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Corpora and Language Education

by Lynne Flowerdew

Corpora and Language Education provides a comprehensive overview of the field and includes a discussion of the historical and conceptual background of corpus linguistics. The five main approaches to corpus linguistics are critically reviewed. Quotations, definitions and key concepts are included in the main text to highlight important issues and competing voices. The author illustrates how corpus linguistics has been applied in various research fields, e. g. business and health care contexts, forensic linguistics, literary stylistics, translation studies, second language acquisition, lexicography and testing. The application of corpus linguistics techniques to pedagogy is also discussed. Ten exemplary case studies illustrating 'best practices' research are outlined and commented on. The volume also provides a comprehensive list of key print and online resources.

Designing and Implementing Cloud-native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB: Study Companion for the DP-420 Exam (Certification Study Companion Series)

by Steve Flowers

This book will help prepare you for the Microsoft DP-420 exam. Whether you are new to Azure Cosmos DB or have experience working with the platform, Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is organized to address the specific skills measured in the DP-420 exam. The topics covered include NoSQL models, code, and real-world scenarios aimed at helping you to understand and solve the case studies included in the exam. Beyond the exam, this book will assist you in your journey to adopt Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB for your own projects. You’ll learn what makes Azure Cosmos DB such a robust NoSQL service, as well as how NoSQL approaches help enable modern applications. You’ll also get practical guidance for your own implementations. The topics covered in this book are essential to knowing how to leverage the Cosmos DB service and provide best practices that will guide you to success both on the exam and in your career. What You Will Learn Understand and hone the skills needed to pass the DP-420 examGain insight into the test-taking experience, whether at a testing center or virtuallyEvaluate and understand features of Azure Cosmos DB using real-world use cases and code samplesLearn from case studies in the book that will help you to correctly address case studies in the examBuild a foundation that goes beyond the exam and gives you the confidence to implement Azure Cosmos DB in your own projectsDetermine the trade-offs between different configurations, whether your implementation is small and local or large and requires global scale Who This Book Is For Anyone planning to take the DP-420 exam, as well as developers, engineers, and architects seeking a better understanding of Azure Cosmos DB and how it is used in developing modern applications using a NoSQL approach.

QlikView Scripting

by Matt Floyd

This mini book offers information about QlikView scripting written in an easy-to-understand manner, and covers QlikView scripting from basic to advanced features in a compact format.If you are a basic orintermediate developer with some knowledge of QlikView applications and a basic understanding of QlikView scripting and data extraction and manipulation, this book will be great for you. If you are an advanced user, you can also use this book as a reference guide and teaching aid. If you are a QlikView project team member such as a business user, data/ETL professional, project manager, orsystems analyst, you can also benefit from gaining an understanding of the structure and the challenges of writing an efficient and useful QlikView application.

Creating Data Stories with Tableau Public

by Matt Floyd Ashley Ohmann

This book is targeted at investigative journalists and bloggers with an interest in making rich and interactive data visualizations. Intermediate Tableau Public users and organizations can also use this book as a reference guide and teaching aid. Members of the media team, such as data specialists, web developers, editors, producers, and managers can also benefit from an understanding of the structure and challenges of writing an interactive and interesting data visualization using Tableau Public.

