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Churrasquitos hervidos, billetes crocantes: La novela del poder

by Jorge Asis

Este es el libro más polémico de Asís, donde por primera vez narra las verdaderas razones que hubo detrás de los hechos más destacados de nuestra historia reciente. De Perón a nuestros días, el autor talla los perfiles más insospechados de quienes gobernaron la Argentina. ¿Quién mejor que Jorge Asís para escribir la gran novela de la política argentina? Podría decirse también que se trata, al fin, de la esperada novela del peronismo, aunque desfilan por estas páginas casi todos los funcionarios y empresarios importantes de los últimos setenta años. Sin dudas, este es su libro más polémico, porque las escenas íntimas que narra Asís, por primera vez, permiten correr el velo del relato político y periodístico, para iluminarnos con las verdaderas razones que hubo detrás de los hechos más destacados de nuestra historia reciente. De Perón a nuestros días, Asís talla, con su magia narrativa, admirable poder de observación y análisis, los perfiles más insospechados de quienes gobernaron la Argentina. Iván Smirak se reúne con Omar Masud, que está al final de su período presidencial, para hablar sobre sus amigos y enemigos internos. Masud llega a la conclusión de que el enemigo está dentro del propio partido y que el partido está muerto. La compañera Soraya, una apasionada del desconocimiento, persigue una revolución imaginaria con la idea de que la Patria Socialista se alcanza con el instrumento plebeyo del peronismo. Su compañero negocia con el líder del mayor conglomerado de medios mientras comen churrasquitos hervidos. Iván es un comensal estratégico y desbordado por la adicción a los billetes crocantes, tan necesarios para construir su estructura política. Siempre lejos de las historias oficiales, irreverente, caricaturista, periodista artesanal, profesional de la palabra, literato de la política, sofista de la actualidad, esta novela confirma a Asís como uno de los escritores más excepcionales de la literatura argentina.

Chutes And Adders (A\robin Light Mystery Ser.)

by Barbara Block

Recently widowed Robin Light runs Noah's Ark, a Syracuse pet shop specializing in puppies and parakeets, bunnies and boas. Robin can't resist rescuing a stray kitten--or finding the vicious killer who set her up to take the rap. . .for murder.Deadly VenomThe package looked innocent enough. . .until it was opened and the rare, saw-backed viper attacked. By the time Robin got her co-worker to the hospital, he was dead, the cops had unearthed a small fortune in her shop's heating vent, and she's been fingered as the prime suspect in a particularly nasty murder case.Now, as Robin struggles to clear her name and to keep Noah's Ark afloat, she finds herself following a trail strewn with corpses. . .straying far from her pampered pets and into a den of venomous secrets where someone stalks her with the cold-blooded skill of a cobra. . .someone coiled and ready to strike.

CI: Team Red

by David Debatto Pete Nelson

Into the Heart of Terror In a story so explosive that he can only tell it as fiction, former counterintelligence special agent David DeBatto takes us onto a new kind of battlefield, beyond the reach of reporters, and into the covert ops of elite tactical intelligence teams. Their number one job: to pierce the secrets of an enemy-before the enemy reaches us... Staff Sgt. David DeLuca had a love/hate relationship with the Armed Forces. Then came 9/11. After a career as a street cop, he went to war-and put his skills to work in a secret army within an army. Part detective, con man, spy, and soldier, DeLuca is now hunting a Saddam loyalist Centcom thought was dead. To catch his prey, he'll have to outmaneuver him using microscopic forensic evidence, high-tech espionage tools, and gut instincts. But as he follows a deadly trail out of the Sunni Triangle into Iran, a horrifying picture is coming clear to DeLuca and his elite "red" team: a terrorist group already has its fangs in the USA-and needs to be hunted down and eliminated right now...

CI #2: Dark Target

by David Debatto Pete Nelson

In this second riveting novel, Army Counterintelligence Special Agent David DeLuca and his CI Team--an army within the Army--are up against a rogue enemy who has commandeered a deadly new technology.

CI #3: Mission Liberty

by David Debatto Pete Nelson

This third thrilling espionage novel in the exciting CI series finds special agent David DeLuca up against those responsible for mass suffering in the war-torn African country of Niger.

