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The Energy Book: Supercharge your life by healing your energy

by Kalisa Augustine

You are your own healer. Discover how with this book.We are in 'The Age of Energy' Gwyneth Paltrow'A must read for all healers and those seeking healing.' David Grand, PhD (Developer of Brainspotting)Your energy is your essence. It's your personal power source. It influences the life choices you make. If your energy is blocked, you can feel unwell and you can get stuck in negative routines. This down-to-earth, comprehensive guide to the ancient and modern traditions of energy healing will enable you to tune in to your energy and awaken your power. Explore ancient and modern healing techniques - from reiki to sound healing, crystal healing to shamanic healing, meditation to breathwork. Use your energy to live more positively, to manifest your goals, to stay grounded, and to find greater calm and happiness.

The Energy Alignment Method: Let Go of the Past, Free Yourself From Sabotage and Attract the Life You Want

by Yvette Taylor Lisa Hammond

Do you want to be happy, more in flow, and change your life? The Energy Alignment Method – EAM®, is a transformational energy and self-help process. The technique brings together Chinese medicine, manifesting, law of attraction, elements of kinesiology, neuroscience research, NLP, positive psychology and eastern spiritual principles into one powerful self-help process. EAM® enables you to release repetitive negative thoughts and feelings, painful memories, traumatic experiences and overwhelming emotions, so that you can be free from stress, anxiety and negative emotions. The technique involves 5 simple steps, and can be used all day every day. A key part of the practice is known as ‘the sway’, a muscle testing method taken from Applied Kinesiology. It provides realtime energetic feedback. This book explains what EAM is and how it works, then shows readers how to use it themselves.

The Energized Workplace: Designing Organizations where People Flourish

by Perry Timms

Productivity is flatlining, employee wellbeing is at an all-time low and stress at an all-time high. Mental health issues are now the biggest single disability affecting the UK and are estimated to cost the economy £105bn each year. Traditional company design, structures and processes are making these issues worse and leading to unprecedented levels of staff burnout. This not only impacts individual employees, there is also a detrimental effect on overall company performance when employees can't perform to their full potential. It is the responsibility of Organizational Development and HR professionals to address these issues urgently and redesign work to allow people to flourish and businesses to thrive. Full of practical advice, tips and tools, The Energized Workplace provides a blueprint for how practitioners can redesign their organizations to support employees and ensure the business outperforms the competition. It covers everything from why existing structures are causing business output to decline, why traditional processes are holding organizations back and what the consequences of not addressing these design issues will mean for business including increased staff turnover, a rise in employee absence and a decline in company profits. Including case studies from organizations across a range of sectors who have successfully put people at the heart of their workplace design such as ING Bank, Tata Consulting and WD-40 and with specific guidance on designing for five generations working side by side, across different countries and on separate time zones, The Energized Workplace will help OD and HR professionals confidently tackle the organizational issues putting their company success and employee health and happiness in jeopardy. Supported by research from Cranfield School of Management, this book is essential reading for practitioners needing to deal with the wellbeing crisis and productivity puzzle in the new world of work.

Energize Your Mind: A Monk's Guide to Mindful Living

by Gaur Gopal Das

"This book will artfully guide you in understanding the tricks of your mind and shares powerful insights to become free from its control. It's a must-read." —Jay Shetty, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Like a MonkAn essential mental health and mindfulness guide with a spiritual twist written by motivational life coach and modern monk Gaur Gopal Das to learn how to regulate your own mind, emotions, and mental wellbeing.Take charge of your mind, stay in charge of your lifeIn modern times, mental health has emerged as one of the biggest challenges faced by people across the world. From loneliness to depression and the inability to work, many have questioned their deeper beliefs, were plagued by unknown fears, and struggle with existential questions.In this book, bestselling author and one of the most well-known life coaches, Gaur Gopal Das, decodes for the reader how the mind works. In his anecdotal style, he explains how to understand and then discipline our mind in such a way that it works for us and contributes to our well-being. Throughout the book, he gives exercises and worksheets, tips and tricks to help us make the change that will put us in control of our thoughts and actions.This book is an essential read for all those who want to work towards a better, more fulfilling future for themselves.

