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Meditations to Heal Your Life (Hay House Lifestyles Ser.)

by Louise Hay

Louise shares her philosophy of life on a multitude of subjects fromaddictions to fears to spiritual laws, and everything in between. Her loving insights will enrich you body, mind, and soul, while giving you practical knowledge to apply to your day-to-day life.

Meditations to Heal Your Life Gift Edition

by Louise Hay

Louise shares her philosophy of life on a multitude of subjects from addictions to fears to spiritual laws, and everything in between. Her loving insights will enrich your body, mind, and soul, while giving you practical knowledge to apply to your day-to-day life.

Meditations with James Van Praagh

by James Van Praagh

Meditate Your Way to True Peace and WisdomMeditations with James Van Praagh is an inspiring collection of meditations and affirmations that will empower you to connect with your inner self. Bestselling author and renowned spiritual medium Van Praagh offers over forty meditations, each of which addresses a specific issue or concern that may be blocking your spiritual journey, such as "Release the Past," "Confronting Fears," and "Tuning In to Abundance." By helping you to truly see, feel, and listen to your inner voice, Van Praagh leads you to develop the wonderful, innate abilities that let you become your best self.

The Meditative Path

by John Cianciosi

Once, the Mula Nasruden was searching the ground under a street lamp. "Can I help?" asked a friend. "I lost my key in the house," said Nasruden. "But then why look out here?" "Because the light is better in the street," came the reply. Nasruden is a great fool in Middle Eastern folklore. Only by turning on the light inside his house -- his inner psyche --will he find the key. John Cianciosi shows us how to do just that. Directly from the heart, this practical, nonreligious book guides the reader of any faith to reduce stress, increase health, and achieve inner peace. It clearly explains the meditative process and offers very simple exercises to balance theory and practice. Each chapter includes Q&A sections based on the average reader's experience and crafted from the author's twenty-four years of teaching, first as a Buddhist monk and now in lay life. Of all primers on meditation, this one excels in showing how to slow down life in the fast lane.

The Meditative Path

by John Cianciosi

Once, the Mula Nasruden was searching the ground under a street lamp. "Can I help?" asked a friend. "I lost my key in the house," said Nasruden. "But then why look out here?" "Because the light is better in the street," came the reply.Nasruden is a great fool in Middle Eastern folklore. Only by turning on the light inside his house -- his inner psyche --will he find the key. John Cianciosi shows us how to do just that.Directly from the heart, this practical, nonreligious book guides the reader of any faith to reduce stress, increase health, and achieve inner peace. It clearly explains the meditative process and offers very simple exercises to balance theory and practice. Each chapter includes Q&A sections based on the average reader's experience and crafted from the author's twenty-four years of teaching, first as a Buddhist monk and now in lay life. Of all primers on meditation, this one excels in showing how to slow down life in the fast lane.

The Meditator's Atlas

by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana Matthew Flickstein

Meditation can seem a mystery. Where do you begin? Where will you end up? What might you find along the way? You'll find the answers in The Meditator's Atlas, a comprehensive and trustworthy "roadmap of the inner world" for anyone who meditates. Respected teacher Matthew Flickstein is your friendly guide, explaining what meditation is, how to do it, and how to make the skills and benefits that it engenders your own, including: finding work that supports your priorities overcoming doubt cultivating helpful attitudes incorporating mindfulness into every aspect of your life and how all of this adds up to a happier life. What makes this book unique is the way Flickstein uses two classic Buddhist texts--the Path of Purification, and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness--to help readers make clear sense out of the new, fascinating, and sometimes even frightening states that one may encounter on the long journey to enlightenment. Readers will come away from this book with their own insights clarified and with a helpful sense of what lies ahead.

