprender el verdadero significado de su enlace?«Las cuestiones que Steel plantea sobre los conflictos de culpa y responsabilidad, independencia y seguridad, libertad sexual y el tejido de relaciones que forman la sociedad y la familia son cualquier cosa menos simples.»Booklist

La boda Chipriota: Un romance de verano

by Jake Farrell

Cuando una llamada perdida cambia la vida de Bella, hace lo que cualquier Irlandés en sus veintitantos haría: Huir a una isla en busca de calor, un paraíso mediterráneo en Chipre. Ahí, descubrirá no solo lo que significa ser libre, sino el ser verdaderamente una mujer. Cuando un pastelero chipriota lucha por su afecto, deberá decidir si aceptar para ganárselo, o si simplemente lo usará como una distracción para huir de los fantasmas del pasado.

La boda de mi mejor amiga

by Jodie Sloan

Sue, la mejor amiga de Amanda Taylor, se casa y Amanda va a ser su madrina. El único problema es que el padrino va a ser uno de las personas que más detesta en este mundo: el rico y consentido Edmond Fairchild. Ella trabaja para el bufete de abogados de Christian Winters, el prometido de Sue, que resulta ser el abogado de la familia de Edmond y, debido a todas las ocasiones en que Amanda se ha encontrado con Edmond, finalmente ha acabado por aborrecerlo. Él es agresivo y siempre aparece en las noticias y las portadas de revistas involucrado en algún escándalo con diferentes mujeres. Todos saben que es a él le encanta jugar y Amanda detesta a los jugadores. Ella, por su parte, es una persona muy callada y de las que prefiere estar sola porque piensa que los hombres no pueden traerle nada bueno. SIn embargo, durante el banquete de bodas, ella se emborracha y le pide a Edmond que vulen juntos a Las Vegas y que se casen. ¿Quieres saber más? ¡Sigue leyendo!

Boda imposible

by Sharon Kendrick Luis Pugni

Era una aventura tan secreta como prohibida... Habiendo pasado su infancia en casas de acogida, Ashley Jones no tenía a nadie y necesitaba desesperadamente aquel nuevo puesto de trabajo como secretaria de un escritor. Pero se quedó impresionada al llegar a la aislada mansión Blackwood y, sobre todo, al conocer al formidable Jack Marchant. A pesar de sus inseguridades, el atormentado Jack Marchant le robó el corazón de inmediato. No sabía qué secretos escondía aquel hombre tan huraño, pero un beso se convirtió en una tórrida aventura...

Una Boda para Navidad (Navidades Veteranas #3)

by Rachelle Ayala

¡La conmovedora conclusión de la Serie Navidades Veteranas! Kelly Kennedy y Tyler Manning están planeando una boda de Navidad, y su hija de seis años, Bree, está preocupada por ser la niña de las flores perfecta. Las complicaciones surgen cuando Tyler se reencuentra con una mujer soldado que rescató en Afganistán. Mientras tanto, Kelly recibe un mensaje urgente del hombre que engendró a Bree, pidiendo un gran favor. Con su boda navideña inminente, Kelly y Tyler deben atar todos los cabos sueltos, mientras Bree arriesga su vida para hacer una buena acción antes de que el trineo de Santa llegue al techo. ¿El amor, la fe y un milagro navideño serán suficientes para mantener unida a su familia? --- Si bien Una Boda para Navidad se puede disfrutar de forma independiente, obtendrás más del aspecto de la relación entre Kelly, Tyler y Bree, así como la emocionante aventura de la supervivencia de Tyler a manos de terroristas, leyendo primero Un Padre para Navidad y Una Mascota para Navidad. La Serie Navidades Veteranas es una trilogía de dulces romances: Un Padre para Navidad, Libro # 1 Una Mascota para Navidad, Libro # 2 Una Boda para Navidad, Libro # 3

La boda secreta de la princesa (Serie La Boda Secreta #1)

