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Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

GEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .(P)2009 ISIS Publishing Ltd

Zulu Frontiersman

by Major C. G. Dennison

It was said of George Dennison that he had seen more active service in southern Africa than any other living man. An eminent soldier cast from a colonial mould of bitter experience, rather than of a formal military education, he was also a frontiersman equal in standing to any legendary figure of the American West. His military career saw him rise from an uncouth trooper with the Bloemfontein Rangers to, fifty years later, a distinguished officer whose advice was sought by the likes of Lord Kitchener, Sir Garnet Wolseley and other British military names of fame. During this time Dennison encountered many foes, some he would have known as neighbours, or men who had lately been his comrades-in-arms. He fought against Afrikaners, Dutchmen, Voortrekkers and the Boers. His black foes were also diverse; the stealthy Xhosa of the eastern Cape; the battle-axe wielding Basutos from their lofty kingdom in the clouds; the Transvaal baPedi, the masters of fortification, and most impressive of all, the amaZulu warriors of King Cetshwayo. In Zulu Frontiersman, Dennison recounts his remarkable exploits in rich and lively prose. Originally published in 1904 in abridged form (under the title A Fight to the Finish) his memoirs have now been expertly reworked by Ron Lock and Peter Quantrill in order to reinstate some of the fascinating details missing from the earlier published account, including for example Dennison's involvement in and dramatic escape from the battle of Hlobane.

ZULU FOXTROT RELOADED: More Life And Death With Koevoet

by Jim

The terrorist was caught between our two Casspirs Mandume, kolomesho. kolomesho, fok links, verby hulle,' (left, left, fuck left drive past) I shouted down to Mandume and Mandume swung our Casspir to the left As Boats’ Casspir was about to pass ours he opened fire with his .50 Browning. A long burst erupted and the insurgent was blown to hell and gone by the rounds while their driver Abraham drove their Casspir straight over the insurgent. My only concern was who would be paid the kopgeld?' (bounty)" The third explosive account written in the same novelistic style as Zulu Zulu Golf and Zulu Zulu Foxtrot. More experiences with the deadly counter insurgency unit Koevoet during the Angolan Border War Zulu Foxtrot Reloaded covers Durand's last two of six years with the unit. Once again patrols. ambushes and contacts. situations of certain death. dealings with the enemy and relationships with Ovambo colleagues. Except now. what it was also like to be a killing machine in the heat of battle while becoming a loving husband and father and having to alternate life and mindset between surviving the murder and mayhem as well as family life. Told just how it was experienced without pulling any stops. Zulu Foxtrot Reloaded is just the way it was.

Zulu Battle Piece: Islandhlwana

by Sir Reginald Coupland

First published in 1948, renowned British Empire historian Coupland describes, with swift and vivid strokes, the situation between whites and blacks, the great military qualities and terrifying military tactics of the Zulu warriors and the characters of the Englishmen, soldiers and politicians, involved in the disaster. Having prepared the reader with consummate art and scholarship, he then sets the great action in that strange, eerie land, until the reader can truly feel that he has lived through it himself. The aftermath brings him to Rorke’s Drift and the gallant British stand that averted irretrievable disaster.A first-rate account of the battle.

Zuleikha: A Novel

by Guzel Yakhina

WINNER OF THE BIG BOOK AWARD, THE LEO TOLSTOY YASNAYA POLYANA AWARD AND THE BEST PROSE WORK OF THE YEAR AWARD A sweeping, multi-award winning novel set in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, as gangs of marauding soldiers terrorise and plunder the countryside. Zuleikha, the 'pitiful hen', is living in the home of her brutal husband and despotic mother-in-law in a small Tatar village. When her husband is executed by communist soldiers for hiding grain, she is arrested and sent into exile in Siberia. In the first gruelling winter, hundreds die of hunger, cold and exhaustion. Yet forced to survive in that harsh, desolate wilderness, she begins to build a new life for herself and discovers an inner strength she never knew she had. Exile is the making of Zuleikha.

Zukunft und Wissenschaft

by Reinhold Popp

Wissenschaftlich fundierte Zukunftsforschung findet insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum nur vereinzelt statt. In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gibt es insgesamt nur drei Hochschulen mit Professuren für Zukunftsforschung - dem steht jedoch eine wachsende Zahl von Unternehmensberatern und Trend-Gurus gegenüber, die sich selbst als Zukunftsforscher bezeichnen. Die Autoren des Sammelbands beschäftigen sich in ihren Beiträgen systematisch mit den bislang vernachlässigten wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Zukunftsforschung.


by Ronan Bennett

Zugwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situación.San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang.Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero.«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle

Zoya (Bestseller Oro Ser. #Vol. 245)

by Danielle Steel

La historia de una mujer singular que fue testigo y actor de los acontecimientos que sacudieron al mundo durante el siglo XX Tras la devastación de la Revolución rusa y la Primera Guerra Mundial, Zoya, la joven prima del zar, se ve obligada a huir de San Petersburgo y buscar refugio en París. Las adversidades que allí le sobrevienen terminan de convencerla de que su mundo ha cambiado para siempre. Logra unirse al ballet ruso de París, con cuyo salario mantiene a su indómita abuela y a sí misma. El amor le ofrece una tregua de felicidad cuando el apuesto capitán Clayton Andrews, cautivado por la joven aristócrata, se la lleva a Manhattan como su prometida. Sin embargo, ninguno de los dos imaginaba las penurias que deberán soportar durante los años de la Gran Depresión que asolan Norteamérica. A través de la historia de un siglo convulsionado y cambiante, Zoya representa una de esas mujeres luchadoras cuyo legado quedarápor siempre entre nosotros. La crítica ha dicho...«Genuinamente conmovedora.»People

Zoya: An epic, unputdownable read from the worldwide bestseller

by Danielle Steel

THE WORLD'S FAVOURITE STORYTELLERNEARLY ONE BILLION COPIES SOLD One woman's odyssey through a century of turmoil . . . St Petersburg: one famous night of violence in the October Revolution ends the lavish life of the Romanov court forever - shattering the dreams of young Countess Zoya Ossupov.Paris: under the shadow of the Great War, émigrés struggle for survival as taxi drivers, seamstresses and ballet dancers. Zoya flees there in poverty - and leaves in glory.America: a glittering world of flappers, fast cars and furs in the Roaring Twenties; a world of comfort and café society that would come crashing down without warning. An epic and romantic tale from one of the best-loved writers of all time. Perfect for fans of Penny Vincenzi, Lucinda Riley and Maeve BinchyPRAISE FOR DANIELLE STEEL:'Emotional and gripping . . . I was left in no doubt as to the reasons behind Steel's multi-million sales around the world' DAILY MAIL'Danielle Steel is undeniably an expert' NEW YORK TIMES


by Danielle Steel

Su mundo ha cambiado para siempre, y tras pasar por terribles momentos, logra unirse al ballet ruso en París, con cuyo salario mantiene a su indómita abuela y a sí misma. El amor aparece de nuevo cuando conoce al capitán Clayton Andrews, quien, cautivado por la joven aristócrata, se la lleva a Manhattan como su prometida. Sin embargo, ninguno de los dos imagina las penurias que deberán soportar durante los años de depresión que asolan Norteamérica. A través de la historia de un siglo convulsionado y cambiante, Zoya representa una de esas mujeres singulares cuyo legado quedará por siempre entre nosotros.

Zoutleeuw: Guida turistica della città e percorsi pedonali

by Kathleen Reinders

La città di Zoutleeuw ha un numero considerevole di edifici protetti e di paesaggi da sogno. Il centro città conserva ancora la sua strada medievale intorno al Kleine Gete, ma verso la fine del XIXesimo secolo si è esteso verso sud, il cosiddetto Stationswijk, con alcune belle ville. La maggior parte dei monumenti si trova nel centro città.

Zouave Theaters: Transnational Military Fashion and Performance

by Carol E. Harrison Thomas J. Brown

In this compelling new study, Carol E. Harrison and Thomas J. Brown chart the rise and fall of the Zouave uniform, the nineteenth century’s most important military fashion fad for men and women on both sides of the Atlantic. Originating in French colonial Algeria, the uniform was characterized by an open, collarless jacket, baggy trousers, and a fez. As Harrison and Brown demonstrate, the Zouaves embraced ethnic, racial, and gender crossing, liberating themselves from the strictures of bourgeois society. Some served as soldiers in Papal Rome, the United States, the British West Indies, and Brazil, while others acted in theatrical performances that combined drag and drill. Zouave Theaters analyzes the interaction of the stage and the military, and reveals that the Zouave persona influenced visual artists from painters and photographers to illustrators and filmmakers.

El zorro rojo: La vida de Santiago Carrillo

by Paul Preston

La biografía del líder comunista español Santiago Carrillo, figura fundamental del siglo XX El fallecimiento de Santiago Carrillo el 28 de octubre de 2012 puso fin a noventa y siete años vividos intensamente y en primera fila de la política. Hijo de Wenceslao Carrillo, dirigente socialista, su primer recuerdo era visitar a su padre en prisión. Aún adolescente participó en la huelga de 1934 y pasó por la cárcel, donde se radicalizó. Tras un viaje a Moscú logró unificar las juventudes del PSOE y del PCE en vísperas de la Guerra Civil, para a continuación unirse a los comunistas. Durante la guerra ocurrió uno de los episodios más oscuros de su vida, la matanza de presos rebeldes en Paracuellos, cuando era responsable de seguridad en Madrid. Tras la guerra permaneció treinta y ocho años exiliado, siempre en la dirección comunista, que ejerció con mano de hierro. Su giro hacia el eurocomunismo y su papel fundamental en la Transición aliviaron su figura. Paul Preston, el historiador más importante del siglo XX español, autor de las biografías definitivas de Franco y de Juan Carlos I, dedica su nuevo libro a uno de los personajes más fascinantes e inasibles de la historia reciente de nuestro país. La crítica ha dicho... « demoledor y controvertido retrato del principal líder de la oposición antifranquista arrancará sarpullidos.» El País


by Isabel Allende

A swashbuckling adventure story that reveals for the first time how Diego de la Vega became the masked man we all know so well "Until that moment Diego had not been conscious of his dual personality, one part Diego de la Vega, elegant, affected, hypochondriac, and the other part ElZorro, audacious, daring,playful." Born in southern California late in the eighteenth century, he is a child of two worlds. Diego de la Vega's father is an aristocratic Spanish military man turned landowner; his mother, a Shoshone -warrior. Diego learns from his maternal grandmother, White Owl, the ways of her tribe while receiving from his father lessons in the art of fencing and in cattle branding. It is here, during Diego's childhood, filled with mischief and adventure, that he witnesses the brutal injustices dealt Native Americans by European settlers and first feels the inner conflict of his heritage. At the age of sixteen, Diego is sent to Barcelona for a European education. In a country chafing under the corruption of Napoleonic rule, Diego follows the example of his celebrated fencing master and joins La Justicia, a secret underground resistance movement devoted to helping the powerless and the poor. With this tumultuous period as a backdrop, Diego falls in love, saves the persecuted, and confronts for the first time a great rival who emerges from the world of privilege. Between California and Barcelona, the New World and the Old, the persona of Zorro is formed, a great hero is born, and the legend begins. After many adventures-duels at dawn, fierce battles with pirates at sea, and impossible rescues-Diego de la Vega, a.k.a. Zorro, returns to America to reclaim the hacienda on which he was raised and to seek justice for all who cannot fight for it themselves.

Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means And How It Is Made

by William Zorach

As noted American sculptor William Zorach explains in this practical and inspirational guide, sculpture is a language, as are music and the spoken word. It is one of the great natural means of human expression. In teaching students to explore this valuable medium, he offers lucid, insightful coverage of such topics as form in art, proportions, anatomy, rhythm, design, and other essentials.Students will also find a wealth of practical guidance for building a figure in clay, casting in plaster and stone, wood carving and wood sculpture, stone carving and sculpture, handling stone, and more. Hundreds of drawings and photographs enhance the text, ranging from ancient Greek terra-cottas to 20th-century masterpieces by Lachaise, Maillol, Brancusi, Epstein, and other masters. There are also many helpful drawings and diagrams illuminating various steps and stages in the sculpting process.Brimming with the distilled artistic wisdom of a lifetime, this enormously informative work belongs not only at the fingertips of every sculptor or sculpture student but in the library of anyone interested in the artistic process and how an artist's vision becomes reality.-Print ed.

Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & Simple Pleasures (American Palate)

by Frederick Douglass Opie

Explore the African American foodways of early 20th century Florida through the life, work, and recipes of a celebrated author and Sunshine State native. Author and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston did for Florida what William Faulkner did for Mississippi, providing insight into a state&’s history and culture through various styles of writing. In this book, historian Fred Opie explores food as a recurring theme in Hurston&’s life and work. Beginning with her childhood in Eatonville, Florida, and the foodways of her family, Opie goes on to explore Hurston&’s ethnographic recording of dishes and recipes as well as natural food remedies. In other chapters, Opie examines African American foodways across Florida, including the importance of poultry and the social and political aspects of barbecue. Through simple dishes and recipes, foods prepared for everyday meals as well as special occasions, Opie offers a unique view of both Hurston and the food traditions in early twentieth-century Florida.

Zoot-Suit Murders

by Thomas Sanchez

Like his lavishly praised novels Rabbit Boss and Mile Zero, Thomas Sanchez's Zoot-Suit Murders combines a tautly arched narrative with fiercely visual prose and a starkly revisionist view of the American melting pot.

Zoot Suit

by Kathy Peiss

ZOOT SUIT (n.): the ultimate in clothes. The only totally and truly American civilian suit.--Cab Calloway, The Hepster's Dictionary, 1944Before the fashion statements of hippies, punks, or hip-hop, there was the zoot suit, a striking urban look of the World War II era that captivated the imagination. Created by poor African American men and obscure tailors, the "drape shape" was embraced by Mexican American pachucos, working-class youth, entertainers, and swing dancers, yet condemned by the U.S. government as wasteful and unpatriotic in a time of war. The fashion became notorious when it appeared to trigger violence and disorder in Los Angeles in 1943--events forever known as the "zoot suit riot." In its wake, social scientists, psychiatrists, journalists, and politicians all tried to explain the riddle of the zoot suit, transforming it into a multifaceted symbol: to some, a sign of social deviance and psychological disturbance, to others, a gesture of resistance against racial prejudice and discrimination. As controversy swirled at home, young men in other places--French zazous, South African tsotsi, Trinidadian saga boys, and Russian stiliagi--made the American zoot suit their own.In Zoot Suit, historian Kathy Peiss explores this extreme fashion and its mysterious career during World War II and after, as it spread from Harlem across the United States and around the world. She traces the unfolding history of this style and its importance to the youth who adopted it as their uniform, and at the same time considers the way public figures, experts, political activists, and historians have interpreted it. This outré style was a turning point in the way we understand the meaning of clothing as an expression of social conditions and power relations. Zoot Suit offers a new perspective on youth culture and the politics of style, tracing the seam between fashion and social action.

Zoomies, Subs And Zeros

by Admiral Charles Lockwood Col. Hans Christian Adamson

The exploits of the Submarine Rescue League, which had the job of picking up American flyers shot down while attacking objectives in the Pacific.'In writing this book, the authors had a triple purpose.First, to write the superbly human history of the Submarine Lifeguard League while those who participated in its creation and in its splendid work are still among us to tell that story. It is a chapter of Naval and Air Force operations in the Pacific that richly deserves preservation.Second, to convey to submariners whose vessels took part in the saving of the lives of hundreds of Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps men an essential picture of the overall scope of their activities; as well as to give aviators whose lives were saved by submarines--and their families--a view of the far-flung operations established for snatching airmen from Japs as well as from death at sea.There remains one more reason for the writing of this book and, perhaps, it is, after all, the most important: namely, to impress upon those who have a voice in such matters at defense and Congressional levels that with new long-range planes and nuclear powered submarines, the lifesaving know-how acquired by submarine and air commanders through bitter and time-consuming experiences should be preserved for future generations of submariners and airmen.'-Author's Preface.

The Zoom: Drama at the Touch of a Lever (Techniques of the Moving Image)

by Nick Hall

From the queasy zooms in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo to the avant-garde mystery of Michael Snow’s Wavelength, from the excitement of televised baseball to the drama of the political convention, the zoom shot is instantly recognizable and highly controversial. In The Zoom, Nick Hall traces the century-spanning history of the zoom lens in American film and television. From late 1920s silent features to the psychedelic experiments of the 1960s and beyond, the book describes how inventors battled to provide film and television studios with practical zoom lenses, and how cinematographers clashed over the right ways to use the new zooms. Hall demonstrates how the zoom brought life and energy to cinema decades before the zoom boom of the 1970s and reveals how the zoom continues to play a vital and often overlooked role in the production of contemporary film and television.

Zoological Surrealism: The Nonhuman Cinema of Jean Painlevé

by James Leo Cahill

An archive-based, in-depth analysis of the surreal nature and science movies of the pioneering French filmmaker Jean PainlevéBefore Jacques-Yves Cousteau, there was Jean Painlevé, a pioneering French scientific and nature filmmaker with a Surrealist’s eye. Creator of more than two hundred films, his studies of strange animal worlds doubled as critical reimaginations of humanity. With an unerring eye for the uncanny and unexpected, Painlevé and his assistant Geneviève Hamon captured oneiric octopuses, metamorphic crustaceans, erotic seahorses, mythic vampire bats, and insatiable predatory insects. Zoological Surrealism draws from Painlevé’s early oeuvre to rethink the entangled histories of cinema, Surrealism, and scientific research in interwar France. Delving deeply into Painlevé’s archive, James Leo Cahill develops an account of “cinema’s Copernican vocation”—how it was used to forge new scientific discoveries while also displacing and critiquing anthropocentric viewpoints. From Painlevé’s engagements with Sergei Eisenstein, Georges Franju, and competing Surrealists to the historiographical dimensions of Jean Vigo’s concept of social cinema, Zoological Surrealism taps never-before-examined sources to offer a completely original perspective on a cutting-edge filmmaker. The first extensive English-language study of Painlevé’s early films and their contexts, it adds important new insight to our understanding of film while also contributing to contemporary investigations of the increasingly surreal landscapes of climate change and ecological emergency.

The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story (Thorndike Biography Ser. #0)

by Diane Ackerman

<P>The New York Times bestseller: a true story in which the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo saved hundreds of people from Nazi hands. After their zoo was bombed, Polish zookeepers Jan and Antonina Zabinski managed to save over three hundred people from the Nazis by hiding refugees in the empty animal cages. With animal names for these "guests," and human names for the animals, it's no wonder that the zoo's code name became "The House Under a Crazy Star." <P>Best-selling naturalist and acclaimed storyteller Diane Ackerman combines extensive research and an exuberant writing style to re-create this fascinating, true-life story--sharing Antonina's life as "the zookeeper's wife," while examining the disturbing obsessions at the core of Nazism. <P><b>Winner of the 2008 Orion Award.</b> <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story (Movie Tie-in Editions #0)

by Diane Ackerman

<P>The movie The Zookeeper’s Wife, based on the New York Times bestselling book, opens March 2017. <P>1939: the Germans have invaded Poland. The keepers of the Warsaw zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, survive the bombardment of the city, only to see the occupiers ruthlessly kill many of their animals. The Nazis then carry off the prized specimens to Berlin for their program to create the “purest” breeds, much as they saw themselves as the purest human race. Opposed to all the Nazis represented, the Zabinskis risked their lives by hiding Jews in the now-empty animal cages, saving as many as three hundred people from extermination. <P>Acclaimed, best-selling author Diane Ackerman, fascinated both by the Zabinskis’ courage and by Antonina’s incredible sensitivity to all living beings, tells a moving and dramatic story of the power of empathy and the strength of love. <P>A Focus Features release, it is directed by Niki Caro, written by Angela Workman.

The Zookeeper's Wife: An unforgettable true story, now a major film (Movie Tie-in Editions Ser. #0)

by Diane Ackerman

In war-torn Warsaw, a zookeeper and his wife refuse to surrender... Now a major motion picture starring Jessica Chastain and Daniel Brühl, Diane Ackerman's The Zookeeper's Wife is based on a remarkable true story of bravery and sanctuary during World War II. Perfect for fans of Lion and Hidden Figures. 'I can't imagine a better story or storyteller. The Zookeeper's Wife will touch every nerve you have' -Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Everything is Illuminated When Germany invades Poland, Luftwaffe bombers devastate Warsaw and the city's zoo along with it. With most of their animals killed, or stolen away to Berlin, zookeepers Jan and Antonina Zabinski begin smuggling Jews into the empty cages.As the war escalates Jan becomes increasingly involved in the anti-Nazi resistance. Ammunition is buried in the elephant enclosure and explosives stored in the animal hospital. Plans are prepared for what will become the Warsaw uprising. Through the ever-present fear of discovery, Antonina must keep her unusual household afloat, caring for both its human and animal inhabitants - otters, a badger, hyena pups, lynxes - as Europe crumbles around them.Written with the narrative drive and emotional punch of a novel, The Zookeeper's Wife is a remarkable true story. It shows us the human and personal impact of war - of life in the Warsaw Ghetto, of fighting in the anti-Nazi resistance. But more than anything it is a story of decency and sacrifice triumphing over terror and oppression. What readers are saying about The Zookeeper's Wife: 'Beautifully and sensitively written - a must read''An adventure that inspires''Both horrifying and endearing on a scale I've not experienced in years''A story that will haunt you forever''Haunting, life affirming, sad, and inspiring'

The Zookeepers' War: An Incredible True Story from the Cold War

by J.W. Mohnhaupt

THE ACCLAIMED INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER The unbelievable true story of the Cold War&’s strangest proxy war, fought between the zoos on either side of the Berlin Wall.Living in West Berlin in the 1960s often felt like living in a zoo, everyone packed together behind a wall, with the world always watching. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the East Berlin zoo was spacious and lush, a socialist utopia where everything was perfectly planned...and then rarely successfully finished. Berlin&’s two zoos quickly became symbols of the divided city&’s two halves. And so no one was terribly surprised when the head zookeepers on either side started an animal arms race—rather than stockpiling nuclear warheads, competing to have the most pandas and hippos. Soon, state funds were being quietly diverted to give these new animals lavish welcomes worthy of visiting dignitaries. West German presidential candidates were talking about zoo policy on the campaign trail. And eventually politicians on both side of the Wall became convinced that if their zoo were proved to be inferior, then that would mean their country&’s whole ideology was too. A quirky piece of Cold War history unlike anything you&’ve heard before, The Zookeepers&’ War is an epic tale of desperate rivalries, human follies, and an animal-mad city in which zookeeping became a way of continuing politics by other means.