CI #4: Homeland Threat

by David Debatto Pete Nelson

In the fourth novel of this thrilling series, the Pentagon suspects that the brutal murder of the daughter of a revered Army general is tied to a string of deadly assassinations of U.S. military personnel. Counterintelligence Staff Sergeant David DeLuca and his CI team of specialists are brought in to investigate.


by Matthew J. Pallamary Carlos Ilich Valenzuela

Ashley Butler es una reportera galardonada de The San Diego Times. Un día recibió un correo de un hombre que afirma haber descubierto el secreto de la inmortalidad al desactivar un gen de envejecimiento en un chico de quince años con un desorden de vejez acelerada. El correo contenía fotografías que muestran la inversión del proceso de envejecimiento y el nombre de un científico al igual que la compañía para la que trabajaba para que corroborar esa historia. Creyendo que se trata de una farsa, Ashley reenvía el correo a sus contactos. Aunque permanecía escéptica, llamó a la compañía para investigar, pero nadie le contestó. Al salir de su oficina se enteró de la noticia de la muerte del científico mencionado en el correo. Ashley decide investigar en persona la compañía mencionada en el correo, pero al llegar al lugar se encuentra con un edificio desmantelado. Ashley decide ir a investigar la casa del científico muerto, sólo para ser confrontada por un agente federal poco amigable. Al regresar a su oficina, se vuelve a encontrar con él, quien decide confiscar su computadora. El agente federal revela que el científico que envió el correo es un asesino y necesitan la ayuda de Ashley para capturarlo. Ella decide contratar a unos investigadores para indagar en el caso, pero ninguno de ellos regresa. El correo misterioso se vuelve la fundación de una iglesia cibernética que idolatra al chico, llamándolo CiberCristo. La iglesia afirma que el Internet es la manifestación física de la mente colectiva de la humanidad y que el chico es la segunda venida de Cristo encarnado en el ciberespacio. El gobierno intenta censurar la página, pero ésta se replica demasiado rápido. Mientras la iglesia y el estado luchan por la libertad de religión en línea, los medios y el estado luchan por la libertad de expresión. En medio de todo esto, Ashley lucha por sobrevivir.

Cibola- Una Aventura de Dane Maddock

by David Wood Héctor Alberto Núñez Tenorio

1539 – En un puesto de avanzada Española, un hombre resguarda el más grande y mortífero secreto de la historia de la humanidad. Utah, una cueva en el tiempo presente, las pinturas en un sitio indio recién descubierto suministran evidencia que Cristo visitó el Nuevo Mundo. ¿O no? ¡Dane Maddock regresa en otra inolvidable aventura! Cuando Maddock rescata a la hermosa arqueóloga Jade Ihara, se une a ella en la búsqueda de las Siete legendarias Ciudades de Cíbola. Cíbola lleva al lector en un viaje a través del suroeste Americano, donde las ruinas de la misteriosa Anasazi esconde mortíferos secretos, y se esconden en cada rincón. Maddock y su compañero “Bones” Bonebrake deben descifrar las pistas del legendario Manuscrito de Cobre, burlar a sus enemigos, y ser los primeros en desentrañar los secretos de Cíbola.

Cibola - Un'avventura Di Dane Maddock

by David Wood Adriano Biagioli

Utah, oggi. Pitture rupestri trovate in un sito indiano scoperto da poco offrono la prova che Gesù Cristo ha visitato il Nuovo Mondo. O forse no. Dane Maddock in una nuova indimenticabile avventura! Dopo aver salvato la bella archeologa Jade Ihara, Dane si unisce a lei nella ricerca delle leggendarie Sette Città di Cibola. Cibola trascina il lettore in un viaggio per il sudovest degli Stati Uniti, dove le rovine dei misteriosi anasazi celano mortali segreti e nemici stanno in agguato dietro a ogni angolo. A Maddock e al suo socio “Bones” Bonebrake il compito di decifrare gli indizi contenuti nel favoloso Rotolo di Rame, battere in astuzia i loro avversari e svelare per primi il segreto di Cibola.

Las cicatrices del viento

by Francisco Martín Moreno

¿Por qué somos un continente rico de gente pobre? Dinero, sexo, golpes de Estado, sangre, amenazas y violencia desafiaron a congresos, jueces, presidentes y dictadores, que no resistieron la tentación de beneficiarse del gran negocio que les ofrecía el llamado Pulpo de la United Fruit. Un crudo relato sobre el ambicioso y sucio entramado forjado por Estados Unidos en los primeros años del siglo XX para apoderarse de la fuerza económica y política de países pobres, poblados por analfabetos, sin poderío militar ni estructuras democráticas, pero con territorios fértiles que incrementarían el poder económico de las incontrolables empresas transnacionales y del clero católico, sin importar la miseria y el atraso en el que sumían a todo un continente.

