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Showing 11,576 through 11,600 of 36,337 results

Pendulums and the Light: Communication with the Goddess

by Diane Stein

Diane Stein describes how to make or buy pendulums that work optimally for your specific energy and needs, and how to use pendulums in ways you have never thought of before. PENDULUMS AND THE LIGHT transforms pendulums from a party game into a serious psychic and healing tool that works with the Light to help your everyday life.

El pendejonario: Diccionario de pendejos y pendejadas

by María del Montes de Oca

Diviértase y deje de hacerse pendejo, o hágalo, pero mientras lee El pendejonario. En El pendejonario encontrará: - Tipologías: descubra a cuál pendejo pertenece, puede ser que se identifique con más de dos. - Sobre lo pendejo y sus derivados: la pendejez está adherida al habla hispana, vea los usos de este calificativo y sus derivados en Latinoamérica. - Horóscopos: su pendejez no es gratuita, sino producto de la posición relativa de los planetas el día en que usted nació. - Frases de gente famosa: ni siquiera Borges, Sócrates o Einstein se salvan de la maldición pendeja, por eso la expresan en sus pendefrases. - Expresiones populares: reflejan alguna situación sobre la pendeja vida. - Canciones y citas literarias pendejas: porque la pendejez no queda fuera de las manifestaciones artísticas. En Algarabía editorial hablamos sobre lo que todos hablan y escribimos de lo que nadie escribe, pero tratado de un modo inteligente, claro y humorístico. Por esta razón, Algarabía, en coordinación con el doctor Justo Muñoz, decidió dedicar este libro a uno de los adjetivos coloquiales que unifican a la humanidad: pendejo. La base para estructurar un proyecto como El pendejonario fue la iniciativa del Partido Autónomo de Pendejos (PAP), que retomó la idea original de don Hermenegildo L. Torres, quien creó la fundación Pro Unificación del Pendejo (PUP), en donde se desarrolló toda una corriente humorística, expuesta tanto en conferencias como en charlas: "tarea de verdadero proselitismo", como el mismo Hermenegildo determinó. El objetivo primordial del PAP es enriquecer el glosario del calificativo pendejo por medio de las aportaciones voluntarias y creativas de todos aquellos que decidan pertenecer a su membresía; así como llevar a cabo diferentes conferencias y charlas referentes al tema, con la finalidad de ampliar el corpus de dicho término en sus diferentes formas y contextos.

Pen on Fire

by Barbara Demarco-Barrett

In her fifteen years of teaching, Barbara DeMarco-Barrett has found that the biggest stumbling block for aspiring writers (especially women) is not fear of the blank page but frustration with the lack of time. What woman doesn't have too much to do and too little time? Finding an hour free of work, children, or obligations can seem impossible.But anyone can find fifteen minutes, whether you're sitting in traffic, waiting at a child's soccer practice, or watching the coffee drip. DeMarco-Barrett has created a practical, inspirational guide for fitting serious writing into those stolen moments. She offers writing exercises and techniques for generating ideas, as well as pragmatic advice from the well-known authors who appear on her radio show. With fifteen minutes a day, she can help you to ignite your pen and become the writer you have always wanted to be.

Los peligros del deleite (Grandes Verdades Ser.)

by John Piper

En esta entretenida síntesis de su obra más trascendental, Sed de Dios, John Piper revela cómo el deleite en Dios es lo único que puede transformar una vida llena de deseos insatisfechos a una vida de gozo rebosante. Este libro puntual, escrito a partir de su clásico Sed de Dios, John Piper enfatiza la importancia de fortalecer una relación personal con el Creador a través del deleite en Él y en su creación. La atrapante ideología del autor, denominada #Hedonismo Cristiano#, se presenta aquí en una extensión considerable que le permitirá absorber conceptos y ponerlos en práctica de manera rápida, llevándolo a una experiencia de fe radicalmente nueva y llena de gozo. Este mensaje transformador, cargado de razones bíblicas para vivir una vida de celebración, le ayudará a descubrir cómo y por qué deleitarse por completo en Dios.

