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by André AcimanVUELVEN ELIO Y OLIVER Por fin, la continuación de Llámame por tu nombre.Vuelve la historia de amor más popular de los últimos años. Uno de los mejores libros del año para Time y Vogue. «Un deleite de sensualidad.»Observer En 2018, el mundo entero se conmovió con el amor de verano entre Elio y Oliver. Llámame por tu nombre, publicada originalmente más de diez años antes, se convirtió en un fenómeno gracias a la película estrenada aquel año. Y este relato de deseo, descubrimiento, pasión y veladas infinitas llegó a miles de lectores que, con el corazón en vilo, esperan conocer cómo concluye esta historia. Por fin, en Encuéntrame, vuelven Elio y Oliver. Elio es ahora un pianista en auge a punto de mudarse a París; Oliver es profesor, padre de familia y puede que vuelva a visitar Europa; Samuel, el padre de Elio, vive en Italia y, en un viaje en tren para visitar a su hijo, tendrá un encuentro que cambiará su vida. Este cruce de historias satisfará todas las expectativas, por inconfesables que sean. La crítica ha dicho...«Aciman recupera la tersura de la narración de la primera novela para abordar el amor y sus contradicciones, y otros miedos, pero la misma esperanza que no duerme. Es de nuevo el tiempo, la memoria, los recuerdos, el deseo de revivir y dar una segunda oportunidad. La belleza que palpita en el amor real o soñado. En Encuéntrame el paraíso está guardado en un corazón que hace avanzar los días.»WMagazine «Leer a André Aciman es como enamorarse.»Xavi Ayén, La Vanguardia «Satisfará todas las expectativas, por inconfesables que sean.»Arturo San Román, Qué «Como en la anterior entrega esta novela está salpicada por temas como la música, la belleza, el amor y el deseo y añade otros asuntos como el destino, el paso del tiempo, la promesa incumplida del pasado y la muerte. Junto a Aciman reflexionamos sobre quiénes somos y en quiénes nos hemos convertido tras todas esas vidas que no nos hemos atrevido a explorar.»El Cultural de El Mundo «Sobre principios y deseos (en meses estivales, siempre propicios), [...] una historia de esas que se quedan para siempre. Hay éxitos tan rotundos que acaban difuminando la autoría. Por eso, no olvidemos al escritor: André Aciman. [...] Gracias por regalarnos el verano de Elio y Oliver.»El Mundo «Hay momentos que pueden hacer que los lectores miren llorando a la chimenea, real o imaginaria, como Timothée Chalamet al final de la maravillosa película Llámame por tu nombre.»The Washington Post «Una reflexión lírica [...] sobre la tarea de Sísifo de intentar replicar la pasión de un amor de juventud.»The New York Times Book Review «La secuela es tan desesperadamente seductora como la original.»Elle «Conmovedora.»People «No tienes por qué haber leído Llámame por tu nombre para enamorarte inmediatamente de esta secuela tan sexy y melancólica [...] Una preciosa oda al paso del tiempo, al poder duradero del amor real y al dolor de la soledad [...]. La revelación acerca de en quiénes se han convertido estos personajes se despliega lentamente como una pieza preciosa de música clásica.»BuzzFeed «Mucho más ambiciosa que Llámame por tu nombre.»The Times Literary Supplement «Escrita con la misma prosa turbulenta [...] y llena de gracia que Llámame por tu nombre. [...] He sido incapaz de romper con los ritmos hipnóticos de Aciman.»Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic «Elegante [...]. Elio está en el corazón de esta novela y sus temas principal
Find Me: A Novel
by André AcimanA New York Times BestsellerIn this spellbinding exploration of the varieties of love, the author of the worldwide bestseller Call Me by Your Name revisits its complex and beguiling characters decades after their first meeting. No novel in recent memory has spoken more movingly to contemporary readers about the nature of love than André Aciman’s haunting Call Me by Your Name. First published in 2007, it was hailed as “a love letter, an invocation . . . an exceptionally beautiful book” (Stacey D’Erasmo, The New York Times Book Review). Nearly three quarters of a million copies have been sold, and the book became a much-loved, Academy Award–winning film starring Timothée Chalamet as the young Elio and Armie Hammer as Oliver, the graduate student with whom he falls in love. In Find Me, Aciman shows us Elio’s father, Samuel, on a trip from Florence to Rome to visit Elio, who has become a gifted classical pianist. A chance encounter on the train with a beautiful young woman upends Sami’s plans and changes his life forever.Elio soon moves to Paris, where he, too, has a consequential affair, while Oliver, now a New England college professor with a family, suddenly finds himself contemplating a return trip across the Atlantic. Aciman is a master of sensibility, of the intimate details and the emotional nuances that are the substance of passion. Find Me brings us back inside the magic circle of one of our greatest contemporary romances to ask if, in fact, true love ever dies.
