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Showing 15,376 through 15,400 of 17,956 results

Casting the Gods Adrift (Flashbacks)

by Geraldine McCaughrean

A thriller set in ancient Egypt between 1351-1354 BC. Tutmose and Ibrim's father, the animal dealer, is commanded by the new pharaoh Akhenaten, to bring him animals - lots of animals - for his new capital city. The boys' father is delighted. But he has no idea what the pharaoh's strange new religion will mean for all of them...

Caste (Adapted for Young Adults)

by Isabel Wilkerson

In this young adult adaptation of the Oprah Book Club selection and New York Times bestselling nonfiction work, Pulitzer Prize–winning author Isabel Wilkerson explores the unspoken hierarchies that divide us across lines of race and class. Revealing and timely, this work will speak to young people who are engaged more than ever with the world around them, or to anyone who believes in a more just existence for all.Readers will be fascinated by this young adult adaptation of the New York Times bestselling nonfiction work as they follow masterful narratives about real people that reveal an insidious phenomenon in the United States: a hidden caste system. Caste is not only about race or class; it is about power—which groups have it and which do not. Isabel Wilkerson explores historical social hierarchies, including those in India and Nazi Germany, and explains how perpetuating these rankings dehumanizes vast sections of society. Once we learn the reasons behind caste and see the often heartbreaking effects, Wilkerson says, we can bridge the divides and make way for an inclusive future where we are all equal.

Castaway Tales: From Robinson Crusoe to Life of Pi (Early Classics Of Science Fiction Ser.)

by Christopher Palmer

Ever since Robinson Crusoe washed ashore, the castaway story has survived and prospered, inspiring a multitude of writers of adventure fiction to imitate and adapt its mythic elements. In his brilliant critical study of this popular genre, Christopher Palmer traces the castaway tales’ history and changes through periods of settlement, violence, and reconciliation, and across genres and languages. Showing how subsequent authors have parodied or inverted the castaway tale, Palmer concentrates on the period following H. G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau. These much darker visions are seen in later novels including William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, J. G. Ballard’s Concrete Island, and Iain Banks’s The Wasp Factory. In these and other variations, the castaway becomes a cannibal, the castaway’s island is relocated to center of London, female castaways mock the traditional masculinity of the original Crusoe, or Friday ceases to be a biddable servant. By the mid-twentieth century, the castaway tale has plunged into violence and madness, only to see it return in young adult novels—such as Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins and Terry Pratchett’s Nation—to the buoyancy and optimism of the original. The result is a fascinating series of revisions of violence and pessimism, but also reconciliation.

The Castaway

by Arthur Roth

Dealing with a survival story of Daniel Ross, who is shipwrecked on an island. He must discover how to live and survive on an island of rock that has no life. It is good for younger readers.

Cast in Secrets and Shadow (Loresmith #2)

by Andrea Robertson

Game of Thrones meets Shadow and Bone in the second book in this action-packed fantasy from Andrea Robertson, the internationally bestselling author of the Nightshade series.Ara has taken up her mantle as the Loresmith--but her journey is far from over. After suffering betrayals and losses, Ara, Nimhea, Lahvja, and Teth must try to come together and find the Loreknights across the kingdom. The Loreknights are their only hope in overthrowing the evil Vokkans and putting Nimhea on the throne for good. But their journey will put Ara and her companions in grave danger--from the endless pursuit of the Vokkans to perilous encounters with the gods, and the near impossible trials they face along the way--will they be able to survive long enough to help the rebellion? And through it all the Vokkans are expanding their reach throughout Saetlund, putting everyone Ara and her friends love at risk. Only Ara can forge a way forward, take up her powers, and fight to change the world--no matter what it costs. From internationally bestselling author Andrea Roberston comes the second book in a gorgeously written new fantasy series perfect for readers of Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone or Sabaa Tahir's An Ember in the Ashes series.

Cast in Firelight (Wickery #1)

by Dana Swift

The first book in an epic, heart-pounding fantasy duology about two royal heirs betrothed to be married, but whose loyalties are torn, and a ruthless enemy who threatens their world, perfect for fans of Sabaa Tahir, Hafsah Faizal, and Renée Ahdieh.Adraa is the royal heir of Belwar, a talented witch on the cusp of taking her royal ceremony test, and a girl who just wants to prove her worth to her people.Jatin is the royal heir to Naupure, a competitive wizard who's mastered all nine colors of magic, and a boy anxious to return home for the first time since he was a child.Together, their arranged marriage will unite two of Wickery's most powerful kingdoms. But after years of rivalry from afar, Adraa and Jatin only agree on one thing: their reunion will be anything but sweet.Only, destiny has other plans and with the criminal underbelly of Belwar suddenly making a move for control, their paths cross...and neither realizes who the other is, adopting separate secret identities instead.Between dodging deathly spells and keeping their true selves hidden, the pair must learn to put their trust in the other if either is to uncover the real threat. Now Wickery's fate is in the hands of rivals..? Fiancées..? Partners..? Whatever they are, it's complicated and bound for greatness or destruction.

