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Felidia: Recipes from My Flagship Restaurant

by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich Tanya Bastianich Manuali Fortunato Nicotra

The first restaurant cookbook from the best-selling author, beloved and award-winning TV chef, and hugely successful restaurateur--115 recipes from her acclaimed and much-loved New York eatery.Ever since it first opened its doors on Manhattan's Upper East Side in 1981, Lidia Bastianich's Felidia has been one of New York City's most beloved restaurants. Now, in her first restaurant cookbook, the revered chef, author, and television personality--along with the restaurant's longtime Executive Chef, Fortunato Nicotra--shares the recipes that have made Felidia a dining destination. Here are dishes from across the restaurant's forty-year history: Eggplant Flan with Tomato Coulis; Linguini with White Clams and Broccoli; Short Ribs Braised in Barolo; delectable desserts such as Almond and Chocolate Tart Caprese and Open Cannoli; and cocktails such as Passion Fruit Spritz and Frozen Peach Bellini. Here too are Chef Fortunato's personal favorite recipes, advice on setting up a home bar, a fascinating look at Felidia's history, and much more. Filled with the same warmth and wisdom that are the hallmark of all of Lidia's cookbooks, Felidia is the next-best thing to a table at the restaurant.

Felidia: Recipes from My Flagship Restaurant

by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich Tanya Bastianich Manuali Fortunato Nicotra

Beloved chef and best-selling author Lidia Bastianich shares, for the first time, the timeless recipes that have made her flagship restaurant, Felidia, a New York City dining legend for almost four decades.Ever since it opened its doors on Manhattan’s Upper East Side in 1981, Felidia has been revered as one of the best Italian restaurants in the country. In these pages, Lidia and longtime Executive Chef Fortunato Nicotra share 115 of the recipes that capture the spirit of the Felidia menu past and present. From pastas and primi to appetizers and meats, and from breads and spreads to sides and soups, these are some of Lidia’s absolute favorite dishes, lovingly adapted for home cooks to re-create in their own kitchens. Here are recipes for old-school classics such as Pasta Primavera and Linguine with White Clam Sauce and Broccoli. Contemporary favorites include Pear and Pecorino Ravioli, Chicken Pizzaiola, Short Ribs Braised in Barolo, and Eggplant Flan with Tomato Coulis. Exquisite dessert recipes include Warm Nutella Flan, Open Cannolo and Limoncello Tiramisù, while Passion Fruit Spritz and Frozen Peach Bellini come from the restaurant’s lively bar. Felidia is a beautifully illustrated, full-color cookbook that takes readers behind the scenes of the restaurant’s storied history and is filled with the same warmth and hospitality that are the hallmark of all of Lidia’s cookbooks. It’s the next-best thing to enjoying an evening out at this award-winning eatery!

Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy: A Feast of 175 Regional Recipes: A Cookbook

by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich Tanya Bastianich Manuali David Nussbaum

In this inspiring new book, Lidia Bastianich awakens in us a new respect for food and for the people who produce it in the little-known parts of Italy that she explores. All of the recipes reflect the regions from which they spring, and in translating them to our home kitchens, Lidia passes on time-honored techniques and wonderful, uncomplicated recipes for dishes bursting with different regional flavors the kind of elemental, good family cooking that is particularly appreciated today. This is just a sampling of the many delights Lidia has uncovered. All the recipes she shares with us in this rich feast of a book represent the work of the local people and friends with whom she made intimate contact the farmers, shepherds, foragers, and artisans who produce local cheeses, meats, olive oils, and wines. And in addition, her daughter, Tanya, takes us on side trips in each of the twelve regions to share her love of the country and its art.

