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Showing 26,751 through 26,775 of 73,082 results

Fundamentals of Metallurgical Thermodynamics

by Santosh Kumar Sahoo Mithilesh Kumar Swapan Kumar Karak

This book highlights introduction of thermodynamics; first law, second law, third law of thermodynamics and their applications; concepts of entropy, free energies, thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamic activity and fugacity; Maxwell relations; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation; Clausis-Clayperon equation, etc. have been discussed in detail and made easily understandable to the undergraduate students of metallurgy. Thermodynamics involved in formation of different types of solutions (ideal, real and regular solutions) has also been discussed in detail. This book also discusses the applications of various thermodynamic properties in different metallurgical operations. At the end of each and every chapter, different types of typical related problems have also been solved.

Fundamentals of Meteorology

by Vlado Spiridonov Mladjen Ćurić

This book is dedicated to the atmosphere of our planet, and discusses historical and contemporary achievements in meteorological science and technology for the betterment of society. The book explores many significant atmospheric phenomena and physical processes from the local to global scale, as well as from the perspective of short and long-term time scales, and links these processes to various applications in other scientific disciplines with linkages to meteorology. In addition to addressing general topics such as climate system dynamics and climate change, the book also discusses atmospheric boundary layer, atmospheric waves, atmospheric chemistry, optics/photometeors, electricity, atmospheric modeling and numeric weather prediction. Through its interdisciplinary approach, the book will be of interest to researchers, students and academics in meteorology and atmospheric science, environmental physics, climate change dynamics, air pollution and human health impacts of atmospheric aerosols.

Fundamentals of Microanalytical Entomology: A Practical Guide to Detecting and Identifying Filth in Foods


This text offers insight into the practical applications of microanalytical entomology in the laboratory and in the field of consumer protection. This is the only guide that gives an overview of the subject from initial analysis of a product to interpreting significance of final results. Complete insect illustrations throughout and an insect fragment identification discussion covers all pests that are found in foods. Micrographs illustrate a complete reference on identifying types of hair contaminants found in various foods. Chapters are written by practicing regulatory experts.

Fundamentals Of Microbiology

by Jeffrey Pommerville

Highly suitable for non-science majors, the fully revised and updated third edition of this bestselling text contains new pedagogical elements and an established learning design format that improves comprehension and retention and makes learning more enjoyable. Unlike other texts in the field, Fundamentals of Microbiology: Body Systems Edition takes a global perspective on microbiology and infectious disease, and supports students in self-evaluation and concept absorption. Furthermore, it includes real-life examples to help students understand the significance of a concept and its application in today's world, whether to their local community or beyond. New information pertinent to nursing and health sciences has been added, while many figures and tables have been updated, revised, and/or reorganized for clarity. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.

Fundamentals of Microbiome Science: How Microbes Shape Animal Biology

by Angela Douglas

An essential introduction to microbiome science, a new cutting-edge discipline that is transforming the life sciencesThis book provides an accessible and authoritative guide to the fundamental principles of microbiome science, an exciting and fast-emerging new discipline that is reshaping many aspects of the life sciences. Resident microbes in healthy animals--including humans—can dictate many traits of the animal host. This animal microbiome is a second immune system conferring protection against pathogens; it can structure host metabolism in animals as diverse as reef corals and hibernating mammals; and it may influence animal behavior, from social recognition to emotional states. These microbial partners can also drive ecologically important traits, from thermal tolerance to diet, and have contributed to animal diversification over long evolutionary timescales.Drawing on concepts and data across a broad range of disciplines and systems, Angela Douglas provides a conceptual framework for understanding these animal-microbe interactions while shedding critical light on the scientific challenges that lie ahead. Douglas explains why microbiome science demands creative and interdisciplinary thinking—the capacity to combine microbiology with animal physiology, ecological theory with immunology, and evolutionary perspectives with metabolic science.An essential introduction to a cutting-edge field that is revolutionizing the life sciences, this book explains why microbiome science presents a more complete picture of the biology of humans and other animals, and how it can deliver novel therapies for many medical conditions and new strategies for pest control.

