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So bringen Sie Ordnung in Ihr Leben und werden eine glückliche Frau und Mutter: Ein Schritt-für-Schritt-Programm

by Marie Douglas

Diese Buch handelt davon, wie Unordnung und schlechte Organisation unterbewusst Stress verursachen kann. Marie stellt unterschiedliche Strategien für einfaches und stressfreies Ausmisten und Organisieren vor. Ihre Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung wird Ihnen helfen, diese Sachen mit Freude zu erledigen und zu entspannen. Das Einzigartige an diesem Buch ist, dass es die wichtigsten und häufigsten Probleme, mit denen Hausfrauen, Mütter und Ehepartner sich herumschlagen, detailliert anspricht. In diesem Buch werden Sie auch viel Überraschendes finden.

Ideas Para Piscinas: Diecisiete capítulos sobre cómo crear, mantener y usar de forma segura una piscina de jardín.

by Owen Jones

Hola y gracias por comprar mi libro electrónico llamado ‘Ideas Para Piscinas'. Espero que encuentre aquí información útil, práctica y posiblemente rentable en el futuro. La información en este libro electrónico sobre cómo aprovechar al máximo las ideas que pueda tener sobre piscinas hogareñas está organizada en 17 capítulos de aproximadamente 500 a 600 palabras cada uno. Espero que les interese a quienes quieran comenzar a construir o aprovechar al máximo una piscina hogareña. También será útil para aquellos que podrían estar pensando en iniciarse en el negocio de construir o cuidar piscinas. Sin embargo, es una guía para principiantes, aunque con la esperanza de que sea lo suficientemente interesante como para comenzar. Como un bono adicional, le concedo permiso para usar el contenido en su propio sitio web o en sus propios blogs y boletines, aunque es mejor si los vuelve a escribir con sus propias palabras. También puede dividir el libro y revender los artículos. De hecho, el único derecho que no tiene es revender o regalar el libro tal como se le entregó.

Wie Sie die Bodenqualität im Garten verbessern

by Amber Richards

Bringen Sie Ihren Garten in Schwung: mit einem gesunden Boden und auf ganz natürliche Weise! Mit diesem einfach zu befolgenden Ratgeber erhalten Sie köstliche Früchte, gesundes Gemüse, herrlich duftende Blumen und kräftige Kräuter. Niemals würden Sie ein Haus auf einem morschen Fundament errichten. – Wieso sich also mit schlechter Erde im Garten abgeben, wo alle Pflanzen vor sich hin kümmern? Egal, ob Sie einen grünen Daumen haben, mit „Wie Sie die Bodenqualität im Garten verbessern“ verpassen Sie Ihrem Garten auf mühelose Weise eine Verjüngungskur. Er wird nicht nur vor gesunden Pflanzen strotzen, sondern auch Vögel werden sich dort wohlfühlen. Nach den ersten Erfolgen fragen Sie sich dann ganz bestimmt, wieso Sie nicht schon viel früher gehandelt haben! Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie man den Nährstoffgehalt des Bodens erhöht, die Bodenstruktur verbessert und die Widerstandskräfte des Gartens in praktisch jedem Klima weckt. Dank der in diesem Buch wunderbar beschriebenen natürlichen Methoden können Sie endlich stolz auf Ihren Garten sein und sich zu jeder Jahreszeit an einer gesunden und köstlichen Ernte erfreuen. Warten Sie nicht länger, sondern verwandeln Sie mithilfe dieses Ratgebers Ihren Garten in eine üppige, fruchtbare und gesunde Oase, in der Ihre Pflanzen gedeihen können.

