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Showing 24,526 through 24,550 of 27,578 results

A Theoretical Introduction to Numerical Analysis

by Victor S. Ryaben'kii Semyon V. Tsynkov

A Theoretical Introduction to Numerical Analysis presents the general methodology and principles of numerical analysis, illustrating these concepts using numerical methods from real analysis, linear algebra, and differential equations. The book focuses on how to efficiently represent mathematical models for computer-based study. An access

Theoretical Mantle Dynamics

by Neil M. Ribe

Geodynamics is the study of the deformation and flow of the solid Earth and other planetary interiors. Focusing on the Earth's mantle, this book provides a comprehensive, mathematically advanced treatment of the continuum mechanics of mantle processes and the craft of formulating geodynamical models to approximate them. Topics covered include slow viscous flow, elasticity and viscoelasticity, boundary-layer theory, long-wave theories including lubrication theory and shell theory, two-phase flow, and hydrodynamic stability and thermal convection. A unifying theme is the utility of powerful general methods (dimensional analysis, scaling analysis, and asymptotic analysis) that can be applied in many specific contexts. Featuring abundant exercises with worked solutions for graduate students and researchers, this book will make a useful resource for Earth scientists and applied mathematicians with an interest in mantle dynamics and geodynamics more broadly.

Theoretical Physics 8: Statistical Physics

by Wolfgang Nolting

Der Grundkurs Theoretische Physik deckt in 7 Bänden alle für das Diplom und für Bachelor/Master-Studiengänge maßgeblichen Gebiete ab. Jeder Band vermittelt das im jeweiligen Semester notwendige theoretisch-physikalische Rüstzeug. Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen dienen der Vertiefung des Stoffs. Der 6. Band zur Statistischen Physik wurde für die Neuauflage grundlegend überarbeitet und um aktuelle Entwicklungen ergänzt. Durch die zweifarbige Gestaltung ist der Stoff jetzt noch übersichtlicher gegliedert.

Theoretical Physics 9: Fundamentals of Many-body Physics

by Wolfgang Nolting

This textbook addresses the special physics of many-particle systems, especially those dominated by correlation effects. It develops modern methods to treat such systems and demonstrates their application through numerous appropriate exercises, mainly from the field of solid state physics. The book is written in a tutorial style appropriate for those who want to learn many-body theory and eventually to use this to do research work in this field. The exercises, together with full solutions for evaluating one's performance, help to deepen understanding of the main aspects of many-particle systems.This revised second edition presents new sections on the finite-temperature Matsubara formalism, in particular with respect to Dyson equation, the Hartree-Fock approximation, second order perturbation theory, spin density waves, Hubbard model, Jellium model, quasi particles, Fermi liquids and multi particle Matsubara functions.Completing the outstanding Theoretical Physics series, this book will be a valuable resource for advanced students and researchers alike.

Theoretical Studies on Extended Higgs Sectors Towards Future Precision Measurements (Springer Theses)

by Masashi Aiko

This book investigates the physics of the discovered Higgs boson and additional Higgs bosons in the extended Higgs models which includes higher-order quantum corrections. While the 125 GeV Higgs boson was discovered, the structure of the Higgs sector is still a mystery. Since the Higgs sector determines the concrete realization of the Higgs mechanism, the study of its nature is one of the central interests in current and future high-energy physics. The book begins with a review of the standard model and the two-Higgs doublet model, which is one of the representatives of the extended Higgs models. Subsequently, we discuss the studies of the two-Higgs doublet model at the lowest order of perturbation. Following the lowest-order analysis, we study the higher-order electroweak corrections in Higgs physics. After reviewing the renormalization procedure and the higher-order corrections in the decays of the discovered Higgs boson, we discuss the higher-order corrections in the Higgs strahlung process from an electron-positron collision, the decays of the additional charged and CP-odd Higgs bosons in the two-Higgs doublet model. From the series of these studies, it is found that the nature of the Higgs sector can be widely investigated by future collider experiments.

