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Tribes, Land, and the Environment (Law, Property and Society)

by Sarah Krakoff

Legal and environmental concerns related to Indian law and tribal lands remain an understudied branch of both indigenous law and environmental law. Native American tribes have a far more complex relationship with the environment than is captured by the stereotype of Indians as environmental stewards. Meaningful tribal sovereignty requires that non-Indians recognize the right of Indians to determine their own relationship to the land and the environment. But tribes do not exist in a vacuum: in fact they are deeply affected by off-reservation activities and, similarly, tribal choices often have effects on nearby communities. This book brings together diverse essays by leading Indian law scholars across the disciplines of indigenous and environmental law. The chapters reveal the difficulties encountered by Native American tribes in attempts to establish their own environmental standards within federal Indian law and environmental law structures. Gleaning new insights from a focus on tribal land and property law, the collection studies the practice of tribal sovereignty as experienced by Indians and non-Indians, with an emphasis on the development and regulatory challenges these tribes face in the wake of climate change. This volume will advance the reader's knowledge and understanding of these challenging issues.

Financial Compliance: Issues, Concerns and Future Directions

by Maria Krambia-Kapardis

This book explores the fundamental elements and risks that impact the compliance officer’s work. Following a comprehensive understanding of the role of a compliance officer, by engaging with themes of compliance officers’ liability, expectations, risks and effectiveness, it provides practical answers by leading academics and practitioners in the field. This work also draws on how other areas, such as GDPR, financial regulation and whistleblowing, challenges on compliance officers and provides a way forward to convert these challenges into opportunities. The discussion of compliance challenges and practices in Australia, Europe and the United States provides critical insights into the development of compliance in today’s financial environment. Financial Compliance: Issues, Concerns and Future Directions provides an invaluable working resource for academics, practitioners and a general audience interested in understanding and developing an effective compliance culture.

Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work

by Andrea S. Kramer Alton B. Harris

More than fifty years after the beginning of the Women's Movement, women are still not "making it" in traditionally male careers.Women start their careers on parity with men but generally end them far earlier, having achieved less status, lower compensation, and less satisfaction than men. Breaking Through Bias explains that it is the stereotypes about women, men, work, leadership, and family that hold women back, and it presents an integrated set of communication techniques that women can use to avoid the discriminatory consequences of these stereotypes. This highly practical book makes clear that women don't need to change who they are to succeed in their chosen careers, and they certainly don't need to act more like men. Women do, however, need to be attuned to the negative gender stereotypes that surround them; they need to anticipate the biases these stereotypes foster, and they need to manage the impressions they make to avoid or overcome these biases. Breaking Through Bias presents unique, practical, and effective advice about how women can at last break through gender bias in the workplace and win at the career advancement game.

Datenschutz für Entscheider in Marketing und Vertrieb: Die DSGVO – Vom Spielverderber zum Wettbewerbsvorteil

by Andreas Krämer Reinhold Mauer

Dieses Buch sensibilisiert für die konkreten Anforderungen, die mit der DSGVO verbunden sind. Es stellt Hinweise bereit, die helfen sollen, grobe Fehler zu verhindern, aber auch aufzeigen, wie durch ein aktives Management Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Datenschutz erreicht werden können. Die Autoren zielen darauf ab, erstens in knapper und eingängiger Form Transparenz zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen durch die DSGVO allgemein und speziell in Bezug auf Aktivitäten in Marketing und Vertrieb zu schaffen. Im Hauptteil wird zweitens anhand von ausgewählten Marketing- und Vertriebsaktivitäten aufgezeigt, an welchen Stellen Datenschutzbestimmungen (als limitierender Faktor) wirken und welche Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, um das volle Marketingpotenzial im Kundenkontakt ausschöpfen zu können. Betrachtet werden Marketingaktivitäten, die für Unternehmen zum einen wichtig sind (z. B. unmittelbares Umsatzpotenzial) oder eine direkte Schnittstelle zum Kunden bilden und zum anderen Bereiche, in denen derzeit starke Unsicherheiten bei den Entscheidern in Hinblick auf datenschutzrechtliche Belange bestehen. Diese betreffen die Erfassung, Speicherung und Nutzung von personenbezogenen Daten. Abschließend wird drittens aufgezeigt, wie sich das Thema Datenschutz aus der Rolle eines limitierenden Faktors zu einem Erfolgsfaktor für das Marketing umgestalten lässt. Dazu bieten Checklisten eine komprimierte Orientierungshilfe im operativen Bereich.