El peligro de la verdad: Desaprender para conocerte (Authentic Living Series #Volumen)

by Osho

El primer libro de una serie arriesgada y valiente que te llevará directo a la esencia de tu persona para que descubras lo que realmente quieres y necesitas. El peligro de la verdad va directo al corazón de nuestras creencias más fundamentales como seres humanos. ¿Por qué no podemos sencillamente vivir felices y estar contentos? Parece que el hombre tiene los conocimientos necesarios para solucionar todos sus problemas -y ciertamente así es- pero no sabe cómo hacerlo. Cada capítulo de este libro abrirá tus ojos a verdades que van en contra de lo que has aprendido hasta ahora y a todo aquello que piensas que puedes controlar. Aprenderás a ver cómo los condicionantes te alejan de la vida que de verdad quieres llevar y logran que sigas la que supuestamente tienes que llevar. Si consigues llegar a tu conciencia serás capaz de hacer las conexiones necesarias y ver tu esencia. ¡Despréndete de todos los condicionantes y llega a la esencia de tu ser!

El peligro de la verdad

by Osho Osho

El peligro de la verdad va directo al corazón de nuestras creencias más fundamentales como seres humanos. ¿Por qué no podemos sencillamente vivir felices y estar contentos? Parece que los hombres y mujeres tenemos los conocimientos necesarios para solucionar todos nuestros problemas #y ciertamente así es- pero no sabemos cómo hacerlo. Cada capítulo de este libro abrirá tus ojos a verdades que van en contra de lo que has aprendido hasta ahora y a todo aquello que piensas que puedes controlar. Aprenderás a ver cómo los condicionantes te alejan de la vida que de verdad quieres llevar y consiguen que lleves la que supuestamente tienes que llevar. Si consigues llegar a tu conciencia serás capaz de hacer las conexiones necesarias y ver tu esencia. Un libro arriesgado y valiente que te lleva directo a la esencia de tu persona para que descubras lo que realmente quieres y necesitas.

Pegasus: Leading the Way to Light & Love

by Tehruna Meresh

‘The time has come for humanity to look deep within and face a part of themselves that opens them to an eternal love that exists in the higher realms, beyond their comprehension. To live in darkness and not want the light is to live in a cave without sunshine – the eyes get weak and cannot see anything beyond. So do not resist your progress forward by being resistant to new ideas for change and bring yourselves into the light. For this I have given of myself to show you a world beyond your conception.’ – Grandpa What happens when divinity intervenes and touches the hearts of all beings? Tehruna Meresh, through the process of automatic writing, brings you an anthology of lucid, and at times overwhelming messages from beyond, in the words of her spiritual guide – her ‘Grandpa’. Through this book, it is the endeavour of both her and Grandpa to show that spiritual guides do exist. They are loving and kind, and even though we may not know who they are, if we simply ask for their help, they will be there to assist us always.

PeeWee Pilates: Pilates for the Postpartum Mother and Her Baby

by Holly Jean Cosner Stacy Malin

Though she yearns for her pre-pregnancy figure, a new mother has little time to devote to exercise; attending to the needs of a newborn is a full-time job. A revolutionary postnatal fitness program, Pee Wee Pilates gives new mothers what no other fitness program or book has to date: a quick and proven method they can do at home to whip their postpartum body gently back into shape and enrich their babies at the same time. Pilates targets the areas most affected by pregnancy (abdomen, hips, lower back, and buttocks), so new moms will get results fast without having to leave homes or carve out huge chunks of time. Simultaneously, because the baby is incorporated into the Pilates movements, women get to enjoy a loving and fun interaction with their babies. Unlike other mother/baby fitness programs, however, baby is far more than just a prop; the exercises in Pee Wee Pilates are designed specifically to help foster a little one's development and attachment to mother. Developed by one of New York City's leading Pilates teachers, Pee Wee Pilates promises to be the hot new "baby and me" exercise program for new mothers everywhere.

