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Expat FAQs: Moving To And Living In The Dominican Republic

by Ginnie Bedggood Ilana Benady

All of the things you always wanted to know about becoming an expat in the Dominican Republic. Plus a few of the things you didn't! WHEN you embark on a move to a foreign country you have heaps of questions to ask, but it can be hard to know where to turn. When that country is way out in the middle of the Caribbean and the local language is Spanish, those questions can really keep you awake at night. Questions about schools, shops, doctors, housing and, of course, which place is really the place to be. In this comprehensive yet wholly accessible and practical guide, authors Ginnie Bedggood and Ilana Benady, provide all the answers you need. Divided simply into sections entitled Why, Where, What, Who and How and crammed with names, addresses and telephone numbers, this book is without doubt the one-stop resource you need.

Exparejas infernales

by Lucy Romero

Si no puedes borrar o sacar a tu ex de tu vida, necesitas leer este libro. Aprende a reconocer sus acciones, actuar contra ellas y por fin, empezar una nueva vida, lejos del infierno provocado por tu relación pasada. ¿A quién pedir ayuda si el amor de tu vida ahora es tu peor pesadilla? La psicóloga clínica, Lucy Romero, responde con un lenguaje coloquial y directo y, además, te dice qué hacer si tu ex te vigila, te juzga, te chantajea, ¡o quiere destruir tu vida! Este libro surgió por el impacto que causó en el programa de radio de Martha Debayle el tema Ex parejas infernales, la impresionante demanda de más información por parte de sus seguidores en redes sociales, emails y teléfono llevó a la conclusión a Martha Debayle (quien en estas páginas aporta el prólogo y reveladores comentarios) de que Lucy Romero, experta en temas de pareja, debía hacer un libro para ayudar a quienes tienen estosproblemas. Así, la autora ofrece, con el análisis de casos reales de parejas que se destruyen, los 7 perfiles de ex más nocivos con sus características: -El inquisidor: se considera juez y dueño de tus actos, te cuestiona todo lo que haces y lo que dices. -El ambivalente: juega con tus sentimientos, se acerca y se aleja, coquetea y te confunde sólo para inquietarte. -El celoso: la pesadilla eterna que desea saber con quién hablas, a dónde vas o quiénes son tus amistades. -El controlador: un ser inseguro que sólo quiere dominarte, disponer de ti y controlar cada uno de tus actos. -El manipulador: sin importar que la relación sea destructiva se vale de mecanismos siniestros para acecharte. El culpígeno: emplea el chantaje sin contemplaciones, busca que siempre te sientas fatal y responsable de su desgracia. -El invasivo: a pesar de que la relación está terminada busca que los vínculos entre tus familiares y tus amigos se mantengan. Ex parejas infernales es la herramienta que necesitas para aliviar tu corazón, tomar las mejores decisiones respecto a tus antiguas y nuevas relaciones y, sobre todo, te ofrece la mejor solución para liberarte del infierno que tú y tu ex pareja han creado.

Expansive Leadership: Cultivating Mindfulness to Lead Self and Others in a Changing World – A 28-Day Program

by Latha Poonamallee

The structured 28-day mindfulness and contemplative journey presented in this book will help aspiring and current leaders to clarify their identities, and identify and reflect on their mental models to become more expansive leaders. The present moment demands new ways of being, doing, and relating with the world. To meet this moment, we need fresh, collective, inclusive, and interdependent models of leadership and new approaches to leadership development. This book goes beyond the ‘McMindfulness’ often seen in mindful leadership books, to offer a multi-faceted approach to develop a more interconnected sense of self and interdependence-centric mindsets needed for expansive leadership, through mindfulness practice. Through this practice, leaders can cultivate the ability to make deliberate choices using slow thinking and overcome any unconscious and implicit biases that are the result of fast-thinking processes. Anchored in insights from over ten years of teaching mindfulness-based leadership development courses, this book is an invitation to explore how to be a leader in an expansive, inclusive, robust, and resilient way. The reader will have an opportunity to define and refine their identity, uncover their personal mental models, and conclude by developing their own leadership philosophy. Leadership development professionals and teachers can adopt this for their students, coaching, and consulting clients.

