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Showing 23,526 through 23,550 of 36,418 results

The Sacred Numbers of Initiation: An Ancient Essene Numerology System

by Lars Muhl

Bestselling spiritual author Lars Muhl presents an effective system of numerology based both on secret teachings passed on in the remote Pyrenees and also on his extensive knowledge of the ancient EssenesThis book is a guide to using numerology for practical and spiritual guidance. It&’s attractive to look at with many diagrams showing how the different numbers relate to each other and where they fit on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Beautiful Hebrew letters are used throughout and, once you have worked out your own number, there is a wealth of information on the different nuances of meaning associated with it. Just reading each entry is a profound experience.The basic text for the 22 seed-numbers plus the quotations in this book reflect the numerological outlook and philosophy of the Essenes, the mystical cult in the Holy Land, to which belonged Christ and John the Baptist. Its traces are seen in the Old and New Testaments and in the so-called Gnostic Gospels.The purpose of The Sacred Numbers of Initiation is to inspire you and give you an idea of the spiritual qualities and potentials you are carrying with you in this incarnation. When you are aware of them, you can evolve and manifest them. Simply put, the words attached to the numbers inspire you to &“walk the talk&”.

The Seer

by Lars Muhl

The Seer is a compelling account of one man's spiritual awakening, written with extraordinary energy, candour and humility. The first of three books that together comprise 'The O Manuscript', it is the beginning of a personal and philosophical quest that challenges conventional wisdom and takes the reader on a mystical journey through ancient history and modern times. The book begins with the author at a crossroads, suffering from debilitating health, his personal and professional lives disintegrating around him. Bed-ridden for three years, Lars Muhl was put in touch with a seer who helped him, over the telephone initially, to recover his energy and brought him back to life. The Seer became his spiritual leader, teaching him the inner truths of existence. We travel with him to Montsegur, a remote mountain village and castle in southern France, where he meets the Seer and begins his remarkable and challenging adventure. The book is not only a spellbinding introduction to the ancient vision of cosmic interconnectedness, but also a critical evaluation of a long list of limiting New Age dogmas.When Lars and the Seer part, the latter hands an old manuscript into the author's care - a doorway to further revelations.

Verführen vereinfacht

by German Muhlenberg

Verführen Vereinfacht wurde von Tai Lopez, dem zweitgrößten Leseclub der Welt, am 3. Oktober 2017 gelesen und empfohlen. Die meisten Bücher oder Verführungsratgeber versuchen, dir Ratschläge zu geben, was du tun oder sagen sollst, um Frauen anzusprechen. Sie werden dir sagen, welche Techniken am besten sind, um nicht nur sie, sondern jede Frau zu bekommen, und das fast sofort. In diesem Buch geht es nicht darum, was Sie zu Frauen sagen sollen, sondern darum, eine attraktivere Persönlichkeit zu schaffen. Es wird nicht sofort gehen, es wird Zeit brauchen, du wirst nie alle Frauen erobern können und viele werden dich zurückweisen. Aber eines kann ich Ihnen versichern: Es wird funktionieren!