Variaciones enigma
by André AcimanLa nueva y mejor novela del autor de Llámame por tu nombre. «Aciman escribe con la ferocidad del escritor que finalmente ha dado con su manera de ver y tiene que sacarla a la luz. Ha creado algo magnífico y vivo».The New York Times Como un mismo tema musical (el del erotismo, los recuerdos y el cuerpo) tocado en sus diversas variaciones, así son los vínculos de Paul con las diferentes personas que han ido dando forma a lo que él entiende por amor. Hombres y mujeres con los que se ha encontrado desde su adolescencia en Italia hasta su madurez en Estados Unidos. Todas estas conexiones, que trazan una constelación cargada de deseo a lo largo de la vida de su protagonista, señalan también los momentos culminantes de Variaciones Enigma, la nueva y magistral novela de André Aciman. Un relato sensual y repleto de destellos sobre la posibilidad de descubrirnos a través de los demás, de nuestros momentos compartidos y de la intimidad construida de manera conjunta. La crítica ha dicho...«La descripción que hace Aciman del amor es devastadora, terriblemente real. Pone en palabras de manera exquisita todo aquello que sabemos acerca del primer amor.»Los Angeles Review of Books «Sí, Aciman ha explorado este territorio antes, pero aquí se ha propuesto algo más audaz. Es como si hubiera cogido sus tres novelas anteriores y las hubiera combinado y hubiera decantado su esencia. La apuesta es más alta. Hay mucho más que perder y no hay red de seguridad. [...] Aquí, Aciman es él mismo de un modo completo. Escribe con la ferocidad del escritor que finalmente ha dado con su manera de ver y tiene que enunciarla, tiene que sacarla a la luz. Ha creado algo magnífico y vivo.»The New York Times «Una novela enormemente inteligente y cautivadora, llena de giros sorprendentesy agudeza intelectual.»The Wall Street Journal «Un viaje hermoso, aunque desolador, a través de la vida de Paul [...]. Gracias a su inigualable conocimiento del corazón humano [...]. Consigue una profunda reflexión sobre el amor.»The Huffington Post «¿Existe algún escritor que pueda conjugar los golpes sísmicos y los alegres vaivenes del encaprichamiento sexual como lo hace André Aciman? [...] El atractivo de Variaciones Enigma reside en el sentido ligero que tiene de las paradojas y los -podría-haber-sido- del corazón.»The Boston Globe «La novela de Aciman habla honestamente no solo de anhelos y el deseo, sino también de emociones mucho más complicadas.»Publishers Weekly «Como sucede a menudo en su narrativa, Aciman hace que los lectores se zambullan en un ambiente dolorosamente sensible y sensual. [...] Una mirada madura del deseo y el apego.»Kirkus Reviews
The Long Run
by James Acker"A boldly authentic new voice in queer fiction." —Abdi Nazemian, author of Stonewall Honor book Like a Love Story and The Chandler LegaciesTwo track and field athletes find an unexpected but powerful love in this unapologetically blunt and unforgettably real YA debut. Sebastian Villeda is over it. Over his rep. Over his bros. Over being "Bash the Flash," fastest sprinter in South Jersey. His dad is gone, his mom is dead, and his stepfather is clueless. Bash has no idea what he wants out of life. Until he meets Sandro. Sandro Miceli is too nice for his own good. The middle child in an always-growing, always-screaming Italian family, Sandro walks around on a broken foot to not bother his busy parents. All he wants is to get out and never look back. When fate—in the form of a party that gets busted—brings these two very different boys together, neither of them could&’ve predicted finding a love that they&’d risk everything for…
Teenage Dirtbags
by James AckerFrom the author of The Long Run comes another unflinchingly raw and boldly hilarious novel about an unlikely group of teens coming together to exact revenge on the person who wronged them.All&’s fair in love and revenge…Phil Reyno is a &“troublemaker.&” With a punk aesthetic and a quick temper, Phil knows that it&’s surprising to see him dating universally beloved Cameron Ellis, whose viral coming out video made him an internet darling.Jackson Pasternak is a &“good guy.&” Junior class president, star rower, and Ivy bound, Jackson is burnt out and misses the only person who ever truly knew him—his ex-best friend, Phil.When Cameron dumps Phil and torpedoes his already-iffy reputation in the process, Phil hatches a plot to expose Cameron as the two-faced liar he truly is. And he finds the perfect weapon in his old pal Jackson, who agrees to infiltrate Cameron&’s circle and uncover dirt.But as Phil and Jackson rediscover their friendship—and more—they start to wonder… Will knocking Cameron off his pedestal really solve their problems?Praise for The Long Run&“Written with equal doses of heart and ferocity, this is a fabulous debut.