The Meditator's Workbook

by Matthew Flickstein Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

Using hands-on exercises, journal entries, guided meditations, and lively vignettes, The Meditator's Workbook will help you: Live more deeply and joyfully in the moment Uncover the true source of stress Resolve grief Explore and express forgiveness See through the inevitable distortions of the mind Recognize and actualize your goals Find real inner peace and a thoroughgoing well-being Whether your goal is to reduce stress or to gain deeper insight and mastery over your inner life, this simple, straightforward guidebook is the tool to use for learning why and how to meditate. Through its unique workbook-style presentation, The Meditator's Workbook leads you to discover your own starting point, teaches you how to gain mental clarity and remove the obstacles you inevitably encounter, and helps you to identify the insights that are appropriate to each stage of your journey to spiritual and psychological maturity.

Meditazione: Una guida per la felicità e la pace interiore, per il sollievo dallo stress, per la consapevolezza.

by Adidas Wilson Maximus Wilson

Secondo Aristotele, le persone possono scegliere di essere felici. Un nuovo studio mostra che è possibile far crescere fisicamente un cervello più felice usando pratiche come la meditazione. La scienza ha già determinato gli ormoni che danno origine a emozioni come desiderio o piacere, ma nessuno è stato in grado di dire con certezza da dove provengano i sentimenti di benessere e appagamento generale. Gli scienziati dell'Università di Kyoto hanno deciso di cercare la risposta. Hanno riunito 51 volontari e hanno chiesto a ciascuno di loro di valutare i propri livelli di felicità. Hanno quindi scansionato il cervello dei volontari per cercare di vedere se c'erano differenze tra gli individui pessimisti e quelli ottimisti. Sorprendentemente, le persone più felici avevano un precuneo più grande (un'area del cervello). Ciò significa che puoi far funzionare la felicità come un muscolo. Alcuni studi in passato hanno dimostrato che è possibile aumentare la materia grigia nei tuoi precunei con una meditazione regolare. Questo spiega perché i meditatori provano sentimenti di felicità e persino una contentezza generale. Lo scienziato che ha supervisionato questo studio ha affermato che i medici potrebbero ora misurare quali cose aumentano la felicità nelle persone.

Meditazione e Creatività: Sempre nuova

by Apo Halmyris Francesca Degani

La meditazione e la concentrazione nelle loro forme classiche sono sempre strumenti preziosi per ampliare gli orizzonti della nostra creatività. In ogni contesto cultural e religioso, le tecniche sperimentate da secoli sono sempre attuali e nuove per noi. Questa seconda edizione sottolinea l'approccio pragmatico e offre una serie di tecniche preparatorie per un cammino attento e sicuro verso la meditazione. Per familiarizzarsi con alcuni modi per stimolare la creatività, occorrono tempo, perseveranza e attenzione. Apprendere i metodi di meditazione è impegnativo, ma è di per sé un premio. Oggi normalmente molti studenti esplorano vari tipi di corsi e di tecniche, e chiedono: perché devo fare così? Che cosa posso "ottenere" da questo? Come posso utilizzarlo? (tutte domande centrate sull'Io). Potremmo semplicemente sorridere e spiegare chiaramente alcune procedure per la concentrazione, efficaci anche per ampliare i limiti del pensiero e della creatività. E per i cercatori sul sentiero... possiamo invitarli a guardare la punta delle loro scarpe, perché il sentiero è proprio lì, sotto i loro piedi. Questo testo è un corso pratico graduale, o piuttosto un sentiero contemporaneo per proseguire la scoperta consapevole di se stessi? Le luci discrete delle lampade a olio disseminate dai maestri sono ancora visibili.

Meditazione per Principianti: Coltivare la consapevolezza per sconfiggere depressione e ansia e ritrovare la pace interiore

by Sarah Sands

Ti piacerebbe essere in grado di limitare il senso di disagio, gestire meglio l'ansia, dormire a mente chiara e sconfiggere la depressione? Per molto tempo, la consapevolezza attraverso la meditazione è stata utilizzata per trattare una serie di disturbi, permettendoti di vivere una vita più felice e più sana. Questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più veloce ed efficace per usare la meditazione a beneficio del tuo benessere.