Dinerograma. El eneagrama del dinero: Nueve pasos hacia la verdadera riqueza

by Nacho Mühlenberg

Una guía para conocerte mejor, transformar tu relación con el dinero y alcanzar así la verdadera riqueza a través del eneagrama. «Combina la profunda sabiduría psicológica del eneagrama con lúcidas reflexiones para la conquista de la prosperidad».Álex Rovira «Escrito con extraordinaria claridad y fluidez, Dinerograma de Nacho Mühlenberg va a ayudar a mucha gente».Francesc Miralles «Una guía fantástica para vivir una vida de verdadera abundancia».Verónica Blume ¿Por qué algunas personas ahorran cada céntimo y otras derrochan sin mesura? ¿Por qué algunas generan dinero con mucha facilidad y otras sobreviven día a día? ¿Por qué algunas planifican sus finanzas al detalle y otras se limitan a improvisar? Nacho Mühlenberg, experto en eneagrama y educación financiera, explica en este libro cómo nos relacionamos con el dinero según nuestra personalidad o eneatipo y nos ayuda a transformar nuestros miedos, creencias, conductas, y deseos en relación con él para conseguir riqueza de forma práctica y vivir el estilo de vida que cada uno quiera. En nueve pasos sencillos y accesibles, Dinerograma proporciona una hoja de ruta para pasar de ser un ignorante en las finanzas a tener el control económico de nuestra vida. «Este es un libro muy original a la vez que práctico. Combina la profunda sabiduría psicológica del eneagrama con lúcidas reflexiones para la buena gestión y la conquista de la prosperidad. Leerlo te permitirá conocerte mejor para así gestionar de manera óptima tu realización económica. Te lo recomiendo vivamente».ÁLEX ROVIRA, autor best seller de La buena suerte «Escrito con extraordinaria claridad y fluidez, Dinerograma, de Nacho Mühlenberg, va a ayudar a mucha gente. Si lo hubiera tenido en mis manos durante mis épocas oscuras, me habría ahorrado mucho sufrimiento económico y terrenal».FRANCESC MIRALLES, autor best seller de Ikigai «Este libro es una guía fantástica para vivir una vida de verdadera abundancia y reconocer nuestros patrones con el dinero. ¡Lectura más que necesaria en los tiempos que vivimos!».VERÓNICA BLUME, exmodelo, profesora de yoga y empresaria

You Can Drop It!: How I Dropped 100 Pounds Enjoying Carbs, Cocktails & Chocolate–And You Can Too!

by Ilana Muhlstein

Most Registered Dietitian Nutritionists Couldn’t Claim This— “I Lost 100 Pounds and Now I’m Sharing How I Did It with You!” MORE THAN 240,000 CLIENTS CAN’T BE WRONG! My name is Ilana Muhlstein and I wrote You Can Drop It! to help you learn my personal and proven system to drop weight and keep it off—without sacrifice—and it’s so simple that you’ll love it! This unique approach has become famous thanks to my renowned 2B Mindset program. The 2B Mindset is designed with the built-in ability for customization so that it is optimally effective and can work for everyone. It has already helped thousands of people lose weight—some more than 100 pounds—while never asking them to go hungry or cut out the foods that they love. You Can Drop It! doesn’t just give you the key knowledge you need to lose weight. It adds motivational principles and real-life examples and it’s the perfect complement to my successful program. No counting calories! No portion control! No feeling hungry! No off-limits foods! No exercise required! Finally—weight loss with FREEDOM! Here’s Exactly Why YOU CAN DROP IT! Will Work: You're going to feel full and satisfied. (You can still eat comforting foods, in big portions, and enjoy 50+ delicious recipes inside.) You’ll eat the foods you love. (Nothing is off-limits, not even dessert or a glass of wine.) You’ll be in control. (Say goodbye to emotional and mindless eating.) You can finally keep off the weight! (These powerful weight-loss tools will be yours for life.) The 2B Mindset method changed my life. I struggled with yo-yo dieting the whole first half of my life. I was always the big one in the group. By the time I turned 13, I weighed over 200 pounds, and I felt terrible about myself. That’s when I realized I had to break the cycle. Through trial and error, and lots of research, I discovered a simple and effective way to lose weight, while still eating large portions and the foods I loved. Over time, I lost 100 pounds, and kept the weight off. . . even after having two beautiful children. My secret? It’s called the 2B Mindset. It has helped thousands of my clients lose weight too—and now it will help you.

No elijas: Cómo conciliar el mundo personal con el laboral

by Luis Muiño

Un método práctico y resolutivo para conciliar la vida laboral con la familiar y la personal. Todos buscamos la fórmula para conciliar el aspecto laboral, el familiar y el personal en nuestra vida. Este libro propone un método, que el lector puede desarrollar en tres meses, para aprender a diferenciarlos y luego armonizarlos. Además, con la ayuda de ejemplos y situaciones a partir de algunas series de televisión de éxito, como True Detective, Modern Family o Breaking Bad, nos será más fácil detectar conflictos y encontrar su solución. El objetivo es conseguir vivir en esos tres mundos simultáneamente y disfrutar de ellos sin que ninguno interfiera negativamente con los demás. Esta edición actualizada incluye una guía de series de referencia para el lector.