Cici's Journal: Lost and Found (Cici's Journal)

by Joris Chamblain

Everyone has secrets, but no one can hide them from Cici!As a future writer, Cici knows what questions to ask and where to find the clues she needs to unlock peoples’ hearts. Yet even though Cici is great at helping others, for a long time now she has kept a dark and painful secret hidden inside herself.Cici’s friends and mom all want to help her heal, but she keeps pushing them away. Can a treasure hunt, a mysterious mansion, and an epic beachside fight help her to open up at last?

El cíclope gafotas (Serie Bat Pat #Volumen 29)

by Roberto Pavanello

¡Por todos los mosquitos! No puedes perderte esta aventura del murciélago detective Bat Pat y los hermanos Silver: Leo, Martin y Rebecca en Grecia. ¡¡¡HOLA!!! SOY BAT PAT.OS VOY A CONTAR UNA HISTORIA QUE OS PONDRÁ LOS PELOS DE PUNTA...¿ESTÁIS PREPARADOS? A la tía Gergovia, la arqueóloga de la familia, le han llegado rumores de que en una isla griega existen... ¡cabras gigantes! Rebecca, Leo, Martin y yo hemos decidido acompañarla y hemos descubierto que lo realmente grande son son las cabras... ¡sino el cabrero! Un cíclope enorme, gruñón y con un grave problema de vista. ¿Estáis listos para la aventura?

A cidade antes do amanhecer: Mistérios de Tupper Jones 2 (Mistérios de Tupper Jones #2)

by M. A. Gardner

A investigadora particular Caroline Collins simplesmente não consegue fazer uma pausa. Quando um velho amigo liga, Caroline se vê envolvida em um caso envolvendo reuniões clandestinas, assaltos a banco, um negócio obscuro de importação e exportação e o assassinato de uma agente do FBI. E para onde esta destemida detetive for, Tupper Jones certamente a seguirá – só que desta vez, seguir pode significar uma longa caminhada de um píer até o Lago Michigan. Logo após os eventos de NOTA DO SILÊNCIO, A CIDADE ANTES DO AMANHECER explode com ação. Perigo e um toque de sarcasmo. A banda está reunida novamente e o Time Collins não vai parar até que as falsas acusações contra seu amigo sejam descartadas e a máfia de Chicago precise de um novo chefe.

A Cidade Sob a Árvore de Natal

by Jr Wirth

O Natal é uma época para a família, principalmente para as crianças que mantêm viva a magia do Natal. O que acontece quando as crianças se tornam maldosas e brigam pelos presentes embrulhados embaixo da árvore? Seis primos descobrem na Cidade Sob a Árvore de Natal. No espírito de Charles Dickens, os primos são colocados em um mundo não-familiar, de cabeça para baixo, onde são forçados a lidar e confiar uns nos outros. A jornada começa com a heroína Hailey Jade, de nove anos, pousando em um país das maravilhas do inverno, onde o terror logo se instala quando ela percebe que está sozinha. Logo, Hailey é acompanhado por seu primo mais velho, Isaías. Juntos, eles reconhecem que as crianças mais novas também foram lançadas através do tempo e do espaço e estão agora desaparecidas e em perigo. A corrida para encontrar as crianças mais novas acaba com eles indo em direção à cidade sob a árvore de Natal do avô, onde eles encontram o verdadeiro significado do Natal e o amor um pelo outro.

The Cider Shop Rules (A Cider Shop Mystery #3)

by Julie Anne Lindsey

Autumn in Blossom Valley means pumpkin patches are ripe and Winona Mae Montgomery and her Granny Smythe&’s cider shop is flourishing. But with this season comes . . . A FATAL HARVEST The Fall Festival is in full swing. Civil War reenactors from three counties are partaking in Blossom Valley&’s tribute to John Brown. Blue Ridge Mountain foliage is in full bloom. And best of all is Jacob Potter&’s pumpkin farm where his hay rides, piglet races, pumpkin picking and corn maze are time-honored draws for locals and tourists alike. That&’s why it&’s such a shock when Mr. Potter is found dead, hidden under a tarp in the back of Winnie&’s pickup truck. This certainly betrays Potter&’s reputation as one of the town&’s most popular citizens. Fortunately, when it comes to solving a murder, no one has a patch on Winnie. Now, all eyes are on her to do it. Unfortunately, that includes those of the killer who&’ll do anything to keep an orchard full of secrets buried.

