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Vorschlagswesen zur Innovation in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung: Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter treiben die Veränderung (essentials)

by Gottfried Richenhagen Hans-Dieter Schat

Die öffentliche Verwaltung unterliegt einem großen Veränderungsdruck durch die Digitalisierung (Onlinezugangsgesetz!) und die Demografie (Fachkräftemangel und Generation Y in den Verwaltungen, "Digital Natives" und anspruchsvolle ältere Seniorinnen und Senioren als Bürger). Dadurch ist der Kostendruck schon fast zur Gewohnheit geworden. Öffentliche Verwaltungen bestehen aus Menschen. Wenn die Mitarbeitenden in den Verwaltungen nicht mitgenommen werden, dann wird ein Wandel nicht gelingen. Mit dem Vorschlagswesen wird ein bewährtes Konzept vorgestellt. Hier können die Mitarbeitenden selbst aktiv werden und ihre Sicht einbringen. Dies führt zu einer neuen Kultur in der Verwaltung.

The Ethical Capitalist: How to Make Business Work Better for Society

by Julian Richer

__________________*A road-map for a kinder, fairer capitalism that is fit for the 21st century*Financial Times Book of the Month‘The founder of Richer Sounds is one of the finest entrepreneurs we have.’ Archie Norman, chairman of Marks & Spencer__________________Capitalism has lost its way.Every week brings fresh news stories about businesses exploiting their staff, avoiding their taxes, and ripping off their customers. Every week, public anger at the system grows. Now, one of Britain’s foremost entrepreneurs intervenes to make the case for putting business back firmly in the service of society, and setting out on a new path to a kinder, fairer form of capitalism. Drawing on four decades of hands-on management experience, the founder of Richer Sounds argues that ethically run businesses are invariably more efficient, more motivated and more innovative than those that care only about the bottom line. He uncovers the simple tools that the best leaders use to make their businesses fair, revealing how others can follow suit. And he also delves into the big questions that modern capitalism has to answer if it is to survive and to thrive.

The Richer Way: How to Get the Best Out of People

by Julian Richer

In 1978 Julian Richer, then aged just nineteen, opened his first shop near London Bridge. For over twenty years this shop has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having the highest sales per square foot of any retail outlet in the world, and the company as a whole, with its fifty-three stores nationwide and huge online presence, has become Britain’s favourite retailer of TV and hi-fi equipment. What lies behind this extraordinary success?For Julian, the answer is simple: throughout his career he has focussed relentlessly on putting people – both staff and customers – right at the centre of his business. And in The Richer Way, he offers a supremely practical guide to how others can follow suit. He explains how to motivate employees and measure their progress. He establishes how to balance company discipline with individual autonomy. He explores what ‘customer service’ should really involve. Above all, he points the way to creating an open, friendly and flexible culture that will not only attract the best people but also offer the greatest chance of business success. Packed with straightforward, common-sense advice, The Richer Way will prove essential reading for all organisations, whatever their nature and size.

Equity and Trusts: A Problem-Based Approach (Problem Based Learning)

by Judith Riches

Equity and Trusts: A Problem-Based Approach creates a fresh approach to learning through the use of integrated realistic case studies designed to simulate how the law works in practice. With comprehensive coverage of the complete equity and trusts curriculum, unlike other textbooks, it integrates a thorough exposition of the legal rules with applied problem-solving opportunities, highlighting the legal issues and providing essential context for the law. The book’s goal is to familiarise students with a more active and practical approach to equity and trusts that will deepen their knowledge and understanding. Written in a clear and concise style but without sacrificing detail or analysis, Judith Riches not only provides students with a full and wide-ranging account of the law, but also helps them to develop the analytical and problem-solving skills they will need to succeed in their studies and beyond. Key features include: Case studies at the start of each chapter provide real-world context to each topic and help to familiarise readers with the legal language and style they will encounter Apply Your Learning boxes invite students to reflect and consolidate on the content covered in order to apply the law back to the case study Consider This boxes present variations to the case studies and alternative scenarios to challenge students to take their application of the law to the next level Key Cases and Statutes boxes reinforce the essential role of cases and legislation in the development and application of land law and help students identify key sources of legal authority for revision purposes Tutor Tips highlight important issues and opportunities to impress tutors and examiners without interrupting the flow of the text

