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Hitting the Mark

by Aidan Wayne

Marcus Economidis is a famous action-movie star renowned for doing his own stunts. But put him back in his Michigan hometown for his latest project and he’s a nervous wreck. Why? Taemin Choi—the taekwondo master who trained Marcus and helped him move beyond debilitating shyness to become the man he is today. Taemin was Marcus’s first crush, and now that he’s grown, their reunion might lead to more than a mentorship. Marcus’s kindness and confidence impresses Taemin, and the attraction is instant—for both of them. Making time for each other won’t be easy, what with Taemin training to qualify for the Olympics and Marcus working on his latest film. But it all seems worthwhile when they’re together, reacquainting themselves with each other—in the dojang and beyond—and nurturing a romance more satisfying than anything either ever thought possible. But can their romance withstand the pressures of Marcus’s fame and Taemin’s grueling schedule?

Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)

by Jay Hogan

An Auckland Med. StoryWhat if you’ve worked your whole life for a dream, to play rugby for the most successful sports team on the planet, the New Zealand All Blacks? What if that dream is so close you can smell it? What if you meet someone? What if you fall in love? What if your dream will cost the man who’s stolen your heart? And what if the dream changes? Reuben Taylor has a choice to make. Cameron Wano is that choice.

Kyle’s Reveal (My Brother's Keeper Collection #1)

by Royal Blue

My Brother's Keeper Collection: Book OneSome scars are on the body, while others exist only on the heart. But together, two scarred souls can find healing, love, and family. Professional basketball player Kyle Tyson is suffocating beneath the weight of his responsibilities and his past. Childhood abuse left its mark, as did Kyle’s guilt over his sister’s death. Now he’s trying to raise his young nephew, pursue his career, and dodge a narcissistic and manipulative ex who wants to out Kyle before he’s ready. Schoolteacher Andy Connor found comfort in food as a boy, and he bears the marks of a botched skin-tightening surgery following the dramatic weight loss that saved his life. Still, Andy is insecure about his body and can scarcely believe someone like Kyle could be interested in him. But as they get to know each other, Andy starts to see himself through new eyes. Now if he can just help Kyle learn to love himself as much as Andy is growing to love him.


by R. Cooper

Zwei Jahre Beziehung mit seinem kontrollsüchtigen Freund haben Chico in ein Wrack verwandelt. Und das noch lange, bevor dieser ihm eröffnet, dass er sich mit einem anderen trifft. Notgedrungen zieht Chico zu seinem Cousin in die Redwoods. In dessen Apartment über der Garage kämpft er sich mühsam durch den Alltag. Um ihn ab und an vor die Tür zu bekommen, drängt sein Cousin ihn dazu, sich als ehrenamtlicher Helfer für die jährliche Aufführung bei dem örtlichen Tanzstudio zu melden. Er rechnet nicht damit, sich in einem Tanzkurs wiederzufinden und sich in den Armen des attraktiven Tanzlehrers wieder lebendig zu fühlen. Rafael, der Sohn des Studiobesitzers, einst ein sehr begabter und bekannter Tänzer, genießt das Unterrichten jetzt in vollen Zügen. Obwohl Chico ihn mag, hat er Angst, erneut zu vertrauen. Aber Rafael ist wild entschlossen und so braucht es nur einen Tanz, um Chico zu zeigen, dass er noch vieles zu lernen hat.

Schneegestöber (Die Berge #2)

by P. D. Singer

Puderschnee, perfekt bearbeitete Pisten und elegante Hotels locken Reiche und erfahrene Skiläufer in das exklusive Wapiti Creek Ski Resort. Aber für Jake Landon und Kurt Carlson besteht der Reiz aus Arbeit. Als Skianfänger kümmert sich Jake um den Anfängerlift, aber Kurt befürchtet, dass er den ganzen Winter lang Schneeschippen muss. An einer privaten Skischule zu unterrichten sollte für ihn eigentlich ein Traumjob sein, aber seine neuen Freunde schauen ihn deswegen schief an und lachen über ihn. Jake und Kurt haben den ganzen Sommer zusammen in der Wildnis verbracht. Dass Jake sich nicht outen wollte, war nicht wichtig gewesen. Aber jetzt müssen sie ihre Beziehung in der Öffentlichkeit führen. Dabei stören die fünfjährigen Zwillinge, die Jake als ihren Skibegleiter adoptiert haben, genauso sehr wie das Mitglied der Skipatrouille, das sich in Jake verliebt hat. Möchtegern-Freunde, fiese Kollegen und die Gefahren des Berges könnten für Kurt und Jake das Ende bedeuten, aber die größte Gefahr für ihre Beziehung geht von ihnen selbst aus.

