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Endings and Beginnings (Collars and Cuffs #8)

by K. C. Wells Parker Williams

Collars and Cuffs: Book EightIn all his relationships, Darren Fielding never found the level of intimacy he witnessed between Thomas Williams and his sub, Peter, the day of Peter's "rebirth." Not only that, he never realized such intimacy was possible. For two years, Thomas's business card has been burning a hole in his wallet. When Darren's lover moves on, maybe it's finally time to see where that card takes him. Collars & Cuffs' new barman, JJ Taylor, is really conflicted right now. He went to the club with a very specific purpose, already convinced of what he'd find there. Except it's not what he expected at all. He certainly didn't anticipate finding himself drawn to the new wannabe Dom. Nor could he have guessed the direction that attraction would lead him. Old love, new love, vows, pain, rage, moving in, moving on.... The members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that touches some of them deeply, but it will only reinforce what they already know: together they are stronger, and some bonds cannot be broken.

Threepeat (Secrets #3)

by K. C. Wells Parker Williams

Secrets: Book ThreeCan two Doms open their hearts again for a young man desperately in need of their help? Two years ago, Aaron Greene and Sam Thompson were devastated when their submissive broke the contract that bound the three of them together. They still wonder what happened and whether they can find a way to move forward. When Aaron finds a sick young man by the curbside, his protective instincts kick in, and after consulting Sam, he takes Tim home. After being thrown out of his home, Tim Waterman finds himself on the street, doing whatever he needs to survive. Until a bear of a Good Samaritan scoops him up and saves him. Then one bear becomes two, and a chance discovery gets him thinking about what might be, if he’s bold enough to make a move. So what happens when Aaron and Sam wake up one morning to find Tim naked in their bed? Will they get a new chance at life, or will history Threepeat itself?

An Unlocked Mind (Secrets Ser. #2)

by K. C. Wells Parker Williams

Secrets: Book TwoRob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that’s not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return—until he does… and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster. The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things—one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he’s looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob’s mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he’ll get to see the real Rob, the man who’s scared to let go….

BFF - Best Friends Forever (Italiano)

by K.C. Wells

Sto per fare qualcosa di straordinario che potrebbe cambiare… tutto. Ho conosciuto Matt in seconda elementare, e da allora siamo inseparabili. Abbiamo frequentato le stesse scuole, abbiamo studiato allo stesso college. Abbiamo trovato lavoro nella stessa città e condiviso un appartamento. E quando la mia vita ha preso una svolta inaspettata, Matt era lì accanto a me. In ogni momento importante della mia vita, lui c’era. E la cosa più meravigliosa è che, dopo tutti questi anni, siamo ancora migliori amici. Il che mi porta a questo momento, in cui tutto potrebbe finire: vorrei dirgli che lo amo, che lo amo davvero, ma ho paura di come reagirà. Devo trovare il modo giusto per farlo, perché rischio di perderlo… per sempre.

Burden (Love, Unexpected #2)

by K.C. Wells

A Love, Unexpected TaleThey never knew what hit them.A hooker with a heart, falling for a Vice cop? This is no Hollywood movie, and if they want a happily ever after, it's not going to be easy. Detective Randy Michaels is back with Vice, working to help NYC crack down on its prostitution problem. When he suspects Jesse Bryant of soliciting, Randy is torn between duty and his knowledge of what put Jesse on the streets. Jesse is clearly struggling, and he isn’t the only one. Recent events have forced Randy to question his sexuality, and a shocking encounter with Jesse plunges him into a crisis of conscience. Jesse didn’t think his life could get any worse. His family cut all support, his education is on hold, and he’s surviving the only way he knows—selling himself on the streets. Of all the people who could have offered him a helping hand, why did it have to be Randy? Two men carrying their own personal burdens: How long will it take them to realize that what they really need is each other?

A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr (Lions & Tigers & Bears #1)

by K.C. Wells

Lions & Tigers & Bears: Book OneIn the human world, shifters are a myth. In the shifter world, mates are a myth too. So how can tiger shifter Dellan Carson have two of them? Dellan has been trapped in his shifted form for so long, he’s almost forgotten how it feels to walk on two legs. Then photojournalist Rael Parton comes to interview the big-pharma CEO who holds Dellan captive in a glass-fronted cage in his office, and Dellan’s world is rocked to its core. When lion shifter Rael finds his newfound mate locked in shifted form, he’s shocked but determined to free him from his prison… and that means he needs help. Enter ex-military consultant and bear shifter Horvan Kojik. Horvan is the perfect guy to rescue Dellan. But mates? He’s never imagined settling down with one guy, let alone two. Rescuing Dellan and helping him to regain his humanity is only the start. The three lovers have dark secrets to uncover and even darker forces to overcome….

