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For All Who Love the Game

by Bud Shrake Harvey Penick

Since the publication of Harvey Penick's Little Red Book, millions of golfers have learned why this gentle, wise teacher is a true national treasure. With simple, clear images and with words that wipe away decades of overly technical instruction, Harvey Penick brings out the best golfer in everyone he touches, but there is one group of pupils with whom Harvey has always had a special rapport. Unique among great golf teachers, Harvey has worked with and helped -- and learned from -- as many women champions as men. Of the thirteen women enshrined in the LPGA Hall of Fame, five worked with Harvey for a substantial period of time. But beyond these great players -- women like Mickey Wright, Sandra Palmer, Betsy Rawls, Kathy Whitworth, Judy Rankin, and Betty Jameson -- Harvey has taken as much pleasure in the accomplishments of the countless women who came to him hoping only to be able to hit the ball in the air for the very first time. In For All Who Love the Game, Harvey shares the lessons he has learned from all the women he's watched in his seven decades of teaching the game he loves. He describes the techniques that can help women gain greater power, discusses the psychological hurdles some women must overcome to improve their game, and gives his tips for developing the parts of the game where women can and should outplay their male partners. He provides a clear image of the proper swing, gives advice on what equipment every woman should carry, and provides wisdom, inspiration, and sound instruction for anyone hoping to improve her game. With the same blend of sage advice and common sense that made his first two books such an essential part of every golfer's library, Harvey shows how every woman, whatever her other athletic gifts might be, can play great golf and enjoy it to its fullest. Harvey has often said that the day he stops learning is the day he'll quit teaching. Fortunately for us all, that day is still a long way in the future for America's best-loved teacher of the greatest game of all.

For All Practical Purposes

by Comap

From nature, to science and industry, to economics, finance, and politics, For All Practical Purposes uses both contemporary and classic examples to help students appreciate the use of math in their everyday lives. The book offers a series of independent chapters on high-interest topics, including business management, voting, and bar codes, with relevant and interesting applications central to the unfolding of each chapter's story. This format makes it easy for instructors to cover just the material they want to present, or even craft a custom version of the text. This edition includes new features to help liberal arts students succeed in the course. It is accompanied by an exceptional variety of instructor resources, for both experienced teachers and those new to the liberal arts math course.

For a Grieving Heart

by Terri Ann Leidich

When someone is grieving over the loss of a loved one, it is often hard to know how to be there for them, even though we want to. With the poetry and verse she wrote during her own journey through the grief of losing her son, along with beautiful photography that supports the emotion of her words, Terri Ann Leidich has created a book that can speak for us. Designed to be a gift to someone in grief, this book puts words to emotions, gives feelings to the confusion and lends hope at a time that can feel hopeless. Whether it is a gift to yourself or a gift to someone you care about who is suffering the pain of loss, this book will offer understanding, hope, support and love.

Footprints on the Path

by Eileen Caddy

The gentle but powerful messages in this book are offered as an aid to contact with our divine source and can be used as a complete teaching in how to live a spiritual life.

Footprints on the Journey: One Year Following the Path of Dzogchen Master Khenpo Sodargye

by Khenpo Sodargye

Inspiring diary entries from a challenging year in the life of the renowned Dzogchen master Khenpo Sodargye demonstrate right conduct for the path to liberation.This personal diary that the renowned Dzogchen master Khenpo Sodargye kept for one year gives serious Dharma practitioners a lifetime of inspiring, wise guidance for practicing right conduct on the path. The backdrop is the Tibetan plateau, from which Khenpo invites us to see the world—from native people to a spider, from vast galaxies to a water droplet—as he does, with candor and humor, and with a Dzogchen master&’s sharp analysis. He shares with us his perceptions of this world, describing his ups and downs in a way that we can relate to and be inspired by, even if we do not have the fortitude to stand up to the oppression of crustaceans or to ransom yaks from the slaughterhouse. Spontaneous and lively, the entries play out the vicissitudes of his life throughout a challenging year, tracking the passage of his thoughts and actions, leaving footprints for whoever is able to follow.

A Foot in the Door

by Katharine Hansen

Networking your way into the hidden job market.

Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing and Freeing Your Creative Process

by Susan G. Wooldridge

In this personal, inspiring guide to a creative life, Wooldridge shares her own journey of the heart--from loss and grief to a return to wholeness and joy. Offering poetry exercises, journal writing, and other practices to encourage creative play--including foraging and assembling collages with found objects--Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing and Freeing Your Creative Process will motivate you to reevaluate what's most important in your world. Through intimate stories about transforming what life brings your way, the book will help open your heart to more creativity--DELIGHT AND VITALITY--whether it's through photography, dance, gardening, cooking, songwriting, or poetry. Foolsgold includes dozens of suggestions to help you free the artist within by cultivating a creative lifestyle that will not only expand and inspire you but may also ground and heal you.

Fool's Trap Niceness: How you can stay friendly without being exploited

by Siegbert Scheuermann

"Fool's Trap Niceness: How you can stay friendly without being exploited" We learn from an early age to be polite and nice to others. Many of us have been tricked by the environment into turning the other cheek rather than defending ourselves against impertinence. And that in a dispute the wiser one gives in until he is finally the stupid one. We should however in our own interest - be both friendly and fortified, - be helpful, but also be able to say no, - be open for others but also take our own needs seriously, register, and try to enforce them. "Fool's Trap Niceness" is a guidebook for all "nice" people, who don't say or say too seldom, when they are disturbed by something. - neither at home to the partner, the friends, acquaintances or the children, -and still at work with colleagues, the boss or their own customers or employees. Those who prefer to "clench their fist in their pockets" and get angry with a stomach ulcer instead of saying in a friendly and determined manner: "Not like this!" Here you will find a source of ideas and a helper if you don't want to be undercut and exploited in the future. The brevier "Fool's Trap Niceness" provides you with background information as to why "Nice is the little sister of Sh*t", why a healthy and far-sighted egoism is better and more beneficial for all involved in the long run. In addition, the concrete examples and discussion guides will help you to practically implement the demonstrably most successful strategies in the world. The content has been developed from personal experience and the work of 25 years in behavioral and communication training with thousands of participants. Basis are the articles of the author in the Blog: Translated with

A Fool's Guide To Actual Happiness

by Mark Van Buren

If this guy can find actual happiness, so can you—and you’ll have fun along the way. A refreshing new voice—without pretense, and with a real gift for clear expression.Let's face it: we all have a motivating drive to become "better." what we have and who we are never seem to be good enough. This feeling that something is wrong or needs to be fixed causes us to continuously run around, chasing after what we feel will finally fulfill us. But what if these very conditions that we are constantly trying to escape from could be used as a way to awaken ourselves—to connect with the peace already within us? A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness offers a realistic roadmap for working toward inner peace without needing to be someone you’re not. With humor and refreshing simplicity, Van Buren shows how everything life throws at you, good and bad, can be used as a means to cultivate compassion, wisdom, and loving-kindness. This book allows you to explore who you are—warts and all—and gives you tools to love and accept what you find.

Foolproofing Your Life

by Jan Silvious

The world is filled with difficult people. It is impossible to avoid them. (You may have one, in particular, in your life right now.) In dealing with such people, we often try a number of coping strategies. Unfortunately, our best attempts at making peace often fail. This is because the difficult people in our lives are often what the Bible calls "fools." And dealing with fools requires a special kind of biblical wisdom. You've tried everything-from confrontation to passivity. You've found out what doesn't work; now discover what does. Gain the tools you need to get along with others and conduct your relationships in a manner that honors God-and preserves your sanity!-in Foolproofing Your Life: Wisdom for Untangling Your Most Difficult Relationships. Learn how new insights from the book of Proverbs can help you respond to those relationships that seem hard to untangle.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Darya Pino Rose