Here Comes the Flood (Elite Athletes #1)

by Kate McMurray

An Elite Athletes NovelTwo years ago, swimmer Isaac Flood hit rock bottom. His alcoholism caught up with him, landing him in jail with a DUI. After facing his demons in rehab, he’s ready to get back in the pool. He stuns everyone at the US Olympic Trials, and now he’s back at his fourth Olympics with something to prove. Diver Tim Swan made headlines for snatching a surprise gold medal four years ago, and then making a viral coming-out video with his actor boyfriend, the subject of splashy tabloid headlines. Now his relationship is over and Tim just wants to focus on winning gold again, but reporters in Madrid threaten to overshadow Tim’s skill on the platform. When Isaac and Tim meet, they recognize each other as kindred spirits—they are both dodging media pressure while devoting their lives to the sports they love. As they get to know each other—and try to one-up each other with their respective medal counts—they realize they’re becoming more than friends. But will the relationship burn bright for just sixteen days, or can it last past the Closing Ceremony?

Stick the Landing (Elite Athletes #2)

by Kate McMurray

An Elite Athletes NovelJake Mirakovitch might be the best gymnast in the world, but there’s one big problem: he chokes in international competition. The least successful of a family of world-class gymnasts, he has struggled to shake off nerves in the past. This time he’s determined to bring home the gold no matter what. Retired figure skater Topher Caldwell wants a job as a commentator for the American network that covers the Olympics, and at the Summer Olympics in Madrid, he has a chance to prove himself with a few live features. He can’t afford to stumble. Olympic victories eluded Topher, so he knows about tripping when it really counts. When he interviews Jake, the two bond over the weight of all that pressure. The flamboyant reporter attracts the kind of attention Jake—stuck in a glass closet—doesn’t want, but Jake can’t stay away. Topher doesn’t want to jeopardize his potential new job, and fooling around with a high-profile athlete seems like a surefire way to do just that. Yet Topher can’t stay away either….

Race for Redemption (Elite Athletes #3)

by Kate McMurray

An Elite Athletes NovelSprinter Jason Jones Jr., known around the world as JJ, is America’s hope to take the title of Fastest Man in the World, the champion of the Olympic 100-meter sprint. Two years before, a doping scandal brought his winning streak to a crashing end, and even though he’s been cleared of wrongdoing, he’s finding it hard to escape the damage to his reputation. At the Games in Madrid, no one believes he’s innocent, and officials from the doping agency follow him everywhere. It just fuels JJ’s determination to show them he’s clean and still the fastest man on earth. If only he wasn’t tempted by foxy hurdler Brandon Stanton, an engineering student and math prodigy who views each race like a complicated equation. His analytical approach helps him win races, and he wants to help JJ do the same. But JJ’s been burned too many times before and doesn’t trust anyone who has all the answers. No matter how sexy and charming JJ finds Brandon, the Olympics is no place for romance. Or is it?

Blueprint (Rules of Possession #1)

by S.E. Harmon

Kelly Cannon è soddisfatto della sua vita. Ha degli amici, una famiglia fantastica e un buon lavoro. La sua vita amorosa, però, fa davvero pietà. E per quale motivo? Perché il suo cuore ha deciso di infrangere due regole importanti: non innamorarsi di un etero e soprattutto non innamorarsi del proprio migliore amico. Il campione di football Britton “Blue” Montgomery è sotto pressione. Suo padre è interessato solo alla sua carriera di giocatore. I suoi allenatori vogliono che giochi senza infortunarsi di nuovo. E poi ci sono i tifosi, il suo agente e infine sua madre, che è ricomparsa dopo aver lasciato la famiglia anni prima. Come se non bastasse, il suo rapporto con Kelly si fa sempre più incerto, e questo lo spaventa più di qualsiasi altra cosa. Quando Kelly ammette di essere innamorato di lui, il loro legame è messo alla prova, e Blue deve decidere cosa conta davvero. Non vuole perdere la persona più importante della sua vita, ma il prezzo per tenere Kelly al suo fianco potrebbe essere più alto di quanto lui sia disposto a pagare. Per fortuna, il suo soprannome in campo è Blueprint, il Prototipo: è l’unico che potrà cambiare le regole del gioco.