Come mierda: No comas mejor, deja de comer peor

by Julio Basulto

El libro más descarnado de Julio Basulto. «Una brújula para evitar el mareo en este mar confuso de oferta despiadada de malos alimentos, de falsas creencias y mucho aficionado.»Dra. María Neira, directora de Salud Pública de la OMS Mientras que la comida contaminada mata en toda la región europea a unas 5.000 personas al año, la chatarra comestible provoca anualmente, solo por enfermedades cardiovasculares, 2,1 millones de fallecimientos. ¿Te imaginas cuántos kilos de ultraprocesados consumimos al año? Ante una tragedia de tal magnitud, Julio Basulto justifica que si la palabra «mierda» se define como «cosa mal hecha o de mala calidad» (según la Real Academia Española de la Lengua), los comestibles de mala calidad nutricional debemos incluirlos también en dicho concepto. Come mierda aborda, por tanto, el gran tema alimentario de nuestros días. Explica la diferencia entre alimentos seguros e inocuos, nos empodera, desarma los tentáculos con que la Big Food promueve ambientes alimentarios que generan obesidad y enfermedades crónicas y demuestra que cuidarnos no significa solo comer mejor sino, sobre todo, dejar de comer peor. Reseñas:«Come mierda es un libro para que la población deje de comer lo que, según nos muestra Julio, come en demasiadas ocasiones.»Dra. María Neira, directora del Departamento de Salud Pública de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (@DrMariaNeira) «Comemos mierda, sí, y lo sabemos, pero Julio Basulto nos ofrece todos los datos y estudios científicos necesarios para que sepamos de forma fehaciente el por qué. Julio nos explica cómo, bajo una falsa sensación de seguridad, las multinacionales llevan años vendiendo productos malsanos, con la connivencia de las autoridades y nuestro desconocimiento. Habrá un antes y un después en tu forma de alimentarte cuando leas este libro.»Patricia Fernández de Lis, redactora jefa de Ciencia en El País (@pflis) «Pasión. Pasión es lo que hay en cada página de este libro. Pasión serena de un nutricionista no solo por la alimentación saludable o por la responsabilidad social. También pasión por la información contrastada y por los datos basados en la evidencia científica. Una pasión que, por aplastante, a veces resulta incómoda, pero que es necesaria para avanzar hacia una sociedad más sana, crítica y sostenible.»Carles Mesa, director del programa «No es un día cualquiera» en Radio Nacional de España (@CarlesMesa) «Todo lo que ha escrito Julio Basulto es de una calidad y utilidad enormes, que se sustenta en su impecable documentación científica, en su independencia, en su honestidad... y en una narración magnífica. Pero créanme, este libro es de imprescindible lectura en el momento actual del planeta y la sociedad. Con el mismo rigor de sus obras anteriores, nos muestra la magnitud de la "intoxicación" alimentaria, cómo identificarla y cómo combatirla. Leerlo, informarse bien y actuar es absolutamente urgente. Gracias Julio, por dar este importante paso a favor de la salud.»Dra. Clotilde Vázquez, jefa del Departamento de Endocrinología y Nutrición de la Fundación Jiménez Díaz (@VazquezDoctora) «Basulto desgrana en cada página los estudios que prueban que el consumo de ultraprocesados está generando una sociedad con mayor obesidad, menor esperanza de vida y más probabilidades de desarrollar enfermedades como el cáncer o la diabetes. Comemos mierda, pero creemos que "la vida es un suspiro" que lo merece: después de leer este libro te replantearás lo que te llevas a la boca con esa excusa y, más aún, aquello con lo que alimentamos a la infancia.»Clara Jiménez Cruz cofundadora y CEO de (@cjimenezcruz)