Foodist is a manifesto about real food and real science that proves once and for all that sustainable weight loss is possible by incorporating fresh, seasonal--and delicious--ingredients into every meal. If you picked up this book, theres a good chance this is not the first time you hoped a new eating plan would help you lose weight. Dieting is a popular hobby in the twenty-first century, and the result is typically a slow but steady weight gain over the years. Oops. Diets fail because they rely on willpower and restriction for achieving health goals, and ignore the reasons these tactics always backfire. Becoming a foodist helps you give up dieting forever and get on the real path to healthy, lasting weight control. Foodist is an approach that actually celebrates food while taking you through the nutrition and psychology involved in eating well to help you move beyond the daily obstacles and bad habits that keep the tasteless, empty, and unsatisfying food-like products on your plate. Losing weight no longer has to be about sacrifice, deprivation, and willpower, and food will turn from something you fight into something you can actually love again. As Darya writes, "You dont need a diet. You need an upgrade. " Smart, accessible, and engaging, Foodist will help you tailor your eating habits to match your lifestyle and your food preferences, making sure the path you choose works for you in the short- and long-term. Not only will you permanently build healthier habits into your daily life, youll lose weight and enjoy food like never before.

Food Yoga: Nutrindo Corpo, Mente & Alma

by Paul Rodney Turner

- Aprenda como tornar o alimento parte de sua jornada espiritual - Assuma o controle de sua mesa de jantar - Aprenda as antigas práticas yoga para dominar os sentidos - Obtenha um guia prático para a saúde do corpo, da mente e da alma - Aprenda sobre a sagrada geometria dos alimentos FOOD YOGA não apenas oferece um guia prático de como levar uma vida saudável e feliz ao se reconectar com a natureza, mas também introduz o leitor ao poder do alimento como unificador e como forma de expressar o seu amor ao Divino.  Food yoga é baseado na crença de que o tipo de alimento que comemos afeta nossa consciência e nossos comportamentos subsequentes.  Todas as grandes tradições espirituais do mundo possuem elaborados rituais de oferta de alimentos, cuidadosamente planejados para expandir a consciência, e todos utilizam o alimento como uma forma de representar ou agradecer ao Divino e expandir a consciência de seus seguidores.  Food yoga é, em essência, uma disciplina que honra todos os caminhos espirituais ao abraçar seu ensinamento fundamental - que o alimento em sua mais pura forma é divino e, portanto, um excelente meio de purificação espiritual. 

Food Yoga: Nutrire Corpo, Mente e Anima

by Paul Rodney Turner

Proprio come gli esseri umani, anche gli animali provano dolore. Certo, non avranno il tipo di intelligenza necessario per costruire un grattacielo, ma sono dotati di intelligenza e provano emozioni, sono vivi, respirano e sono esseri senzienti proprio come lo siamo noi. Infatti, tutte le creature, dagli insetti alle piante, ai microorganismi marini, agli innumerevoli organismi unicellulari che esistono in ogni dove, hanno uno scopo ben preciso. Il collegamento è il motore della vita. Tutto è interconnesso. Niente è veramente autosufficiente. Così come acqua ed aria sono inseparabili, così lo è l’interdipendenza di tutti gli esseri venti. Siamo tutti uniti nella vita per la nostra sopravvivenza sulla Terra. La condivisione è tutto. La consapevolezza dell’unità che incorpora tutte le forme di vita è il fondamento di una società veramente umana. Il documentario HOME[1] lo riassume in questo modo: “La Terra si basa su un equilibrio in cui ogni essere vivente ha un ruolo da svolgere, ed esiste solo grazie all’esistenza di un altro essere vivente – un’impercettibile e fragile armonia che è facilmente compromessa.” L’accettazione di questa interdipendenza e il bisogno di equilibrio e gratitudine costituiscono l’essenza stessa del FOOD YOGA. Il nostro viaggio comincia nell’ambito della scienza molecolare e della fisica quantistica e stabilisce il fatto che il cibo, come tutto in questo mondo, sia essenzialmente solo un’altra forma di energia. Ciononostante, questa consapevolezza spesso sfugge a noi esseri umani o perché siamo troppo occupati a consumare cibo per preoccuparcene; o perché siamo privi dell’acuta percezione sensoriale necessaria per accorgercene; il che si traduce in una quasi inesistente percezione dello spettro elettromagnetico. Così come il cibo, anche i nostri pensieri sono una forma di energia, e possono quindi influenzare il cibo che consumiamo, nello