The Zookeeper of Belfast: A heart-stopping WW2 historical novel based on an incredible true story

by S. Kirk Walsh

As the bombs rain down on the city, Belfast's first ever female zookeeper must fight to save the baby elephant in her charge in this gripping, uplifting tale based on a true story.1941. With the men away fighting, animal-lover Hettie Quin is made Belfast Zoo's first ever female zookeeper. She is put in charge of Violet, a three-year-old Indian elephant, and they soon form a special bond. With Violet at her side, Hettie can almost escape the grim reality of her life: the father who has abandoned her family; the sister who recently died; the war that's raging hundreds of miles away.But the devastation of war is closer than she thought. When the bombs begin to rain down on the city, Hettie must gather all her courage to protect those she loves the most. Can she save Violet - and get through unscathed herself?Based on a true story, The Zookeeper of Belfast is a gripping and uplifting tribute to what one woman's courage and tenacity can achieve in the most dire of circumstances - perfect for fans of Heather Morris, Natasha Lester, Kate Furnivall, Mandy Robotham and Fiona Valpy.Praise for THE ZOOKEEPER OF BELFAST:'Walsh delivers a turbulent portrait of life in a divided city . . . A unique perspective of a country at war and the lengths people will go for those they love.' - Kirkus Reviews'Sensitively rendered and finely drawn, this remarkable story, based on true events, is both uplifting and heartbreaking.' - Christina Baker Kline, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Orphan Train'Walsh has written a novel of deep affection and knife-edge suspense. A brilliant debut.' - Margot Livesey, author of The Boy in The Field'An elephant, a young zookeeper, the city of Belfast, bombings, and an IRA member are the improbable characters in this captivating and intimately felt novel that tells the story of a young woman's uncommon devotion and courage under fire.' - Lily Tuck, author of Sisters'A zoo in wartime Belfast and a young woman's fierce love for the elephant in her care come vividly to life in this beautiful, beguiling, and atmospheric debut novel.' - Dominic Smith, author of The Last Painting of Sara de Vos·Cinematic in scope and brimming with emotion, this is a soaring work of historical imagination.' - Karen Olsson, author of All the Houses

The Zookeeper of Belfast: A heart-stopping WW2 historical novel based on an incredible true story

by S. Kirk Walsh

A stunning World War Two novel for fans of Natasha Lester, Heather Morris, Kate Furnivall, Mandy Robotham, based on a true story.As the bombs rain down on the city, Belfast's first ever female zookeeper must fight to save the baby elephant in her charge in this gripping, uplifting tale based on a true story.1941. With the men away fighting, animal-lover Hettie Quin is made Belfast Zoo's first ever female zookeeper. She is put in charge of Violet, a three-year-old Indian elephant, and they soon form a special bond. With Violet at her side, Hettie can almost escape the grim reality of her life: the father who has abandoned her family; the sister who recently died; the war that's raging hundreds of miles away.But the devastation of war is closer than she thought. When the bombs begin to rain down on the city, Hettie must gather all her courage to protect those she loves the most. Can she save Violet - and get through unscathed herself?Based on a true story, The Zookeeper of Belfast is a gripping and uplifting tribute to what one woman's courage and tenacity can achieve in the most dire of circumstances - perfect for fans of Heather Morris, Natasha Lester, Kate Furnivall, Mandy Robotham and Fiona Valpy.Praise for THE ZOOKEEPER OF BELFAST:'Walsh delivers a turbulent portrait of life in a divided city . . . A unique perspective of a country at war and the lengths people will go for those they love.' - Kirkus Reviews'Sensitively rendered and finely drawn, this remarkable story, based on true events, is both uplifting and heartbreaking.' - Christina Baker Kline, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Orphan Train'Walsh has written a novel of deep affection and knife-edge suspense. A brilliant debut.' - Margot Livesey, author of The Boy in The Field'An elephant, a young zookeeper, the city of Belfast, bombings, and an IRA member are the improbable characters in this captivating and intimately felt novel that tells the story of a young woman's uncommon devotion and courage under fire.' - Lily Tuck, author of Sisters'A zoo in wartime Belfast and a young woman's fierce love for the elephant in her care come vividly to life in this beautiful, beguiling, and atmospheric debut novel.' - Dominic Smith, author of The Last Painting of Sara de Vos·Cinematic in scope and brimming with emotion, this is a soaring work of historical imagination.' - Karen Olsson, author of All the Houses(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Zoo Station (John Russell #1)

by David Downing

By 1939, Anglo-American journalist John Russell has spent over a decade in Berlin, where his son lives with his mother. He writes human-interest pieces for British and American papers, avoiding the investigative journalism that could get him deported. But as World War II approaches, he faces having to leave his son as well as his girlfriend of several years, a beautiful German starlet. When an acquaintance from his old communist days approaches him to do some work for the Soviets, John Russell is reluctant, but he is unable to resist the offer. He becomes involved in other dangerous activities, helping a Jewish family and a determined young American reporter. When the British and the Nazis notice his involvement with the Soviets, Russell is dragged into the murky world of warring intelligence services. David Downing grew up in suburban London and is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction for adults and children, including The Moscow Option, Russian Revolution 1985,and The Red Eagles.

The Zoo: 1826-1851

by Isobel Charman

Set in the heart of swirling, Dickensian London, the wondrous history of a unique institution and the incredible characters—human and animal—that populated it. The founding of a zoo in Georgian London is a story of jaw-dropping audacity in the Age of Empire. It is the story of diplomats, traders, scientists, and aristocratic amateur naturalists charged by Sir Stamford Raffles with collecting amazing creatures from all four corners of the globe. It is the story of the first zoo in history, a weird and wonderful oasis in the heart of the filthy, swirling city of Dickensian London, and of the incredible characters, both human and animal, that populated it—from Charles Darwin and Queen Victoria to Obaysch the celebrity hippo, the first that anyone in Britain had ever seen. This is a story of Victorian grandeur, of science and empire, and of adventurers and charlatans. And it is the story of a dizzying age of Empire and industrialization, a time of change unmatched before or since. This is the extraordinary story of London Zoo.

The Zoo

by Christopher Wilson

Patrick deWitt meets Catch 22, when a guileless young boy gets mixed up in Stalin's inner circle.There are certain things that Yuri Zipit knows:1. That being official food-taster for the Great Leader of the Soviet Union requires him to drink too much vodka for a twelve-year-old.2. That you do not have to be an Elephantologist to see that the Great Leader is dying.3. Yuri's father is somewhere here in the Dacha.4. It's a crime to love your family more than you love Socialism, the Party or the Republic.5. That, because of his damaged mind, everyone thinks Yuri is a fool.But Yuri isn't. He sits quietly through excessive state dinners and witnesses it all--betrayals, body doubles, buffoonery. He's starting to get the hang of this politics thing, but there's so much to learn. Who knew that a man could be in five places at once? That someone could break your nose as a sign of friendship? That people could be disinvented?The Zoo is a cutting satire, told through the refreshing voice of one gutsy boy who will not give up on hope.

Zongmi on Chan (Translations from the Asian Classics)

by Jeffrey Broughton

Japanese Zen often implies that textual learning (gakumon) in Buddhism and personal experience (taiken) in Zen are separate, but the career and writings of the Chinese Tang dynasty Chan master Guifeng Zongmi (780-841) undermine this division. For the first time in English, Jeffrey Broughton presents an annotated translation of Zongmi's magnum opus, the Chan Prolegomenon, along with translations of his Chan Letter and Chan Notes. The Chan Prolegomenon persuasively argues that Chan "axiom realizations" are identical to the teachings embedded in canonical word and that one who transmits Chan must use the sutras and treatises as a standard. Japanese Rinzai Zen has, since the Edo period, marginalized the sutra-based Chan of the Chan Prolegomenon and its successor text, the Mind Mirror (Zongjinglu) of Yongming Yanshou (904-976). This book contains the first in-depth treatment in English of the neglected Mind Mirror, positioning it as a restatement of Zongmi's work for a Song dynasty audience. The ideas and models of the Chan Prolegomenon, often disseminated in East Asia through the conduit of the Mind Mirror, were highly influential in the Chan traditions of Song and Ming China, Korea from the late Koryo onward, and Kamakura-Muromachi Japan. In addition, Tangut-language translations of Zongmi's Chan Prolegomenon and Chan Letter constitute the very basis of the Chan tradition of the state of Xixia. As Broughton shows, the sutra-based Chan of Zongmi and Yanshou was much more normative in the East Asian world than previously believed, and readers who seek a deeper, more complete understanding of the Chan tradition will experience a surprising reorientation in this book.

Zong!: As Told To The Author By Setaey Adamu Boateng (Wesleyan Poetry Series)

by M. NourbeSe Philip Setaey Adamu Boateng

In November, 1781, the captain of the slave ship Zong ordered that some 150 Africans be murdered by drowning so that the ship’s owners could collect insurance monies. <P><P>Relying entirely on the words of the legal decision Gregson v. Gilbert—the only extant public document related to the massacre of these African slaves—Zong! tells the story that cannot be told yet must be told. Equal parts song, moan, shout, oath, ululation, curse, and chant, Zong! excavates the legal text. <P><P>Memory, history, and law collide and metamorphose into the poetics of the fragment. Through the innovative use of fugal and counterpointed repetition, Zong! becomes an anti-narrative lament that stretches the boundaries of the poetic form, haunting the spaces of forgetting and mourning the forgotten. <<P><P>Check for the online reader’s companion at <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

The Zong: A Massacre, the Law & the End of Slavery

by James Walvin

&“A lucid, fluent and fascinating account of the Zong. The book details the horror of the mass killing of enslaved Africans on board the ship in 1781.&”—Gad Heuman, co-editor of The Routledge History of Slavery On November 29, 1781, Captain Collingwood of the British ship Zong commanded his crew to throw overboard one-third of his cargo: a shipment of Africans bound for slavery in America. The captain believed his ship was off course, and he feared there was not enough drinking water to last until landfall. This book is the first to examine in detail the deplorable killings on the Zong, the lawsuit that ensued, how the murder of 132 slaves affected debates about slavery, and the way we remember the infamous Zong today. Historian James Walvin explores all aspects of the Zong&’s voyage and the subsequent trial—a case brought to court not for the murder of the slaves but as a suit against the insurers who denied the owners&’ claim that their &“cargo&” had been necessarily jettisoned. The scandalous case prompted wide debate and fueled Britain&’s awakening abolition movement. Without the episode of the Zong, Walvin contends, the process of ending the slave trade would have taken an entirely different moral and political trajectory. He concludes with a fascinating discussion of how the case of the Zong, though unique in the history of slave ships, has come to be understood as typical of life on all such ships. &“Engaging . . . [Walvin&’s] expertise shines through with surgical use of statistics and absorbing deviations into subjects such as Turner&’s masterpiece The Slave Ship and the slave-fueled growth of Liverpool.&”—Daily Mail

Zones of Rebellion: Kurdish Insurgents and the Turkish State

by Aysegul Aydin Cem Emrence

How do insurgents and governments select their targets? Which ideological discourses and organizational policies do they adopt to win civilian loyalties and control territory? Aysegul Aydin and Cem Emrence suggest that both insurgents and governments adopt a wide variety of coercive strategies in war environments. In Zones of Rebellion, they integrate Turkish-Ottoman history with social science theory to unveil the long-term policies that continue to inform the distribution of violence in Anatolia. The authors show the astonishing similarity in combatants’ practices over time and their resulting inability to consolidate Kurdish people and territory around their respective political agendas. The Kurdish insurgency in Turkey is one of the longest-running civil wars in the Middle East. Zones of Rebellion demonstrates for the first time how violence in this conflict has varied geographically. Identifying distinct zones of violence, Aydin and Emrence show why Kurds and Kurdish territories have followed different political trajectories, guaranteeing continued strife between Kurdish insurgents and the Turkish state in an area where armed groups organized along ethnic lines have battled the central state since Ottoman times. Aydin and Emrence present the first empirical analysis of Kurdish insurgency, relying on original data. These new datasets include information on the location, method, timing, target, and outcome of more than ten thousand insurgent attacks and counterinsurgent operations between 1984 and 2008. Another data set registers civilian unrest in Kurdish urban centers for the same period, including nearly eight hundred incidents ranging from passive resistance to active challenges to Turkey’s security forces. The authors argue that both state agents and insurgents are locked into particular tactics in their conduct of civil war and that the inability of combatants to switch from violence to civic politics leads to a long-running stalemate. Such rigidity blocks negotiations and prevents battlefield victories from being translated into political solutions and lasting agreements.

Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming (Game Histories)

by Pat Harrigan Matthew G. Kirschenbaum

Examinations of wargaming for entertainment, education, and military planning, in terms of design, critical analysis, and historical contexts.Games with military themes date back to antiquity, and yet they are curiously neglected in much of the academic and trade literature on games and game history. This volume fills that gap, providing a diverse set of perspectives on wargaming's past, present, and future. In Zones of Control, contributors consider wargames played for entertainment, education, and military planning, in terms of design, critical analysis, and historical contexts. They consider both digital and especially tabletop games, most of which cover specific historical conflicts or are grounded in recognizable real-world geopolitics. Game designers and players will find the historical and critical contexts often missing from design and hobby literature; military analysts will find connections to game design and the humanities; and academics will find documentation and critique of a sophisticated body of cultural work in which the complexity of military conflict is represented in ludic systems and procedures.Each section begins with a long anchoring chapter by an established authority, which is followed by a variety of shorter pieces both analytic and anecdotal. Topics include the history of playing at war; operations research and systems design; wargaming and military history; wargaming's ethics and politics; gaming irregular and non-kinetic warfare; and wargames as artistic practice.ContributorsJeremy Antley, Richard Barbrook, Elizabeth M. Bartels, Ed Beach, Larry Bond, Larry Brom, Lee Brimmicombe-Wood, Rex Brynen, Matthew B. Caffrey, Jr., Luke Caldwell, Catherine Cavagnaro, Robert M. Citino, Laurent Closier, Stephen V. Cole, Brian Conley, Greg Costikyan, Patrick Crogan, John Curry, James F. Dunnigan, Robert J. Elder, Lisa Faden, Mary Flanagan, John A. Foley, Alexander R. Galloway, Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi, Don R. Gilman, A. Scott Glancy, Troy Goodfellow, Jack Greene, Mark Herman, Kacper Kwiatkowski, Tim Lenoir, David Levinthal, Alexander H. Levis, Henry Lowood, Elizabeth Losh, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Rob MacDougall, Mark Mahaffey, Bill McDonald, Brien J. Miller, Joseph Miranda, Soraya Murray, Tetsuya Nakamura, Michael Peck, Peter P. Perla, Jon Peterson, John Prados, Ted S. Raicer, Volko Ruhnke, Philip Sabin, Thomas C. Schelling, Marcus Schulzke, Miguel Sicart, Rachel Simmons, Ian Sturrock, Jenny Thompson, John Tiller, J. R. Tracy, Brian Train, Russell Vane, Charles Vasey, Andrew Wackerfuss, James Wallis, James Wallman, Yuna Huh Wong

Zones of Anxiety: Movement, Musidora, and the Crime Serials of Louis Feuillade

by Vicki Callahan

A feminist analysis of the "cinema of uncertainty" through an examination of the crime serials of Louis Feuillade and the work of actress Musidora.

The Zone of Interest: A novel (Vintage International Ser.)

by Martin Amis

NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE • AN NPR BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR • From one the most virtuosic authors in the English language: a powerful novel, written with urgency and moral force, that explores life—and love—among the Nazi bureaucrats of Auschwitz. "A masterpiece.... Profound, powerful and morally urgent.... A benchmark for what serious literature can achieve." —San Francisco Chronicle Martin Amis first tackled the Holocaust in 1991 with his bestselling novel Time's Arrow. He returns again to the Shoah with this astonishing portrayal of life in "the zone of interest," or "kat zet"—the Nazis' euphemism for Auschwitz. The narrative rotates among three main characters: Paul Doll, the crass, drunken camp commandant; Thomsen, nephew of Hitler's private secretary, in love with Doll's wife; and Szmul, one of the Jewish prisoners charged with disposing of the bodies. Through these three narrative threads, Amis summons a searing, profound, darkly funny portrait of the most infamous place in history. An epilogue by the author elucidates Amis's reasons and method for undertaking this extraordinary project.

The Zone of Interest

by Martin Amis

From one of England's most renowned authors, an unforgettable new novel that provides a searing portrait of life--and, shockingly, love--in a concentration camp. Once upon a time there was a king, and the king commissioned his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your reflection. It showed you your soul--it showed you who you really were. The wizard couldn't look at it without turning away. The king couldn't look at it. The courtiers couldn't look at it. A chestful of treasure was offered to anyone who could look at it for 60 seconds without turning away. And no one could. The Zone of Interest is a love story with a violently unromantic setting. Can love survive the mirror? Can we even meet each other's eye, after we have seen who we really are? In a novel powered by both wit and pathos, Martin Amis excavates the depths and contradictions of the human soul.


by Charlotte Mandell Mathias Énard Brian Evenson

One of the truly original books of the decade--written as a single, hypnotic, propulsive, physically irresistible sentence--Zone tells the story of a French Intelligence agent on his way to the Vatican to sell a briefcase of secrets. Over the course of his train ride, he thinks back over his life and all the damage he's caused in this violent century.

Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible

by Carl G. Rasmussen

For quick reference and detailed study, the Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible is the most comprehensive Bible atlas available. The Geographical section presents the physical geography of the lands of the biblical word, from Egypt to Mesopotamia. The Israel/Jordan region especially is discussed in depth. The HISTORICAL SECTION presents in detail the flow of biblical history in its geographical context and shows how geography influenced the course of biblical history. A separate section on JERUSALEM traces the history and development of the city that is at the center of much of biblical history. THE DISCIPLINES OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY shows the reader how the actual sites of ancient cities are rediscovered--an often complex process that sirs the imagination with the excitement of highly specialized detective work. An outstanding feature is the GAZETTEER. This is an exhaustive place-name index that gives the exact geographical location for each name with the pages and maps on which the name is found in the Atlas.

Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology: A Book by Book Guide to Archaeological Discoveries Related to the Bible

by J. Randall Price H. Wayne House

Explore significant archaeological discoveries pertaining to every book of the Bible.Laypersons, pastors, students, academics, and anyone looking for a current and comprehensive biblical archaeology resource need look no further. The Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology provides a wealth of information that supplements the historical context of the Bible, providing a window into the past that will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of biblical text.Immerse yourself in the world of the Bible and the intertestamental period with these special features:Introduction to the field of archaeologyArchaeological discoveries in canonical orderThe latest photos and information from new discoveriesAerial photos of excavation sitesPhotos of artifacts and historic structuresSidebars and study helpsRobust glossaryDetailed mapsBibliographyThe Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology gives readers the opportunity to visit ancient sites and historical places while remaining in the comfort of their own home.

Zondervan Essential Companion to Christian History

by Stephen Backhouse

The Zondervan Essential Companion to Christian History gives you what it promises: the essentials. This highly informative, broad-ranging book provides vital facts on the growth and impact of Christianity from the apostles to the present day not only in the Western world but also globally, including the development of Eastern Orthodox and Armenian Christianity, as well as considering Christianity in Latin America, Southeast Asia, the Baltic and Slavic states, and India. The companion is organized by century, going through the major events, ideas, and personalities that have shaped Christian history around the world.Following a brief introduction that outlines the key events of the New Testament era, there is a chapter devoted to each century of Christian history beginning with the year 100 and ending roughly at the year 2000. Each chapter flows chronologically featuring:A brief overview, highlighting the main threads and issues running through the relevant centuryKey historical developments explainedThematic connections between centuriesColor-coded sidebars on Persons, Ideas, or EventsPersons: key figures either within or without the Church who have impacted Christian history significantly or who otherwise deserve special mentionIdeas: important Christian books, as well as heresies, doctrines, or political movementsEvents: world-historical occurrences such as battles, natural disasters, inventions, or elections that have affected the development of Christianity in the worldThe final chapter, devoted to the present century concludes the companion identifying key themes that the Christian Church is presently dealing with and suggesting future issues. A select Glossary of terms is provided at the end of the book, as well as a bibliographic list of suggested reading.Whether you are a student or a lay person, a church-goer or unacquainted with Christianity, this book will help you grasp the global, multifaceted story of Christians.

Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery

by John A. Beck

Learning the meaning and significance of biblical images will revolutionize your grasp of the Bible as a whole. Scripture is packed with symbolic imagery and metaphors: looms, donkeys, water cisterns, grapes, sackcloth—all carry symbolic or emotional weight that sharpens the broader picture of the passage.The biblical authors used their reality to enhance the impact of their message on the audience around them, and the language they used is rich with meaning. The words might be familiar today, but the cultural connotations of things like manna, millstones, or myrrh might be missed by contemporary Christians and might cause us to lose the fullest significance of the Bible passage.The Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery surveys the use and connotations of familiar images in the Bible to illustrate the intricate and subtle ways they're put to work in the text. The types of entries include:Cultural artifacts from the biblical world (such as arrow or sandal)Components of natural history (such as fox or fig tree)Named places (such as Mount Sinai or Nazareth)Components of Israel's physical geography (such as mountain or wilderness)Each entry describes an image's characteristics, appearance, intended use, and cultural connotations, as well as the rhetorical impact of its use in the Bible. As you read, you'll begin to understand things like why Jesus called for us to become the salt of the earth, why dew was a controversial topic in Bible times, and why a roof might be mentioned to draw attention to a violation of expected norms.With accessible, well-illustrated entries and numerous black & white visuals, The Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery is an inspiring portal into the biblical world for any student of the Bible.

Zona: A Book About a Film About a Journey to a Room

by Geoff Dyer

From a writer whose mastery encompasses fiction, criticism, and the fertile realm between the two, comes a new book that confirms his reputation for the unexpected.In Zona, Geoff Dyer attempts to unlock the mysteries of a film that has haunted him ever since he first saw it thirty years ago: Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker, widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. ("Every single frame," declared Cate Blanchett, "is burned into my retina.") As Dyer guides us into the zone of Tarkovsky's imagination, we realize that the film is only the entry point for a radically original investigation of the enduring questions of life, faith, and how to live. In a narrative that gives free rein to the brilliance of Dyer's distinctive voice--acute observation, melancholy, comedy, lyricism, and occasional ill-temper--Zona takes us on a wonderfully unpredictable journey in which we try to fathom, and realize, our deepest wishes.Zona is one of the most unusual books ever written about film, and about how art--whether a film by a Russian director or a book by one of our most gifted contemporary writers--can shape the way we see the world and how we make our way through it.


by Joseph Mccullough

The dead have always stalked the dark corners of the earth. Since World War II, the number of zombie outbreaks has increased every year, while governments desperately try to cover up the facts. Zombies: A Hunter's Guide contains all of the information necessary to recognize and combat this growing threat. Beginning with an explanation of the historical origins of zombies, it follows their history straight through to the threat they pose to the world today. All varieties of zombie are catalogued and examined, giving their strengths and weakness, with a special emphasis on recognition and elimination. Finally, the book covers the tactics and equipment used in zombie fighting. Accompanied by numerous full-color reconstructions to help with identification, this book is a must for anyone on the frontlines of the Zombie Wars.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Zombie Prince, Killer Concubine: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Chang Fenggongzi

She, the queen of the Dark Assassin Empire. How could he have known that she would be betrayed by her lover, and that she would be the infamous adulterous Consort Lin Zhaojun of the Changchun Dynasty! It's fine if she transmigrated and became an adulterer, but how did she know that she was still a widow? When the most wretched of them all came to the grave, all the creditors came to pay their respects. Some came to seek revenge, while others came to avenge their wrongdoings. The escape plan failed midway. Unexpectedly, a Zombie King appeared out of nowhere and raised her like a pet.

Zombie Prince, Killer Concubine: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Chang Fenggongzi

She, the queen of the Dark Assassin Empire. How could he have known that she would be betrayed by her lover, and that she would be the infamous adulterous Consort Lin Zhaojun of the Changchun Dynasty! It's fine if she transmigrated and became an adulterer, but how did she know that she was still a widow? When the most wretched of them all came to the grave, all the creditors came to pay their respects. Some came to seek revenge, while others came to avenge their wrongdoings. The escape plan failed midway. Unexpectedly, a Zombie King appeared out of nowhere and raised her like a pet.

Zombie Prince, Killer Concubine: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Chang Fenggongzi

She, the queen of the Dark Assassin Empire. How could he have known that she would be betrayed by her lover, and that she would be the infamous adulterous Consort Lin Zhaojun of the Changchun Dynasty! It's fine if she transmigrated and became an adulterer, but how did she know that she was still a widow? When the most wretched of them all came to the grave, all the creditors came to pay their respects. Some came to seek revenge, while others came to avenge their wrongdoings. The escape plan failed midway. Unexpectedly, a Zombie King appeared out of nowhere and raised her like a pet.

