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Vivendo a Partir do Coração

by Nirmala Francine R. Romano

Vivendo a Partir do Coração por Nirmala Durante séculos, os ensinamentos espirituais nos apontam o Coração como fonte de sabedoria, verdade, paz e amor. Chamamos de Coração porque essas realidades profundas são experienciadas mais fortemente na região física do coração. Contudo, o Coração espiritual não fica limitado à uma localização física no seu corpo. O Coração é a totalidade de sua conexão com as qualidades essenciais e as dimensões superiores da sua natureza como um Ser ilimitado. Qualquer exploração mais completa da verdade superior de seu Ser deve incluir a descoberta das capacidades e características desse aspecto terno, amoroso e sábio da sua natureza. Vivendo a Partir do Coração consiste em três partes que se correlacionam e exploram o ato de viver segundo o Coração espiritual. A Parte Um, A Partir do Coração, oferece maneiras simples para mergulhar sua consciência no Coração e, assim, mudar para uma perspectiva mais aberta e indulgente e vivenciar mais inteiramente o mundo e a sua natureza enquanto espaço consciente. E segue adiante ao explorar o mergulho da consciência no ventre e, por último, no amplo Coração espiritual que inclui mente, coração e ventre. Essas simples mudanças de perspectiva podem alterar profundamente sua experiência de vida e seus desafios. Acontece que não importa o que você vivencia, e sim a partir de qual perspectiva você o vivencia. A Parte Dois, A Sabedoria do Coração, explica como o Coração é um guia sábio e preciso para chegar à verdade. A verdade é tudo quanto abra seu Coração e acalme sua mente. Essa definição simples elimina qualquer ideia ou crença equivocada sobre a fonte de sabedoria e orientação disponível no seu próprio Coração. A Parte Três, O Amor é para Ser Doado, aponta para a verdadeira fonte do amor no seu Coração. A essência do amor é a atenção ampla e aberta de nossa consciência, que é


by Richard Nisbett

Learn how to think more effectively, at work and at home. Many scientific and philosophical ideas are so powerful that they can be applied to our lives at home and work and school to help us think smarter and more effectively about our behaviour and the world around us. Surprisingly, many of these ideas remain unknown to most of us. In Mindware, the world-renowned psychologist Richard Nisbett presents these ideas in clear and accessible detail, offering a tool kit for better thinking and wiser decisions. He has made a distinguished career of studying and teaching such powerful problem-solving concepts as the law of large numbers, statistical regression, cost-benefit analysis, sunk costs and opportunity costs, and causation and correlation, probing how best to teach others to use them effectively in their daily lives. In this groundbreaking book, he shows that a course in a given field--statistics or economics, for example--often doesn't work as well as a few minutes of more practical instruction in analyzing everyday situations. Mindware shows how to reframe common problems in such a way that these powerful scientific and statistical concepts can be applied to them. The result is an enlightening and practical guide to the most powerful tools of reasoning ever developed--tools that can easily be used to make better professional, business and personal decisions.

Sustainably Delicious: Making the World a Better Place, One Recipe at a Time

by Michel Nischan Mary Goodbody

More than any other chef at work today, Michel Nischan creates sophisticated, modern food by embracing the food tenets of the past: Use what's readily available, celebrate variety, respect the land, and eschew waste. Whether it's explaining the virtues of secondary meat cuts, which fish are in least danger of overfishing, or how heritage bean and grain varieties help to support biodiversity as well as healthy diets, Sustainably Delicious proves that the most satisfying food comes from a passionate respect for America's culinary and environmental legacy. Many of the recipes reflect Nischan's Midwestern roots and the innate frugality that dictated his family's meals be made with humble, seasonal ingredients. In Nischan's confident hands, simple foods such as barley, celery root, and eggs shine. With recipes such as Heirloom Beet Salad with Savory Marshmallows, Tomato Rice Soup with Braised Beef Shanks, and Leg of Pasture-Raised Lamb Stuffed with Chestnuts and Dried Cranberries, Nischan's approach to farm table cuisine is anything but precious.