Expansion Mastery: The Practical Guide to Living a Fully Engaged Life

by Robert D. Bessler

We are currently living in one of the greatest times of human growth, potential and change. Expansion Mastery is designed to offer a way for people to reawaken to the vastness of their potential and to live happy, mindful and balanced lives in this time of great human evolution. The Expansion Mastery System extracts the essence of ancient, esoteric teachings to eliminate the mystery, and from this knowledge presents practical exercises and tools for positive transformation. These teachings are detailed specifically from their ancient sources, yet presented so that they can be applied to anyone's personal belief system and life situation.

Expanding Your Strengths: Theme Dynamics: A Deeper Dive into Your Talent Themes and How They Influence Each Other

by Curt Liesveld

Find success and well-being by identifying dominant talent themes in yourself and your associates—from one of the top StrengthsFinder coaches. Wouldn&’t it be great if everyone knew and understood their strengths so we could all work together more effectively? Now you can take the next step to advance the strengths mission. Expanding Your Strengths introduces you to theme dynamics and includes access to an interactive Web app you can use with the people you manage and coach. The portability of the Web app allows you to pull it up on your desktop, phone or tablet or on third-party devices. Access the Web app anywhere—from your own office to a client&’s conference room to a college classroom—for coaching sessions, one-on-one discussions or high-level meetings. This powerful resource allows you to dynamically select theme pairings, see how different talent themes combine and complement each other, and explore the StrengthsFinder talent themes one by one. Take your relationships to the next level. Use this book and Web app to create stronger teams, coach friends and associates, and develop your employees.

Expanded Orgasm

by Patricia Taylor

"Why settle for a mediocre sex life when you can have ecstasy? No matter the state of your current sexual experience, Expanded Orgasm will help you achieve bedroom successes that take your intimacy to the next level!"--Jaiya, author of Red Hot Touch: A Head-To-Toe Handbook for Mind-Blowing Orgasms "This book will teach you how to unite your physical self with the soul...Read it and expand!"--John Maxwell Taylor, author of Eros Ascending Discover How to Deepen Your Connection and Your Pleasure Having a great sensual life is about more than just technique; it's about attention, awareness, communication, and developing your ability to feel. In Expanded Orgasm you will learn all these skills and more. Discover what you and your partner truly desire, and how to turn those desires into mind-blowing sex. Expanded Orgasm is for singles and couples who: Desire to dramatically improve an already healthy sex life Are looking for new and exciting ways to connection on an intimate level Want more passion and turn-on, both in and out of the bedroom In this updated and revised edition, Dr. Patricia Taylor gathers the latest information in sex research and provides new advice and enhanced exercises for her classic ten-step expanded orgasm program.

The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual: DBT for Self-Help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings (Second Edition)

by Lane Pederson Cortney Sidwell Pederson

This second edition is the most comprehensive and readable DBT manual available with more skills than any other DBT book on the market. <p><p> Beyond updates to the classic skills modules, clients and therapists will be enriched by added modules that include Dialectics, Cognitive Modification, Problem-Solving, and Building Routines as well as all-new, much-needed modules on Addictions and Social Media. <p> Designed for DBT therapists, eclectic and integrative therapists, and as a self-help guide for people interested in learning DBT skills, the straightforward explanations and useful worksheets contained within make DBT skills learning and practice accessible and practical for both skills groups and individual users.

Expand This Moment

by John Selby

When John Selby was a graduate student, philosopher and meditation expert Alan Watts challenged him to study the world's meditation traditions from the inside, to identify their common underlying psychological processes, to formulate an approach to meditation based on these commonalities, and to then teach this universal process. Forty years later, in this dramatically different guidebook, Selby fulfills Watts's mandate. Selby has sought solutions to suffering in native cultures around the world and discovered proven techniques for attaining physical and emotional well-being. But the streamlined practice presented here is as much the result of personal breakdown as of academic research. As they did for him in a dark night of the soul, the twelve simple focus phrases Selby presents insert positive messages into our inner dialogue, promoting spiritual development and emotional healing. These brief core statements comprise a root psychological meditative practice that allows anyone to quickly wake up to the present moment -- naturally, pleasurably, and with life-affirming consistency.

Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

by Jim Murphy C. James Jensen

Harness the wisdom of your subconscious with this modern interpretation of the timeless teachings featured in Dr. Joseph Murphy&’s definitive classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind—now with expanded commentary and updated practices, providing a practical toolkit to help you manifest your deepest desires.Since its publication in 1963, Dr. Joseph Murphy&’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind has sold millions of copies worldwide and continues to draw new generations of fans every year. Now, life coach and consultant C. James Jensen supplements Dr. Murphy&’s authoritative book with fresh lessons and a modern toolkit of practices—such as affirmation, visualization, meditation, and leadership skills—to help you harness your subconscious to live your best life.

Exorciza tu alma gorda

by Andrea Cordoniz

Libro de superación personal que ayuda a las personas con sobrepeso a cambiar de actitud ante la comida, y transformar, para bien, su vida. ¿Por qué hay personas delgadas a las que vemos siempre comer chocolate, mientras otras pasan la mayor parte de su vida con dietas que no le permiten bajar ni un mísero gramo? ¿Por qué la vida es tan injusta? Con un humor que te doblará de risa, Andréa Cordoniz explica que todo esto se debe a que hay gente que tiene el "alma flaca" y otras todo lo contrario: poseen una "alma gorda". Por culpa de esta espantosa alma gorda preferimos cenar pasta aunque también haya ensalada; si nos ofrecen una segunda rebanada de pastel la aceptamos con gusto; se nos antoja más un tamal que una manzana; ¡si esa alma gorda sigue con nosotros jamás podremos bajar de peso! No cabe duda: el primer paso para vencer al enemigo es conocerlo. ¡Dile adiós a tu alma gorda!

Exonerated: Women Exonerated Through Christ

by Covette Hamilton

Are you bleeding emotionally due to unpleasant circumstances in your life? Have you lost all hope in life? Are you bleeding internally due to being sexually abused while young? Perhaps you are the victim of domestic violence. You may even be bleeding due to your financial situation. Are you too ashamed or afraid to talk about it with anyone for fear of being judged? Maybe you know of someone who is struggling with internal bleeding in their lives. Look no further. Exonerated: Women Exonerated through Christ is the book for you. There is hope. God can exonerate you from whatever you are struggling with in life.This book introduces you to women who grappled with emotional bleeding in their lives. They each experienced as different issue. Readers will connect with women who struggled with physical and mental disorders. You will meet a woman who struggled with promiscuity in her life. You will be introduced to women who bled emotionally due to situations concerning their children. You will even be introduced a woman who wrestled with low self-esteem.In the midst of the suffering and angst, God intervened in the lives of these women. He relieved them from their dilemma. As you read this book, you will realize how the power of prayer and faith will ignite the power of God to move in your life.

El éxito no es imposible: Nuevas formas de pensar en forma creativa

by Wael El-Manzalawy Pablo Crescentini

Cambiar la forma de pensar puede cambiar la vida. Las ideas creativas equivalen a millones de dólares. Las grandes invenciones, ideas, libros y logros fueron todos resultados del pensamiento creativo. El pensamiento creativo no se encuentra limitado únicamente a ciertas personas. Tú puedes pensar en forma creativa, pero debes saber que hay algunos consejos y debes descubrir en qué área puedes pensar en forma creativa. Este libro es una ayuda para que el lector pueda pensar en forma creativa.

Éxito. Una guía extraordinaria

by Robin Sharma

Una guía extraordinaria con inusuales consejos que te ayudarán a subir el ánimo y a darte energía. Éxito. Una guía extraordinaria contiene una fórmula de probada eficacia que te ayudará a encontrar y sacar el máximo partido a tu potencial para vivir una vida extraordinaria. Es un manual fuera de lo común, estructurado en pequeños capítulos que invitan a reflexionar o actuar. Entre sus páginas encontrarás consejos que te subirán el ánimo, te darán energía y te estimularán. Este es un libro que inyecta aire fresco en tu rutina y te ayuda a jugar tu mejor partido como ser humano. Un libro asertivo que te cargará de energía positiva y, alimentando tu vida interior, te animará a vivir de una forma plena, feliz y activa. Robin Sharma es autor de El monje que vendió su Ferrari y uno de los líderes en coaching más reconocidos del mundo; desde famosos ejecutivos y destacados empresarios hasta estrellas del rock y miembros de la realeza han llevado a la práctica sus enseñanzas.

