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Questions I Want to Ask You

by Michelle Falkoff

A mystery about family, secrets, and how to move forward when the past keeps pulling you back, perfect for fans of David Arnold and Jeff Zentner.Patrick “Pack” Walsh may not know where he’s going in life, but he’s happy where he is. Then, on his eighteenth birthday, a letter from his past changes everything.As Pack begins a journey to uncover the truth about the parents he thought he knew, the family he didn’t know he had, and the future he never realized he wanted, he starts to have a whole different understanding of his life—and where he wants to go from here.Praise for Michelle Falkoff:“Twists and turns abound. Will keep readers turning pages.” —School Library Journal on Pushing Perfect“Truly powerful moments.” — Kirkus Reviews on Playlist for the Dead

Questions Young People Ask, Answers That Work: Volume 1

by Watch Tower Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania

This book explores many of the problems that face teenagers and their respective families today. It is documented with excerpts from psychologists and more importantly shows the practicality of following the instructions given by the Creator of mankind himself. It is not as restrictive as many would have us believe.

Questions Young People Ask, Answers That Work: Volume 1 (2nd Edition)

by Tract Society of New York Inc. Watch Tower Bible

The sections of this book enable adolescents and parents alike to face and work through some of the most challenging problems that confront people in our changing times. It is filled with planners to help us face situations and circumstances that could otherwise be debilitating. True to life examples and the outcome derived from applying this information are truly helpful to teens and to parents and custodians alike.

Questions Young People Ask, Answers That Work: Volume II

by Tract Society of Pennsylvania Watch Tower Bible

To young people going through adolescence can be like walking a tightrope. Each step may seem unsure--even frightening. Parents would like to spare their youth from this dilemma, but it is impossible. This book has been designed for both parents and youths to make it through this rough period in life and emerge as responsible individuals. The book covers the most important areas of life, some areas and questions are covered that youths may feel uneasy discussing with others. Each chapter provides a "role model", an action plan and suggested tips to make these life choices easier. Although there is no adult content in the book, subjects that are discussed here are open, frank and not for preteens.

Quests of the Kings: The Quests Of The Kings Trilogy - Book One (Quests of the Kings Trilogy #1)

by Robert Evert

From the author of the Riddle in Stone books comes a thrilling new series for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Kristin Cashore. Across the realms, the kings’ quests captivate the imaginations of nobles and commoners alike. These dangerous competitions pit the most daring adventurers against each other as they compete for riches and glory for their kingdoms. Plain and ordinary Natalie, a sixteen-year-old peasant girl, loves listening to stories about famous adventurers, but the thrilling action of the kings’ quests seems far removed from her everyday life of mucking out stables and working every odd job she can find to support her siblings and disabled mother. However, after a violent run-in with Brago, a ruthless adventurer who believes Natalie is a threat to his mission, she is dragged unwillingly into the latest contest. On the run from Brago, Natalie seeks refuge with a rival adventurer, the legendary Sir Edris, and his squire, Reg. As they toil together to find the object all of the kings’ desire—an ancient golden harp—Natalie starts to feel safe with the fatherly knight. Yet, despite Edris’s protection, Brago is never far behind. When one of Brago’s cruel plots separates Natalie from her protectors, she must become as strong and cunning as the adventurers of old to save her friends and stay alive.

Quicksilver (Ultraviolet #2)

by R. J. Anderson

Back home Tori was the girl who had it everything a sixteen-year-old could want- popularity, money, beauty. Everything. Including a secret. That secret made her valuable. Now she’s left everything from her old life behind, including her real name and Alison, the only person who truly understood her. She can’t lose the secret. But if she wants to have anything resembling a normal life, she has to blend in and hide her unique… talents.


by R.J. Anderson

Back home Tori was the girl who had everything a sixteen-year-old could want—popularity, money, beauty. Everything. Including a secret. That secret made her very valuable. Now she's left everything from her old life behind, including her real name and Alison, the only person who truly understood her. She can't lose the secret. But if she wants to have anything resembling a normal life, she has to blend in and hide her unique…talents. Plans change when the enigmatic Sebastian Faraday reappears in Tori's life and delivers bad news: she hasn't escaped. In fact, she's attracted new interest in the form of an obsessed ex-detective now in the employ of a genetics lab. She has only one shot at ditching her past for good and living like the normal human she wishes she could be. Tori must use every ounce of her considerable hacking and engineering skills—and even then, she might need to sacrifice more than she could possibly imagine if she wants to be free. The riveting companion to R.J. Anderson's acclaimed Ultraviolet, which is now available in paperback.