Energize: Make the Most of Every Moment

by Simon Alexander Ong

Winner of the 2023 Business Book Award for Wellness and Wellbeing 'This book is exactly what we need in this moment. With so many pulls and strains and stresses, Simon offers us simple steps for every one of us to indeed energize!' Simon Sinek, optimist and New York Times bestselling author of Start With Why'Learning how to manage your energy changes your life. Don't just read this book, do it!' Marie Forleo, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Everything is FigureoutableYour energy is everything: it is the fuel that drives your success and it gives you the power to achieve your potential. So how can you be your best self if you're always tired, stressed and burnt out? In Energize, award-winning life coach Simon Alexander Ong introduces you to the art and science of energy management. In a world where we are always on, Ong coaches you to work with your natural energy resources to recognize your most energized state - when to push and when to recoup - so that you can work sustainably towards your biggest goals. You'll learn how to:- Speak less and listen more- Stop treating your health as a side hustle- Silence your inner critic and listen to your inner guide instead - Progress faster by saying no to the activities that are holding you backYou'll hear from Ong's clients who have used his transformational method to achieve what they never thought they could. You'll learn how to use his practical framework to identify your most productive phases of the day, week and year, and learn how to make the most of them. You'll discover how to create boundaries and devote your energy in the right way and to the right people. And you'll master simple practices that you can build into your day to revitalize and preserve your energy levels so that you're ready for anything.It's time to find out what you can achieve when you feel energized.'Thoughtfully written and incredibly researched, Energize will change the way you view energy in and around you. Simon provides practical advice to help you achieve your full potential in every area of your life. Exceptional!' Dr Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and author of New York Times bestselling author of Triggers'Learning how to energize ourselves is key to being happy and successful' Shaa Wasmund MBE, author of How to Fix Your Sh*t

The Energies of Love: Using Energy Medicine to Keep Your Relationship Thriving

by Donna Eden David Feinstein

A relationship begins with the meeting of two unique energies. This union of energies determines the way you communicate, fight, love, and want to be loved. Donna Eden and David Feinstein draw on the real-life experiences of couples who have attended their popular 'Energies of Love' workshops, as well as their own experience as husband and wife, to show how an understanding of your energy system and that of your partner can help you build a more harmonious and loving bond.We all have different ways of making sense of the world around us, but when faced with conflict, especially with those we care most about, we tend to revert to one of four 'Energetic Stress Styles':* Visuals are extremely passionate and inspire others. In moments of conflict, their take on the situation can overshadow what is occurring, undermining their ability to empathize with their partner.* Kinaesthetics are generous and compassionate but their caring nature pulls them in too many directions. They try to meet others' needs at the expense of their own, causing resentment.* Digitals are rational and principled but they can become closed to others' perspectives and feelings.* Tonals have a gift for understanding others but during conflict they can often misinterpret the signs, hearing what was never said, felt, or thought.The Energies of Love is filled with tools to help you diffuse arguments and energy exercises to increase your overall sense of joy and wellbeing. This practical guide serves as a powerful resource for anyone who wishes to build a rich partnership while maintaining the spark that keeps a relationship exciting.

Energia Positiva: ...O Poder de ser correctamente conduzido

by Dr Yinka Akintunde

A energia positiva é uma voz profunda que orienta os leitores para com as negatividades e as toxicidades galopantes que vêem com os variados eventos na nossa vida diária. Entrelaçado com histórias e reflexões que vividamente pintam os impactos da energia positiva e negativa na aura humana, este livro está preenchido com intuições e como agregar positividade, acabar com a negatividade e dominar a aura pessoal e controlar o que é permitido para nele florescer. A energia positiva ajuda os leitores a arte de não ser a vítima de ninguém e qualquer coisa mais. Prepara os leitores para tomar controlo da sua jornada, gerar as vibrações certas para progresso e canalizar toda a energia acessível para com os objectivos desejados. Os leitores podem testar também o recém-testado Índice de Energia, exercício de avaliação individual e planear o próximo grande passo para a positividade. 