Cień Ogara

by Jolanta U. Grębowiec-Baffoni Claudio Ruggeri

Zmasakrowane ciało młodej kobiety znalezione w lesie zdaje się jednoznacznie wskazywać na motyw zabójstwa. Wyłaniająca się postać mordercy nie przekonuje jednak komisarza Vincenta Germano, który decyduje na zwrot w prowadzeniu śledztwa.

Cielo y tierra (La isla de las Tres Hermanas #2)

by Nora Roberts

Ripley Todd es la protagonista de Cielo y tierra, la segunda parte de la maravillosa trilogía «La isla de las Tres Hermanas». Ripley Todd solo aspira a llevar una vida apacible en su isla natal de Tres Hermanas. Su trabajo como ayudante del sheriff la satisface y tampoco tiene problemas para relacionarse con los hombres. Pero hay algo que la inquieta: los poderes especiales que posee y que, aunque lo intente, no es capaz de controlar. Cuando el carismático MacAllister Booke llega a la isla para hacer una investigación sobre brujería, queda inmediatamente impactado por los centelleantes ojos verdes de Ripley. Fascinado por la lucha interior que esta mantiene con sus extraordinarias habilidades, intentará ayudarla a que acepte su destino. Aunque antes Ripley deberá enfrentarse al dolor y al peligro que sobrevendrán desde un pasado remoto.

Cielos de barro

by Dulce Chacón

Una novela apasionante sobre el amor, el odio, la venganza y las diferencias entre clases sociales, ambientada en los duros años de la posguerra española y ganadora del Premio Azorín. Un joven pastor es acusado de cometer un triple asesinato en el cortijo extremeño donde sus familiares han trabajado como sirvientes durante generaciones. Su única defensa será el testimonio sin fisuras de su anciano abuelo, que revelará una brutal historia de intriga, sometimiento, erotismo y venganza, de la que amos y criados son a la vez testigos y protagonistas. En una época en que la Guerra Civil abrió una brecha insalvable entre vencedores y vencidos, el relato de un viejo alfarero que no se rinde ante la injusticia abrirá heridas aún sin cicatrizar y cuestionará los férreos cimientos morales de la aristocracia rural española. Reseña:«Una novela de amores y odios, escrita con crueldad, ternura y poesía.»Ángel Basanta, El Cultural

The Cilla Rose Affair

by Winona Kent

He played a spy on TV. Now he’s recruiting his sons into the real-life world of international espionage—from the author of Skywatcher. Evan Harris’s experiences as a spy helped make him a star playing one on TV. When Britain’s best-loved breakfast show DJ dies, only Evan knows what it has to do with a pirate radio station, a long-lost diary, a suspected double agent, the London Underground, and mysterious sound waves underneath the Fitzroy Theatre. So Evan recruits his three sons to help him unmask the traitor deep within the British spy community in a sting operation not unlike a storyline from his own cult 1960’s TV show . . .

Cimarron Rose: A Novel (Billy Bob Holland)

by James Lee Burke

'Evil, bigotry and doing the right thing. All are done as expertly as ever by a master writer' DAILY TELEGRAPHLucas Smothers, nineteen and from the wrong end of town, has been arrested for the rape and murder of a local girl. His lawyer Billy Bob Holland is convinced of Lucas's innocence but proving it means unearthing the truth from a seething mass of deceit and corruption. A corruption endemic in the way it can be only in a gossipy small town where everybody knows everybody else's business. Billy Bob's relationship with Lucas's family is not an easy one - years back he was a close friend of Mrs Smothers, too close according to her husband Vernon. And when Lucas overhears gruesome tales of serial murder from a neighbouring cell in the local lock-up, the waters are muddied even further and Lucas himself looks like a candidate for an untimely death.Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Billy Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising Sun* Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Cimarron Rose: A Novel (The Holland Family Novels #1)

by James Lee Burke

Texas attorney Billy Bob Holland must confront the past in order to save his illegitimate son from a murder conviction in this brilliant, fast-paced thriller from beloved New York Times bestselling author James Lee Burke.Lucas Smothers, nineteen and from the wrong end of town, has been arrested for the rape and murder of a local girl. His lawyer, former Texas Ranger Billy Bob Holland, is convinced of Lucas’s innocence—but proving it means unearthing the truth from the seething mass of deceit and corruption that spreads like wildfire in a gossipy small town where everybody knows everybody else’s business.Billy Bob’s relationship with Lucas’s family is not an easy one. Years back he was a close friend of Mrs. Smothers—too close, according to her husband. But when Lucas overhears gruesome tales of serial murder from a neighboring cell in the local lock-up, he himself looks like a candidate for an untimely death, and Billy Bob incurs enemies far more dangerous than any he faced as a Ranger.With the same electric language and hard-edged style that brought James Lee Burke’s Dave Robicheaux novels to the forefront of American crime fiction, Cimarron Rose explodes with a harsh, evocative setting and unforgettable characters.

