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El camino de regreso a ti

by Ian Morgan Cron Suzanne Stabile

La ignorancia es una bendición, excepto para el autoconocimiento. Lo que no conoces acerca de ti puede dañarte# a ti, a tus relaciones y a la forma en que vives la vida. Además, puede mantenerte en un plano superficial con Dios. ¿Quieres aprender a descubrir quién eres y por qué tropiezas una y otra vez con los mismos patrones autodestructivos? Encuentra la respuesta en el antiguo sistema de tipos de personalidad llamado Eneagrama, cuya asombrosa precisión para describir la personalidad que poseemos los seres humanos #tanto de forma positiva como negativa# ha elevado su popularidad en los últimos años. Aunque otros autores han explorado sus conexiones con la espiritualidad cristiana, no hubo anteriormente un enfoque tan práctico, exhaustivo y accesible de abordar como el que Ian Morgan y Suzanne Stabile han logrado. Al comenzar a efectuar los cambios que puedes empezar a hacer hoy mismo, la sabiduría del Eneagrama te ayudará a encaminarte hacia la senda que te conducirá a la mejor y más genuina versión de ti mismo. #Si quieres comprenderte a ti mismo y comprender a aquellos que te rodean, este libro profundo y brillante es un excelente punto de partida#.-#W. m. Paul Young, autor de La cabaña

Knowing the Score: Film Composers Talk About the Art, Craft, Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Writing for Cinema

by David Morgan

This collection of interviews with Hollywood composers offers the most intimate look ever at the process of writing music for the movies. From getting started in the business to recording the soundtrack, from choosing a musical style to collaborating with directors, including Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, the Coen brothers, Terry Gilliam, Kenneth Branagh, and Ken Russell, from learning to deal with editing to writing with time-sensitive precision, the leading practitioners in the field share their views on one of the most important -- and least understood -- aspects of filmmaking: the motion picture art that's heard but not seen.

A Year of Black Girl Magic: Daily Reflections and Practices to Celebrate Black Women (A Year of Daily Reflections)

by Eboni Morgan

Celebrate the magic of being a Black woman with 365 days of inspiration As a Black woman, you carry innate magic inside of you everywhere you go—and no one can take that away from you. This book is full of practices and reflections to help you recognize your power and cherish your strength and beauty. Through a year's worth of daily self-reflection, you'll learn to embrace who you are, love yourself unconditionally, and nurture your entire being. Explore monthly themes—Navigate your journey toward greater self-love with relevant themes for each month, including new beginnings, self-care, being present, sisterhood, facing your fears, and setting boundaries. Discover a variety of exercises—Reignite the fire within you through simple activities, thought-provoking reflections, positive affirmations, and words of wisdom from other Black women. Use evidence-based techniques—Empower yourself in every area of life using proven methods like mindfulness, meditation, visualizations, positive psychology, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Honor your Black girl magic every day of the year with this book to guide and inspire you.

Finding the Doorbell

by Edie T Morgan Cindy Pierce

Open the door to better sex and a stronger relationshipWith this hands-on approach to arousal, couples will learn how to communicate with each other about their sexual desires, making sex a positive and vital part of every relationship. Showing how trust, open communication, a sense of humor, and basic anatomical knowledge can deepen pleasure, this stimulating manual shows couples simple skills to excite bedroom satisfaction. Humorous stories and anecdotes take the covers off other people's intimate encounters and offer perspective on what is normal for the average healthy adult. While preserving decency, this manual also gently guides partners to make changes that lead to a comfortable, gratifying sex life while dispelling common false assumptions-such as that size alone matters, having sex guarantees an orgasm, and great sex has to be wild-and demystifies ordinary anxieties-including how to engage the elusive clitoris, why the average male watches porn, why women fake orgasms, and if a man's sex drive is really higher than a woman's.

The Practice of Prayer: A Book On How To Pray - The Preparation, Faith And Time For Prayer (hardcover)

by G. Morgan

Originally published in 1906, Rev. Dr. George Campbell Morgan’s The Practice of Prayer is a devotional commentary on effective prayer. The book will provide the reader with an invaluable tool, intended to enhance personal prayer lives, in turn leading to a deeper understanding of prayer, and God.

