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Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #991)

by Hoai An Le Thi Hoai Minh Le Tao Pham Dinh

This book contains 112 papers selected from about 250 submissions to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO 2019) which takes place on July 8–10, 2019 at University of Lorraine, Metz, France. The book covers both theoretical and algorithmic aspects of Nonconvex Optimization, as well as its applications to modeling and solving decision problems in various domains. It is composed of 10 parts, each of them deals with either the theory and/or methods in a branch of optimization such as Continuous optimization, DC Programming and DCA, Discrete optimization & Network optimization, Multiobjective programming, Optimization under uncertainty, or models and optimization methods in a specific application area including Data science, Economics & Finance, Energy & Water management, Engineering systems, Transportation, Logistics, Resource allocation & Production management. The researchers and practitioners working in Nonconvex Optimization and several application areas can find here many inspiring ideas and useful tools & techniques for their works.

Organisational Responses to Social Media Storms: An Applied Analysis of Modern Challenges

by Andy Phippen Emma Bond

This book explores the growing phenomenon of the social media storm in the context of educational establishments. With a methodological approach that draws on aspects of virtual and offline ethnography, the text presents a series of case studies of public online risk-related incidents. Our ethnographic methodology adopts the use of unobtrusive data collection approaches, to explore publicly available data from online interactive behaviours. Drawing on a range of methods from internet mediated research (IMR) to inform our ethnographic account, the book provides an in-depth exploration of the public and organisational discourses arising from four short, clear high-profile internet risk case studies in the education sector ranging from early year to higher education. It considers the social construction of a new ‘risk’ culture arising computer-mediated social interactions and its impact on, and response by, the organisations and society.

Organisationen: Eine sehr kurze Einführung

by Stefan Kühl

Von der Wiege bis zur Bahre wird unser Leben durch Organisationen bestimmt. Aber wir sind nicht dafür ausgebildet worden, wie wir als Mitglied mit Unternehmen, Verwaltungen, Universitäten, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Gefängnissen, Parteien oder Armeen zurechtkommen können. Organisationen – was sind das für „Gebilde“, die unsere moderne Gesellschaft so stark bestimmen? Wie "ticken" sie? Welche Eingriffsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Anhand der drei zentralen Merkmale Zwecke, Hierarchie und Mitgliedschaften wird grundlegend erklärt, wie Organisationen funktionieren.

Organizational Culture and Paradoxes in Management: Firms, Families, and Their Businesses (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Saulo C. Ribeiro

Studies on culture, change and social processes within organizations have been historically organized around orthogonal approaches. While the literature on change has focused on creating pragmatic, generally simple methodologies that bypass the complexity of the data in order to emphasize the possibility of intervention, literature aimed at truly understanding of the firm and its processes has emphasized the ambiguity of organization and the difficulties involved in reaching a unitary view of its processes, let alone creating a single theory of change. Finally, the literature on family businesses has been restricted to limited views of the field, disregarding the rich insights brought by psychology, sociology or anthropology. The result of these trends has been a gap in the creation of knowledge, with a paucity of studies that link theory with practice and ground change on a comprehensive view of the social reality of the firm. This book addresses both the specific need of family businesses and the broader demands of any organization in which the issue of culture is seriously considered. Drawing on the notions and scholarship on organizations and sociology, the author proposes new concepts and tools for the change agents interested in working with the instrumental rules of the firm with the cohesive tone of the family. Organizational Culture and Paradoxes in Management will be of value to students at an advanced level, academics and reflective practitioners. It addresses the topics with regard to management and organizational studies and will be of interest to organizational scholars, consultants and leaders interested in fostering a meaningful culture within organizations and family businesses.