by Manu Valcan

Más de tres millones de lecturas en WATTPAD, premio wattys 2016 en lecturas voraces ¿Qué harías tú si un día despertases al lado del hombre más detestable del mundo y descubrieses que estás casada con él? LO QUE PASA EN LAS VEGAS... NO SIEMPRE SE QUEDA EN LAS VEGAS La vida de una princesa parece que tiene que estar rodeada de lujo y servidumbre, pero para Nicolette Harriet Bouvier de Sienna, princesa de Kadia, eso era solo la punta del iceberg. Acostumbrada a la rutina de la corte, nunca pensó que una noche en Las Vegas le causaría tantos problemas. Al despertar en un cuarto de hotel sin tener ni idea de cómo había llegado hasta allí, Nicol se encuentra con una realidad aterradora: el hombre que duerme a su lado se ha convertido en su marido. Y, lo que es peor, ese «extraño» era nada más y nada menos que Sebastian de Vasseur, Duque de Montreux, amigo del rey, un hombre por el que Nicol siente un total desprecio. Cómo habían acabado allí los dos era un misterio, y cuando el rey lo descubriese sería el fin para ella. Por el bien de los dos, Sebastian y Nicol acordaron mantener la boda en secreto, por lo menos hasta conseguir anularla, pero Jerome, el rey de Kadia, tenía otros planes en mente, que incluían la boda de su hija con el general Hugo Hilton con fines políticos, solo para obtener ayuda para salvar a su país de una crisis. Hilton era un hombre aterrador, y Nicol no pensaba casarse con él ni en sueños, así que su única alternativa era aceptar revelarle al mundo que ya estaba casada com Sebastian, ese hombre al que ella tan poco conocía. Pero la antipatía que la princesa sentía por Vasseur no era un secreto para nadie, y para convencer a su padre de que la boda era verdadera Nicol y Sebastian no tenían más remedio que transformarse en la pareja más enamorada del mundo para no echarlo todo a perder.

La boda secreta de la princesa: Parte 2

by Manu Valcan

El emocionante final de “LA BODA SECRETA DE LA PRINCESA”. Más de 3 millones de lecturas en WATTPAD Ganadora del premio Wattys 2016 de lecturas voraces ¿Hasta dónde llegarías para salvar al amor de tu vida? “Cerré los ojos al oír la explosión de las bombas y unos tiros como fuegos artificiales. También oí sirenas, pero no pude distinguir si eran de ambulancia o de policía. Habría puesto la tele de la habitación para saber cómo estaba la situación, pero no estaba preparada para recibir esas noticias. No todavía. No quería saber quién había muerto, cuántas bajas había habido... Era demasiado doloroso.”

Bodas de odio

by Florencia Bonelli

Una historia de pasión e intriga en la época de Juan Manuel de Rosas. En 1847, don Juan Manuel de Rosas gobierna la Confederación Argentina desde Buenos Aires con mano férrea. Algunas provincias se alzan en su contra y forjan una alianza con el fin de derrocarlo. En esa época de conflictos sangrientos, lealtades e intrigas, la joven Fiona Malone sólo espera enamorarse, como lo ha hecho su amiga Camila O'Gorman. Pero un apuesto y enigmático hombre, don Juan Cruz de Silva, perteneciente al círculo íntimo de Rosas, se cruzará en su camino para desbaratar sus planes. Fiona Malone pronto se verá atrapada en un mundo de odio, pasión, intrigas y peligros que rodean a un hombre de la talla de Juan Cruz de Silva.

Bodas de ódio: Novela romântica histórica

by Cathryn De Bourgh

Deixando para trás a mansão da Rosa, sua casa de infância, Angélica faz uma longa viagem à Toscana para casar-se com o herdeiro do Conde Borromeo, uma família de linhagem orgulhosa. Parece um conto de fadas, a mansão, a noiva e o noivo tão jovens e apaixonados. Mas tudo muda de repente e o conto de fadas torna-se algo de que ninguém teria suspeitado. Em uma paixão oculta e proibida. Angélica luta para cumprir sua promessa de ser uma boa esposa. Mas aquele homem a tenta como o diabo, seu olhar a enfeitiça, a envolve e parece não estar disposto a deixá-la ir...

Bodie Bride

by Isabel Whitfield

Spinster Margaret Warren had hoped to spend a lifetime "guiding" her unruly family. But when her saloon-keeper father tired of her teetotaling, bossy ways, well- meaning Margaret found herself bartered into wedlock with irrepressible miner John Banning. She gritted her teeth and promised to honor and obey-but love was another matter entirely! John Banning knew his prickly wife would have to be won over, and he relished kindling the banked fires beneath Margaret's cool exterior. Yet when their explosive attraction sparked genuine panic in her, John feared that one wrong move would send his new bride running scared.