Zombie Prince, Killer Concubine: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Chang Fenggongzi

She, the queen of the Dark Assassin Empire. How could he have known that she would be betrayed by her lover, and that she would be the infamous adulterous Consort Lin Zhaojun of the Changchun Dynasty! It's fine if she transmigrated and became an adulterer, but how did she know that she was still a widow? When the most wretched of them all came to the grave, all the creditors came to pay their respects. Some came to seek revenge, while others came to avenge their wrongdoings. The escape plan failed midway. Unexpectedly, a Zombie King appeared out of nowhere and raised her like a pet.

Zombie Lover (Xanth #22)

by Piers Anthony

Fleeing Xeth's unwanted advances, Breanna uses all of her worldly wiles to escape a fate that is literally worse that death. With the help of some colorful companions, including King Dor, Prince Dolph, and a "youthened" Magician Bink- and Justin Tree, who serves as her spirit guide on this oddest of odysseys- Breanna sets out on a perilous quest. Her travels lead from the Region of Madness to the evanescent Isle of Women, which is ruled by women, and on to Xanth's myriad "worlds of maybe" orbiting Queen Ida's head. And at the end of her unearthly journey she discovers a surprising fulfillment of her fondest desires.

Zombie Lover (The Xanth Novels #22)

by Piers Anthony

Something&’s rotten in the land of Xanth—and it&’s not just the undead—in this &“cheeky&” adventure in the New York Times–bestselling series (Publishers Weekly). Horrors and hilarity collide as a fate far worse than death awaits a vivacious young visitor to &“the Florida-shaped fantasy land where anything goes and the puns pack every page&” (Kirkus Reviews). Breanna, a beautiful young newcomer to the enchanted land of Xanth, must deal with a distressing dilemma. She has unwittingly attracted the affections of King Xeth, ruler of Xanth&’s Zombies, who yearns to make her queen of the undead! Her quest to preserve her innocence, and find her destiny, takes her on an exhilarating excursion packed with perils, puzzles, and piles of puns. Zombie Lover will provide a profusion of macabre merriment.

Zombie History: Lies About Our Past that Refuse to Die

by Peter Charles Hoffer

Fake history is not a harmless mistake of fact or interpretation. It is a mistake that conceals prejudice; a mistake that discriminates against certain kinds of people; a mistake held despite a preponderance of evidence; a mistake that harms us. Fake history is like the Zombies we see in mass media, for the fake fact, like the fictional Zombie, lives by turning real events and people into monstrous perversions of fact and interpretation. Its pervasiveness reveals that prejudice remains its chief appeal to those who believe it. Its effect is insidious, because we cannot or will not destroy those mischievous lies. Zombie history is almost impossible to kill. Some Zombie history was and is political, a genre of what Hannah Arendt called “organizational lying” about the past. Its makers designed the Zombie to create a basis in the false past for particular discriminatory policies. Other history Zombies are cultural. They encapsulate and empower prejudice and stereotyping. Still other popular history Zombies do not look disfigured, but like Zombies walk among us without our realizing how devastating their impact can be. Zombie History argues that, whatever their purpose, whatever the venue in which they appear, history Zombies undermine the very foundations of disinterested study of the past.

Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk among Us

by John Quiggin

In the graveyard of economic ideology, dead ideas still stalk the land. The recent financial crisis laid bare many of the assumptions behind market liberalism--the theory that market-based solutions are always best, regardless of the problem. For decades, their advocates dominated mainstream economics, and their influence created a system where an unthinking faith in markets led many to view speculative investments as fundamentally safe. The crisis seemed to have killed off these ideas, but they still live on in the minds of many--members of the public, commentators, politicians, economists, and even those charged with cleaning up the mess. In Zombie Economics, John Quiggin explains how these dead ideas still walk among us--and why we must find a way to kill them once and for all if we are to avoid an even bigger financial crisis in the future. Zombie Economics takes the reader through the origins, consequences, and implosion of a system of ideas whose time has come and gone. These beliefs--that deregulation had conquered the financial cycle, that markets were always the best judge of value, that policies designed to benefit the rich made everyone better off--brought us to the brink of disaster once before, and their persistent hold on many threatens to do so again. Because these ideas will never die unless there is an alternative, Zombie Economics also looks ahead at what could replace market liberalism, arguing that a simple return to traditional Keynesian economics and the politics of the welfare state will not be enough--either to kill dead ideas, or prevent future crises. In a new chapter, Quiggin brings the book up to date with a discussion of the re-emergence of pre-Keynesian ideas about austerity and balanced budgets as a response to recession.

Zombie Cinema

by Ian Olney

It’s official: the zombie apocalypse is here. The living dead have been lurking in popular culture since the 1930s, but they have never been as ubiquitous or as widely-embraced as they are today.Zombie Cinema is a lively and accessible introduction to this massively popular genre. Presenting a historical overview of zombie appearances in cinema and on television, Ian Olney also considers why, more than any other horror movie monster, zombies have captured the imagination of twenty-first-century audiences. Surveying the landmarks of zombie film and TV, from White Zombie to The Walking Dead, the book also offers unique insight into why zombies have gone global, spreading well beyond the borders of American and European cinema to turn up in films from countries as far-flung as Cuba, India, Japan, New Zealand, and Nigeria. Both fun and thought-provoking, Zombie Cinema will give readers a new perspective on our ravenous hunger for the living dead.

Zoltan Kodaly's World of Music (California Studies in 20th-Century Music #27)

by Anna Dalos

Hungarian composer and musician Zoltán Kodály (1882–1967) is best known for his pedagogical system, the Kodály Method, which has been influential in the development of music education around the world. Author Anna Dalos considers, for the first time in publication, Kodály’s career beyond the classroom and provides a comprehensive assessment of his works as a composer. A noted collector of Hungarian folk music, Kodály adapted the traditional heritage musics in his own compositions, greatly influencing the work of his contemporary, Béla Bartók. Highlighting Kodály’s major music experiences, Dalos shows how his musical works were also inspired by Brahms, Wagner, Debussy, Palestrina, and Bach. Set against the backdrop of various oppressive regimes of twentieth-century Europe, this study of Kodály’s career also explores decisive, extramusical impulses, such as his bitter experiences of World War I, Kodály’s reception of classical antiquity, and his interpretation of the male and female roles in his music. Written by the leading Kodály expert, this impressive work of historical and musical insight provides a timely and much-needed English-language treatment of the twentieth-century composer.

The Zollverein: The Zollverein (Routledge Revivals)

by William Otto Henderson

Published in 1959: This book is the only detailed study of the origin of the German customs union and its history up to the establishment of the united Reich in 1871. It is based on the author's researches in the Public Record Office and in the archives as Berlin and Vienna and takes full account of the numerous monographs by German Scholars on various aspects of Zollverein history.

The Zollverein: The Zollverein

by W.O. Henderson

First published in 1968

Zola and the Victorians: Censorship in the Age of Hypocrisy

by Eileen Horne

London, 1888: Jack the Ripper stalks the streets of Whitechapel; national strikes and social unrest threaten the status quo; a grave economic crisis is spreading across the Atlantic . . . Yet Her Majesty's government is preoccupied with "a mere book" - or rather, a series of books: new translations of the Rougon-Macquart saga by French literary giant Émile Zola.In his time, Zola made his British contemporaries look positively pastoral; much of his work is considered shocking and transgressive even now. But it was his English publisher who bore the brunt of the Victorians' moral outrage at Zola's "realistic" depictions of striking miners, society courtesans and priapic, feuding farmers.Seventy years before Lady Chatterley's Lover broke the back of British censorship, Henry Vizetelly's commitment to publishing Zola, and to the nascent principle of free speech, not only landed him in the dock and thereafter in prison, but brought to ruin to the publishing house he had founded. Meanwhile, Zola was going from strength to strength, establishing his reputation as a literary legend and falling in love with a woman half his age.This lively, humorous and ultimately tragic tale is an exploration of the consequences of translation and censorship which remains relevant today for readers, publishers and authors everywhere.

Zola and the Victorians: Censorship in the Age of Hypocrisy

by Eileen Horne

London, 1888: Jack the Ripper stalks the streets of Whitechapel; national strikes and social unrest threaten the status quo; a grave economic crisis is spreading across the Atlantic . . . Yet Her Majesty's government is preoccupied with "a mere book" - or rather, a series of books: new translations of the Rougon-Macquart saga by French literary giant Émile Zola.In his time, Zola made his British contemporaries look positively pastoral; much of his work is considered shocking and transgressive even now. But it was his English publisher who bore the brunt of the Victorians' moral outrage at Zola's "realistic" depictions of striking miners, society courtesans and priapic, feuding farmers.Seventy years before Lady Chatterley's Lover broke the back of British censorship, Henry Vizetelly's commitment to publishing Zola, and to the nascent principle of free speech, not only landed him in the dock and thereafter in prison, but brought to ruin to the publishing house he had founded. Meanwhile, Zola was going from strength to strength, establishing his reputation as a literary legend and falling in love with a woman half his age.This lively, humorous and ultimately tragic tale is an exploration of the consequences of translation and censorship which remains relevant today for readers, publishers and authors everywhere.

Zola (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel #38)

by Phillip Walker

In the novels of Emile Zola, the pain and horror of working class life was pushed into the drawing rooms of polite society. Zola set out to shock and to question the assumptions of fiction and of comfortable, settled lives. The impact of his writing was far wider than France, and his attacks on the pillars of society gave him an international reputation. First published in 1985, this biography of Zola does much more than simply describe Zola as a writer, and his literary impact. It brings together the many strands of Zola’s life and creates an impression of a remarkable, if often exasperating individualist. This book will be of interest to those studying the works of Emile Zola and more broadly nineteenth-century and French literature.

Zoia's Gold

by Philip Sington

Stockholm, December 1999. Madam Zoia, the enigmatic "painter on gold," is dead. The last surviving member of the Romanov court, she leaves behind a house full of paintings, a collection of private papers, and a mystery. Marcus Elliot travels to Sweden to write the catalog that will accompany the sale of her work. But something feels wrong. Behind the gilded serenity of Zoia's art lie the shadows of a secret life: a dramatic escape from the Bolshevik torturers of the Lubyanka prison, an artistic journey that embraced the excesses of Bohemian Paris, and an unearthly ability to command the devotion of desirable men. Marcus is to be Zoia's last, triumphant seduction, but with time against him, he must lay his own ghosts to rest -- the scandal that ruined him, the tragedy that shattered his childhood -- before the priceless truth can come within his grasp. In Zoia's Gold, Philip Sington seamlessly merges past and present, fact and fiction into a bewitching, compulsively readable novel of obsession, betrayal, and redemption.

Zoia's Gold

by Philip Sington

Stockholm, December 1999. Madam Zoia, the enigmatic "painter on gold," is dead. The last surviving member of the Romanov court, she leaves behind a house full of paintings, a collection of private papers, and a mystery. Marcus Elliot travels to Sweden to write the catalog that will accompany the sale of her work. But something feels wrong. Behind the gilded serenity of Zoia's art lie the shadows of a secret life: a dramatic escape from the Bolshevik torturers of the Lubyanka prison, an artistic journey that embraced the excesses of Bohemian Paris, and an unearthly ability to command the devotion of desirable men. Marcus is to be Zoia's last, triumphant seduction, but with time against him, he must lay his own ghosts to rest -- the scandal that ruined him, the tragedy that shattered his childhood -- before the priceless truth can come within his grasp. In Zoia's Gold, Philip Sington seamlessly merges past and present, fact and fiction into a bewitching, compulsively readable novel of obsession, betrayal, and redemption.

The Zohar in Moslem and Christian Spain (Routledge Library Editions: Muslim Spain)

by Ariel Bension

‘The Zohar’ was compiled and composed in Spain in the thirteenth century, and exerted a powerful influence on Jewish life in medieval ghettoes. In this book, first published in 1932, Dr Bension was the first scholar to deal with the influence on Jewish mysticism of certain characteristics which underlie so much of the literature produced in Spain both by Christians and Muslims.

