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Showing 21,026 through 21,050 of 21,591 results

World Yearbook of Education 1968: Education Within Industry (World Yearbook of Education)

by Joseph A. Lauwerys David G. Scanlon

"First Published in 2005, Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company."

World Yearbook of Education 1969: Examinations (World Yearbook of Education)

by Joseph A. Lauwerys and David G. Scanlon

First Published in 2005. Almost everywhere policies designed to broaden access to education and to promote equality of opportunity are now pursued. In consequence the importance of examinations grows, since success in them determines entry to higher education and thus to professional posts. They are therefore a major instrument of social mobility and promotion which affects social structure by applying criteria of selection nearly always accepted unconsciously and uncritically. The aim of this text in selecting Examinations as the theme of the 1969 WORLD YEAR BOOK, was to present a comparative analysis of the way in which examinations are devised, administered and assessed, to find out why we are examining, and to look at the ways in which we examine to see if these are efficient, relevant and reliable.

World Yearbook of Education 1970: Education in Cities (World Yearbook of Education)

by Joseph A. Lauwerys David G. Scanlon

"First Published in 2005, Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company."

World Yearbook of Education 1971/2: Higher Education in a Changing World (World Yearbook of Education)

by Brian Holmes David G. Scanlon W. R. Niblett

Published in the year 2005, the World Yearbook of Education 1971/2 is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1972/3: Universities Facing the Future (World Yearbook of Education)

by W. Roy Niblett R. Freeman Butts Brian Holmes

|Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1972/3 is a valuable contrubtion to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1974: Education and Rural Development (World Yearbook of Education)

by Philip Foster James R. Sheffield

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1974 is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works

World Yearbook of Education 1979: Recurrent Education and Lifelong Learning (World Yearbook of Education)

by Tom Schuller Jacquetta Megarry

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1979 is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1980: The Professional Development of Teachers (World Yearbook of Education)

by Eric Hoyle Jacquetta Megarry

Published in 2005, "World Yearbook of Education 1980" is an important contribution to the Major Works Series.

World Yearbook of Education 1981: Education of Minorities (World Yearbook of Education)


First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

World Yearbook of Education 1982/3: Computers and Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Jacquetta Megarry

The World Yearbook of Education was first published by the Evans Brothers in 1965 in association with the University of London Institute of Education and Teachers College, Columbia University. Since then it has become established as one of the most important forums for work in comparative education in the world. Each volume addresses a major issue in comparative education and includes contributions from a range of leading international scholars. Subjects covered include: The impact of IT on education Gender, race and class in education Higher education Special educational needs and inclusive education Educational management

World Yearbook of Education 1984: Women and Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Sandra Acker Jacquetta Megarry Stanley Nisbet Eric Hoyle

Published in the year 2005, World Yearboook of Education 1984 is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1985: Research, Policy and Practice (World Yearbook of Education)

by John Nisbet Jacquetta Megarry Stanley Nisbet

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1985, is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1986: The Management of Schools (World Yearbook of Education)

by Eric Hoyle Agnes Mcmahon

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1987: Vocational Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by John Twining Stanley Nisbet Jacquetta Megarry

The World Yearbook of Education was first published by the Evans Brothers in 1965 in association with the University of London Institute of Education and Teachers College, Columbia University. Since then it has become established as one of the most important forums for work in comparative education in the worldEach volume addresses a major issue in comparative education and includes contributions from a range of leading international scholars. The World Yearbook was originally published by Evans Brothers, then by Kogan Page and is now published by Routledge. It has not appeared in every year since its initial publication. This current collection will reprint all titles not currently available, from 1965

World Yearbook of Education 1988: Education for the New Technologies (World Yearbook of Education)

by Duncan Harris

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1988 is a valuable contribution to Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1989: Health Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Chris James John Balding Duncan Harris

Published in 2005, "World Yearbook of Education 1989: Health Education is a valuable addition to the Major Works Series.

World Yearbook of Education 1990: Assessment & Evaluation (World Yearbook of Education)

by Chris Bell Duncan Harris

First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

World Yearbook of Education 1991: International Schools and International Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Duncan Harris Patricia L. Jonietz

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education 1991 is a valuable contribution to Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1992: Urban Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by David Coulby Duncan Harris Crispin Jones

Published in the year 2005, World Yearbook of Education is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

World Yearbook of Education 1993: Special Needs Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Peter Mittler Ron Brouillette Duncan Harris

First published in 2005. The goal of Education For All, set by the United Nations at the 1990 Jomtien (Thailand) Conference and adopted by heads of state at the World Summit for Children in the same year, confronts all of us with the fundamental challenge of including children with disabilities in the education system of all nations. The aim of this book is to record, analyse and celebrate positive signs of growth and development in the field of special needs education but with particular reference to children with significant disabilities. The special education theme was selected for the 1993 edition of The World Yearbook of Education in synchrony with the ending of the UN Decade of Disabled Persons, 1983 to 1992.

World Yearbook of Education 2005: Globalization and Nationalism in Education (World Yearbook of Education #Vol. 2005)

by David Coulby Evie Zambeta

This volume deals with two major and apparently opposing forces within education and society: globalization and nationalism. Globalization is often considered in economic terms - of continued growth of international trade and a concentration of wealth in corporate hands - yet it also encompasses technological, political and cultural change. The World Yearbook of Education 2005 explores the role of the education sector in our globalized knowledge economy, and considers the political implications of this in terms of monopolarity and the cultural consequences of homogenization and Americanization. The other strand of this study - nationalism - remains a persistent force within education and society in all parts of the world, and this volume examines the extent to which it can fuel conflict at all levels through prejudice and intolerance. Concentrating on the epistemological consequences of nationalism, leading international thinkers examine the extent to which it is reflected in the curricula of schools and universities around the world.Finally, the complex relationship between globalization and nationalism is explored, and contributors explore the part that educational institutions and practices play in forming both agendas. A wide range of perspectives are employed, including post-colonial discourse, classical economics and sociological theory.Nationalism and globalization are both ongoing processes, and this volume makes a case for the central role of education in both - through its potential to influence change and to act as benevolent force in shaping a global community.

