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Showing 21,326 through 21,350 of 22,271 results

William Carlos Williams

by Charles Doyle

This set comprises of 40 volumes covering nineteenth and twentieth century European and American authors. These volumes will be available as a complete set, mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes. This second set compliments the first 68 volume set of Critical Heritage published by Routledge in October 1995.

William Congreve: The Critical Heritage (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Howard Erskine-Hill Alexander Lindsay

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling student and researcher to read the material themselves.

William Faulkner: An Annotated Bibliography Of Criticism Since 1988

by John Bassett

This set comprises of 40 volumes covering nineteenth and twentieth century European and American authors. These volumes will be available as a complete set, mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes. This second set compliments the first 68 volume set of Critical Heritage published by Routledge in October 1995.

William Loring Andrews on Bookbinding History

by William L. Andrews

‘William Loring Andrews on Bookbinding History’ is a collection of two works by Loring, including ‘A Short Historical Sketch of the Art of Bookbinding’, and ‘Bibliopegy in the United States and Kindred Subjects’. This work is a part of ‘The History of Bookbinding Technique and Design’-A series of reprint volumes, original monographs, and translations relating to the history of bookbinding.

The William Makepeace Thackeray Library: Volume III - Thackeray by Anthony Trollope (Routledge Revivals: The William Makepeace Thackeray Library)

by Anthony Trollope and Richard Pearson

First published in 1996, The William Makepeace Thackeray Library is a collection of works written by and about the novelist. This third volume contains Anthony Trollope’s volume on Thackeray from John Morley’s series entitled The English Men of Letters. The work signifies Thackeray’s move to perceived respectability, placing him as part of the literary establishment, alongside writers such as Spenser, Johnson, Milton, Chaucer, Pope and Wordsworth. The introduction by Richard Pearson outlines the context in which the volume was written and received, including Trollope and Thackeray’s relationship and the book’s critical reception. This book will be of interest to those studying Thackeray and nineteenth-century literature.

William Morris: The Critical Heritage (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Peter Faulkner

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation. Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works, authors and subjects. The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.

William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 4 1753-1765 (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Brian Vickers

First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 3 1733-1752 (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Brian Vickers

First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 2 1693-1733

by Brian Vickers

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation. Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works, authors and subjects. The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.

William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 1 1623-1692

by Brian Vickers

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation. Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works, authors and subjects. The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.

William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 5 1765-1774

by Brian Vickers

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation. Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works, authors and subjects. The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.

William Shakespeare's Hamlet: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook

by Sean McEvoy

William Shakespeare's Hamlet (c.1600-1601) has achieved iconic status as one of the most exciting and enigmatic of plays. It has been in almost constant production in Britain and throughout the world since it was first performed, fascinating generations of audiences and critics alike.Taking the form of a sourcebook, this guide to Shakespeare's remarkable play offers:extensive introductory comment on the contexts, critical history and performance of the text, from publication to the presentannotated extracts from key contextual documents, reviews, critical works and the text itselfcross-references between documents and sections of the guide, in order to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticismsuggestions for further reading.

William Thackeray: The Critical Heritage (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Geoffrey Tillotson Donald Hawes

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling student and researcher to read the material themselves.

The Wills of Our Ancestors: A Guide for Family & Local Historians

by Stuart A. Raymond

“Almost every book on English research highlights the need to examine the wills of our ancestors. . . . [this book] gives us an easy to read detailed guide.” —FGS ForumWhat are wills, and how can they be used for family and local history research? How can you interpret them and get as much insight from them as possible? Wills are key documents for exploring the lives of our ancestors, their circumstances, and the world they knew. This practical handbook is the essential guide to understanding wills.Wills expert Stuart Raymond traces the history and purpose of probate records and guides readers through the many pitfalls and possibilities these fascinating documents present. He describes the process of probate, gives a detailed account of the content of the various different types of record, and advises readers on how they can be used to throw light into the past, offering factual evidence that no genealogist or local historian can afford to ignore.In a series of concise, fact-filled chapters, Raymond explains how wills came into being, who made them and how they were made, how the probate system operates, how wills and inventories can be found, and how much can be learned from them. In addition to covering probate records in England and Wales, he includes the Channel Islands, Ireland, the Isle of Man and Scotland.This introduction is aimed primarily at family historians who are interested in the wills of particular individuals who are seeking proof of descent and local historians who are interested in the wealth of local historical information that can be gathered from them.