Zodiacal Symbology and Its Planetary Power

by Isidore Kozminsky

After some years of careful study in the endeavour to fix the special planetary influence attached to each degree of the Zodiac, author Isidore Kozminsky is at length enabled to present the result of his researches in this direction for the consideration of the many sincere students who find in astrology a safe and sure foundation upon which to build the temple of world enlightenment, which the approaching true civilization will demand.From a close examination of thousands of nativities during the past, Kozminsky believes that the planets which will be found associated with the zodiacal degrees in this book are correct and important in every particular. He further believes this is the first attempt in this direction, and is certain that the reader will find it helpful in dealing with the many problems with which he or she has to grapple.

The Zodiac of Paris: How an Improbable Controversy over an Ancient Egyptian Artifact Provoked a Modern Debate between Religion and Science

by Jed Z. Buchwald Diane Greco Josefowicz

The clash of faith and science in Napoleonic FranceThe Dendera zodiac—an ancient bas-relief temple ceiling adorned with mysterious symbols of the stars and planets—was first discovered by the French during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, and quickly provoked a controversy between scientists and theologians. Brought to Paris in 1821 and ultimately installed in the Louvre, where it can still be seen today, the zodiac appeared to depict the nighttime sky from a time predating the Biblical creation, and therefore cast doubt on religious truth. The Zodiac of Paris tells the story of this incredible archeological find and its unlikely role in the fierce disputes over science and faith in Napoleonic and Restoration France.The book unfolds against the turbulence of the French Revolution, Napoleon's breathtaking rise and fall, and the restoration of the Bourbons to the throne. Drawing on newspapers, journals, diaries, pamphlets, and other documentary evidence, Jed Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz show how scientists and intellectuals seized upon the zodiac to discredit Christianity, and how this drew furious responses from conservatives and sparked debates about the merits of scientific calculation as a source of knowledge about the past. The ideological battles would rage until the thoroughly antireligious Jean-François Champollion unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs—and of the zodiac itself. Champollion would prove the religious reactionaries right, but for all the wrong reasons.The Zodiac of Paris brings Napoleonic and Restoration France vividly to life, revealing the lengths to which scientists, intellectuals, theologians, and conservatives went to use the ancient past for modern purposes.

Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo

by Zlata Filipovic Christina Pribichevich-Zoric

This journal entry represents Zlata's insightful writing and the translators skill: "Thursday, October 14, 1993 Dear Mimmy, Those lunatics up in the hills must have read what I wrote about the shooting yesterday. They want to show me that they're still around. They went SHOOTING today. Shells fell around the market-place, and we don't know how Grandma and Grand-dad are. Poor things. These lunatics haven't just stolen from us our childhood, they've stolen from my grandparents and other old people a peaceful old age. They're not letting them live out the rest of their lives in peace. They had to ruin that too. I didn't have classes or music school today. They sent us home, so I'll spend the whole day at home reading, playing the piano, spending some time with Nejra and Haris. I was supposed to go to Mirna's today, but they spoiled that for me. I didn't tell you, Mimmy, that you're about to go out into the world. You're going to be published abroad. I allowed it, so you could tell the world what I wrote to you. I wrote to you about the war, about myself and Sarajevo in the war, and the world wants to know about it. I wrote what I felt, saw and heard, and now people outside of Sarajevo are going to know it. Have a good journey into the world. Your Zlata" A fine book for a book report. Teens sensitive to cruelty will want to share this diary with parents. This was a horrific piece of history.

Zizek's Politics

by Jodi Dean

A critical introduction to the political thought of one of the most important, original and enigmatic philosophers writing today. Zizek's Politics provides an original interpretation and defence of the Slovenian philosopher's radical critique of liberalism, democracy, and global capital.

Zivilgesellschaft in Subsahara Afrika

by Walter Eberlei

Der ,,arabische Frühling" hat vielfaches Erstaunen über die Kraft zivilgesellschaftlicher politischer Arbeit ausgelöst. So unbemerkt wie das Pulverfass in Nordafrika entstand, so unbeachtet scheinen auch die gesellschaftspolitischen Dynamiken in den Ländern südlich der Sahara zu sein. Die Wahrnehmung politischer Entwicklungen in diesem ärmsten Teil der Welt begrenzt sich vielfach auf zerfallene Staaten wie Somalia, korrupte Kleptokratien wie Simbabwe oder in schier endlosen Kriegen und Konflikten versunkene Länder wie dem Kongo. Der Band beschäftigt sich mit gesellschaftspolitischen Dynamiken jenseits dieser Extreme, genauer: mit dem vielfach erkennbaren Phänomen verstärkter zivilgesellschaftlicher politischer Einflussnahme in Subsahara Afrika. Das Autorenteam leistet einen Beitrag dazu, diese neuere politische Entwicklung zu verstehen und seine Ausprägungen zu erklären.

Zivil - Gesellschaft - Staat

by Thomas Bibisidis Jaana Eichhorn Ansgar Klein Christa Perabo Susanne Rindt

Der Band thematisiert die Bedeutung der Freiwilligendienste hinsichtlich ihrer Potenziale und Wirkungen für die Zivilgesellschaft, ihre Handlungsfelder und Rahmenbedingungen und nimmt die beteiligten Akteure in den Blick. Dabei geht es um Entwicklungslinien, Profildiskussionen und aktuelle Debatten, u. a. zu Fragen der Qualitätssicherung, zum Bildungsbegriff, der politischen Indienstnahme von Freiwilligendiensten, zur Arbeitsmarktneutralität und zum Trägerprinzip als konstitutivem Merkmal der Freiwilligendienste.

Zipporah's Daughter (The Daughters of England #10)

by Philippa Carr

With France on the brink of revolution, one woman finds her destiny as a true daughter of England in the bestselling author&’s multigenerational saga. Discovering that the man who raised her was not her birth father comes as a great shock to teenage Lottie. She always thought she&’d marry her childhood love, Dickon, and stay at the family estate, Eversleigh. But fate takes Lottie across the sea to France and the mysterious palace of Versailles. As the daughter of Comte Gerard d&’Aubigné, Lottie encounters a world far different from her cloistered existence at Eversleigh. Here, she meets her half-sister and marries gallant patriot Charles de Tourville. As Louis XVI takes the throne with his queen, Marie Antoinette, Lottie is called back to England, where she finds that Dickon may not be the man she thought he was. Meanwhile, France descends into revolution and Lottie&’s family becomes increasingly endangered.

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel

by Marek Halter

From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses. Although she is a Cushite by birth--one of the people of the lands to the south--Zipporah grew up as the beloved daughter of Jethro, high priest and sage of the Midianites. But the color of Zipporah's skin sets her apart, making her an outsider to the men of her adopted tribe, who do not want her as a wife. Then one day while drawing water from a well, she meets a handsome young stranger. Like her, he is an outsider. A Hebrew raised in the house of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Moses is a fugitive, forced to flee his homeland. Zipporah realizes that this man will be the husband and partner she never thought she would have.Moses wants nothing more than a peaceful life with the Midianites, but Zipporah won't let Moses forget his past--or turn away from his true destiny. She refuses to marry him until he returns to Egypt to free his people. When God reveals himself to Moses in a burning bush, his words echo Zipporah's, and Moses returns to Egypt with his passionate and generous wife by his side. A woman ahead of her time, Zipporah leaps from the pages of this remarkable novel. Bold, independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale. , independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale.As Zipporah and Moses came closer to the queen of cities, the road parted company with the riverbank, and they found themselves facing a vast expanse of palm groves between the river and the hills and ocher cliffs, beyond which the desert began. And there, finally, rising into the blue sky, were the temples of Pharaoh.There were about ten of them, the largest surrounded by smaller ones, as if they had given birth to them. Seeming to grow out of the rock, the tops reaching up into the sky, they defied belief, so fantastically huge that beside them, even the cliffs seemed mere hillocks. Their faces shimmered in the heat like oil against the transparent sky. The neatly laid brick road leading to them burned in the sun.Zipporah remembered Moses' words about the splendor of Pharaoh's temples, but their hugeness surpassed anything she could have imagined. Nothing here was on a human scale. Not even the stone monsters with the heads of men and the bodies of lions that stood guard before them.Farther on, beneath great pyramids, they could see vast building sites. Colonnades and needles of white limestone and walls carved and painted with thousands of figures rose on the fronts of palaces hollowed out of the cliffs. There were unfinished monsters without wings, and statues without heads. In places, the roads became mere dirt paths, with bricks piled at the sides. And everywhere, the slaves swarmed, working, carrying, hammering, creating a din that rose into the heat of the day and was carried on the air from the farthest reaches of the building sites. --FROM ZIPPORAHLook for the Reader's Group Guide at the back of this book.From the Hardcover edition.

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel (Canaan Trilogy #2)

by Marek Halter Howard Curtis

Featuring a bold, spirited woman of color as its protagonist, "Zipporah," the story of the wife of Moses, will appeal to a wide range of readers and follows "Sarah" in Halter's Canaan Trilogy.

Zippo Manufacturing Company (Images of America)

by Linda L. Meabon

A photographic history of the family-owned Pennsylvania company that became a household name and a global success story. The Zippo Manufacturing Company was founded in 1932 in Bradford, Pennsylvania, by George G. Blaisdell, who designed the first Zippo lighter in 1933; since then, Zippo has produced nearly four hundred million lighters. The product line eventually expanded to include tape measures and pocket knives. Zippo entered the specialty advertising market in 1935, when the Kendall Refinery ordered five hundred lighters that displayed its name—and since then, the Zippo lighter has become a commemorative showcase for corporate logos, special events, and famous places throughout the United States and around the world.Zippo has been owned and operated by the Blaisdell family for more than seventy years. Zippo Manufacturing Company contains photographs of the Blaisdells, the Zippo Riders, the Zippo ski slope, the Zippo car, special-edition lighters, and scenes from the town of Bradford. Zippo archives and private collections have yielded rare photographs of Zippo employees at work, company and collector events, and other highlights in the company's history—making for a lively journey though this unique piece of American culture.

Zion's Dilemmas: How Israel Makes National Security Policy

by Charles D. Freilich

In Zion's Dilemmas, a former deputy national security advisor to the State of Israel details the history and, in many cases, the chronic inadequacies in the making of Israeli national security policy. Chuck Freilich identifies profound, ongoing problems that he ascribes to a series of factors: a hostile and highly volatile regional environment, Israel's proportional representation electoral system, and structural peculiarities of the Israeli government and bureaucracy.Freilich uses his insider understanding and substantial archival and interview research to describe how Israel has made strategic decisions and to present a first of its kind model of national security decision-making in Israel. He analyzes the major events of the last thirty years, from Camp David I to the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, through Camp David II, the Gaza Disengagement Plan of 2000, and the second Lebanon war of 2006.In these and other cases he identifies opportunities forgone, failures that resulted from a flawed decision-making process, and the entanglement of Israeli leaders in an inconsistent, highly politicized, and sometimes improvisational planning process. The cabinet is dysfunctional and Israel does not have an effective statutory forum for its decision-making-most of which is thus conducted in informal settings. In many cases policy objectives and options are poorly formulated. For all these problems, however, the Israeli decision-making process does have some strengths, among them the ability to make rapid and flexible responses, generally pragmatic decision-making, effective planning within the defense establishment, and the skills and motivation of those involved. Freilich concludes with cogent and timely recommendations for reform.

Zionists in Interwar Czechoslovakia: Minority Nationalism And The Politics Of Belonging (The\modern Jewish Experience Ser.)

by Tatjana Lichtenstein

This book presents an unconventional history of minority nationalism in interwar Eastern Europe. Focusing on an influential group of grassroots activists, Tatjana Lichtenstein uncovers Zionist projects intended to sustain the flourishing Jewish national life in Czechoslovakia.The book shows that Zionism was not an exit strategy for Jews, but as a ticket of admission to the societies they already called home.It explores how and why Zionists envisioned minority nationalism as a way to construct Jews' belonging and civic equality in Czechoslovakia.By giving voice to the diversity of aspirations within interwar Zionism, the book offers a fresh view of minority nationalism and state building in Eastern Europe.