Il grogne, il rugit, il ronronne (Lions, Tigres et Ours #1)

by K.C. Wells

Pour les Hommes, les métamorphes ne sont rien de plus qu&’un mythe.Pour les métamorphes, le mythe, c&’est l&’existence des âmes sœurs.Mais alors, dans ce cas, comment se fait-il que le tigre-garou Dellan Carson ait hérité des deux à la fois ?Cela fait si longtemps que Dellan est piégé sous sa peau de tigre qu&’il en oublierait presque la sensation de pouvoir marcher sur deux jambes. Mais lorsque le photojournaliste Rael Parton se met en tête d&’interviewer le PDG du géant pharmaceutique qui le retient prisonnier dans son bureau à l&’intérieur d&’une cage de verre, son monde bascule.Abattu de découvrir son futur compagnon piégé à l&’état de tigre, Rael est bien déterminé à le libérer de sa prison… et pour ça, il aura besoin d&’aide.C&’est là qu&’intervient Horvan Kojik, ancien militaire et ours-garou spécialiste de ce genre de missions. Horvan est l&’homme de la situation pour voler à la rescousse de Dellan. Mais pour ce qui est d&’avoir une âme sœur ? Il ne s&’était jamais imaginé officialiser avec qui que ce soit, et encore moins deux fois.Sauver Dellan et l&’aider à redevenir humain n&’est que le commencement de leur histoire. Il reste aux trois amants de noirs secrets à percer et des forces obscures à éliminer…

In His Sights (Second Sight #1)

by K.C. Wells

Random letters belong on Scrabble tiles, not dead bodies. But when a demented serial killer targets Boston&’s gay population, leaving cryptic messages carved into his victims, lead detective Gary Mitchell has no choice but to play along.As the body count rises, Gary gets desperate enough to push aside his skepticism and accept the help of a psychic. Dan Porter says he can offer new clues, and Gary needs all the insight into the killer&’s mind he can get.Dan has lived with his gift–sometimes his curse–his entire life. He feels compelled to help, but only if he can keep his involvement secret. Experience has taught him to be cautious of the police and the press, but his growing connection to Gary distracts him from the real danger. As they edge closer to solving the puzzle, Dan finds himself in the killer&’s sights….

In Plain Sight (Second Sight #2)

by K.C. Wells

Detective Gary Mitchell and psychic Dan Porter are now investigating cold cases that are literally falling from the sky—a headless body in 2006 and a carpenter who fell from a roof two years ago. The first case leads them into dangerous territory. The second feels like a dead end. But what if they&’re connected? Gary has a lot of balls in the air—his work, his new relationship with Dan, his personal quest to discover more about his brother&’s murder…. And the more he looks into these two cases, the more convoluted the path becomes. Everyone is hiding something, and some people would do anything to make sure Gary and Dan don't uncover the truth. Dangerous territory indeed.

Lügen haben kurze Beine (Mord in Merrychurch)

by K.C. Wells

Jonathon de Mountfords Besuch bei seinem Onkel Dominic im Dorf Merrychurch steht von Anfang an unter einem schlechten Stern. Bei seiner Ankunft wartet Dominic nicht am Bahnhof, und als Jonathon ihn schließlich tot in seinem Arbeitszimmer auffindet - offenbar infolge eines Sturzes -, stellt sich seine ganze Welt auf den Kopf. Zum einen ist Jonathon der nächste Erbe des Herrenhauses, zum anderen bezweifelt er, dass es sich bei dem Tod seines Onkels um einen Unfall handelt. Mithilfe von Mike Tattersall, dem Besitzer des Dorfpubs, macht sich Jonathon daran, seine Theorie zu beweisen - soweit er sich konzentrieren kann, ohne von dem gut aussehenden Mike abgelenkt zu werden.Die beiden stoßen auf eine immer länger werdende Liste von Leuten, die Grund hatten, Dominic den Tod zu wünschen. Als die Ereignisse schließlich eine unerwartete Wendung nehmen, sind die Amateurdetektive ratlos. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass der ermittelnde Inspektor der Letzte ist, den Mike sehen möchte, und die beiden strikt angewiesen werden, sich aus den Polizeiangelegenheiten herauszuhalten.Doch Jonathon fühlt sich durch dieses Verbot erst recht angestachelt, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen …

A Novel Murder (Merrychurch Mysteries #3)

by K.C. Wells

Sequel To Roots of EvilA Merrychurch Mysteries CaseHosting the Merrychurch Literary Festival is just the distraction Jonathon de Mountford needs. Placating his father and keeping his boyfriend, Mike Tattersall, happy is proving an increasing struggle. But the small event takes on new proportions with the appearance of Teresa Malvain—former Merrychurch resident turned famous murder mystery novelist. But is something about the quaint village setting of her books a little too familiar? Teresa’s sudden death is certainly something right out of one of her stories, and Jonathan and Mike soon discover there are villagers who might not want the inspiration behind her books revealed. When it emerges Teresa’s severe allergic reaction was no accident, Jonathon and Mike are compelled to investigate, aided by a few people keen to help them discover the truth. But they’re trying to work out what is fact and what is fiction, and the line between the two blurs constantly. And as for their relationship, Jonathon finally comes to a decision….

Out of Sight (Second Sight #3)

by K.C. Wells

Detective Gary Mitchell and psychic Dan Porter have a new cold case to tackle, and new leads to research in the hunt for Gary&’s brother&’s killer. Their life in Boston has settled into a comfortable rhythm. But when forensic discoveries in a recent robbery gone wrong share similarities with their three- year-old cold case, all they can do is follow the evidence—and Dan&’s gift—which leads them in an unexpected direction, way out of their comfort zone. Gary and Dan find themselves in a shadowy world where they can trust no one, with unseen opponents who want them to back away from their investigation—and suddenly they&’re in a race they have to win. Because if they don&’t, the consequences could be more far-reaching than they could possibly imagine.

Roots of Evil (Merrychurch Mysteries #2)

by K.C. Wells

Sequel to Truth Will OutA Merrychurch Mysteries CaseMany consider Naomi Teedle the village witch. Most people avoid her except when they have need of her herbs and potions. She lives alone on the outskirts of Merrychurch, and that’s fine by everyone—old Mrs. Teedle is not the most pleasant of people. But when she is found murdered, her mouth bulging with her own herbs and roots, suddenly no one has a bad word to say about her. Jonathon de Mountford is adjusting to life up at the manor house, but it’s not a solitary life: pub landlord Mike Tattersall sees to that. Jonathon is both horrified to learn of the recent murder and confused by the sudden reversal of public opinion. Surely someone in the village had reason to want her dead? He and Mike decide it’s time for them to step in and “help” the local police with their investigation. Only problem is, their sleuthing uncovers more than one suspect—and the list is getting longer….

A Snarl, a Splash, and a Shock (Lions & Tigers & Bears #2)

by K.C. Wells

As part of a military team, Crank needs to keep his head on straight. His unit depends on it. So the recurring sensual dreams he&’s having—the ones featuring a shark shifter with dark brown hair and eyes—really screw with his focus. Especially since the shifter is a guy.Greenland shark shifter Vic can&’t stop thinking about Crank, a human military guy he met when Vic got called in for a consult. Crank seems handy with anything that flies, and Vic would be happy to have him at his back, in more ways than one. And that&’s a problem—firstly because Vic&’s in love with his boyfriend, Saul, but also because Crank is sarcastic, irreverent… and straight.The problem comes to a head when Saul discovers Vic has been dreaming about a man who isn&’t him. Saul does not share. But when Crank starts invading Saul&’s dreams too, he has to reassess his feelings. His life may depend on it.Exploring the growing connection between the three of them will have to wait, though. The upcoming mission demands the team&’s full attention. They&’re about to discover something huge, and they have badly underestimated the enemy….

Sortir des ombres (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #40)

by K.C. Wells

Peut-on sortir de l’obscurité pour une lueur de tendresse ? Il y a huit ans, Christian Hernandez déménage à Jamaica Plain, côté sud de Boston, et trouve refuge dans son nouvel appartement en se coupant complètement du reste du monde. C’est dans cette solitude qu’il voit l’avenir. Josh Wendell a entendu à maintes reprises ses collègues parler de l’occupant de l’appartement n° 1. Personne ne voit jamais le mystérieux étranger, et Josh est bien le dernier à savoir résister à ce genre d’énigme. Lorsqu’il est engagé pour remettre à neuf la cuisine et les sanitaires de l’appartement en question, Josh n’a qu’une hâte : découvrir ce qui se cache derrière toutes ces rumeurs. Une fois face à Christian, Josh comprend finalement pourquoi l’homme évite les regards indiscrets. Les deux hommes se rapprochent peu à peu, et Josh commence à voir par-delà le masque de cet homme qu’il n’apprécie que davantage. Mais Christian trouvera-t-il le courage d’émerger de l’ombre de son existence solitaire pour l’homme qui a ravi son cœur ?

