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Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage Soul: 101 Stories to Celebrate and Learn from Our Growing-Up Years

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Raksha Bharadia

Teens everywhere, across space and time, are plagued by the same basic issues. The milieu may change, the materialities may differ, but the issues never do. Teenage is the time where everything is in a state of transition, in the process of building. Teenage is a distinct phase when you're no longer a child, but nobody will treat you as an adult. It is a phase during which you are trying to come to terms with everything and everyone, yourself, others, the world.

Chicken Soup for the Girl's Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Irene Dunlap Patty Hansen Jack Canfield

From Barbies to your first bra, from holding your teddy bear to slow-dancing with your first boyfriend, from knowing everyone in elementary school to trying to make new friends in middle school. . . . When dealing with these changes, it's no wonder preteen girls can freak out from time to time. Consider Chicken Soup for the Girl's Soul your survival guide! From reading the true experiences of other preteen girls, as well as women who've been there, you'll see that you're not the only one who feels clueless and insecure sometimes. You'll read about tough subjects, such as peer pressure, cliques, divorce, and loss, as well as fun "girls only" stories about friendship, embarrassing moments (these could take up an entire book!), body changes, and first crushes. These stories will make you laugh, cry, and realize that girl power is truly something to celebrate. You'll turn to this book again and again, whenever you need the advice only girls can give. Chicken Soup for the Girl's Soul is sure to be what a girl wants!

Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul: Stories of Faith, Love, Inspiration and Hope

by Jack L. Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Kimberly Kirberger Patty Aubery Nancy Mitchell-Autio

These stories about love, friendship, forgiveness and courage, show how God is at work in teenagers' lives. This very special volume will also help them to use other teens' experiences to build a stronger relationship with God.

Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul: Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Patty Aubery Nancy Mitchell

From the Book Jacket: "What an awesome celebration of God's love for each of his children! Read Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul anytime, but especially when you need a heavenly hug." Joan Wester Anderson author, Where Angels Walk and Where Wonders Prevail "'God created man/" someone once suggested, 'because he liked stories.' When Jesus spoke, he spoke most often in parables. This collection continues the tradition of faithful people telling stories of their experience of God met in the routine of life. I laughed and cried as I read them. In story after story I recognized the thread of divinity woven into the fabric of life. A treasure for Christians who love to hear and tell stories." Michael Lindvall author, The Good News from North Haven "Your walk with Christ will be enhanced every single day as you open the pages of this spirit-filled book." Glenna Salsbury professional speaker, author, The Art of the Fresh Start

Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul Letters: Letters Of Life, Love And Learning

by Jack L. Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Kimberly Kirberger

A collection of the most important letters received from teens responding to the "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul" series, this book is a powerful reflection of the feelings of generation of readers. Some letters will make readers laugh and others will make them cry; but all the letters reveal that teens share similar outlooks, experiences and feelings. Teens have been writing letters in response to the teenage Chicken Soup books since the birth of the series in 1997. These letters represent reactions to a wide array of issues and events, all of interest to teens, whose consistently enthusiastic response to the series indicates an ongoing interest. Letters from contributors to previous volumes, along with letters from the organizations that support teens, provide a nice complement to this collection. "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Letters", with its candor and compassion, is sure to be the next great success in this blockbuster series.

Chicken Soup For The Soul: 101 Stories Of Life, Love, And Learning For Older Teens

by Jack L. Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Amy Newmark Madeline Clapps

Stories in this book cover topics important to the 14 to 18-year-old range, including regrets and lessons learned, dating and sex, family relationships, applying to college, and preparing for life after high school. The first "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies. Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.

Chicken Little the Sky Isn't Falling: Raising Resilient Adolescents in the New Age of Anxiety

by Erica Komisar

This is a comprehensive guide for parents who want to raise emotionally healthy, resilient adolescents in a time of great stress where anxiety and mental health disorders are epidemic.In these times of great stress for our kids, resilience is not a given. The epidemic of mental health disorders in adolescents has made parenting even more challenging, but parents can still have an enormous impact on the health and well-being of their child. This book offers parents the tools they need to navigate this tumultuous time of change and create a continuous deep connection with their child. With covered topics such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, behavioral issues, and addiction, parents will learn how they can recognize mental health disorders as well as obtain compassionate and practical advice on how to address these issues if they occur.