Sistemi di sicurezza per la casa: volume 1 (Come fare per... #33)

by Owen Jones

Le informazioni in questo ebook riguardanti vari aspetti della protezione della vostra famiglia e della vostra casa, e le idee correlate, sono suddivise in 15 capitoli di circa 500-600 parole ciascuno. Spero che sia interessante per coloro che si preoccupano della propria sicurezza. Come bonus aggiuntivo, vi do il permesso di utilizzare il contenuto sul vostro sito web o sui vostri blog o newsletter, anche se è consigliabile che prima lo riscriviate con parole vostre. Potete anche suddividere il libro e rivendere gli articoli. Infatti l’unico diritto che non avete è quello di rivendere o distribuire il libro così come lo avete ricevuto.

Koi-Karpfen halten (How to... #1)

by Owen Jones

Der Inhalt dieses Buches über Koi Gartenteiche und ähnliche Themen ist auf 18 Kapitel aufgeteilt, welche Ihnen helfen werden, einen Ort für Ihren Koi-Teich auszuwählen, ihn anzulgen und ganzjährlich zu warten und sich um Ihre kostbaren Fische in verschiedenen Jahreszeiten und sogar in besonders schlechten Wetterkonditionen zu kümmern. Es könnte Ihnen sogar dabei helfen, eine neue Karriere zu starten. Das Mindeste, was es tun wird, ist Ihnen hunderte professioneller Ratgeber zu ersparen. Als ein zusätzlicher Bonus gebe ich Ihnen die Erlaubnis, den Inhalt des Buches auf Ihrer Webseite oder Ihrem Blog/Newsletter zu nutzen, obwohl es besser wäre, wenn Sie den Inhalt mit Ihren eigenen Worten wiedergeben würden. Sie können das Buch ebenfalls aufteilen und die Artikel weiterverkaufen. Tatsächlich ist das einzige recht, welches Sie nicht haben der Weiterverkauf oder das Verschenken des Buches, wie Sie es erhalten haben. Wenn SIe Feedback haben, bitte schreiben Sie es bei der Quelle Ihres Kaufes oder senden Sie es mir unter Sie können mehr Bücher wie dieses finden, wo Sie es gekauft haben.

Le jardinage en pots pour tous: Le guide essentiel pour jardiniers débutants

by Florian Platel

J'ai toujours été fascinée par l'idée qu'avec un peu de travail, de la bonne terre, de l'eau et la lumière du soleil, on peut faire pousser sa propre nourriture. J'ai gardé cette fascination et l'ai laissée pousser (jeu de mots voulu) pour créer ce livre électronique avec les meilleurs trucs et astuces sur le jardinage en pots pour vous aider à démarrer votre propre jardin urbain. Qu'il s'agisse de légumes ou de fleurs, cela constitue une expérience enrichissante accessible même aux jardiniers débutants. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez : 1. À comprendre le concept du jardinage en pots et à démontrer que c'est la meilleure manière pour que des gens partout dans le monde commencent à jardiner - même ceux vivant dans des appartements ! 2. À choisir le bon type de conteneurs pour votre jardin 3. Des conseils pour planter de sorte que vos plantes ne meurent pas ! 4. L'entretien adéquat d'un jardin urbain 5. Les secrets sur la façon de garder votre jardin en pots beau et prospère Créez votre propre jardin en pots dès aujourd'hui et cultivez vos propres fleurs, fruits et légumes. Obtenez ce guide pour commencer votre jardin sans attendre !

Beyond Jack-O'-Lanterns

by Sue Gagliardi

What kind of fruit could be a boat, a race car, and a work of art? An Atlantic Giant Pumpkin!

Open Architecture for the People: Housing Development in Post-War Japan (Routledge Research in Architecture)

by Shuichi Matsumura

Open Architecture for the People explores Japanese architecture and the three different phases of development between the years 1950 and 2018. Changing ways of life through differing generations have caused fluctuations in the building industry. This book demonstrates how each generation's expectations have resulted in discernible eras in architecture which can be examined collectively as well as in isolation. For example, the sudden increase in productivity from 1950 brought about by the Industrial Revolution flowed to the production of buildings and homes and designs were influenced by modern ideas. With over thirty black and white images to illustrate the changes, Matsumura brings to light architectural developments that have previously been confined to Japanese speaking academics. In doing so, the book broadens the scope for further architectural examinations internationally. It would be ideal for academics, students and professionals within the areas of architecture and urban planning, particularly those with an interest in Japanese architecture.