Optimize Equity and Trusts (Optimize)

by Judith Riches

The Optimize series is designed to show you how to apply your knowledge in assessment. These concise revision guides cover the most commonly taught topics, and provide you with the tools to: Understand the law and remember the details using diagrams and tables throughout to demonstrate how the law fits together Contextualise your knowledge identifying and explaining how to apply legal principles for important cases providing cross-references and further reading to help you aim higher in essays and exams Avoid common misunderstandings and errors identifying common pitfalls students encounter in class and in assessment Reflect critically on the law identifying contentious areas that are up for debate and on which you will need to form an opinion Apply what you have learned in assessment presenting learning objectives that reflect typical assessment criteria providing sample essay and exam questions, supported by end-of chapter feedback The series is also supported by comprehensive online resources that allow you to track your progress during the run-up to exams.

Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations

by Xavier Richet Violaine Delteil Patrick Dieuaide

This contributed volume seeks to provide a unique window on the globalization process by analyzing the dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Europe and Asia, as well as its influence on the renewal of public policies and regulations, both transnational and local. It discusses the link between the trans-nationalization of productive and business systems and the renewal of local regulations in the light of concerns over competitiveness and attractiveness, as well as new social tensions. Multinational corporations (MNCs) as key actors of globalization are central for understanding the new interactions between the global, regional and local dimensions as well as for highlighting the challenges of regulation both at transnational level and within national boundaries. Research approaches along two broad lines are presented: First, a theoretical and empirical approach that examines links between the strategies of multinationals and local public policy in order to contribute to a better understanding of the institutional dynamics of social regulation. Second, a comparative approach that compares regional spaces, with particular attention to Europe on the one hand, and to the two great emerging powers, China and India, on the other.

Cooperation without Submission: Indigenous Jurisdictions in Native Nation–US Engagements (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Justin B. Richland

A meticulous and thought-provoking look at how Tribes use language to engage in "cooperation without submission." It is well-known that there is a complicated relationship between Native American Tribes and the US government. Relations between Tribes and the federal government are dominated by the principle that the government is supposed to engage in meaningful consultations with the tribes about issues that affect them. In Cooperation without Submission, Justin B. Richland, an associate justice of the Hopi Appellate Court and ethnographer, closely examines the language employed by both Tribes and government agencies in over eighty hours of meetings between the two. Richland shows how Tribes conduct these meetings using language that demonstrates their commitment to nation-to-nation interdependency, while federal agents appear to approach these consultations with the assumption that federal law is supreme and ultimately authoritative. In other words, Native American Tribes see themselves as nations with some degree of independence, entitled to recognition of their sovereignty over Tribal lands, while the federal government acts to limit that authority. In this vital book, Richland sheds light on the ways the Tribes use their language to engage in “cooperation without submission.”

Cooperation without Submission: Indigenous Jurisdictions in Native Nation–US Engagements (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Justin B. Richland

A meticulous and thought-provoking look at how Tribes use language to engage in "cooperation without submission." It is well-known that there is a complicated relationship between Native American Tribes and the US government. Relations between Tribes and the federal government are dominated by the principle that the government is supposed to engage in meaningful consultations with the tribes about issues that affect them. In Cooperation without Submission, Justin B. Richland, an associate justice of the Hopi Appellate Court and ethnographer, closely examines the language employed by both Tribes and government agencies in over eighty hours of meetings between the two. Richland shows how Tribes conduct these meetings using language that demonstrates their commitment to nation-to-nation interdependency, while federal agents appear to approach these consultations with the assumption that federal law is supreme and ultimately authoritative. In other words, Native American Tribes see themselves as nations with some degree of independence, entitled to recognition of their sovereignty over Tribal lands, while the federal government acts to limit that authority. In this vital book, Richland sheds light on the ways the Tribes use their language to engage in “cooperation without submission.”

Cooperation without Submission: Indigenous Jurisdictions in Native Nation–US Engagements (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Justin B. Richland

A meticulous and thought-provoking look at how Tribes use language to engage in "cooperation without submission." It is well-known that there is a complicated relationship between Native American Tribes and the US government. Relations between Tribes and the federal government are dominated by the principle that the government is supposed to engage in meaningful consultations with the tribes about issues that affect them. In Cooperation without Submission, Justin B. Richland, an associate justice of the Hopi Appellate Court and ethnographer, closely examines the language employed by both Tribes and government agencies in over eighty hours of meetings between the two. Richland shows how Tribes conduct these meetings using language that demonstrates their commitment to nation-to-nation interdependency, while federal agents appear to approach these consultations with the assumption that federal law is supreme and ultimately authoritative. In other words, Native American Tribes see themselves as nations with some degree of independence, entitled to recognition of their sovereignty over Tribal lands, while the federal government acts to limit that authority. In this vital book, Richland sheds light on the ways the Tribes use their language to engage in “cooperation without submission.”