Un grognement, un plouf et un choc (Lions, Tigres et Ours)

by K.C. Wells

En tant que membre d&’une équipe militaire, Crank doit garder la tête froide. Son unité en dépend. C&’est pourquoi les rêves sensuels récurrents qu&’il fait – ceux qui mettent en scène un requin métamorpheaux cheveux et aux yeux marron foncé – le déconcentrent totalement. D&’autant plus que le métamorphe est un homme. Vic, le métamorphe requin du Groenland, n&’arrête pas de penser à Crank, un militaire humain qu&’il a rencontré lorsque Vic a été appelé en tant que consultant. L&’homme semble être un pilote aguerri, et il serait heureux de l&’avoir à ses côtés, à plus d&’un titre. Et c&’est un problème, d&’abord parce que Vic est amoureux de son petit ami, Saul, mais aussi parce que Crank est sarcastique, irrévérencieux… et hétérosexuel. Le problème atteint son paroxysme lorsque Saul découvre que son compagnon rêve d&’un autre homme que lui. Saul n&’est pas heureux de cette découverte. Mais lorsque Crank commence à envahir ses rêves, il doit revoir ses sentiments. Sa vie peut en dépendre. Mais l&’exploration du lien grandissant entre eux trois devra attendre. La mission à venir exige toute l&’attention de l&’équipe. Ils sont sur le point de découvrir quelque chose d&’énorme et ils ont gravement sous-estimé l&’ennemi…

Under the Covers (Dreamspun Desires #100)

by K.C. Wells

Can they find their HEA in Romancelandia? Chris Tyler loves his job. He photographs some of the hottest guys on the planet, but none stir him like Jase Mitchell. He’ll never let Jase know – he values their friendship too much to spoil it. Jase is looking forward to the Under The Covers Romance convention. It’s a great opportunity to connect with readers who want to meet their favorite cover model, but more importantly, with agents who could advance his career. Too bad the only person he yearns to connect with is Chris. What Chris wants is Jase in his life, but he’s afraid that’s sheer fantasy. What Jase desires is a Hollywood dream, but that will mean leaving Chris behind. What both crave is a real-life romance and their own Happily Ever After.

Vertrauen in Thomas (Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch) #2)

by K.C. Wells

Buch 2 in der Serie - Collars & CuffsWeihnachten ist das Fest des Schenkens und der Nächstenliebe, doch Thomas Williams, Mitinhaber des BDSM-Clubs Collars&Cuffs, bekommt ein unerwartetes Geschenk, bei dem ihm angst und bange wird. Ein befreundeter Dom aus einem anderen Club in Manchester bittet Thomas um Hilfe bei der Rettung eines misshandelten Submissiven, Peter Nicholson. Seinem Freund zuliebe erklärt Thomas sich bereit, den jungen Mann bei sich aufzunehmen und sich um ihn zu kümmern, bis er sich wieder erholt hat. Doch er stellt klar, dass er noch nie einen Sub hatte und auch keinen will. Peter findet sein neues Leben bei Thomas ruhig und friedlich, doch seine Vergangenheit macht es ihm schwer, wieder einem Dom sein Vertrauen zu schenken. Als Thomas sich jedoch nicht so verhält, wie Peter es erwartet, verblassen die Alpträume allmählich und er beschließt, dass er mehr über das D/s-Leben erfahren möchte. Thomas, der in der Szene als Ausbilder für Subs bekannt ist, beginnt Peter zu unterrichten. Doch als der unerfahrene Sub sich ihm öffnet, stellt Thomas fest, dass er mehr für Peter empfindet, als er sollte. Gerade, als er sich dazu entschlossen hat, Peter endlich einen festen Dom zu suchen, müssen sie erkennen, dass Peters Peiniger immer noch eine ernste Bedrohung darstellt. Angesichts der Gefahr, in der sie beide schweben, kann Thomas seine Gefühle für Peter nicht mehr verleugnen. Die Frage ist jetzt nur, ob Peter lebendig aus der Höhle des Löwen entkommen wird, sodass Thomas seinem Boy sagen kann, dass er ihn liebt.