Quien ama último, ama mejor (Bad Boy's Girl #Volumen 5)

by Blair Holden

Última entrega de la adictiva serie #BadBoysGirl. ¿Estás lista para descubrir qué final les espera a Tessa O'Connell y Cole Stone? Finalmente, Tessa O'Connell está lista para vivir según sus propias reglas. Ha dejado atrás los días en los que la inseguridad la perseguía y buscaba desesperadamente la aprobación de los demás, y ha regresado de Londres más valiente, más fuerte y más independiente que nunca. Ha vuelto y sabe lo que quiere. Está lista para demostrarle a Cole que ella es más fuerte de lo que ambos imaginaron. ADVERTENCIA: En esta historia encontrarás un chico malo de actitud reformada. ¿Quién hubiese dicho que la responsabilidad podría ser tan sexi? Cole Stone está preparado para cuidar de su chica, para amarla como solo él sabe, para abrazarla y para demostrarle que, aunque sea hora de despedirse, su amor perdurará en la historia porque nadie ama como Cole Stone. Los lectores de la saga han dicho...«¡La serie Bad Boy's Girl me tiene obsesionada!» «Blair Holden ha conseguido hacer una metáfora de la montaña rusa que es el amor.» «Todas las chicas llevan una Tessa dentro y todas quieren en su vida un Cole que acepte sus imperfecciones, las proteja y las quiera por encima de todo.»

Quien bien te quiere te hará reír (Bad Boy's Girl #Volumen 4)

by Blair Holden

Cuarta entrega de la adictiva serie #BadBoysGirl. Tessa O'Connell y Cole Stone (también conocidos como Colessa) se enfrentan ahora a una nueva dificultad en su relación: la distancia. Tessa O'Connell puede con todo y todavía con más. Por eso, al terminar la uni, se propone no dejar escapar ninguna oportunidad, aunque ello signifique mudarse sola a Nueva York mientras Cole termina su carrera de Derecho. Al fin y al cabo, después de todo lo que han pasado juntos, podrán sobrevivir a una relación a distancia... ¿verdad? Junto a sus nuevos amigos y hermanastros, a la épica abu Stone y a otros extras que reaparecen por todo lo alto, Cole y Tessa tendrán que enfrentarse a la vida real como pareja y superar todos los obstáculos para construir su forever and ever. ADVERTENCIA:Esta historia viene con un Cole Stone con niveles de adorabilidad nuncavistos. Camino de convertirse en un señor abogado, pero con un corazón eternamente gamberro, sigue siendo el chico malo del que te enamoraste, pero más guapo, más sensible y todavía más enamorado de su Bizcochito. Los lectores de la saga han dicho...«Sé que con este libro voy a sufrir, reír y volverme a enamorar.» «¡Más que recomendado!» «¡Queremos más Stone!» «Vale la pena perder la noción del tiempo leyendo este libro.» «No lo puedo decir más claro: PON UN COLE EN TU VIDA.»

Quién se ha llevado mi máster: Claves para ser Ministro sin estudiar en el intento

by Tomás Fuentes

¿Eres el único que todavía no tiene un máster? ¿Sientes que te falta algo? ¿Quieres saber dónde lo consiguieron los ministros, alcaldes y funcionarios de media España? El presidente Pedro Sánchez, Cristina Cifuentes, Pedro Casado o la fugaz ministra de Sanidad Montón. Todos ellos tienen en común que han sido víctimas del misterioso caso sin resolver: ¿Quién se ha llevado mi máster? ¿A quién le he plagiado mi tesis? Tienes entre tus manos un libro irreverente, descarado y muy actual. Una crítica desternillante sobre el contexto político actual de corrupción, fraude, sobornos, trapicheos, blanqueo de dinero y mucho más. Un libro sobre lo que todo el mundo habla y nadie sabe. O al revés.

Quiéreme bien (Trilogía de Elena #Volumen 3)

by Anaí López

Elena Balboa tiene diecinueve años y también tiene trece. Dos tiempos simultáneos narrados desde su presente. De un capítulo a otro, de una página a la otra, nos llevará por todo tipo de experiencias que nos harán testigos de las coincidencias y los contrastes entre dos momentos clave en la vida de una joven. Tras el éxito conquistado con Quiéreme cinco minutos y Quiéreme si te atreves, regresa Elena Balboa, que ahora se la vive entre desveladas y cafés, sacando fotocopias, escapándose a la playa, estudiando, descubriendo, reventando, subida en la montaña rusa de una nueva e intensa etapa de su vida: la universidad. Pero comenzar a ser adulto no es fácil cuando nadie te sigue el paso. Elena siente que sus amigos de la prepa se quedaron a años luz, su hermano parece un burócrata cuarentón y su mamá se porta como si tuviera dieciséis. A veces cree que está sola en sus ansias por cambiar al mundo, y sólo parece entenderla un profesorque le mueve el tapete. Eso no sería tan grave si no tuviera un novio que la adora, pero que empieza a dar señales de querer volar alto... y lejos. A ratos Elena se siente más confundida que cuando tenía trece años y descubrió que el mundo no era tan rosa como se lo habían pintado. Con las agallas y sentido del humor que la caracterizan, Elena se lanza otra vez a una trepidante aventura. Ahora más que nunca, está dispuesta a demostrarse que está hecha de lo que se necesita para ser una gran mujer. Una que sabe querer bien.