Beat Stress: CBT, NLP and mindfulness practices for relaxing body and mind

by Alice Muir

Beat Stress is a wholly practical guide to coping with stress, which draws on a mixture of CBT and NLP therapies, offering both long-term solutions and strategies to help you feel better now. It gives you a wide range of techniques that will successfully relax both body and mind, drawing extensively on Mindfulness practices, as well as showing you where you can find support, solutions and strategies online. There will be diagnostic tests to assess the level of your problem, 'quick fixes' which offer an immediate solution, 'points to remember', which will give long-term inspiration for those struggling, and clear guidance for what you can expect in the next chapter (Next Step). Designed to make the information work for you, this is the most effective and practical guide available to beating stress - forever.

Blissful Relaxation Exercises: Flash

by Alice Muir

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Blissful Relaxation Exercises is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning basic relaxation techniques in a few short steps. Even if you are completely new to the area, in just 96 pages you will discover how to master some essential principles and follow some simple routines to help them relax and unwind.

Blissful Relaxation Exercises: Flash

by Alice Muir

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Blissful Relaxation Exercises is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning basic relaxation techniques in a few short steps. Even if you are completely new to the area, in just 96 pages you will discover how to master some essential principles and follow some simple routines to help them relax and unwind.

Fix Your Stress: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub

by Alice Muir

Beat Stress is a wholly practical guide to coping with stress, which draws on a mixture of CBT and NLP therapies, offering both long-term solutions and strategies to help you feel better now. It gives you a wide range of techniques that will successfully relax both body and mind, drawing extensively on Mindfulness practices, as well as showing you where you can find support, solutions and strategies online. There will be diagnostic tests to assess the level of your problem, 'quick fixes' which offer an immediate solution, 'points to remember', which will give long-term inspiration for those struggling, and clear guidance for what you can expect in the next chapter (Next Step). Designed to make the information work for you, this is the most effective and practical guide available to beating stress - forever.

Get Results with NLP: Flash

by Alice Muir

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Get Results with NLP is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning some basic NLP techniques to improve your powers of persuasion and boost your charisma. Whether you want to be more successful at work, be more influential in your social life, or just communicate better, in just 96 pages readers will discover a complete toolkit for making positive and lasting changes. Get Results with NLP is a quick, to-the-point guide for those who want to make instant changes to their life in the quickest time possible.

Overcome Depression: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub

by Alice Muir

At any time, one in twenty people suffers from severe, clinical depression. If you or someone close to you may be one of them, this is book will be your perfect companion through your depression. No book can claim to 'cure' depression, which is a serious illness for which people should seek medical help. What this book does is demystify the illness, help remind you that you're not alone, provide moving case studies of people who have been in similar situations, and talk you through some practical things you can do to alleviate the effects of depression. It also explains the key treatments, including medication, cognitive behavioural therapy, and alternative therapies.

Persuade Anyone with NLP: Teach Yourself

by Alice Muir

'Persuade Anyone with NLP' will give you the secret behind increased power, personal effectiveness and charisma, improving the quality of your life and enabling you to get what you want, whether in the workplace, the shopping mall, or at home with the family. Using the NLP toolkit, you can unlock the secret of effective communication in all its forms, which will make you irresistible in any sphere of influence. Discover the key to great body language, how to build a rapport, handle conflict and negotiate - and, ultimately, how to use these skills to get what you want, just when you want it.

Relaxation Techniques: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself General)

by Alice Muir

This new edition of Teach Yourself Relaxation features enhanced practical application of the subject and fully updated resources.

Relaxation Techniques: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself General Ser.)

by Alice Muir

The ultimate user-friendly, comprehensive relaxation guide!Learn effective relaxation techniques with this complete guide to feeling good and beating stress. You will discover a wide range of different techniques, from muscle relaxation to visualization, from soothing sounds to calming breathing, so you're bound to find something that works for you. This new and updated edition features free audio with practical exercises on physical and mental relaxation, breathing and even basic meditation, available from Relaxation Techniques includes:Chapter 1: Relaxation - a skill with a long historyChapter 2: Relaxation, stress and tension explainedChapter 3: Coping with stress and tensionChapter 4: Vulnerability to tension or stressChapter 5: Relaxing your bodyChapter 6: Relaxed body languageChapter 7: A relaxed mind and calm thinking Chapter 8: Relaxing mind and body togetherChapter 9: More alternative and complementary therapiesChapter 10: Making the most of the internet and modern technologyChapter 11: Relaxation and your feelingsChapter 12: Relaxation in situationsChapter 13: Relaxation and your moodChapter 14: What now? Relaxation as a way of life