A Zionist Stand

by Ze'ev B. Begin

A member of the Knesset, Dr Begin here reflects upon the mainstream political thought of the Likud Party which came to power in 1977. This book analyzes the basic factors relevant to the Israeli position in the Middle East, providing a different outlook on the complexities of the region.

Zionist Israel and Apartheid South Africa: Civil society and peace building in ethnic-national states (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

by Amneh Badran

This book is a comparison of two ethnic-national "apartheid" states – South Africa and Israel – which have been in conflict, and how internal dissent has developed. In particular it examines the evolution of effective white protest in South Africa and explores the reasons why comparably powerful movements have not emerged in Israel. The book reveals patterns of behaviour shared by groups in both cases. It argues that although the role played by protest groups in peace-building may be limited, a tipping point, or ‘magic point’, can become as significant as other major factors. It highlights the role played by intermediate variables that affect the pathways of protest groups: such as changes in the international system; the visions and strategies of resistance movements and their degree of success; the economic relationship between the dominant and dominated side; and the legitimacy of the ideology in power (apartheid or Zionism). Although the politics and roles of protest groups in both cases share some similarities, differences remain. Whilst white protest groups moved towards an inclusive peace agenda that adopts the ANC vision of a united non-racial democratic South Africa, the Jewish Israeli protest groups are still, by majority, entrenched in their support for an exclusive Jewish state. And as such, they support separation between the two peoples and a limited division of mandatory Palestine / ‘Eretz Israel’. This timely book sheds light on a controversial and explosive political issue: Israel being compared to apartheid South Africa.

The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow (JPS Anthologies of Jewish Thought)

by Gil Troy Natan Sharansky

The most comprehensive Zionist collection ever published, The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow sheds light on the surprisingly diverse and shared visions for realizing Israel as a democratic Jewish state. Building on Arthur Hertzberg’s classic, The Zionist Idea, Gil Troy explores the backstories, dreams, and legacies of more than 170 passionate Jewish visionaries—quadruple Hertzberg’s original number and now including women, mizrachim, and others—from the 1800s to today. Troy divides the thinkers into six Zionist schools of thought—Political, Revisionist, Labor, Religious, Cultural, and Diaspora Zionism—and reveals the breadth of the debate and surprising syntheses. He also presents the visionaries within three major stages of Zionist development, demonstrating the length and evolution of the conversation. Part 1 (pre-1948) introduces the pioneers who founded the Jewish state, such as Herzl, Gordon, Jabotinsky, Kook, Ha’am, and Szold. Part 2 (1948 to 2000) features builders who actualized and modernized the Zionist blueprints, such as Ben-Gurion, Berlin, Meir, Begin, Soloveitchik, Uris, and Kaplan. Part 3 showcases today’s torchbearers, including Barak, Grossman, Shaked, Lau, Yehoshua, and Sacks. This mosaic of voices will engage equally diverse readers in reinvigorating the Zionist conversation—weighing and developing the moral, social, and political character of the Jewish state of today and tomorrow.

A Zionist among Palestinians (Encounters)

by Mubarak Awad Edward Edy Kaufman Hillel Bardin

A Zionist among Palestinians offers the perspective of an ordinary Israeli citizen who became concerned about the Israeli military's treatment of Palestinians and was moved to work for peace. Hillel Bardin, a confirmed Zionist, was a reservist in the Israeli army during the first intifada when he met Palestinians arrested by his unit. He learned that they supported peace with Israel and the then-taboo proposal for a two-state solution, and that they understood the intifada as a struggle to achieve these goals. Bardin began to organize dialogues between Arabs and Israelis in West Bank villages, towns, and refugee camps. In 1988, he was jailed for meeting with Palestinians while on active duty in Ramallah. Over the next two decades, he participated in a variety of peace organizations and actions, from arranging for Israelis to visit Palestinian communities and homes, to the joint jogging group "Runners for Peace," to marches, political organizing, and demonstrations supporting peace, security, and freedom. In this very personal account, Bardin tries to come to grips with the conflict in a way that takes account of both Israeli-Zionist and Palestinian aims.

Zionism without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization

by Gur Alroey

While the ideologies of Territorialism and Zionism originated at the same time, the Territorialists foresaw a dire fate for Eastern European Jews, arguing that they could not wait for the Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. This pessimistic worldview led Territorialists to favor a solution for the Jewish state "here and now"--and not only in the Land of Israel. In Zionism without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization, author Gur Alroey examines this group's unique perspective, its struggle with the Zionist movement, its Zionist rivals' response, and its diplomatic efforts to obtain a territory for the Jewish people in the first decades of the twentieth century. Alroey begins by examining the British government's Uganda Plan and the ensuing crisis it caused in the Zionist movement and Jewish society. He details the founding of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO) in 1903 and explains the varied reactions that the Territorialist ideology received from Zionists and settlers in Palestine. Alroey also details the diplomatic efforts of Territorialists during their desperate search for a suitable territory, which ultimately never bore fruit. Finally, he attempts to understand the reasons for the ITO's dissolution after the Balfour Declaration, explores the revival of Territorialism with the New Territorialists in the 1930s and 1940s, and describes the similarities and differences between the movement then and its earlier version. Zionism without Zion sheds new light on the solutions Territorialism proposed to alleviate the hardship of Eastern European Jews at the start of the twentieth century and offers fresh insights into the challenges faced by Zionism in the same era. The thorough discussion of this under-studied ideology will be of considerable interested to scholars of Eastern European history, Jewish history, and Israel studies.

Zionism, Palestinian Nationalism and the Law: 1939-1948 (UCLA Center for Middle East Development (CMED))

by Steven E. Zipperstein

During the last decade of the British Mandate for Palestine (1939–1948), Arabs and Jews used the law as a resource to gain leverage against each other and to influence international opinion. The parties invoked "transformational legal framing" to portray the essentially political-religious conflict as a legal dispute involving claims of justice, injustice, and victimisation, and giving rise to legal/equitable remedies. Employing this form of narrative and framing in multiple "trials" during the first 15 years of the Mandate, the parties continued the practice during the last and most crucial decade of the Mandate. The term "trial" provides an appropriate typology for understanding the adversarial proceedings during those years in which judges, lawyers, witnesses, cross-examination, and legal argumentation played a key role in the conflict. The four trials between 1939 and 1947 produced three different outcomes: the one-state solution in favour of the Palestinian Arabs, the no-state solution, and the two-state solution embodied in the United Nations November 1947 partition resolution, culminating in Israel's independence in May 1948. This study analyses the role of the law during the last decade of the British Mandate for Palestine, making an essential contribution to the literature on lawfare, framing and narrative, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s

by Esther Meir-Glitzenstein

Zionism in an Arab Country explores the relations between the Zionist establishment in Israel, and the Jewish community in Iraq. This relationship is centred on two organizations: a Zionist movement and a defense organization. By reviewing the activity of these organizations, Esther Meir-Glitzstein examines the decade preceding mass immigration, and reveals the political, societal, economic and cultural developments that shaped the history of Iraqi Jewry in this crucial period.Beyond the main focus on the sphere of Zionist activity, Meir-Glitzstein also uncovers the basic problems that shaped both the development of Iraqi Jewry in the 1940s and the policy of the Zionist establishment - trapped between Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism. Finally, she elucidates the reasons and circumstances that led to the mass immigration of Jews from Iraq to the state of Israel.

Zionism and the Fin de Siecle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to Jabotinsky

by Michael Stanislawski

Michael Stanislawski's provocative study of Max Nordau, Ephraim Moses Lilien, and Vladimir Jabotinsky reconceives the intersection of the European fin de siècle and early Zionism. Stanislawski takes up the tantalizing question of why Zionism, at a particular stage in its development, became so attractive to certain cosmopolitan intellectuals and artists. With the help of hundreds of previously unavailable documents, published and unpublished, he reconstructs the ideological journeys of writer and critic Nordau, artist Lilien, and political icon Jabotinsky. He argues against the common conception of Nordau and Jabotinsky as nineteenth-century liberals, insisting that they must be understood against the backdrop of Social Darwinism in the West and the Positivism of Russian radicalism in the fin de siècle, as well as Symbolism, Decadence, and Art Nouveau. When these men turned to Zionism, Stanislawski says, far from abandoning their aesthetic and intellectual preconceptions, they molded Zionism according to their fin de siècle cosmopolitanism. Showing how cosmopolitanism turned to nationalism in the lives and work of these crucial early Zionists, this story is a fascinating chapter in European and Russian, as well as Jewish, cultural and political history.

Zionism and the Biology of Jews

by Raphael Falk

This book offers a unique perspective on Zionism. The author, a geneticist by training, focuses on science, rather than history. He looks at the claims that Jews constitute a people with common biological roots. An argument that helps provide justification for the aspirations of this political movement dedicated to the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. His study explores two issues. The first considers the assertion that there is a biology of the Jews. The second deals with attempts to integrate this idea into a consistent history. Both issues unfolded against the background of a romantic national culture of Western Europe in the 19th century: Jews, primarily from Eastern Europe, began to believe these notions and soon they took the lead in the re-formulation of Jewish and Zionist existence. The author does not intend to present a comprehensive picture of the biological literature of the origins of a people and the blood relations between them. He also recognizes that the subject is emotionally-loaded. The book does, however, present a profound mediation on three overlapping questions: What is special or unique to the Jews? Who were the genuine Jews? And how can one identify Jews? This volume is a revised and edited English version of Tzionut Vehabiologia shel Hayehudim, published in 2006.

Zionism and Land Tenure in Mandate Palestine (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

by Aida Essaid

A fundamental aspect of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is the territorial dispute which began long before the State of Israel was established. Analysing the land tenure system in Palestine under the administration of the British Mandate, this book questions whether, and to what extent, the land tenure system in Palestine facilitated Zionist land acquisition. The research uses benchmarks elaborated in the guidelines of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as its analytical starting point, and looks at the formation and implementation of the land tenure system in Palestine. It goes on to place the penetration of Zionism into the land tenure system within the theoretical context of a colonial-settler framework, employing information from land registry records located at the Jordanian Department of Lands. Providing a political-historical analysis of the land tenure system from the end of Ottoman Rule until the end of the British Mandate, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of Middle Eastern History, Imperial and Colonial History, and Middle Eastern Politics.

Zionism and Judaism

by David Novak

Why should anyone be a Zionist, a supporter of a Jewish state in the land of Israel? Why should there be a Jewish state in the land of Israel? This book seeks to provide a philosophical answer to these questions. Although a Zionist need not be Jewish, nonetheless this book argues that Zionism is only a coherent political stance when it is intelligently rooted in Judaism, especially in the classical Jewish doctrine of God's election of the people of Israel and the commandment to them to settle the land of Israel. The religious Zionism advocated here is contrasted with secular versions of Zionism that take Zionism to be a replacement of Judaism. It is also contrasted with versions of religious Zionism that ascribe messianic significance to the State of Israel, or which see the main task of religious Zionism to be the establishment of an Israeli theocracy.

Zionism (Short Histories of Big Ideas)

by David Engel

Zionism is an international political movement that was originally dedicated to the resettlement of Jewish people in the Promised Land, and is now synonymous with support for the modern state of Israel. This addition to the Short Histories of Big Ideas series looks at the controversial and topical notion of Zionism from a balanced viewpoint, concentrating on where it came from, how it accomplished its goals, and why it affected so many people.

Zionism: An Emotional State (Key Words in Jewish Studies)

by Derek J. Penslar

Emotion lies at the heart of all national movements, and Zionism is no exception. For those who identify as Zionist, the word connotes liberation and redemption, uniqueness and vulnerability. Yet for many, Zionism is a source of distaste if not disgust, and those who reject it are no less passionate than those who embrace it. The power of such emotions helps explain why a word originally associated with territorial aspiration has survived so many years after the establishment of the Israeli state. Zionism: An Emotional State expertly demonstrates how the energy propelling the Zionist project originates from bundles of feeling whose elements have varied in volume, intensity, and durability across space and time. Beginning with an original typology of Zionism and a new take on its relationship to colonialism, Penslar then examines the emotions that have shaped Zionist sensibilities and practices over the course of the movement’s history. The resulting portrait of Zionism reconfigures how we understand Jewish identity amidst continuing debates on the role of nationalism in the modern world.

