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Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Researching Social Life 2025645 Professor Nigel Gilbert Dr Paul Stoneman 9781473944220 0001 Contains images
Talking Books: Pioneering and Beyond 1891395 Marilyn Lundell Majeska 9780844405902 0001 Contains image descriptions
Concepts in World Politics 2025648 Dr Felix Berenskoetter 9781473944305 0002 Contains images
Consumer price index manual: Theory and practice 462825 International Monetary Fund 9781455271955 0002 Contains images
Understanding the Enneagram 1129053 Don Richard Riso 9780547527406 0002 Contains images
The Poetics of Information Overload 1190114 Paul Stephens 9781452944104 0003 Contains images
7 Weeks to a Triathlon: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Train for Your First Race or Improve Your Fastest Time 3023057 Brett Stewart Lewis Elliot 9781612431369 0004 Contains images
Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling 1090844 Jane Hyun 9780061983528 0004 Contains images
Home-Work: Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature (Reappraisals: Canadian Writers) 5897869 Cynthia Sugars 9780776618685 0004 Contains images
Husserl and the Sciences: Selected Perspectives (Philosophica) 5897872 Richard Feist 9780776618661 0004 Contains images
Modern Drama and the Rhetoric of theater 1577926 W. B. Worthen 9780520963047 0004
Siberian Husky 865424 Dog Fancy Magazine 9781593788414 0005 Contains images
Linguistic Ethnography: Collecting, Analysing and Presenting Data (Palgrave Advances In Language And Linguistics Ser.) 2025182 Dr Angela Creese Fiona Copland 9781473911154 0006 Contains images
Moon Tahiti: Including The Cook Islands (Moon Handbooks) 4076065 David Stanley 9781612381145 0006 Contains images
Estate Planning 101: From Avoiding Probate and Assessing Assets to Establishing Directives and Understanding Taxes, Your Essential Primer to Estate Planning (Adams 101) 4189195 Vicki Cook Amy Blacklock 9781507216408 0007 Contains images
Raisin Wine 311125 James Bartleman 9781847374851 0007 Contains images 2.0 278280 Cass R. Sunstein 9780691133560 0007 Contains images
Aboriginal Canada Revisited: Politics And Cultural Expression In The 21st Century (International Canadian Studies Series) 5897836 Kerstin Knopf 9780776618227 0008 Contains images
I Hate Your Guts 6399231 Jim Norton 9781416968528 0008 Contains images
Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements 330470 Mary Buffett David Clark 9781849833240 0008 Contains images
The Evolving Physiology of Government: Canadian Public Administration in Transition (Governance Series) 5898075 O. P. Dwivedi Tim A. Mau Byron M. Sheldrick 9780776618173 0009 Contains images
Russia and the North 5897886 Elana Wilson Rowe 9780776618401 0009 Contains images
The Numbers Games 805418 Chris Anderson David Sally 9781101628874 0013 Contains images
Christianity, Cults, and the Occult 1270591 Rose Publishing 9781596365803 0017 Contains images
Mrs. Hunter's Happy Death 269544 John Fanestil 9780307423733 0017 Contains images

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