The Organizational Storytelling Workbook: How to Harness this Powerful Communication and Management Tool

by David Collins

This workbook is an interactive guide for leaders and managers to help you tell compelling stories at work. The Organizational Storytelling Workbook offers: a critical engagement with academic debates on organizational storytelling; and a series of exercises designed to allow users to improve their capability as organizational storytellers. The text begins with a chapter which locates organizational storytelling within a critical account of organizational cultures. This book argues that managerial accounts of organizational culture offer a limited appreciation of the ways in which people think, feel and act and suggests storytelling as a means of redeeming our understanding of all matters cultural. Having secured this new appreciation of culture and storytelling the workbook develops a series of maxims and exercises designed to allow users: (a) to improve their storytelling practice; and (b) to reassess the cultural assumptions and priorities revealed through their practice. Enriched with interactive features to walk managers practically through the process of improving their storytelling skills, including practical exercises, contemplative questions, and space to respond creatively to the ideas in the book, this workbook is the perfect companion to any executive or postgraduate course in storytelling as well as a useful and enjoyable companion to any individual manager that wishes to improve their skills.

The Origin of Dialogue in the News Media (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)

by Regula Hänggli

This book develops a new theoretical framework for studying the interaction between political parties, the news media and citizens. The model addresses how political actors develop and push different arguments in a debate, how the news media select and communicate these arguments, and how they ultimately influence citizens’ democratic decisions. The author promotes dialogue as a convincing concept for analyzing the quality of public debate and advances a series of arguments for why and how this concept helps improve our understanding of key processes in democracy. Based on a detailed analysis of rich empirical data collected from referendum campaigns in Switzerland, the book is relevant beyond the specific context and applicable to election campaigns and public debates more broadly.

Origins and Traditions of Organizational Communication: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Field

by Anne M. Nicotera

Origins and Traditions of Organizational Communication provides a sophisticated overview of the fundamentals of organizational communication as a field of study, examining the field’s foundations and providing an assessment of the field to date, explaining and demonstrating a communicational approach to the study of organization. It provides a set of literature reviews on focused topics written by experts in each area, and links organizational communication theory and research to practice. In reviewing foundational management theory, the book analyzes how early to mid-20th-century management theories shaped contemporary organizations, providing students both with background knowledge of these foundational theories and an understanding of their influence on our thinking and our organizational world. Written at an accessible level for early graduate students, yet still sophisticated enough for doctoral students, the book is ideal for students and teachers of organizational communication and communication history. Downloadable ancillary materials include chapter PowerPoints and a set of instructors' materials containing chapter abstracts, glossaries, discussion questions, annotated supplementary readings lists, and practitioners' corners.

Oscar Buzz and the Influence of Word of Mouth on Movie Success

by Owen Eagan

This book explores why word of mouth is the most important determinant of a movie’s success. Beginning with a discussion of the enduring appeal of movies, and why the box office has survived the disruption of television and will likely survive the disruption of streaming services, Owen Eagan goes on to discuss the unpredictable nature of movies and ways to mitigate their risk. His astute analysis sheds light on the role of film festivals, film critics, Oscar campaigns, and word of mouth in influencing a film's success. Eagan concludes with a summary of why word of mouth is the most influential among all the variables that affect a film’s outcome. Expertly synthesizing quantitative analyses of box office data with illuminating insights from industry experts, this concise and engaging book presents findings with important implications for scholars, industry insiders and marketing professionals alike.

Oscuro abril

by Sandra Rodríguez Novoa María Ximena Plaza

Revelaciones y testimonios de las elecciones más controvertidas de Colombia, 50 años después El 19 de abril de 1970 se comenzaron a escribir las primeras líneas de un nuevo capítulo en la historia de Colombia que hoy, cincuenta años después, aún nadie se atreve a cerrar. Los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales, que al anochecer daban como ganador al general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, y al amanecer al candidato Misael Pastrana Borrero, despertaron todo tipo de emociones que llevaron al Gobierno a declarar el estado de sitio en todo el país, militarizar la capital y emitir un toque de queda. En este minucioso trabajo de investigación periodística, las autoras recogen varios testimonios de los protagonistas de aquellos días. Voces cruciales como las de Alfonso López Michelsen, María Eugenia Rojas y Juan Gossaín, entre otras, reconstruyen uno de los hitos más importantes de la historia reciente del país, que dio origen al M-19, enterró las posibilidades democráticas de la anapo y abrió una nueva grieta, otra más, entre los colombianos. Aunque la historia oficial insiste en recordar esta fecha como unas reñidas elecciones, seguidas de algún desorden público, en la memoria colectiva quedó el tufo de un fraude. A pesar de las movilizaciones, los disturbios y el rechazo de la opinión pública, el resultado no cambió. Pero el país sí. Han pasado cincuenta años y todavía nos preguntamos: ¿qué pasó aquel oscuro abril? "Oscuro abril representa un libro para ratificar que nunca es tarde para recobrar la memoria de los sucesos decisivos en la historia de una nación, y que así la justicia o las autoridades competentes no le hayan dado esa categoría a la elección presidencial del 19 de abril de 1970 y sus coletazos, la tiene desde múltiples perspectivas". Jorge Cardona (tomado del prólogo)

