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L'arte del journaling, ovvero, come imparare a scrivere il diario in 5 semplici mosse

by The Blokehead

Ecco le linee guida e i promemoria che ti permetteranno di scrivere il tuo diario al meglio: 1. Lo scopo. Innanzitutto, devi chiederti cosa ti spingere a scrivere un diario e a trattare di un determinato argomento. Cosa riguarda? A cosa serve? A chi è indirizzato? Queste domande ti aiuteranno a impostare lo stile giusto. Per ogni nuova annotazione, dovremmo avere un nuovo argomento, in maniera tale da non risultare ripetitivi. Così facendo, tutte le nostre annotazioni avranno uno scopo ben preciso. Acquista il libro per saperne di più !

L'Arte della Fellatio

by Nicole Nichols Julie Fg

Vuoi imparare a praticare quest'arte in modo piacevole tanto per lui quanto per te? Nicole Nichols presenta un libro chiaro e preciso su come fare una fellatio. Per te fare sesso orale è più un dovere che un piacere? Non più grazie ai consigli e alle tecniche di Nicole. Dare piacere al tuo partner dev'essere un'esperienza gradevole per entrambi, ed è unica la sensazione di poter far godere il tuo uomo! Impara come uscire dalla tua comfort zone. Ogni capitolo regala preziosi consigli su come vincere le tue paure nel trovarti faccia a faccia con "lui", e il fulcro è l'idea che dare piacere porta piacere. In questo gioco sei tu al comando e questo libro ti spiega come sentirti a tuo agio nel farlo. Realizza i desideri segreti del tuo uomo e aumenta la fiducia nel rapporto! Spesso il sesso orale è proprio una delle fantasie più eccitanti per un uomo. Ammetiamolo: il tuo uomo può chiederlo o meno, ma sappiamo benissimo che è quello che vuole. Forse te l'ha chiesto una, due o tre volte, ma se la risposta è sempre negativa avrà smesso di chiedere. O forse è uno dei fortunati la cui partner cede ogni tanto. Ma se vuoi farlo sentire veramente importante, sicuro di sè e desiderato, soddisfa questo suo desiderio. E vedrai la sua sorpresa quando farai esattamente ciò che lo eccita e gli regalerai un piacere intenso. Dopo aver letto questo libro avrai tutti gli strumenti per eccellere nell'arte della fellatio - per la gioia di "lui"! Diventa più sicura di te. Oltre a tecniche su come dare piacere al tuo uomo, fra le pagine di questo libro troverai anche consigli utili per divertirti nel farlo. Imparerai come prendere l'iniziativa, passare all'azione e... fare centro! Alcuni esempi di ciò che troverai nel libro: come rendere la vostra relazione più piccante, come comunicare in modo efficace col tuo partner, come ciò che il tuo uomo beve o mangia può rendere la tua esperienza più piacevole,

L'arte della ricchezza. Gli ostacoli per raggiungerla.

by Baron Alexander Deschauer

Questo libro espone, attraverso brevi racconti e riflessioni, i segreti per sviluppare l'approccio mentale giusto per raggiungere la ricchezza. Segna l'incontro tra l' "Arte della guerra" di Sun Tzu e "Padre ricco, padre povero" di Kiyosaki. Diventare ricchi è alla portata di tutti. Teoricamente. In pratica ci sono ostacoli che la maggior parte di noi neppure vede. Sono le barriere di ingresso che permettono a molti di affermare che l'opportunità esiste per tutti ma che in realtà è preclusa alla maggior parte di noi. La prima cosa per superare queste barriere è essere in grado di imparare a vederle. Una volta che imparerete a vederle, sarete in grado di superarle. Questo libro con brevi racconti e narrazioni vi permetterà di sviluppare il gisuto approccio mentale per ottenere l'agiatezza. Vi fornirà le verità provate e testate che stanno dietro alla'ccumulazione delle ricchezze e del benessere.

L’arte di essere: Come attirare abbondanza, felicità e pace interiore nella tua vita

by Xavier Gragera

L'arte di essere è un percorso di liberazione della mente, che ci offre la possibilità di trasformare la nostra vita e di intraprendere senza problemi il viaggio verso la nostra scoperta interiore. Tutto questo, per raggiungere un luogo dove smettere di cercare e cominciare ad essere. In tutto il libro, passiamo attraverso i diversi livelli di coscienza, fino ad arrivare allo stato di coscienza essenziale, in cui ci connetteremo con la nostra vera essenza, e in cui risiede il potere dell'ispirazione. In questo stato di coscienza essenziale, i miracoli accadono in un modo del tutto inaspettato, e il potere creativo si scatena permettendoci di iniziare a creare la nostra realtà. Impareremo ad attirare l'abbondanza nella nostra vita, a diluire i problemi invece di cercare di risolverli, e tutto questo liberando la paura e donandoci all'amore. Questo processo di scoperta ci aiuterà a dare un senso alla nostra vita, a scoprire il nostro proposito di vita e ad agire; un'azione consapevole e proficua che ci permetterà di rinascere e di evolverci come esseri umani.