Mamá come sano: Alimentación saludable en el embarazo y la lactancia

by Julio Basulto

El embarazo y la lactancia son etapas maravillosas, pero repletas de dudas acerca de la dieta. ¿Influye la alimentación en mi fertilidad o en la de mi pareja? ¿Conviene recurrir a vitaminas, minerales, plantas medicinales, complementos alimenticios o fármacos? ¿Cuántas calorías debo tomar? ¿Cuánta agua tengo que beber? ¿Son un síntoma de peligro las náuseas u otras molestias típicas del embarazo? ¿Qué es ganar mucho (o poco) peso en el embarazo? ¿Cómo recupero la figura tras el parto? ¿Puedo ser vegetariana? ¿Es acaso una cuestión inextricable la alimentación en la lactancia? ¿Qué es (de verdad) una dieta sana?Julio Basulto aborda estas y muchas otras inquietudes, para ayudar al lector a formarse un criterio para elegir y decidir. Este libro no propone una dieta prodigiosa gracias a la cual tendremos un bebé extraordinario, recuperaremos el tipo rápidamente tras un parto fácil e indoloro, y produciremos abundante y nutritiva leche materna. Por el contrario, nos hará cuestionar muchos de nuestros hábitos alimenticios, algo absolutamente necesario no solo para la salud maternoinfantil, sino también para la de toda la familia.

Se me hace bola: Cuando no comen como queremos que coman

by Julio Basulto

Un enfoque diferente de la alimentación infantil para que la hora de la comida sea un momento feliz para niños y adultos. ¿Qué hacer cuando nuestro hijo come menos de lo que querríamos? ¿Debemos demorar la incorporación de alimentos potencialmente alergénicos? ¿Cómo lidiar con la atractiva y omnipresente oferta de alimentos superfluos y procesados? ¿Qué hacer para prevenir la cada vez más frecuente obesidad infantil? Utilizando una visión holística de la alimentación y analizándola desde diferentes prismas, Julio Basulto ha escrito una guía sencilla y efectiva, a la vez que científicamente documentada, para que los niños se alimenten de forma saludable. No se trata de «inculcar», «coaccionar» o «imponer», sino de incorporar dentro de casa un patrón de dieta sana para que nuestros hijos aprendan con el ejemplo. Además, este manual responde con rigor y cercanía a todas las dudas sobre alimentación que pueden tener los padres hoy en día. Una obra indispensable en el hogar de cualquier madre o padre responsable.

Más vegetales, menos animales: Una alimentación más saludable y sostenible

by Julio Basulto Juanjo Cáceres

Más vegetales, menos animales aborda el tema de la alimentación vegetal, desmontando falsas creencias y proporcionando argumentos científicos que la avalan. La adopción de pautas alimentarias que dejan total o parcialmente de lado los productos de origen animal es considerada por la población, en ocasiones, una mera opción ideológica, carente de fundamento científico y hasta perniciosa para la salud. De entre dichas pautas, conocidas como «dietas basadas en plantas» (plant-based diets), destacan el vegetarianismo y el veganismo. Frente a ello, Julio Basulto y Juanjo Cáceres muestran por qué, de acuerdo con el conocimiento científico disponible, el patrón dietético que se relaciona con una mejor calidad de vida y, también, con una mayor esperanza de vida puede sintetizarse en la siguiente máxima: «Más vegetales, menos animales y nada o casi nada de carnes procesadas y alimentos superfluos». Los autores revisan también en esta obra aspectos históricos de la alimentación y de la hominización, desmintiendo que la alimentación basada en vegetales sea una moda reciente, así como las cuestiones ambientales, éticas e incluso económicas que avalan también optar por esta pauta dietética.

No más dieta: Por qué las dietas «milagrosas» no funcionan o cómo aprender a comer saludableme

by Julio Basulto M.ª José Mateo

Cómo no caer en las dietas fraudulentas y aprender las pautas para una dieta anti-mitos. Dietas para tener salud Dietas para perder peso Dietas para esculpir el cuerpo Dietas para recuperar la juventud ¿Hay dietas para comer bien? En el mundo actual, la creciente preocupación por el comer sano choca de frente con un estilo de vida que se caracteriza por la acuciante falta de tiempo. Esto ha abonado el terreno para la aparición de infinidad de dietas «milagrosas» que, en la mayoría de los casos, no pasan de ser un simple fraude. El prestigioso dietista-nutricionista Julio Basulto, con la colaboración de María José Mateo, desmonta los mitos de las dietas rápidas con una sólida base científica, y nos propone unas pautas para una alimentación sensata, acompañadas de una serie de recomendaciones sobre cómo perder peso de forma saludable.