&” —Abdi Nazemian, author of Stonewall Honor book Like a Love Story and The Chandler Legacies&“Raw, real, electric, and unputdownable.&” —Steven Salvatore, critically acclaimed author of And They Lived…&“James Acker is a splashy new voice with an unforgettable romcom about tough guys with soft hearts.&” —Adam Sass, award-winning author of Surrender Your Sons and The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers* &“A stunning novel.&” —Bookpage, starred review
Blood and Guts in High School: A Novel
by Kathy Acker“Kathy Acker’s writing is virtuoso, maddening, crazy, so sexy, so painful, and beaten out of a wild heart that nothing can tame. Acker is a landmark writer.” —Jeanette Winterson, New York Times–bestselling authorA masterpiece of surrealist fiction, steeped in controversy upon its first publication in 1984, Blood and Guts in High School is the book that established Kathy Acker as the preeminent voice of post-punk feminism. With 2017 marking the 70th anniversary of her birth, as well as the 10th year since her death this transgressive work of philosophical, political, and sexual insight—with a new introduction by Chris Kraus—continues to become more relevant than ever before.In the Mexican city of Merida, ten-year-old Janey lives with Johnny—her “boyfriend, brother, sister, money, amusement, and father” —until he leaves her for another woman. Bereft, Janey travels to New York City, plunging into an underworld of gangs and prostitution. After escaping imprisonment, she flees to Tangiers where she meets Jean Genet, and they begin a torrid affair that will lead Janey to her demise. Fantastical, sensual, and fearlessly radical, this hallucinatory collage is both a comic and tragic portrait of erotic awakening.“The girl in this story had more agency and voice than any girl I’d ever read or would read in my entire life.” —Lydia Yuknavitch, national bestselling author of Thrust“No writer I know is more audacious than Kathy Acker, whose anarchic wit drives a thoroughgoing attack on conventions and complacencies of all sorts. Not unlike Gertrude Stein in her day, Acker gives us a different way to look at the uses to which language is put.” —Lynne Tillman, author of Men and Apparitions
Literal Madness: 3 Novels: Kathy Goes to Haiti, My Death My Life by Pier Paolo Pasolini, and Florida
by Kathy AckerA collection of three novels from the experimental feminist writer: “Literal Madness is Acker at her most powerful, disturbing, and provocative.” —Catherine Texier, author of VictorineKathy Goes to Haiti, the first of three novels in Literal Madness, “speaks to us out of a delightful mock-naivete that reminds one at times of the Dick and Jane readers rewritten as manuals for politics and sex . . . At once hilarious and terrifying, [it] has all the logic of a Caribbean tour and a nightmare combined” (Los Angeles Times).My Death My Life by Pier Paolo Pasolini—wherein, among other things, the late Italian filmmaker solves his own murder, with the help of, among others, Romeo, Juliet, and the Bronté sisters—is a “scathing commentary on false values in art” (The Hartford Courant).In the haunting Florida, Acker achieves “a nearly telegraphic reduction of the Bogart-Bacall movie Key Largo to fatalistic, tough-guy essentials” (Booklist).“There’s a haunting method to Acker’s ‘madness’: a rough, raw, erudite wail against the postmodern loss of meaning and emotion.” —Kirkus Reviews
We Think The World of You
by J. R. Ackerley P. N. FurbankWe Think the World of You combines acute social realism and dark fantasy, and was described by J.R. Ackerley as "a fairy tale for adults." Frank, the narrator, is a middle-aged civil servant, intelligent, acerbic, self-righteous, angry. He is in love with Johnny, a young, married, working-class man with a sweetly easygoing nature. When Johnny is sent to prison for committing a petty theft, Frank gets caught up in a struggle with Johnny's wife and parents for access to him. Their struggle finds a strange focus in Johnny's dog--a beautiful but neglected German shepherd named Evie. And it is she, in the end, who becomes the improbable and undeniable guardian of Frank's inner world.