L'arte dimenticata della felicità: 52 idee che ti cambieranno la vita

by Ali Zakaria

Ti svegli ogni mattina insoddisfatto della tua vita? Pensavi che raggiungere il successo monetario fosse la via per la felicità, ma non sta succedendo. Ali Zakaria è un giudice del Cairo, Egitto, che ha assistito quotidianamente a contenziosi in aula e ha assistito a come il successo e la vittoria non portino sempre felicità. Divorzi, furti, omicidi, ha visto di tutto. Ha trascorso 5 anni vivendo centinaia di cause giudiziarie e cercando di rispondere a queste domande sulla felicità per sé stesso e per gli altri. 1. Più soldi ci rendono sempre più felici? Se no perché? 2. Vincere migliora sempre la vita? Se no perché? 3. La vendetta cura le ferite? In questa lettura, Ali Zakaria offre un approccio unico alla felicità grazie alla sua esperienza di ascolto e di risoluzione delle controversie. - La vera mentalità della felicità: la mentalità con cui svegliarsi ogni mattina - Le azioni che ci fanno sorridere: quali sono le attività che possono renderti felice su base giornaliera, settimanale, mensile e annuale - La dieta felice: cibo e bevanda magica per potenziare il tuo umore - Relazioni felici: come sviluppare relazioni per rendere la tua giornata migliore, non amara - Liberare i tuoi ormoni della felicità Non lasciarti cadere di nuovo in una truffa della felicità: più soldi, più successo, più potere. Impara a costruire uno stile di vita che porti felicità reale e sostenibile. Se non vuoi che la tua vita diventi un caso giudiziario, fai clic su Acquista ora e impara dall'esperienza di Ali.

The Las Señales de Dios

by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

The Signs of God explores the importance of mystical consciousness at this time of global transition. In the depths of the heart is hidden the secret purpose of creation, which is the key to our present time of transformation. The work of the mystic is to make this key accessible to humanity, and so open the doors of revelation. The possibilities of the future are present but veiled, the joy of life is waiting to return. The mystic can help us to awaken to the oneness that is essential to life, and to recognize the signs of God that will guide us and reveal our true purpose.

The Last Addiction: Own Your Desire, Live Beyond Recovery, Find Lasting Freedom

by Sharon Hersh

In an age of tell-all addiction memoirs and reality television programs, we gulp down the stories of others in the hope that we, too, can be overcomers-even as we continue to love a person, substance, activity, or ideology too much. As Sharon Hersh writes, "We all suffer from the same condition." In The Last Addiction, she explores why we are prone to addiction-to make one thing in our lives more central than it should be-and how we can break free of our compulsions.This is not a book of "self-help" answers or "how-to" steps. It is a book about falling down and getting up again, about realizing that we need more than ourselves to be saved. The truth is, we're not as bad as we think we are-and we are worse than we ever dreamed. When we live between those two realities, we are ready to let go of the last idol: the belief that we can save ourselves.The Last Addiction invites you to see your own story more clearly as you better understand your longing for intimacy. It invites you to love boldly and receive love in return. It invites you to the freedom of redemption.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Last Arrow: Save Nothing for the Next Life

by Erwin Raphael Mcmanus

Before You Die, Live the Life You Were Born To Live.When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did. The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as cultural pioneer and thought leader Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream. We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. Now the choice is yours. Will you cling to your arrows or risk them all, opting to live until you have nothing left to give? Time is short. Pick up The Last Arrow and begin the greatest quest of your life.

The Last Best Cure

by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

One day Donna Jackson Nakazawa found herself lying on the floor to recover from climbing the stairs. That's when it hit her. She was managing the symptoms of the autoimmune disorders that had plagued her for a decade, but she had lost her joy. As a science journalist, she was curious to know what mind-body strategies might help her. As a wife and mother she was determined to get her life back. Over the course of one year, Nakazawa researches and tests a variety of therapies including meditation, yoga, and acupuncture to find out what works. But the discovery of a little-known branch of research into Adverse Childhood Experiences causes her to have an epiphany about her illness that not only stuns her-it turns her life around. Perfect for readers of Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, Nakazawa shares her unexpected discoveries, amazing improvements, and shows listeners how they too can find their own last best cure.