Feng Shui and Health: Using Feng Shui to Disarm Illness, Accelerate Recovery, and Create Optimal Health

by Nancy Santopietro

A groundbreaking paperback original offers advice, charts, and checklists for fostering wellness through home furnishing placement and design. --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

Los secretos de los ministros de Economía

by Liliana Franco

Las mejores anécdotas que desde el regreso de la democracia esconden las paredes y pasillos del Palacio de Hacienda. ¿Cómo se gestó la salida de Luis Caputo del Banco Central? ¿A qué ministro apodan Chocoarroz? ¿Qué hizo Amado Boudou con su despacho? ¿Cómo recuerdan en el Ministerio a Roberto Lavagna, Alfonso Prat-Gay, Axel Kicillof y Guillermo Nielsen? ¿Cómo fueron las eternas peleas con el Fondo Monetario Internacional? ¿Quién fue el mejor jefe? ¿Y el peor? La preocupación por la economía ocupa los primeros puestos de las encuestas porque -para bien o para mal- afecta la vida cotidiana y determina nuestro futuro. Pensamos que, antes de ser tomadas, las medidas son analizadas, sopesadas y debatidas por expertos. Si la realidad a veces nos hace dudar de ello, Los secretos de los ministros de Economía revela que ese recelo puede ser acertado. Como hizo en Los secretos de la Casa Rosada, Liliana Franco nos guía esta vez por las oficinas, las salas y los pasillos del Palacio de Hacienda. Tras años de trabajo en ese ámbito, ella como pocos conoce el detrás de escena de muchas decisiones controversiales y los aspectos ocultos del ascenso o la caída de personajes clave. A su manera, las historias de este libro muestran un costado desconocido de las formas en que los gobernantes y sus funcionarios más cercanos ejercen el poder; y pueden explicar cómo nos va...

Christmas with Southern Living 2019

by The Editors of Southern Living

From the experts on all things Christmas comes the all new Christmas with Southern Living 2019 with everything you need to plan the perfect holiday. Enjoy effortless holiday entertaining with over 100 all-new recipes that span the season from Thanksgiving to the New Year celebrations. Spread your holiday cheer while showing your Southern style with fresh new ideas for decorating your holiday home inside and out. Plus, stay organized with easy-to-use calendars, gift and card lists, and hints & tips for planning the perfect Christmas.

Beautiful Wreaths: 40 Handmade Creations throughout the Year

by Melissa Skidmore

Create your own spring, summer, fall, or winter wreaths to welcome guests all year round. Why wait for Christmas to purchase and hang a wreath on your front door? Beckon family and friends into your home with your very own handmade, statement-making wreath centerpiece—all year round! In Melissa Skidmore’s childhood home, her front door was never without a gorgeous wreath to welcome a guest. Now, she hopes to bring the same creativity, warmth, and comfort into every family home. In the style of a rustic, modern farmhouse, Beautiful Wreaths provides forty wreath tutorials for every season. Choose from spring flowers, summer greenery, fall branches, and winter evergreens to craft your own stunning art piece: Fresh Succulent, Magnolia Garland, and Grapevine Bunny Wreaths for SpringFern and Moss, Artificial Floral, and Fourth of July Wreaths for SummerCornucopia, Corn Husk, and Pumpkin Wreaths for FallGreenery and Cinnamon Stick, Grapevine Snowman, and Toy Wreaths for WinterAnd more! Including non-traditional wreaths that use old rakes, vintage picture frames, chalkboard, and burlap bags, Beautiful Wreaths also features basic supplies and tips for wreath making, wreath form basics, and bow-tying tutorials. Full of beautiful photographs and whimsical illustrations, this is the perfect guide that belongs to any crafter’s and home decorator’s shelf.