La energía poderosa del amor: Descubre comó conectarcon ella a diario para vivir en armonía

by Clara Estrada

"Estas páginas son una invitación a vivir amándonos y amando. Llevan implícita la revelación de la energía del amor como la gran corriente que mueve la evolución de toda la comunidad viviente". Doctor Jorge Carvajal Después de enfrentar dos diagnósticos fatales, Clara Estrada entendió que el amor y su poder infinito fueron determinantes para superar con éxito las dificultades que la estaban desafiando. En su segundo libro nos enseña que el amor propio es un estado del alma: no está determinado por el cuerpo, si está o no en perfecto estado, e incluye no solo lo bueno, sino también los dolores, desencuentros, fracasos, tristezas, heridas y frustraciones. Debería ser tan importante como respirar, porque de ahí parten todos los demás: el amor a la pareja, a los padres, a los hijos, a los amigos, al trabajo, a la naturaleza. En estas páginas encontrarás las herramientas para usar esa poderosa energía que tienes dentro de ti.

Energia: Livro de auto ajuda e magia mental

by Juan Miguel Dominguez

Libro de auto ajuda e magia mental. Descarrega a capa mole e o Kindle vem de presente! "É o livro perfeito para aprender a manifestar bens materiais. O método parece-me o melhor de todos, é ocultismo moderno, adaptado para que qualquer o possa utilizar. Também nos ensina um simples método de adivinhação, que tem um poder altíssimo no governo de jogos de azar". "Aprendi a realizar em segredo, a comunicar com a minha parte inconsciente, não há nada melhor que isto. Recomendo-o a todos os meus amigos!" O controlo mental e seus poderes mágicos. O segredo estava guardado nas milhares de páginas que a ciência oculta tem para oferecer. o Livro moderniza estes métodos e os adapta ao usuário principiante, pela primeira vez na história, para que possa controlar a sua realidade mental com conhecimentos e boa sorte. Podem escrever ao autor com as vossas dúvidas e propostas, deixámos um correio eletrónico para tal. O texto é muito rápido e tenta ser sincero e prático sobre um mundo fascinante e sombrio, como é a ciência oculta, adaptando os sistemas mais arcaicos e simples de realizar, ao nosso mundo moderno, invadido de smartphones e ansiedade. Demonstraremos como se pode gerar riqueza dentro e fora de nosso mundo, e como podemos solucionar qualquer fobia, trauma ou problema por mais pequeno ou grande que seja, até ganhar prémios de lotaria, com exercícios de tão só 49 minutos de duração, deixando as superstições de lado, e executando uns métodos que foram comprovados por mim e nos últimos dez anos ou mais, e de alguma maneira, utilizados durante milhares de anos, com idênticos resultados. O livro, enquanto exercicio, além dos já nomeados, dizer que se adaptam principalmente aos jogos de azar e ao seu simples controlo mediante certos mecanismos que expomos de 4 maneiras diferentes. Todos funcionam. E o leitor saberá reconhecer rápidamente. "Espero ter conseguido a q

Energía: Descúbrela, transfórmala, utilízala

by Gaby Vargas

La creas, te ilumina, te inyecta valor y alegría, fluye en tu ser, en flores y paisajes, la descubres en la magia de la música, impacta en nuestro corazón, en el planeta, el universo: es la energía. En este libro vital, Gaby Vargas te dice cómo esta fuerza creadora, en todas sus manifestaciones, se vuelve tu aliada para que vivas con intensidad y lleno de motivación en el ambiente que te rodea. En estas páginas aprenderás a: - sintonizar con el ritmo de la vida. - distinguir la energía del placer y de la oración. - comprender la función de los chakras en tu vida física y emocional. - convivir con la energía de eros: en el amor y tu sexualidad. - elegir tus espacios para cargarte de vibraciones positivas. - hacer caso a tus intuiciones y valorar la fuerza de las palabras. - comprender el encanto que la energía de los animales expresa. - desatorar la energía, impulsar la comunicación, y vivir en la plenitud del presente: detenerte, respirar y agradecer. Energía: tu poder es un libro dinámico, revelador y con múltiples ejemplos de cómo el poder energético se expresa en técnicas saludables de respiración; en las vibraciones derivadas del gozo físico; en la buena vibra que transmites cuando hablas bien de quienes te rodean, incluso en la relación entre energía y lo que expresan los colores.