Secretos de la gente sana: Cinco pasos para mejorar y conservar la salud

by Julio Basulto Ma. José Mateo

Un libro repleto de ideas prácticas para tomar conciencia de nuestra salud, conservarla y mejorarla. Hoy en día la salud se confunde con la estética, con estar delgado, con tomar pastillas y ponerse cremas, como si toda la ayuda para mantenerse sano proviniera de la farmacia. En este libro, los autores nos recuerdan que la mayoría de nosotros nacemos llenos de salud. El secreto de las personas sanas consiste en conservar y aumentar la salud adquiriendo sencillos hábitos beneficiosos y evitando aquello que nos resulta dañino. Con una sólida base científica y nutricional, este libro nos da las claves y los consejos para vivir una vida saludable sin grandes esfuerzos, exigentes dietas o productos farmacéuticos.

The Newlywed Kitchen

by Ali Basye Lorna Yee

According to marriage counselors, cooking together is one of the biggest complaints newlyweds bring to the table; with more than 80 recipes, this accessible book makes the kitchen a happy place for couples.From the editor of Seattle Bride and one of the Northwest's up-and-coming chefs and food writers comes a cookbook for newlyweds aimed at helping couples forge good cooking habits that will last a lifetime. Offering more than 80 recipes that gradually increase in complexity, The Newlywed Kitchen serves as the building blocks for beginner cooks as well as a guide on how to happily and peacefully cook a meal together. The book is cleverly divided into categories such as 'Carry Me Over the Threshold Starters and Snacks,' 'Who Gets the Remote Control: Comforting Pastas for Lazy Nights In,' and 'Happily Ever After Desserts and Sweets' with plenty of mouth-watering pictures. Also includes stories from happily married foodies to inspire and guide newlyweds to a lifetime of delicious meals together.

We Are Each Other's Harvest: Celebrating African American Farmers, Land, and Legacy

by Natalie Baszile

A WALL STREET JOURNAL FAVORITE FOOD BOOK OF THE EARFrom the author of Queen Sugar—now a critically acclaimed series on OWN directed by Ava Duvernay—comes a beautiful exploration and celebration of black farming in America. In this impressive anthology, Natalie Baszile brings together essays, poems, photographs, quotes, conversations, and first-person stories to examine black people’s connection to the American land from Emancipation to today. In the 1920s, there were over one million black farmers; today there are just 45,000. Baszile explores this crisis, through the farmers’ personal experiences. In their own words, middle aged and elderly black farmers explain why they continue to farm despite systemic discrimination and land loss. The "Returning Generation"—young farmers, who are building upon the legacy of their ancestors, talk about the challenges they face as they seek to redress issues of food justice, food sovereignty, and reparations. These farmers are joined by other influential voices, including noted historians Analena Hope Hassberg and Pete Daniel, and award-winning author Clyde W. Ford, who considers the arrival of Africans to American shores; and James Beard Award-winning writers and Michael Twitty, reflects on black culinary tradition and its African roots. Poetry and inspirational quotes are woven into these diverse narratives, adding richness and texture, as well as stunning four-color photographs from photographers Alison Gootee and Malcom Williams, and Baszile’s personal collection. As Baszile reveals, black farming informs crucial aspects of American culture—the family, the way our national identity is bound up with the land, the pull of memory, the healing power of food, and race relations. She reminds us that the land, well-earned and fiercely protected, transcends history and signifies a home that can be tended, tilled, and passed to succeeding generations with pride. We Are Each Other’s Harvest elevates the voices and stories of black farmers and people of color, celebrating their perseverance and resilience, while spotlighting the challenges they continue to face. Luminous and eye-opening, this eclectic collection helps people and communities of color today reimagine what it means to be dedicated to the soil.