Gletschergold (World of Love (Deutsch))

by Crystel Greene

Gay Romance im Schnee Justin aus LA hat mit seinem Studium zu kämpfen und glaubt auch sonst nicht wirklich an sich, aber er weiß, dass er in zwei Dingen gut ist: Snowboarden und Sex. Warum benimmt sich Andi, der heiße Snowboardlehrer in dem Tiroler Skiresort, in dem Justin Urlaub macht, als ob er Justin nicht mal sieht? Justin denkt bald nur noch an eins: den jungen Österreicher ins Bett zu kriegen. Denn nach einer Begegnung in der Sauna, weiß er, Andi mag ihn auch – auf jeden Fall vom Hals abwärts. Um ans Ziel zu kommen, bucht Justin Andi schließlich als privaten Guide für einen Heliboardingtrip. Aber auf dem Gletscher kommt es zum Drama. Andi verletzt sich, dann geraten die beiden Männer in einen Blizzard. Plötzlich geht es nicht mehr um Spaß im Schnee und darum, einem süßen Typen vom Lande zu seinem Ersten Mal zu verhelfen, sondern ums Überleben. Und um noch mehr. Denn als die beiden Männer die Nacht in einer Hütte am Berg verbringen müssen, wird klar: Das zwischen ihnen ist nicht bloß dieser wilde Mix aus Culture Clash und magnetischer körperlicher Anziehung, sondern etwas viel Größeres – vielleicht sogar Liebe.World of Love:Schwule Liebesgeschichten aus aller Herren Länder.

Più che amici (Serie Più che...)

by Lane Hayes

Quando Curt Townsend, giovane avvocato di successo di Washington, partecipa al suo primo matrimonio gay, non si aspetta niente di più di una bella serata per festeggiare due uomini fortunati disposti a impegnarsi l’uno con l’altro. Di certo non prevede d’incontrare qualcuno come Jack Farinelli. Jack ha quattordici anni più di lui e gestisce due attività: un gay bar e un negozio di moto. È splendido e sicuro di sé, e Curt è convinto di non aver nulla in comune con lui. Jack sta bene così com’è. È attratto dalla prontezza di spirito di Curt e dalla sua disinvoltura, ma soprattutto dalla loro inattesa passione comune per il baseball. Mentre creano un’amicizia basata sull’entusiasmo per lo sport, cominciano un viaggio che piano rivela come le loro differenze potrebbero essere il catalizzatore di una forte attrazione. Entrambi hanno provato sulla propria pelle cosa significa soffrire, ma si rendono conto di aver bisogno di mettere da parte il passato e imparare a guardare avanti con fiducia se vogliono avere un futuro insieme.

Rocking Thin Ice

by Z. Allora

Can a sexy rock star show a relationship-phobic ice skater that there’s more to life than gold medals? When ice-skating’s bad boy Blaze first glimpses Drake, every fantasy he’s ever had flares to life. Not only is rock star Drake sexy as sin, his songs awaken a longing in Blaze that he’s denied for years. But Blaze Parker doesn’t believe in relationships—at least not those that last more than twenty minutes. Drake Keys has dreamed about the sensual ice skater for years. When Drake is kicked out of his band because of his bisexuality, he drives across the country to finally see the man he’s had a crush on skate live. Though the attraction is instant and intense, both Blaze and Drake have baggage that puts any relationship on thin ice. Blaze is driven by a long-ago betrayal to prove himself a champion, and Drake, uncertain about the future, hopes to resurrect his music career. As they take a road trip together, Drake romances Blaze, hoping to melt his heart and show him that love is possible… but not without some tough decisions.