Fundamentals of Microgrids: Development and Implementation

by Stephen A. Roosa

Microgrids provide opportunities to develop new electrical networks targeted for the needs of communities. The fourth industrial revolution is associated with the global trend toward decentralizing energy grids. Within this context, microgrids are seen as a solution to how renewable electricity can be supplied to local areas. The Fundamentals of Microgrids: Development and Implementation provides an in-depth examination of microgrid energy sources, applications, technologies, and policies. This book considers the fundamental configurations and applications for microgrids and examines their use as a means of meeting international sustainability goals. It focuses on questions and issues associated with microgrid topologies, development, implementation and regulatory issues. Distributed energy resources are defined, stand-a-lone generation systems are described and examples of typical microgrid configurations are provided. The key components of developing a business model for microgrid development are also considered. Features: Describes what microgrids are and details the basics of how they work while considering benefits of microgrids and their disadvantages. Provides answers to the fundamental questions energy managers and other professionals want to know about the basics of microgrids. Details the applications for microgrids and demystifies the types of microgrid architectures that are successful. Includes real-world examples of functioning microgrids which provide models for the development of microgrids in the future. Discusses the key considerations that must be addressed to develop a business case for microgrid development.

The Fundamentals of Modern Astrophysics

by Mikhail Ya. Marov

The Fundamentals of Modern Astrophysics provides an overview of the modern science of astrophysics. It covers the Sun, Solar System bodies, exoplanets, stars, and star life cycle, planetary systems origin and evolution, basics of astrobiology, our galaxy the Milky Way, other galaxies and galactic clusters, a general view of the Universe, its structure, evolution and fate, modern views and advanced models of cosmology as well as the synergy of micro- and macro physics, standard model, superstring theory, multiversity and worm holes. The main concepts of modern astrophysics and prospects for future studies are accompanied by numerous illustrations and a summary of the advanced projects at various astronomical facilities and space missions. Dr. Marov guides readers through a maze of complicated topics to demystify the field and open its wonders to all.

The Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Genetics

by Nan M. Laird Christoph Lange

This book covers the statistical models and methods that are used to understand human genetics, following the historical and recent developments of human genetics. Starting with Mendel's first experiments to genome-wide association studies, the book describes how genetic information can be incorporated into statistical models to discover disease genes. All commonly used approaches in statistical genetics (e.g. aggregation analysis, segregation, linkage analysis, etc), are used, but the focus of the book is modern approaches to association analysis. Numerous examples illustrate key points throughout the text, both of Mendelian and complex genetic disorders. The intended audience is statisticians, biostatisticians, epidemiologists and quantitatively- oriented geneticists and health scientists wanting to learn about statistical methods for genetic analysis, whether to better analyze genetic data, or to pursue research in methodology. A background in intermediate level statistical methods is required. The authors include few mathematical derivations, and the exercises provide problems for students with a broad range of skill levels. No background in genetics is assumed.

Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics

by Ülgen Gülçat

In this textbook, the author introduces the concept of unsteady aerodynamics and its underlying principles. He provides the readers with a full review of fundamental physics of the free and the forced unsteadines, the terminology and basic equations of aerodynamics ranging from incompressible flow to hypersonics. The book also covers the modern topics concerning the developments made during the last years, especially in relation to wing flappings for propulsion. The book is written for graduate and senior year undergraduate students in Aerodynamics, and it serves as a reference for experienced researchers. Each chapter includes ample examples, questions, problems and relevant references.

Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics

by Ülgen Gülçat

This book introduces the concept of unsteady aerodynamics and its underlying principles. The author provides the readers with a comprehensive review of the fundamental physics of free and forced unsteadiness, the terminology and basic equations of aerodynamics ranging from incompressible flow to hypersonics. The book also covers modern topics related to the developments made in recent years, especially in relation to wing flapping for propulsion. The book is written for graduate and senior year undergraduate students in aerodynamics and also serves as a reference for experienced researchers. Each chapter includes ample examples, questions, problems and relevant references.This 3rd edition includes a new chapter about unsteady applications related to the thrust optimization, aerodynamic stability and trim because there has been much progress in unsteady applications of the flapping wing technology. In addition, further material is presented in Appendix for evaluating the stability derivatives so that no derivation of equations is left incomplete but not overdone in the text.

Fundamentals of mold growth in indoor environments and strategies for healthy living

by Olaf C.G. Adan Robert A. Samson

Today, indoor mold and moisture, and their associated health effects, are a society-wide problem. The economic consequences of indoor mold and moisture are enormous. Their global dimension has been emphasized in several recent international publications, stressing that the most important means for avoiding adverse health effects is the prevention (or minimization) of persistent dampness and microbial growth on interior surfaces and in building structures. This book aims to describe the fundamentals of indoor mold growth as a prerequisite to tackle mold growth in the existing building stock as well as in future energy efficient buildings. It brings together different disciplinary points of view on indoor mold, ranging from physics and material science to microbiology and health sciences. The contents have been outlined according to three main issues: Fundamentals, particularly addressing the crucial roles of water and materials, Health, including a state-of-the-art description of the health-related effects of indoor molds, and Strategies, integrating remediation, prevention and policies.

Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy

by Prabal Kumar Mallick

This book presents detailed aspects of different fields of molecular spectroscopy. It consists of eleven chapters starting from the Born–Oppenheimer approximation and its relevance to various spectra to some topics on nonlinear spectroscopy through rotational, vibrational, Raman, and electronic spectroscopy, group theoretical application, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance, and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The intention is to present a good background of the theoretical aspects of the concerned fields which will help the readers to understand the subject firmly and apply them to their own fields according to their needs. For this purpose, several problems have been worked out to make the readers understand how the theories are applied in the relevant practical cases. In this book, it is presumed that the readers are well acquainted with the fundamentals of the basic subjects of physics, for example, mathematical methods, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and electrodynamics. The purpose of writing is not only to bring a wider field in a single book but also to develop the theories starting from the fundamentals and also from the simple to the final forms through fairly elaborate powerful techniques so that the readers become self-sufficient and apply them accordingly. Since this book covers most of the major fields of molecular spectroscopy, it reduces the work of searching several publications and serves the purpose of getting detailed deductive pictures of various aspects of the subject in a single publication.

Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry (Series in Chemical Physics #Vol. 1)

by P.R. Bunker P. Jensen

Winner of a 2005 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book Award Molecular symmetry is an easily applied tool for understanding and predicting many of the properties of molecules. Traditionally, students are taught this subject using point groups derived from the equilibrium geometry of the molecule. Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry shows how to set up symmetry groups for molecules using the more general idea of energy invariance. It is no more difficult than using molecular geometry and one obtains molecular symmetry groups. The book provides an introductory description of molecular spectroscopy and quantum mechanics as the foundation for understanding how molecular symmetry is defined and used. The approach taken gives a balanced account of using both point groups and molecular symmetry groups. Usually the point group is only useful for isolated, nonrotating molecules, executing small amplitude vibrations, with no tunneling, in isolated electronic states. However, for the chemical physicist or physical chemist who wishes to go beyond these limitations, the molecular symmetry group is almost always required.

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow

by Christopher E. Brennen

This book is targeted to graduate students and researchers at the cutting edge of investigations into the fundamental nature of multiphase flows. It is intended as a reference book for the basic methods used in the treatment of multiphase flows. The subject of multiphase flows encompasses a vast field whose broad spectrum presents a problem for the experimental and analytical methodologies that might be appropriate for the reader's interests. The aim of Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow is to bring much of this fundamental understanding together into one book, presenting a unifying approach to the fundamental ideas of multiphase flows. The book summarizes those fundamental concepts with relevance to a broad spectrum of multiphase flows. It does not pretend to present a comprehensive review of the details of any one multiphase flow or technological context; references to such reviews are included where appropriate.