This Monk Wears Heels: Be Who You Are

by Kodo Nishimura

Kodo Nishimura rose to fame following his appearance in Queer Eye: We're in Japan. Now this celebrity make-up artist and ordained Buddhist monk shares his unique and practical guide to positivity and self-acceptance. Readers will learn from the author's path to self-love and resilience and modern take on Buddhist teachings.IT&’S TIME TO BE TRUE TO YOU This book is for anyone who&’s ever felt like they don&’t fit in. And for all those who dare to be different. Do you show who you truly are? Do you say what you really think? Or do you hide your heart&’s desire and camouflage yourself to look like others? It is too easy to limit ourselves for fear of what other people will think. The message of this book is that we can choose to love our uniqueness—and that our diversity offers hope for the world. This Monk Wears Heels is a guide to self-love, self-acceptance, and taking a Buddhist approach to life. Kodo Nishimura reveals how inclusive the Buddhist teachings really are—and that, yes, it is possible to be a Buddhist monk and do makeup and wear sparkly earrings. This book is about being who you really are, totally unapologetically and with full conviction. It will show you how to shine in your own colors and be celebrated for yourself.

Being Nature: A Down-to-Earth Guide to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness

by Wes Nisker

• Provides a practical program, complete with enjoyable, even playful meditations, for realizing greater self-awareness, increased wisdom, and happiness• Shows how recent discoveries in physics, evolutionary biology, and psychology express in scientific terms the same insights the Buddha discovered more than 2,500 years ago• Reveals the origins of attachments, desires, emotions, and thoughts in our own bodiesTaking us on an evolutionary journey to find the origins of emotions, desires, and thoughts in our own bodies, Wes &“Scoop&” Nisker shows not only how cutting-edge science is proving the tenets of the Buddha but also how we can interpret the traditional practices of Buddhism through this scientific lens for more personal freedom and peace of mind. Using the traditional Buddhist meditation series of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness as a framework, Nisker offers a witty narrative along with practical meditations and exercises to train the mind to overcome painful conditioning and gain greater self-awareness, increased wisdom, and happiness. He shows how recent discoveries in physics, evolutionary biology, and psychology express in scientific terms the same insights the Buddha discovered more than 2,500 years ago, such as the impermanence of the body, where thoughts come from, and how the body communicates within itself. Presenting a variety of new ways to harness the power of mindfulness to transform our understanding of both ourselves and the world, Nisker teaches us how to put our understanding of evolution in the service of spiritual awakening.

Invertir: Una Sencilla Guía De Inversión Para Principiantes ( Investing)

by Brian Nison

Si bien es importante mantener los activos a corto plazo disponibles para casos de emergencia de oportunidades de negocios, ya sea que una persona comience a ahorrar en la adolescencia o cuando se acerca la edad de jubilación, la prioridad debe ser puesta en una perspectiva a largo plazo. Los principios de inversión descritos en este libro pueden aplicarse globalmente. Sin embargo, dependiendo de tu país de origen, la implementación exacta de las inversiones puede variar.

Don't Be That Guy: 51 Annoying Guys We All Know

by Colin Nissan

Providing hilarious, true-to-life insight on guys from a distinctly male perspective, this lighthearted book takes a look at men through the expert males' eyes. An illustrated, creative collection, this book dissects annoying situations involving men, from guys who still wear fraternity t-shirts decades after graduating to guys that over-hug. Identifying and describing men with sharp wit and hysterical cartoons, this guide will leave readers laughing--or cringing--in recognition.

College Success Strategies (4th Edition)

by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik Jodi Patrick Holschuh

This book teaches students the skills and strategies that will enable them to be lifelong learners capable of knowing how to approach new and challenging material in college and beyond.