Beauregard and the Beast (Dreamspun Desires #88)

by Evie Drae

A Once Upon a Vegas Night TaleHis greatest prize can’t be won in the octagon. Champion MMA fighter Adam Littrell needs no distractions as he prepares for the fight that will determine whether he retires. But when he opens the door of his swanky Las Vegas home to his new personal assistant, Bo Wilkins, staying focused becomes a struggle. Aware of Adam’s surly reputation, Bo doesn't expect to like his new employer, let alone fall for him. But Bo is pleasantly surprised when a shared love of books leads them to study for their GEDs together and plan for a life after their current careers. Adam won't be able to fight forever, and Bo wants a relationship on equal footing. But just as their relationship is getting off the ground, the sister Bo raised needs his help, and he drops everything. With Adam’s final match looming and Bo in a different city, reuniting will be the real challenge.

Verborgene Facetten

by Jaime Samms

Ian McVeigh, geoutet und ungehemmt, hat seit Jahren eine flüchtige Beziehung nach der anderen. Deshalb kann er die ungewohnten Gefühle nicht einordnen, die der arbeitslose Rugby Spieler David – das neueste und höchst verlockende Spielzeug seines Bosses – bei ihm auslöst: eine Mischung aus Begehren und Beschützerinstinkt. Aber David Kelly ist ein Callboy und ein paar Nummern zu groß für Ian. Der bezaubernde, aber geldgierige David würde sich nie mit einem Mann wie Ian abgeben, der nicht die Mittel hat, ihn zu umwerben. Dennoch beachtet David Ian eines Tages nicht nur, er berührt ihn, flirtet mit ihm und fordert ihn geradezu auf, ihn seinem Gönner abspenstig zu machen. Aber David kann niemanden zu nahe an sich heranlassen. Ian weiß nicht viel über Davids Vergangenheit und das, was er nicht weiß, kann ihnen beiden schaden. Ian sagt, dass Davids Vergangenheit keine Rolle spielt, aber als er David mit einem älteren Mann sieht, nimmt er sofort das Schlimmste an. Beide Männer müssen sich der Wahrheit stellen, um einander nicht endgültig zu verlieren.

An Unrivaled Off-Season (Hockey Ever After)

by Ashlyn Kane Morgan James

Any other year, hockey player Grady Armstrong would be licking his wounds after a disappointing playoffs exit. Somehow, this year, he&’s in the stands as his rival-turned-boyfriend Max Lockhart competes for the Stanley Cup… and there&’s nowhere he&’d rather be. Well, except maybe lifting the Cup himself. So along with preparing his body for next season, Grady prepares to ask Max to stay in his life permanently. Max figures it can&’t be easy for Grady to watch Max cash in on his dreams, but if he&’s struggling, he hides it well—which is great, because they don&’t get much time together during the season, and it would suck if Grady spent the summer sulking. But while Grady may still be a competitive bastard, he doesn&’t sulk. He nurses Max through hangovers. He comes home with him for the summer. He loses fishing bets. He earns so many boyfriend points Max should really level him up. The question is, how?


by Mazarin Stone

Mahiro became a professional figure skater for one reason—to be near the object of his lust from the time he was a teenager, Alex Breschi. But he never advanced far enough for Alex to notice him. Now Alex is retired from skating and working as a thriller author, while Mahiro gracefully bowed out of competition years before to become a successful app developer and practicing Dom in New York City. Reality and fantasy collide at a penthouse play party when Mahiro meets his idol. Alex is researching a book, and he wants to learn more about the lifestyle. In fact, he wants to be trained as a submissive. By Mahiro. Mahiro knows it’s a terrible idea. He’s hardly objective, and Alex is a novice. Still, all those years of longing shatter his reserve, and he cannot refuse to have the man of his dreams in his hands. Alex will certainly notice him now, and since Alex is returning to Russia in a few months, Mahiro can have some fun without divulging his past… or his obsession. What does he have to lose? Just his heart.