Tableau: Creating Interactive Data Visualizations

by Matt Floyd Jen Stirrup Ashutosh Nandeshwar Ashley Ohmann

Illustrate your data in a more interactive way by implementing data visualization principles and creating visual stories using Tableau About This Book * Use data visualization principles to help you to design dashboards that enlighten and support business decisions * Integrate your data to provide mashed-up dashboards * Connect to various data sources and understand what data is appropriate for Tableau Public * Understand chart types and when to use specific chart types with different types of data Who This Book Is For Data scientists who have just started using Tableau and want to build on the skills using practical examples. Familiarity with previous versions of Tableau will be helpful, but not necessary. What You Will Learn * Customize your designs to meet the needs of your business using Tableau * Use Tableau to prototype, develop, and deploy the final dashboard * Create filled maps and use any shape file * Discover features of Tableau Public, from basic to advanced * Build geographic maps to bring context to data * Create filters and actions to allow greater interactivity to Tableau Public visualizations and dashboards * Publish and embed Tableau visualizations and dashboards in articles In Detail With increasing interest for data visualization in the media, businesses are looking to create effective dashboards that engage as well as communicate the truth of data. Tableau makes data accessible to everyone, and is a great way of sharing enterprise dashboards across the business. Tableau is a revolutionary toolkit that lets you simply and effectively create high-quality data visualizations. This course starts with making you familiar with its features and enable you to develop and enhance your dashboard skills, starting with an overview of what dashboard is, followed by how you can collect data using various mathematical formulas. Next, you'll learn to filter and group data, as well as how to use various functions to present the data in an appealing and accurate way. In the first module, you will learn how to use the key advanced string functions to play with data and images. You will be walked through the various features of Tableau including dual axes, scatterplot matrices, heat maps, and sizing.In the second module, you'll start with getting your data into Tableau, move onto generating progressively complex graphics, and end with the finishing touches and packaging your work for distribution. This module is filled with practical examples to help you create filled maps, use custom markers, add slider selectors, and create dashboards. You will learn how to manipulate data in various ways by applying various filters, logic, and calculating various aggregate measures. Finally, in the third module, you learn about Tableau Public using which allows readers to explore data associations in multiple-sourced public data, and uses state-of-the-art dashboard and chart graphics to immerse the users in an interactive experience. In this module, the readers can quickly gain confidence in understanding and expanding their visualization, creation knowledge, and quickly create interesting, interactive data visualizations to bring a richness and vibrancy to complex articles. The course provides a great overview for beginner to intermediate Tableau users, and covers the creation of data visualizations of varying complexities. Style and approach The approach will be a combined perspective, wherein we start by performing some basic recipes and move on to some advanced ones. Finally, we perform some advanced analytics and create appealing and insightful data stories using Tableau Public in a step-by-step manner.

Digital Fundamentals

by Thomas L. Floyd

This eleventh edition of Digital Fundamentals continues a long tradition of presenting a strong foundation in the core fundamentals of digital technology. This text provides basic concepts reinforced by plentiful illustrations, examples, exercises, and applications. Applied Logic features, Implementation features, troubleshooting sections, programmable logic and PLD programming, integrated circuit technologies, and the special topics of signal conversion and processing, data transmission, and data processing and control are included in addition to the core fundamentals. New topics and features have been added to this edition, and many other topics have been enhanced.

Usability Engineering kompakt

by Markus D. Flückiger Michael Richter

Usability Engineering spielt überall dort eine Rolle, wo Benutzer mit technischen Systemen zu tun haben. Welche Faktoren bestimmen, ob wir mit einem Produkt sehr einfach, nur schwer oder gar nicht zum Ziel kommen? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich, diese Faktoren in der Entwicklung systematisch in den Griff zu bekommen? Dieses Buch vermittelt einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Praxis und bietet Ihnen das Wichtigste übersichtlich zum Nachschlagen: Die wichtigsten MethodenUmsetzung im EntwicklungsprozessUsability und Requirements EngineeringStrategie im UnternehmenPlanung, Durchführung und KontrolleChecklisten, Praxisbeispiele, DenkanstößeFallstudien aus durchgeführten Projekten Die dritte Auflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet und um die Themen Agile Software-Entwicklung und Mobile User Experience erweitert.

Smart Mobility

by Barbara Flügge

Das Herausgeberwerk bietet einen umfassenden Zugang zum Trendthema Smart Mobility: ausgehend von sozio-ökologischen und sozio-ökonomischen Aspekten der Mobilität, den Anforderungen von Anbietern und Nachfragern bis hin zu Mobilitätsansprüchen ganzer Ökosysteme und der Anwendbarkeit digitaler Lösungen für die Lebensbereiche jedes Einzelnen. Das Buch setzt wirkungsvoll die Ausgangssituation im Bereich Mobilität in Kontext mit den unterschiedlichsten Nutzungsszenarien und Initiativen. Die Leserschaft erhält einen Fahrplan für die Mobilität in Zeiten der Digitalisierung: Bausteine Intelligenter Mobilität (BIM), ein Vorgehensmodell und eine Reihe praxisorientierter Handlungsempfehlungen erleichtern die Analyse-, Planungs- und Umsetzungsphasen von Mobilitätsvorhaben.Die Beschreibungen erfolgen bewusst anschaulich und nachvollziehbar durch Checklisten und Anleitungen. Damit richtet sich das Buch an alle Entscheider, Innovationstreiber und Vordenker aus der Praxis, die sich mit dem Thema Mobilität beschäftigen – sei es im Personen- oder Frachtverkehr.