Dr. Nita’s Crash Course for Women: Better Sex, Better Health, Better You

by Nita Landry, MD, OB-GYN

THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING RESOURCE EVERY WOMAN NEEDS AND DESERVES Many women aren’t enjoying womanhood — they’re tolerating it and don’t realize how much healthier and happier they could be. For those women — in fact, for all women — superstar ob-gyn Dr. Nita Landry presents the best wellness guide to come along in decades. With a winning combination of straight talk and science savvy, Dr. Nita’s frank, health-forward book will empower you to: • ditch fundamental misunderstandings about female anatomy and enjoy a healthy, happy sex life • find the right doctor and ask the right questions • stay on top of breast and gynecological cancer screening and prevention • deal with reproductive concerns • clear confusion about period problems, sexually transmitted infections, orgasms, and hush-hush female issues like leaky bladders With Dr. Nita’s expertise and guidance, you’ll discover better sex, better health, and a better you.

Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter What Your Role on Any Team

by Marina Nitze Nick Sinai

In this "deeply empowering and practical book"(Cecilia Muñoz), two technology and innovation leaders reveal dozens of tactics that enabled them to accomplish seemingly impossible reforms in organizations of all types and sizes. Whether you just started your first entry-level job, run the entire company, or just feel trapped by your condo association bylaws, it&’s time to it&’s time to learn how to get big things done and make a lasting impact with Hack Your Bureaucracy. From local government to the White House, Harvard to the world of venture capital, Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai have taken on some of the world&’s most challenging bureaucracies—and won. Now, they bring their years of experience to you, teaching you strategies anyone can use to improve your organization through their own stories and those of fellow bureaucracy hackers, including: Find Your Paperclip: use small steps to achieve big change Set Your North Star: keep your end goal in sight Cultivate the Karass: assemble an adept team and network Don&’t Waste a Crisis: turn every opportunity into a chance for change And more! Change doesn&’t happen just because the person in charge declares it should, even if that person is the CEO of your company or the President of the United States. Regardless of your industry, role, or team, Hack Your Bureaucracy shows how to get started, take initiative on your own, and transform your ideas into impact.

Supreme Influence

by Niurka Michael Bernard Beckwith

"Supreme Influence is a way of being and communicating with purpose, poise, precision and power. It is a practice that allows you to consciously create harmonious relationships and produce successful results in every area of life."Transform your language, transform your life! Niurka, a former Anthony Robbins corporate trainer, and popular transformational leader and communication expert, teaches us how to increase confidence, enrich relationships, transcend fears and achieve greater success - all by choosing language wisely. In this inspiring journey of discovery, Niurka shows us how shifting what we say and how we say it can forever alter the way we experience life and all its bounty. With practical and simple tools and techniques, this book guides us to expand our awareness, consciously direct our focus, and choose empowering thoughts and words, which ultimately will lead us all to a greater appreciation of life no matter what's happening around us. As we actively participate in uplifting our imaginings and conversations, we elevate our entire experience of reality. On this journey, you will learn how to align your thoughts, focus, beliefs, body language, goals and vision with your purpose and authentic self. Most important, you will realize a deeper understanding of who you are and why you are here.Regardless of what you've experienced up until now, you can rapidly and often instantly transform challenges, realize your vision, and inspire others through your example."No matter what you've experienced in life," Niurka writes, "your being is beyond any circumstance, the past, any story, or beliefs. Throughout this book, I share my own past and stories because they offer wisdom and can make a difference, but the specifics of my circumstances don't really matter. Who I Am is beyond every story. And so it is with you."From the Hardcover edition.

100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa, Los

by David Niven

En todas las épocas las personas han buscado el éxito y no siempre han obtenido buenos resultados. Este interesante libro indaga en las características de aquellos individuos que han logrado el éxito y da a conocer valiosas conclusiones en un lenguaje claro y directo, para que todos los lectores puedan ponerlos en práctica en su vida diaria. Entre los consejos más relevantes, el autor dice que tener metas bien definidas es vital para la autoconfianza. Asimismo, señala que la productividad es mayor cuando se trabaja con personas que tienen distintas opiniones. También presenta ejemplos como los de un deportista olímpico y el de un destacado profesional de la televisión. Además, afirma que un número significativo de ejecutivos exitosos sostienen que tener una buena vida familiar es decisivo para sus logros laborales y profesionales.

Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Feliz

by David Niven

Los científicos y académicos llevan años intentando descubrir qué es lo que hace feliz a la gente. Pero sus investigaciones tienden a quedar escondidas en diversas publicaciones académicas y científicas, sin jamás llegar al alcance de la gente común. Por eso, en Los 100 Secretos dela Gente Feliz, el científico social y psicólogo, David Niven, Ph. D. , nos presenta de manera clara y comprensiva, lo esencial de los miles de estudios científicos que se han hecho acerca de la felicidad. El autor ilustra con ejemplos y explicaciones, cada una de las cien técnicas, actitudes y costumbres que nos ayudan a transformar una vida mediocre y sin gracia, en una vida llena de felicidad. CREE EN TI MISMO: No importa la edad, el sexo o el origen: creer en sí mismo aumenta la satisfacción en la vida de un 40 por ciento, haciéndonos más felices tanto en la casa como en el trabajo. APAGA LA TELEVISIÓN: Mirar demasiada televisión puede triplicar nuestro antojo de posesiones, lo que reduce nuestro nivel de satisfacción personal de 5 por ciento por cada hora de televisión que miramos. NO OLVIDES DIVERTIRTE: La diversión es una de las cinco claves para llevar una vida satisfecha. La gente que se toma el tiempo de divertirse tiene 20 por ciento más de posibilidades de ser feliz, y 36 por ciento más de posibilidades de sentirse a gusto con su edad y la etapa en la que se encuentra en la vida.

100 Secretos de la Gente Saludable, Los: Lo que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida (100 Secretos)

by David Niven

La Ciencia de una Vida Saludable ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las personas que se sienten y se ven saludables, y las que están cansadas o deprimidas y jamás están en forma? A diario enfrentamos una cantidad alarmante de estudios y estadísticas que nos dicen qué debemos y no debemos comer, cuánto tiempo tenemos que hacer ejercicio o cómo protegernos del humo de segunda mano y los dañinos rayos del sol. Pero estos estudios, además de ser contradictorios, suelen tener información científica literalmente incomprensible para el lector común. En este libro, David Niven nos hace el favor de resumir los millones de estudios que se han hecho acerca de la salud del ser humano, y de convertirlos en cien fáciles puntos que nos ayudarán a vivir más saludables y felices. Desmontando mitos comunes con consejos reales y aplicables, Niven nos explica la importancia de estos descubrimientos. Coma con frecuencia. Los investigadores de la universidad Oxford hallaron que las personas que comen cinco o seis veces al día tienen un 5 por ciento menos de colesterol que la persona media, y tienen un 45 por ciento más de posibilidades de mantener su peso ideal que las personas que sólo comen una o dos veces al día. ¿Quién dice que la cafeína es mala para la salud? La mayoría de los resultados científicos prueban que, para un adulto saludable, cantidades moderadas de cafeína (aproximadamente tres tazas de café al día) no presentan ningún riesgo a la salud. Hogar, dulce hogar. Según un estudio de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles, aquellas personas que dicen tener una vida de hogar satisfactoria tienen un 24 por ciento más de posibilidades de vivir más que la expectativa normal de vida.