Cast for a Revolution: Some American Friends and Enemies, 1728-1814

by Jean Fritz

A collective biography, the story of a group friends and enemies in Massachusetts before, during and after the American Revolution.

El caso de la viuda negra: El asesinato que pone al descubierto la mayor red de lavado de dinero en el Peñismo

by Arturo Ángel Mendieta Manu Ureste Zedryk Raziel Cruz Merino

Isaac Gamboa era un exfuncionario de la Secretaría de Hacienda que, de la mano de Luis Videgaray, se convirtió en uno de los hombres más poderosos e importantes durante el sexenio de Peña Nieto. El caso Viuda Negra es una historia de crimen, odio e interés por el poder que no sólo detalla los casos más oscuros de corrupción en la Secretaría de Hacienda, sino que también pone en bandeja de plata los elementos suficientes para perseguir a las grandes cabezas detrás de ellos. Su asesinato, y el de su familia en mayo de 2020, a manos de un comando armado en Temixco, Morelos, quedó sepultado bajo el móvil de un supuesto crimen pasional, orquestado por su esposa —hoy detenida— y uno de sus escoltas. Sin embargo, la información que poseía Gamboa sobre desvíos de recursos durante el gobierno anterior sugiere que su silencio podría haber resultado muy conveniente para altos funcionarios del peñismo. A partir de un trabajo periodístico riguroso y un ritmo narrativo apasionante, Manu Ureste, Zedryk Raziel y Arturo Ángel —reporteros de investigación de Animal Político— relatan el multihomicidio a la luz de las tramas de corrupción en las que el exfuncionario estaba implicado: la red de empresas fantasma alrededor de él y su familia relacionadas con el lavado de hasta 5 mil 800 millones de pesos. Pero no sólo eso, también descubren en Gamboa al hombre clave para trazar el mecanismo con el que se desviaron recursos públicos en escándalos de corrupción como la Operación Safiro, que permitiría hundir a importantes funcionarios y políticos prominentes del gobierno peñista. «El caso Viuda Negra es una radiografía que, desde lo local, exhibe la podredumbre de un sistema que se protege y reproduce, que hace todo para no morir. Incluido matar.» -Gabriela Warkentin

El caso de la quimera encadenada: Una aventura en el campo de la genética

by Gonzalo España

Un misterio que llevará a los lectores por el fascinante mundo de la genética. <p><p>Esta es la historia de Irene, una estudiante de Biología cuyo sueño es llegar a ser una gran genetista, como su ídolo, Emilio Yunis. Los azares de la vida le permitirán hacer parte del equipo de investigación de este gran maestro y, allí, no sólo descubrirá la clave para ayudar a una mujer que está en la cárcel, sino un posible amor.

El caso de la pistola y el pastel de chocolate

by Ashley Miller

Una trepidante novela de detectives situada en el primer curso de instituto y protagonizada por Colin Fisher, un adolescente con autismo. A Colin le encantaría pasar inadvertido, que no le gritaran, que no le tocaran constantemente, que no le obligaran a jugar al baloncesto, que dejaran de hacerle tantas preguntas. Para él no hay nada mejor que observar, sentado en un solitario banco, mientras apunta en su raída libreta roja todo cuanto ve. El día que se produjo el disparo en la cafetería, en lugar de huir como todos los demás, a Colin le pudo su innata curiosidad de detective y, decidido y emocionado, se acercó al lugar de los hechos. Empezaba, así, el primer caso de su vida... Reseña:«Colin Fischer es como si un antropólogo extraterrestre estuviera atrapado en la Tierra y no tuviera más remedio que descifrar los comportamientos humanos para sobrevivir.»Lev Grossman

Casino Royale (James Bond #1)

by Ian Fleming

In the first of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, 007 declares war on Le Chiffre, French communist and paymaster of the Soviet murder organization SMERSH.<P> The battle begins in a fifty-million-franc game of baccarat, gains momentum during Bond's fiery love affair with a sensuous lady spy, and reaches a chilling climax with fiendish torture at the hands of a master sadist.