Smart Mobility: Trends, Konzepte, Best Practices für die intelligente Mobilität

by Barbara Flügge

Mit diesem Buch gelingt der Einstieg in das Trendthema „Smart Mobility“Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Zugang zum aktuellen Trendthema Smart Mobility. Die thematisch vielfältigen Beiträge maßgeblicher Expertinnen und Experten – zusammengetragen von Herausgeberin Barbara Flügge – beleuchten u. a. folgende Schwerpunkte:• Sozio-ökologische und sozio-ökonomische Aspekte der Mobilität• Die Anforderungen von Anbietern und Nachfragern• Mobilitätsansprüche ganzer Ökosysteme (Stadt, Land und Ballungsräume)• Anwendbarkeit digitaler Lösungen für die Lebensbereiche jedes EinzelnenMit diesem Setup setzt das Buch wirkungsvoll die Ausgangssituation in der Smart Mobility in den Kontext von unterschiedlichsten Nutzungsszenarien und Initiativen. Die Beiträge erläutern einzelne Bausteine Intelligenter Mobilität (BIM) und Vorgehensmodelle. Zudem liefert Ihnen dieses Herausgeberwerk zahlreiche praxisorientierte Handlungsempfehlungen und Best Practices, die Ihnen die Analyse-, Planungs- und Umsetzungsphasen von Mobilitätsvorhaben erleichtern. Damit richtet sich dieses Buch über Smart Mobility in erster Linie an:a) Chief Digital Officersb) Entscheider in öffentlichen Verwaltungen und in der Privatwirtschaftc) Innovationstreiber und Entrepreneure aus der Praxis d) Projektleiter und -mitarbeiter – sei es im Personen- oder FrachtverkehrDie Gegenwart und Zukunft im BlickUm Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern, geben Ihnen die Beiträge zunächst einen Überblick über das große Themenfeld der Smart Mobility. Hier erfahren Sie, welche Vorgehensweisen sich zur Bewertung von Mobilität eignen, wodurch sich das Kauf- und Nutzverhalten im Personenverkehr heutzutage auszeichnet und wie Sie ein sicheres sowie nachhaltiges Verkehrsmanagement gestalten können. Weitere inhaltliche Schwerpunkte dieses Buchs sind:• Indoor- und Outdoor-Navigation in Smart Mobility-Szenarien• Inter- und multimodale Routenplanung• Smart Ticketing• Mobilitätsrelevante Diagnostik• Bausteine Intelligenter Mobilität für die Zukunft• Das Smart Mobility VorgehensmodellEin umfassendes GrundlagenwerkMit der zweiten aktualisierten Auflage bringt Ihnen dieses Buch den Themenkomplex der Smart Mobility anschaulich und nachvollziehbar näher. Die inhaltliche Mischung aus theoretischem Basiswissen sowie aktuellen Trends (wie z. B. Mega Cities oder Zero Traffic) und hilfreichen Checklisten machen dieses Werk zu einem nachvollziehbaren und anschaulichen Grundlagenwerk für alle Themeninteressierten.

Smart Mobility – Connecting Everyone

by Barbara Flügge

This book presents a comprehensive overview of various aspects of mobility and transportation to be smart and seamless. It provides basic principles and trends of smart mobility as well as international examples. The topic of this work is especially interesting as the future of human centered and business triggered ecosystems is increasingly dependent on the coordination capabilities of all participating and influencing members to manage transportation needs. Even more the fulfillment of the right to mobility for individual and cargo related mobility asks for mobility enablement in a predictive, digital and intermodal manner. Therefore, this book is useful not only for decision makers in several positions but also for people who are interested in trends of transportation and mobility.

Smart Mobility in der Praxis: Das Auto – unverzichtbar für den intermodalen Verkehr?