When Heroes Love: The Ambiguity of Eros in the Stories of Gilgamesh and David (Gender, Theory, and Religion)
by Susan AckermanToward the end of the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh King Gilgamesh laments the untimely death of his comrade Enkidu, "my friend whom I loved dearly." Similarly in the Bible, David mourns his companion, Jonathan, whose "love to me was wonderful, greater than the love of women." These passages, along with other ambiguous erotic and sexual language found in the Gilgamesh epic and the biblical David story, have become the object of numerous and competing scholarly inquiries into the sexual nature of the heroes' relationships. Susan Ackerman's innovative work carefully examines the stories' sexual and homoerotic language and suggests that its ambiguity provides new ways of understanding ideas of gender and sexuality in the ancient Near East and its literature. In exploring the stories of Gilgamesh and Enkidu and David and Jonathan, Ackerman cautions against applying modern conceptions of homosexuality to these relationships. Drawing on historical and literary criticism, Ackerman's close readings analyze the stories of David and Gilgamesh in light of contemporary definitions of sexual relationships and gender roles. She argues that these male relationships cannot be taken as same-sex partnerships in the modern sense, but reflect the ancient understanding of gender roles, whether in same- or opposite-sex relationships, as defined as either active (male) or passive (female). Her interpretation also considers the heroes' erotic and sexual interactions with members of the opposite sex.Ackerman shows that the texts' language and erotic imagery suggest more than just an intense male bonding. She argues that, though ambiguous, the erotic imagery and language have a critical function in the texts and serve the political, religious, and aesthetic aims of the narrators. More precisely, the erotic language in the story of David seeks to feminize Jonathan and thus invalidate his claim to Israel's throne in favor of David. In the case of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, whose egalitarian relationship is paradoxically described using the hierarchically dependent language of sexual relationships, the ambiguous erotic language reinforces their status as liminal figures and heroes in the epic tradition.
Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day
by Peter AckroydIn Queer City, the acclaimed Peter Ackroyd looks at London in a whole new way--through the complete history and experiences of its gay and lesbian population. In Roman Londinium, the city was dotted with qqlupannrin (“wolf dens” or public pleasure houses), qqforniees (brothels), and thermie (hot baths). Then came Emperor Constantine, with his bishops, monks, and missionaries. And so began an endless loop of alternating permissiveness and censure. Ackroyd takes us right into the hidden history of the city, from the notorious Normans to the frenzy of executions for sodomy in the early nineteenth century. He journeys through the coffee bars of sixties Soho to Gay Liberation, disco music, and the horror of AIDS. Ackroyd reveals the hidden story of London, with its diversity, thrills, and energy, as well as its terrors, dangers, and risks, and in doing so, explains the origins of all English-speaking gay culture. At the end of the book is an extensive and up-to-date bibliography that enables the reader to delve more deeply into homosexuality from the renaissance to today in England and in Europe. Peter Ackroyd is an award-winning historian, biographer, novelist, poet, and broadcaster. He is the author of the acclaimed nonfiction best sellers London: The Biography, Thames, and London Under, biographies of figures including Charles Dickens, William Blake, and Alfred Hitchcock; and a multivolume history of England. He has won the Whitbread Biography Award, the Guardian Fiction Prize, and the Somerset Maugham Award. He holds a CBE for services to literature.
Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day
by Peter AckroydA history of the development of London as a European epicenter of queer life.In Queer City, the acclaimed Peter Ackroyd looks at London in a whole new way–through the complete history and experiences of its gay and lesbian population. In Roman Londinium, the city was dotted with lupanaria (“wolf dens” or public pleasure houses), fornices (brothels), and thermiae (hot baths). Then came the Emperor Constantine, with his bishops, monks, and missionaries. And so began an endless loop of alternating permissiveness and censure. Ackroyd takes us right into the hidden history of the city; from the notorious Normans to the frenzy of executions for sodomy in the early nineteenth century. He journeys through the coffee bars of sixties Soho to Gay Liberation, disco music, and the horror of AIDS. Ackroyd reveals the hidden story of London, with its diversity, thrills, and energy, as well as its terrors, dangers, and risks, and in doing so, explains the origins of all English-speaking gay culture.Praise for Queer City“Spanning centuries, the book is a fantastically researched project that is obviously close to the author’s heart…. An exciting look at London’s queer history and a tribute to the “various human worlds maintained in [the city’s] diversity despite persecution, condemnation, and affliction.””—Kirkus Reviews“[Ackroyd’s] work is highly anecdotal and near encyclopedic . . . the book is fascinating in its careful exposition of the singularities—and commonalities—of gay life, both male and female. Ultimately it is, as he concludes, a celebration as well as a history,” —Booklist“A witty history-cum-tribute to gay London, from the Roman “wolf dens” through Oscar Wilde and Gay Pride marches to the present day,” —ShelfAwareness
Queer Stepfamilies: The Path to Social and Legal Recognition
by Katie L. AcostaA compelling examination of the social and legal experiences of lesbian, bisexual, and queer stepparent familiesLesbian, bisexual, and queer families formed after the dissolution of a marriage face a range of obstacles. In Queer Stepfamilies, Katie L. Acosta offers a wealth of insight into their complex experiences as they negotiate parenting among multiple parents and family-building in a world not designed to meet their needs. Drawing on in-depth interviews, Acosta follows the journeys of more than forty families as they navigate a legal and social landscape that fails to recognize their existence. Acosta contextualizes the legal realities of LGBTQ stepparent families and considers the actions these parents take to protect their families in the absence of comprehensive policies or laws geared to meet their needs. Queer Stepfamilies reveals the obstacles these families face in family courts during divorce proceedings and custody cases, and highlights their distrust of courts when it comes to acting in their children’s best interests, especially in the event of an origin parent’s death.As LGBTQ families continue to make social and legal strides in acceptance and recognition, this important book shows how queer stepparents find ways to make their unconventional families work, despite the many social and legal obstacles they encounter. Acosta provides a fresh perspective, broadening our understanding about families in the twenty-first century.
Un corazón de mar
by María AcostaUn amor con el que conocer un mundo nuevo. Una historia de descubrimiento, lealtad y aventuras. Cuando el joven Remi Delaney se embarca hacia el Nuevo Mundo, no es consciente de la aventura que le espera. El viaje hasta la caribeña isla de Saint Loïs se le antoja largo y excitante... incluso si debe padecer mareos y ser secuestrado por piratas. Aloys Van Bartel convive día a día con los piratas a bordo del Liberté: médico experimentado y hombre de mundo, será puesto al cargo del nuevo rehén, cuya fuerza de voluntad e innata curiosidad le resultarán irresistibles. El tiempo pasa y los sentimientos emergen. Remi descubrirá un nuevo mundo que no esperaba... y un futuro que tal vez desee más de lo que debería. Embárcate en la aventura. Lucha por aquello que amas y gánate tu propio paraíso.
Corazones cautivos (Montrell #Volumen 2)
by María AcostaSolo el amor puede liberar a un corazón cautivo. Con la muerte de su mentor, el mundo del joven Tristán se pone patas arriba: pierde su hogar, su trabajo y al hombre que ama... todo en pocos días. Por sí esto no fuese suficiente, tras la confusión y el dolor, llegan las dudas: hay algo turbio en torno a la repentina muerte de Don Ramiro de León, que parece conectada con la desaparición de El Libro de Nur y con el peligroso criminal que busca hacerse con él. Cuando la verdad finalmente salga a la luz, Tristán y Ramiro se verán inmersos en una aventura para la que no están preparados. Habrán de sobrevivir al cautiverio en manos de un hombre despiadado y sin escrúpulos, que ha puesto sus ojos en Tristán y está dispuesto a conquistarlo... aunque sea por la fuerza.