The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters: How to Improve Your Accuracy in Mild to Blustery Conditions

by Linda K. Miller Keith A. Cunningham

All other factors being equal, it is your ability to read the wind that will make the most difference in your shooting accuracy. The better you understand the behavior of the wind, the better you will understand the behavior of your bullet. Now, champion shooters Linda K. Miller and Keith A. Cunningham reveal everything they wish they&’d known about reading the wind before they started shooting (instead of having to learn as they went along) in concise, easy-to-read terms and accompanied with handy ninety-five diagrams. The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters contains straightforward guidance on the simple thought process they use to read the wind, the techniques and tactics they use to win matches, and the underlying skills that support both. Let these champions show you how to put together a simple wind-reading toolbox for calculating wind speed, direction, deflection, and drift. Then learn how to use these tools to read flags and mirage, record and interpret your observations, and time your shots to compensate for wind. Other topics covered include: Analyzing shot placementRecording and record keepingConfidence and following your hunchesAnd much more!The essential wind-reading basics taught in this book will absolutely improve your shooting skills, whether you're a target shooter, a plinker, a hunter or a shooting professional.

Windows 8.1 Plain & Simple

by Joli Ballew Nancy Muir

Learn the simplest ways to get things done with Windows 8.1 Get the full-color, visual guide that makes learning Windows 8.1 plain and simple! Follow the book's easy steps and screenshots and clear, concise language to learn the most expedient way to perform tasks and solve problems in Windows 8.1. Here's WHAT You'll Learn: Personalize your Start screen in cool new ways Use apps such as Mail, People, Calendar, Skype, and Paint Surf the web, and send and receive email and messages Explore redesigned apps for Music, Video, and Windows Store Search your files, media, and the web--all at once Access your files from the cloud with Microsoft SkyDrive Here's HOW You'll Learn It Jump in wherever you need answers Follow easy steps and screenshots to see exactly what to do Get handy tips for new techniques and shortcuts Use Try This! exercises to apply what you learn right away

Windows 8 for Tablets Plain & Simple

by Simon May

<p>Your easy, colorful, SEE-HOW guide to Windows&#174; 8 for tablets! You&#8217;ll learn the quickest ways to set up and use Windows 8 with easy-to-follow steps, screenshots, and concise, straightforward language that make learning plain and simple!</p>

Windows 8 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Unlocking the Power of Tablets and Desktops

by Preston Gralla

Windows 8 is quite different than previous Microsoft operating systems, but it’s still eminently hackable. With this book, you’ll learn how to make a variety of modifications, from speeding up boot time and disabling the Lock screen to hacking native apps and running Windows 8 on a Mac. And that’s just the beginning. You’ll find more than 100 standalone hacks on performance, multimedia, networking, the cloud, security, email, hardware, and more. Not only will you learn how to use each hack, you’ll also discover why it works.Add folders and other objects to the Start screenRun other Windows versions inside Windows 8Juice up performance and track down bottlenecksUse the SkyDrive cloud service to sync your files everywhereSpeed up web browsing and use other PCs on your home networkSecure portable storage and set up a virtual private networkHack Windows 8 Mail and services such as OutlookCombine storage from different devices into one big virtual diskTake control of Window 8 setting with the Registry

Windows 8 Tweaks

by Steve Sinchak

Acres of Windows 8 tweaks from a Microsoft MVP and creator of!<P> From a Microsoft MVP, who is also the savvy creator of, comes this ultimate collection of Windows 8 work arounds. Steve Sinchak takes you way beyond default system settings, deep under the hood of Windows 8, down to the hidden gems that let you customize your Windows 8 system like you wouldn't believe. From helping you customize the appearance to setting up home networking, sharing media, and squeezing every ounce of performance out of the OS, this book delivers. Get ready to rock and roll with Windows 8!<P> * Uncovers hidden gems to help you get the most out of Windows 8<P> * Bypasses the default system settings to show you how to customize the login and start screens, unlock hidden settings,supercharge your network speed, get rid of features you hate, and more<P> * Provides over 400 pages of workarounds and tweaks, including many high-level ones for you hotshot techies who really love to reshape an OS and make it your own<P> * Offers expert guidance and insight from author Steve Sinchak, a Microsoft MVP and creator of<P> Start tweaking and make Windows 8 your own with Windows 8 Tweaks.