Fundamentals of Multiphase Heat Transfer and Flow

by Amir Faghri Yuwen Zhang

This textbook presents a modern treatment of fundamentals of heat and mass transfer in the context of all types of multiphase flows with possibility of phase-changes among solid, liquid and vapor. It serves equally as a textbook for undergraduate senior and graduate students in a wide variety of engineering disciplines including mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, material science and engineering, nuclear engineering, biomedical engineering, and environmental engineering. Multiphase Heat Transfer and Flow can also be used to teach contemporary and novel applications of heat and mass transfer. Concepts are reinforced with numerous examples and end-of-chapter problems. A solutions manual and PowerPoint presentation are available to instructors. While the book is designed for students, it is also very useful for practicing engineers working in technical areas related to both macro- and micro-scale systems that emphasize multiphase, multicomponent, and non-conventional geometries with coupled heat and mass transfer and phase change, with the possibility of full numerical simulation.

Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors

by Amit Chaudhry

Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors gives comprehensive coverage of the fundamental physical principles and theory behind nanoscale transistors. The specific issues that arise for nanoscale MOSFETs, such as quantum mechanical tunneling and inversion layer quantization, are fully explored. The solutions to these issues, such as high-κ technology, strained-Si technology, alternate devices structures and graphene technology are also given. Some case studies regarding the above issues and solution are also given in the book.

Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing, Third Edition

by Arthur J. Kidnay William R. Parrish Daniel G. McCartney

Offering indispensable insight from experts in the field, Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing, Third Edition provides an introduction to the gas industry and the processes required to convert wellhead gas into valuable natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids products including LNG. The authors compile information from the literature, meeting proceedings, short courses, and their own work experiences to give an accurate picture of where gas processing technology stands today as well as to highlight relatively new technologies that could become important in the future. The third edition of this bestselling text features updates on North American gas processing and changing gas treating requirements due to shale gas production. It covers the international nature of natural gas trade, LNG, economics, and more. To help nonengineers understand technical issues, the first 5 chapters present an overview of the basic engineering concepts applicable throughout the gas, oil, and chemical industries. The following 15 chapters address natural gas processing, with a focus on gas plant processes and technologies. The book contains 2 appendices. The first contains an updated glossary of gas processing terminology. The second is available only online and contains useful conversion factors and physical properties data. Aimed at students as well as natural gas processing professionals, this edition includes both discussion questions and exercises designed to reinforce important concepts, making this book suitable as a textbook in upper-level or graduate engineering courses.

Fundamentals of Neurodegeneration and Protein Misfolding Disorders

by Martin Beckerman

This unique text introduces students and researchers to the world of misfolded proteins, toxic oligomers, and amyloid assemblages, and the diseases of the brain that result. During the past few years the connections between failures in protein quality control and neurological disorders have been reinforced and strengthened by discoveries on multiple fronts. These findings provide novel insights on how amyloidogenic oligomers and fibrils form, interconvert from one state to another, and propagate from cell to cell and region to region. Starting with protein folding and protein quality control basics, the reader will learn how misfolded proteins can cause diseases ranging from prion diseases to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease to Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Authoritative but written in a clear and engaging style, Fundamentals of Neurodegeneration and Protein Misfolding Disorders addresses one of today's forefront areas of science and medicine. The text emphasizes the new groundbreaking biophysical and biochemical methods that enable molecular-level explorations and the conceptual breakthroughs that result. It contains separate chapters on each of the major disease classes. Special emphasis is placed on those factors and themes that are common to the diseases, especially failures in synaptic transmission, mitochondrial control, and axonal transport; breakdowns in RNA processing; the potential role of environmental factors; and the confounding effects of neuroinflammation. The book is ideal for use in teaching at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels, and serves as a comprehensive reference for a broad audience of students and researchers in neuroscience, molecular biology, biological physics and biomedical engineering.