Quiéreme cinco minutos

by Anaí López

La presente obra es esencialmente un símbolo del lenguaje de los chavos de la ciudad de México así como la representación de la cultura adolescente y los sentires propios de la edad. Quiéreme cinco minutos es una historia de amor y de grandes aventuras: todas las que caben en el recorrido de una mujer para convertirse en mujer. Edición de lujo conmemorativa de la exitosa novela de Anaí López, que incluye un capítulo inédito. Elena tiene 15 años y va en tercero de secundaria. Tiene muchos lunares y no le gusta su pelo. No es muy aplicada en la escuela y, aunque tiene pegue, se siente insegura desde que empezó a crecer más en talla de brassier que en estatura. Pero también es simpática, intensa y está enamorada de quien no debe. El año escolar está a punto de terminar. Un amigo de Elena ha concebido un plan maestro para robar el examen final de Física. En las semanas siguientes, Elena tendrá su primer novio y lidiará con la traición de su mejor amiga, con los problemas de alcohol de su papá y con los límites confusos de su cuerpo y su cabeza; para colmo, tendrá que romper un corazón para saber hasta dónde llega el suyo. En el camino, Elena se lleva más de un trancazo y toma más de una mala decisión; pero nunca deja de hacer lo que siente y de enfrentar las encrucijadas que se le presentan con un gran sentido del humor.

Quiéreme si te atreves (Trilogía de Elena #Volumen 2)

by Anaí López

Segunda parte del libro Quiéreme cinco minutos. La protagonista, Elena, ahora está en el último año de la preparatoria y debe afrontar situaciones más complicadas que pondrán prueba su carácter y el de su familia. Elena tiene diecisiete años y está empezando Quinto de Prepa. Todos le han dicho que es el año más perro, y Elena está a punto de comprobarlo. Aunque lo más difícil para ella no será la escuela... La situación en su casa está peor que nunca: su papá no puede dejar el alcohol, su mamá se ha sumado a un grupo de extremistas espirituales y su hermano está hecho un idiota con su novia, que pesa cuarenta kilos. Todo se complica cuando Elena se enamora perdidamente y además le corresponden. Pero vivir esa clase de amor no es fácil cuando al mismo tiempo estás lidiando con los excesos de tus amigos, la búsqueda de una vocación (si eso existe), y tratando de hacer entender a tus papás que no eres una rebelde ni estás loca ni perturbada, sólo tienes diecisiete años e intentas ser feliz. Pero Elena tiene algunos aliados en el año más complicado de su vida: un taller de teatro, el apoyo de sus amigos y la capacidad de ver las cosas desde muchos puntos de vista, sin perder nunca el sentido del humor. Quiéreme si te atreves es la segunda parte de una historia de amor y de grandes aventuras, que acompaña muy de cerca a una joven mujer en su recorrido para convertirse en una gran mujer.

¿Quieres ser el novio de mi hermana? (Tucán Rojo)

by Jordi García Sempere Maite Carranza Gil-Dolz Pau Joan Hernández de Fuenmayor

Me llamo Alicia y tengo un problema que se llama Sonia. Sonia es mi hermana y me maltrata desde que nací. Hace once años que me maltrata noche y día, pero no la meten en la cárcel porque es una menor y no pueden montarle un juicio, como a los nazis, por torturar a personas inocentes. Y encima, según mis padres, todo es muy normal, porque resulta que Sonia es una adolescente y eso lo justifica todo.

Quiero más verde

by Felipe Castro

El planeta quiere más verde y vos podés ser parte: ¡empezá tu propia huerta orgánica! En estas páginas encontrarás todos los pasos, tips y secretos para que puedas armarla, aunque tengas muy poquito espacio. Es hora de poner nuestro granito de arena para salvar a nuestro planeta, y qué mejor que hacerlo trabajando la tierra, aunque sea en un espacio muy chiquito, en unas pocas macetas. No hay nada más satisfactorio que llevar a tu mesa los vegetales que vos sembraste, cuidaste y viste crecer. Además, es una actividad muy relajante que te conecta con la naturaleza. En estas páginas encontrarás todos los datos, tips y secretos para iniciar tu huerta en casa.