Zion in America: The Jewish Experience from Colonial Times to the Present

by Henry L. Feingold

Scholarly yet highly readable survey covers Old World origins; profiles of New World cultures of German and Eastern European Jews; the effects of changing political and economic climates; the rise of labor movement; and immigrant settlement on the Lower East Side settlement.

The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy (2nd edition)

by Howard Zinn

No other radical historian has reached so many hearts and minds as Howard Zinn. It is rare that a historian of the Left has managed to retain as much credibility while refusing to let his academic mantle change his beautiful writing style from being anything but direct, forthright, and accessible. Whether his subject is war, race, politics, economic justice, or history itself, each of his works serves as a reminder that to embrace one's subjectivity can mean embracing one's humanity, that heart and mind can speak with one voice. Here, in six sections, is the historian's own choice of his shorter essays on some of the most critical problems facing America throughout its history, and today.

Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War

by Svetlana Alexievich

Winner of the Nobel Prize: "For her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time." --Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize citation From 1979 to 1989 a million Soviet troops engaged in a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties--and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. Creating controversy and outrage when it was first published in the USSR--it was called by reviewers there a "slanderous piece of fantasy" and part of a "hysterical chorus of malign attacks"--Zinky Boys presents the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, nurses and prostitutes, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. What emerges is a story that is shocking in its brutality and revelatory in its similarities to the American experience in Vietnam. The Soviet dead were shipped back in sealed zinc coffins (hence the term "Zinky Boys"), while the state denied the very existence of the conflict. Svetlana Alexievich brings us the truth of the Soviet-Afghan War: the beauty of the country and the savage Army bullying, the killing and the mutilation, the profusion of Western goods, the shame and shattered lives of returned veterans. Zinky Boys offers a unique, harrowing, and unforgettably powerful insight into the realities of war. The introduction has been omitted due to rights issues.

Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices From The Afghanistan War

by Svetlana Alexievich

Winner of the Nobel Prize: “For her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time.” ―Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize citation<P><P> From 1979 to 1989 a million Soviet troops engaged in a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties―and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. Creating controversy and outrage when it was first published in the USSR―it was called by reviewers there a “slanderous piece of fantasy” and part of a “hysterical chorus of malign attacks”―Zinky Boys presents the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, nurses and prostitutes, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. What emerges is a story that is shocking in its brutality and revelatory in its similarities to the American experience in Vietnam. The Soviet dead were shipped back in sealed zinc coffins (hence the term “Zinky Boys”), while the state denied the very existence of the conflict. Svetlana Alexievich brings us the truth of the Soviet-Afghan War: the beauty of the country and the savage Army bullying, the killing and the mutilation, the profusion of Western goods, the shame and shattered lives of returned veterans. Zinky Boys offers a unique, harrowing, and unforgettably powerful insight into the realities of war.<P><P> Translated by Larry Heinemann.

Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices From The Afghanistan War

by Svetlana Alexievich

From the winner of the Nobel Prize for work that stands as "a monument to suffering and courage in our time" (Swedish Academy). Before the United States' invasion, a million Soviet troops fought a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties—and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. The Soviet Union talked about a "peacekeeping" mission, while the dead were shipped back in zinc-lined coffins. In this new translation, Zinky Boys weaves together the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, doctors and nurses, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. A "masterpiece of reportage" (Timothy Snyder, New York Review of Books) emerges of harrowing and unforgettable insight into war.


by Catherine Lanigan

Jesse-- hell bent on making a name in public relations, she's grown up in the world of celebrities as the daughter of New York's most sought-after interior designer, Francine Deveraux. Charming men and beautiful women never impressed Jesse--until she meets Oliver Harnett, a dead ringer for Brad Pitt. The last thing on Jesse's agenda is love. Oliver--has just about everything. Fame. White House connections, a gorgeous mistress and he's finally realizing his dream....a new restaurant in Manhattan--Zing. Oliver wants the world to know about his restaurant. However, he's borrowed heavily from his parents and when he takes Jesse to meet them in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, Oliver realizes Jesse is the kind of dedicated and loyal woman he wants in his life. Julie Redmond--trophy wife of a US Senator many years her senior, Julie is bored with Washington and politics. She's perfectly happy with her affair with Oliver. When Julie realizes that Oliver has fallen for Jesse, she undermines his restaurant, hoping Oliver will come back to Washington. When her schemes fail, Julie realizes that she'll go to any lengths to keep Oliver for herself, including killing Jesse. NICK MOUSSAPOULIS--Greek, handsome, quirky, talented and successful screenplay writer, Nick senses Jesse's broken heart at their first meeting. He believes together they can create an unstoppable LA force in the movie business. Nick is persuasive and succeeds in coercing Jesse to move to LA where he hopes she can forget Oliver Harnett.

Zimzum: God and the Origin of the World (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

by Christoph Schulte

The Hebrew word zimzum originally means “contraction,” “withdrawal,” “retreat,” “limitation,” and “concentration.” In Kabbalah, zimzum is a term for God’s self-limitation, done before creating the world to create the world. Jewish mystic Isaac Luria coined this term in Galilee in the sixteenth century, positing that the God who was “Ein-Sof,” unlimited and omnipresent before creation, must concentrate himself in the zimzum and withdraw in order to make room for the creation of the world in God’s own center. At the same time, God also limits his infinite omnipotence to allow the finite world to arise. Without the zimzum there is no creation, making zimzum one of the basic concepts of Judaism.The Lurianic doctrine of the zimzum has been considered an intellectual showpiece of the Kabbalah and of Jewish philosophy. The teaching of the zimzum has appeared in the Kabbalistic literature across Central and Eastern Europe, perhaps most famously in Hasidic literature up to the present day and in philosopher and historian Gershom Scholem’s epoch-making research on Jewish mysticism. The Zimzum has fascinated Jewish and Christian theologians, philosophers, and writers like no other Kabbalistic teaching. This can be seen across the philosophy and cultural history of the twentieth century as it gained prominence among such diverse authors and artists as Franz Rosenzweig, Hans Jonas, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Harold Bloom, Barnett Newman, and Anselm Kiefer.This book follows the traces of the zimzum across the Jewish and Christian intellectual history of Europe and North America over more than four centuries, where Judaism and Christianity, theosophy and philosophy, divine and human, mysticism and literature, Kabbalah and the arts encounter, mix, and cross-fertilize the interpretations and appropriations of this doctrine of God’s self-entanglement and limitation.

The Zimmern Chronicle: Nobility, Memory, and Self-Representation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

by Erica Bastress-Dukehart

The Zimmern Chronicle: Nobility, Memory, and Self-Representation in Sixteenth-Century Germany brings the history of the Zimmern family to English readers for the first time. In it the author not only offers a new solution to the problem of the text's authorship, but examines the chronicle in the context of broader current debates, including the problem of the relationship of the early modern German nobility to the state; memory studies; and self-representation. The Zimmern Chronicle is arguably the most famous noble family chronicle to come out of sixteenth-century Germany. Unlike other noble chronicles that appeared at the same time, this work is distinctive in that it represents the collective memory of the Southwest German nobility. Not content to give voice only to their own ancestry-and by extension their own existence-the Zimmern authors included the voices of their noble contemporaries. By memorializing relationships within their community, they drew attention to the increasingly important issue of how their lineages had been historically constituted. Bastress-Dukehart first relates the history of the chronicle and introduces the long-standing mystery surrounding the text's authorship. She then draws attention to the importance of inheritance and the obligation for ancestral memorialization that property devolution demands. Put simply, inherited land and ancestral memory together manifested the nobility's social image and demonstrated its political power. She then sets the stage for the history the chronicle tells, recounting a feud between the Zimmern family and the more powerful Werdenberg family and examining how in general feuds helped to shape the German nobility's political relationships and personal values. Thus, Bastress-Dukehart portrays the Zimmern Chronicle as far more than just a family history. She argues that because the Zimmern authors filled their work with legends, sexual tales, and farcical stories of daily life in Southwest Germany, they proved themselves adept at offering their readers puzzles to solve, of sparking imagination and stimulating curiosity. In short, they developed a number of memory devices intended to make certain that their audience, once engaged, would read their work to its conclusion. Who, after all, would not want a glimpse into the minds, habits, and bedrooms of the pre-modern nobility? By adopting these devices, the Zimmern authors have proven the sanctity of the obligation to memorialize ancestral achievements: their chronicle has endured-the memory of the family continues.

The Zimmermann Telegram

by Thomas Boghardt

By the winter of 1916/17, World War I had reached a deadlock. While the Allies commanded greater resources and fielded more soldiers than the Central Powers, German armies had penetrated deep into Russia and France, and tenaciously held on to their conquered empire. Hoping to break the stalemate on the western front, the exhausted Allies sought to bring the neutral United States into the conflict.A golden opportunity to force American intervention seemed at hand when British naval intelligence intercepted a secret telegram detailing a German alliance offer to Mexico. In it, Berlin's foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmermann, offered his country's support to Mexico for re-conquering "the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona" in exchange for a Mexican attack on the United States, should the latter enter the war on the side of the Allies. The British handed a copy of the Telegram to the American government, which in turn leaked it to the press. On March 1, 1917, the Telegram made headline news across the United States, and five weeks later, America entered World War I.Based on an examination of virtually all available German, British, and U.S. government records, this book presents the definitive account of the Telegram and questions many traditional views on the origins, cryptanalysis, and impact of the German alliance scheme. While the Telegram has often been described as the final step in a carefully planned German strategy to gain a foothold in the western hemisphere, this book argues that the scheme was a spontaneous initiative by a minor German foreign office official, which gained traction only because of a lack of supervision and coordination at the top echelon of the German government. On the other hand, the book argues, American and British secret services had collaborated closely since 1915 to bring the United States into the war, and the Telegram's interception and disclosure represented the crowning achievement of this clandestine Anglo-American intelligence alliance. Moreover, the book explicitly challenges the widely accepted notion that the Telegram's publication in the U.S. press rallied Americans for war. Instead, it contends that the Telegram divided the public by poisoning the debate over intervention, and by failing to offer peace-minded Americans a convincing rationale for supporting the war. The book also examines the Telegram's effect on the memory of World War I through the twentieth century and beyond.

The Zimmermann Telegram

by Barbara W. Tuchman

In January 1917 when World War I was deadlocked, the British intercepted a telegram from Berlin, which they knew would bring America to the aid of the Allies. This is the story of how the message was decoded and how it was put to use by the British.

Zimbabwe's Cinematic Arts: Language, Power, Identity

by Katrina Daly Thompson

“A nuanced and convincing approach to evaluating the role of media in shaping African identities.” —James Burns, Clemson UniversityThis timely book reflects on discourses of identity that pervade local talk and texts in Zimbabwe, a nation beset by political and economic crisis. Exploring questions of culture that play out in broadly accessible local and foreign film and television, Katrina Daly Thompson shows how viewers interpret these media and how they impact everyday life, language use, and thinking about community. Thompson offers a unique understanding of how media reflect and contribute to Zimbabwean culture, language, and ethnicity.“Katrina Daly Thompson has made a fine contribution to scholarship on African cinema . . . This is a book that will enrich discussions of African film and media studies for years to come.” —African Studies Review“Thompson analyzes identity discourses through cinematic arts?films, documentaries, television programs, videos?consumed (whether or not produced) in Zimbabwe . . . . Beside bringing issues of race, financing, ethnicity, and language to the discussion, she also considers the 2001 Broadcasting Services Act, which was meant to liberalize the field and stem Western influence . . . Recommended.” —Choice“Katrina Daly Thompson’s study of Zimbabwean film and television presents a valuable addition to the ever-expanding corpus of analytical and historical studies on African film and media.” —Africa“Most compelling in Thompson’s study is her close attention to uses of language and culture, which she argues contest state-defined and state-controlled meaning in broadcast media. Recognizing culture as a socially negotiated process, the book uses critical discourse analysis to interrogate power structures and flows.” ?African Arts

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