Windows 98/Me Para Todos

by Jaime Restrepo

¿Sabe cómo más o menos usar las computadoras, pero no sabe cómo sacarle provecho a todo lo que ofrece el sistema operativo Windows® 98/Me?¿No sabe cómo usar el teclado para poder escribir en español más fácilmente?¿No entiende la terminología de lengua inglesa que se usa en la computación?¿Quiere usar el programa Windows® 98/Me para obtener archivos cibernéticos, pero no sabe cómo hacerlo?¿Sabe ya cómo entrar en el Internet pero le cuesta trabajo encontrar todo lo que ofrece?Escrito en español para los hispanoparlantes y con ilustraciones detalladas, Windows® 98/Me para todos es un recurso imprescindible que esclarece todos los pormenores que se necesita saber para usar el sistema operativo de computación más popular del mundo de forma eficaz, ya sea para uso personal, para hacer compras, en el trabajo, para desarrollar un negocio, o para pasar el tiempo.Paso a paso, Windows® 98/Me para todos abarca todo sobre el uso de todas las funciones y las opciones que ofrece Windows® 98/Me: > cómo instalar los programas que funcionan con Windows® 98/Me > cómo usar los CD-ROM y tocar los CD de música grabada> cómo trabajar con los LAN o redes locales. Además, el autor explica el vocabulario inglés que domina la computación al presentarlo de una manera comprensible para cualquiera que no se sienta cómodo con ese idioma. Windows® 98/Me para todos también incluye un útil glosario de terminología de computadoras de interés para los hispanos.En Windows® 98/Me para todos, Jaime Restrepo le abre a la familia hispana la puerta al mundo de la informática, educación, negocios y diversión.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Windows® Command-Line Administrators Pocket Consultant

by William R. Stanek

Now updated for Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Vista®, this practical, pocket-sized reference delivers ready answers for using Windows command-line tools to manage multiple clients and servers. It's packed with hundreds of examples that show you how to run, use, schedule, and script Windows commands, support tools, and Resource Kit tools--without touching the GUI. Written by a well-known author of more than two dozen computer books--and featuring easy-to-read tables, lists, and step-by step instructions--this POCKET CONSULTANT delivers fast, accurate information on the spot.

Windows® Internals, Part 1

by Mark E. Russinovich David A. Solomon Alex Ionescu

Delve inside Windows architecture and internals--and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is fully updated for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2--and now presents its coverage in two volumes. As always, you get critical insider perspectives on how Windows operates. And through hands-on experiments, you'll experience its internal behavior firsthand--knowledge you can apply to improve application design, debugging, system performance, and support. In Part 1, you will:Understand how core system and management mechanisms work--including the object manager, synchronization, Wow64, Hyper-V, and the registry Examine the data structures and activities behind processes, threads, and jobs Go inside the Windows security model to see how it manages access, auditing, and authorization Explore the Windows networking stack from top to bottom--including APIs, BranchCache, protocol and NDIS drivers, and layered services Dig into internals hands-on using the kernel debugger, performance monitor, and other tools NOTE: Part 2 Available Fall 2012

The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More

by David Kingsbury

For those with visual impairments, screen reader software is crucial for living in today’s world. Keeping up to date with changes when applications are updated is critical to being an independent computer user. Authored by an Assistive Technology Instructor at the Carroll Center for the Blind in Massachusetts, the book is meant to help JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator users work more effectively with the most important Windows-based applications—the Microsoft Office suite, popular web browsers, cloud sharing apps, Zoom for meetings, and more. The book is intended for both beginners and intermediate users. While all the basics are covered, those already possessing a fair amount of experience using screen reader programs in the Windows environment will find useful tools and techniques to further enhance their skills.

The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More

by David Kingsbury

The "Windows Screen Reader Primer: Third Edition" offers comprehensive guidance for users of JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator, focusing on essential Windows applications, Office Suite tools, web browsers, cloud-based platforms, PDF readers, and teleconferencing software. With updates for Windows 11 and recent software versions, it includes new chapters on Google Workspace, audio-video editing, and AI integration. The book caters to beginners and intermediate users, providing step-by-step instructions, customizable settings, and practical exercises. Accessible formats and navigation tips enhance usability, making it an invaluable resource for mastering screen reader usage in the Windows environment.

Windows® Sysinternals Administrator's Reference

by Mark E. Russinovich Aaron Margosis

Get in-depth guidance--and inside insights--for using the Windows Sysinternals tools available from Microsoft TechNet. Guided by Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis, you'll drill into the features and functions of dozens of free file, disk, process, security, and Windows management tools. And you'll learn how to apply the book's best practices to help resolve your own technical issues the way the experts do. Diagnose. Troubleshoot. Optimize.Analyze CPU spikes, memory leaks, and other system problems Get a comprehensive view of file, disk, registry, process/thread, and network activity Diagnose and troubleshoot issues with Active Directory® Easily scan, disable, and remove autostart applications and components Monitor application debug output Generate trigger-based memory dumps for application troubleshooting Audit and analyze file digital signatures, permissions, and other security information Execute Sysinternals management tools on one or more remote computers Master Process Explorer, Process Monitor, and Autoruns

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Showing 21,326 through 21,350 of 22,271 results