Last Call: Alcoholism and Recovery

by Jack H. Hedblom

"I knew about drunk, but did not know anything about living sober. I hadn’t really been sober for fifteen years. It wasn’t enough that I stopped drinking. I had to learn how to live."The journey from alcoholic insanity to sobriety—and the pivotal role of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in navigating that transition—is the focus of Last Call. Using powerful first-person narratives like the one above (composites of many anonymous speakers), psychotherapist Jack H. Hedblom provides compelling insights into the minds and hearts of addicted drinkers, from bizarre behavior and denial to the moment of "hitting bottom" and seeking change. Hedblom covers the process of getting sober, from diagnosis to detox to sobriety. He focuses on the challenge of learning to live without drinking—a long-term goal, Hedblom asserts, that is best achieved by regular participation in AA.Hedblom’s vivid descriptions reveal AA meetings as gatherings of fellowship, compassion, tears, and laughter. In relating the history of the organization, he describes the role of sponsors, elaborates on the Twelve Steps and the Promises, emphasizes the importance of spiritual development in recovery, and refutes the common misconceptions that equate spirituality with organized religion. Through the stories of people who have escaped the tyranny of alcoholism with the help of AA, Hedblom shows that the road to recovery is a journey of self-discovery, change, and hope.

Last Chance to Live

by Younan Nowzaradan

Dr. Nowzaradan has dedicated much of his career to advocating quality medical management for the obese. While others were limiting weight loss surgery to those who weighed under 300-lbs., he was already performing safe laparoscopic weight loss surgery on super morbid obese individuals who weighed in excess of 600-lbs. Dr. Nowzaradan firmly believes in the care of the obese without discrimination or prejudice. In 2003, he performed laparoscopic weight loss surgery on the world's heaviest dad, heaviest mom, and heaviest teen. He has been featured in the hit TLC shows "Half Ton Killer," as well as "My 600-lb. Life," with the hope of influencing the public and the medical community to change their bias and negative opinion regarding severely obese individuals. Dr. Nowzaradan has become a beacon of hope for those who have struggled with their weight. He has changed the lives of many when others weren't willing to help them. As a doctor, he always helps to heal those that need it most.

The Last Day of My Life

by Jim Moret

Inspirational memoir about embracing life and asking the reader what they would do if they had only twenty-four hours to live.

Last Drink to LA: Confessions Of An Aa Survivor

by John Sutherland

Thirty-one years ago John Sutherland nearly lost everything to drink. It was time to sober up. Or die. Last Drink To LA is part reportage, part confession - not a temperance tale (told to terrify, inform and instruct), not what AA calls a "drunkalog", but a moving and thought-provoking meditation - some thinking about drinking.

Last Drink to LA: Confessions Of An Aa Survivor

by John Sutherland

Thirty-one years ago John Sutherland nearly lost everything to drink. It was time to sober up. Or die. Last Drink To LA is part reportage, part confession - not a temperance tale (told to terrify, inform and instruct), not what AA calls a "drunkalog", but a moving and thought-provoking meditation - some thinking about drinking.

Last Drinks: How to Drink Less and Be Your Best

by Maz Compton

Change your relationship with alcohol in just 30 days Informative, relatable and thought-provoking, Last Drinks is a deep dive for the sober curious that invites you to enjoy a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Maz Compton, celebrated TV personality, radio host, and podcaster — and sober since 2015— delivers honest, science-backed information about how cutting back your alcohol intake can improve your everyday life. Maz and her interviewees reveal candid, deeply personal stories about how and why they decided to stop drinking. Working with a range of health experts, Maz also shares practical strategies for reframing your relationship with alcohol. Her unique Sober 30 Plan will help you kick-start your sobriety in just 30 days. Last Drinks unpacks how alcohol affects the mind and body, questions the cultures and norms around drinking and identifies the common signs that habitual drinking might be negatively impacting you. Find motivation and encouragement through inspirational stories shared by those who have been there and gotten sober, including from well-known Australians like Osher Günsberg, Yumi Stynes, Alexa Towersey (aka Action Alexa), David Campbell, and Matt Agnew. Identify and articulate your relationship with alcohol using practical activities and a straightforward self-assessment. Curate a personal Sobriety Toolkit of strategies and tips that will set you up for sober success. Get a comprehensive Sober 30 Plan (approved by addiction experts!) that will guide and help you through your first thirty days of sobriety. If you are seeking a way to be more present, less dependent, and more proactive in managing your wellbeing, Last Drinks is the guide that will help you unleash your sober superpowers.