Pediatría para todos

by Jaime Cortina

Guía para padres de familia, que sirve para conocer los cuidados que se debe tener con los niños durante sus primeros años de vida, y las principales enfermedades que pueden padecer, así como su tratamiento. Ser padre es la más bella de todas las experiencias de la vida. Traer un hijo al mundo, sin embargo, implica muchísima responsabilidad e infinidad de aflicciones. Saber cómo tratar a un niño es un conocimiento instintivo de los seres humanos y, por fortuna, hoy contamos con toda la información necesaria para criar a un hijo sin las preocupaciones típicas de las primeras etapas de su desarrollo. El doctor Jaime Cortina Watson, avalado por el Hospital ABC, pone en tus manos un libro que abarca todos los aspectos de la salud de los niños, desde la gestación hasta la adolescencia: cómo cuidar al recién nacido, cómo bañarlo, cómo alimentarlo; cómo ayudar al niño cuando tiene problemas especiales, qué hacer si se enferma, y cómo manejar las emergenciasy situaciones más comunes. Si eres padre o estás a punto de serlo, esta guía, de fácil consulta y muy ilustrativa, te llevará de la mano por todas las etapas decrecimiento y te proveerá todas las herramientas necesarias para que tus hijos crezcan sanos y felices.

El pediatra en tu casa: Todas las respuestas sobre la salud de tus hijos

by Martín Gruenberg

En este libro, el doctor Martín Gruenberg responde las consultas más frecuentes que escuchó en su consultorio a través de años de dedicación a la pediatría ambulatoria, esas preguntas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen sobre la salud de sus hijos, desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de medir la fiebre? ¿Cuánto tiempo puede estar mi bebé sin tomar el pecho? ¿Cómo le explico a mi hijo que lo van a operar? E pediatra en tu casa es una guía pensada para todos aquellos padres que intentan despejar las dudas sobre la salud de sus hijos buscando en internet las causas de los síntomas y las explicaciones terminan generándoles siempre mayor angustia y preocupación. En este libro, el reconocido pediatra y autor de ¡Vamos a dormir! Martín Gruenberg responde las preguntas más frecuentes que escuchó en el consultorio a través de los años -esas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen- y que abarcan desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. De fácil lectura y doble vía de acceso a la información: puede consultarse según las etapas de desarrollo (prenatal, menores de tres meses, el primer año de vida, el segundo año de vida, de tres a seis años, mayores de seis) o por temas (infecciones, problemas digestivos, problemas respiratorios, del aparato locomotor, neurológicos y psicoemocionales, problemas genitales). «Consultar siempre genera serenidad. Y cuando los padres se sienten tranquilos y seguros, pueden contener y acompañar mejor a sus hijos.»Martín Gruenberg

Pebbles of Grace: Seeking Heaven's Pearls in Daily Living

by Kimberly Ruoff

&“. . . the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls.&”2 Corinthians 5:17b NIV My husband had passed away just 3 months earlier. The chaos and drama that usually follows had finally settled: the house was unusually quiet while my spirit remained stirred. I&’d spent quite a bit of time in reflective prayer, unsure of what even to ask of God, but knowing He was somehow divinely connected to my unsettledness. Where were these random thoughts of writing coming from? Besides, what would I even say? Moreover, would anyone care enough to listen? It didn&’t take long to receive confirmation. The instruction was just that, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding: I&’m invited to write.Being as transparent as possible, I&’m living proof God can use anybody to do His Kingdom work. You and I don&’t have to wait until we feel equipped or we&’ve got our act together in order to respond to God&’s call. We simply need to be willing to take the first step. Here I am, starting year three, not necessarily an &“accomplished&” writer, but definitely a writer who has learned far more than she could ever put in print, ever share with others . . . a writer who realizes all God wants is her humble, amendable heart: He&’ll step in and do the rest.Several heavenly pearls have dropped in my lap throughout this newfound journey:It&’s God&’s story; I&’m not the main character. I&’m simply invited to play a role in His story.Feelings are fickle; they come and go. Don&’t trust them.Faith is only faith when action follows. Yet, it&’s faith that empowers and perseveres.God calls me to &“bigger-than-Kim&” tasks so I get out of the way and He can say and do what He needs to say and do through me. This way, He gets full credit and all the glory.I cannot share what I don&’t possess. My spiritual authenticity grows the quieter I&’d become and the closer I draw near to God&’s heart.I will never do life perfectly. I make mistakes but my response to my mistakes reflects my level of humility before God and others.When you and I allow God to step in and take over the reins of our life, He opens our eyes to both His presence and power working in, through, and around us. We realize we are walking along each day stepping on Pebbles of Grace with each stride. Only God can take it all, both the good and bad of one&’s life, and interweave it into a beautiful tapestry, a tapestry of divine value, meaning, and purpose.May this collection of heavenly pearls drench your soul with a fresh awareness of just how passionately God loves you, how relentlessly He pursues you, and how through the acceptance of His son, Jesus Christ, how He affectionately offers you Pebbles of Grace.

