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Gratitude and the Good Life

by Philip C. Watkins

This book provides clear and sometimes surprising answers to why gratitude is important to living well. The science of gratitude has shown much growth in the last ten years, and there is now sufficient evidence to suggest that gratitude is one of the most important components of the good life. Both correlational and experimental studies have provided support for the theory that gratitude enhances well-being. After providing a lucid understanding of gratitude, this volume explores the many aspects of well-being that are associated with gratitude. Moreover, experimental work has now provided promising evidence to suggest that gratitude actually causes enhancements in happiness. If gratitude promotes human flourishing, how does it do so? This issue is addressed in the second section of the book by exploring the mechanisms that might explain the gratitude/well-being relationship. This book provides an up to date account of gratitude research and suggested interesting paths for future research, all while providing a theory of gratitude that helps make this information more understandable. This book is very valuable to gratitude investigators, as well as all who are interested in pursuing this line of research, students and scholars of emotion and well-being and instructors of positive psychology courses and seminars.

Gratitude and Trust

by Tracey Jackson Paul Williams

Paul Williams is an alcoholic. Tracey Jackson is not. But together, these two close friends have written Gratitude and Trust, a book designed to apply the principles of the recovery movement to the countless people who are not addicts but nevertheless need effective help with their difficulties and pain. Williams, the award-winning songwriter, actor, and performer, has embraced a traditional alcoholism recovery plan for more than two decades of sobriety. Jackson, a well-known TV and film writer--and veteran of many years of traditional therapy--has never been a drunk or a drug abuser, but she realized that many of the tenets of Williams's program could apply to her. In Gratitude and Trust, Williams and Jackson ask: What happens to those who struggle with vexing problems yet are not full-blown addicts? Are there any lessons to be learned from the foundational and time-tested principles of the recovery movement? Whether you're tethered to your phone or you turn to food for comfort; whether you're a perfectionist and can't let things go or are too afraid to fail to even try; whether you can find intimacy only on the Internet or you've been involved in a string of nasty relationships--the first step toward feeling better about yourself and your life is the realization that you are what's standing in your way. Williams and Jackson have designed a new, positive program, based on a half-dozen new affirmations, that can help conquer your vices, address personal dysfunction, and start to brighten the darkest moods. Gratitude and Trust is an essential, inspirational, and uplifting guide to identifying and changing maladaptive behaviors in order to uncover your most productive, healthiest self.

Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and Authority

by Caroline Goyder

Have you ever wondered why some people earn attention and respect when they speak and others don't? The secret to their success can be summed up in one word: gravitas. In this revolutionary new book, leading voice coach and speaker Caroline Goyder reveals how to speak so others will listen. Through simple techniques to build your natural gravitas, you will learn how to express yourself clearly with passion and confidence to persuade, influence and engage listeners. By being grounded in your values and capabilities, you will gain the authority needed to make people sit up and pay attention.Each chapter guides you step-by-step through practical techniques and exercises to give you the skills for great presentations, productive meetings and persuasive pitches. You'll overcome anxiety, learn how to deal with difficult people and feel calm and in control when public speaking. An essential tool for the modern workplace, Gravitas will transform the way you think about yourself and your powers of communication.

The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Writings

by Henry Drummond

A 19th-century evangelist offers powerful meditations on I Corinthians 13, St. Paul's famous chapter on love. Revered by religious and secular readers alike, this well-known discourse is accompanied by additional brief essays, including: Pax Vobiscum, The Changed Life, "First!", How to Learn, What Is a Christian?, and The Study of the Bible.

Green Mama: Giving Your Child a Healthy Start and a Greener Future

by Manda Aufochs Gillespie

From choosing environmentally friendly diapers to identifying the hidden toxins in children’s food, cribs, car seats, and toys, Green Mama discusses topics that are vitally important to new parents. What are the most pressing problems facing new parents today? As the world has become increasingly more complicated, so has parenting. We are concerned about pervasive toxins in the environment and anxious to raise our children in ways that will protect them as well as safeguard our already fragile world. Manda Aufochs Gillespie, the Green Mama, shares what today’s science and Grandma’s traditional wisdom tell us about prenatal care for mothers-to-be, breastfeeding, detoxifying the nursery, diapering, caring for baby’s skin, feeding a family, and healthy play — redefining the basics of parenting for today’s world. With an upbeat tone, stories of parents who have been there, real-world advice for when money matters more, and practical steps geared toward immediate success, The Green Mama engages and guides even the busiest, most sleep-deprived parent. The Green Mama helps parents become what they were always meant to be: experts on the care of their own children.