by Barbara Flügge

Die Zukunft der Städte und Ballungsräume hängt zunehmend davon ab, wie Verkehrsteilnehmer ihre unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse koordinieren. Das Konzept der Smart Mobility bietet die Möglichkeit, die geeigneten Transportmittel für Individual- und Frachtverkehr vorausschauend, digital und intermodal abzurufen. Davon profitieren die Verkehrsteilnehmer, aber auch unser Ökosystem. Dieses Fachbuch wirft einen Blick hinter das Konzept einer durch Digitalisierung gestützten intelligenten Mobilität. Es illustriert Vorgehensweisen und Fragestellungen anhand von fiktiven wie realitätsnahen Projektierungsbeispielen in Städten und Regionen und behandelt zentrale Fragen: Wie lassen sich Mobilitätsszenarien ganzheitlich einschätzen und erfassen? Welches sind die wesentlichen Schritte, die es dabei zu berücksichtigen gilt?Das Einführungskapitel stellt das Konzept „Smart Mobility“ vor und erläutert verschiedene Projektierungsansätze sowie die Bausteine Intelligenter Mobilität (BIM). Zehn Fallbeispielen, unter anderem zum Autonomen Fahren, zu intelligenten Verkehrsknotenpunkten, zum Erlebnisraum Auto und der E-Mobilität, zeigen praxisnah, wie die Tools, Vorgehensweisen und BIM anzuwenden sind. Zahlreiche Checklisten und Abbildungen unterstreichen darüber hinaus den Praxisbezug dieses Werkes. Das Begleitbuch zu „Smart Mobility“ von Barbara Flügge, Digitalisierungsexpertin und Beraterin, richtet sich an Entscheider und Unternehmer sowie an Projektleiter und -mitarbeiter im Rahmen von Smart-City-Vorhaben. Außerdem eignet sich dieser Band ideal zur Vor- und Nachbereitung von Lehrveranstaltungen zu Themen wie Smart Cities oder Urban Systems Research.

Java on the Raspberry Pi: Develop Java Programs to Control Devices for Robotics, IoT, and Beyond

by Greg Flurry

Use Java to do whatever you want to do with the Raspberry Pi and the devices you need for your project. In theory, it should be possible, and even easy, to work with on the Pi. Unfortunately, reality is a bit different. This book features an extensive set of techniques that allow you to get close to bringing this theory to fruition.You'll review some limitations on using Java imposed by the Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi OS, and even Java itself, and examine which ones might apply to your projects and your devices. You'll also explore solutions to address the limitations and l look at efficient development of Java for the Raspberry Pi. Java on the Raspberry Pi shows how to interact with a range of devices useful in robotics and IOT, overcoming the hurdles in doing so. It also covers off-loading work from the Raspberry Pi to an Arduino, leveraging its close-to-real time capabilities. What You'll Learn Develop with Java remotely using NetBeans Leverage available libraries to enable device interaction, and what to do if they don’t work Implement multi-processing, using an Arduino as a co-processorBuild sophisticated projects with multiple threads of execution, multiple processes, and even multiple systems Who This Book Is ForExperienced programmers who appreciate the benefits of Java and world class tools for application development and want to build robotics or IOT projects using the low cost, low power, and portability of the Raspberry Pi.

Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia

by Ian Flynn SEGA

Celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog's 30th anniversary with a full-color hardcover historical retrospective that explores nearly every one of the blue speedster's video game appearances!Dive deep into the extensive lore and exhaustive detail of each game in Sonic's ever-expanding universe--from the beloved SEGA Genesis to the most bleeding-edge video game consoles. This tome leaves no stone unturned, showcasing in-depth looks at the characters, settings, and stories from each exciting installment!Dark Horse Books and SEGA present the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-Speed-ia--a must-have volume for any fan of Sonic, young or old!

Understanding Operating Systems

by Ida M. Flynn Ann Mciver Mchoes

Now in its Seventh Edition, UNDERSTANDING OPERATING SYSTEMS continues to provide a clear and straightforward explanation of operating system theory and practice. As in previous editions, the book's highly regarded structure begins with a discussion of fundamentals before moving on to specific operating systems. Fully updated, this new edition includes expanded analysis of the impact on operating systems of such innovations as multi-core processing and wireless technologies. Revised Research Topics in the exercise section encourage independent student research. The final four chapters have been updated to include information on current versions of UNIX (including the latest Macintosh OS), Linux, and Windows, and a new chapter on Android has been added.

Sports and Technology Have the Power to Change the World: Driving Positive Change Through the Use of Data and AI

by Jon Flynn

Discover how the explosions in data analytics, AI, and digital communication are benefiting sports and sports fans around the world In Sports and Technology Have The Power To Change The World: Driving Positive Change Through The Use of Data and AI, the Director of Microsoft Sports, Jon Flynn, delivers an insightful new take on the transformative power of sport and its ability to unite people, break down barriers, and generate positive change. The author explains the critical role that technology has played in growing the impact of sporting events and enabling social change while fostering community improvement. In the book, you’ll explore many of the ways in which sports, enabled by new tech, have made significant contributions to society and promoted individual development, health, and wellbeing. You’ll also find: Discussions of green technologies and climate and sustainability initiatives linked to sport, with a case study about the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Explorations of the impact of advanced data analytics, with a case study focusing on the 2013 NBA Final matchup between the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs How sport scientists are optimizing player performance Perfect for anyone interested in the intersection of sport, society, and technology, Sports and Technology Have The Power To Change The World is an easy to read and endlessly fascinating look at how the unique combination of athletics and tech makes the world a better place.