Y de repente tú
by María AcostaCuando te han roto el corazón, nada mejor que darle una segunda oportunidad al amor. Jaime decidió hace tiempo que no volvería a tener una relación seria, mucho menos un romance en el trabajo. Pero cuando conoce a Raúl, su nuevo jefe, esas reglas de oro empezarán a resquebrajarse. Raúl ha optado por llevar una vida tranquila, enfocada en su trabajo para enfrentar los estragos de su divorcio y sus problemas de autoestima... sentirse atraído por Jaime era lo último que se esperaba. Ninguno de los dos está preparado para una relación, ¿pero estarán preparados el uno para el otro?
Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism (Museum Meanings)
by Joshua G. Adair Amy K. LevinMuseums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism examines the role of exhibitionary institutions in representing LGBTQ+ people, cisgender women, and nonbinary individuals. Considering recent gender and sexuality-related developments through a critical lens, the volume contributes significantly to the growing body of activist writing on this topic. Building on Gender, Sexuality and Museums and featuring work from established voices, as well as newcomers, this volume offers risky and exciting articles from around the world. Chapters cover diverse topics, including transgender representation, erasure, and activism; two-spirit people, indigeneity, and museums; third genders; gender and sexuality in heritage sites and historic homes; temporary exhibitions on gender and sexuality; museum representations of HIV/AIDS; interventions to increase queer visibility and inclusion in galleries; LGBTQ+ staff alliances; and museums, gender ambiguity, and the disruption of binaries. Several chapters focus on areas outside the US and Europe, while others explore central topics through the perspectives of racial and ethnic minorities. Containing contributions that engage in sustained critique of current policies, theory, and practice, Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism is essential reading for those studying museums, women and gender, sexuality, culture, history, heritage, art, media, and anthropology. The book will also spark interest among museum practitioners, public archivists, and scholars researching related topics.
The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement (Revised edition)
by Barry D. AdamSocial Movements Past and Present offers thorough analyses of the ideas and actions that have changed the way Americans think and live.
Queering Professionalism: Pitfalls and Possibilities
by Adam Davies and Cameron GreensmithWith a focus on neoliberalism and its intersection with systems of oppression, inequalities, and the regulation of queer knowledge and subjectivities, Queering Professionalism provides a distinct contribution to the emerging literature on the regulation and professionalization of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and others marginalized by cisheteronormativity within the “helping professions” and social services. This collection seeks to queer and disrupt ideas and understandings of the helping professions as benevolent and inherently caring by bringing together a diverse range of authors from different fields within the helping professions, such as child and youth care, education, early childhood education, dietetics, and social work. The book draws connections between neoliberalism, professionalization, structures of cisheteronormativity, and other intersecting oppressions to examine the possibilities and pitfalls of professionalism. Contributors come from various social service and helping professions to collectively critique how neoliberalism operates to silence and regulate marginalized perspectives within the various social service and education fields. By thinking with and employing queer theoretical frameworks, Queering Professionalism reimagines and disrupts neoliberal regimes that rationalize the violent conditions within and outside of helping institutions and orientations.
Transgender Intimate Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Introduction
by Adam M. Messinger and Xavier L. Guadalupe-DiazA groundbreaking overview of transgender relationship violenceIn the course of their lives, around fifty percent of transgender people will experience intimate partner violence in their relationships—including psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. In Transgender Intimate Partner Violence, Adam M. Messinger and Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz bring together a diverse group of scholars, service providers, activists, and others to examine this widespread problem, shedding light on the often-hidden experiences of transgender survivors. Drawing on two decades of research, contributors explore transgender intimate partner violence in all of its complexities, offering an overview of this emerging body of policy, research, and practice. They offer best practices to enhance research, services, and healing for transgender survivors. A revolutionary volume, Transgender Intimate Partner Violence offers insight into how to create a compassionate and inclusive world for transgender communities.