It’s All Too Much Workbook: The Tools You Need to Conquer Clutter and Create the Life You Want

by Peter Walsh

In his bestselling book,It's All Too Much, Peter Walsh helped tens of thousands of people clear the clutter from their homes and lives. Now, due to many of those same readers' requests, Peter has put together theIt's All Too Much Workbook. Designed with clear strategies and proven techniques for clearing out each room in your house and a plan for keeping your home clutter-free and organized, this workbook is the perfect next step in a lifetime commitment to creating your ideal life. Starting from the outside of your home and then working through it room -- by room, Peter asks hard questions and presents challenging exercises that will help you to understand why you live the way you do and how to move from the clutter to an organized space that reflects the life you imagine for yourself. From an assessment of your living spaces, a quick purge of each room, and the creation of your "dream spaces" to effective decluttering techniques, great organizational tips, and clear maintenance plans, Peter provides the step-by-step help to make your home work for you, now. With quizzes, detailed step-by-step plans, a room-by-room assessment tool, and a special area for journaling, this workbook will help you break free of the clutter once and for all.

Handy Household Hints from Heloise: Hundreds of Great Ideas at Your Fingertips

by Heloise

Do EVERYTHING Around the House• Better• Smarter• Faster <P><P>Heloise is America's most recognized name for household advice, and she shares her innovative solutions for your most-pressing dilemmas. Whether you need shortcuts for everyday tasks, delicious ideas for quick meals, or ingenious tricks for the spills, accidents, and clogs in your day, just turn to Handy Household Hints from Heloise. <P>You'll learn how to: <br>• Clean a keyboard with a used dryer sheet. <br>• Remove hot pepper seeds with a grapefruit spoon. <br>• Lift scuff marks with plain, white paper. <br>• Corral electrical cords with a ponytail holder. <P>Discover Heloise's most creative ideas and tips for cleaning up, entertaining with ease, making repairs, getting organized, taking care of yourself, coping with nuisances, and keeping house. Filled with up-to-the-minute hints, you'll turn to this handbook whenever you've burnt the rice, stained your shirt, or splattered paint on your hands.

Aquaculture Landscapes: Fish Farms and the Public Realm

by Michael Ezban

Aquaculture Landscapes explores the landscape architecture of farms, reefs, parks, and cities that are designed to entwine the lives of fish and humans. In the twenty-first century, aquaculture’s contribution to the supply of fish for human consumption exceeds that of wild-caught fish for the first time in history. Aquaculture has emerged as the fastest growing food production sector in the world, but aquaculture has agency beyond simply converting fish to food. Aquaculture Landscapes recovers aquaculture as a practice with a deep history of constructing extraordinary landscapes. These landscapes are characterized and enriched by multispecies interdependency, performative ecologies, collaborative practices, and aesthetic experiences between humans and fish. Aquaculture Landscapes presents over thirty contemporary and historical landscapes, spanning six continents, with incisive diagrams and vivid photographs. Within this expansive scope is a focus on urban aquaculture projects by leading designers—including Turenscape, James Corner Field Operations, and SCAPE—that employ mutually beneficial strategies for fish and humans to address urban coastal resiliency, wastewater management, and other contemporary urban challenges. Michael Ezban delivers a compelling account of the coalitions of fish and humans that shape the form, function, and identity of cities, and he offers a forward-thinking theorization of landscape as the preeminent medium for the design of ichthyological urbanism in the Anthropocene. With over two hundred evocative images, including ninety original drawings by the author, Aquaculture Landscapes is a richly illustrated portrayal of aquaculture seen through the disciplinary lens of landscape architecture. As the first book devoted to this topic, Aquaculture Landscapes is an original and essential resource for landscape architects, urbanists, animal geographers, aquaculturists, and all who seek and value multispecies cohabitation of a shared public realm.