The Enemy of Engagement: Put an End to Workplace Frustration--and Get the Most from Your Employees

by Mark Royal Tom Agnew

There are a lot of frustrated people in most workplaces today. WeÆre not talking about the incorrigible office grump or the permanent slacker. Instead, weÆre referring to dedicated workers who are being prevented from achieving their peak potential by organizational obstacles. Better enabling these employees to succeed represents an untapped avenue for radically improving productivity. Packed with the latest research findings from the prestigious Hay Group, The Enemy of Engagement uncovers the hidden impediments to performanceùexcessive procedures, lack of resources, overly narrow roles, and moreùand outlines best-practice solutions for eliminating them. This is not an insignificant issue facing businesses today. According to Hay GroupÆs study, depending on the industry, between one-third and one-half of employees report work conditions that keep them from being as productive as they could be. The Enemy of Engagement gives managers powerful new insights and research-based tools for ensuring their teams are both willing and able to make maximum contributions.

The Enemy In You: Journey From Brokenness to Wholeness

by Johnny Honaker

You have been through the storms of life and have achieved victory, but an empty feeling lingers. It could be you have to recover what Satan has plundered from you. In The Enemy in You, Pastor Johnny Honaker takes you on a journey from brokenness to wholeness. As God brings healing, you will ascend from the ashes and ruins of pain and calamity to achieve your personal destiny. THIS BOOK EQUIPS YOU TO:• Recover your identity in Christ from the clutches of the enemy • Understand the source of pain and overcome it • Demolish the invisible walls that keep you emotionally chained Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to identify and confront the brokenness in your life, and walk out of hardship with your hands full of God&’s blessings.

Un enemigo llamado promedio

by John L. Mason

Dentro de cada persona se ha colocado un deseo de ser diferente, distintivo... ser un original. Muy adentro, todos desean ser superiores. Nadie realmente sólo desea pasar inadvertido... y John Mason cree que independientemente de su posición en la vida, Dios tiene un don y una llamada para USTED. Dividido en 52 gemas fáciles de leer, es una fuente de sabiduría santa, motivación bíblica y principios prácticos.

Enemies of the Heart: Breaking Free from the Four Emotions That Control You

by Andy Stanley

Break free from the destructive power of guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy. Divorce. Job loss. Estrangement from family members. Broken friendships. The difficult circumstances you are dealing with today are likely being fed by one of four emotional forces that compels you to act in undesirable ways, sometimes even against your will. Andy Stanley explores each of these destructive forces--guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy--and how they infiltrate your life and damage your relationships. He says that, left unchallenged they have the power to destroy your home, your career, and your friendships. In Enemies of the Heart, Andy offers practical, biblical direction to help you fight back, to take charge of those feelings that mysteriously control you, and to restore your broken relationships. Includes a six-week discussion guide--a valuable resource for small groups!From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Enemies of Excellence: 7 Reasons Why We Sabotage Success

by Greg Salciccioli

Leadership is more than building best practices. It's overcoming the obstacles that undermine success.

Eneagrama (Nueva edición): ¿Quién soy?

by Andrea Vargas

Amplía tu conciencia para saber quién eres y hacia dónde vas. En este libro excepcional, Andrea Vargas explica una poderosa herramienta de crecimiento personal que revela nueve formas diferentes de ver la vida, de pensar y de sentir. Nueva edición, con prólogo de Gaby Vargas Eneagrama te ayuda a entender tu personalidad y la de quienes te rodean. Andrea Vargas presenta a sus lectores una divertida guía de exploración de las personalidades: sus virtudes, sus miedos, limitaciones, deseos. También el comportamiento en el trabajo y en el amor, así como las posibles reacciones en los momentos de dicha o estrés. Un libro que nos descubre los medios para estrechar los lazos de amistad, comunicación y empatía con la pareja, la familia y la educación de los hijos. Otros autores han opinado: "Eneagrama es un libro que cambiará positivamente tu vida, tus relaciones y tu trabajo. Cuando descubras tu personalidad y cómo usar la información del Eneagrama, que Andrea Vargas te brinda, te darás cuenta de que simplemente, por este hallazgo, serás una mejor persona." - Gaby Vargas