Theoretical Thermotics: Transformation Thermotics and Extended Theories for Thermal Metamaterials

by Ji-Ping Huang

This book focuses on theoretical thermotics, the theory of transformation thermotics and its extended theories for the active control of macroscopic thermal phenomena of artificial systems, which is in sharp contrast to classical thermodynamics comprising the four thermodynamic laws for the passive description of macroscopic thermal phenomena of natural systems. The book covers the basic concepts and mathematical methods, which are necessary to understand thermal problems extensively investigated in physics, but also in other disciplines of engineering and materials. The analyses rely on models solved by analytical techniques accompanied with computer simulations and laboratory experiments. This book serves both as a reference work for senior researchers and a study text for zero beginners.

Theoretische Festkörperphysik Band 2: Anwendungen: Nichtgleichgewicht, Verhalten in äußeren Feldern, kollektive Phänomene

by Gerd Czycholl

Der vorliegende Band 2 deckt fortgeschrittene Themen der theoretischen Festkörperphysik ab und knüpft damit direkt an die Grundlagen an. Dabei werden Festkörper in äußeren Feldern bzw. allgemeiner im Nichtgleichgewicht und Abweichungen von der idealen 3-dimensionalen Kristallstruktur (Oberflächen, Störstellen, niederdimensionale Strukturen, Quantenpunkte, etc.) behandelt. Die Betrachtung von kollektiven Phänomene wie Supraleitung und Magnetismus runden die Darstellung ab. Beim Leser werden die Inhalte von Band 1 (Elektronen und Phononen in idealen Kristallen, Bloch-Theorem, Besetzungszahldarstellung bzw. 2. Quantisierung, Elektron-Elektron- und Elektron-Phonon-Wechselwirkung) vorausgesetzt sowie die Grundkenntnisse in allgemeiner Theoretischer Physik (Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Quantenmechanik und Statistische Physik), wie sie in der Regel nach einem Bachelor-Studium der Physik vorhanden sind. Band 2 eignet sich also hervorragend für Studierende im Master-Studiengang Physik, die sich auf (experimentelle oder theoretische) Festkörperphysik spezialisieren wollen. Das Ansprechen von aktuellen Themen (z.B. Kondo-Effekt, fraktioneller Quanten-Hall-Effekt, 2-dimensionale Kristalle wie Graphen, Riesen-Magnetowiderstands-Effekt u.a.) bietet einen optimalen Übergang zur modernen Forschung.Die Neuauflage wurde komplett überarbeitet, um zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben erweitert und vorhandene neu konzipiert, wobei die zugehörigen Lösungen nun mit ins Buch aufgenommen sind.

Theoretische Mechanik (Grundlagen der Physikalischen und Mathematischen Geodäsie)

by Karl Heinz Ilk

Dieses Lehrbuch aus der Reihe „Grundlagen der Physikalischen und Mathematischen Geodäsie“ behandelt die Elemente der klassischen Mechanik, die für die Modellbildung der Physikalischen Geodäsie, insbesondere im Rahmen der Nutzung künstlicher Erdsatelliten, wichtig sind. Detailliert geht der Autor auf die Mechanik von Mehrkörpersystemen gravitierender Teilchen, die Mechanik starrer Körper sowie die Eulerschen Kreiselgleichungen und die Rotationsbewegung von starren Körpern mit verschiedenen Trägheitsmomenten ein. Anwendungsbeispiele der wichtigen geodätischen Bewegungsprobleme verdeutlichen die Zusammenhänge. Weiterhin gibt der Autor eine Einführung in die Mechanik deformierbarer Körper, in die Lagrangesche Formulierung der klassischen Mechanik sowie in den Hamilton-Formalismus. Ausgewählte einfache Beispiele erleichtern das Verständnis und veranschaulichen jeweils die Anwendungen in der Geodäsie.