Vacant to Vibrant: Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks

by Sandra Albro

Vacant lots, so often seen as neighborhood blight, have the potential to be a key element of community revitalization. As manufacturing cities reinvent themselves after decades of lost jobs and population, abundant vacant land resources and interest in green infrastructure are expanding opportunities for community and environmental resilience. Vacant to Vibrant explains how inexpensive green infrastructure projects can reduce stormwater runoff and pollution, and provide neighborhood amenities, especially in areas with little or no access to existing green space.Sandra Albro offers practical insights through her experience leading the five-year Vacant to Vibrant project, which piloted the creation of green infrastructure networks in Gary, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Buffalo, New York. Vacant to Vibrant provides a point of comparison among the three cities as they adapt old systems to new, green technology. An overview of the larger economic and social dynamics in play throughout the Rust Belt region establishes context for the promise of green infrastructure. Albro then offers lessons learned from the Vacant to Vibrant project, including planning, design, community engagement, implementation, and maintenance successes and challenges. An appendix shows designs and plans that can be adapted to small vacant lots.Landscape architects and other professionals whose work involves urban greening will learn new approaches for creating infrastructure networks and facilitating more equitable access to green space.

Pragmatic Spatial Planning: Practial Theory for Professionals

by Charles Hoch

Instead of seeking theory to justify practical professional judgments this book describes how professionals can and should use theory to guide these judgments. Professional spatial planning in the US, and globally, continues to suffer from a weak conceptual grasp of its own practice. Practitioners routinely recognize the value and wisdom of practical judgment finely attuned to context, nuance and complexity; but later offer banal testimony and glib stories of ‘just so’ best-practice discrediting the ambiguity of their own experience. The chapters in this book provide a vocabulary tailored to the conventions of practical judgment, challenging students and practitioners to treat professional expertise as work in progress rather than ‘best’ practice. Instead of seeking theory to justify practical professional judgments, Hoch describes how professionals can and should use theory to guide these judgments. The pragmatist plan helps cope with complexity rather than control it, making it invaluable in the anyone’s pursuit of a planning career. This book will appeal to a wide cross section of students and scholars, especially those working in urban planning, public policy, and government.

Bike Share

by Elliot Fishman

There are now over 2,000 cities with a bike share program. Bike Share examines all the major developments in the 50-year history of bike share. The book provides a detailed focus on contemporary bike share programs, including many of the most prominent systems, such as those in Paris, London, and New York, as well as the rapidly emerging dockless bike share sector. This book also addresses how rapid technological innovation, particularly in terms of mobile internet devices and electric assist bicycles may change the face of not just cycling, but urban mobility more generally. By the end of 2018 it was estimated that there are more than 20 million bicycles in the global bike share fleet, with most of these dockless, coming online only in the last three years. Consequently, research examining bike share has not kept pace with the rapid deployment of this new form of urban mobility. Bike Share addresses a number of key themes such as: The urban age, contextualising bike share within a wider urbanism movement and how it sits within the growing sharing economy. The impact of bike share, looking at systems in China, Europe, North America and Australia to see how these programs have changed travel patterns and consequent impact on car use, emissions, congestion, public health and safety. The bike share business model, including how ride sourcing services like Uber and Lyft are beginning to integrate their business with bike share service providers. Public reaction to bike share. Bike share gone wrong, looking at systems that have failed to achieve their ridership estimates. And the future of bike share including public transport smart card integration, mobile payments, and electric assist bicycles. The book provides scholars, city planners, transportation practitioners and students with a resource that captures the most pertinent scientific findings and practical lessons that have been from bike share programs around the world.