Grief Healing Techniques: Step-by-Step Support for Working Through Grief and Loss

by Calistoga Press

Grief Healing Techniques Helps You Recover in Your Own Way, at Your Own Pace After losing a loved one, grief can be overwhelming and seem impossible to conquer. Grief Healing Techniques gives you manageable, effective steps you can take to work through your grief on a daily basis, so you can start to find your new "normal." Grief Healing Techniques speaks to anyone who has ever suffered a major loss. With Grief Healing Techniques, you will be able examine your emotions and learn basic strategies for self-care to help you through this difficult time. Grief Healing Techniques helps you rebuild your daily routine, with tips for planning your meals and activities, finding a support network, and healing through journaling and meditation. Grief Healing Techniques gives you practical support for working through grief, with: Useful insights on the physical effects and emotional range of grief Practical approaches for rebuilding your daily routine Advice on whether to pursue professional help Ideas for strengthening your relationships and involving others in your recovery Tips for dealing with birthdays, holidays, and other celebrations Perspectives on support groups, meditation, journaling, and religion With straightforward and supportive advice, Grief Healing Techniques will show you how to make your grief manageable and restore balance to your daily life."

Growing in Patience

by Lisa O Engelhardt

Many of us are impatient; the responsibilities and hardships of life seem to try our patience at every turn. And sometimes, it’s the little things that make us snap. However, scripture tells us that “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). With those wise and hopeful words in mind, Growing in Patience presents positive, productive, and spiritual ways to deal with impatience. After all, patience must be nurtured. It is a virtue we must prayerfully ask for from God and then—by God’s grace—seek to put into practice each day.

Growing Up Duggar

by Jessa Duggar Jill Duggar Jana Duggar Jinger Duggar

It's All About Relationships! In this delightful and very personal book, the four oldest Duggar girls share their hearts and their core beliefs, explaining that it's all about relationships! * Relationship with self: The girls share their own personal journeys to self-acceptance and navi­gating the difficult stage of adolescence. * Relationship with parents: You'll find revelations about how Jim Bob and Michelle keep the lines of communication open with their children. * Relationships with siblings: Here, you'll get a peek into the Buddy system, how the siblings handle conflict, and how the loss of little Jubilee (their sister) affected their relationships with each other. * Relationships with friends: You'll find principles on how the Duggar kids deal with peer pressure and how they interact with friends outside their family. * Relationships with boys: You'll learn the Duggar view of dating and courtship, and these four sisters will address the often-asked question of when one of them will get married. * Relationship with God: And woven throughout the book, the girls talk about their most impor­tant relationship of all--their relationship with God and their own personal faith and beliefs. This candid look into what Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger believe and why they believe it will give you practical insights into your own life and will inspire you to evaluate principles that will work for you.

Guerrilla Time: More Time In Your Life, More Life In Your Time (Guerilla Marketing Press)

by Jay Conrad Levinson Andrea Frausin

Learn how to have “more time in your life, more life in your time” with easy and profound methods and tools which will enhance not only your time management but also the quality of your life. This book is strongly based on the most recent evolutions of personal and professional development so that what you will find inside is really applicable for effective change in your life. Save more time, discover what you really want and get the best out of your time.

Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety

by Peter R. Breggin

With the first unified theory of guilt, shame, and anxiety, this pioneering psychiatrist and critic of psychiatric diagnoses and drugs examines the causes and effects of psychological and emotional suffering from the perspective of biological evolution, child development, and mature adult decision-making. Drawing on evolution, neuroscience, and decades of clinical experience, Dr. Breggin analyzes what he calls our negative legacy emotions--the painful emotional heritage that encumbers all human beings. The author marshals evidence that we evolved as the most violent and yet most empathic creatures on Earth. Evolution dealt with this species-threatening conflict between our violence and our close-knit social life by building guilt, shame, and anxiety into our genes. These inhibiting emotions were needed prehistorically to control our self-assertiveness and aggression within intimate family and clan relationships. Dr. Breggin shows how guilt, shame, and anxiety eventually became self-defeating and demoralizing legacies from our primitive past that no longer play any useful or positive role in mature adult life. He then guides the reader through the Three Steps to Emotional Freedom, starting with how to identify negative legacy emotions and then how to reject their control over us. Finally, he describes how to triumph over and transcend guilt, shame, and anxiety on the way to greater emotional freedom and a more rational, loving, and productive life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Habilidades De Conversación: Construir Relaciones Exitosas Sin Esfuerzo