Meditazione: Pochi Passi Per Il Successo Nella Tua Vita

by Maria Lynch

¿Está interesado en aprender más sobre meditación? ¿La idea de meditar durante horas y horas lo desanima? ¿Le preocupan el estrés y demandas en tu vida y no encuentras la manera de cambiar el rumbo? Si a regañadientes ha contestado si a una o más de estas preguntas, la meditación para principiantes realmente lo ayudará. ¡Toma to copia hoy clickeando en esta página!

Meditazione: una guida per principianti per scoprire il potere della meditazione

by Melody Borucki

In Occidente, sempre più persone perseguono lo yoga nelle sue varie forme (nei centri tradizionali, in club sportivi, o da soli), cominciando a rendersi conto che, lungi dall'essere solo un altro esercizio di routine, lo yoga è una disciplina del corpo e della mente. Che vengano usate al mattino per dare dare energia alla giornata, durante l'esercizio yoga stesso, o a fine giornata, le riflessioni quotidiane sulla meditazione sosterranno e miglioreranno la tua esperienza dello yoga.

Meditieren lernen: Ein 8-Wochen-Plan

by Aimar Rollán

Mit diesem kurzen Buch lernst du zu meditieren, Schritt für Schritt, bei dir zu Hause, auf die westliche Art, also auf einem Stuhl sitzend. Wir werden die grundlegende Theorie beleuchten und einige einfache, jedoch tiefgehende Meditationstechniken kennenlernen, die auf Mindfulness, Yoga und Zen basieren. Wir festigen unsere Meditationsroutine mit einem 8-wöchigen Programm, das speziell dafür konzipiert wurde, die Gewohnheit des täglichen Meditierens bei sich zu Hause zu etablieren. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig. Man muss weder im Lotussitz sitzen können noch religiös sein oder eine besondere Liebe zu fernöstlichen Traditionen hegen. Meditation ist eine universelle Technik, die uns dabei hilft, unseren Geist zu kontrollieren, Stress zu reduzieren und uns selbst besser kennenzulernen. Zu Beginn meditieren wir eine Minute am Tag, und nach 8 Wochen werden wir in der Lage sein, 20 Minuten lang zu meditieren. Es geht darum, Meditation in den Alltag zu integrieren, damit sie uns dabei hilft, ein erfüllteres und glücklicheres Leben zu führen. Was lernst du mit diesem Buch? Was ist Meditieren? Geschichte der Meditation Unterschiede zwischen Meditation und Mindfulness Die Bedeutung von Gewohnheit und Routine Wie der Verstand funktioniert Meditieren auf einem Stuhl: die richtige Haltung Die Technik der Bauchatmung Grundlegende Meditationstechniken Welche Gefühle während der Meditation auftreten können Wie du dich weiterentwickeln kannst Dieser Kurs schließt an den Meditationskurs für Anfänger an, den der Autor über seinen YouTube-Kanal anbietet. „Das ganze Unglück der Menschen rührt allein daher, dass sie nicht ruhig in einem Zimmer zu bleiben vermögen.“ Blaise Pascal

Médium: Vivir en contacto con el más allá. Una invitación a ejercitar la percepción