Casi todo lo que tienes que saber (Colección #BlackBirds #Volumen)

by Iago de la Campa

Tras Se me olvidó cómo olvidarte, Iago de la Campa nos trae una nueva joya de la poesía contemporánea. Ilustrado por Hittouch. Casi todas las que escuchamos y suenan a nosotros. Casi todas las que me pongo cuando no estás. Casi todas las que cumplimos solos, casi todas en las que no te quiero dejar de besar. Este es un libro sobre nuestras canciones, las que van de ti y de mí. Iago de la Campa escribe historias igual que compone canciones: con mucho tacto, pero directas al corazón. Con cada palabra que nace de su mente crea nuevos mundos llenos de vida. #BlackBirds un refugio íntimo de papel. Libros irresistibles para leer, guardar y compartir. Es una nueva colección de espíritu indie y juvenil con contenido de no-ficción moderno: poesía, microcuentos, reflexiones, diarios... Su diseño rompedor y la colaboración de conocidos ilustradores, bloggers e instagrammers dan vida a estos libros que son pequeñas obras de arte, caprichos, que todos querremos tener, leer y atesorar.

Casi alcanzar todo (Barely Missing Everything)

by Matt Mendez

Now available in Spanish! &“There are moments when a story shakes you...Barely Missing Everything is one of those stories, and Mendez, a gifted storyteller with a distinct voice, is sure to bring a quake to the literary landscape.&” —Jason Reynolds, New York Times bestselling author of Long Way Down In the tradition of Jason Reynolds and Matt de la Peña, this heartbreaking, no-holds-barred debut novel told from three points of view explores how difficult it is to make it in life when you—your life, brown lives—don&’t matter.Juan tiene grandes planes. Va a ser el muchacho de El Paso que salió adelante, va a conseguir esa beca de basquetbol para ir a la universidad y va hacer algo de su vida… algo mejor que la sarta de novios nefastos de Fabi, su mamá. Sólo necesita hacerlo realidad. El mejor amigo de Juan, JD, también tiene planes. Algún día va a ser cineasta, como Tarantino o Del Toro (no Spielberg). Tiene una cámara y tiene pasión. ¿Qué más se necesita? Fabi ya no tiene planes. Cuando te embarazas a los dieciséis, descubres que los planes no siempre salen y que hay algunas cosas que no puedes anticipar… Como un altercado con la policía. Como la implosión de tu familia. Como un pasado que regresa a perseguirte. Como el temor de que tú, tu hijo y todos los que amas no van a alcanzar todo…no van a alcanzar nada.

Casey Templeton Mysteries 2-Book Bundle: Hate Cell / Old Bones

by Gwen Molnar

In Hate Cell, thirteen-year-old Casey Templeton has recently moved to the southeastern Alberta town of Richford. One night Casey seeks refuge from a snowstorm in an abandoned farmhouse and stumbles upon his nearly frozen, unconscious science teacher, Mr. Deverell. Casey attempts to revive his teacher and searches the house for something to make a fire. In the attic he makes a frightening discovery — an office filled with computers, a printer, and racist posters and flyers! Soon the RCMP and Casey’s hacker brother, Hank, get involved in the mystery, but it’s Casey who leads the investigation into a warped world where hate is marketed on the Internet and innocent people are preyed on by bigots and bullies. In Old Bones, while helping with a real dinosaur dig at the world-famous Royal Tyrrell Museum, Casey finds a piece of dinosaur tooth. Excited, he spends all afternoon looking for the rest of the tooth, but all he ends up getting is a nasty sunburn. Lying in his hotel room that night, trying to recover, he sees and hears two men in a nearby room planning a robbery of precious artifacts from the Tyrrell. As the summer comes to an end, Casey and his friend Mandy decide to relax and take a bicycle jaunt north of Drumheller. But on the road they accidentally meet up with the conspirators and soon find themselves in a grim situation. Casey has to use all his ingenuity and skills to escape so he can try to help thwart the planned heist. Can he do it? Includes Hate Cell Old Bones

The Case Of The Vanishing Little Brown Bats: A Scientific Mystery

by Sandra Markle

Recently large populations of little brown bats have been dying off. Is a virus killing them? Could climate change or pesticides be the cause? Follow the scientists working to save the little brown bats in this real-life science mystery.

The Case of the Stolen Dummy (Brains Benton Mystery #3)

by Geoge Wyatt

Young Brains Benton and his pal Jimmy Carson take on a case that has baffled the police. Five thousand dollars, collected in the community to build a summer camp for youngsters, have disappeared without a trace. Before Brains and Jimmy solve the crime, they are plunged into a whirlwind of excitement a suspense, climaxed by a wild chase in a racing car. The third book in The Brains Benton Mystery Series by George Wyatt based on characters created by Charles Spain Verra.