Overcoming Polarization in the Public Square: Civic Dialogue

by Lauren Swayne Barthold

This book describes how civic dialogue can serve as an antidote to a polarized public square. It argues that when pervasive polarization renders rational and fact-based argumentation ineffective, we first need to engage in a way that builds trust. Civic dialogue is a form of structured discourse that utilizes first-person narratives in order to promote trust, openness, and mutual understanding. By creating a dialogic structure that encourages listening and reflection, particularities and differences about fraught identities can be expressed in such a way that leads to the possibility of connecting through our fundamental, shared, and deeply felt humanity. Drawing on Plato, Buber, Gadamer, Dewey, cognitive bias research, as well as the work of dialogue practitioners, Lauren Swayne Barthold provides a sustained defense of civic dialogue as an effective strategy for avoiding futile political arguments and for creating pluralistic democratic communities.

Overthrowing the Queen: Telling Stories of Welfare in America

by Tom Mould

Examining the popular myths and unseen realities of welfare, this study reveals the political power of folklore and the possibilities of storytelling. In 1976, Ronald Reagan hit the campaign trail with an extraordinary account of a woman committing massive welfare fraud. The story caught fire and a devastating symbol of the misuse government programs was born: the Welfare Queen.Overthrowing the Queen examines these legends of fraud and abuse while bringing to light personal stories of hardship and hope told by cashiers, bus drivers, and business owners; politicians and aid providers; and, most important, aid recipients themselves. Together these stories reveal how the seemingly innocent act of storytelling can create powerful stereotypes that shape public policy. They also showcase redemptive counter-narratives that offer hope for a more accurate and empathetic view of poverty in America today.Overthrowing the Queen tackles perceptions of welfare recipients while proposing new approaches to the study of oral narrative that extend far beyond the study of welfare, poverty, and social justice.

An Overview of Chinese Translation Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Past, Present, Future (Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation)

by Weixiao Wei

An Overview of Chinese Translation Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century presents and analyses over 100,000 bibliographic notes contained within a large academic database focusing on translation within China. Exploring Chinese translation studies two decades before and after the year 2000, the book will introduce aspects of theory, culture, strategy, register, genre, and context to the field of translation in China, and will also take into account the impact of technology, education, and research within this field. Aimed at postgraduate students and researchers of translation studies, the focus of An Overview of Chinese Translation Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century is the theory and practice of translation studies within a fast-paced and growing academic discipline.

Padroneggiare le App: Guida per Principianti Per Iniziare a Monetizzare le App

by Adidas Wilson

Le tecnologie di comunicazione sono in costante progresso per stare al passo coi tempi. Le app di messaggistica vanno alla grande ora. Stanno prendendo completamente il sopravvento sui social media, diventando il modo principale con cui comunichiamo online Quando la maggior parte degli imprenditori comincia, inizia a leggere articoli su “come fare il botto con la tua prima app”, “creare l’app da miliardi di dollari”, e la maggior parte dei libri riguardanti questo argomento. Sono attaccati a questa versione dei fatti, ma ciechi di fronte all’altra. Per ottenere la tua storia di successo, devi scoprire perché le altre app falliscono. L’amara verità è che ci sono più app fallite che di successo.