by Eva Spina

¿Cómo limpiar la energía de un hogar? ¿Cuándo debemos seguir esa voz que creemos que es el instinto? ¿Cómo dejar ir a quienes ya se fueron? ¿Cómo estar abiertos a recibir los mensajes del más allá? Este libro ilumina un camino de percepción y una manera de leer la historia familiar que pueden enriquecer nuestra vida, nuestra casa y a nuestra familia. «Saber que lo que nos une es eterno, nos hace conscientes de la importancia de dejar ir lo que sucedió. Para eso es necesario indagar en la historia ancestral para integrarla a tiempo y saber que cada alma es responsable de sus acciones y de la voluntad personal. Como grupo podemos transformar eso que por rechazo nadie quiso o quiere mirar. Las almas de nuestro sistema familiar siempre están presentes, incluso a través de nosotros. Aquellos que no hayan actuado bien podrán ser conscientes, en su último suspiro, de lo que deben volver a vivir para reparar los daños. Por eso, como hijos, nietos, bisnietos o descendientes de un sistema, lo único que podemos hacer con esa historia es saber que existe, comprender de dónde venimos, tomar la vida que se nos da y hacer con ella algo bueno para nosotros y para los que vendrán». Eva Spina es médium y logró encauzar su sexto sentido para convertirlo en una forma de poder y de transmutación, tanto para ella como para las almas que la visitan y todos aquellos que la conocieron como puente de comunicación con los que ya partieron. A través de su recorrido personal, este libro nos brinda enseñanzas que exceden lo autobiográfico. ¿Cómo limpiar la energía de un hogar? ¿Cuándo debemos seguir esa voz que creemos que es el instinto? ¿Cómo dejar ir a quienes ya se fueron? ¿Cómo estar abiertos a recibir los mensajes del más allá? Este libro ilumina un camino de percepción y una manera de leer la historia familiar que pueden enriquecer nuestra vida, nuestra casa y a nuestra familia. «Las capacidades psíquicas, como la mediumnidad, cobraron sentido cuando pude estar al servicio de ellas y habilitarme conscientemente a generar un puente de contacto entre los mundos, entre las almas y la tierra. Desde que empecé a compartir mi mediumnidad con otros, podría decir que vivo haciendo lo que amo. A eso lo llamo canalizar, se trata de la fusión entre la conexión psíquica y compartir información sobre el universo holístico, a través de lenguajes ancestrales que me acercaron a interpretar la realidad desde diferentes miradas. No es solo una herramienta o una técnica, es una filosofía, una forma de existir y observar la realidad».Eva Spina

Medium Mentor: 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others

by MaryAnn DiMarco

Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance and Transform Your Life Written by an experienced psychic medium and teacher, Medium Mentor will guide you to connect more deeply to your soul’s innate abilities and employ them to enhance your everyday life and serve others. Through true stories and expert tips, MaryAnn DiMarco reveals the magic, joy, and responsibility of developing psychic gifts and working with souls on the Other Side, as well as how to interpret the powerful energy you experience and establish boundaries. MaryAnn’s deep wisdom comes through as she teaches you to create your own unique approach to intuition and understand and implement universal guidance.

Mediumship and Survival (The Paranormal)

by W. W. Baggally

Whether or not we survive physical death is one of humanity's most fundamental concerns. Here Dr. Gauld draws on a century of evidence - mediumship, reincarnation, obsession, possession, hauntings and apparitions all seem to indicate survival. This is a compulsively readable assessment of evidence for and against survival and an excellent introduction to the field of psychical research.The Paranormal, the new ebook series from F&W Media International Ltd, resurrecting rare titles, classic publications and out-of-print texts, as well as new ebook titles on the supernatural - other-worldly books for the digital age. The series includes a range of paranormal subjects from angels, fairies and UFOs to near-death experiences, vampires, ghosts and witchcraft.

Meet Al Sharpton

by Al Sharpton

Lord knows, Rev Al has had his personal and very public ups and downs - but he's come out bigger and better than ever. Though the host of MSNBC's PoliticsNation is as fiery and outspoken as ever about the events and issues that matter most, he's learned that the only way we can get right as a nation is by getting right from within. In this, his first book in over a decade, Rev Al will take you behind the scenes of some unexpected places e" from officiating Michael Jackson and Whitney Houstone(tm)s funerals, hanging out with Jay-Z and President Barack Obama at the White House, to taking charge of the Trayvon Martin case. And he will discuss how he came to his unexpected conclusions in such areas as Immigration, Gay Rights, Religion and the Family. But the heart of the book is an intimate discussion of his own personal evolution from street activist, pulpit provocateur and civil rights leader to the man he is today - one hundred pounds slimmer, and according to the New York Observer eoethe most thoughtful voice on cable. e No, the Rev. Al you met ten years ago isne(tm)t the same man youe(tm)ll meet today. And he has a simple promise. We can transform this nation and we can all lead better lives if we're willing to transform our hearts and transform our minds.