The Batali Brothers Cookbook

by Leo Batali Benno Batali

Inspired by their dad's fiftieth birthday and their family's love of food, Benno and Leo Batali prove that you're never too young to start cooking like a grown-up. With additional recipes from Mario for Batali family favorites, The Batali Brothers Cookbook is a must-have both for young chefs and seasoned pros alike.

Italian Grill

by Mario Batali

From Mario Batali, superstar chef and author of Molto Italiano, comes the ultimate handbook on Italian grilling, which will become an instant must-have cookbook for home grillers.Easy to use and filled with simple recipes, Mario Batali's new grilling handbook takes the mystery out of making tasty, simple, smoky Italian food. In addition to the eighty recipes and the sixty full-color photographs, Italian Grill includes helpful information on different heat-source options, grilling techniques, and essential equipment. As in Molto Italiano, Batali's distinctive voice provides a historical and cultural perspective as well.Italian Grill features appetizers; pizza and flatbreads; fish and shellfish; poultry; meat; and vegetables. The delicious recipes include Fennel with Sambuca and Grapefruit; Guinea Hen Breasts with Rosemary and Pesto; Baby Octopus with Gigante Beans and Olive-Orange Vinaigrette; and Rosticciana, Italian-Style Ribs.

The Modern Mixologist

by Mario Batali Tony Abou-Ganim Mary Elizabeth Faulkner

Over the course of the past two decades, Tony Abou-Ganim has earned his reputation as one of the leaders in the craft cocktail movement. Through his work with food and hospitality legends like Mario Batali, Steve Wynn, and Harry Denton, Abou-Ganim has earned his reputation as "the Modern Mixologist," someone bringing the traditional art of mixology into the 21st century. Now, in The Modern Mixologist, Abou-Ganim has established the new standard in cocktail books - a must-have guide to home mixology in a beautiful, coffee-table-suitable format. Featuring gorgeous full-color photography throughout by the award-winning Tim Turner, this book instantly becomes the most beautiful guide to creating cocktails available anywhere. If you carry one high-end cocktail book, this is it - sure to be a terrific gift item all year round.

Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen

by Mario Batali Gina DePalma Gentl Hyers Staff

“Follow the seasons. Keep the flavors pure and straightforward. Use proper yet simple techniques.” Applying this aesthetic to the Italian tradition, Gina DePalma has created a cookbook of the desserts that have wowed diners at Babbo, New York’s most coveted reservation since it opened eight years ago with DePalma as pastry chef. From her exciting imagination spring desserts such as Sesame and White Corn Biscotti, Little Grappa Soaked Spongecakes, and Chocolate and Tangerine Semifreddo. Recipes for classics like Cassata alla Siciliana join new interpretations of traditional desserts such as White Peach and Prosecco Gelatina. More than just a cookbook, Dolce Italiano reveals the ten ingredients you need to know to make Italian desserts, along with wine pairings to accompany the recipes. Never before has a cookbook given home cooks a chance to experience the full variety and subtlety of Italian desserts. Mario Batali has called Dolce Italiano “pure inspiration.”