God’s Last Word to Man: Studies in Hebrews

by G. Campbell Morgan

God’s Last Word to Man, which was first published in 1936, is a book by leading English Bible scholar, Rev. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan. It is based on the opening words of Hebrews and illustrates a thorough unfolding of his firm belief that “God has spoken through His Son. God has given Him […] to be ‘A Leader and Commander to the people.’ Therefore let us ‘take heed.’”“Through Him God has spoken to man, and He has nothing more to say. There is no need for more. There is need that we should understand what He said in the Son more perfectly, and so grow up into Him in all things in knowledge and experience.”—Rev. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan

Always Enough, Never Too Much: 100 Devotions to Quit Comparing, Stop Hiding, and Start Living Wild and Free

by Hayley Morgan Jess Connolly

<P>Discover God’s wild freedom as you find your identity in Jesus with 100 devotions that will help you target and banish lies and insecurities. <P>Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan, bestselling authors of Wild and Free, walk you through the gift of truly knowing who you are in Christ in Always Enough, Never Too Much: 100 Devotions to Quit Comparing, Stop Hiding, and Start Living Wild and Free.

Preach to Yourself: When Your Inner Critic Comes Calling, Talk Back with Truth

by Hayley Morgan Emily Ley

Break the cycle of doubting yourself, take God at His word, and talk back with truth - a new message of freedom from bestselling coauthor of Wild and Free Hayley Morgan.We know Christ came to speak life, but then how come our inner critic keeps showing up and stealing the mic? If we’re honest, she’s a harsh one, saying things we’d never dream of saying to others: You’ll never measure up, you’ll fail again tomorrow, you just can’t get it right. It has been said that the eighteen inches from head to heart is the soul’s longest journey. Our head knows the good news is true, but our heart struggles to believe it, and it is in this gap that we battle to believe the promises of God.Hayley Morgan, coauthor of bestselling book Wild and Free, has wrestled with this tension her whole life. In Preach to Yourself, she tackles it head-on to discover how we can renew our minds to renew our lives. For every woman who struggles with repetitive, negative self-talk, this book will show you how to identify the toxic loops where you get stuck and replace them with the truth of God we can believe with our whole selves.This is not a “try harder” reprimand, it’s a “believe better” invitation: to take God at His word when He tells you who you are. Come along and learn a simple practice to break free from the lies holding you back, and step forward into the fullness of life God has planned.

Grimoire Girl: A Memoir of Magic and Mischief

by Hilarie Morgan

New York Times Bestseller The long-awaited next book from actress and New York Times bestselling author of The Rural Diaries, Hilarie Burton Morgan. Through memoir essays and magical practices, Grimoire Girl connects us to the enchantment that exists inside us all.Since childhood, Hilarie Burton Morgan has felt the call to record, keep, and catalogue life in all its strange wonder. It was a whimsical habit, with no clear goal. And then, when she became a mother, the importance of all that collecting snapped into focus. In an effort to patchwork together an anthology of traditions, curiosity, and magical thinking that she could pass down, Burton Morgan realized she was crafting a grimoire. In her most intimate book yet, Burton Morgan shares how she’s creating an inheritance of mischief and magic that will outlive her. What’s more, she shows readers how they too can look at the elements of their lives and collect the pieces into a tangible collection of a lifetime of learning. Because in its purest form, a grimoire was a guide to keep you alive.Like the grimoires of old, full of life-saving wisdom, these pages record the people, places, ideas and habits that have kept Burton Morgan alive, in her signature voice that is at once honest, witty, and charming. Accompanied by whimsical two-color illustrations by Olivia Faust, the book also includes Simple Spells, which are ways to bring magic into your daily life: create an altar that delights and inspires, practice candle magic and poetry spells, make an oracle deck, or channel your inner kitchen witch with recipes and potions.So begin creating your own inheritance, take a long look inward and decide...What wisdom will be written on the pages of your Grimoire?