Meet the New You

by Elisa Pulliam

Change is possible. As women, we are constantly evaluating ourselves. Am I enough? Why can't I change this certain thing about myself? Should I be doing more? We long for real, deep, lasting change--but we don't know how to begin. In Meet the New You, Elisa Pulliam empowers women to take charge of their own life transformation by engaging in a meaningful relationship with God and His Word. Each chapter gives practical and interactive ways to address some of the biggest obstacles that stand in the way of permanent change. Through stories, biblical application, personality assessments, thought-provoking questions, and life-coaching principles, Meet the New You helps women: · understand who they are · cultivate a vision for who they want to become · recognize what holds them back · determine the steps necessary to put new, practical habits into action It's time to discover who you really are and how you can live life differently. It's time to meet the new you!From the Trade Paperback edition.

Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide To Connect With Your Most Sacred Self

by Elisa Romeo

In this groundbreaking book, therapist and intuitive Elisa Romeo, takes Soul beyond an intellectual concept and into a direct and personal relationship. Pulling from depth psychology, years of practical experience, and touching stories from clients, Elisa brings substance and gravitas—and some levity—to the topic of how to live a Soulful life.This comprehensive, straightforward program contains effective meditations, visualizations, and inquiries to support you on the often messy, winding, and yet amusing path of discovering your Soul in modern times. Meet Your Soul not only tells you how to access your Soul connection but also preps you for some of the common obstacles you’re likely to encounter on your journey. With her kind and informed direction, you’ll learn to: • Understand the crucial distinction between ego, Spirit, and Soul • Create and cultivate a strong spiritual practice • Distinguish your Soul Truth from the beliefs of family, friends, and society • Clearly access the voice of your Soul • Gain awareness of the key Soul contracts in your life and discover your Divine purposeThis book helps you meet the oldest, wisest, and most loving part of yourself—the part that gives meaning and purpose to your life. Elisa shows that each of us has the capacity to hear this personal, unique guidance directly. You needn’t look outside yourself to a guru, program, or system; rather you can simply look within.

Meeting God in Scripture: A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina

by Jan Johnson

2017 Dallas Willard Center Book Award FinalistJesus is speaking to us here and usan introductory space of quiet along with an optional preparatory exercise;the full text of a passage from Scripture with explanations of unusual or important words, and with cultural and historical background as needed;cues to help us enter the text;space to contemplate the passage, respond to God in prayer and rest in his presence; andan exercise to "try on" one of the main ideas of the passage in our daily lives.Meeting God in Scripture

Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The Dance of Darkness and Light in Our Search for Awakening

by Connie Zweig

A guide to rekindling spiritual inspiration after betrayal and disillusionment• Explains why we are drawn to charismatic leaders, what we unconsciously give away to them, and how to reclaim our inner spiritual authority • Explores how to recover from spiritual abuse or betrayal by a teacher or group, including breaking free of denial, projection, and dependency using psychology and shadow-work • Extends #MeToo into the spiritual domain and tells the stories of contemporary clergy and spiritual leaders who acted out their shadows in destructive ways, leaving their followers traumatized and lost Within each of us is a spiritual longing that prompts us to unite with something greater than ourselves, to awaken to our unity with all of life. Yet, no matter the spiritual path we choose, we inevitably encounter our own shadow, those unconscious aspects of ourselves that we suppress or deny, or the shadows of our teachers and their secret desires about money, sex, and power. Meeting the shadow can derail the journey, but, according to Connie Zweig, Ph.D., we can learn to recover from loss of faith and move from spiritual naivete to spiritual maturity. Calling on us to expand our vision of religious and spiritual life—and our vision of awakening—to include the human shadow, Zweig examines the yearning that sets us on the spiritual path, showing how it can lead to ecstatic, transcendent experiences or to terrible suffering by projecting it onto an authoritarian teacher, priest, or guru who abuses power. She tells the stories of renowned teachers—Sufi poet Rumi, Hindu master Ramakrishna, and Christian saint Catherine of Siena—whose lives unfolded as they followed their spiritual yearning. And she tells the cautionary tales of contemporary teachers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Catholicism, who acted out their shadows in devastating ways, leaving their followers traumatized and lost. She explains how meeting the shadow is a painful but inevitable stage on the path to a more mature spirituality. She describes how to use spiritual shadow-work to separate from abusive teachers, reclaim inner spiritual authority, and heal from betrayal. With guidance for both inspired and disillusioned seekers, the author explores how to navigate the narrow path through the darkness toward the light, rekindle the flame of longing, and once again engage in fulfilling spiritual practice.