Stateless Commerce: The Diamond Network and the Persistence of Relational Exchange

by Barak D. Richman

How does Manhattan’s 47th Street diamond district thrive as an ethnic marketplace without lawyers, courts, and state coercion? Barak Richman draws on insider interviews to show why relational exchange based on familiarity, trust, and community enforcement succeeds and what it reveals about the modern state’s limitations in governing the economy.

Courting Change: Queer Parents, Judges, and the Transformation of American Family Law

by Kimberly D. Richman

Winner of the 2010 Pacific Sociological Association Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship AwardA lesbian couple rears a child together and, after the biological mother dies, the surviving partner loses custody to the child's estranged biological father. Four days later, in a different court, judges rule on the side of the partner, because they feel the child relied on the woman as a "psychological parent." What accounts for this inconsistency regarding gay and lesbian adoption and custody cases, and why has family law failed to address them in a comprehensive manner?In Courting Change, Kimberly D. Richman zeros in on the nebulous realm of family law, one of the most indeterminate and discretionary areas of American law. She focuses on judicial decisions--both the outcomes and the rationales--and what they say about family, rights, sexual orientation, and who qualifies as a parent. Richman challenges prevailing notions that gay and lesbian parents and families are hurt by laws' indeterminacy, arguing that, because family law is so loosely defined, it allows for the flexibility needed to respond to--and even facilitate -- changes in how we conceive of family, parenting, and the role of sexual orientation in family law.Drawing on every recorded judicial decision in gay and lesbian adoption and custody cases over the last fifty years, and on interviews with parents, lawyers, and judges, Richman demonstrates how parental and sexual identities are formed and interpreted in law, and how gay and lesbian parents can harness indeterminacy to transform family law.

License to Wed: What Legal Marriage Means to Same-Sex Couples

by Kimberly D. Richman

A critical reader of the history of marriage understands that it is an institution that has always been in flux. It is also a decidedly complicated one, existing simultaneously in the realms of religion, law, and emotion. And yet recent years have seen dramatic and heavily waged battles over the proposition of including same sex couples in marriage. Just what is at stake in these battles? License to Wed examines the meanings of marriage for couples in the two first states to extend that right to same sex couples: California and Massachusetts. The two states provide a compelling contrast: while in California the rights that go with marriage--inheritance, custody, and so forth--were already granted to couples under the state's domestic partnership law, those in Massachusetts did not have this same set of rights. At the same time, Massachusetts has offered civil marriage consistently since 2004; Californians, on the other hand, have experienced a much more turbulent legal path. And yet, same-sex couples in both states seek to marry for a variety of interacting, overlapping, and evolving reasons that do not vary significantly by location. The evidence shows us that for many of these individuals, access to civil marriage in particular--not domestic partnership alone, no matter how broad--and not a commitment ceremony alone, no matter how emotional--is a home of such personal, civic, political, and instrumental resonance that it is ultimately difficult to disentangle the many meanings of marriage. This book attempts to do so, and in the process reveals just what is at stake for these couples, how access to a legal institution fundamentally alters their consciousness, and what the impact of legal inclusion is for those traditionally excluded.

How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found

by Doug Richmond

A fascinating, if somewhat dated examination of how one can go about establishing a new life and new identity.

Cancer Hazards: The 2015 IARC Classifications: Implications for Regulation, Environmental Justice, and Global Health (AESS Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies and Sciences Series)

by Martha Richmond

This book focuses on a monograph published in 2017 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), discussing its carcinogen hazard classification of four pesticides: parathion, malathion, diazinon, and tetrachlorvinphos as well as the herbicide glyphosate. The monograph provided a detailed discussion of considerations and conclusions made by a group of experts who met in 2015 to evaluate these compounds. Although not universally true, many of these substances, from the time of their commercial introduction to their present-day use, have spread significantly in the environment, affecting animals and plants in the larger ecosystem, the overall health of the environment, and human health. This book develops each of these issues before turning to the IARC review process, both the general process and its evolution over time, and compound selection criteria and deliberations regarding the substances discussed in the 2017 monograph. Final book sections detail scientific and private sector reactions to and implications of the IARC classifications. Hazard identification is contrasted with various models of quantitative risk assessment. The last chapters highlight the importance of hazard identification for members of domestic and global underserved communities involved in farming and landscape work, where exposures may vary widely, are not well-regulated, and where health outcomes are often not carefully documented.