by Eva Muñoz

Welcome, Motor Heads, Rally Girls, and Hangers-On! It’s another wild ride here at the Gathering—the underground world of fast cars, crazy drivers, and partying all night long. If you’re here, it means you’ve broken curfew. Not something the ruling Mob of Terra One encourages, but we’re all in the same boat, so let’s rock it! As long as you’ve paid off your local Associate, you’ll be fine. Maybe. Tonight’s race features racing royalty, ladies and gents! Let’s welcome seventeen-year-old Rebecca “RC” Camille, third in the Driver’s Index. She lives to race. Nothing but motor oil running through her veins, folks. Her aim? To be number one, beating out two of the boys she grew up with at the Open Arms orphanage. She’s lethal in her GT500KR. Nothing gets in her way. Not a sense of brotherhood. Not even love. Her challenger tonight? A psychotic serial killer willing to stop at nothing to eliminate the competition. Can RC stop him before he kills his way to the top? Or will she need reinforcements from the authority we all love to hate? Remember, children, the Mob never gives away their help for free.

Mean Machine

by Aleksandr Voinov

For a boxer ravaged by guilt and in deep denial of his desires, a fight beyond the ring might yield his greatest prize. In a dystopian UK devastated by austerity and ruled by corporate interests, Brooklyn Marshall was a happily married London police officer—until an accident resulted in the death of a protester connected to a powerful family. Now he takes out his anger and pain on his opponents, fighting for the company that took him into stewardship after his conviction and disgrace—and which all but owns him. Wealthy barrister Nathaniel Bishop fulfills his dream of a family when he adopts a daughter. He can’t resist researching her allegedly violent criminal father, but Brook isn’t at all what he expects. He’s fascinating… and maybe worthy of redemption. Through legal sleight of hand, Nathaniel thinks he can overturn Brook’s conviction. Brook has learned the hard way not to trust anyone, let alone a privileged man who’s purchased his “time.” But as they get to know each other, he allows himself to hope. With his fights getting deadlier, hope might be the only thing to carry Brook through.

Waves of Winter (World of Love)

by L.C. Chase

The west coast of Vancouver Island is one of the few places to boast world-class winter surfing, and Vancouverite Kellan Tremblay hits the waves as often as possible. On the ferry crossing to the island, he meets Australian Jax Colston. Jax is there for some snowboarding. He’s intrigued to discover that not only is winter surfing a thing, but you can surf and ski in the same day. Sensing a kindred spirit, Kellan offers to play tour guide and gives Jax a place to stay in his spare room. The two men bond over all things surf and snow, and it isn’t long before their passion for life lands them in bed together. Neither wants the week of cold days and hot nights to end, but Jax has to go home soon. Still, Jax doubts he’ll stay away for long. The draw of fresh powder, the long hot nights and the thrill of just being with Kellan will keep him coming back for a long time....World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

Downward Facing Dreamboat

by Bru Baker

Love is trying to catch up to two lonely men. Can they stop long enough to let it? Running defines Kincaid’s life. It’s not until he loses it that he realizes how isolated he’s become. But even if an injury hadn’t forced him to slow down, the hottie in the yoga studio would have given him pause. In fact, admiring the man each morning is the only thing keeping the spring in his step when it feels like he’s lost everything. Owen’s busy life as a yoga instructor doesn’t leave him much time to meet guys, let alone date. He’s convinced his passion for helping people is worth the sacrifice, but he’s willing to spare a few moments for the cutie who walks past the studio every morning. When their lives intersect and romance is set in motion, they stumble off the starting block. But no matter the obstacles in their path, this race won’t be over until they reach the finish… together.

Fall Through Spring (Winter Ball)

by Amy Lane

A Winter Ball NovelAs far as Clay Carpenter is concerned, his abusive relationship with food is the best thing he’s got going. When a good friend starts kicking his ass into gear, Clay is forced to reexamine everything he learned about food and love—and that’s right when he meets troubled graduate student, Dane Hayes.Dane Hayes doesn’t do the whole monogamy thing, but the minute he meets Clay Carpenter, he’s doing the friend thing in spades. The snarky, scruffy bastard not only gets Dane's wacky sense of humor, he also accepts the things Dane can’t control—like the bipolar disorder Dane has been trying to manage for the past six years.Dane is hoping for more than friendship, and Clay is looking at him with longing that isn't platonic. They’re both positive they’re bad at relationships, but with the help of forbidden desserts and new medication regimens, they prove outstanding at being with each other. But can they turn their friendship into the love neither of them has dared to hope for?