The e-Policy Handbook: Rules And Best Practices To Safely Manage Your Company's E-mail, Blogs, Social Networking, And Other Electronic Communication Tools

by Nancy FLYNN

Trillions of e-mails travel each year through corporate networks—and they're not all work-related. But for organizations wishing to protect themselves from liability, e-mail is no longer the only danger—they now have to contend with blogs, social networking sites, and other new technologies. Packed with electronic rules, step-by-step guidelines, sample policies, and e-disaster stories, this revised edition of The e-Policy Handbook helps readers: implement strategic electronic rules • prevent security breaches and data theft • safeguard confidential company and customer information • manage new and emerging technologies • write and implement effective policies • train employees. Updated to cover new technologies, including instant messaging, social networking, text messaging, video sites, and more, this is a comprehensive resource for developing clear, complete e-policies.

Writing Effective E-Mail: Improving Your Electronic Communication

by Nancy Flynn Tom Flynn

The revised edition of Writing Effective E-Mail includes an added emphasis on how to avoid workplace disasters such as lost sales, customer service nightmares--and in the worst cases--lawsuits and financial losses, triggered by careless or poorly written e-mails. This book will also guide you in writing a comprehensive and effective e-mail policy for your organization.

An Introduction to Information Science

by Roger Flynn

This book comprises an introduction to information as an external commodity; a data base that can be manipulated, retrieved, transmitted, and used. It is useful at an introductory undergraduate level and also for anyone who is new to the field of Information Science.

America the Vulnerable: Struggling to Secure the Homeland

by Stephen Flynn

In this powerful and urgently needed call to action, national security expert Stephen Flynn offers a startling portrait of the radical shortcomings in America's plan for homeland security. He describes a frightening scenario of what the next major terrorist attack might look like -- revealing the tragic loss of life and economic havoc it would leave in its wake, as well as the seismic political consequences it would have in Washington. Flynn also shows us how to prepare for such a disaster, outlining a bold yet practical plan for achieving security in a way that is safe and smart, effective and manageable.In this new world of heightened risk and fear, America the Vulnerable delivers a timely, forceful message that cannot be ignored.

How To Be a Professional Gamer: An eSports Guide to League of Legends

by Fnatic Kikis YellOwStar Spirit Febiven Rekkles Mike Diver

It’s time to become a Legend.Watched by millions and contested by the best professional gamers in the world, League of Legends is more than a game. Since the very beginnning of eSports, Fnatic have been competing at the highest level. In 2011, they won the World Championships and in 2015 they achieved the impossible: an entire regular season undefeated. In How to be a Professional Gamer, they take you inside the elite world of the sport, and into the world of competitive gaming. Sharing their knowledge, expertise, and strategies, it’s only a matter of time before you’re a world champion, too.Including tips on game strategy, teamwork and mental strength, How to be a Professional Gamer is both a guide for how to improve as a regular gamer, and the story of Fnatic and how they’ve conquered the world of eSports.Are you ready?