by Jacob Andrews Paola Cuenca

¿Teme iniciar una conversación? ¿Alguna vez quiso hablar con alguien pero no supo qué decir? ¿Se sintió incomodo al conocer a alguien por primera vez? ¿Piensa que la conversación casual es una pérdida de tiempo?Si la respuesta a estas preguntas es sí, ¡Éste libro es para usted!Esto es lo que aprenderá al leer Habilidades de Conversación:-Convertirse en un conversador efectivo-Causar una buena primera impresión-Crear comunicación mediante habilidades de conversación casual-La importancia de la comunicación no verbal y como sacar ventaja de la misma-Tratar con la ansiedad social-Tácticas para superar el temor a hablar con individuos y grupos-Crear una conexión con la otra persona-Utilizar rompehielos para iniciar una conversación-Mantener viva la conversación y hacer ha hablar al otro-Cómo poner fin a una conversación-Conversar con confianza-Nunca mas quedarse sin palabrasEl ser bueno para la conversación es una habilidad poderosa. Resultará ser invaluable cuando se encuentre en una entrevista laboral, una fiesta, o quiera abordar a alguien que cree que podría ser un futuro compañero romántico.

Hacking Happiness

by John Havens

In Hacking Happiness, futurist and contributing Mashable writer John C. Havens introduces you to your "quantified self"--your digital identity represented by gigabytes of data produced from tracking your activities on your smartphone and computer. Harvested by megacorporations such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, Havens argues that companies gather this data because of its immense economic value, encouraging a culture of "sharing" as they hoard the information based on our lives for private monetary gain. But there's an alternative to this digital dystopia. Emerging technologies will help us reclaim this valuable data for ourselves, so we can directly profit from the insights linked to our quantified selves. At the same time, sensors in smartphones and wearable devices will help us track our emotions to improve our well-being based on the science of positive psychology. Havens proposes that these trends will lead to new economic policies that redefine the meaning of "wealth," allowing governments to create policy focused on purpose rather than productivity. An issues book highlighting the benefits of an examined life in the digital world, this timely work takes the trepidation out of the technological renaissance and illustrates how the fruits of the Information Age can improve our lives for a happier humanity.

Hagakure. El camino del samurái

by Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Un clásico de la cultura japonesa que ayuda a la introspección y la concentración en nuestro mundo cada vez más frenético. Considerado como una de las fuentes de inspiración de Fernando Alonso, el piloto lo cita frecuentemente en sus intervenciones públicas y redes sociales. «Cuando las cosas se hacen despacio,salen mal siete veces de cada diez.El guerrero hace las cosas deprisa.» Hagakure significa «a la sombra de las hojas» y es una obra literaria japonesa escrita por Yamamoto Tsunetomo en el siglo XVIII. Su intención era transmitir a las generaciones venideras las reglas del bushido, es decir, el código guerrero de los samuráis. Se trata de un breviario, un compendio de anécdotas y reflexiones de temática variada y sin un orden preestablecido, hecho con la intención de transmitir introspección y conocimiento filosófico al tiempo que promueve el espíritu del bushido. El texto solo iba dirigido a los guerreros y se mantuvo en secreto durante muchos años. Posteriormente llegó a convertirse en un clásico de la cultura japonesa. Con una esencia que se contrapone al materialismo imperante en nuestra sociedad, este texto ha alcanzado gran notoriedad en nuestros días y ha llegado a convertirse en libro de cabecera de personajes tan admirados como Fernando Alonso, que ha llegado a tatuarse un samurái en su espalda. «¿Yo, en una palabra?», respondía recientemente en una entrevista: «Guerrero. [El samurái] es una manera de recordarme quién soy, de dónde vengo y la fuerza que tengo que tener cada día.» Fernando Alonso ha dicho...«Cierro el libro, respiro 7 veces y me voy a dormir.»


by Anne Thoumieux

Spruce up any outfit with your best accessory--your hair!You don't need to be a professional to get show-stopping hair. Hairstyled presents 75 deceptively simple techniques for creating your favorite high-fashion hairstyles. Dress up your everyday look with a ballerina bun or accessorize with a scarf bow. Turn heads at special occasions with the woven crown braid or a regal bouffant. Each style has how-to photographs that are easy to follow, and chapters dedicated to a variety of hair lengths and textures help you update your look whether you have a pixie cut or long, curly tresses. With product tips and countless ideas for accessorizing your 'do and inventive variations on classic styles, Hairstyled is your guide to getting gorgeous hair every day.