Theoretische Physik 1 | Mechanik: Mechanik

by Matthias Bartelmann Timm Krüger Björn Feuerbacher Andreas Wipf Dieter Lüst Anton Rebhan

Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der erste Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Theoretischen Mechanik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab.Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen:-Alle Kapitel werden mit grundsätzlichen Fragen eingeleitet-Wichtige Aussagen, Formeln und Definitionen sind übersichtlich hervorgehoben-Beispiele regen zum Aktivwerden an-Selbstfragen helfen dem Leser, den behandelten Stoff zu reflektieren-„So geht’s weiter“-Abschnitte, beispielsweise über den Lense-Thirring-Effekt oder Determinismus und Chaos ermöglichen einen Blick über den Tellerrand und geben Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung-Anhand ausführlich gelöster Aufgaben kann das Gelernte überprüft und gefestigt werden-Mathematische Boxen sind zum schnellen Nachschlagen herausgehoben -Alle Bände sind durchgehend vierfarbig und mit übersichtlichen Grafiken gestaltet.Die Autoren haben ihre langjährige und vielfach hervorragend bewertete Lehrerfahrung in das Werk einfließen lassen. Darüber hinaus gelingt es ihnen, die Zusammenhänge in der Theoretischen Physik auch bandübergreifend klar werden zu lassen.Der InhaltDie Newton’schen Axiome – Koordinationstransformationen und beschleunigte Bezugssysteme – Systeme von Punktmassen – Starre Körper – Lagrange-Formalismus und Variationsrechnung – Schwingungen – Hamilton-Formalismus – Kontinuumsmechanik – Spezielle Relativitätstheorie – Relativistische Mechanik

Theoretische Physik 2 | Elektrodynamik

by Andreas Wipf Anton Rebhan Dieter Lüst Timm Krüger Björn Feuerbacher Matthias Bartelmann

Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Elektrodynamik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen: -Alle Kapitel werden mit grundsätzlichen Fragen eingeleitet -Wichtige Aussagen, Formeln und Definitionen sind übersichtlich hervorgehoben -Beispiele regen zum Aktivwerden an -Selbstfragen helfen dem Leser, den behandelten Stoff zu reflektieren -„So geht’s weiter“-Abschnitte, beispielsweise über nichtlineare Elektrodynamik und effektive Feldtheorien ermöglichen einen Blick über den Tellerrand und geben Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung -Anhand ausführlich gelöster Aufgaben kann das Gelernte überprüft und gefestigt werden -Mathematische Boxen sind zum schnellen Nachschlagen herausgehoben -Alle Bände sind durchgehend vierfarbig und mit übersichtlichen Grafiken gestaltet. Die Autoren haben ihre langjährige und vielfach hervorragend bewertete Lehrerfahrung in das Werk einfließen lassen. Darüber hinaus gelingt es ihnen, die Zusammenhänge in der Theoretischen Physik auch bandübergreifend klar werden zu lassen. Der Inhalt Die Maxwell-Gleichungen – Elektrostatik – Vollständige Funktionssysteme: Fourier-Transformation und Multipolentwicklung – Elektrische Felder in Materie – Magnetismus und elektrische Ströme – Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen – Optik – Relativistische Formulierung der Elektrodynamik – Abstrahlung elektromagnetischer Wellen – Lagrange- und Hamilton-Formalismus in der Elektrodynamik

Theoretische Physik 3 | Quantenmechanik: Quantenmechanik 1

by Andreas Wipf Anton Rebhan Dieter Lüst Timm Krüger Björn Feuerbacher Matthias Bartelmann

Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der dritte Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Quantenmechanik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen: -Alle Kapitel werden mit grundsätzlichen Fragen eingeleitet -Wichtige Aussagen, Formeln und Definitionen sind übersichtlich hervorgehoben -Beispiele regen zum Aktivwerden an -Selbstfragen helfen dem Leser, den behandelten Stoff zu reflektieren -„So geht’s weiter“-Abschnitte, beispielsweise über Supersymmetrie in der Quantenmechanik ermöglichen einen Blick über den Tellerrand und geben Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung -Anhand ausführlich gelöster Aufgaben kann das Gelernte überprüft und gefestigt werden -Mathematische Boxen sind zum schnellen Nachschlagen herausgehoben -Alle Bände sind durchgehend vierfarbig und mit übersichtlichen Grafiken gestaltet. Die Autoren haben ihre langjährige und vielfach hervorragend bewertete Lehrerfahrung in das Werk einfließen lassen. Darüber hinaus gelingt es ihnen, die Zusammenhänge in der Theoretischen Physik auch bandübergreifend klar werden zu lassen. Der Inhalt Die Entstehung der Quantenphysik – Wellenmechanik – Formalismus der Quantenmechanik – Observablen, Zustände und Unbestimmtheit – Zeitentwicklung und Bilder – Eindimensionale Quantensysteme – Symmetrien und Erhaltungssätze – Zentralkräfte, das Wasserstoffatom – Elektromagnetische Felder und der Spin – Störungstheorie und Virialsatz – Mehrteilchensysteme und weitere Näherungsmethoden – Streutheorie

Theoretische Physik 4 | Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik

by Matthias Bartelmann Björn Feuerbacher Timm Krüger Dieter Lüst Anton Rebhan Andreas Wipf

Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der vierte Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Thermodynamik und Statistischen Physik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen: -Alle Kapitel werden mit grundsätzlichen Fragen eingeleitet -Wichtige Aussagen, Formeln und Definitionen sind übersichtlich hervorgehoben -Beispiele regen zum Aktivwerden an -Selbstfragen helfen dem Leser, den behandelten Stoff zu reflektieren -„So geht’s weiter“-Abschnitte, beispielsweise über das Curie-Weiss-Modell, Weiße Zwerge und Systeme außerhalb des Gleichgewichts ermöglichen einen Blick über den Tellerrand und geben Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung -Anhand ausführlich gelöster Aufgaben kann das Gelernte überprüft und gefestigt werden -Mathematische Boxen sind zum schnellen Nachschlagen herausgehoben -Alle Bände sind durchgehend vierfarbig und mit übersichtlichen Grafiken gestaltet. Die Autoren haben ihre langjährige und vielfach hervorragend bewertete Lehrerfahrung in das Werk einfließen lassen. Darüber hinaus gelingt es ihnen, die Zusammenhänge in der Theoretischen Physik auch bandübergreifend klar werden zu lassen. Der Inhalt Phänomenologische Begründung der Thermodynamik – Statistische Begründung der Thermodynamik – Einfache thermodynamische Anwendungen – Ensembles und Zustandssummen – Quantenstatistik

Theoretische Physik für Studierende des Lehramts 2

by Peter Schmüser

Das zweibändige Lehrbuch vermittelt die Grundlagen der theoretischen Physik und berücksichtigt dabei besonders die Quantenmechanik, die spezielle Relativitätstheorie und die Elektrodynamik für den Unterricht an Gymnasien. Band 2 bietet eine systematische Einführung in die Elektrodynamik auf Basis der Maxwellschen Gleichungen sowie eine Einführung in die relativistische Mechanik. Der Stoff wird einfach und klar dargestellt, Abbildungen und didaktische Anmerkungen erleichtern den Zugang zur Theorie und geben Hinweise für die Vermittlung im Unterricht.

Theories and Models of Urbanization: Geography, Economics and Computing Sciences (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)

by Denise Pumain

This book provides a thorough discussion about fundamental questions regarding urban theories and modeling. It is a curated collection of contributions to a workshop held in Paris on October 12th and 13th 2017 at the Institute of Complex Systems by the team of ERC GeoDiverCity. There are several chapters conveying the answers given by single authors to problems of conceptualization and modeling and others in which scholars reply to their conception and question them. Even, the chapters transcribing keynote presentations were rewritten according to contributions from the respective discussions. The result is a complete “state of the art” of what is our knowledge about urban processes and their possible formalization.