Beekman 1802 Style: The Attraction of Opposites

by Josh Kilmer-Purcell Brent Ridge

You can't help what objects you fall in love with. But can you make that trendy new lamp jibe with your grandmother's heirloom dresser? The fabulous Beekman Boys answer with a resounding "Yes!" in their new book, Beekman 1802 Style. Through more than 200 stunning photographs from Country Living magazine and never-before-seen images of the Beekman farmhouse, the boys use their city-turned-country-boy charm and style to help with all things home. Their unique home design tips and tricks for mixing high and low, East and West, indoors and outdoors, and traditional with modern will help you create a home that is inviting, warm, and--perhaps most important--fabulous.

Urban Design: The Composition of Complexity

by Ron Kasprisin

Urban design is a process of establishing a structural order within human settlements; responding to dynamic emergent meanings and functions in a constant state of flux. The planning/design process is complex due to the myriad of on-going (urban) organizational and structural relationships and contexts. This book reconnects the process with outcomes on the ground, and puts thinking about design back at the heart of what planners do. Mixing accessible theory, practical examples, and carefully designed exercises in composition from simple to complex settings, Urban Design is an essential textbook for classrooms and design studios across the full spectrum of planning and urban studies fields. Filled with color illustrations and graphics of excellent projects, it gives students tools to enable them to sketch, draw, design, and above all, to think. This new edition remains focused on instructing the student, professional and layperson in the elements and principles of design composition so that they can diverge from conventional and packaged solutions in pursuit of a meaningful and creative urbanism. This edition builds upon established design principles and encourages the student in creative ways to depart from them as appropriate in dealing with the complexity of culture, space and time dynamics of cities. The book identifies the elements and principles of compositions and explores compositional order and structure as they relate to the meaning and functionality of cities. It discusses new directions and methods, and outlines the importance of both buildings and the open spaces between them.

The Gift of Calligraphy: A Modern Approach to Hand Lettering with 25 Projects to Give and to Keep

by Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls

An easy-to-follow guide to learning the art of calligraphy, with 25 gorgeously photographed projects that use calligraphy to make beautiful gifts and home décor.Calligraphy and hand lettering have surged in popularity as people rediscover traditional handicrafts as a creative outlet and way to relax. Unlike other hand lettering books, The Gift of Calligraphy shows you how to use your calligraphy skills to create invitations, wall art, wrapping paper, a tote bag, even a calligraphy kit for kids. Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, calligraphy teacher and author of Belle Calligraphy, brings her signature modern style to this traditional craft. The first quarter of the book provides a primer for creating a simple alphabet and how to find your own personal style of lettering, followed by wonderful projects that will delight your family, impress your friends, and beautify your home, all accompanied by clear step-by-step photography and inspiring shots of the finished pieces.

The Routledge Handbook of Urban Disaster Resilience: Integrating Mitigation, Preparedness, and Recovery Planning

by Michael K. Lindell

The Routledge Handbook of Urban Disaster Resilience emphasizes the intersection of urban planning and hazard mitigation as critical for community resilience, considering the interaction of social, environmental, and physical systems with disasters. The Handbook introduces and discusses the phases of disaster – mitigation, preparedness/response, and recovery – as well as each of the federal, state, and local players that address these phases from a planning and policy perspective. Part I provides an overview of hazard vulnerability that begins with an explanation of what it means to be vulnerable to hazards, especially for socially vulnerable population segments. Part II discusses the politics of hazard mitigation; the failures of smart growth placed in hazardous areas; the wide range of land development policies and their associated risk; the connection between hazards and climate adaptation; and the role of structural and non-structural mitigation in planning for disasters. Part III covers emergency preparedness and response planning, the unmet needs people experience and community service planning; evacuation planning; and increasing community capacity and emergency response in developing countries. Part IV addresses recovery from and adaption to disasters, with topics such as the National Disaster Recovery Framework, long-term housing recovery; population displacement; business recovery; and designs in disasters. Finally, Part V demonstrates how disaster research is interpreted in practice – how to incorporate mitigation into the comprehensive planning process; how states respond to recovery; how cities undertake recovery planning; and how to effectively engage the whole community in disaster planning. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Disaster Resilience offers the most authoritative and comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge research at the intersection of urban planning and disasters from a U.S. perspective. This book serves as an invaluable guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students, future professionals, and practitioners interested in urban planning, sustainability, development response planning, emergency planning, recovery planning, hazard mitigation planning, land use planning, housing and community development as well as urban sociology, sociology of the community, public administration, homeland security, climate change, and related fields.