Tom Valenti's Soups, Stews, and One-Pot Meals

by Mario Batali Andrew Friedman Tom Valenti

This is the way we love to eat -- slowly braised, cut-with-a-spoon-tender meat resting in aromatic juices just waiting for the perfect piece of bread to come along and sop it up; a steaming bowl of chowder filled with chunks of fish and potatoes in rich broth laced with the smoky-sweet-salty flavor of bacon; a casserole that's spent some serious time in the oven as layer upon layer of creamy, soft cheese, pasta, herbs, and meat meld into a delectable whole. And as luck would have it, this is the way celebrated New York City chef Tom Valenti loves to cook. Considered Manhattan's grandmaster of comfort food, Valenti has made this beloved cooking his trademark. In fact, on any given night, you'll find him in his wildly successful Upper West Side restaurants Ouest and 'Cesca feeding the world's A-list -- Bill Clinton, Steven Spielberg, Charlie Rose, Jerry Seinfeld, Judy Collins, Joan Didion. Because, of course, this is the food they love to eat, too. In Tom Valenti's Soups, Stews, and One-Pot Meals, Valenti and coauthor Andrew Friedman dish up the flavor we've come to expect from a New York chef, without any of the fuss. This is food that gets better a day or two after it's made, food to make on the weekend and savor throughout a busy week, food that is perfect for dinner parties and family celebrations. Here are 125 realistic recipes for the home cook -- most made in one pot -- and all based on the fact that the right ingredients, left alone to cook in a single vessel with virtually no intervention from the cook, steadily build glorious flavor and leave far fewer pots to clean. The book includes "Variations" and "Tomorrow's Table," tips on ways to embellish a dish by adding vegetables or meats or provide economy by stretching it into another satisfying meal by simply adding another ingredient. Valenti and Friedman embrace what they term "cooking in the real world," encouraging home cooks to use canned stocks and beans whenever appropriate. They discuss key ingredients; offer a section on condiments, garnishes, and accompaniments; provide a list of mail-order sources; and recommend cookware (though you won't need a lot).

Rustic Italian Food: [A Cookbook]

by Mario Batali David Joachim Marc Vetri

Slow-cooked meats, homemade breads, flavorful pastas...these are the traditional comfort-food classics that Italians have been roasting, baking, curing, and making in their own kitchens for generations--dishes that people actually want to cook and eat. In Rustic Italian Food, acclaimed Philadelphia chef Marc Vetri celebrates the handcrafted cuisine of Italy, advocating a hands-on, back-to-the-basics approach to cooking. Home cooks of every skill level will revel in the 120 recipes, such as sweet Fig and Chestnut Bread, rich Spinach and Ricotta Gnocchi, savory Slow-Roasted Lamb Shoulder, and fragrant Apple Fritters. Rustic Italian Food is also an education in kitchen fundamentals, with detailed, step-by-step instructions for making terrines, dry-cured salami, and cooked sausage; a thorough guide to bread and pasta making; and a primer on classic Italian preserves and sauces. Much more than just a collection of recipes, in this book Marc Vetri connects us directly to the essence of Italian food.

The Del Posto Cookbook

by Mario Batali Mark Ladner

The definitive cookbook on refined Italian Cuisine by the celebrated chef at Mario Batali's and Lidia Bastianich's award-winning destination restaurant in New York City.Mark Ladner, the Chef at Del Posto, redefines what excellent Italian Cooking in America can be. With a focus on regional Italian ingredients and tradition, Ladner has chosen recipes that bring together flavors from the old country, but in sophisticated new ways, like: Fried Calamari with Spicy Caper Butter Sauce; Red Wine Risotto with Carrot Puree, Monkfish Piccata, Veal Braciole, and Ricotta-Chocolate Tortino. But what is special is that these recipes will really work in the home kitchen, unlike some ambitious cookbooks like this. And given Del Posto's origin and founders, the book includes recipes by Lidia Bastianich, and forewords by Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich.Plus, the award-winning sommelier at Del Posto offers advice on which Italian varietals to serve with what dishes. All this is complemented by photography that is inspired by 16th century still life paintings.As the New York Times said in their review: "The food bewilders and thrills."

Molto Gusto: Easy Italian Cooking

by Mario Batali Mark Ladner

Molto Gusto is a glorious collection of mouth-watering recipes for pizza, pasta, and more from Mario Batali’s famed Otto Enoteca Pizzeria in New York City. Chef and restaurateur Batali—a fixture on the Food Network and bestselling author of Italian Grill and Molto Italiano—has been named by Fortune magazine as one of the “100 most recognized personalities in the U.S.” With Molto Gusto, Mario Batali takes food lovers on a spectacular culinary journey—from antipasti to gelati—with nearly 100 scrumptious recipes for “Easy Italian Cooking” and gorgeous full-color photographs.