The Case Of The Sneaky Strangers (Calendar Club Mysteries #8)

by Nancy Star

The Case of the Sneaky Strangers (Calendar Club Mysteries, Bk 8)

The Case of the Purple Pool (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Blue #Level M)

by Lewis Montgomery Amy Wummer

How can a pool suddenly turn purple? And who could be behind it? Detective duo Milo and Jazz make a splash as they investigate their most colorful case yet!

The Case of the Painted Dragon

by George Wyatt

A moving statue, a suddenly empty swimming pool, a terrifying painted dragon-all clues proclaim this the most difficult and dangerous case Barclay ("Brains") Benton and Jimmy ("Operative Three") Carson have ever handled. The young detectives and their friend Mikko soon discover that the villains are the deadly variety, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. The 6th book in the Brains Benton Mystery Series

The Case Of The Missing Moose (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Blue: Level M)

by Lewis Montgomery Amy Wummer

The Case of the Haunted Chapel (Sisters of the Last Straw #1)

by Karen Boyce

The Sisters of the Last Straw and the Case of the Haunted Chapel is the first in a series of children's books that convey the fun-filled story of a group of misfit nuns. These sisters and their madcap adventures teach the importance of tolerance and forgiveness. Each book focuses on the virtues of Gospel living and the frailties of human nature. While children delight in the humor and fast-paced exploits of this special group of nuns, they learn the need to be forgiving of the faults of others and to look for the good in all people. Children are enchanted and entertained with the humorous escapades of the characters while learning the importance of basic Christian values, growth, and love.

The Case of the Counterfeit Coin (Brains Benton Mystery #2)

by George Wyatt

The second book in The Brains Benton Mystery Series by George Wyatt based on characters created by Charles Spain Verral. The ingenious teen-age sleuths Barclay ("Brains") Benton and Jimmy ("Operative Three") Carson match wits with a ring of rare-coin counterfeiters and track them to their secret hideout in the woods. The result: a swiftly paced tale packed with chills, chuckles, and suspense.

The Case of the Bleeding Limo (A Clooz Calahan Mystery #case 2)

by Michael Manley

While attending an antique-car auction, ace detective Clooz Calahan, his loyal assistant Matthews, and their friend Mary Beth discover blood dripping from the rear of a vintage car. The trail they follow leads to a mysterious accident involving a 1953 Buick Skylark and its owner, who's been missing ever since. Who caused the accident and why? The conclusion will astound you. Look in the Bookshare library for the Case of the Missing Ghost, case #1 in the Clooz Calahan series.

A Case of Sam and Ella (S.T.A.R.S.)

by Hunter Davies

Something very strange is going on in the S.T.A.R.S. sixth-form common room. Jules and Taz are fine - they're engrossed in a new anti-racism manifesto for the school. Raffy is still the same old Raffy - he's busy bugging Toby about the sixth-form magazine, Sixth Censored. Colette is wearing lots of hats all of a sudden. But the really strange thing is Sam and Ella's behaviour. What's going on? Sam has these chronic stomach pains, though nobody seems to believe he's really ill. Add to that his problems with Vinny, the school's resident yob, and things look pretty bleak. He wants some support from Ella, but she's too preoccupied with her own worries. First a disastrous haircut, then something much more serious ... This is the eighth book in the S.T.A.R.S. sequence. Every month there is a new, self-contained story, all about the same group of sixth formers. S.T.A.R.S. is based on reality, taking you inside a modern London comprehensive. It's funny, action-packed and full of great characters. Join now. The common-room door is always open.

The Case for Jamie (Charlotte Holmes Novel #3)

by Brittany Cavallaro

The hotly anticipated and explosive third book in the New York Times bestselling Charlotte Holmes series. It’s been a year since the shocking death of August Moriarty, and Jamie and Charlotte haven’t spoken.Jamie is going through the motions at Sherringford, trying to finish his senior year without incident, with a nice girlfriend he can’t seem to fall for.Charlotte is on the run, from Lucien Moriarty and from her own mistakes. No one has seen her since that fateful night on the lawn in Sussex—and Charlotte wants it that way. She knows she isn’t safe to be around. She knows her Watson can’t forgive her.Holmes and Watson may not be looking to reconcile, but when strange things start happening, it’s clear that someone wants the team back together. Someone who has been quietly observing them both. Making plans. Biding their time.Someone who wants to see one of them suffer and the other one dead.

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