Conscientious Objectors of the Second World War: Refusing to Fight

by Ann Kramer

&“Drawing on extensive primary sources, Kramer describes the inter-war peace movement that gave birth to many conscientious objectors&” (Military History Monthly). Even today, most histories of the world wars focus on those who fought. Those who refused to do so are often overlooked. It is perhaps only recently that their bravery and extraordinary principles are being recognized. In the First World War, 16,000 men in Britain became the first ever conscientious objectors, and were reviled and brutalized as a result. The conscientious objectors of the Second World War—both men and women—did not experience the same treatment as those earlier COs, but to some extent it was a harder stand to take. It was not easy to refuse to fight in the face of Nazism and Fascism, when large areas of Europe were occupied and when almost the entire British population was organized for total war. Conscientious Objectors of the Second World War: Refusing to Fight tells the stories of these remarkable men and women who bravely took a stand and refused to be conscripted. To bring this fascinating subject to life, Ann Kramer has used extensive prime sources, such as interviews, memoirs, contemporary newspaper accounts, letters, and diaries. Working from these and other sources, she asks who these men and women were who refused conscription and killing, what their reasons were for being conscientious objectors, and how they were treated. The book finishes by exploring their achievements and impact, suggesting that their principles and influence continue to this day. &“[Kramer shows] conscientious objectors in all their infinite variety.&” —Peace News

Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice

by Eric-Hans Kramer Tine Molendijk

As an organization operating under extreme conditions, the military is often confronted with destructive behavior from individuals, organizations, and societies. Written by experts from a variety of disciplines, this open access book reflects on confrontations with violence under extreme conditions and the various challenges that arise.By examining real first-hand accounts of soldiers’ deployments, the contributions shed new light on the multifaceted and sometimes hidden dynamics of destructive violent behavior and offer an ethical reflection on military practices. In addition, they address topics such as moral decision-making in violent contexts, military trauma, organizational change, and military ethics education.The interdisciplinary exploration of these topics has been the primary focus of Désirée Verweij, who was the Chair of Military Ethics at the Netherlands Defence Academy from 2008 to 2021. The contributions in this book are written in honor of her scholarly achievements and help to ensure that these important issues continue to receive attention. The book will appeal to scholars of military studies, organizational studies and military ethics, and to professionals and decisionmakers in military organizations.

The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review

by Larry D. Kramer

In this groundbreaking interpretation of America's founding and of its entire system of judicial review, Larry Kramer reveals that the colonists fought for and created a very different system-- and held a very different understanding of citizenship-- than Americans believe to be the norm today. "Popular sovereignty" was not just some historical abstraction, and the notion of "the people" was more than a flip rhetorical device invoked on the campaign trail. Questions of constitutional meaning provoked vigorous public debate and the actions of government officials were greeted with celebratory feasts and bonfires, or riotous resistance. Americans treated the Constitution as part of the lived reality of their daily existence. Their self-sovereignty in law as much as politics was active, not abstract.

European Environmental Law: A Comparative Perspective (Tempus Series)

by Ludwig Krämer

European Environmental Law pulls together the most significant material on the subject from legal and other periodicals to form an essential compendium for those wishing to study the role of law in protecting and conserving the environment. The studies are arranged in three sections which examine the Europeanisation of law and policy, analyse the application and enforcement of law and discuss the improvement of standards in Europe.

Toxikologie und Rechtskunde: Kompetenzfördernde Wissensvermittlung der Gefahrstoffkunde

by Peter-Jürgen Kramer

Auf dieses Buch haben Lehrende und Studierende in Chemie, Biochemie, aber auch in anderen chemienahen Fachgebieten lange gewartet. Dieses Buch ist ideal für Lehrende und Studierende im Fach Gefahrstoffkunde an Hochschulen und Universitäten, denn es bietet ihnen das Rüstzeug für die Gestaltung erfolgreicher Lehrveranstaltungen bzw. für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss in diesem Studienfach.Die Besorgnis, dass chemische Stoffe eine Gefährdung für die Gesundheit der Menschen und ihrer Umwelt darstellen können, ist begründet. Chemische Stoffe können schädigen, und daher gefährlich sein. Die zahlreichen Berichte von dramatischen Chemieunfällen und Umweltkatastrophen wie die von Seveso (1976) und Basel (1986) sind präsent und prägen das Bewusstsein in Gesellschaft und Politik. Nach den Gründen, warum die Geschichten katastrophaler Chemieunfälle in der Vergangenheit liegen und in heutiger Zeit in der europäischen Welt nicht mehr vorgekommen sind, wird jedoch selten gefragt.Dabei ist die Antwort auf diese Frage einfach: Die in der Chemie arbeitenden Menschen und die Behörden haben gelernt, mit den Gefährdungen und Risiken, die von chemischen Stoffen ausgehen, kompetent umzugehen. Die angewandte Wissenschaft, die diese Kompetenz vermitteln muss, ist die Gefahrstoffkunde, eine Kombination aus Toxikologie und Rechtskunde, im Studium ein Pflichtfach für jede Chemikerin und jeden Chemiker, aber auch für weitere Studiengänge, bei denen chemische Stoffe eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Der mit dem erfolgreichen Abschluss im Fach Gefahrstoffkunde verbundene amtliche Sachkundenachweis muss auch nach dem Studium regelmäßig aktualisiert werden.