Tantra Goddess

by Caroline Muir

Tantra Goddess is Caroline Muir's memoir of her personal journey from innocent Kansas girl to skilled sexual and spiritual healer and leader. She shares the experiences that shaped her and lessons learned over a lifetime of searching for, and most often finding, love. While pioneering the now burgeoning Tantra movement in the United States and abroad, she experiences the highs and lows of the polyamorous, Tantric lifestyle, finds peace at last in a sexually monogamous relationship, and a new found sense of herself.

Cambio radical: 33 lecciones milagrosas para transformar tu vida

by Coral Mujaes

Escucha la voz del universo, permite que te guíe; el cambio que necesitas está en ti, deja que la energía positiva te colme. En muchas ocasiones nos sentimos perdidos, sin rumbo, con dolor y una carga emocional devastadora. ¿Qué hacer ante el sentimiento de derrota? ¿Es posible borrar la frustración? Coral Mujaes te ayuda en este libro mágico y excepcional a encontrar las respuestas espirituales a estas preguntas y más: te muestra el camino de la valoración espiritual y el equilibrio emocional. A través de 33 lecciones de vida que van de la experiencia propia al estudio y lectura de grandes guías y maestros espirituales, Cambio radical nos ayuda a enfrentar y vencer nuestros miedos, a tener claros los conceptos de intuición y resistencia, a aprender de la adversidad y convertirla en motivo de crecimiento. En estas páginas plenas de luz y optimismo, aderezadas con incontables Fearless Wisdom: afirmaciones y tips para aplicar en tu cotidianidad, Coral Mujaes te invita a lograr la mejor versión de ti, a entender la vida como una hermosa metáfora y a emprender el camino hacia un cambio radical tocado por el amor y el crecimiento espiritual.

El poder lo tienes tú

by Coral Mujaes

Empoderarte, lograr el éxito en todos los ámbitos de tu vida y hacer realidad tus sueños es cuestión de decisión y está en tus manos transformar tu existencia: encuentra en estas páginas todos los secretos para convertirte en la persona triunfadora, asertiva y carismática que siempre has deseado. El poder lo tienes tú te ofrece las herramientas más efectivas para lograr el cuerpo que quieres, llevar tus finanzas al siguiente nivel, eliminar los hábitos nocivos relacionados con tu alimentación, tu autoestima y tus relaciones de pareja, y convencerte de las maravillas de la autodisciplina, todo con el objetivo de que hagas estallar tu potencial y consigas tus objetivos. Coral Mujaes te garantiza esto y más: ella ha estado abajo, muy abajo, pero su paciencia, rigor en sus métodos, convicción y un inmenso amor propio la convirtieron en empresaria, bodybuilder y coach transformacional tremendamente ganadora, que ahora te comparte sus secretos para que brilles pues eres única, eres fortaleza, eres esfuerzo y hoy, más que nunca, ¡el poder lo tienes tú!

Real Friends Talk About Race: Bridging the Gaps Through Uncomfortable Conversations

by Yseult P. Mukantabana Hannah Summerhill

Real Friends Talk About Race is an essential guide for those who want to have stronger interracial relationships—whether it&’s with friends, colleagues, or loved ones. Having conversations about race is uncomfortable. But for progress between individuals (and our communities) to happen, we need to be able to speak openly and honestly. Podcast hosts of The Kinswomen Yseult and Hannah use their own friendship and experiences from different racial backgrounds to offer guidance on navigating these layered conversations. In Real Friends Talk About Race, the duo share their two perspectives on the ways in which culture, history, and white supremacy have prevented us from having the skills to build trust and healthy relationships across race. Yseult and Hannah approach these topics with love and candor—calling readers in (not out) to confront hard realities and their own internalized biases, while also sharing prescriptive advice, encouragement, and a sense of community.Real Friends Talk About Race is a must-read for anyone looking to listen, learn, and feel empowered to have meaningful conversations about race.