The Last Ecstasy of Life: Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying

by Phyllida Anam-Áire

• Emphasizes how shadow work, integrating past wounds, and healing our ancestry allows us to facilitate the ecstatic transition into the next life • Offers exercises and visualizations to help us integrate emotions like anger and grief, which impact the soul&’s readiness to leave the body when the time comes • Discusses what happens to our cells when we die with regard to the human energy field and explores the soul&’s journey through the aítes or bardos In the Celtic tradition dying is considered an act of birthing, of our consciousness passing from this life to the next. Informed by an early near-death experience, spiritual midwife and former nun Phyllida Anam-Áire offers an intimate overview of the sacred stages of the dying process seen through the lens of her Celtic heritage. Compassionately describing the final dissolution of the elements, she emphasizes how important it is to resolve and integrate our psycho-spiritual shadows and wounds in this lifetime. What truly heals is our capacity for authentic compassionate love--in life, in death, and after. Healing our ancestry before leaving the body eases not only our transition but sets future generations free from old stories held in our family systems.Sharing her insights into God consciousness, our earth/ego mind, and the soul&’s journey through the Aíte or bardos, Phyllida&’s poetic words guide us toward the final ecstasy as the soul leaves its material form and enters the vast Universal Heart of cosmic energy. Providing a deep spiritual understanding of the mysteries of death and the afterlife, this courageous book combines Celtic and Christian wisdom to dispel the fear of dying and invites us to live consciously and with love to our very last breath.

The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight: Waking up to personal and global transformation

by Thom Hartmann

The world is reaching crisis point, as population growth escalates out of control, and species and cultures are being destroyed. With humans across the globe encroaching further and further upon Earth's resources, the realisation that the supply is finite has dawned and we now face the urgent dilemma of knowing how to create a sustainable future for ourselves. In this important book, award-winning author and international lecturer Thom Hartmann puts forward his lasting solution to our survival. Teaching us a new way of seeing, Hartmann introduces us to the lessons of our ancient ancestors - those which allowed sustainable living for many thousands of years but which we've forgotten. It is a call for consciousness combining spirituality and ecology that offers real hope for the future.

Last in the Evening

by Osho International Foundation Osho

Falling asleep in front of a TV or computer screen, as many people do these days, is not the most relaxing way to end a busy day. What we do in the evening can affect our night's sleep, disturbing our sleep patterns and dreams. Last in the Evening is Osho talking on a variety of subjects specially selected for the evening. It gives you a different option for ending your day, a taste of meditation that can carry you through the night.Simply find time in the evening to sit quietly, be with yourself, and read the suggested passage. The extracts here, and in the companion volume First in the Morning, are taken from intimate one-on-one talks with Osho, and he suggested this compilation of his insights on a variety of subjects that include the nature of bliss, joy, and meditation.Whether you are familiar with meditation or a newcomer to the inner world, these two invaluable books, separately or together, can make a real difference to how you approach each day, and your life.

The Last Lecture

by Randy Pausch

When they retire, many professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture" where they speak about what they view as their legacy. When Pausch was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the lecture he gave, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment because "time is all you have ...and you may find one day that you have less than you think."

The Last Lecture

by Randy Pausch

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."---Randy Pausch <P><P>A lot of professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can't help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy? <P>When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didn't have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. <P> But the lecture he gave--"Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"--wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because "time is all you have...and you may find one day that you have less than you think"). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living. <P>In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humor, inspiration and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for generations to come.

The Last Living Slut: Born in Iran, Bred Backstage

by Roxana Shirazi

The Last Living Slut is the salaciously literary and sexually liberated account of one young woman’s transition from traditionally-raised Iranian to rock and roll groupie for Guns N Roses, Motley Crew, and many others. Paired with a powerful introduction by New York Times bestselling authors Neil Strauss and Anthony Bozza, Roxana Shirazi’s The Last Living Slut is a passionate tale of jilted love, brutal revenge, and backstage encounters that make Pamela Des Barres’s I’m With The Band read like the diary of a nun.