A Pebble for Your Thoughts: How One Kindness Rock At the Right Moment Can Change Your Life

by Megan Murphy

#1 New Release in Rocks & Minerals - Kindness Rocks as seen on the Today showFans of The Kindness Challenge and the Chicken Soup For The Soul books will love A Pebble for Your Thoughts.A rock for each kindness. It all started with a single stone on a beach in Cape Cod and now spans the globe. The Kindness Rocks Project, founded by Megan Murphy, is based on the profound truth that one kind message at the right moment can change someone’s day, their outlook, and their whole life. The project has become an international grassroots movement! The messages on these thoughtful pebbles take many forms: gratitude, affirmations, encouragement, offers of hope, all signposts along the way for someone to find at exactly the right time.Kindness matters. Now more than ever, people are longing for kindness and connection. During these uncertain times, daily news reports focus on disturbing events of terrorism, gun violence, senseless murders and political bickering. We are bombarded with images that evoke fear and hostility. A Pebble for Your Thoughts provides a positive counteraction to all this negativity.Learn to be kinder to yourself and others. Sometimes, all it takes is just one simple positive message to change your perspective and that is what this book aims to do. Through visual photos of inspirational Kindness rocks, readers can connect the meaning of the rock to their life situations or circumstances. Instructions on how to create your own rock are also included.What people will learn from this book:How to cultivate compassion and connectionHow to grow through hard timesAffirmations to boost self-esteem and offer hope in hard timesHow one act of kindness can change a lifeA completely unique kind of art therapy for healing and helpingThe power of kindness in one small pebble

Pearls of Wisdom: Little Pieces of Advice (That Go a Long Way)

by Barbara Bush

The best advice First Lady Barbara Bush offered her family, staff, and close friends. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #2c2c2c} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #2c2c2c; min-height: 14.0px} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} span.s1 {color: #2c2c2c} First Lady Barbara Bush was famous for handing out advice. From friends and family to heads of state and Supreme Court justices, and certainly to her staff, her advice ranged from what to wear, what to say or not say, and how to live your life. She especially loved visiting with students of all ages, from kindergartners to college graduates. When she turned 80, she owned up to all her advice-giving and explained it this way: After all, in 80 years of living, I have survived 6 children, 17 grandchildren, 6 wars, a book by Kitty Kelly, two presidents, two governors, big Election Day wins and big Election Day losses, and 61 years of marriage to a husband who keeps jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. So, it's just possible that along the way I've learned a thing or two. At the end of the day, she taught all of us some valuable lessons. As First Lady, she made a point of cuddling a baby with AIDS and hugging a young man who was HIV positive and whose family had rejected him, showing us by example the importance of compassion and the myth of fear. As a mother, she made sure we all knew that your children must come first, and one of the most important things you can do is to read to them. As a friend and mentor, she showed that you had to be true to yourself, and even at the end of her life, she taught us how to die with grace.Full of Barbara Bush's trademark wit and thoughtfulness, Pearls of Wisdom is a poignant reflection on life, love, family, and the world by one of America's most iconic -- and beloved -- public figures.


by Ruth Vaughn Anita Higman

A collection of inspiration and wisdom

The Pearl Beyond Price: Integration of Personality into Being, an Object Relations Approach

by A. H. Almaas

In this book Almaas demonstrates that healthy ego development is part of the continuum of spiritual development. He also establishes the possibility of attaining inner realization and developing our essential being--"the pearl beyond price"--in the context of living a normal human life.

Peanuts Be More Snoopy (Be More Ser.)

by Nat Gertler

Keep the blues away with the power of positivity.Is the world getting you down? Struggling to find the silver lining to that cloud? Put your best paw forwards and ask yourself, &“What would Snoopy do?&” Learn to be more like the world&’s most famous beagle. Embrace joy, champion your friends, lead the way, and spread happiness wherever you go.With original comic-strip artwork accompanied by sharp witticisms and sage advice, Be More Snoopy is the perfect gift for friends, family, and colleagues who need guidance on how to make the best of every situation.© 2020 Peanuts Worldwide LLC