Tasting Rome: Fresh Flavors and Forgotten Recipes from an Ancient City

by Mario Batali Katie Parla Kristina Gill

A love letter from two Americans to their adopted city, showcasing modern dishes influenced by tradition, as well as the rich culture of their surroundings. <P><P> Even 150 years after unification, Italy is still a divided nation where individual regions are defined by their local cuisine. Each is a mirror of its city’s culture, history, and geography. But cucina romana is the country’s greatest standout. <P> Tasting Rome provides a complete picture of a place that many love, but few know completely. In sharing Rome’s celebrated dishes, street food innovations, and forgotten recipes, journalist Katie Parla and photographer Kristina Gill capture its unique character and reveal its truly evolved food culture—a culmination of 2000 years of history. Their recipes acknowledge the foundations of Roman cuisine and demonstrate how it has transitioned to the variations found today. You’ll delight in the expected classics (cacio e pepe, pollo alla romana, fiore di zucca); the fascinating but largely undocumented Sephardic Jewish cuisine (hraimi con couscous, brodo di pesce, pizzarelle); the authentic and tasty offal (guanciale, simmenthal di coda, insalata di nervitti); and so much more. <P> Studded with narrative features that capture the city’s history and gorgeous photography that highlights both the food and its hidden city, you’ll feel immediately inspired to start tasting Rome in your own kitchen.

America--Farm to Table: Simple, Delicious Recipes Celebrating Local Farmers

by Mario Batali Jim Webster

Bestselling author and world-renown chef Mario Batali pays homage to the American farmer-from Maine to Los Angeles-in stories, photos, and recipes.AMERICA -- FARM TO TABLE: Simple, Delicious Recipes Celebrating Local FarmersMario Batali, who knows the importance of ingredients to any amazing dish, sees farmers as the rock stars of the food world. In this new book he celebrates American farmers: their high quality products and their culture defined by hard work, integrity, and pride. Batali asked his chef friends from Nashville, Tennessee, to San Francisco, to tell him who their favorite farmers were, and those farmers graciously shared their personal stories along with their top-of-the-line produce and products. In Seattle, Chef Matt Dillon introduces readers to Farmer Pierre Monnat, who produces fava beans and lamb. Batali then features those ingredients in such mouth-watering recipes as: Lamb Shank Sloppy Joes and Fava Bean Guacamole. In Washington, DC, Chef Jose Andres from Jaleo introduces us to Farmer Jim Crawford, who grows corn, broccoli, and strawberries Batali's accompanying dishes include: Chilled Sweet Corn Soup and Grilled Salmon with Strawberry Salsa. Other stops along the way include: Tampa; Austin; Nashville; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; New York, San Francisco; Portland, Maine; Chicago; Cleveland; Suttons Bay, Michigan; and Vail, Colorado. With over 100 superb recipes, this is the book that every home cook will want upon returning from the farmer's market or grocers.

Mario Batali--Big American Cookbook: 250 Favorite Recipes from Across the USA

by Mario Batali Jim Webster

<P>Mario Batali's delicious deep dive into American Regional cooking with 250 recipes--from San Diego Fish Tacos to Boston Cream Pie. <P>Over two years in the making, with Batali searching for truly delicious dishes from all corners of the US, this definitive cookbook features the best America has to offer. With over 250 simple recipes celebrating the treasures of the state fairs and the dishes of the local rotary clubs and ethnic groups. Batali has interpreted these regional gems with the same excitement and passion that he has approached traditional Italian food. <P>Covering the Northeast/New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the Gulf Coast, the Great Lakes, the Heartland, the Southwest, and the Pacific Coast, this book will share everything from the BBQ styles of Texas, the Smokeys and the Carolinas, to the seafood soups from yankee Boston to the spicy gumbos of the Gulf Coast and the berry pies of the Pacific Northwest. All the dishes are very simple and do-able--from Philly Cheesesteaks to Marionberry cobbler. And while Batali uses recipes passed down through the generations, he also shares hints on what he would add to the recipe to take the flavor up a notch. <P>This is THE American cookbook you will want to own.