Theories and Practices of Development (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Katie Willis

Global economic crisis and the implications of global environmental change have led academics and policy-makers to consider how 'development' in all parts of the world should be achieved. However, 'development' has always been a contested idea. While often presented as a positive process to improve people's lives, the potential negative dimensions of 'development' on people and environments must also be recognized. Theories and Practices of Development provides a clear and user-friendly introduction to the complex debates around how development has been understood and achieved. The second edition has been fully updated and expanded to reflect global political and economic shifts, as well as new approaches to development. The rise of China and India is given particular attention, as is the global economic crisis and its implications for development theories and practice. There are new sections on faith-based development, and the development dimensions of climate change, as well as greater engagement with development theories as they are put into practice in the Global North. The book deals with the evolution of development ideas and policies, focusing on economic, political, social, environmental and spatial dimensions. It highlights how development cannot be considered as a neutral concept, but is entwined with inequalities in power at local, as well as national and global scales. The use of boxed examples, tables and illustrations helps students understand complex theoretical ideas and also demonstrates how development theories are put into practice in the real world. Each chapter ends with a summary section, discussion topics, suggestions for further reading and website resources.

Theories and Practices of Development (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Katie Willis

The newly updated third edition provides a clear and user-friendly introduction to the complex debates around how development has been understood and achieved. It has been fully updated and expanded to reflect global political and economic shifts, as well as new approaches to development. The book deals with the evolution of development ideas and policies, focusing on economic, political, social, environmental and spatial dimensions. It highlights how development cannot be considered as a neutral concept, but is entwined with inequalities in power at local as well as national and global scales. A new chapter on politics and development presents debates around development and democracy, civil society organizations and human rights. Sections on diversity and development have been expanded, and the book considers the future of development in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The use of boxed examples, tables and illustrations helps students understand complex theoretical ideas and also demonstrates how development theories are put into practice in the real world. Each chapter ends with a summary section, discussion topics, suggestions for further reading and website resources. This key text provides a clear and thorough explanation of key development theories and practices. The third edition will remain an invaluable resource for undergraduate students in geography, politics and development studies.

Theories in Ecological Risk Assessment (Theoretical Biology)

by Masashi Kamo

This book introduces various mathematical models used in ecological risk assessment, primarily discussing models used in hazard assessment. The book aims to link ecology and conservation biology with risk assessments, bringing together the knowledge of ecotoxicology and ecology for effective risk assessment. The first part describes population-level assessment in ecological risk assessment. The chapters cover current methodologies for ecological risk assessment, individual-level assessment, population dynamics models for population-level assessment, case studies, mathematical models for population extinctions, the derivation of mean time to extinction (MTE) and their case studies. The second part of the book discusses the mathematical models involved in hazard assessments. It introduces the method of risk assessment using species sensitivity distributions (SSDs), hazard assessment of metals, chemical mixtures using the Michaelis-Menten equation, basic elements of statistics and related topics. Expected readers are risk assessors in governments and public sectors, students and young researchers interested in environmental science. The book is made accessible and easy to follow by beginners in mathematical biology and theoretical ecology.

Theories of Change: Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development (Sustainable Finance)

by Karen Wendt

Today, it has become strikingly obvious that companies no longer operate in an environment where only risk return and volatility describe the business environment. The business has to deal with volatility plus uncertainty, plus complexity and ambiguity (VUCA): that requires new qualities, competencies, frameworks; and it demands a new mind set to deal with the VUCA environment in investment, funding and financing. This book builds on a new megatrend beyond resilience, called anti-fragility. We have had the black swan (financial crisis) and the red swan (COVID) - the Bank for International Settlement is preparing for regenerative capitalism, block chain based analysis of financial streams and is aiming to prevent the “Green Swan” – the climate crisis to lead to the next lockdown. In the light of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, what is required, is Theories of Change.Written by experts working in the fields of sustainable finance, impact investing, development finance, carbon divesting, innovation, scaling finance, impact entrepreneurship, social stock exchanges, alternative currencies, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), ledger technologies, civil action, co-creation, impact management, deep learning and transformation leadership, the book begins by analysing existing Theories of Change frameworks from various disciplines and creating a new integrated model – the meta-framework. In turn, it presents insights on creating and using Theories of Change to redirect investment capital to sustainable companies while implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Further, it discusses the perspective of planetary boundaries as defined by the Stockholm Resilience Institute, and investigates various aspects of systems, organizations, entrepreneurship, investment and finance that are closely tied to the mission ingrained in the Theory of Change. As it demonstrates, solutions that ensure the parity of profit, people and planet through dynamic change can effectively address the needs of entrepreneurs and business. By exploring these concepts and their application, the book helps create and shape new markets and opportunities.