Rendezvous with a Monk

by Jayant Mukherjee

What is the meaning of our life? What is the relevance of Swami Vivekananda and his teaching's in today’s fast-paced world? Are religion and spirituality the same? When Deepak and Dipali arrive in Dehradun to meet their childhood friend Jayant, they bring with them a monk. His addition in the mix ensures a rather unusual route of conversation on spirituality. Stories that are both thought-provoking and interesting emerge from the perspective of ancient Indian ethos rather than philosophy or theism. When Jayant reveals that he is, in fact, currently writing a book on Swami Vivekananda, the discussion turns deeper with relevant questions on the meaning (of life), vision, work, organization, leader as mentor, and reality. The protagonists navigate their way through the tributaries of humanism, philosophy, religion, and management and try to find answers to questions that Vivekananda himself grappled with. Written in an easy conversational manner, you will be extolled on not taking anything at face value but to choose your own path of truth. This book leaves you with a feeling of optimism and self-belief.

The Mouse's House: Children's Reflexology for Bedtime or Anytime

by Melissa Muldoon Susan Quayle

Mouse finds a new house and calls upon her woodland friends to help her to make it a cosy home, but will it be ready in time for winter? Combining reflexology with delightfully engaging rhymes and illustrations, this book features easy-to-follow diagrams and instructions for giving basic reflexology to a child during a bedtime (or anytime) story. This unique book, written by a specialist maternity reflexologist, uses this non-invasive complementary therapy to help strengthen the bonding process between parent (or carer) and child and offers a gentle remedy for problems such as sleep difficulties, anxiety and mild pain. No prior reflexology knowledge is required.

The Ignatian Workout: Daily Exercises for a Healthy Faith

by Tim Muldoon

<p>We look at the world—and at God—in drastically different ways than our ancestors did, and yet the wisdom of a sixteenth-century Catholic saint perfectly suits our doubtful, antiauthoritarian, pluralistic age. St. Ignatius of Loyola believed that we could know God better by paying attention to his work in our lives, our experiences, our imagination, and our feelings. His Spiritual Exercises, an enduring masterpiece of spiritual insight, teaches us to grow spiritually by learning to respond in concrete, practical ways to this divine presence. <p>The Ignatian Workout presents St. Ignatius’s wisdom in today’s language—as a daily program of “workouts” to achieve spiritual fitness, tailored to people with busy schedules. It is a program that shows us how to recognize and respond to a God who is already at work in us, inviting us into a deeper relationship and into richer lives of love and service.</p>

Everything I Need to Know About Christmas I Learned From a Little Golden Book

by Diane Muldrow

The Poky Little Puppy, the Gingerbread Man, and many other classic Golden Books characters help illustrate this wise and witty guide to the holidays! Delightfully retro yet utterly of the moment, this companion to the bestselling EVERYTHING NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM A LITTLE GOLDEN BOOK will delight fans of those gold foil-spined treasures. Featuring iconic art from Golden Books luminaries including Eloise Wilkin, Richard Scarry, J.P. Miller, Garth Williams, and more -- this collection is a must for maintaining ever-important holiday cheer!

Everything I Need to Know About Family I Learned From a Little Golden Book

by Diane Muldrow

Celebrate family and the 75th anniversary of Little Golden Books with the newest book in the ever-popular EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW series! Have you ever wished your family were a little more . . . perfect? The brand that most represents idyllic perfection actually confirms that there is no such thing. But it does show that joy and love can be found in the imperfect! Reap the rewards of Diane Muldrow&’s collection of the very best Golden Book images in this new addition to the bestselling series. Everything I Need to Know About Family I Learned From a Little Golden Book proves once again that those gold-spined tomes hold wisdom that transcends childhood.

Everything I Need to Know About Love I Learned From a Little Golden Book

by Diane Muldrow

Next in the EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW... series comes a book perfect for your valentine, your family, or YOU. Charming and witty as ever, this new treasury of insights reveals that, for all the love-related mystery and confusion we face as adults, those Little Golden Books may have had the answers all along.

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