Bodies and Souls

by Nancy Thayer

In this fast, steamy novel by New York Times bestselling author Nancy Thayer, residents of a seemingly picture perfect New England town struggle to hide their shocking secrets . . . until they can no longer. Now available for the first time as an eBook! From his position behind the pulpit, Reverend Peter Taylor has a unique view of his affluent congregants. By and large, they appear respectable and morally upstanding, but they have their share of troubles--and perhaps even more than their share of sins. Liza Howard is a notorious Jezebel who seduces young and old alike, and who now has her sights set on Judy Bennett's son, despite his engagement. Meanwhile, Judy hides her own family secrets behind her relentless judgment of others. Widow Suzanna Blair's newly found passion for her female professor has her questioning the life she's always known. And Peter Taylor himself struggles with faith and lust despite an eighteen-year marriage. As their turbulent lives and their scandalous stories intersect, one thing is certain: small town secrets never remain hidden for long. Includes a captivating preview of Nancy Thayer's upcoming novel Nantucket Sisters! Praise for the novels of Nancy Thayer "The queen of beach books."--The Star-Ledger "Thayer has a deep and masterly understanding of love and friendship, of where the two complement and where they collide."--Elin Hilderbrand "Thayer's gift for reaching the emotional core of her characters [is] captivating."--Houston Chronicle "One of my favorite writers."--Susan Wiggs "Thayer portrays beautifully the small moments, inside stories and shared histories that build families."--The Miami Herald "Thayer's sense of place is powerful, and her words are hung together the way my grandmother used to tat lace."--Dorothea Benton Frank

Bodies in Motion: 10 Athletes to Adore

by Alicia Hunter Pace Angela Smith Casey Dawes Elley Arden Katie Kenyhercz Lucy Oliver Lynn Cahoon Rachel Cross Synithia Williams Toni Jones Cj Petterson

Working up a sweat has never been more fun than in this value-priced collection starring sexy, athletic heroes and the dynamic women who capture their hearts.Reforming Gabe: Once the NFL’s best wide receiver, Gabe Beauford’s been dropping the ball this season—literally. After his team loses the Super Bowl, he heads to Beauford to brood, but crossing paths with independent and talented jewelry maker Neyland MacKenzie puts a new gleam in his eye. She needs saving and he needs a project…But will his not-so-deft touch ruin her dreams and their chance at real love? Worth the Wait: Playboy and fitness instructor Jared Patterson seems like the perfect candidate to help Tasha Smith lose her long-held V-card. But what starts out as a one-time thing quickly turns into an affair neither wants to stop—even when it might get in the way of their futures. High Octane: Fueled: Texan rebel Maddux Bates’s bad behavior won him last year’s Formula One championship—and an image problem. Getting caught dating a sponsor’s girlfriend, oncologist Brynn Douglas, could sabotage this season too—but can anything slow this dynamic duo down when their relationship shifts into overdrive? On the Fly: Newly minted MBA Jacey Vaughn gets in over her head when her father unexpectedly leaves her his NHL team. She knows business, not hockey, but it doesn’t take her long to recognize that her flirtation with team captain Carter Phlynn is a danger to her professional reputation. With the Stanley Cup on the line, she must decide between her heart’s desire and her family’s legacy. The Bull Rider’s Brother: Lizzie Hudson is enjoying rodeo weekend to start her summer when James Sullivan, the cowboy who got away, walks his Justin Ropers back into her life. Can he learn to redefine family before she gives up on him and marries another? Montana Christmas Magic: Tennis pro Logan Collins inherits a cabin in rural Phillipsburg, Montana, that he’s not allowed to sell for six months. It’s just enough time to start a sweet relationship with artist and chocolatier Julie Thompson. But despite the trappings of permanence—a dog, a horse, and a woman who brings light into his dark days—his life is still in New York. He’ll have to persuade Julie that Christmas in Manhattan is just as inspiring, before the holidays put a final wrap on their relationship. No Secrets in Spandex: Allegations of drug use surround bike racer Jacob Hunter, and reporter Ariel Hays is ready to do anything to get that story—except reveal her own secrets. Choosing Carter: When Bryn McKay’s brother escapes from prison bent on revenge, she invites her best friend, naturalist and outdoor guide Carter Danielson, on a rafting trip to help her de-stress—and she wouldn’t mind if things turned romantic. But Carter is a recovering alcoholic who shies away from commitment. Then her brother shows up and they must flee for their lives. Will imminent danger prompt Carter to finally figure out where his heart lies? Winter Storms: Daniel’s sailing accident cost Carly her shot at Olympic dreams, while his own athletic success was unhindered. Now he’s returned and they’re stuck in the Cornish village where storms lash them from outside—and within. Final Mend: Jake Inman may be a triathlete, but he needs a private investigator to help him track down his kidnapped goddaughter in the wilderness. Winona Wall left the PI game, but now to save herself, she must team up with Jake—and avoid love at all costs. Sensuality Level: Sensual