Social Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical Judgments (Organization and Management Series)

by Roderick M. Kramer Ann E. Tenbrunsel Max H. Bazerman

This book, in honor of David Messick, is about social decisions and the role cooperation plays in social life. Noted contributors who worked with Dave over the years will discuss their work in social judgment, decision making and ethics which was so important to Dave. The book offers a unique and valuable contribution to the fields of social psychology and organizational behavior. Ethical decision making, a central focus of this volume, is highly relevant to current scholarship and research in both disciplines. The volume will be suitable for graduate level courses in organizational behavior, social psychology, business ethics, and sociology.

Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research

by Roderick M Kramer Tom Tyler

Trust plays a central role in organizational life. It facilitates exchanges among individuals, enhances cooperation and coordination, and contributes to more effective relationships. This volume brings together a cross-disciplinary group of contributors to present some of the latest, most exciting conceptual perspectives in the field and to demonstrate a variety of new methodological approaches to the study of trust. It includes discussions on: the psychological and social antecedents of trust; the effects of social and organizational structures on trust; and the broad effects of trust on organizational functioning.

Carbon Criminals, Climate Crimes (Critical Issues in Crime and Society)

by Ronald C. Kramer

Carbon Criminals, Climate Crimes analyzes the looming threats posed by climate change from a criminological perspective. It advances the field of green criminology through a examination of the criminal nature of catastrophic environmental harms resulting from the release of greenhouse gases. The book describes and explains what corporations in the fossil fuel industry, the U.S. government, and the international political community did, or failed to do, in relation to global warming. Carbon Criminals, Climate Crimes integrates research and theory from a wide variety of disciplines, to analyze four specific state-corporate climate crimes: continued extraction of fossil fuels and rising carbon emissions; political omission (failure) related to the mitigation of these emissions; socially organized climate change denial; and climate crimes of empire, which include militaristic forms of adaptation to climate disruption. The final chapter reviews policies that could mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to a warming world, and achieve climate justice.

New Pathways to Civil Justice in Europe: Challenges of Access to Justice

by Xandra Kramer Alexandre Biard Jos Hoevenaars Erlis Themeli

This book focuses on four topical and interconnected, innovative pathways to civil justice within the context of securing and improving access to justice: the use of Artificial Intelligence and its interactions with judicial systems; ADR and ODR tracks in privatising justice systems; the effects of increased self-representation on access to justice; and court specialization and the establishment of commercial courts to counter the trend of vanishing court trials. Top academics and experts from Europe, the US and Canada address these topics in a critical and multidisciplinary manner, combining legal, socio-legal and empirical insights. The book is part of ‘Building EU Civil Justice’, a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council. It will be of interest to scholars and policymakers, as well as practitioners working in the areas of civil justice, alternative dispute resolution, court systems, and legal tech. The chapters “Introduction: The Future of Access to Justice – Beyond Science Fiction” and “Constituting a Civil Legal System Called “Just”: Law, Money, Power, and Publicity” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Positive Integration - EU and WTO Approaches Towards the "Trade and" Debate (European Yearbook of International Economic Law)

by Rike Krämer-Hoppe

This book presents a new framework for the 'trade and environment' debate and discusses the ways in which the EU and the WTO address this topic: positive, negative and non-integration. It analyses areas like food safety and renewable energy from the perspectives of legal and political science, and economics, and includes contributions focusing on various approaches, such as harmonisation, regulatory cooperation and judicialisation. In the 21st century, especially in our current times, where free trade and economic integration are increasingly being called into question, it is even more vital to find convincing normative answers and ways to address the very complex relationship between trade and environmental policies. Debunking some of the myths concerning positive and negative integration and the relationship between the two, this book is a valuable contribution to the debate on globalisation.

Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic: Atheists In American Public Life

by Isaac Kramnick R. Laurence Moore

If the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects religious liberty, why doesn’t it protect atheists? God occupies our nation’s consciousness, even defining to many what it means to be American. Nonbelievers have often had second-class legal status and have had to fight for their rights as citizens. As R. Laurence Moore and Isaac Kramnick demonstrate in their sharp and convincing work, avowed atheists were derided since the founding of the nation. Even Thomas Paine fell into disfavor and his role as a patriot forgotten. Popular Republican Robert Ingersoll could not be elected in the nineteenth century due to his atheism, and the suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton was shunned when she questioned biblical precepts about women’s roles. Moore and Kramnick lay out this fascinating history and the legal cases that have questioned religious supremacy. It took until 1961 for the Supreme Court to ban religious tests for state officials, despite Article 6 of the Constitution. Still, every one of the fifty states continues to have God in its constitution. The authors discuss these cases and more current ones, such as Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which address whether personal religious beliefs supersede secular ones. In Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic, the authors also explore the dramatic rise of an "atheist awakening" and the role of organizations intent on holding the country to the secular principles it was founded upon.

Organizing the Dutch Energy Transition (Routledge Studies in Energy Transitions)

by Hans Van Kranenburg Sjors Witjes

This book addresses learnings from the energy transition in the Netherlands.This book brings together contributions from experts in academia and practice to the Dutch energy transition by sharing their knowledge and experience gained over many years and from different roles and responsibilities. The chapters are clustered around four key perspectives – Policy, Sector, Organization, and Future – and explore the impact of policy decisions of governments and strategic decisions of firms operating in the energy sector on the energy transition process. The different perspectives present many promising strategies, policies, and innovations on each aspect, resulting in a deeper understanding of how each of these strategies, policies, and innovations may hinder or contribute to foster the energy transition. It concludes with a reflection on lessons learned and specific managerial and policy recommendations.This volume will be of great interest to students, scholars, and industry professionals researching and working in the areas of energy transitions, sustainable business, energy technology, and energy policy.

Einführung in die Kreislaufwirtschaft: Planung -- Recht -- Verfahren

by Martin Kranert

Die f#65533;nfte Auflage dieses Buches liefert einen #65533;berblick #65533;ber den neuesten Stand zu Ressourcen- und Klimaschutz durch Kreislaufwirtschaft und zur Verwertung von Altprodukten und Altstoffen (inkl. Papier, LVP, Glas, Metall, RDF, Elektronikschrott und seltene Metalle). Schredder und Zerkleinerungstechnik werden im Kapitel Aufbereitung fester Abfallstoffe besprochen. Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels befinden sich zahlreiche Kontroll- und #65533;bungsaufgaben. Enthalten sind weiterhin aktuelle Entwicklungen, unter anderem aus der Abfallwirtschaftlichen Planung, des Umweltmanagements und der betrieblichen Abfallwirtschaft. Ein umfassendes Glossar mit Erl#65533;uterungen zu den Fachbegriffen sowie erg#65533;nzende Tabellen runden dieses Buch ab. Unter Mitwirkung von kompetenten Fachleuten und Experten, die in Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Abfallwirtschaft t#65533;tig sind, wurde die 5. Auflage den aktuellen Entwicklungen angepasst.

Plastic Pollution: Nature Based Solutions and Effective Governance (Water)

by Gail Krantzberg Savitri Jetoo Velma I. Grover Sandhya Babel

Plastics show up in every area of our lives. They are durable, cheap and light, properties that make them attractive but also problematic for the environment. The focus of this book is not just to highlight the problem of plastics, its definition, and how plastic pollution is impacting human health and environment but also to look at some best practices in both nature based solutions and in the field of law and policies. The first section of the book focuses on plastic pollution – it’s origin, relationship to climate change, linear/circular economy, followed by sustainable plastics, scientific solutions, and how policies can address plastic pollution. This includes looking at better designs, more sustainable feedstocks, and partnerships between various stakeholders worldwide including USA, China, Canada, South Korea, Thailand. This book will interest those who are associated with the production industry, packaging industry, and waste management industry as well as, academicians, students and policymakers.

Affirmative Action

by Rachel Kranz

One of the most controversial political issues of the past three decades has been the question of affirmative action. The phrase was first used in 1965 when President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246.