Theories of Development: An Introduction To Classical And Contemporary Theories Of Development And Their Application To Southeast Asia (Routledge Library Editions: Development)

by Peter Preston

Dr Preston’s book, first published in 1982, presents a critical history of development studies since the Second World War, linking the recent, neo-Marxist, debate with the whole tradition in the field, going back to the work of economists like Arthur Lewis. He identifies a series of ‘schools’ and evaluates their contribution, supplying in each case a careful analysis, informed by the sociology of knowledge, of the work of its leading theorists. His final assessment draws on the critical theory of Habermas, arguing that social theorising is essentially practical; a matter of the construction, criticism and comparative ranking of ideologies, and that theorists should therefore consider what it makes sense for them to do or say, given their circumstances and the problems they address.

Theories of Sustainable Development (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)

by Judith C. Enders Moritz Remig

While sustainability has become a buzzword in discussions about the environment and development, work on theories of sustainable development has received much less attention. However, theory is vital as understanding the origins and development of the concept is the key to achieving successful implementation of sustainability. This book offers an interdisciplinary collection of research articles on the theories of sustainable development, drawing on a wide range of subjects including history, politics, governance, complex systems, economics and philosophy. It advocates viewing sustainable development not only as the establishment of a permanent, globally practicable and future-capable mode of life and economics, but as a complex array of problems involving a wide range of social-scientific and humanistic disciplines. This innovative approach means that the book is oriented toward current problems, not toward the established academic boundaries, and it draws out lessons that are relevant for those studying and working in sustainability across the world. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students of sustainable development and environmental politics, as well as practitioners working with sustainable development in politics, business, administration, and civil society organizations.

Theorizing Built Form and Culture: The Legacy of Amos Rapoport (Routledge Research in Architecture)

by Kapila D. Silva Nisha A. Fernando

In this collection of essays, Theorizing Built Form and Culture: The Legacy of Amos Rapoport – a felicitation volume to celebrate the significance of Professor Amos Rapoport's lifelong scholarship – scholars from around the world discuss the analytical relevance, expansion, and continuing application of these contributions in developing an advanced understanding of mutual relationships between people and built environments across cultures.Professor Amos Rapoport has espoused an intellectual and theoretical legacy on environmental design scholarship that explains how cultural factors play a significant role in the ways people create and use environments as well as the way environments, in turn, influence people’s behavior. This volume presents a hitherto-not-seen, unique, and singular work that simultaneously articulates a cohesive framework of Rapoport’s architectural theories and demonstrates how that theoretical approach be used in architectural inquiry, education, and practice across environmental scales, types, and cultural contexts. It also acknowledges, for the very first time, how this theoretical legacy has pioneered the decolonizing of the Eurocentric approaches to architectural inquiry and has thus privileged an inclusive, cross-cultural perspective that laid the groundwork to understand and analyze non-Western design traditions. The book thus reflects a wide range of cross-cultural and cross-contextual range to which Professor Rapoport’s theories apply, a general notion of theoretical validity he always advocated for in his own writings.The volume is a paramount source for scholars and students of architecture who are interested in understanding how culture mediates the creation, use, and preservation of the built environment.