Applied Wisdom

by James C. Morgan

Success in business demands the effective management of people. James C. Morgan, who for nearly three decades led the high-tech powerhouse Applied Materials Inc. to both financial success and to the designation as one of America's most admired companies and best places to work, provides a simple, straightforward set of principles and tips that he says can help anyone be a better manager. Applied Materials is one of Silicon Valley's great success stories and it helped propel the digital revolution. But Jim Morgan's management techniques are not reserved for high-tech: Applied Wisdom shows how the same approaches, tools, and values work at any scale, from start-ups to middle management in a global corporation ? and even to non-profits. Rich in stories and practical examples, it's a must-read for those seeking a timeless and proven management manual.

War On Fear: What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?

by John Morgan

What Would Your Life Look Like Without Fear? Where would you go? What dreams would you aspire to achieve? Imagine the possibilities of living without fear. In his new book, War On Fear, author, speaker and presidential impersonator, John Morgan, shares his personal struggles with fear to give you practical advice and guidance for victory over your fears. After reading War On Fear, you will be empowered to become a more confident, positive person.

Personal Care in an Impersonal World: A Multidimensional Look at Bereavement (Death, Value and Meaning Series)

by John D Morgan

The purpose of this volume is to ask and propose a positive answer to the question: "Can we attend to the personhood of individuals within systems and cultures which are mass oriented?" One of the most interesting changes in contemporary thinking has been the emphasis on the unique person. While the distinction between a person (a unique rational being) and individual (one of several similar things) has long existed, it is in the twentieth century that we seem to have become fully conscious of this distinction. There is good reason for such as emphasis today. Repeatedly in this century the case of the person was deemed less important than some policy. Innocent persons slaughtered in the name of some "ism," political bombings and kidnappings, and mass unemployment to name but a few. The cause of our dehumanization seems to be the reduction of the individual person to a part of the political, economic or religious system.

Mind Without a Home: A Memoir of Schizophrenia

by Kristina Morgan

This book brings readers straight inside the tortuous nature of the disease of schizophrenia, chronicled in short, journal-like chapters that narrate the author’s incredible story.Experience the inner world of a woman with schizophrenia in this brutally honest, lyrical memoir.Have you ever wondered what it is like in the mind of a person with schizophrenia? How can one survive day after day unable to distinguish between one's inner nightmares and the everyday realities that most of us take for granted?In her brutally honest, highly original memoir, Kristina Morgan takes us inside her head to experience the chaos, fragmented thinking, and the startling creativity of the schizophrenic mind. With the intimacy of private journal-like entries and the language of a poet, she carries us from her childhood to her teen years when hallucinations began to hijack her mind and into adulthood where she began abusing alcohol to temper the punishing voices that only she could hear.This is no formulaic tale of tragedy and triumph: We feel Kristina's hope as she pursues an education and career and begins to build strong family connections, friendships and intimacy-and her devastation as the insistent voices convince her to throw it all away, destroying herself and alienating everyone around her. Woven through the pages of her life are stories of recovery from alcoholism and the search for her sexual identity in relationships with both women and men. Eventually, her journey takes her to a place of relative peace and stability where she finds the inner resources and support system to manage her chronic illnesses and live a fulfilling life.

How to Expedite Your Career Through Publishing

by Lisa L. Morgan

There are a lot of books dedicated to career building and a lot of books dedicated to writing. Some will teach you how to write better resumes, business letters, or business plans. Yet, none really focus on how to build a career through publishing. That's what this book is all about. Clear examples; lots of resources.