Food Yoga: Nutrir su Cuerpo, Mente y Alma

by Paul Rodney Turner

Cómo nutrir su cuerpo, mente y alma Yoga de Alimentos - Aprenda a hacer que la comida sea parte de su viaje espiritual - Retome el control de su mesa - Aprenda la antigua práctica de yoga de dominar los sentidos - Obtenga orientación práctica para conseguir un cuerpo, mente y alma saludables - Aprenda sobre la geometría sagrada de los alimentos. FOOD YOGA no solo ofrece una guía práctica sobre cómo vivir una vida sana y feliz al reconectarse con la naturaleza, sino que también presenta al lector el poder de la comida como unificador y medio para expresar nuestro amor por lo divino. El yoga de la comida surge de la creencia de que el tipo de alimento que comemos afecta nuestra conciencia y comportamientos posteriores. Todas las grandes tradiciones espirituales del mundo tienen rituales elaborados que ofrecen alimentos cuidadosamente diseñados para expandir la conciencia y todos usan la comida como un medio para representar o complacer a lo Divino y para expandir la conciencia de sus seguidores. El yoga de la comida es, en esencia, una disciplina que honra todos los caminos espirituales al abrazar su enseñanza central: que el alimento en su forma más pura es divino y, por lo tanto, un medio excelente para la purificación espiritual.

Food Yoga: Nahrung für Körper, Geist & Seele

by Paul Rodney Turner

Der Autor Paul Rodney Turner, der "Food Yogi", nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise der Wiederentdeckung des Essens und seiner Bedeutung für unsere spirituelle Entwicklung. FOOD YOGA bietet nicht nur praktische Anleitungen für ein gesundes und glückliches Leben durch Wiederverbindung mit der Natur, sondern führt den Leser auch in die Kraft des Essens als Einheit und Medium ein, um unsere Liebe zum Göttlichen auszudrücken. Food Yoga entspringt dem Glauben, dass die Art der Nahrung, die wir essen, unser Bewusstsein und nachfolgende Verhaltensweisen beeinflusst. Alle großen spirituellen Traditionen der Welt haben ausgefeilte Essensrituale, die sorgfältig darauf ausgelegt sind, das Bewusstsein zu erweitern, und alle verwenden Essen als Mittel, um das Göttliche darzustellen oder ihm zu gefallen und das Bewusstsein ihrer Anhänger zu erweitern. Food Yoga ist im Wesentlichen eine Disziplin, die alle spirituellen Pfade ehrt, indem sie ihre Kernlehre aufgreift - dass Essen in seiner reinsten Form göttlich ist und daher ein ausgezeichnetes Medium für die spirituelle Reinigung ist.

Food Triggers: End Your Cravings, Eat Well and Live Better

by Rhona Epstein

Operation First Novel 2013 contest winner, Prime of Life was released in Kindle edition only and has garnered in excess of 175 positive reviews with over 6,000 paid downloads.

Food Therapy

by Pixie Turner

How does food make you feel?If it's a source of guilt, shame, or punishment, have you ever stopped to ask why?We've become so used to the concept of 'good' and 'bad' foods that we barely notice the drastic statement we're making when we say we are a bad person for eating something sweet. In FOOD THERAPY, Pixie Turner presents a new approach to our relationship with food. Instead of focusing on rules, reduction and restriction, this practical book will help you uncover the psychological roots of your eating habits - and introduce you to a new mindset that will free you from a destructive relationship with food. Whether you struggle with disordered eating, body image problems, or feel trapped by diet culture, Pixie's experience as a registered nutritionist and psychotherapist allows her to guide you through how your feelings a­ffect what you eat. By showing how our eating habits are often an attempt at solving underlying problems, and how to face the difficult emotions and memories behind them, FOOD THERAPY empowers you to eat freely for life and feel truly at home in your body.The diagrams mentioned in the audiobook can be found on Pixie Turner's website:

Food Therapy

by Pixie Turner

How does food make you feel?If it's a source of guilt, shame, or punishment, have you ever stopped to ask why?We've become so used to the concept of 'good' and 'bad' foods that we barely notice the drastic statement we're making when we say we are a bad person for eating something sweet. In FOOD THERAPY, Pixie Turner presents a new approach to our relationship with food. Instead of focusing on rules, reduction and restriction, this practical book will help you uncover the psychological roots of your eating habits - and introduce you to a new mindset that will free you from a destructive relationship with food. Whether you struggle with disordered eating, body image problems, or feel trapped by diet culture, Pixie's experience as a registered nutritionist and psychotherapist allows her to guide you through how your feelings a­ffect what you eat. By showing how our eating habits are often an attempt at solving underlying problems, and how to face the difficult emotions and memories behind them, FOOD THERAPY empowers you to eat freely for life and feel truly at home in your body.