Jemand, der mich hält (Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch))

by K.C. Wells Parker Williams

Der achtzehnjährige Scott Keating weiß, dass es jenseits seines strengen Elternhauses noch eine andere Welt gibt, aber er hat keine Ahnung, was es dort alles zu entdecken gibt. Das ändert sich, als er Zugang zum Internet bekommt und in einem Chatroom JeffUK kennenlernt, der ihn liebt und versteht. Als Jeff ihn nach Großbritannien einlädt, ergreift Scott die Chance, seinem eintönigen Leben zu entkommen und mehr von der Welt zu sehen. Doch dann landet das Flugzeug in Manchester und Jeff ist nirgendwo zu sehen. Scott wird von Panik erfasst. Ben Winters ist Barmann und Dom-in-Training im Collars&Cuffs. Als er seine Schwester zum Flughafen bringt, trifft er dort auf den verängstigten Scott, der nicht weiß, was er tun soll. Nachdem Ben Scotts Geschichte gehört hat, klingeln bei ihm sämtliche Alarmglocken. Sein Beschützerinstinkt wird geweckt und er nimmt den naiven Jungen mit ins Collars&Cuffs, weil er hofft, dass einer seiner Chefs Scott helfen kann. Scott träumt davon, mit Herz und Seele einem Mann zu gehören. Ben sehnt sich nach seinem eigenen Sub. Keiner der beiden erkennt, was sie direkt vor Augen haben.

On the Same Page (Secrets #4)

by K.C. Wells Parker Williams

Secrets: Book FourWhen a Dom invites a shy bookstore owner to live out his fantasies, more than one life will be transformed. Words are Heath Snow’s life. He can’t remember a time when he didn’t have his nose buried in a book. He couldn’t make a living as a writer, so he did the next best thing—he bought a bookstore. But when he’s not selling books, he’s living vicariously through the characters he encounters. Real men can’t hold a candle to the hot men in his favorite genre. The Pride display in the bookstore window may be what captured Xavier James’s attention, but the man enthusing about books interests him more. The BDSM book lying next to the cash register is a pleasant surprise, and when he draws attention to it, Heath’s flushed cheeks and bright eyes pique Xavier’s curiosity even further. Xavier is about to learn that some things are more important than work, and Heath is about to step out of his comfort zone, into a place where fantasy and real life coexist.

Briar Girls

by Rebecca Kim Wells

The Cruel Prince meets A Curse So Dark and Lonely in this epic reimagining of &“The Sleeping Beauty&” that follows a teen girl on a quest to wake a sleeping princess in an enchanted forest, while searching for the truth behind her own deadly curse.Lena has a secret: the touch of her skin can kill. Cursed by a witch before she was born, Lena has always lived in fear and isolation. But after a devastating mistake, she and her father are forced to flee to a village near the Silence, a mysterious forest with a reputation for luring people into the trees, never to be seen again…​ Until the night an enigmatic girl stumbles out of the Silence and into Lena&’s sheltered world. Miranda comes from the Gather, a city in the forest brimming with magic. She is on a quest to wake a sleeping princess believed to hold the key to liberating the Gather from its tyrannical ruler—and she offers Lena a bargain. If Lena assists her on her journey, Miranda will help her break the curse. Mesmerized by Miranda and her promise of a new life, Lena jumps at the chance. But the deeper into the Silence she goes, the more she suspects she&’s been lied to—about her family&’s history, her curse, and her future. As the shadows close in, Lena must choose who to trust and decide whether it&’s more important to have freedom…or power.

Shatter the Sky (The Shatter the Sky Duology #1)