Mensaje desde la Eternidad

by Marlo Morgan

Un mensaje dirigido a todas las almas, sin diferenciar entre mujeres y hombres, para restaurar nuestra dimensión espiritual perdida a través del modo en que los aborígenes han vivido en comunión con la tierra, sus criaturas y sus congéneres. Beatrice y Geoff nacieron según la tradición aborigen, en contacto con la tierra que les da de comer; pero fueron sustraídos de su entorno y, separados, vivieron perdidos en el mundo blanco. Tras realizar el camino del desierto, Beatrice encontró en la tribu de los Auténticos la sabiduría de sus antepasados, el mensaje de la Eternidad... «Este mensaje va dirigido a todas las almas, estén donde estén, y su contenido es válido para todas ellas. Lo ha sido siempre, desde los albores de la humanidad, en los tiempos de las cavernas, hasta el día de hoy. No existe diferencia alguna entre lo femenino y lo masculino. Nuestra misión no consiste en el éxito material y mundano, sino que tiene unadimensión espiritual. [...] Estos principios han sido seguidos por mi pueblo en la nación del Outback desde el principio de la historia. Nunca hemos sido labradores, mercaderes o pastores, sino cosechadores, músicos, artistas y poetas. Vivimos en comunión con la tierra, con todas las criaturas y con cada uno de nuestros congéneres.»Marlo Morgan

When Grief Calls Forth the Healing: A Memoir of Losing a Twin

by Mary Rockefeller Morgan

In 1961, Michael Rockefeller, son of then-governor of New York State Nelson A. Rockefeller, mysteriously disappeared off the remote coast of southern New Guinea. Amid the glare of international public interest, the governor, along with his daughter Mary, Michael&’s twin, set off on a futile search, only to return empty handed and empty hearted. What followed were Mary&’s twenty-seven-year repression of her grief and an unconscious denial of her twin&’s death, which haunted her relationships and controlled her life.In this startlingly frank and moving memoir, Mary R. Morgan struggles to claim an individual identity, which enables her to face Michael&’s death and the huge loss it engendered. With remarkable honesty, she shares her spiritually evocative healing journey and her story of moving forward into a life of new beginnings and meaning, especially in her work with others who have lost a twin.&“The sea change began one November day in 1961. I remember the moment before. A window in the corner of my parents&’ living room drew my attention. A windblown branch from an azalea bush scratched the surface of the glass, making a discordant sound. My father stands out clearly, his figure powerful and solid next to the soft, down-pillowed sofa. By the window, my two brothers and I are clustered around my mother, wary, and watching him. It was barely two months since Father had separated from her. And just days before, he&’d called a press conference, choosing to publicly expose his affair and his decision to remarry. Father held a yellow cablegram in his hand. Mike, my twin brother, was missing off the coast of New Guinea. Missing . . . The &‘s&’ sound. Like a thin knife, it slipped deep inside me. No resistance, just a sharp, knowing pain and then shimmering silence.&” —Adapted from Chapter One

Everything Is Negotiable: The 5 Tactics to Get What You Want in Life, Love, and Work

by Meg Myers Morgan

Surprising ways we limit ourselves and our happiness, and how to challenge the internalized wisdom and circular thinking that holds us backAs women, many of us are stuck in feedback loops about how to be successful and happy: striving to "have it all" at work and at home, letting ourselves be pressured into giving every part of our lives 100% until we're completely burnt-out, imagining only a strictly linear life path (college, job, marriage, kids), and accepting limitations without question. Yet the truth is, this book argues, most of the conventional wisdom about driving our life choices is total baloney. In Everything Is Negotiable, Meg Myers Morgan deconstructs preconceived notions about adulthood, parenthood, and career paths that have us limiting ourselves. Instead of following that linear plan, for example, she urges readers to take action now for what we want--limitations be damned. With wit and verve, Morgan also tells us to forget trying to "have it all," as the cliche phrase goes--it'll never happen. And, Morgan argues, don't bother trying to give 100%--we simply can't give anything 100% attention, ever! Instead, this book teaches us to navigate life's necessary trade-offs free of the baggage of our own expectations. Chock full of strategies for where and when to give our limited energy, what to demand from our careers, and how to make better choices, Everything Is Negotiable is for women ready to seize the lives they really want.

The Little Book of Marilyn: Inspiration from the Goddess of Glam

by Michelle Morgan

A lifestyle guide and tribute to the style, glamour, and showmanship of Hollywood's most iconic star, with Marilyn-inspired lessons and inspiration for today's woman.While the 1950s was in many ways an era of repression for women, Marilyn Monroe broke barriers and rebelled against convention -- and charmed the world with her beauty, talent, and irresistible personality. Filled with gorgeous photos, The Little Book of Marilyn will show you how to bring a touch of that glamour into your own life through: Tutorials on recreating the star's makeup looks Style advice and tips on where to find Marilyn-like fashions Décor ideas from Marilyn's own homes Everyday inspiration from her life that will let your inner Marilyn shine, and much more!