Built from Scratch: How a Couple of Regular Guys Grew The Home Depot from Nothing to $30 Billion

by Bernie Marcus Arthur Blank

One of the greatest entrepreneurial success stories of the past twenty yearsWhen a friend told Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank that “you’ve just been hit in the ass by a golden horseshoe,” they thought he was crazy. After all, both had just been fired. What the friend, Ken Langone, meant was that they now had the opportunity to create the kind of wide-open warehouse store that would help spark a consumer revolution through low prices, excellent customer service, and wide availability of products.Built from Scratch is the story of how two incredibly determined and creative people—and their associates—built a business from nothing to 761 stores and $30 billion in sales in a mere twenty years. Built from Scratch tells many colorful stories associated with The Home Depot’s founding and meteoric rise; shows that a company can be a tough, growth-oriented competitor and still maintain a high sense of responsibility to the community; and provides great lessons useful to people in any business, from start-ups to the Fortune 500.

The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good

by Elizabeth L. Cline

From journalist, fashionista, and clothing resale expert Elizabeth L. Cline, “the Michael Pollan of fashion,”* comes the definitive guide to building an ethical, sustainable wardrobe you'll love.Clothing is one of the most personal expressions of who we are. In her landmark investigation Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion, Elizabeth L. Cline first revealed fast fashion’s hidden toll on the environment, garment workers, and even our own satisfaction with our clothes. The Conscious Closet shows exactly what we can do about it. Whether your goal is to build an effortless capsule wardrobe, keep up with trends without harming the environment, buy better quality, seek out ethical brands, or all of the above, The Conscious Closet is packed with the vital tools you need. Elizabeth delves into fresh research on fashion’s impacts and shows how we can leverage our everyday fashion choices to change the world through style. Inspired by her own revelatory journey getting off the fast-fashion treadmill, Elizabeth shares exactly how to build a more ethical wardrobe, starting with a mindful closet clean-out and donating, swapping, or selling the clothes you don't love to make way for the closet of your dreams. The Conscious Closet is not just a style guide. It is a call to action to transform one of the most polluting industries on earth—fashion—into a force for good. Readers will learn where our clothes are made and how they’re made, before connecting to a global and impassioned community of stylish fashion revolutionaries. In The Conscious Closet, Elizabeth shows us how we can start to truly love and understand our clothes again—without sacrificing the environment, our morals, or our style in the process.*Michelle Goldberg, Newsweek/The Daily Beast

Teaching Children to Clean: The Ready-Set-Go Solution That Works!

by Schar Ward

This book contains step-by-step instructions for teaching children and teenagers to clean an entire house. Plus many other life skills such as doing laundry, loading a dishwasher properly, and making a bed. Cleaning is not an option, it's a necessity! If your child doesn't learn, it'll plague them the rest of their lives. According to the latest research, teaching your child to clean may be the most important thing you ever do for them! You want your child to learn basic life skills, but finding the time for accomplishing this seems to get more difficult each day. What's the answer? A new approach, that practically does it for you! You'll find it in these pages and even more: * The research on children & cleaning * Proven tactics to get the job done * Chore charts for every age * Room evaluations for easier cleaning * What tools they need * Safe green cleaning solutions, you can make yourself * Checklists for detailed cleaning in very room * How to clean appliances * How to do laundry, set the table and everyday chores * How to take care of pets * Fun cleaning games. Knowing how to take care of yourself in your everyday environment is a skill no one should be without!

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