by Rebecca Kim Wells

New England Book Award Finalist&“A top-notch dragon story…Both nuanced and real.&” —Shelf Awareness (starred review)&“I absolutely devoured it.&” —Mackenzi Lee, bestselling author of The Gentleman&’s Guide to Vice and Virtue &“Perfect for fans of Tamora Pierce, Renée Ahdieh, and Cindy Pon.&” —Saundra Mitchell, author of All the Things We Do in the Dark and editor of YA anthology All OutA determined young woman sets out to rescue her kidnapped girlfriend by stealing a dragon from the corrupt emperor in this stunning fantasy debut that&’s perfect for fans of Margaret Rogerson, Rae Carson, and Rachel Hartman.Raised among the ruins of a conquered mountain nation, Maren dreams only of sharing a quiet life with her girlfriend Kaia—until the day Kaia is abducted by the Aurati, prophetic agents of the emperor, and forced to join their ranks. Desperate to save her, Maren hatches a plan to steal one of the emperor&’s coveted dragons and storm the Aurati stronghold.If Maren is to have any hope of succeeding, she must become an apprentice to the Aromatory—the emperor&’s mysterious dragon trainer. But Maren is unprepared for the dangerous secrets she uncovers: rumors of a lost prince, a brewing rebellion, and a prophecy that threatens to shatter the empire itself. Not to mention the strange dreams she&’s been having about a beast deep underground…With time running out, can Maren survive long enough to rescue Kaia from impending death? Or could it be that Maren is destined for something greater than she could have ever imagined?

Storm the Earth (The Shatter the Sky Duology)

by Rebecca Kim Wells

Maren and her girlfriend Kaia set out to rescue Sev and free the dragons from the corrupt emperor in the explosive finale to the journey that began with the thrilling Shatter the Sky.Let them burn. Maren&’s world was shattered when her girlfriend, Kaia, was abducted by the Aurati. After a daring rescue, they&’ve finally been reunited, but Maren's life is still in pieces: Kaia seems more like a stranger than the lover Maren knew back home; Naava, the mother of all dragons, has retreated into seclusion to recover from her wounds, leaving Maren at a loss on how to set the rest of the dragons free; and worst of all, her friend Sev has been captured by the emperor&’s Talons. As a prisoner of Zefed, Sev finds himself entangled in a treacherous game of court politics. With more people joining the rebellion, whispers of a rogue dragon mistress spreading, and escape seeming less likely with each passing day, Sev knows that it won&’t be long before the emperor decides to make an example of him. If he&’s to survive, he&’ll have to strike first—or hope Maren reaches him in time. With the final battle for Zefed looming, Maren must set aside her fears, draw upon all she&’s learned about her dragon-touched abilities, and face her destiny once and for all. But when the fighting is over and the smoke clears, who will be left standing?

The Unquiet Heart

by Kaite Welsh

Kaite Welsh's thrilling medical mystery THE UNQUIET HEART is the second in the gothic Sarah Gilchrist series, following a medical student turned detective in Victorian Edinburgh. For readers of Natasha Pulley's THE WATCHMAKER OF FILIGREE STREET or Laura Purcell's THE SILENT COMPANIONSThis powerful novel combines a disturbing look at late Victorian attitudes towards women and morality with a satisfying murder mystery - Sunday ExpressSarah Gilchrist has no intention of marrying her dull fiancé Miles, the man her family hope will restore her reputation and put an end to her dreams of becoming a doctor, but when he is arrested for a murder she is sure he didn't commit she finds herself his reluctant ally. Beneath the genteel façade of upper class Edinburgh lurks blackmail, adultery, poison and madness and Sarah must return to Edinburgh's slums, back alleys and asylums as she discovers the dark past about a family where no one is what they seem, even Miles himself. It also brings her back into the orbit of her mercurial professor, Gregory Merchiston - he sees Sarah as his protegee, but can he stave off his demons long enough to teach her the skills that will save her life?

The Unquiet Heart

by Kaite Welsh

Kaite Welsh's thrilling medical mystery THE UNQUIET HEART is the second in the gothic Sarah Gilchrist series, following a medical student turned detective in Victorian Edinburgh. For readers of Natasha Pulley's THE WATCHMAKER OF FILIGREE STREET or Laura Purcell's THE SILENT COMPANIONSThis powerful novel combines a disturbing look at late Victorian attitudes towards women and morality with a satisfying murder mystery - Sunday ExpressSarah Gilchrist has no intention of marrying her dull fiancé Miles, the man her family hope will restore her reputation and put an end to her dreams of becoming a doctor, but when he is arrested for a murder she is sure he didn't commit she finds herself his reluctant ally. Beneath the genteel façade of upper class Edinburgh lurks blackmail, adultery, poison and madness and Sarah must return to Edinburgh's slums, back alleys and asylums as she discovers the dark past about a family where no one is what they seem, even Miles himself. It also brings her back into the orbit of her mercurial professor, Gregory Merchiston - he sees Sarah as his protegee, but can he stave off his demons long enough to teach her the skills that will save her life?(P)2019 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

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