The Food Therapist: Break Bad Habits, Eat with Intention, and Indulge Without Worry

by Shira Lenchewski

If you asked people to post a status update on their relationship with food, most would say "It's Complicated." We aspire to eat healthfully but find ourselves making hasty food choices driven by stress and convenience. Or we treat ourselves to a decadent dessert but feel so guilty we don't even enjoy it. The truth is we can't make good food decisions if we don't deeply examine our relationship with food.In THE FOOD THERAPIST, Shira Lenchewski offers readers an ongoing one-on-one food therapy session, revealing the root causes of our emotional hang-ups around food and providing the necessary tools to overcome them. This practical and judgment-free guide helps readers hone the skills needed to put their get-healthy intentions into daily action, such as planning ahead wisely, tuning into their fullness cues, and harnessing willpower (even when life gets messy).Lenchewski also offers easy-to-follow, tasty recipes aimed at rebalancing our hormones and conquering our cravings without deprivation. THE FOOD THERAPIST is a refreshingly modern resource that helps us finally un-complicate our relationship with food and our bodies. We can then focus our efforts on making thoughtful, healthy choices, day in and day out, which serve our ultimate goals, whatever they may be.

The Food Therapist: Break Bad Habits, Eat with Intention and Indulge Without Worry

by Shira Lenchewski

'If anyone can help us break our longstanding bad eating habits, it's Shira' GWYNETH PALTROW'The Food Therapist is a must-read for anyone who wants to change their eating habits but can't seem to make the shift. Shira makes it relatable and totally doable' LAUREN CONRAD We've all been there. We treat ourselves to some decadent dessert but don't take the time to enjoy it, and then quickly kick ourselves for it. Or we go on a super restrictive diet to only feel incredibly guilt-ridden after splurging on something we shouldn't have. When it comes to food, we are our own biggest critics, and this relationship can become very complicated.In THE FOOD THERAPIST, popular nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, reveals the root cause of our emotional hang-ups around food and our bodies in order to make conscious eating and lifestyle choices that serve achievable goals. Filled with unintimidating, nonjudgmental, and easy-to-execute practices as well as food hacks and simple meal plans, THE FOOD THERAPIST will change your relationship with food into a positive one.

Food Talks: I Loved Them, They Left Me, But I Got Their Mothers' Recipes

by Denise Tomasetti

Modern-day dating wisdom shows you how to stop wasting precious meal time with Mr. Wrong so you can move on to your main course of finding Mr. Right. Wouldn’t it be great to know on your first date if you wanted to have a second? Wouldn’t it be great to stop wasting time with the wrong man? Something as simple as food can bring out hidden truths about your date. After twenty years of dating, Denise Tomasetti shares the precious truths she discovered by listening to the clues food has to offer. By learning from her mistakes you’ll be able to avoid heartache and gain the confidence to lose the losers, keep the keepers and find your date’s key ingredients—what they’re made out of—and understand what’s “tasty” and “not tasty” to your romantic palate. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal or a reservation, you will learn how food can teach you more about your relationship(s) than you ever thought possible. And you’ll create your “Top Ten Ingredients Card” which is all about what you want and don’t want in a person; whether you want a short-term or long-term relationship, a family man, a casual companion or a soul mate. The choice is yours. Bon appetit!

The Food-Mood Connection: Nutrition-based Approaches to Mental Health and Physical Well-Being

by Gary Null Amy Mcdonald

Now, at a time when the effects of nutrition on mental health are becoming increasingly recognized and accepted by the general public, comes a completely revised tome from an early advocate of the subject: The Food-Mood Connection, by bestselling health and nutrition expert Gary Null, who was affectionately dubbed "the new Mister Natural" by Time magazine. Drawing from up-to-the-minute research and patient testimonials, Null reveals how alternative, nutrition-based approaches can effectively treat many mental disorders, chronic conditions, and a variety of commonly misdiagnosed organic conditions. With participation from more than sixty-five alternative practitioners, this edition includes new chapters, protocols for health, updates on topics ranging from alcoholism and depression to food allergies and PMS, plus revised supplementary sections on Prozac and autism.