Eneagrama: ¡Conoce mucho más tu personalidad a través de los 27 subtipos!

by Andrea Vargas

El Eneagrama es una herramienta milenaria muy útil y poderosa que te ayudará a conocerte mejor, a relacionarte con los demás de forma exitosa y a transformar tu vida. Este libro te enseñará la importancia y el impacto que tienen los tres instintos o inteligencias de la naturaleza #el de conservación, el social y el sexual# que viven en nosotros desde hace miles de años. Cuando entiendas el papel que juegan en tu vida diaria, ya no podrás separarlos del Eneagrama. En estas páginas encontrarás un resumen muy completo de las nueve personalidades del Eneagrama y, con mayor detalle, los tres subtipos correspondientes a cada personalidad. Descubrirás tanto el instinto que gobierna tu vida como el que tienes más olvidado para que los trabajes y los equilibres de manera positiva. Te comprenderás de una manera más íntima, profunda y desarrollarás tu inteligencia emocional. Acompaña a Andrea Vargas en este viaje de autoconocimiento a descubrir tu tipo de personalidad y el instinto que predomina en tu vida, para que tengas una existencia más plena y equilibrada contigo y con los demás.

Enduring Success: What We Can Learn from the History of Outstanding Corporations

by Christian Stadler

Enduring Success addresses a key question in business today: How can companies succeed over time? To learn the source of enduring greatness, author Christian Stadler directed a team of eight researchers in a six-year study of some of Europe's oldest and most stellar companies, targeting nine that have survived for more than 100 years and have significantly outperformed the market over the past fifty years. Readers may wonder, "Why European companies?" Yet, Europe is the ideal place to seek the key to long-term success; half of the Fortune Global 500 companies that are 100 years old or older can be found in Europe, as can 72 of the 100 oldest family businesses in the world. Fifteen years after Collins and Porras' Built to Last, this new book incorporates fresh insights from management science and provides the first non-US perspective on long-range success. Through Stadler's study, a counter-intuitive story emerges: the greatest companies adapt to a constantly changing environment by being intelligently conservative. Enduring Success provides a coherent framework, grounded in five principles and practical concepts, for business leaders who are prepared to learn from the history of some of the world's greatest institutions.

Enduring Success: Lessons from business on long-term results and how to achieve them

by Sir Steve Redgrave

What are the raw ingredients of long-term success, and how are they best mixed together to achieve your business goals? Overnight success is one thing, but success that is sustained is a completely different - and much more challenging - discipline. Steve Redgrave is uniquely placed to provide a crystal-clear look at what long-term success is and how you might achieve it. During his sporting career, Steve learned to face the challenges of redefining goals, learning new skills, fighting off renewed competition, making difficult choices and staying motivated. In ENDURING SUCCESS, Steve mixes his take on the nature of success with the key lessons of leading businesses, people and brands. The result is a fresh look at long-term success.

The Enduring Classics of Billy Graham (Billy Graham Signature Series)

by Billy Graham

In this first volume of The Billy Graham Signature Series, three of the evangelist's most authoritative classics are bound together in a stunning hardcover edition available at an affordable price.Dr. Graham's reputation as the world's leading teacher of biblical truths makes this collection a great idea for someone searching for answers to some of life's most troubling questions. No one communicates with the wisdom and simplicity of Dr. Graham, as evidenced by this powerful collection of inspirational writings. This first volume includes these best-selling titles:The Secret of Happiness teaches that happiness is a by-product, a bonus that comes when we seek what is really important.Death and the Life After, a classic that liberates readers from fear and denial on the topic of death and helps them find peace, assurance, and ultimately triumph .In Hope for the Troubled Heart Dr. Graham teaches about God's unfailing love as the key to hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Endure: How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering

by Cameron Hanes

THE EXPLOSIVE NEW YORK TIMES AND NATIONAL BESTSELLERPush beyond your physical limits to improve yourself by following bowhunter and ultramarathoner Cameron Hanes's lifelong philosophies and disciplines.“It’s all mental.”I say this all the time, and it’s true.If you believe you can do it, you can.We all have virtually limitless potential.Our bodies are capable of so much more than what we ask of them.Take off the mental handcuffs, get out there, and start on your way today.What is your passion? You can become better at it.Committing yourself to fitness only fuels your beliefs.You gotta believe to achieve.Cameron Hanes discovered his true passion for bowhunting when he was twenty. Inspired by the physical challenges of stalking elk in the Oregon wilderness—traversing mountainous terrain, braving erratic weather, and evading his quarry’s even more dangerous predators—he began an ever-evolving journey of self-improvement. To become the best bowhunter of wild elk, to the caliber he believed he could be, Cam realized he would need more than archery skills. He would need the stamina and strength that could only come from an athletic training regimen of long-distance running and heavy-weight lifting. And every day for more than thirty years, Cam has put in the work, building miles and muscles, pushing through pain with a single-minded focus on the only goal worth having—besting himself time and again.Part memoir, part motivational manifesto, Endure reveals how Cam—a self-professed average guy—put himself through the paces to live the life of an expert bowhunter, respected writer, and family man. With discipline, sacrifice, resilience, a hard work ethic, and a belief in his own capabilities, Cam not only accomplished his dreams but continues to surpass them. There is no secret to his success except relentless determination and loyal dedication to his own self-worth.If Cam can do it, we all can. Everyone has what it takes to endure adversity so we can rise above average, be the best we can be, and enjoy living life to the fullest.

The Endorphin Effect: A breakthrough strategy for holistic health and spiritual wellbeing

by Dr. William Bloom

Endorphins are the miracle hormones. Found in everyone, they kill pain, provide the foundation for good health and create the physical sensations of pleasure. They are responsible for the euphoria of athletes and the pleasure of lovemaking.In THE ENDORPHIN EFFECT, Dr William Bloom, Britain's leading holistic teacher, presents a major breakthrough in the field of healthcare and personal development. He reveals a revolutionary method that enables you to produce endorphins for vitality and a positive mood whenever you want, even when exhausted or in a crisis.Discover how to use THE ENDORPHIN EFFECT for an easy and effective programme of healthcare, healing and self-improvement. Use it to boost your enjoyment of life, build good health, improve your relationships at home and at work, and enhance your performance in every aspect of your life.

The Endorphin Effect: A Breakthrough Strategy for Holistic Health and Spiritual Wellbeing

by William Bloom

Endorphins are the miracle hormones. Found in everyone, they kill pain, provide the foundation for good health and create the physical sensations of pleasure. They are responsible for the euphoria of athletes and the pleasure of lovemaking.In THE ENDORPHIN EFFECT, Dr William Bloom, Britain's leading holistic teacher, presents a major breakthrough in the field of healthcare and personal development. He reveals a revolutionary method that enables you to produce endorphins for vitality and a positive mood whenever you want, even when exhausted or in a crisis.Discover how to use THE ENDORPHIN EFFECT for an easy and effective programme of healthcare, healing and self-improvement. Use it to boost your enjoyment of life, build good health, improve your relationships at home and at work, and enhance your performance in every aspect of your life.

The Endless Practice: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be

by Mark Nepo

As a poet, philosopher, and cancer survivor, Mark Nepo has been breaking a path of spiritual inquiry for more than thirty years. In his new book, the #1 New York Times bestselling author explores how the soul works in the world.Called "one of the finest spiritual guides of our time," this beloved teacher explores what it means to become our truest self through the ongoing and timeless journey of awakening to the dynamic wholeness of life, which is messy and unpredictable. Nepo navigates some of the soul's deepest and most ancient questions, such as: What does it mean to inhabit the world? How do we stay vital and buoyant amid the storms of life? What is the secret to coming alive? Nepo affirms that not only is the soul's journey inevitable, it is essential to our survival. The human journey is how the force of life grows us, and no matter where we go we can't escape this foundational truth: What's in the way is the way. As Nepo writes, "The point of experience is not to escape life but to live it."Featured on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday program, Nepo's Seven Thousand Ways to Listen has inspired millions of people to redefine themselves in the face of life's challenges. Comforting, moving, and spiritually practical, The Endless Practice is filled with universal insights and stories woven with guidance and practice, which will bring the reader closer to living life to the fullest.

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