Chicken Girl

by Heather T. Smith

Everybody has a story that will break your heart; a poignant coming-of-age YA for fans of David Arnold, from the author of the acclaimed The Agony of Bun O'Keefe, a Kirkus Best of the Year selection.Poppy used to be an optimist. But after a photo of her dressed as Rosie the Riveter is mocked online, she's having trouble seeing the good in the world. As a result, Poppy trades her beloved vintage clothes for a feathered chicken costume and accepts a job as an anonymous sign waver outside a restaurant. There, Poppy meets six-year-old girl Miracle, who helps Poppy see beyond her own pain, opening her eyes to the people around her: Cam, her twin brother, who is adjusting to life as an openly gay teen; Buck, a charming photographer with a cute British accent and a not-so-cute mean-streak; and Lewis a teen caring for an ailing parent, while struggling to reach the final stages of his gender transition. As the summer unfolds, Poppy stops glorifying the past and starts focusing on the present. But just as she comes to terms with the fact that there is good and bad in everyone, she is tested by a deep betrayal.

Las chicas van donde quieren: 25 aventureras que cambiaron las historia

by Irene Cívico Sergio Parra

¿Quién dijo que las mujeres no eran exploradoras? Todos conocemos el nombre de algún pirata famoso, o de un astronauta que haya llegado al espacio, pero... ¿y las mujeres? <P><P>Muchas lo petaron en sus viajes o inventaron máquinas con las que alcanzaron nuevos hitos. Aquí podrás encontrar a 25 superaventureras que cambiaron el mundo y demostraron su poder. <P><P>Muchas de ellas han tenido un papel decisivo en nuestra historia y nunca lo hemos sabido, pero ahora ha llegado el momento de homenajearlas y decir en voz alta que ¡las chicas van donde quieren!

Las chicas son guerreras: 26 rebeldes que transformaron el mundo

by Sergio Parra Irene Cívico

Descubre a 26 mujeres rebeldes de la historia que cambiaron el mundo y demostraron que las chicas #somosguerreras. Hemos reunido aquí las vidas alucinantes de 26 superguerreras. Algunas son muy famosas y otras no han tenido la misma suerte, pero todas ellas han hecho cosas increíbles por las que se merecen estar en el olimpo de los dioses. Que debería ser también el olimpo de las diosas, así que... ¡Vayan haciendo sitio, que las chicas guerreras han venido para quedarse forever and ever!

Las chicas son de ciencias

by Irene Cívico Sergio Parra

<P>Descubre a 25 supercientíficas que cambiaron el mundo y demostraron que ¡las chicas son de ciencias! #ChicasDeCiencias <P>¿Sabes cuántos descubrimientos científicos debemos a las mujeres? <P>Aunque en los libros de historia parezca que las ciencias son cosa de hombres, de eso nada: desde Agnodice, la primera médica conocida de la historia, hasta Rosalind Franklin, la química que descubrió la estructura del ADN, pasando por VeraRubin, la astrónoma que vio lo que nadie veía, las mujeres han sido pioneras en ciencias desde el inicio de los tiempos. <P>Y aun así, ¿podrías nombrar al menos a diez chicas guerreras que lo petaron en el mundo de las ciencias? Si no puedes, tranqui. <P>Aquí tienes 25 ejemplos de supercientíficas que demuestran que las chicas y los laboratorios son una buena combinación. <P>¿Quién dijo que las chicas no eran de ciencias?

Las chicas perfectas

by Sara Shepard

El universo de Pequeñas Mentirosas continúa con el spin-off que cobra vida en esta bilogía que arranca con La chicas perfectas, que tendrán también serie de televisión. Beacon Heights es un lugar en el que todo parece perfecto hasta que se produce un asesinato en la ciudad. Un grupo de amigas de la universidad, a las que todo el mundo considera como Las chicas perfectas, de pronto, se conviertirán en las principales sospechosas. La necesidad de descubrir la verdad saca a relucir, en una red adictiva de interrogantes y engaños, la cara oculta de la perfección. Detrás de cada chica perfecta hay un secreto, una mentira y una coartada... casi perfecta.

Las chicas buenas

by Sara Shepard

El universo de Pequeñas Mentirosas continúa con el spin-off que cobra vida en esta bilogía que continúa con La chicas buenas, que tendrán también serie de televisión. Las chicas buenas jugaban a planear asesinatos. Hasta que una de sus víctimas apareció muerta. Ahora otro de los crímenes que imaginaron se hace realidad y empiezan a haber muertes de nuevo. ¿Quién puede saberlo? Y lo peor de todo: ¿podrían ser ellas las próximas víctimas? Mentiras, secretos y una trepidante cuenta atrás para descubrir quién está detrás de todos los crímenes. Son buenas, pero no son perfectas.Han hecho cosas que no pueden contar y alguien lo sabe.¿Quién conoce la verdad?