Hairstyles: Stunning Styles for Weddings, Proms, and Other Special Occasions (Idiot's Guides)

by Kylee Bond

Packed with 50 DIY hairdos, from classic coifs to today's hottest looks, Idiot's Guides: Hairstyles demonstrates every loop, twist, braid, and tuck needed to create dozens of sensational styles — at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit! Featuring full-color, step-by-step photos, this book helps any hairstyle novice create stunning styles for every day, as well as weddings, proms, and other special occasions. Also included are simple solutions for creating volume, adding shine, taming frizz, and caring for all types of hair.

Happiness: Understandings, Narratives and Discourses

by Laura Hyman

Happiness, rather than being a private and subjective experience, is shaped, interpreted and articulated via culturally specific ways of thinking, being and acting. This highly original and timely book offers an empirical exploration of the ways in which being 'happy' is understood and articulated in contemporary society.

Happiness as Enterprise: An Essay on Neoliberal Life

by Sam Binkley

Recent decades have seen an explosion of interest in the phenomenon of happiness, as evidenced by self-help books, talk shows, spiritual mentoring, business management, and relationship counseling. At the center of this development is the expanding influence of "positive psychology," which places the concern with happiness in a new position of professional respectability, while opening it to institutional applications. In settings as diverse as college education, business, military training, family, and financial planning, happiness has appeared as the object of a new technology of emotional self-optimization. As such, happiness has come to define a new mentality of self-government—or a "governmentality" as the concept is developed in the work of Michel Foucault—one that Sam Binkley demonstrates is aligned closely with economic neoliberalism. Happiness as Enterprise blends theoretical argumentation and empirical description in an engaging and accessible analysis that brings governmentality theory into contact with sociological theories of practice and temporality, particularly in the work of Pierre Bourdieu. This book invites readers not only to consider the new discourse on happiness for its relation to contemporary formations of power, but to rethink many of the assumptions of governmentality theory in a manner sensitive to the mundane practices and everyday agencies of government, and the unique and specific temporalities these practices imply.

Happiness by Design

by Paul Dolan Daniel Kahneman

This is not just another happiness book. In Happiness by Design, happiness and behavior expert Paul Dolan combines the latest insights from economics and psychology to illustrate that in order to be happy we must behave happy Our happiness is experiences of both pleasure and purpose over time and it depends on what we actually pay attention to. Using what Dolan calls deciding, designing, and doing, we can overcome the biases that make us miserable and redesign our environments to make it easier to experience happiness, fulfilment, and even health. With uncanny wit and keen perception, Dolan reveals what we can do to find our unique optimal balance of pleasure and purpose, offering practical advice on how to organize our lives in happiness-promoting ways and fresh insights into how we feel, including why: * Having kids reduces pleasure but gives us a massive dose of purpose * Gaining weight won't necessarily make us unhappier, but being too ambitious might * A quiet neighborhood is more important than a big house Vividly rendering intriguing research and lively anecdotal evidence, Happiness by Design offers an absorbing, thought-provoking, new paradigm for readers of Stumbling on Happiness and The How of Happiness.

Happiness Is . . .: 500 Things to Be Happy About (Happiness Is... Ser.)

by Lisa Swerling Ralph Lazar

This is THE new happiness book. From Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling, famed illustrators and the authors of Me Without You, this adorable gift book illustrates 500 things to be happy about. Happiness is . . . an unexpected bouquet, cheese, fixing something, a good high-five, and so much more! The charming, make-you-smile illustrations hit just the right note—not too sappy, not too sweet—and remind us that there are dozens of things to be happy about every day. A universally appealing book for any little pick-me-up, this cheerful collection is sure to be a hit year after year!