The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well (Urban Homesteader Hacks)

by Jenni Blackmore

&“Your &‘one stop shop&’ for everything from seed to plate . . . This book will leave you . . . ready to launch your own journey to food self-sufficiency.&” —Lisa Kivirist, author Soil Sisters Put off by the origin-unknown, not-so-fresh, pesticide-laden herbs at the grocery store? Hungry for delicious high-quality vegetables and looking to have some control over where your food comes from? Foodie meets novice gardener in this deliciously accessible, easy-to-use guide to planting, growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving 20+ popular, easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs. Taking the first-time gardener from growing to cooking delicious, nutritious, and affordable meals using these herbs and vegetables, this book is a celebration of food in all its stages. The Food Lover&’s Garden guides you through: Getting started with easy step-by-step growing instructions from balcony to backyard Simple, tasty cooking recipes incorporating each vegetable and herb Meal combinations of two or more of the featured herb and vegetable dishes Selecting essential kitchen tools and gadgets to maximize the herb and vegetable harvesting Canning and pickling recipes for preserving the rest. From the humble potato to pungent garlic to the beauty of the beet, classic vegetables take a delicious turn with innovative cooking recipes. Truly food for all seasons and palates. Foodies, novice gardeners, urban homesteaders, and supporters of sustainable living—take back your right to high-quality food with The Food Lover&’s Garden. &“The crisp photographs, lushly painted illustrations, and delicious text lead the reader from the garden to the kitchen and pantry with anticipation of culinary delight.&”—Darrell E. Frey, author of Bioshelter Market Garden

Food is the Solution: What to Eat to Save the World--80+ Recipes for a Greener Planet and a Healthier You

by Matthew Prescott

<p>In Food Is the Solution, Matthew Prescott, Senior Food Policy Director for the Humane Society and a leader in the environmental food movement, shows how our plates have the power to heal the world. This lavishly designed resource and recipe collection shows how anyone can help solve the world’s major issues—environmental problems chief among them—simply by incorporating more plants into their diets. <p>Featuring investigative reporting, compelling infographics, and essays from notable contributors like Dr. Michael Greger, John Mackey, James Cameron, Paul McCartney, and Wolfgang Puck, Food Is the Solution will inspire us all to put more plants on our plates. What we eat will determine what kind of world we live in and what kind of world we live on—and Matthew Prescott proves that meat-heavy diets are destroying the planet. <p>Imagine a world in which we are all healthier. Imagine a world where the air is clean, forests dense, water pure, and animal life healthy. That world is a happier world, a better world—and the delectable plant-based foods Prescott shows us how to prepare in Food Is the Solution will help us create it.</p>

Food Freedom Forever: Letting go of bad habits, guilt and anxiety around food by the Co-Creator of the Whole30

by Melissa Hartwig

The New York Times bestseller by the co-creator of the WHOLE30'If you want to stop turning to food to make you feel better, this is the book for you' Sun'Food Freedom Forever gives you everything you need for achieving dietary success, for today and for the rest of your healthy life' David Perlmutter, MD, No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain BrainWhat does 'food freedom' mean to you? Maybe it's eating whatever you want without negative consequences to your health or waistline. (Good luck with that.) Maybe it's giving up your obsession with calorie counting, food restriction, and the scales. (Now we're getting somewhere.)Bestselling author and nutritionist Melissa Hartwig defines true food freedom as being in control of the food you eat, instead of food controlling you. It means indulging when you decide it's worth it, savouring the experience without guilt or shame, and the returning to your healthy habits. In Food Freedom Forever Melissa outlines a simple three-part plan that will help you to discover food freedom for yourself, no matter how out of control you feel. It will point you down a self-directed path that keeps you balanced, satisfied and healthy, without requiring that you obsess about food, count calories or starve yourself. By the last page, you'll have a detailed plan for creating the perfect diet for you, finding your own healthy balance, and maintaining the kind of control that brings you real food freedom every day.Welcome to food freedom.

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