La chica del abrigo azul

by Monica Hesse

Una novela de misterio ambientada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial con un profundo mensaje sobre justicia social, racismo y prejuicios, amor, amistad y valentía. #lachicadelabrigoazul Novela finalista del 2017 Indies Choice Awards de la American Booksellers Association Amsterdam, 1943. La joven Hanneke se dedica a comprar y vender todo lo que encuentra en el mercado negro, a escondidas de sus padres. Es su manera de rebelarse ante la ocupación alemana y sobrellevar la pérdida de su novio en el frente. Pero su vida da un giro cuando una de sus clientas le hace un encargo inusitado: que localice a una chica judía que mantenía oculta y que ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro. Tiene que dar con ella antes de que la encuentren los nazis.Un relato conmovedor e inolvidable de valentía, dolor y amor en tiempos imposibles. Basada en una meticulosa documentación, La chica del abrigo azul es una extraordinaria y cautivadora novela de una de las nuevas voces de la ficción histórica. Reseñas:«Un mosaico de culpabilidad y aceptación, de responsabilidades crecientes y de reacio heroísmo, el alcance de la mayoría de edad de Hanneke en dolorosas condiciones es un recordatorio de cómo la guerra consume y transforma las pasiones de la vida cotidiana. Cada desgarradora escena de esta hermosa novela es conmovedora y potente, y todas y cada una de sus palabras hacen que la historia parezca verdadera.»Elizabeth Wein, autora de Nombre en clave: Verity«Una de las mejores historias que hemos leído en esta última temporada. No te la puedes perder».Blog Entérate de lo último «Uno de los puntos fuertes ha sido como la autora ha sabido narrar la acción, de una forma directa y dejando pequeñas pistas, para que llegado el final todas las piezas encajaran. Ha sabido captar mi interés, que quisiera saber si llegarían encontrara Mirjam, que pasó entre Hanneke y su mejor amiga y como acabarían las cosas para su grupo de amigos, metiendo algunos momentos de tensión de por medio que han hecho que me preocupara por sus personajes y quisiera saber más sobre ellos. Genial».Blog Perdida en un mundo de libros «Un relato sobre el amor, la amistad, la valentía y el dolor totalmente absorbente. Una historia llena de emociones y con personajes tan humanos que será difícil olvidar».Alexandra M.J. Blackburn en ¿Dónde está mi lápiz?

Chica conoce chica

by Rachael Lippincott Alyson Derrick

Llega el mayor éxito de Rachael Lippincott, autora superventas de A dos metros de ti. Una novela fresca y romántica sobre cómo sus dos autoras se conocieron (¿y se enamoraron?) en la universidad. Alex es atrevida, caótica y seductora. Sabe cómo hacerse con cualquier chica... pero su vida está patas arriba y su novia la acaba de dejar.Molly lo tiene todo bajo control, pero acaba de mudarse a la universidad y tiene que abrirse al mundo... Su única amiga, hasta el momento, ha sido su madre. Cuando Alex descubre quién es el crush secreto de Molly la noche antes de que empiecen las clases, deciden formar equipo: Alex ayudará a Molly a enamorar a la chica de sus sueños, y Molly ayudará a Alex a recuperar a su ex.Alex y Molly no se parecen en nada, pero los opuestos se atraen... ¿qué podría salir mal?

The Chi'-lin Purse: A Collection of Ancient Chinese Stories

by Linda Fang

This collection of Chinese folk tales includes clever characters who often help strangers. Each story shows how one person's kindness can change another person's life forever.

Chhupa Dhan

by Rabindranath Tagore

This book is about the story of a person who finds the note for the treasure. How and what happens with him when he finds the treasure.

Chhattisgarh Bharati class 8 - S.C.E.R.T. Raipur - Chhattisgarh Board: छत्तीसगढ़ भारती कक्षा 8 - एस.सी.ई.आर.टी. रायपुर - छत्तीसगढ़ बोर्ड

by Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad Raipur C. G.

Chhattisgarh Bharati text book for 8th standard from Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad, Raipur, C.G. in Sankrit.