Megan e la Gita Scolastica: Una Guida Spirituale, Una Tigre Fantasma e Una Mamma Spaventosa! (La Serie di Megan #3)

by Owen Jones

Megan è una ragazzina di 13 anni, che si rende conto di avere poteri psichici che altri non hanno. All'inizio, ha cercato di parlare del suo potere con sua madre, ma con conseguenze disastrose, così ha imparato a tacere. Tuttavia, alcune persone si sono offerte di aiutare e un animale ha mostrato un'amicizia speciale, ma questi non sono "vivi". Sono persone che appartengono al passato. Megan ha tre amici del genere: Wacinhinsha, la sua guida spirituale, che era stato un Sioux nella sua ultima vita sulla Terra; suo nonno materno e un'enorme tigre siberiana chiamata Grrr. Wacinhinsha è estremamente ben informato in tutte le cose spirituali, psichiche e paranormali; suo nonno è un novizio 'morto' e Grrr può parlare solo Tiger, come si potrebbe immaginare, ed è inintelligibile per gli umani. In questo episodio della vita di Megan, lei e il resto degli alunni nel suo anno scolastico vengono portati a fare una gita scolastica. Questi dovrebbero essere eventi annuali, ma la scuola non ha sempre i soldi per finanziarli. Questo risulta essere eccezionale per Megan mentre intravede la vita di persone che vivevano in un'epoca trascorsa da tempo. Segui le avventure di Megan mentre cerca di saperne di più sulla sua gita scolastica e leggi il consiglio che la sua guida spirituale le dà su come farlo al meglio.

Megan gaat naar de Dierentuin: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! (De Megan Reeks #16)

by Owen Jones

Megan Gaat naar de Dierentuin Een Spirituele Gids, Een Geesttijger en Een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! Op een uitstap naar de dierentuin leert Megan een paar viervoetige vrienden kennen. Megan Gaat naar de Dierentuin Als een zeldzame traktatie, nemen Megan’s ouders haar mee naar de dierentuin, waar ze al gauw ontdekt dat haar psychische gaven haar een speciale inzicht geven. Grrr raakt bevriend met een paar gekooide tijgers, en Megan denkt dat ze het probleem begrijpt van een enorme, maar triestige nieuwe vriend.

Megan va al zoológico: ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! (La serie de Megan #16)

by Owen Jones

Megan Va al Zoológico ¡Un guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! Megan va al zoológico Como regalo en un día festivo, los padres de Megan la llevan al zoológico, donde pronto descubre que sus talentos psíquicos le dan una visión especial de la vida de los animales. Grrr se hace amiga de algunos tigres enjaulados, y Megan cree que entiende la situación de un nuevo amigo enorme pero triste.

Megan Va allo Zoo: Una guida spirituale, una tigre fantasma ed una madre spaventosa! (La serie della sensitiva Megan #16)

by Owen Jones

Megan va allo zoo Una guida spirituale, una tigre fantasma ed una madre spaventosa! Come ricompensa in un giorno di festa, i genitori di Megan la portano allo zoo, dove scopre presto che i suoi talenti psichici le danno visioni speciali sulle vite degli animali. Grr fa amicizia con alcune delle tigri in cattività, e Megan pensa di capire la situazione difficile di una grandiosa nuova amica triste.

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