Calm Your Anxiety: Winning the Fight Against Worry

by Robert J. Morgan

Does your anxiety constantly make you question whether you have control, if you're safe, or if you have the power to change? Anxiety often creates an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear that makes your normal day-to-day feel challenging and overwhelming. You know that phrase . . . practice makes perfect. What if practice could help you create a better relationship with your anxiety?Pastor and bestselling author, Robert Morgan understands your struggle because he has lived with anxiety his entire life. He can teach you how to change your life by learning how to deal with your anxiety. In Calm Your Anxiety: Winning the Fight Against Worry, you'll learn how to:use biblical insight to help you better understand and cope with your anxiety.create joy, nearness to God, and peace.develop new daily habits that will help you deal with anxiety.identify triggers and how to be proactive in your daily routine.We all know that there is no cure for anxiety. It is something you live with, but that doesn't mean it has to take over your life. You are in control, and with God's help, you can wage war against anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

Calm Your Anxiety: 60 Biblical Quotes for Better Mental Health

by Robert J. Morgan

Do you often feel nervous, restless, or tense? Is there a feeling in the pit of your stomach that sometimes feels crippling? Does the potential danger or panic feel like it&’s taken over your life? If yes is your response to those questions, you are not alone. Pastor and bestselling author Robert Morgan has dealt with anxiety his entire life. Once he accepted his anxiety and committed to dealing with it every day, he felt peace and hope. In Calm Your Anxiety: 60 Biblical Insights for Better Mental Health, Morgan takes you on a 60-day journey that will help you make managing your anxiety a good habit and shift your mindset.Morgan will teach you how to celebrate God&’s goodness, ask God for help, and how to stop letting anxiety rule your life. Each day Morgan presents a daily practice that includes: a daily inspirational entry focusing on rejoicing, gentleness, nearness, prayer, thanksgiving, thinking, discipleship, or peace.a prompt for deeper reflection.If you're ready to make the commitment to yourself and live a more fulfilling and joy-filled life, allow Robert Morgan to come alongside and teach you how to calm your anxiety.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness: 52 Reasons to Trust God When Hope Feels Lost

by Robert J. Morgan

In times of waiting, grieving, or uncertainty, we sometimes wonder if God will fulfill His promises. In Great Is Thy Faithfulness, trusted pastor Rob Morgan reminds us through 52 scriptures and devotions that our loving God always follows through on what He says He will do. No matter your circumstances or feelings, one thing never changes: God is with you. Pastor Rob Morgan discovered this through the years he cared for his wife with multiple sclerosis. Now in Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Rob draws on that hard-won faith to show us that God is present even in times of transition, loss, or doubt. As you sink into the amazing attributes of God week after week, you will:Grow in your confidence of who God isDesire to know God more fullyTransform your prayer life in light of God's characterGreat Is Thy Faithfulness includes thoughtful additional features, such as:A ribbon marker to help you find your placeModern-day and historical stories of God's faithfulnessScripture to enrich your devotional timeWith undated entries covering a year of weekly devotions, this beautiful book makes a timely gift for:A friend going through a difficult time or starting a new season of lifeNew believers eager to strengthen their faithAnyone looking for inspiration to start regular devotional readingsFind rest for your soul as you are assured of God's love and faithfulness. As the psalmist tells us in Psalm 145:13, "The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does."