Application Service Providers in Business

by Luisa Focacci Robert Mockler Marc Gartenfeld

Learn how to use Application Service Providers to enhance the future of your business!Application Service Providers in Business is a comprehensive analysis of the present ASP model and its place in business today. Business success in today&’s information-intensive marketplace depends on a company&’s ability to acquire and fully use the latest advancements in business-critical applications. By having these applications delivered as services over the Internet, businesses can lessen the demands on company IT staff, and increase the ability to get complex software into use immediately. Within this context, a new outsourcing business model called ASP (Application Service Provider) has emerged that is transforming how businesses access and leverage software applications. The book explains the specific contingent ASP models, including business, enterprise, functional-focused, and vertical market ASPs, and ASP aggregators. It demonstrates how different ASP models have fulfilled diverse market/customer expectations and explores future scenarios for current ASP business models. Case studies, tables, and figures illustrate important concepts and make complex information easy to access and understand. Based on a thorough analysis of the ASP market environment, the book provides detailed Best Practices Guidelines that managers of ASPs can use to improve the chances of success of their respective ASPs. It outlines contingency factors such as application offerings, customer selection, operations, and strategic fit. The book also not only assists business managers in deciding on whether to use an ASP, but it presents ways to use ASPs to effectively support their business process. The ability to provide the workforce with access to data whenever and wherever is crucial for positively impacting a company&’s profitability, and ASPs provide the software to make it possible.Topics included in Application Service Providers in Business are: Best Practices Guidelines strategic management management decision making and planning IT management and outsourcing future of the ASP market ASP business models and much more!Application Service Providers in Business is a comprehensive resource for executives, managers, professors, and business students in the US and worldwide. Using the information and guidelines provided, executives and managers can learn how to use ASPs to enhance their business, and managers of ASPs can learn how to increase their chance of success in the competitive ASP market. The material is also appropriate as a textbook for management and computer information/software development classes.

Sustained Simulation Performance 2012

by Erich Focht Hiroaki Kobayashi Michael M. Resch Wolfgang Bez Xin Wang

The book presents the state of the art in high performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general and specifically the future of high performance systems and heterogeneous architectures. The application contributions cover computational fluid dynamics, material science, medical applications and climate research. Innovative fields like coupled multi-physics or multi-scale simulations are presented. All papers were chosen from presentations given at the 14th Teraflop Workshop held in December 2011 at HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany and the Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance at Tohoku University in March 2012.

Rules and Reasoning: Third International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2019, Bolzano, Italy, September 16–19, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11784)

by Paul Fodor Marco Montali Diego Calvanese Dumitru Roman

This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, RuleML+RR 2019, held in Bolzano, Italy, during September 2019. This is the third conference of a new series, joining the efforts of two existing conference series, namely “RuleML” (International Web Rule Symposium) and “RR” (Web Reasoning and Rule Systems). The 10 full research papers presented together with 5 short technical communications papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions.

Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity: Transdisciplinary Approaches (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Susanne Foellmer Margreth Lünenborg Christoph Raetzsch

As individuals incorporate new forms of media into their daily routines, these media transform individuals’ engagement with networks of heterogeneous actors. Using the concept of media practices, this volume looks at processes of social and political transformation in diverse regions of the world to argue that media change and social change converge on a redefinition of the relations of individuals to larger collective bodies. To this end, contributors examine new collective actors emerging in the public arena through digital media or established actors adjusting to a diversified communication environment. The book offers an important contribution to a vibrant, transdisciplinary, and international field of research emerging at the intersections of communication, performance and social movement studies.

World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech

by Franklin Foer

Franklin Foer reveals the existential threat posed by big tech, and in his brilliant polemic gives us the toolkit to fight their pervasive influence. Over the past few decades there has been a revolution in terms of who controls knowledge and information. This rapid change has imperiled the way we think. Without pausing to consider the cost, the world has rushed to embrace the products and services of four titanic corporations. We shop with Amazon; socialize on Facebook; turn to Apple for entertainment; and rely on Google for information. These firms sell their efficiency and purport to make the world a better place, but what they have done instead is to enable an intoxicating level of daily convenience. As these companies have expanded, marketing themselves as champions of individuality and pluralism, their algorithms have pressed us into conformity and laid waste to privacy. They have produced an unstable and narrow culture of misinformation, and put us on a path to a world without private contemplation, autonomous thought, or solitary introspection—a world without mind. In order to restore our inner lives, we must avoid being coopted by these gigantic companies, and understand the ideas that underpin their success. Elegantly tracing the intellectual history of computer science—from Descartes and the enlightenment to Alan Turing to Stuart Brand and the hippie origins of today's Silicon Valley—Foer exposes the dark underpinnings of our most idealistic dreams for technology. The corporate ambitions of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, he argues, are trampling longstanding liberal values, especially intellectual property and privacy. This is a nascent stage in the total automation and homogenization of social, political, and intellectual life. By reclaiming our private authority over how we intellectually engage with the world, we have the power to stem the tide. At stake is nothing less than who we are, and what we will become. There have been monopolists in the past but today's corporate giants have far more nefarious aims. They’re monopolists who want access to every facet of our identities and influence over every corner of our decision-making. Until now few have grasped the sheer scale of the threat. Foer explains not just the looming existential crisis but the imperative of resistance.

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