Los 100 Secretos de las Familias Felices: Lo que los Científicos Han Descubierto y Cómo Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida (100 Secretos Ser.)

by David Niven

La Ciencia de una Familia Feliz ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las personas que tienen relaciones íntimas y cariñosas con sus familias, y aquellas que tienen relaciones tensas y frustrantes? Sociólogos, terapeutas y siquiatras se han pasado toda una vida investigando los pormenores de la dinámica familiar, pero sus hallazgos tienden a quedar ocultos en publicaciones académicas que sólo leen otros expertos. Ahora, David Niven, autor bestseller a nivel internacional de la serie Los 100 Secretos ha reunido la información más reciente e importante de más de mil estudios científicos que se han hecho acerca de familias. Niven nos explica estos descubrimientos en un lenguaje sencillo y fácil de comprender, resumiéndolo todo en cien consejos claves que nos ayudarán a encontrar y mantener el amor, la felicidad y la satisfacción en nuestras relaciones familiares. No olvide el pasado: Los padres que comparten la historia de su familia con sus hijos generan en ellos un alto nivel de interés por otros miembros de la familia y aumentan la probabilidad de que sus hijos sean felices. Sin precio: Una vez suplidas todas las necesidades básicas, la situación económica de su familia no tendrá ningún impacto sobre qué tan satisfechos se sienten con sus vidas. Escuche la opinión de todos: Las personas de edad que tienen dificultad viviendo solas tienen un 84 por ciento más de probabilidades de estar satisfechas con su situación de vivienda si sienten que su opinión es esencial a la hora de elegir un nuevo hogar. El mejor regalo: La gente que está contenta con su vida familiar tiene un 72 por ciento más de probabilidades de estar satisfecha con su vida en general.

100 Secretos de las Parejas Felices, Los: Lo Que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida (100 Secretos Ser.)

by David Niven

La Ciencia de ser una Pareja Feliz )Qu_ cosas hacen que una pareja sea feliz? Los cientificos y acad_micos han pasado a_os investigando la naturaleza de las relaciones, los noviazgos, y el matrimonio, pero sus hallazgos tienden a quedar escondidas en diversas publicaciones acad_micas, sin jamfs llegar al alcance de la gente comun. Por eso, el aclamado autor de Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Feliz ha recolectado la informacion mfs significativa y reciente de los miles de estudios que se han hecho acerca de las relaciones, y la presenta de una manera clara y ffcil de comprender. Los consejos aqui contenidos no estfn basados en la experiencia o las opiniones de una persona en particular. Estfn basados en las investigaciones de reconocidos cientificos que estudias las vidas y los amores de los estadounidenses. Cada uno de los 100 secretos va ilustrado por una historieta que lo justifica. El amor es dificil de calcular. Los investigadores han comprobado de la edad, el presupuesto, la educacion y la religion de una persona no tienen nada que ver con el nivel de satisfaccion de una persona en una relacion. El siempre querer ganar puede llevar a una gran p_rdida. La gente que tiene un sentimiento de competitividad con su pareja, tienen 37 por ciento menos de posibilidades de sentir que estfn en una relacion que los satisface. Deje el pasado en el pasado. Mfs de 40 por ciento de la gente reporta que los celos de una relacion previa es una fuente de desacuerdo en la relacion actual.

The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People

by David Niven

Scientists and academics have spent entire careers investigating what makes people happy. But hidden in obscure scholarly journals and reports, their research is all too often inaccessible to ordinary people. Now the bestselling author of the 100 Simple Secrets series distills the scientific findings of over a thousand of the most important studies on happiness into easy-to-digest nuggets of advice. Each of the hundred practices is illustrated with a clear example and illuminated by a straightforward explanation of the science behind it to show you how to transform a ho-hum existence into a full and happy life. Believe in yourself: Across all ages, and all groups, a solid belief in one's own abilities increases life satisfaction by about 40 percent, and makes us happier both in our home lives and in our work lives. Turn off your TV: Watching too much TV can triple our hunger for more possessions, while reducing our personal contentment by about 5 percent for every hour a day we watch.