Mastering Life Before It's Too Late: 10 Biblical Strategies for a Lifetime of Purpose

by Robert J. Morgan

Pastor Rob Morgan provides ten biblical patterns for pleasantly productive people, answering the question: How do I gain mastery of my life before it's too late? A lifelong student of the Bible, Rob Morgan has spent forty years learning about maximizing each day and becoming purposeful and productive. Now he has found a simple plan that works--featuring ten biblical principles that transcend human wisdom. These patterns can be implemented today whether you're a student or an octagenarian, a novice or an executive, and help you develop a perpetually effective life. The ten patterns are: 1. Listen to a twelve-year-old: Be about your father's business.2. Redeem the time: Wasted hours can never be regained.3. Clear the decks: God isn't disorganized; why should we be?4. Maximize the morning: Schedule a standing appointment with God.5. Pull off at rest stops: Routinely replenish your inner resources.6. Operate on yourself: Diagnose and treat yourself spiritually.7. Live "As If": Act by faith even when your emotions aren't ready.8. Bathe in the Dead Sea: Experience the buoyancy of biblical joy.9. Practice the power of plodding: Persistently work in small increments.10. Remember there are two of you: It's Christ in you that's achieving significance. Based on actual Scriptures, this simple, yet hope-filled plan for mastering life before it's too late will put you on the path toward a lifetime of success.

Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents: Hope for Your Prodigal. Help for You

by Robert J. Morgan

Are you waiting for God to work his plan in your child's life? This inspirational collection of powerful stories and prayers offers comforting advice to concerned moms and dads.HOPE FOR YOUR PRODIGAL . HELP FOR YOU Worrying about our loved ones is the worst kind of worry in the world, espe­cially when it's our children for whom we're concerned. From the moment they're born, our youngsters have an unrivaled place in our hearts, and we feel an unending burden for their welfare. We do our best to provide for them and to protect them. But sometimes, like the prodigal's father in Luke 15, all we can do is entrust them to the Lord, love them, and give them time to find their way. Nothing is more difficult. Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents offers hope for your prodigal and help for you. In more than a hundred brief readings, Robert J. Morgan offers doses of hope--encouragements from Scripture, effective prayers, true-life stories, promises from God's Word, timely quotes, and helpful hints for coping with yourself and your child in difficult times. God specializes in being gracious, and prodigals have a way of coming home. Don't despair over your wayward ones. The Lord hasn't given up on them. Nor on you!

Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents

by Robert J. Morgan

Are you waiting for God to work his plan in your child's life? This inspirational collection of powerful stories and prayers offers comforting advice to concerned moms and dads.Countless parents feel helpless and lost when their teenage or young adult children fall into destructive lifestyles and walk away from the principles they were raised with. Distressed and wearied, moms and dads often feel they've tried everything: begging, praying, arguing, reasoning, making rules, and setting boundaries. But nothing works. What more can they do? Just accept it? Pastor and father Rob Morgan sympathizes with these parents, and in this powerful and hopeful book, he offers more than 100 readings to uplift and encourage them. Through Scripture-based prayers, excerpts from classical literature, brief messages, hopeful quotes, personal stories, and more, he speaks the language of hurting parents and offers the spiritual and practical help they need. Divided into eleven sections, each offering different methods of hope and healing, Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents shows parents how to intercede more effectively for their children, deal with worry and anxiety, and face difficult questions, such as: What do we do when God doesn't answer our prayers? What did Jesus do when he had trouble with his children? How can we best reach out to our prodigal sons and daughters? Full of powerful messages and answered prayers, this inspirational guide shows you what you can do while waiting for God to work in your children's lives.

Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents

by Robert J. Morgan

HOPE FOR YOUR PRODIGAL . HELP FOR YOU Worrying about our loved ones is the worst kind of worry in the world, espe­cially when it's our children for whom we're concerned. From the moment they're born, our youngsters have an unrivaled place in our hearts, and we feel an unending burden for their welfare. We do our best to provide for them and to protect them. But sometimes, like the prodigal's father in Luke 15, all we can do is entrust them to the Lord, love them, and give them time to find their way. Nothing is more difficult. Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents offers hope for your prodigal and help for you. In more than a hundred brief readings, Robert J. Morgan offers doses of hope--encouragements from Scripture, effective prayers, true-life stories, promises from God's Word, timely quotes, and helpful hints for coping with yourself and your child in difficult times. God specializes in being gracious, and prodigals have a way of coming home. Don't despair over your wayward ones. The Lord hasn't given up on them. Nor on you!

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