Food and Experiential Marketing: Pleasure, Wellbeing and Consumption (Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research)

by Wided Batat

Pleasure plays a significant but often neglected role in the creation of consumer wellbeing and the relationship between the food consumption experience and healthy eating. This innovative collection focusses on the experiential and hedonic aspects of food and the sociocultural, economic, ideological, and symbolic factors that influence how pleasure can contribute to consumer health, food education, and individual and societal wellbeing. Food and Experiential Marketing uses a holistic perspective to explore how the experiential side of food pleasure may drive healthy eating behaviors in varied food cultures. It questions: Is food pleasure an ally or an enemy of developing and adopting healthy eating habits? Can we design healthy offline and online food experiences that are pleasurable? What are the features of food consumption experiences, and how do they contribute to consumer wellbeing? Providing an overview of experiential and cultural issues in food marketing, this book will be invaluable for consumer behavior and food marketing scholars, public policy professionals, and the food industry in understanding the importance of pleasure in promoting healthy eating behaviors.

A Dismal Harvest

by Daisy Bateman

Autumn on the Sonoma Coast. A welcome chill is whipping through the crisp Pacific air, but something else is stirring in this rural California town… Witty and down-to-earth Claudia Simcoe is sure that the gourmet harvest dinner being held at her artisan marketplace will wipe away any memories of the unpleasantness last summer. Not to mention give her a chance to figure out the bewildering relationship budding with her craft-beer-brewing neighbor, Nathan. But rather than dealing with carefully curated food and cautious flirting, Claudia finds herself thrown into the center of a murder investigation when a secret compartment in her market is tied to the death of a local lawyer. At least this time she isn&’t the prime suspect. Instead, it&’s one of Claudia&’s marketplace tenants who is wanted by the police: the locally-famed cheesemaker, Julie Muller. Determined to help clear her friend&’s name—and to discover the history connecting her market to the murder victim—Claudia is forced to test her mettle as a detective once more. As she starts digging into San Elmo&’s long-buried past, she is confronted with Prohibition-era mysteries, shady land deals, and a small town bursting with motives to kill the crooked lawyer. But just as she thinks she&’s getting a handle on this investigating thing, another gruesome death brings Claudia dangerously close to the killer. The second installment in Daisy Bateman&’s Marketplace series delivers cozy mystery and charming humor as Claudia works to uncover the truth about the murders, her marketplace, and her feelings for her ruggedly attractive neighbor.

Murder Goes to Market

by Daisy Bateman

If you had asked computer programmer Claudia Simcoe what she expected to come of her leaving San Francisco for the California coast to open a farm-to-table marketplace, &“assembles a mismatched team to investigate a murder&” would not have been her first guess. Lori Roth is one of the tenants of the market, or she had been until Claudia learned that the hands making her &“hand-dyed&” textiles belong to overseas factory workers. Claudia terminates Lori&’s lease, but her hopes that this will be the last she sees of her problem tenant are dashed when she arrives at the marketplace the next morning to find Lori dead, hit over the head with a jar of pickles and strangled with a cheese wire. The police chief thinks Claudia looks like an easy pick to be the killer, and he closes the marketplace to put the pressure on her. So, Claudia has no choice but to solve the mystery herself. Relying on the tech skills from her previous life and some help from her quirky new friends, Claudia races to save her business and herself before the killer adds her to the region&’s local, artisanal murders.

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