Chewing Gum and Other Crimes

by Sylvia Gunnery

[from the back cover] "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say..." Alex's head spun with questions. The loudest one was Why? It all begins as an innocent school trip to Ottawa for Alex MacInnis. But then, suddenly, everything gets very--complicated, especially when the freewheeling Benjamin Holbrook comes on the scene. Political protests... police stations ... pot--they're all new to Alex, and not particularly welcome! But they do make him stop and question some of the things he's always taken for granted. Trouble is, how to explain it all to a strict, single-parent father? Read Chewing Gum And Other Crimes to find out how Alex deals with all this--and how father and son come to know each other better in the process.

Chevalier (Blood+ Book 2)

by Ryo Ikehata

In the first US novelization of Blood+ series, we find Saya Otonoshi, a high school student, suffering from amnesia. Saya can't remember anything from her life beyond the last year. Living with a foster family outside a military base in Okinawa, Japan, Saya's attempts to live a normal life are shattered when a Chiropteran, a horrific vampire-like monster, attacks her. Saved at the last minute by a mysterious man named Hagi, Saya is presented with a sword that awakens in her a warrior's skills and bloodlust, and sets her on a course that will lead her to the answers of her missing memories, and into battle against a race of creatures intent on destroying the world. The epic adventure that began in the groundbreaking film Blood: The Last Vampire and continued through the worldwide phenomenon TV series Blood+ is brought to life in this all-new series of novels adapting the hit show. Saya's journey of horror, magic, romance and mystery will stretch across time and around the world, expanding on the television series with new characters, new adventures, and breathtaking action.

The Chestnut Soldier (The Magician Trilogy #3)

by Jenny Nimmo

<p>The thrilling conclusion to magician Gwyn's epic battle against evil! <p>Gwyn can feel danger coming in the wind. Somehow he knows the warnings have to do with the broken toy horse that holds the evil spirit of a prince who lived long ago. When Gwyn discovers that the prince's dark soul has escaped from the horse and is seeking revenge Gwyn, Emlyn, and Nia have to figure out how to save the mysterious soldier who claims to be Nia's distant cousin. With the help of the Snow Spider, can they recapture the prince's soul without hurting the Chestnut soldier? <p>Nimmo's fast-paced page turner fantasies appeal to boys and girls with its magical adventures.</p>

Chester Alan Arthur (The American Presidents Series)

by Zachary Karabell Arthur M. Schlesinger

A short and precise biography; one of a series edited by Schlesinger.

The Chessmen of Doom: Book Seven) (Johnny Dixon #7)

by John Bellairs

In a thrilling adventure, a young sleuth and his professor friend are challenged to solve a riddle and win a fortune Professor Roderick Childermass may be the strangest person Johnny Dixon has ever met, but compared to his brother Peregrine, the professor is practically normal. Peregrine is a born trickster, and when he knows his death is near, he sends a letter promising the professor his entire $10,000,000 estate—assuming he can solve one final riddle. The professor feels that his brother is mocking him from beyond the grave. If Peregrine were alive, he says, he&’d kill him. To crack the puzzle and claim the fortune, Johnny and the professor head north to the wild countryside of far-off Maine. They&’ll find that the riddle is the least of their problems. To inherit the money, the professor must stay alive until the end of the summer, and since everyone in Maine seems to want Peregrine&’s heir dead, survival will be no easy task. From the author of the Lewis Barnavelt novels, including The House with a Clock in Its Walls, the Johnny Dixon series is full of fun, adventure, and supernatural chills, along with &“believable and likable characters&” who are a delight to spend time with (The New York Times).

Chess Openings for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Openings, Volume 3

by Magnus Templar

<p>Best-in-Class Guide on Chess Openings for Beginners! <p>Do you want to dramatically improve your game? Do you want to quickly master the most popular chess openings? If so, this is the book you have been waiting for. Learn the most successful Chess Openings to dominate every game and become a savvy chess player. Magnus Templar explains how to control the center and rule each and every party you'll play. He takes you step-by-step through the most important chess openings such as the Italian Game, King's Gambit, Queen's Gambit, the Ruy Lopez, the English for white, Sicilian Defense, French Defense, Slav Defense, Caro-Cann Defense and many more. <p>You will also learn what to look for when determining your opponent's game plan! If you apply the tricks and traps of this book you will win every play and beat all your unsuspecting foes! CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS - A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Openings is a an easy-to-understand yet powerful guide to quickly master Chess. You will learn the best Chess Openings, proven strategies and tactics on how to win each and every game.</p>

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