Prisoner of Silence
by Derek AdamsOn a cold February evening, Robert Chambers gives a panhandler a significant amount of cash. That gift allows Matt Cosgrove to turn his life around. When the men meet again, Matt, now employed at a local home improvement center, offers to build a shelving unit for Robert as a thank you. They become friends, and soon the chemistry between them cannot be denied. Robert, once betrayed by a faithless lover, believes he can finally build a relationship based on mutual trust and honesty. Then Robert discovers the dark secret that left Matt begging on a street corner. Their relationship appears doomed unless the walls of the prison of silence Matt has erected around his past can be breached.
Rearranging Stars
by Diane Adams2nd EditionThe freedom to love comes with a cost. As a guardian angel, Drake's destiny is written in the stars. Choice is not part of an angel's life. Drake never thought twice about it until he's unexpectedly thrust into watching over Grey, who inspires passion in Drake but endangers his very identity as a guardian angel. Grey is more than just another human--he can see angels. When he discovers that unlike his previous angel Drake will talk to him, Grey becomes determined to pull Drake off the sidelines and into life. Attraction flares between them from the beginning and causes Drake to question his purpose for the first time. His distraction results in a decision that changes everything--and not just for him and Grey.First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2011.
Adventures of Jake #1
by Jeff AdamsJake is a pretty typical college students. He studies a lot, works two jobs and would like to find the right guy to share it all with.Work and love collide when the man he’s had a crush on comes into the comic book store where he works looking for a birthday present. They run into each other again at a birthday party where Jake’s been hired to entertain kids wearing a superhero costume.Will Jake’s love of comics and superheroes get in the way of winning Michael’s heart? Or is Michael looking for a super man to put some fire into his life?
Audio Assault. (Codename: Winger #3)
by Jeff AdamsCodename: Winger: Book ThreeFor teenage secret agent Theo Reese, summer break isn’t a time to relax. In addition to his duties for Tactical Operational Support, Theo’s got a school project and, more than anything, wants to spend time with his boyfriend, Eddie. A family trip to New York City is the last thing Theo needs. But a friend of Theo’s father is in need of the Reese family’s special skills. Oliver Glenwood heads a music empire, and his daughter, Sofia, is a rising pop star—one who’d drawn the attention of kidnappers. During the investigation, Theo discovers the threat poses more danger than originally suspected. Someone has planted code in Glenwood Music’s songs that can steal information from any personal device—or play a tone that can rouse uncontrollable rage. The consequences will be disastrous if the infected songs are downloaded by the public. Preventing worldwide catastrophe becomes even more difficult when Eddie arrives in the city, hoping to spend some quality time with Theo. No one ever said being a covert agent would be easy.
Bicycle Built for Two
by Jeff AdamsWhile on a three-day charity bike ride from Boston to New York City, Jason Karn makes an unexpected stop to help a fellow rider having trouble with a flat tire. Ben Stewart is new to long-distance rides, and Jason takes him under his wing. The mutual attraction is obvious even before they make it to New York City, but there's a minor roadblock: Ben lives in Chicago. Flying back and forth seems like the only option until Jason comes up with an idea that will bring them together permanently--if they can work out the details.
Hat Trick
by Jeff AdamsSimon Roberts’ plan for his senior year is simple -- help his high school hockey team win the state championship and earn a college scholarship so he can get away from his dysfunctional family, especially his belligerent father and obnoxious older brother.When the Central High Falcons open their season with an away game, Simon is forced to deal with the problem he’s struggled with for months -- his crush on teammate Alex Miller. After the game that night, Alex makes an unexpected announcement -- he’s gay, and in love with Simon.Simon’s elated but scared to openly acknowledge that he’s gay, especially with so much at stake in their senior year. Now that they’re out to each other they have to decide what to do next. Should they date? Should they keep things between them secret? What about the team? Can Simon and Alex hide that they’re more than friends from the guys they spend so much time with?Then a simple kiss is witnessed and their secret is out. The team fractures, and Simon’s family explodes as news about the gay hockey players quickly spreads. The guys must figure out how to move forward with everyone watching. Being the center of attention was in no way part of Simon’s plan for the year.Can Simon juggle school, commitments to the team, his new relationship, and an unexpected tragedy all before the end of the hockey season?