100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use it

by David Niven

The Simple Science of a Healthy LifeFrom fitness to diets to emotional health and longevity, what do people who feel and look healthy do differently than those who are overtired, depressed, or out of shape? Every day we face an avalanche of studies and statistics that tell us what we should or shouldn't eat, how long we need to exercise, or how to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and the harmful rays from the sun. Not only are these studies often contradictory, but the actual scientific information is usually inaccessible.Moving beyond the myths and misinformation, the advice in these pages is not based on one person's opinions or one expert's study. For the first time the research available on the health of average Americans has been distilled into one hundred essential ways that we can become healthier and happier. Each of the core findings is accompanied by a real life example showing these results in action.Eat more often. Oxford University researchers found that people who ate five or six times a day had a 5 percent lower total cholesterol than average and were 45 percent more likely to be able to sustain their target weight than people who ate once or twice a day.Who says caffeine is bad for you? The majority of scientific evidence shows that, for a healthy adult, moderate quantities of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) pose no significant health risks.Home sweet home. People who described their home lives as satisfying were 24 percent more likely to live beyond normal life expectancy, according to a UCLA study.

100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People

by David Niven

The Simple Science of a Healthy Life From fitness to diets to emotional health and longevity, what do people who feel and look healthy do differently than those who are overtired, depressed, or out of shape? Every day we face an avalanche of studies and statistics that tell us what we should or shouldn't eat, how long we need to exercise, or how to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and the harmful rays from the sun. Not only are these studies often contradictory, but the actual scientific information is usually inaccessible. Moving beyond the myths and misinformation, the advice in these pages is not based on one person's opinions or one expert's study. For the first time the research available on the health of average Americans has been distilled into one hundred essential ways that we can become healthier and happier. Each of the core findings is accompanied by a real life example showing these results in action. Eat more often. Oxford University researchers found that people who ate five or six times a day had a 5 percent lower total cholesterol than average and were 45 percent more likely to be able to sustain their target weight than people who ate once or twice a day. Who says caffeine is bad for you? The majority of scientific evidence shows that, for a healthy adult, moderate quantities of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) pose no significant health risks. Home sweet home. People who described their home lives as satisfying were 24 percent more likely to live beyond normal life expectancy, according to a UCLA study.

The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It (100 Simple Secrets Ser. #2)

by David Niven

What are the keys to success? Scientists have studied the traits, beliefs, and practices of successful people in all walks of life. But the answers they find wind up in stuffy academic journals aimed at other scientists. The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People takes the best and most important research results from over a thousand studies and spells out the key findings in ways we can all understand. Each entry contains advice based on those findings, a real life example of what to do or not to do, and a telling statistic based on scientific research.

100 Simple Secrets of the Best Half of Life

by David Niven

Practical advice on how to thrive in the second half of your life, based on scientific studies. The sixth book in the bestselling 100 Simple Secrets series. What do people who relish the second half of their lives do differently than those who dread getting older? Sociologists, therapists and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of successful aging, yet their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals to be shared with other experts. Now the international bestselling author of The 100 Simple Secrets series has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on the second half of life. These findings have been boiled down to one hundred essential ways to find and maintain joy, health, and satisfaction every day of your life. Each one is accompanied by a true story showing the results in action. The Baby Boomers are hitting retirement age. This upbeat, light approach will appeal to the enormous market of citizens grappling with the effects of becoming 'senior', looking to discover the positive benefits of aging beyond discount tickets at the movie theatre. Books about aging well continue to sell year in and year out. The Simple Secrets approach will stand out among the heavier self-help/psychology titles and will without a doubt become an affordable impulse and gifty mainstay in this category. A good inexpensive gift for parents and grandparents.