Bodies of Men

by Nigel Featherstone

Shortlisted for the 2019 Queensland Literary Awards - FICTIONLonglisted for the 2020 ARA Historical Novel Prize2019 Canberra Critics Circle Award - FICTION'a beautiful, tender, captivating story' - Joanna Nell, author of The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village'It is a tender, liberating love story, but, as Featherstone originally intended, a provoking one about our definitions of masculinity, bravery and courage.' - Canberra Times'a novel about intimacy and devotion, the power of tenderness, the mysteries of time, presence, and absence, secrets revealed and withheld, and friendships between strangers emerging from dire circumstances' - Australian Book ReviewThere is nothing more important than love and refuge.Egypt, 1941. Only hours after disembarking in Alexandria, William Marsh, an Australian lieutenant at twenty-one, is face down in the sand, caught in a stoush with the Italian enemy. He is saved by James Kelly, a childhood friend from Sydney and the last person he expected to see. But where William escapes unharmed, not all are so fortunate. William is sent to supervise an army depot in the Western Desert, with a private directive to find an AWOL soldier: James Kelly. When the two are reunited, James is recovering from an accident, hidden away in the home of an unusual family - a family with secrets. Together they will risk it all to find answers.Soon William and James are thrust headlong into territory more dangerous than either could have imagined.'A beautifully written, tender and sensitive love story told within the tense and uncertain context of war.' - Karen Viggers, bestselling author of The Lightkeeper's Wife'This is a strangely gentle novel about wartime conflict, violence, and chaos.' - Sydney Morning Herald

Bodies of Men

by Nigel Featherstone

Shortlisted for the 2019 Queensland Literary Awards - FICTIONLonglisted for the 2020 ARA Historical Novel Prize2019 Canberra Critics Circle Award - FICTION'a beautiful, tender, captivating story' - Joanna Nell, author of The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village'It is a tender, liberating love story, but, as Featherstone originally intended, a provoking one about our definitions of masculinity, bravery and courage.' - Canberra Times'a novel about intimacy and devotion, the power of tenderness, the mysteries of time, presence, and absence, secrets revealed and withheld, and friendships between strangers emerging from dire circumstances' - Australian Book ReviewThere is nothing more important than love and refuge.Egypt, 1941. Only hours after disembarking in Alexandria, William Marsh, an Australian lieutenant at twenty-one, is face down in the sand, caught in a stoush with the Italian enemy. He is saved by James Kelly, a childhood friend from Sydney and the last person he expected to see. But where William escapes unharmed, not all are so fortunate. William is sent to supervise an army depot in the Western Desert, with a private directive to find an AWOL soldier: James Kelly. When the two are reunited, James is recovering from an accident, hidden away in the home of an unusual family - a family with secrets. Together they will risk it all to find answers.Soon William and James are thrust headlong into territory more dangerous than either could have imagined.'A beautifully written, tender and sensitive love story told within the tense and uncertain context of war.' - Karen Viggers, bestselling author of The Lightkeeper's Wife'This is a strangely gentle novel about wartime conflict, violence, and chaos.' - Sydney Morning Herald

Bodies of Work: An Avondale Story (Avondale Stories Ser. #1)

by Etienne

George Martin and Mike Foster have been best friends since childhood, but recent events have brought them even closer together: Mike has moved into George’s house now that George’s unfaithful boyfriend has been kicked out. It puts Mike in a pinch, because he’s always loved George -- maybe more than a best friend should.George doesn’t suspect Mike’s feelings, being wrapped up in his job as the youngest lieutenant in the Jacksonville sheriff’s office and investigating a series of murders. But it will all come to a head when George is stalked by a psycho and Mike steps in front of a bullet meant for George. George then realizes there’s much more to their relationship than he thought.

Bodies Out Back: Evolution (Cameron Andrews Mysteries #2)

by Nanisi Barrett D'Arnuk

CIA Agent Cameron Andrews' new home on the shores of Lake Memphremagog in Vermont seems like the perfect place to live, but when bodies and a meth lab are found in the woods of her property, new problems arise. Because her land abuts the United States-Canadian border, Cam volunteers to go undercover and investigate what could be an international incident.Finding drug dealers in Magog, Quebec, isn't hard for someone with a felony record, and one young woman is more than happy to introduce Cam to others in the drug world. But more and more people are asking personal questions, and Cam finds herself making up more lies than ever before.When police raid the drug house, Cam finds herself in an even worse predicament -- back in jail. Can her team get her out without blowing her cover?

The Bodies We Wear

by Jeyn Roberts

A streetwise girl trains to take on a gang of drug dealers and avenge her best friend's death in this thriller for fans of Scott Westerfeld and Robin Wasserman. Heam: It's the hottest drug around. Users are able to see Heaven--a place so beautiful, so indescribably serene, many people never want to come back. And some don't, like Faye's best friend, Christian. But when Faye was forced to take Heam, she didn't see Heaven; she saw Hell. And now she spends her nights training to take revenge on the men who destroyed her future and murdered Christian. When a mysterious young man named Chael appears, Faye's plans suddenly get a lot more complicated. Love and Death. Will Faye overcome her desires, or will her quest for revenge consume her?From the Hardcover edition.