The Peaky Blinders Compendium: The best gift for fans of the hit BBC series

by Peaky Blinders

From dress sense to the drinking dens, history to haircuts, the customs and, of course, the caps, The Peaky Blinders Compendium is a celebration of the swagger and cool of the Shelby family enterprise and the era that made their name. An in-depth, entertaining, alphabetical guide that embraces the life and style, faces and places, along with the major events and big ideas that defined the world of Tommy Shelby in the early decades of the twentieth century. This book is packed with practical guides throughout, whether you're aspiring to steep your own backroom gin or seeking to pick up a period pocket watch. Providing cultural, sartorial and historical insight, this is an essential guide for the Peaky Blinder enthusiast or anyone in search of a razor-sharp edge to their identity.

Peaks and Valleys: Making Good And Bad Times Work For You—At Work And In Life

by Spencer Johnson

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Who Moved My Cheese?, a brilliant new parable that shows readers how to stay calm and successful, even in the most challenging of environments.A young man lives unhappily in a valley. One day he meets an old man who lives on a mountain peak. At first the young man doesn’t realize that he is talking to one of the most peaceful and successful people in the world. But in the course of further encounters and conversations, the young man comes to understand that he can apply the old man’s remarkable principles and practical tools to his own life to change it for the better. Spencer Johnson knows how to tell a deceptively simple story that teaches deep lessons. The One Minute Manager (co-written with Ken Blanchard) sold 15 million copies and stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for more than twenty years. Since it was published a decade ago, Who Moved My Cheese? has sold more than 25 million copies. In fact there are more than 46 million copies of Spencer Johnson’s books in print, in forty-seven languages—and with today’s economic uncertainty, his new book could not be more relevant. Pithy, wise, and empowering, Peaks and Valleys is clearly destined to becomeanother Spencer Johnson classic.

The Peak Performance Formula: Achieving Breakthrough Results in Life and Work

by Bob Lesser

"We all need tools and tactics to achieve at the highest levels—both at work and in life. This book gives you the framework."—Eric Schmidt, Cofounder, Schmidt Futures, and Former CEO, Google A Bay Area resident and longtime Silicon Valley executive coach, Bob Lesser knows the stresses of career development firsthand. His advice, research, and 30 Day Peak Performance Challenge draw from his own experiences and research, yet can be applied much further than just the workplace. Whether you are a struggling athlete or a high powered executive, The Peak Performance Formula will guide you to become your best. In this actionable guide to achieving one's peak performance, Lesser shares his analysis of the three pillars of success: purpose, values, and vision. He incorporates case studies from real life peak performers, and contextualizes his argument within neurological, psychological, and religious research. Read about:Iron Man Dick HoytMusician G LoveActivist Suraya SadeedFormer Governor Michael Dukakis...and many more real life peak performers!

Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond

by Sharon Ferrett

This best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on strategies for increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. Peak Performance helps students make the connection between their academic efforts and their job and life skills. Students learn a variety of personal productivity skills related to positive work and study habits, as well as creative problem-solving, organizational, and interpersonal skills. <p><p> This new edition includes the latest issues affecting students, such as campus safety and changing technology. Also, more "how to" information gives students even more opportunity to put the material into practice. The revised design and new illustrations help visual learners understand key theories and concepts and provide more practical applications.

Peak Performance: Success In College And Beyond

by Sharon K. Ferrett

The ninth edition of Peak Performance provides students with common sense strategies for excelling in school and life. From the unique Take 3 feature, which encourages making smart use of even small segments of time, to tips on "How to Say No" to avoid the stress of stretching your time too thin, to "Getting the Most Out of a Class Lecture" that helps students focus during a variety of challenging lecture situations, Peak Performance delivers the essential tools for managing time and resources. Students are provided with ample opportunities to apply and enhance critical thinking skills through Think Fast case studies, in-text questions and activities, and a wide variety of end-of-chapter Worksheets.

Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success

by Steve Magness Brad Stulberg

"A transfixing book on how to sustain peak performance and avoid burnout" —Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Option B, Originals, and Give and Take"An essential playbook for success, happiness, and getting the most out of ourselves." Arianna Huffington, author of Thrive and The Sleep Revolution"I doubt anyone can read Peak Performance without itching to apply something to their own lives." —David Epstein, New York Times bestselling author of The Sports GeneA few common principles drive performance, regardless of the field or the task at hand. Whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, break ground in mathematical theory or craft an artistic masterpiece, many of the practices that lead to great success are the same. In Peak Performance, Brad Stulberg, a former McKinsey and Company consultant and writer who covers health and the science of human performance, and Steve Magness, a performance scientist and coach of Olympic athletes, team up to demystify these practices and demonstrate how you can achieve your best.The first book of its kind, Peak Performance combines the inspiring stories of top performers across a range of capabilities—from athletic to intellectual and artistic—with the latest scientific insights into the cognitive and neurochemical factors that drive performance in all domains. In doing so, Peak Performance uncovers new linkages that hold promise as performance enhancers but have been overlooked in our traditionally-siloed ways of thinking. The result is a life-changing book in which you can learn how to enhance your performance via myriad ways including: optimally alternating between periods of intense work and rest; priming the body and mind for enhanced productivity; and developing and harnessing the power of a self-transcending purpose.In revealing the science of great performance and the stories of great performers across a wide range of capabilities, Peak Performance uncovers the secrets of success, and coaches you on how to use them. If you want to take your game to the next level, whatever "your game" may be, Peak Performance will teach you how.

Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day

by Amishi Jha

'This book can catapult you into living fully the life that is yours to live while you have the chance' Jon Kabat-Zinn'A must-read for our distracted times' Dan Goleman'A must-have guide to experiencing every moment of our lives' Goldie Hawn'A treasure trove of insights and exercises to enrich our lives' Dan SiegelStop for a moment. Are you here right now?Is your focus on the words in front of you? Or is it roaming elsewhere, to the past or future, to a worry, to your to-do list, or to your phone?The good news: There's nothing wrong with you - your brain isn't broken. The human brain was built to be distractible.The even better news: You can train your brain to pay attention more effectively.Acclaimed neuroscientist Dr Amishi Jha has dedicated her life's work to understanding the science of attention at every level - from brain imaging studies in the lab to field testing soldiers, firefighters and athletes. Her mission has been to scientifically determine how we can harness the full power of our attention to better meet all that life demands. In Peak Mind, Dr Jha expertly guides readers through fascinating research, debunking common assumptions about focus and attention, and offers remarkably easy-to-adapt flexible twelve minute-a-day exercises to lift the mental fog, declutter the mind, and strengthen focus so that you can experience more of your life.

Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day

by Amishi Jha

'This book can catapult you into living fully the life that is yours to live while you have the chance' Jon Kabat-Zinn'A must-read for our distracted times' Dan Goleman'A must-have guide to experiencing every moment of our lives' Goldie Hawn'A treasure trove of insights and exercises to enrich our lives' Dan SiegelStop for a moment. Are you here right now?Is your focus on the words in front of you? Or is it roaming elsewhere, to the past or future, to a worry, to your to-do list, or to your phone?The good news: There's nothing wrong with you - your brain isn't broken. The human brain was built to be distractible.The even better news: You can train your brain to pay attention more effectively.Acclaimed neuroscientist Dr Amishi Jha has dedicated her life's work to understanding the science of attention at every level - from brain imaging studies in the lab to field testing soldiers, firefighters and athletes. Her mission has been to scientifically determine how we can harness the full power of our attention to better meet all that life demands. In Peak Mind, Dr Jha expertly guides readers through fascinating research, debunking common assumptions about focus and attention, and offers remarkably easy-to-adapt flexible twelve minute-a-day exercises to lift the mental fog, declutter the mind, and strengthen focus so that you can experience more of your life.

Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day

by Amishi P. Jha

STOP FOR A MOMENT. Are you here right now? Is your focus on this page? Or is it roaming elsewhere, to the past or future, to a worry, to your to-do list, or to your phone? Whether you’re simply browsing, talking to friends, or trying to stay focused in an important meeting, you can’t seem to manage to hang on to your attention. No matter how hard you try, you’re somewhere else. The consequence is that you miss out on 50 percent of your life—including the most important moments. The good news: There’s nothing wrong with you—your brain isn’t broken. The human brain was built to be distractible. The even better news: You can train your brain to pay attention more effectively. Stay with me a little longer and soon you will be able to: Focus without all the struggle. Take back your attention from the pull of distraction. And function at your peak, for all that truly matters in your life.

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