Happiness Is . . .

by Ralph Lazar Lisa Swerling

This is THE new happiness book. From Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling, famed illustrators and the authors of Me Without You, this adorable gift book illustrates 500 things to be happy about. Happiness is . . . an unexpected bouquet, cheese, fixing something, a good high-five, and so much more! The charming, make-you-smile illustrations hit just the right note--not too sappy, not too sweet--and remind us that there are dozens of things to be happy about every day. A universally appealing book for any little pick-me-up, this cheerful collection is sure to be a hit year after year!

Happiness is a State of Mind

by His Holiness Drukpa

We are all chasing happiness. We spend our lives searching for that one thing we think will finally make us happy. But is happiness something deeper than that, more fundamental? How can universal happiness be achieved?His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa reveals that the secret to happiness lies in the mind. Exploring the simple ways we can train our minds to recognise a happiness that is already there, he gives us the tools to embrace an appreciation for life as it is, rather than as we feel it should be, and helps us flourish as individuals, and as part of the wider world.With Happiness is a State of Mind you can choose to make today a happy one.

Happiness is a State of Mind: How to Create Space for Happiness in Your Life

by His Gyalwang Drukpa

We are all chasing happiness. We spend our lives searching for that one thing we think will finally make us happy. But is happiness something deeper than that, more fundamental? How can universal happiness be achieved?His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa reveals that the secret to happiness lies in the mind. Exploring the simple ways we can train our minds to recognise a happiness that is already there, he gives us the tools to embrace an appreciation for life as it is, rather than as we feel it should be, and helps us flourish as individuals, and as part of the wider world.With Happiness is a State of Mind you can choose to make today a happy one.

The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose to Your Life

by Chris Guillebeau

A remarkable book that will both guide and inspire, The Happiness of Pursuit reveals how anyone can bring meaning into their life by undertaking a quest. When he set out to visit all of the planet's countries by age thirty-five, compulsive goal seeker Chris Guillebeau never imagined that his journey's biggest revelation would be how many people like himself exist - each pursuing a challenging quest. And, interestingly, these quests aren't just travel-oriented. On the contrary, they're as diverse as humanity itself. Some involve exploration; others the pursuit of athletic or artistic excellence; still others a battle against injustice or poverty or threats to the environment. Everywhere that Chris visited he found ordinary people working toward extraordinary goals, making daily down payments on their dream. These "questers" included a suburban mom pursuing a wildly ambitious culinary project, a DJ producing the world's largest symphony, a young widower completing the tasks his wife would never accomplish, and a teenager crossing an entire ocean alone - as well as a do-it-yourselfer tackling M.I.T.'s computer-science course, a nerd turning himself into real-life James Bond, and scores of others writing themselves into the record books. The more Chris spoke with these strivers, the more he began to appreciate the direct link between questing and long-term happiness -- how going after something in a methodical way enriches our lives -- and he was compelled to complete a comprehensive study of the phenomenon and extract the best advice. In The Happiness of Pursuit he draws on interviews with hundreds of questers, revealing their secret motivations, their selection criteria, the role played by friends and family, their tricks for solving logistics, and the importance of documentation. Equally fascinating is Chris' examination of questing's other side, including questers' acute awareness of mortality, their struggle against monotony, and their wistful feelings once a quest has succeeded. What happens after the summit is climbed, the painting hung, the endurance record broken, the "at risk" community saved? A book that challenges each of us to take control - to make our lives be about something while at the same time remaining clear-eyed about the commitment -- The Happiness of Pursuit will inspire readers of every age and aspiration. It's a playbook for making your life count.

Happy at Work

by Jim Donovan

Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn't a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. Jim Donovan, a small-business owner, consultant, and speaker, has worked with employees and employers for twenty-five years. In that time he has tested and honed these shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip's method and rationale are clearly explained. Real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. These tools will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.

The Happy Life Checklist

by Amy Spencer

From the author of Bright Side Up, an upbeat guide to the little things we can do--for free and in five minutes or less--to feel happier and more fulfilled. This can-do guide brings together little things readers can do that will positively impact their daily life and overall happiness. The book's short, empowering entries include: Put your feet in the water Wave at firefighters Brush your teeth with your other hand Hug two seconds longer Close your eyes and just listen Simple yet powerful, this upbeat and engaging book will help readers jumpstart their day--and life--for the better.

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