Unbound in War?: International Law in Canada and Britain’s Participation in the Korean War and Afghanistan

by Sean Richmond

In Unbound in War?, Sean Richmond examines the influence and interpretation of international law in the use of force by two important but understudied countries, Canada and Britain, during two of the most significant conflicts since 1945, namely the Korean War and the Afghanistan Conflict. Through innovative application of sociological theories in International Relations (IR) and International Law (IL), and rigorous qualitative analysis of declassified documents and original interviews, the book advances a two-pronged argument. First, contrary to what some dominant IR perspectives might predict, international law can play four underappreciated roles when states use force. It helps constitute identity, regulate behaviour, legitimate certain actions, and structure the development of new rules. However, contrary to what many IL approaches might predict, it is unclear whether these effects are ultimately attributable to an obligatory quality in law. This ground-breaking argument promises to advance interdisciplinary debates and policy discussions in both IR and IL.

Claiming Turtle Mountain's Constitution: The History, Legacy, and Future of a Tribal Nation's Founding Documents

by Keith Richotte

In an auditorium in Belcourt, North Dakota, on a chilly October day in 1932, Robert Bruce and his fellow tribal citizens held the political fate of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in their hands. Bruce, and the others, had been asked to adopt a tribal constitution, but he was unhappy with the document, as it limited tribal governmental authority. However, white authorities told the tribal nation that the proposed constitution was a necessary step in bringing a lawsuit against the federal government over a long-standing land dispute. Bruce's choice, and the choice of his fellow citizens, has shaped tribal governance on the reservation ever since that fateful day.In this book, Keith Richotte Jr. offers a critical examination of one tribal nation's decision to adopt a constitution. By asking why the citizens of Turtle Mountain voted to adopt the document despite perceived flaws, he confronts assumptions about how tribal constitutions came to be, reexamines the status of tribal governments in the present, and offers a fresh set of questions as we look to the future of governance in Native America and beyond.

Competition and Intellectual Property Law in Ukraine (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law #31)

by Heiko Richter

This volume provides the most comprehensive contemporary academic writing on Ukrainian competition and intellectual property law in English. Especially over the last few years, these areas have been in considerable flux, a main driver being the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement. The chapters cover a broad range of different topics and share a forward-looking perspective. They also outline the basic background that is necessary to understand the context of the issue discussed, especially with regards to the legal system of Ukraine. The publication is the result of a two-year project, and it is addressed to a wide range of international scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. It aims to make the state-of-the-art in Ukrainian legal scholarship visible and accessible to the international research community and to stimulate global debates in academia and politics. Therefore, it may be of interest and use to anyone who is interested in competition and intellectual property law, and/or in Ukraine.

Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics: A Practical Guide To Management Ethics (Second Edition)

by William L. Richter Frances Burke

In their second edition of Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics, William L. Richter and Frances Burke update this essential staple to delve deeply into the unique ethical problems of twenty-first century public administration. Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics offers both the depth demanded by graduate courses in administrative ethics and the accessibility necessary for an undergraduate introduction to public administration.

Forensic Aspects of Pediatric Fractures

by Rick R. van Rijn Rob A. Bilo Simon G. Robben

Fractures are a common finding in children and it is estimated that 2.1% of all children will suffer at least one fracture before the age of 16. With young children in particular, the question may arise if this is related to child abuse. The aim of this book is to help physicians involved in child abuse cases to interpret radiological findings in light of the forensic circumstances under which they occurred. The authors present up-to-date literature related to the mechanisms underlying non-accidental cases of trauma. In this book not only the radiological findings in child-abuse are discussed, but more importantly, these findings are analyzed from a forensic perspective. Careful attention is paid to evidence regarding reported trauma mechanisms and their clinical outcome; for example, can a fall from a couch result in a femoral fracture, and if not, where is the supporting evidence?