100 Simple Secrets Why Dogs Make Us Happy

by David Niven

Why do people who have dogs live happier, longer, and more fulfulling lives? Sociologists and veterinarians have spent years investigating the positive effects that dogs have on people's health and happiness yet their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals to be shared with other experts. Now the international bestselling author of the 100 Simple Secrets series has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on the profound relationship between humans and our canine companions. These findings have been boiled down to the one hundred essential ways dogs positively impact our lives. Each fact is accompanied by a inspiring true story. If you love your dog, and science tells us that you do, this book will inspire and entertain. Communicate Better: It sounds odd to say a creature that communicates with barking and body language can have such a profound effect on human communication. But by providing a common point of reference and concern, dogs help us to feel a connection to other humans. That connection makes us feel more comfortable communicating with each other. When meeting a new person, the presence of a dog reduces the time before people feel comfortable while talking with each other by 45 percent. Live Longer: There is perhaps no better gift that dogs offer us humans than this simple fact. People who care for a dog live longer, healthier lives than those who do not. On average, people who cared for dogs during their lives lived 3 years longer than people who never had a dog. No Monkey Business: Primates are genetically more similar to humans than any other creature. But try to tell a chimpanzee something and you will be hard pressed to get your message across. Dogs are uniquely attuned to the messages we send. Dogs study humans and have evolved to build social skills that help them to function around us. Dogs are 52 percent more likely to follow human cues such as pointing toward a source of food than are primates. Around the Block: Good habits are often misunderstood as difficult or unpleasant chores. But there is tremendous value in the simple act of taking a walk. Walking not only burns calories, it also decreases stress. Having a dog means regularly talking walks - it's something you do for your dog but in truth your dog is doing for you. Dog owners walk 79 percent farther in an average week than non-dog owners.

The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

by David Niven

Sociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of health, success, and happiness, but their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals seen only by other experts. Now David Niven, the international bestselling author of the Simple Secrets series, has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on three of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Niven has boiled these findings down to sound, succinct advice for each day of the year, presenting 365 essential ways to find and maintain health, wealth, and wisdom. Each entry is accompanied by a true story showing the results in action. Whether you want to enhance your body, your bank account, your IQ, or all three, this bestselling series offers 365 essential ways to let science help you.

Up!: A Pragmatic Look At The Direction Of Life: 365 Ways Today Is The Best Time To Be Alive

by David Niven

Insufficient healthcare coverage, a weakened economy, the fragile environment—most people would be hard pressed to find even one example of how things are better today than they were yesterday. How about one for each day of the year? In his engaging and informative new book, Up!, David Niven, the best-selling author of the 100 Simple Secrets series (more than a million copies sold in the U.S. alone), gives us 365 examples of how life is better now than ever before. We think we’re running out of time—but we actually live twice as long as our great-grandparents did. We think our culture is in decline—but worldwide IQ scores are higher today than ever before. We think life keeps getting harder—but the percentage of people who feel happy is growing every year. Well researched and full of insight, Up! not only proves that life today is a vast improvement from the past but also that it continues to get better with each passing day. For those who need convincing or for those who need reminding, Up! is a great resource for appreciating how far we’ve come and realizing that, in all ways, things are truly looking Up!

100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It

by David Niven PhD

The Simple Science of a Happy FamilyFrom raising children to getting along with in-laws, what do people with close and loving families do differently than those with strained or unfulfilling relationships? Sociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of family dynamics, yet their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals to be shared with other experts. Now, David Niven, the international bestselling author of The 100 Simple Secret series has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on families and then spelled out the findings in plain English.The advice is based not on one person's unique experiences or opinions, but offers for the first time the research of noted scientists studying average American families. These findings have been boiled down to one hundred essential ways to find and maintain love, joy, and satisfaction in all family relationships. Each statistic is accompanied by a true story about a real family showing the results in action.Don't Forget the Past: Parents who share stories of family history with their children create higher levels of concern for family members and increase the likelihood of their children's happiness.No Price Tag: Once basic necessities are met, the increasing economic status of one's family has zero effect on the likelihood of feeling satisfied with life.Let Every Opinion Be Heard: Senior citizens having trouble living in their own homes are 84 percent more likely to be satisfied with their housing situation if they feel as if their concerns are an important part of selecting a new home or facility.The Greatest Gift: Life satisfaction is 72 percent more likely among those who feel content with their family life.

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