The Last Message Received

by Emily Trunko

Named one of the Top 10 Most Viral Blogs by Mashable, the Tumblr The Last Message Received—created by 16-year-old Emily Trunko—is now available as a gift book! What if a message someone sends you today is the last you&’ll ever receive from them? Would you respond differently, or even at all, if you knew that the end of a friendship, a brutal breakup, or worse might be coming, and that this might be your only chance? The collection The Last Message Received includes over a hundred final text messages, social media posts, emails, and more. Adapted from the popular Tumblr The Last Message Received—followed by more than 85,000 people and selected as a finalist for the Shorty Award—the Last Message Received book features sudden endings and the type of loss that will inspire readers to reflect on what&’s essential in their own lives and the importance of celebrating the people they love every day. Includes exclusive content not available on Tumblr!"The emotional gravitas on display is not to be denied." —Kirkus"Readers will return to this volume again and again, especially those in need of a bit of reassurance about the world." —SLJ Praise for the Tumblr The Last Message Received &“The Last Message Received Tumblr will break your heart.&” —Refinery 29 &“Get some tissues. Scratch that. Get all the tissues.&” —Cosmopolitan &“It&’s moving to see that other people have been through similar situations, and let&’s face it, we&’ve all received messages that we can&’t stop thinking about.&” —Teen Vogue

Last Minute Retirement Planning

by Stephen M. Rosenberg

It's time to get serious about all that's been going over your head for the past 20 years about things like Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, and mutual funds. You're lucky; you have options, and you're planning ahead. What you need is an objective source that can explain those options in terms you can understand. What you need is Last Minute Retirement Planning. More than 10 years till you retire? You've still got plenty of time to make good decisions, but it's time to get going because you have lots to decide. You have to put away as much as you can, and you have to make it grow. You need a practical and effective way to minimize your expenses and maximize your investments. You need Last Minute Retirement Planning. Less than 5 years till you retire? Your day is getting close. Now is the time to make some important decisions about what you want for your retirement, where you will live, and what you will do. Will you really retire, or continue to work? Hopefully, you've already built up a fund for retirement. But you need to know how to make it last for the length of your retirement. You need Last Minute Retirement Planning. Steve Rosenberg, CFP, is an investment advisor and president of Rosenberg Financial Group. He is the author of Last Minute Estate Planning and co-author of Every Woman's Guide to Financial Security. In the introduction to this book, he says, "You can make your retirement as wonderful as you want It only requires that you make smart decisions with your money. As investment advisor to hundreds of retirees, I know exactly what it takes to secure the retirement of your dreams."

Last Night's Reading: Illustrated Encounters with Extraordinary Authors

by Kate Gavino

An irresistible illustrated collection of charming, wise, and hilarious quotations from your favorite authorsWhy do we go to book readings? For a chance to see the authors we love come to life off the page, answering our questions and proving to be the brilliant, witty people we catch glimpses of through their work. Illustrator Kate Gavino (author of Sanpaku) captures the wonder of this experience firsthand. At every reading she attends, Kate hand-letters the event&’s most memorable quote alongside a charming portrait of the author. In Last Night&’s Reading, Kate takes us on her journey through the literary world, sharing illustrated insight from more than one hundred of today&’s greatest writers—including Zadie Smith, Junot Diaz, Lev Grossman, Elizabeth Gilbert, and many more—on topics ranging from friendship and humor to creativity and identity. A celebration of authors, reading, and bookstores, this delightful collection is an advice book like no other and a love letter to the joy of seeing your favorite author up close and personal.&“Instead of putting together a lengthy play-by-play of the event she witnessed, Gavino records the best quote, and accompanies it with a colorful sketch of the author. It sounds simple, but the results are striking and unforgettable.&” –Flavorwire"A witty love letter to the literary world." –The Boston Globe

The Last Safe Investment

by Michael Ellsberg Bryan Franklin

The case for investing in your own career before anything elseMichael Ellsberg and Bryan Franklin think you've been fed a lie: that if you save for decades and invest in 401(k)s, IRAs, and a home, these investments will grow steadily over decades, allowing twenty to thirty years of secure, peaceful retirement.This might have been true at some point in the last century, but it is not true any longer. If you want to get ahead and enjoy a life of prosperity, the authors argue that you must invest in the most powerful source of wealth you'll ever know: your own earning power.Ellsberg and Franklin reveal how investing in yourself in various ways can guarantee a return much higher than the stock market or real estate. Boosting your skills, leadership, persuasion ability, and your network enriches the quality and meaning of your life at the same time that it enriches your wallet. Why wouldn't you bet on yourself?

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