Life Is Short: An Appropriately Brief Guide to Making It More Meaningful

by Dean Rickles

Why life’s shortness—more than anything else—is what makes it meaningfulDeath might seem to render pointless all our attempts to create a meaningful life. Doesn’t meaning require transcending death through an afterlife or in some other way? On the contrary, Dean Rickles argues, life without death would be like playing tennis without a net. Only constraints—and death is the ultimate constraint—make our actions meaningful. In Life Is Short, Rickles explains why the finiteness and shortness of life is the essence of its meaning—and how this insight is the key to making the most of the time we do have.Life Is Short explores how death limits our options and forces us to make choices that forge a life and give the world meaning. But people often live in a state of indecision, in a misguided attempt to keep their options open. This provisional way of living—always looking elsewhere, to the future, to other people, to other ways of being, and never committing to what one has or, alternatively, putting in the time and energy to achieve what one wants—is a big mistake, and Life Is Short tells readers how to avoid this trap.By reminding us how extraordinary it is that we have any time to live at all, Life Is Short challenges us to rethink what gives life meaning and how to make the most of it.

Resolving Disputes about Educational Provision: A Comparative Perspective on Special Educational Needs

by Sheila Riddell Neville Harris

With contributions by recognised experts in the field of education law, this book is a comparative study of the resolution of special education disputes, including via mediation. It analyses the varying approaches in England, Scotland, the US and the Netherlands and addresses major questions of dispute resolution, redress, judicial and non-judicial approaches and the protection of citizens' rights. The first review of mediation in citizen v. state disputes outside the context of the courts, this topical book also incorporates findings from a recent ESRC study into dispute resolution in special educational needs cases. It will not only be of interest to those concerned with education issues but also those interested in administrative justice, especially the role of mediation generally

Learning to Lead Together: An Ecological and Community Approach

by Jane Riddiford

Never before has there been such strong recognition of the importance of community-based green spaces to local communities and urban redevelopment. This book is an autoethnographic account of the challenges and breakthroughs of learning to lead together. The interwoven stories provide first-hand, evocative examples of how an ecological and community approach to organisational development and urban regeneration helped shift the business as usual paradigm. It will help you identify and step beyond individualistic and ‘heroic’ notions of leadership, and will inspire you to find your own way of embracing natural and shared authority. The book focuses on the experiences of developing an environmental education charity in London; Global Generation. It shows how action research, nature practice and storytelling has successfully grown shared purpose, trust and collaboration, both within Global Generation and in the wider community. The style and structure of the book reflects the participatory approach that it presents. The author, Jane Riddiford, deliberately challenges the norms of authorship, which is shaped by the dominant Western narrative – objective, authorless and ‘othered’. This book goes beyond this narrow framework, combining different styles of writing, including traditional and autobiographical storytelling, diary entries and co-writing. Along with practice accounts of what happened, challenges raised and lessons learned, each chapter will also include other people’s descriptions of their experience of being involved in the process.

Employee Risk Management

by Helen Rideout

Employee Risk Management presents a straightforward, legally-grounded process that will enable employers to identify, manage and reduce the potential threats that come with every employee - as well as with anyone else who works for the organization, including contractors, volunteers, interns and temps. It covers everything from recruitment through to the end of the employment relationship. Readers will learn how to protect against threats as diverse as: managing employee social media use, an ageing workforce, remote working risks, data security and data protection.

Building for Well-Being: Exploring Health-Focused Rating Systems for Design and Construction Professionals

by Traci Rose Rider Margaret van Bakergem

Building for Well-Being is the first introduction to health-focused building standards for design and construction professionals. More than a summary of the state of the field, this practical resource guides designers, builders, developers, and owners through considerations for incorporating WELL®, Fitwel®, and other systems from the planning phase to ground-breaking and beyond. Side-by-side comparisons of established and emerging health-focused standards empower building professionals to select the most appropriate certifications for their projects. Drawing on the authors’ backgrounds in sustainable design and public health, chapters on the evolution of the green building movement and the relationship between health and the built environment provide vital context for understanding health-focused standards and certifications. The final chapter looks toward the future of health and the built environment.

Cincinnati Police Department Traffic Stops

by Greg Ridgeway

In 2002, the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) joined with other agencies and organizations to improve police-community relations in the city. This report focuses on the analysis of racial disparities in traffic stops in Cincinnati. The authors find no evidence of racial differences between the stops of black and those of similarly situated nonblack drivers, but some issues can exacerbate the perception of racial bias.

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