Para qué escribir

by María Jimena Duzan

Una recopilación de las mejores columnas de una de las mejores periodistas del país. Por más de una década la revista Semana ha publicado las columnas, entrevistas y crónicas de María Jimena Duzán. En estas ha quedado un registro de la realidad política del país, de los líderes y las fuerzas que compiten por el poder, así como de escandalosas formas de corrupción y graves atentados a la democracia; en sus investigaciones, Duzán elabora los grandes temas que ocupan el interés colectivo en un momento en que la sociedad ve pasar ante sí hechos que marcan el rumbo de su historia, como fueron desactivar una guerra y la vuelta de los gobiernos de derecha en el continente. En esta selección de sus mejores textos para la revista, María Jimena Duzán pone en perspectiva el oficio de periodista y su migración a las redes sociales. Su capacidad para escudriñar los fondos del poder junto a un gran talento para la investigación y el análisis de la coyuntura, la han convertido en una de las columnistas.

Paradox in Public Relations: A Contrarian Critique of Theory and Practice (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Kevin L. Stoker

Paradox in Public Relations: A Contrarian Critique of Theory and Practice is a thought-provoking exploration of public relations, aiming to promote changes in meaning and perception by creating new meta-realities for public relations. The term “Public Relations” was embraced by early practitioners primarily because it sounded more professional than the often-pejorative alternatives. This book argues for a reframing of some of the popular realities associated with modern-day public relations and uses psychological and organizational change theory to critique paradoxes in public relations theory and practice. By examining public relations through the lens of paradox, we can begin to identify the logical fallacies that have inhibited progress and innovation in public relations practice and theory. The book explores the paradoxical nature of key concepts, including public interest, relationship management, accountability, stewardship, loyalty, community, and ethics. It also recommends new conceptualizations for understanding the field. This book will be of interest to media, communication, public relations, and advertising faculty and graduate students, particularly those interested in public relations theory and ethics. Scholars from other disciplines can also use this exploration of paradox in PR as a learning tool for identifying logical fallacies and inconsistencies.

The Paradoxes of Posterity (G - Reference,information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Benjamin Hoffmann

The impetus for literary creation has often been explained as an attempt to transcend the mortality of the human condition through a work addressed to future generations. Failing to obtain literal immortality, or to turn their hope towards the spiritual immortality promised by religious systems, literary creators seek a symbolic form of perpetuity granted to the intellectual side of their person in the memory of those not yet born while they write. In this book, Benjamin Hoffmann illuminates the paradoxes inherent in the search for symbolic immortality, arguing that the time has come to find a new answer to the perennial question: Why do people write?Exploring the fields of digital humanities and book history, Hoffmann describes posterity as a network of interconnected memories that constantly evolves by reserving a variable and continuously renegotiated place for works and authors of the past. In other words, the perpetual safeguarding of texts is delegated to a collectivity not only nonexistent at the moment when a writer addresses it, but whose nature is characterized by impermanence and instability. Focusing on key works by Denis Diderot, Étienne-Maurice Falconet, Giacomo Casanova, François-René de Chateaubriand, and Jean-Paul Sartre, Hoffmann considers the authors’ representations of posterity, the representation of authors by posterity, and how to register and preserve works in the network of memories. In doing so, Hoffmann reveals the three great paradoxes in the quest for symbolic immortality: the paradoxes of belief, of identity, and of mediation.Theoretically sophisticated and convincingly argued, this book contends that there is only one truly serious literary problem: the transmission of texts to posterity. It will appeal to specialists in literature, in particular eighteenth-century French literature, as well as scholars and students of philosophy and book history.

The Paradoxes of Posterity

by Benjamin Hoffmann

The impetus for literary creation has often been explained as an attempt to transcend the mortality of the human condition through a work addressed to future generations. Failing to obtain literal immortality, or to turn their hope toward the spiritual immortality promised by religious systems, literary creators seek a symbolic form of perpetuity granted to the intellectual side of their person in the memory of those not yet born while they write. In this book, Benjamin Hoffmann illuminates the paradoxes inherent in the search for symbolic immortality, arguing that the time has come to find a new answer to a perennial question: Why do people write?Exploring the fields of digital humanities and book history, Hoffmann describes posterity as a network of interconnected memories that constantly evolves by reserving a variable and continuously renegotiated place for works and authors of the past. In other words, the perpetual safeguarding of texts is delegated to a collectivity that is nonexistent at the moment when a writer addresses it, one whose nature is characterized by impermanence and instability. Focusing on key works by Denis Diderot, Étienne-Maurice Falconet, Giacomo Casanova, François-René de Chateaubriand, and Jean-Paul Sartre, Hoffmann considers the authors’ representations of posterity, the representation of authors by posterity, and how to register and preserve works in the network of memories. In doing so, Hoffmann reveals the three great paradoxes in the quest for symbolic immortality: the paradoxes of belief, of identity, and of mediation.Theoretically sophisticated and convincingly argued, this book contends that there is only one truly serious literary problem: the transmission of texts to posterity. It will appeal to specialists in literature, in particular eighteenth-century French literature, as well as scholars and students of philosophy and book history.