Éxito. Una guía extraordinaria

by Robin Sharma

Éxito. Una guía extraordinaria contiene una fórmula de probada eficacia que te ayudará a encontrar y sacar el máximo partido a tu potencial para vivir una vida extraordinaria. Es un manual fuera de lo común, estructurado en pequeños capítulos que invitan a reflexionar o actuar. Entre sus páginas encontrarás consejos que te subirán el ánimo, te darán energía y te estimularán. Éste es un libro que inyecta aire fresco en tu rutina y te ayuda a jugar tu mejor partido como ser humano. Un libro asertivo que te cargará de energía positiva y, alimentando tu vida interior, te animará a vivir de una forma plena, feliz y activa.

El Éxito es no Rendirse Jamás

by Pílula Digital

La gran verdad es que todo el mundo quiere el éxito, pero no todo el mundo sabe cómo conseguirlo. ¿Triste realidad? ¿O la más pura verdad? Entonces te pregunto: "Si todo el mundo supiera qué hacer para alcanzar el éxito, ya sea en el ámbito personal o profesional, ¿nuestra sociedad sería como es hoy, tan deprimida e infeliz?" ¡No! Desde luego que no seríamos así; después de todo, una sociedad formada por personas realizadas, felices y bien resueltas sólo da lo mejor de sí misma, siempre. En las páginas de este libro conocerás poderosas herramientas que, combinadas con las técnicas que aprenderás, llevarán tu vida al siguiente nivel.

El éxito de los introvertidos

by Sylvia Löhken

¿Están los introvertidos condenados a tener menos éxito? ¡Al contrario! Y ya es hora de buscar sus puntos fuertes, puesto que son el treinta por ciento de la población mundial. El efecto silencio ya se ha convertido en un best seller con más de 500.000 ejemplares vendidos en Alemania. En un tono audaz y convincente, Sylvia Löhken aborda los prejuicios contra las personas introvertidas, y lo hace cansada de sentirse una incomprendida. Por ello, convierte este libro en la herramienta que por fin permitirá a los introvertidos ser conscientes de sus 10 cualidades y fortalezas (como la reflexión, la escucha y la empatía), y los 10 defectos (como la hipersensibilidad y el miedo al conflicto). Con un enfoque extremadamente práctico y completo, la autora combina la teoría con infinidad de ejemplos del día a día, y alterna consejos claros con estrategias específicas para afirmarse en situaciones cotidianas. Por fin descubrirás que es posible ser introvertido y tener éxito.Pero también te quitarás muchos miedos. La crítica ha dicho...«Este libro no le pide al introvertido que cambie. Su enfoque es mucho más útil: enfatiza sus fuerzas y le alerta de sus desafíos.»Financial Times

El éxito de los introvertidos

by Sylvia Löhken

¿Están los introvertidos condenados a tener menos éxito? ¡Al contrario! Y ya es hora de buscar sus puntos fuertes, puesto que son el treinta por ciento de la población mundial. El éxito de los introvertidos ya se ha convertido en un best seller con más de 500.000 ejemplares vendidos en Alemania. En un tono audaz y convincente, Sylvia Löhken aborda los prejuicios contra las personas introvertidas, y lo hace cansada de sentirse una incomprendida. Por ello, convierte este libro en la herramienta que por fin permitirá a los introvertidos ser conscientes de sus 10 cualidades y fortalezas (como la reflexión, la escucha y la empatía), y los 10 defectos (como la hipersensibilidad y el miedo al conflicto). Con un enfoque extremadamente práctico y completo, la autora combina la teoría con infinidad de ejemplos del día a día, y alterna consejos claros con estrategias específicas para afirmarse en situaciones cotidianas.Por fin descubrirás que es posible ser introvertido y tener éxito.Pero también te quitarás muchos miedos. La crítica ha dicho...«Este libro no le pide al introvertido que cambie. Su enfoque es mucho más útil: enfatiza sus fuerzas y le alerta de sus desafíos.»Financial Times