Theorizing Outdoor Recreation and Ecology (Leisure Studies in a Global Era)

by Sean Ryan

Deciding what user impacts are natural or unnatural has inspired much debate. Biophysically, moose cause similar kinds of soil and vegetation impacts as hikers. Yet moose are the sign of nature while hikers are the sign of damage. The field of outdoor recreation is beset with paradoxes, and this book presents a unique, alternative framework to address these dilemmas. Examining outdoor recreation through the lens of ecological theory, Ryan draws from theorists such as Foucault, Derrida and Latour. The book explores minimum impact strategies designed to protect and enhance ecological integrity, but that also require a disturbing amount of policing of users, which runs counter to the freedom users seek. Recent ecological theory suggests that outdoor recreation's view of nature as balanced when impacts are removed is outdated and incorrect. What is needed, and indeed Ryan presents, is a paradoxical and ecological view of humans as neither natural nor unnatural, a view that embraces some traces in nature.

Theorizing Transboundary Waters in International Relations (Springer Water)

by Kinga Szálkai Máté Szalai

This book is the first collection of state-of-the-art research projects analyzing water conflict and cooperation with an explicitly theoretical point of view. Its fourteen chapters offer a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on how the application of various theoretical perspectives can support the work of scholars and practitioners in mitigating water conflict and developing cooperation.The volume starts out from a literature review on the theorization of transboundary waters in International Relations, which prepares the ground for the demonstration of the latest approaches of scholars currently working on this field. The discussion of their findings is divided into four main sections. The first section deals with reflections and critiques on the grand theories of International Relations, proposing new and more nuanced frameworks for understanding and managing transboundary water relations by going beyond the traditional assumptions. The second section focuses on the catalysts and barriers of cooperation, applying theoretical frameworks which reveal the consequences of the dynamics in power relations and institutional frameworks. The third section investigates into the perspectives at the intersections of theory and practice related to the most practical field within the scope of the volume: water diplomacy. The fourth section introduces new perspectives to provide specific entry points for understanding and managing water conflict and cooperation.Overall, the work intends to demonstrate that the theorization of transboundary waters can significantly contribute to the deeper understanding and the more efficient management of water conflicts and cooperation from several aspects.The authors come from diverse backgrounds, and their individual careers are often related to the intersections of theory and practice in the field of transboundary water management. Their expertise covers water issues from all around the globe, which is reflected in the range of the analyzed case studies. The diversity of the experts involved, their backgrounds, their perspectives, the applied theories, and the analyzed cases was an important priority for the editors.

Theorizing Transition: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations

by John Pickles Adrian Smith

Theorizing Transition provides a comprehensive examination of the economic, political, social and cultural transformations in post-Communist countries and an important critique of transition theory and policy. The authors create the basis of a theoretical understanding of transition in terms of a political economy of capitalist development. The diversity of forms and complexities of transition are examined through a wide range of examples from post-Soviet countries and comparative studies from countries such as Vietnam and China. Theorizing Transition challenges many of the comfortable assumptions unleashed by the euphoria of democratisation and the triumphalism of market capitalism in the early 1990s and shows transition to be much more complex than mainstream theory suggests.

Theory and Application of Acoustic Sources Using Complex Analysis: Complex Acoustic Sources, Green’s Functions and Half-Space Problems, Acoustic Radiation and Scattering Using Equivalent Source and Boundary Element Methods

by Martin Ochmann Rafael Piscoya

This book highlights the mathematical and physical properties of acoustical sources with singularities located in the complex plane and presents the application of such special elements to solve acoustical radiation and scattering problems. Sources whose origin lies in the complex plane are also solutions of the wave equation but possess different radiating properties as their counterparts with real positions. Such mathematical constructions are known in the fields of optics and electrodynamics, but they are not common in acoustical research. The objective of the book is to introduce this concept to acousticians and motivate them to engage themselves in further research and application of complex sources. Such sources are particularly useful to formulate Green’s functions and related equivalent source and boundary element methods in half-spaces.

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