Partitional Clustering via Nonsmooth Optimization: Clustering via Optimization (Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning)

by Napsu Karmitsa Sona Taheri Adil M. Bagirov

This book describes optimization models of clustering problems and clustering algorithms based on optimization techniques, including their implementation, evaluation, and applications. The book gives a comprehensive and detailed description of optimization approaches for solving clustering problems; the authors' emphasis on clustering algorithms is based on deterministic methods of optimization. The book also includes results on real-time clustering algorithms based on optimization techniques, addresses implementation issues of these clustering algorithms, and discusses new challenges arising from big data. The book is ideal for anyone teaching or learning clustering algorithms. It provides an accessible introduction to the field and it is well suited for practitioners already familiar with the basics of optimization.

Partizipation für alle und alles?: Fallstricke, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten

by Astrid Lorenz Uwe Hitschfeld Christian Pieter Hoffmann

Basierend auf einer Darstellung herausfordernder Projekte, diskutiert der Band Grenzen der politischen Partizipation in Deutschland und identifiziert Erfolgsfaktoren. Zunächst rücken ausgewählte Projekte in das Blickfeld, bei denen Bemühungen um mehr Partizipation nicht immer zum gewünschten Ergebnis führten. Grenzen der Beteiligung im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland werden systematisch analysiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund arbeiten mehrere Beiträge schließlich Erfolgsfaktoren für Partizipation heraus. So entsteht ein fundiertes Bild von Beteiligung als kommunikatives Verfahren der Integration und kollektiven Entscheidungsfindung aus Sicht von Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Past Present: How to Stop Making the Same Relationship Mistakes---and Start Building a Better Life

by Scott Vaudrey, MD

Past Present shows readers how to change destructive relationship patterns by identifying the root issues from their pasts and finding the source of healing for their unique stories.No matter where we are in life, both our greatest joys and our deepest heartaches are linked to the people in our lives--family, friends, or coworkers. And each of us brings both beauty and brokenness into relationships. The origins of our beauty and our brokenness often can be traced to the patterns of relating we learned when we were young. We relate to others in ways that reflect the distorted messages we heard and internalized earlier in life. The good news is this: we don't have to remain stuck in these patterns. In Past Present, Scott Vaudrey equips us with tools and a strategy toidentify the messages we've internalized--both as children and as adults--from the influential people in our lives;refute and repair the distorted messages that led to unhelpful patterns now holding us back; andrecognize the productive messages we've internalized and maximize the strengths they built into us along the way.We can't undo yesterday. But we can do the rest of our lives better.

Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence Techniques Using Matlab (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by E. S. Gopi

This book presents the complex topic of using computational intelligence for pattern recognition in a straightforward and applicable way, using Matlab to illustrate topics and concepts. The author covers computational intelligence tools like particle swarm optimization, bacterial foraging, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural networks. The Matlab based illustrations along with the code are given for every topic. Readers get a quick basic understanding of various pattern recognition techniques using only the required depth in math. The Matlab program and algorithm are given along with the running text, providing clarity and usefulness of the various techniques.Presents pattern recognition and the computational intelligence using Matlab;Includes mixtures of theory, math, and algorithms, letting readers understand the concepts quickly;Outlines an array of classifiers, various regression models, statistical tests and the techniques for pattern recognition using computational intelligence.