El éxito comienza aquí: Imagina tu vida en abundancia

by Joel Osteen

¡Aléjate de lo ordinario y vive la vida extraordinaria que Dios diseñó para ti! Con la guía del autor bestseller y pastor de la Iglesia Lakewood, Joel Osteen, tu mente se enfocará en la abundancia. Todos poseemos una visión de nuestra vida y de nuestra persona. ¿Cómo luce tu foto? ¿Te ves elevándote más alto, superando obstáculos, y viviendo una vida en abundancia? ¿O tienes una imagen de derrota de ti mismo, luchando, adicto, con sobrepeso, y sin poder disfrutar jamás de un buen descanso? Las imágenes que dejes entrar en tu mente determinarán el tipo de vida que llevas. El sueño que Dios tiene para tu vida es que seas bendecido de tal manera que puedas ser una bendición para los demás. Atrévete a tener la gran visión de una vida en abundancia y confía en que Dios te ayudará a cumplirlo. A través de “El Éxito comienza aqui”, Joel te ayudará a cambiar tu mentalidad conformista para que pronto, en lugar de solo tener un sueño, lo estés viviendo. Tu visión se hará realidad.

El éxito a la manera de Dios: El camino bíblico a la bendición

by Charles F. Stanley

El éxito genuino, desde el punto de vista de Dios, esta arraigado en la categoría en que Dios nos ha puesto, en las metas que Dios quiere para nuestras vidas. Mientras que el mundo tiende a definir el éxito en términos de fama y fortuna, el Dr. Stanley cree que Dios resume los éxitos en términos de relación, carácter y obediencia.

Exit the Maze: One Addiction, One Cause, One Solution

by Dr. Donna Marks

In this easy-to-read revised and expanded edition of Exit the Maze, Dr. Donna Marks makes the revolutionary claim that there is only one addiction with many faces, and the key to overcoming addiction is self-love.Millions of lives are lost to addiction every year, causing more direct and indirect deaths than any other illness. In a world where many things are uncertain, we do know this: There are many kinds of addiction, and in spite of treatment and everything else we&’re doing, addiction is only increasing. Dr. Donna Marks, a renowned psychotherapist, addictions counselor, and teacher of A Course in Miracles for more than thirty years, merges her professional experience and her own personal history of substance dependency to offer a single revolutionary solution to all addictions in this expanded and revised edition of Exit the Maze. No matter what someone is addicted to—alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, smoking, working, gambling, and so forth—loving yourself is the key to recovery. This doesn&’t mean the road is easy or a few acts of self-care will do the trick; the journey to true self-love includes delving deep into your past trauma to understand where your addiction began, addressing those fear-based traumas with compassion and forgiveness, exchanging bad habits with beneficial ones, and staying committed to the recovery process. Allow love to guide you through the maze of addiction and back to living your best life.

Exit Laughing

by Victoria Zackheim

Exit Laughing is more than a collection of twenty-four personal stories, written by some of our country's finest authors, on the subject of death and humor. It's a reminder that all of us approach death in very different ways. Whether we face our death or the death of a loved one with fear, sorrow, joy, or confusion, and whether or not we believe in an afterlife, we cannot deny that death happens. Exit Laughing reminds us that in death there is a place for humor. Ellen Sussman writes of flying home her mother's body and watching her mother's burial wardrobe spill out on the baggage carousel. Kathi Kamen Goldmark regales us with memories of playing the kazoo at Jessica Mitford's funeral. Broadway and television actor Richard McKenzie shares the riotous story of a funeral procession led by a lost hearse. Bonnie Garvin writes about her parents' double suicide attempt (and yes, it's funny!). Joshua Braff recalls a death in an upstairs bedroom during his childhood, Roadrunner cartoons included. L.A. Law star and author Michael Tucker describes his last visit with his dying friend, Cleavon Little, and how they said goodbye. International bestselling novelist Jacquelyn Mitchard writes about her husband's untimely death, and how his three best friends ended up held in a psychiatric hospital after the wake. These stories, along with seventeen other memorable essays, constitute a book whose purpose is to remind readers that when dealing with illness, dying, and death, there is an important place for laugh-out-loud humor.