The Quiet and the Loud

by Helena Fox

&“A writer to be reckoned with.&” —Kathleen Glasgow, author of Girl in Pieces and You&’d Be Home NowA heartbreaking, hopeful, and timely novel about facing family secrets, healing from trauma, and falling in love, from the award-winning author of How It Feels to FloatGeorge&’s life is loud. On the water, though, with everything hushed above and below, she is steady, silent. Then her estranged dad says he needs to talk, and George&’s past begins to wake up, looping around her ankles, trying to drag her under.But there&’s no time to sink. George&’s best friend, Tess, is about to become, officially, a teen mom, her friend Laz is in despair about the climate crisis, her gramps would literally misplace his teeth if not for her, and her moms fill the house with fuss and chatter. Before long, heat and smoke join the noise as dis­tant wildfires begin to burn.George tries to stay steady. When her father tells her his news and the painful memo­ries roar back to life, George turns to Calliope, the girl who has just cartwheeled into her world and shot it through with colors. And it&’s here George would stay—quiet and safe—if she could. But then Tess has her baby, and the earth burns hotter, and the past just will not stay put.A novel about the contours of friendship, family, forgiveness, trauma, and love, and about our hopeless, hopeful world, Helena Fox&’s gorgeous follow-up to How It Feels to Float explores the stories we suppress and the stories we speak—and the healing that comes when we voice the things we&’ve kept quiet for so long."Compelling and arresting" —Shelf Awareness (starred review)"Powerful, heart-tugging" —Books+Publishing"As deeply enjoyable as it is reflective . . . sweet and yet emotionally mature" —BCCB"Brilliant" —Utopia State of Mind"A sensitive portrayal of complex PTSD" —Booklist"Lyrical and evocative . . . Vivid" —Kirkus"Heartbreaking yet uplifting and hopeful . . . Highly recommend[ed] —

Quiet Fire: Emily Dickinson's Life and Poetry

by Carol Dommermuth-Costa Anna Landsverk

When Emily Dickinson died at her home in Amherst, Massachusetts, in 1886, she left a locked chest with hand-sewn notebooks and papers filled with nearly 1,800 unpublished poems. Four years later, her first collection was published and became a singular success. Today Dickinson is revered as one of America’s greatest and most original poets. Using primary source materials, including the poet’s own letters and poems, Quiet Fire presents the life and art of Emily Dickinson to a new generation.

The Quiet Flame: Mother Marianne of Molokai

by Eva K. Betz

Marianne of Molokai, the lady who did not shun lepers, comes alive in this vividly written fiction for young people.

A Quiet Kind of Thunder

by Sara Barnard

Perfect for fans of Morgan Matson and Jandy Nelson.A girl who can&’t speak and a boy who can&’t hear go on a journey of self-discovery and find support with each other in this gripping, emotionally resonant novel for &“readers who enjoyed John Green&’s Turtles All the Way Down&” (Booklist) from bestselling author Sara Barnard. Steffi doesn&’t talk, but she has so much to say.Rhys can&’t hear, but he can listen.Steffi has been a selective mute for most of her life. The condition&’s name has always felt ironic to her, because she certainly does not &“select&” not to speak. In fact, she would give anything to be able to speak as easily and often as everyone around her can. She suffers from crippling anxiety, and uncontrollably, in most situations simply can&’t open her mouth to get out the words.Steffi&’s been silent for so long that she feels completely invisible. But Rhys, the new boy at school, sees her. He&’s deaf, and her knowledge of basic sign language means that she&’s assigned to help him acclimate. To Rhys, it doesn&’t matter that Steffi doesn&’t talk. As they find ways to communicate, Steffi discovers that she does have a voice, and that she&’s falling in love with the one person who makes her feel brave enough to use it. But as she starts to overcome a lifelong challenge, she&’ll soon confront questions about the nature of her own identity and the very essence of what it is to know another person.