Emerging Technology and the Law of the Sea

by James Kraska Young Kil Park

Autonomous vessels and robotics, artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity are transforming international shipping and naval operations. Likewise, blockchain offers new efficiencies for compliance with international shipping records, while renewable energy from currents and waves and offshore nuclear power stations open opportunities for new sources of power within and from the sea. These and other emerging technologies pose a challenge for the governance framework of the law of the sea, which is adapting to accommodate the accelerating rates of global change. This volume examines how the latest technological advances and marine sciences are reshaping the interpretation and application of the law of the sea. The authors explore the legality of new concepts for military operations on the continental shelf, suggest remote sensing methodologies for delimitation of maritime boundaries, and offer a legal roadmap for ensuring maritime cyber security.

Human Rights in this Age of Uncertainty: Social Work Approaches and Practices from Southeast Europe (European Social Work Education and Practice)

by Vjollca Krasniqi Jane McPherson

This book, grounded in a human rights framework, takes a close look at social work approaches and practices in Southeast Europe. Human rights are central in today's understanding of social work as an academic discipline and as a professional practice. Looking at social work through a human rights lens unmasks inequality and discrimination, promotes ethical engagements, and contributes to the social, political, and economic betterment of society. Moreover, human rights and social work are interdependent and have far-reaching implications at macro, mezzo, and micro levels both in the realm of social policy and in professional practice.This collection of eight chapters provides an overview of human rights practices in social work in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Romania, and Slovenia. It presents state-of-the-art research on human rights and social work through individual country-focused chapters. In addition, it includes an integrative introductory chapter that identifies and discusses the commonalities and differences across the region as well as future directions.The book takes an integrated approach with conversations among the contributors on three main questions:What is the state of human rights in social work?How are human rights practiced in social work? What are the prospects for an integrated approach to human rights in social work in contemporary Southeast Europe?Human Rights in this Age of Uncertainty is essential reading for social work academics and practitioners in Southeast Europe due to its geographic focus and standpoints from the specific countries of the region. The book also should appeal to a wider European audience (especially as the book features chapters from both inside and outside of the European Union), as well as to an international audience of social work scholars. In addition, policy-makers may find the book a useful resource because human rights discourse features prominently in the international approaches to welfare systems across Southeast Europe as part of the Europeanisation processes currently at play.

Spiritual Envy

by Michael Krasny

As the host of one of National Public Radio's most popular interview programs, Michael Krasny has spent decades leading conversations on every imaginable topic and discussing life's most important questions with the foremost thinkers of our time. Now he brings his wide-ranging knowledge and perceptive intelligence to a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of belief; and lack of belief. Many books and pundits advocate for a specific God, while others adamantly declare there is no God. Yet these strident viewpoints often speak right past each other, rarely convincing anyone but the already convinced. In -- Spiritual Envy -- Krasny helps believers and nonbelievers alike understand their own questions about faith and religion, about God and human responsibility. Krasny challenges each of us to look closely at faith and its power, and to examine the positive and negative aspects of religion as expressed in culture, literature, and human relationships. Personal and universal, timely and timeless, this is a deeply wise yet warmly welcoming conversation, an invitation to ask one's own questions; no matter how inconclusive the answers.

In Praise Of Indecency

by Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner's style of personal journalism constantly blurs the line between observer and participant. Nowhere is this more apparent than this collection of essays and interviews culled from his columns at AVN Online. Whether being interviewed by Susie Bright, or imagining a conversation between Pee-Wee Herman and Pete Townshend about their busts by overzealous cops, or reminiscing about his friend Lenny Bruce, Krassner shines his keen satirical mind on the so-called taboos of today's society and breaks them down to show the hypocrisy of the world's "culture warriors." With a biting wit and tongue firmly planted in cheek, Mr. Krassner reveals the absurdity of our oppressive social mores in this stark, funny, and ultimately thought-provoking collection.

In Praise Of Indecency: The Leading Investigative Satirist Sounds Off on Hypocrisy, Censorship and Free Expression

by Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner's style of personal journalism constantly blurs the line between observer and participant. Nowhere is this more apparent than this collection of essays and interviews culled from his columns at AVN Online. Whether being interviewed by Susie Bright, or imagining a conversation between Pee-Wee Herman and Pete Townshend about their busts by overzealous cops, or reminiscing about his friend Lenny Bruce, Krassner shines his keen satirical mind on the so-called taboos of today's society and breaks them down to show the hypocrisy of the world's "culture warriors." With a biting wit and tongue firmly planted in cheek, Mr. Krassner reveals the absurdity of our oppressive social mores in this stark, funny, and ultimately thought-provoking collection.

Juvenile Justice Administration

by Peter C. Kratcoski

An effective administrator must not only have the educational background to understand the foundational basis for the system, but must also be guided by the vision and mission of the organization. Juvenile Justice Administration illustrates through examples and interviews with juvenile justice administrators and other personnel how these organizati

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