Exit: The Endings That Set Us Free

by Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot

From a renowned sociologist, the wisdom of saying goodbyeSara Lawrence-Lightfoot is enthralled by exits: long farewells, quick goodbyes, sudden endings, the ordinary and the extraordinary. There's a relationship, she attests, between small goodbyes and our ability "to master and mark the larger farewells."In Exit, her tenth book, she explores the ways we leave one thing and move on to the next; how we anticipate, define, and reflect on our departures; our epiphanies that something is over and done with. Lawrence-Lightfoot, a sociologist and a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has interviewed more than a dozen women and men in states of major change, and she paints their portraits with sympathy and insight: a gay man who finds home and wholeness after coming out; a sixteen-year-old boy forced to leave Iran in the midst of the violent civil war; a Catholic priest who leaves the church he has always been devoted to, he life he has loved, and the work that has been deeply fulfilling; an anthropologist who carefully stages her departure from he "field" after four years of research; and many more.Too often, Lawrence-Lightfoot believes, we exalt new beginnings at the expense of learning from our goodbyes. Exit finds wisdom and perspective in the possibility of moving on and marks the start of a new conversation, to help us discover how we might make our exits with purpose and dignity.

The Existentialist's Survival Guide: How to Live Authentically in an Inauthentic Age

by Gordon Marino

“When it comes to living, there’s no getting out alive. But books can help us survive, so to speak, by passing on what is most important about being human before we perish. In The Existentialist’s Survival Guide, Marino has produced an honest and moving book of self-help for readers generally disposed to loathe the genre.” —The Wall Street JournalSophisticated self-help for the 21st century—when every crisis feels like an existential crisisSoren Kierkegaard, Frederick Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and other towering figures of existentialism grasped that human beings are, at heart, moody creatures, susceptible to an array of psychological setbacks, crises of faith, flights of fancy, and other emotional ups and downs. Rather than understanding moods—good and bad alike—as afflictions to be treated with pharmaceuticals, this swashbuckling group of thinkers generally known as existentialists believed that such feelings not only offer enduring lessons about living a life of integrity, but also help us discern an inner spark that can inspire spiritual development and personal transformation. To listen to Kierkegaard and company, how we grapple with these feelings shapes who we are, how we act, and, ultimately, the kind of lives we lead. In The Existentialist's Survival Guide, Gordon Marino, director of the Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College and boxing correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, recasts the practical takeaways existentialism offers for the twenty-first century. From negotiating angst, depression, despair, and death to practicing faith, morality, and love, Marino dispenses wisdom on how to face existence head-on while keeping our hearts intact, especially when the universe feels like it’s working against us and nothing seems to matter. What emerges are life-altering and, in some cases, lifesaving epiphanies—existential prescriptions for living with integrity, courage, and authenticity in an increasingly chaotic, uncertain, and inauthentic age.

The Existential Importance of the Penis: A Guide to Understanding Male Sexuality

by Daniel N. Watter

The first of its kind, this book applies existential principles to sexual problems, providing clinicians with the tools to understand male sexuality more deeply. Alighting from the existential psychotherapy tenets of Irvin D. Yalom, Watter introduces the notion that the penis is a conduit for male emotion, and hence regulates their ability to form and experience intimate relationships. Subsequent chapters explore an existential view of male sexual dysfunction, non-sexual trauma, hypersexuality, changing bodies through illness, age, and injury, and examines badly behaved men to understand the meaning of certain behaviors. This book will be an invaluable resource for sex therapists, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, and social workers in practice and in training, assisting them to develop the therapeutic skills that will improve their understanding of men’s psychological experience.

Existence Is Not Just Matter

by Osho Osho International Foundation

This eBook is a beautiful example and a fascinating insight into the work of a master with his audience of seekers. Osho responds to questions coming from his audience. A variety of questions and Osho's responses give a taste of Osho's insights and teachings on subjects of intelligence, the compulsion for power, questions re the personal experience of Osho and the ongoing game of questions and answers between the audience and Osho itself.

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