The Quiet Part Out Loud

by Deborah Crossland

For fans of You&’ve Reached Sam and A Heart in a Body in the World, this searing and heartrending teen novel follows an ex-couple as they struggle to reunite in the wake of a devastating earthquake.High school sweethearts Mia Clementine and Alfie Thanasis had a plan to escape their town for college in the east. Mia would leave her hard-core evangelical home for Sarah Lawrence College, and Alfie would have a new place to pursue his three loves: baseball, poetry, and Mia. But when Alfie got offered a scholarship to the University of San Francisco the same week the entire town found out about Mia&’s mom&’s affair with their church&’s pastor, Mia&’s world imploded and she pushed everyone away…including Alfie. Five months after the worst summer ever, Mia is crashing at her best friend&’s dorm at San Francisco State, just a few miles away from the University of San Francisco, praying she never runs into the boy whose heart she broke. And Alfie is trying to make the most of his freshman year while struggling to reconcile with the abrupt ending of his first love. When Mia and Alfie&’s paths cross for the briefest of moments, Mia realizes she never should have let him go and Alfie&’s suppressed memories and feelings boil to the surface. But their reunion is cut short when a massive earthquake rocks San Francisco, leaving them to stumble desperately across the rubble in search of the ex they still love before the city crumbles—taking one, or both, of them with it.

Quince Clash (Border Town #2)

by Malín Alegría

In Dos Rios, Texas, life is all about borders -- and what happens when you cross the line. A fresh new series in the tradition of Bluford High explores what it's like to grow up on the edge.A quinceanera for the record books?If Fabiola Garza had her way, her quinceanera would be as simple and as non-traditional as possible-just two airline tickets to New York City and her best friend in tow. Sadly, things hardly ever go Fabi's way. After mean girl Melodee lays down a quinceanera challenge in front of the entire school, Fabi is forced to upgrade her party plans. Melodee is rich and popular-her quinceanera will be effortlessly epic. Fabi is at a loss as to how to make her party remotely as fun and fabulous as Melodee's is sure to be. Younger sister Alexis steps in with a scheme to get Fabi on the TV show Quince Dreams-but Fabi isn't convinced she won't end up in a quince nightmare instead.

Quinceañera Means Sweet 15

by Veronica Chambers

Marisol and Magdalena are making plans for their quinceañera parties, their fifteenth birthday celebration that they've been waiting for their whole lives. They've promised each other that they will be the dama de honor at each other's quince. But quinceañeras are expensive, and Marisol's mother doesn't know if she can afford a party at all, especially not one as extravagant as Magdalena's. And while Marisol was away in Panama, Magdalena became friends with two girls Marisol can't stand. Marisol wonders if her year in Panama changed her -- maybe she isn't cool or rich enough anymore to be Magda's friend.

La quinta ola (La quinta ola #Volumen 1)

by Rick Yancey

El primer libro de una espectacular serie épica. Después de la primera ola... la tierra queda a oscuras. Después de la segunda ola... solo huyen los afortunados. Después de la tercera ola... solo sobreviven los desafortunados. Después de la cuarta ola... ya no puedes confiar en nadie. En el amanecer de la quinta ola, Cassie está huyendo por un tramo desolado de autovía. Huye de ellos. De esos seres que, aunque parezcan humanos, deambulan por el campo eliminando a cualquiera, dispersando y aislando a los escasos supervivientes. Cassie sabe que la única opción para seguir con vida es seguir sola. Sin confiar en nadie. Hasta que se encuentra con Evan Walker, un enigmático joven que parece capaz de ayudarla a encontrar a su hermano. Ha llegado el momento de tomar una elección definitiva: confiar o perder la esperanza, desafiar o rendirse... Abandonar o luchar. Han tomado todo por lo que merece la pena vivir y ahora quieren todo por lo que merece la pena morir.

R.I.O.T.: Righteous Invasion of Truth

by Ron Luce Carman

This is a manual for teens to use to cause a R.I.O.T. in their own part of the world. Carman wants Christian young people to reach out to the lost world.

R.I.P. Eliza Hart

by Alyssa Sheinmel

A gorgeous and haunting contemporary YA in the tradition of We Were Liars.When Eliza Hart, the most popular girl at Ventana Ranch boarding school, is found dead, Ellie Sokoloff is determined to figure out what happened to her. After all, Eliza was Ellie's childhood best friend. Never mind that ever since Ellie arrived at school Eliza has spread terrible rumors about her, calling her a liar and a stalker, when all Ellie wanted to do was rekindle their old friendship. Or that Ellie's claustrophobia limits where she can go and what she can do. Or that Ellie's suitemate, Sam, is the only one who will help her . . . because to everyone else, Ellie looks like the top suspect.Can Ellie clear her name and solve the mystery behind Eliza's death? Her hunt for the truth will uncover secrets she never imagined, sending her deep into her own memories of her childhood with Eliza Hart.New York Times bestselling author Alyssa Sheinmel delivers a gripping mystery and a sensitive and moving examination of the secrets that can hold us back--and even destroy us.

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