People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Financial Professionals (Wiley Corporate F&a Ser.)

by Danny M. Goldberg

Use your interpersonal and communication skills as a financial professional to work successfully with clients Embark on a journey to further develop your career when you read People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Financial Professionals, 2nd Edition. Business leaders consider employee communication skills and critical thinking abilities as essential elements for success. In their work, all professionals must communicate clearly and rely on their interpersonal skills to be successful. This second edition of People-Centric Skills shares the fictional story of Dalton Zimmer, executive coach and public speaker. Dalton, all the while juggling his business, kids and social life, provides coaching and communication strategies for handling challenging situations faced by his clients. This insightful narrative will help you expand communication and soft skills as a CPA, auditor, financial planner or other financial professional. As Generation Z is entering the work force, the communication gap between Z and Boomers or Generation X is widening significantly. New to the second edition, you’ll find a discussion of communication between generations and how to bridge them as a financial professional. You can be a more people-centric leader as you engage with a wide range of clients and associates. This book can be a first step to improving interpersonal and communication skills as you continue to develop in your career.

Perceived Privacy in Location-Based Mobile System (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)

by Maija Elina Poikela

This work aims at understanding behavior around location information, including why users share such information, why they protect the data, and what kind of other factors influence the decision to behave in a certain way. This book explores privacy in the context of location data, and answers questions such as what are the privacy related behaviors in this context, and what are the factors influencing such behaviors. The book gives an overview to what privacy means for users in terms of understandings, attitudes and valuations. This book discusses reasons for why research around this topic is challenging, and presents various methods for diving into the topic through empirical studies. The work is relevant for professionals, researchers, and users of technology.

Performance Evaluation of Electronic Oscillators: Automated S Parameter Free Design with SPICE and Discrete Fourier Transforms

by Amal Banerjee

This book demonstrates a novel, efficient and automated scheme to design and evaluate the performance of electronic oscillators, operating at the 100s of Megahertz to 10s of Gigahertz frequencies. The author describes a new oscillator design and performance evaluation scheme that addresses all the issues associated with the traditional S parameter (large, small signal) based oscillator design technique by exploiting the properties of a new breed of RF or microwave transistors, the powerful Discrete Fourier Transform and the SPICE tool's transient analysis. Readers will benefit from an exhaustive set of detailed, step-by-step oscillator (feedback, negative resistance, crystal and differential) design examples, as well as the software tools (C executables) used to create the design examples. Designers will be enabled to eliminate the complexities of the traditional oscillator design/performance evaluation scheme using S (large, small) parameter, resulting in accurate, robust and reliable designs.Describes an efficient, automated oscillator design and performance evaluation scheme that addresses all the challenges associated with the traditional S parameter (large, small signal) based oscillator design;Provides numerous step-by-step design examples, illustrating the details of the new scheme presented;Includes C executables that run on both Linux and Windows, which the reader can use to experiment and design any oscillator (feedback common emitter or base, negative resistance common emitter or base or differential).

The Perilous Public Square: Structural Threats to Free Expression Today

by David E. Pozen

Americans of all political persuasions fear that “free speech” is under attack. This may seem strange at a time when legal protections for free expression remain strong and overt government censorship minimal. Yet a range of political, economic, social, and technological developments have raised profound challenges for how we manage speech. New threats to political discourse are mounting—from the rise of authoritarian populism and national security secrecy to the decline of print journalism and public trust in experts to the “fake news,” trolling, and increasingly subtle modes of surveillance made possible by digital technologies.The Perilous Public Square brings together leading thinkers to identify and investigate today’s multifaceted threats to free expression. They go beyond the campus and the courthouse to pinpoint key structural changes in the means of mass communication and forms of global capitalism. Beginning with Tim Wu’s inquiry into whether the First Amendment is obsolete, Matthew Connelly, Jack Goldsmith, Kate Klonick, Frederick Schauer, Olivier Sylvain, and Heather Whitney explore ways to address these dangers and preserve the essential features of a healthy democracy. Their conversations with other leading thinkers, including Danielle Keats Citron, Jelani Cobb, Frank Pasquale, Geoffrey R. Stone, Rebecca Tushnet, and Kirsten Weld, cross the disciplinary boundaries of First Amendment law, internet law, media policy, journalism, legal history, and legal theory, offering fresh perspectives on fortifying the speech system and reinvigorating the public square.

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