Bodily Harm: Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm (Canadian Fiction Studies #28)

by Margaret Atwood

From the author of the New York Times bestselling novels The Handmaid&’s Tale—now an Emmy Award-winning Hulu original series—and Alias Grace, now a Netflix original series.A powerfully and brilliantly crafted novel, Bodily Harm is the story of Rennie Wilford, a young journalist whose life has begun to shatter around the edges. Rennie flies to the Caribbean to recuperate, and on the tiny island of St. Antoine she is confronted by a world where her rules for survival no longer apply. By turns comic, satiric, relentless, and terrifying, Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm is ultimately an exploration of the lust for power, both sexual and political, and the need for compassion that goes beyond what we ordinarily mean by love.

Bodine's Bounty

by Charlene Sands

19th Century American West. A hard-bitten bounty hunter has no time for love. . . Heiress Emma Marie Rourke is naive, innocent and very, very determined. She'll find her outlaw father and make it as a singer. Bodine--just Bodine--has promises to keep. And looking for some spoiled flibbertigibbet runaway isn't top of his list. But, dammit, his conscience won't let him rest until he finds her. And at least there's a reward for retrieving her. Protecting Emma isn't the easy job he expects it to be. Bodine is startled when he can't get his mind--or his hands--off Emma's diminutive figure! He's sworn to keep her safe--but who will save her from him?

The Body

by Rj Martin

The line separating flesh from spirit can be elusive.... Teenaged altar boy Jonah Gregory's faith is strong, even if some of his beliefs are unconventional. Jonah is certain Christ is gay, like him, and he knows the devotion he feels is mutual. His plans to become a priest are called into question when he meets Rusty Naylor, the closeted son of a famous romance novelist. Not only is Rusty attractive and charming, he could be Jesus's twin. Jonah is torn between the calling of his soul and the desires of his body--a distinction that grows more and more muddled since Jonah can't look at Rusty without imagining the Lord, and vice versa. Worse yet, Jonah feels caught in a tug-of-war between them. As Jonah struggles to determine the course of his life, he's aided by his parents, Rusty's famous mother, a surly Father from Brooklyn, and the two men who hold sway over his heart: Rusty and the Lord.

Body and Soul

by Susan Krinard

The bestselling author of Prince of Shadows and Twice a Hero again displays her incredible talent and imagination in an enchanting new romance about a love so deep it will bring a man and a woman another century, another life.Jesse Copeland, an expert in mountain rescues, has returned to Manzanita after years in the Peace Corps. Despite an indomitable courage that sent her rappelling down cliffs, she is haunted by the nightmares and shadowy half-memories surrounding her mother's mysterious death. Now she is determined to find out if her mother's "accident" was murder. What she finds instead is a man as transparent as air--sensual, muscular, his blue eyes burning into hers as she cries out one word from a place deep within her: David.David Ventris, Lord Ashthorpe, late of His Majesty's Light Dragoons, is, simply put, a ghost. He's waited two centuries to be called back to earth by the woman he wronged. He knew her as "Sophie," a wondrous lady who sparked a passion so blazing that time could not dim the flames. Now he is being given the chance to guard her from danger and get back his soul--if only she will believe him real and not madness. If only she will love him enough to create a miracle...and give him life again.From the Paperback edition.

Body and Soul

by Charlotte Lamb

He Wanted All Of Her!Bruno Falcucci was nothing less than a nasty piece of work. Not only had he maneuvered himself into a position of power at the bank where Martine worked, but now he had set his eyes on conquering her, as well. But no matter how attractive Bruno was, there was no way that Martine was going to let him, with his big, black, Italian, come-to-bed eyes, get the better of her!

Body And Soul

by Sherryl Woods

The aerobics instructor was very pretty, very popular... and very dead. Reporter Amanda Roberts was at the gym when the body was discovered on the steam room floor. Amanda smells murder--and a hot story-- but her sometimes boyfriend, Joe Donelli, thinks she should keep her nose clean. She says he's jealous, that he misses his police days. He says he's content raising tomatoes. She says she can't walk away from a murder case. He says he cares so much, he'd hate to see her hurt. It's a familiar argument for the stubborn reporter and the tough ex-cop, but this time Joe may be right to exercise caution. For the case is about to take on unhealthy overtones for the woman he loves.

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