Cinc dies d'octubre (Inspector Mascarell #Volumen 3)

by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Tercer llibre de la sèrie de novel·la policíaca ambienta a la Barcelona de postguerra, de Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Quan l'inspector Mascarell s'encarrega de la recerca d'un jove anarquista, descobreix que l'èxit de la seva investigació podria implicar la seva pròpia mort. 1948. Un any després d'abandonar el Valle de los Caídos en ser indultat, Miquel Mascarell, el darrer policia de la Barcelona republicana, ha refet la seva vida al costat de la Patro, la jove que ha salvat dues vegades. La visita d'un home temible que li fa un encàrrec estrany, buscar la tomba del seu nebot, mort el 18 de juliol del 36, tornarà a enfrontar el vell inspector amb els seus fantasmes i la seva supervivència, en una ciutat enrarida que acaba de viure una guerra i busca un nou futur. Durant aquests mateixos dies, a Madrid, un consell de guerra jutja el grup dels vuitanta, els maquis que continuen lluitant contra la dictadura. Quin secret amaga el cadàver d'aquell jove de qui busca la tomba, en un cara o creu a vida o mort, al cap de dotze anys dels fets, quan no en queden testimonis vius? Ambientada amb exactitud i precisió en l'Espanya de l'època, Cinc dies d'octubre és una novel·la que ens fa tornar al passat, potser per comprendre el present.

The Cinch

by Richard Martins

A planned crackdown on Chicago's gambling bosses by the FBI takes the form of a sting operation in which agent Frank Thorne infiltrates the syndicate posing as a stock broker with access to funds, not always his own. Thorne befriends Sonny Greco, a vulnerable bookmaker with Mafia connections in the hope of beating Sonny at his own game then leaning on him to get names of his bosses. Of course, the plot thickens when both Sonny and fellow agent Mary Agnes McCaskey turn out to be very likable, while Thorne's wife takes a dim view of the entire affair. Mix in a crooked cop, a con man, and a dope deal, and Frank finds himself knee-deep in a plot that in no way resembles what he had originally planned. Set in 1980s Chicago, The Cinch is an entertaining crime story with well developed characters and believable relationships.

Cinch Knot: Pigs, Politics, and Petroleum. The Multinational Plot to Nuke the Trans Alaska Pipeline

by Ron Walden

Pipeline security guard, Dan Webster, and pump station technician, Gwen Stevens, discover a nuclear device inside an ultrasonic inspection pig, and are convinced it is a part of a sinister conspiracy involving the pipeline. They discover a multinational plot, Cinch Knot, masterminded by influential oil and shipping leaders to restrict the flow of oil by nuking the pipeline and driving the price of oil upward. Thus, the fate of the Alaska oil pipeline, Valdez, pristine, Prince William sound, and economic stability of the world, as well as the lives of thousands of people are threatened unless the bomb is disarmed and the schemers are stopped. Fast moving -- Cinch Knot's 200 pages takes the reader on an intriguing international chase to stop the scheme, and to the story's surprise ending.

The Cincinnati Kid: Empty-grave Tango Edition

by Richard Jessup

The Cincinnati Kid, first published in 1963 (and made into a feature film starring Steve McQueen in 1965), is a gritty novel of smoky back-rooms and centered on a young card-shark (“The Kid”) who eventually finds himself in a stud-poker game against the undisputed master (“The Man”). From the dust-jacket: “By the time he was twenty-one, he was a full rambling-gambling man, a three river man... . From Jolly’s Omaha Card Club on the Missouri, to Sprügi’s Emporium in Wheeling on the Ohio, down to Memphis on the Mississippi, he was known as The Cincinnati Kid, a comer, with a way about him.”The Kid first saw Lancey Hodges in a game in Kentucky, and he did not have to be told that Lancey was The Man, the number one player who ruled the stud poker circuit from Vegas to Miami. An old pro warned him about Lancey: “You growd some, Cincinnata. You kin make his stomik ulcer bleed, but I ain’t got much faith in nothin’ that will take him.”

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