World Yearbook of Education 2006: Education, Research and Policy: Steering the Knowledge-Based Economy (World Yearbook of Education)

by Thomas S. Popkewitz Terri Seddon

This volume considers the ways in which educational research is being shaped by policy across the globe. Policy effects on research are increasingly influential, as policies in and beyond education drive the formation of a knowledge-based economy by supporting increased international competitiveness through more effective, evidence-based interventions in schooling, education and training systems. What consequences does this increased steering have for research in education? How do transnational agencies make their influence felt on educational research? How do national systems and traditions of educational research - and relations with policy - respond to these new pressures? What effects does it have on the quality of research and on the freedom of researchers to pursue their own agendas? The 2006 volume of the World Yearbook of Education explores these issues, focusing on three key themes: globalising policy and research in education steering education research in national contexts global-local politics of education research. The 2006 volume has a truly global reach, incorporating transnational policy perspectives from the OECD and the European Commission, alongside national cases from across the world in contrasting contexts that include North and South America, Canada, France, Singapore, China, Russia and New Zealand. The range of contributions reflect how pervasive these developments are, how much is new in this situation and to what extent evidence-based policy pressures on research in education build on past relationships between education and policy. This book considers the impact of the steering processes on the work and identities of individual researchers and considers how research can be organised to play a more active role in the politics of the knowledge economy and learning society.

World Yearbook of Education 2008: Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education (World Yearbook of Education #Vol. 2008)

by Debbie Epstein Rebecca Boden Rosemary Deem Fazal Rizvi Susan Wright

This volume examines higher education in globalized conditions through a focus on the spatial, historic and economic relations of power in which it is embedded. Distinct geometries of power are emerging as the knowledge production capability of universities is increasingly globalized. Changes in the organization and practices of higher education tend to travel from the ‘West to the rest’. Thus, distinctive geographies of knowledge are being produced, intersected by geometries of power and raising questions about the recognition, production, control and usage of university-produced knowledge in different regions of the world. What flows of power and influence can be traced in the shifting geographies of higher education? How do national systems locate themselves in global arenas, and what consequences does such positioning have for local practices and relations of higher education? How do universities and university workers respond to the increasing commodification of knowledge? How do consumers of knowledge assess the quality of the ‘goods’ on offer in a global marketplace? The 2008 volume of the World yearbook addresses these questions, highlighting four key areas: Producing and Reproducing the University— How is the university adapting to the pressures of globalization? Supplying Knowledge—What structural and cultural changes are demanded from the university in its new role as a free market supplier of knowledge? Demanding Knowledge—Marketing and Consumption—How can consumers best assess the quality of education on a global scale? Transnational Academic Flows—What trends are evident in the flow of students, knowledge and capital, with what consequences? The 2008 volume is interdisciplinary in its approach, drawing on scholarship from accounting, finance and human geography as well as from the field of education. Transnational influences examined include UNESCO and OECD, GATS and the effects of digital technologies. Contrasting contexts include Central and Eastern Europe, Finland, China and India and England. With its emphasis on the interrelationship of knowledge and power, and its attention to emergent spatial inequalities, Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education provides a rich and compelling resource for understanding emergent practices and relations of knowledge production and exchange in global higher education.

The World’s 200 Hardest Brain Teasers: Mind-Boggling Puzzles, Problems, and Curious Questions to Sharpen Your Brain

by Gary R. Gruber

FLEX YOUR brain power like never before! From acclaimed author Dr. Gary Gruber, whose proven critical-thinking methods have sold more than seven million books, this collection of mind-bending brain teasers is sure to challenge even the most experienced problem solver. Inside are logic puzzles, riddles, maddening math problems, mental games, and more! A ship is twice as old as the ship's boiler was when the ship was as old as the boiler is. The ratio of the boiler's age now to the ship's age now is what? What English word contains all the vowels, in alphabetical order? What is the three-digit number that can be made from the digits 2, 3, 5, and 7 where no two digits in the three-digit number are alike, and where the three-digit number is a multiple of each of the digits chosen? Stumped? Dr. Gruber reveals the fascinating explanations and detailed strategies for solving even the trickiest problems using his exclusive Gruber Method. DISCLAIMER: The brain teasers in this book may get you so wrapped up in critical thinking that you may not be able to do your regular work until you solve them! Any abrupt or gradual increase in creativity, intelligence, or motivation to get a better job suited to your newfound talents is strictly the reader's responsibility. For more than thirty years, Gary R. Gruber, PhD, has been recognized as a leading expert on the SAT, test-taking methods, and critical-thinking skills. His methods have been used by PBS, Sylvan Learning Centers, Grolier's Encyclopedia, and school districts throughout the country.

The World's Best Book: The Spookiest, Smelliest, Wildest, Oldest, Weirdest, Brainiest, and Funniest Facts

by Jan Payne

With all of the books in the world, this one is the best! With a multitude of did-you-knows, accompanied by hilarious illustrations, page after page is packed with the best entertainment and education. For kids craving to jam their brains with odd and intriguing facts, here's a banquet-stuffed with the fastest, brightest, longest, funniest, weirdest, wildest, wettest, smelliest, brainiest, and fascinating-est things in the world!

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