Home and Away (Dreamspun Desires #99)

by Ariel Tachna

Lexington LoversTaking their shot at love. University of Kentucky senior Kit Parkins has his life planned out. He’ll graduate, get a good job, find a better apartment, meet the guy of his dreams, and settle down to a happy life near his brother and uncles, the only family he has left. But meeting Lincoln Joyner, UK’s star basketball player, calls all his priorities into question. Like Kit, Linc knows exactly where life is taking him: to the NBA and as far away from his hardscrabble childhood as possible. There’s just one problem. He falls in love with Kit, who can’t imagine life anywhere but in Lexington. Can they find a way to keep their relationship going without giving up on their dreams?

Matchpoint (Dreamspun Desires #101)

by Gus Ralthocco

Beach volleyball player Caio Paraguassú is gearing up for the biggest event of his life at the Olympic Games in Paris. He’s taken part in the Games before, but this time he has his eye on the highest prize. A gold medal would go a long way toward healing the wounds left by Caio’s former lover and volleyball partner. Diego Torres left the sport he loved because of prejudice. Now he’s Caio’s friend, his partner in the sand, and a rising star in his own right. Together they can take on the world, or at least the world of beach volleyball. But the exhilaration of the Olympics brings out unexpected romantic feelings. Can Caio and Diego keep their focus and find the strength to fight for the podium and their love—even if it means facing an unexpected challenger on the court?

The Inside Edge

by Ashlyn Kane

What does a work-life balance look like to recently retired professional athletes? Ex-hockey player Nate Overton is trying to find out, but dipping his toes in the gay dating scene post-divorce is a daunting prospect even without the news that his show is on thin ice. Before he can tackle either issue, he skates headfirst into another problem—his new cohost. Former figure skater Aubrey Chase is the embodiment of a spoiled rich playboy. He’s also flamboyant, sharp, and hot as sin. Aubrey knows how important it is to get off on the right foot. He’s just not very good at it outside the rink. Having spent his life desperate for attention, he’ll do anything to get it—even the wrong kind. For Nate and Aubrey, opposites don’t so much attract as collide at center ice. But while Nate’s everything Aubrey has scrupulously avoided—until now—Aubrey falls suddenly head over heels, and Nate’s only looking for a rebound fling. Can Aubrey convince Nate to risk his heart again, or will their unexpected connection be checked at the first sign of trouble?

Embodying the Mystery: Somatic Wisdom for Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual Awakening

by Richard Strozzi-Heckler

• Follows the author&’s apprenticeships with masterful teachers, out-of-body experiences, meditation retreats in Asia, martial arts in Japan, facing his trauma at the hands of his father, and his struggles to become emotionally literate • Offers interpretations of his experiences poised as questions, reflections, and inquiries, inviting the reader to participate in what opened for the author on his quest for self-realization, including successes, failures, struggles, and enigmas Sharing profound stories, transformative incidents, and provocative situations from across his more than seven decades of life, founding elder of the Somatics movement Richard Strozzi-Heckler explores the moments of insight and awakening that have been pivotal in forming his unique perspectives within the fields of embodiment, meditation, Aikido, and leadership. Beginning with an early experience with death that revealed the universal principle of impermanence, the author takes us on a rich, textured journey into the inquiry of what it means to embody the mystery of spirit. As we follow him through apprenticeships with masterful teachers, out-of-body experiences, meditation retreats in Asia, martial arts in Japan, facing his trauma at the hands of his father, and his struggles to become emotionally literate, we&’re also taken on a path of learning, healing, and transformation. For each story, the author offers interpretations of his experiences poised as questions, reflections, and inquiries, rather than being distilled into direct lessons. In this way we are invited to participate in the author&’s reflections on what opened for him on his quest for self-realization, including successes, failures, struggles, and enigmas. The author demonstrates how his experiences unified and informed him professionally and personally, opening the possibilities of an emotional, energetic, and spiritual awakening by living the embodied life. A deeply personal and intimate portrayal of a life&’s journey through a somatic wisdom, this insightful memoir depicts the immeasurable wealth that teachers, practices, vulnerability, and community can offer the sincere seeker on an embodied spiritual path.

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