Fundamentals of Neuromechanics

by Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas

This book provides a conceptual and computational framework to study how the nervous system exploits the anatomical properties of limbs to produce mechanical function. The study of the neural control of limbs has historically emphasized the use of optimization to find solutions to the muscle redundancy problem. That is, how does the nervous system select a specific muscle coordination pattern when the many muscles of a limb allow for multiple solutions? I revisit this problem from the emerging perspective of neuromechanics that emphasizes finding and implementing families of feasible solutions, instead of a single and unique optimal solution. Those families of feasible solutions emerge naturally from the interactions among the feasible neural commands, anatomy of the limb, and constraints of the task. Such alternative perspective to the neural control of limb function is not only biologically plausible, but sheds light on the most central tenets and debates in the fields of neural control, robotics, rehabilitation, and brain-body co-evolutionary adaptations. This perspective developed from courses I taught to engineers and life scientists at Cornell University and the University of Southern California, and is made possible by combining fundamental concepts from mechanics, anatomy, mathematics, robotics and neuroscience with advances in the field of computational geometry. Fundamentals of Neuromechanics is intended for neuroscientists, roboticists, engineers, physicians, evolutionary biologists, athletes, and physical and occupational therapists seeking to advance their understanding of neuromechanics. Therefore, the tone is decidedly pedagogical, engaging, integrative, and practical to make it accessible to people coming from a broad spectrum of disciplines. I attempt to tread the line between making the mathematical exposition accessible to life scientists, and convey the wonder and complexity of neuroscience to engineers and computational scientists. While no one approach can hope to definitively resolve the important questions in these related fields, I hope to provide you with the fundamental background and tools to allow you to contribute to the emerging field of neuromechanics.

The Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics: For an Introductory Approach to Modern Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by Maurizio Spurio

Classical mechanics is the basis for any university-level study of technical-scientific disciplines. But most existing manuals use a technological and engineering approach, with basic aspects sometimes insufficiently highlighted. This book introduces the concepts and applications of classical mechanics into Newtonian formalism. Newtonian dynamics is useful for solving applied physics and engineering problems, but also a fascinating theory anchored in questions posed since the times of the Greek philosophers, regarding space, the flow of time, measurable physical quantities, the physical principles with the mathematical structure needed to describe the Universe, etc. The author aims to encourage students to think about these fundamental aspects and how they will be addressed in modern physics, including the successes and limitations of Newton's mechanics. The book is designed to mirror the progress of the students using it, with earlier chapters assuming no more than basic high school instruction and later ones geared toward subsequent enhanced understanding. The book is designed for students of undergraduate programs in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering who will deal with modern physics, as they will benefit from an approach in which the aspects of classical mechanics are introduced in a propaedeutic approach towards relativistic physics and quantum mechanics.

Fundamentals of NMR and MRI: From Quantum Principles to Medical Applications

by Fatemeh Khashami

This book bridges the gap between physical foundations and medical applications of the NMR and MRI technologies, making them accessible to both physicists and biomedical scientists. The physical basis of these technologies is discussed in a manner that can be easily understood by scientists from different backgrounds, aiding them in gaining a clearer understanding of the subject.. For instance, the medical applications of NMR and MRI technologies are described in a way that is accessible to physicists. Moreover, geometrical descriptions and specific mathematical tools are used to facilitate the visualizations of many concepts. Furthermore, the book covers modern technologies such as hyperpolarization and several other state-of-the-art techniques, along with their foundations.

Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering

by Andrew A. Prudil Brent J. Lewis E. Nihan Onder

Fundamental of Nuclear Engineering is derived from over 25 years of teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on nuclear engineering. The material has been extensively class tested and provides the most comprehensive textbook and reference on the fundamentals of nuclear engineering. It includes a broad range of important areas in the nuclear engineering field; nuclear and atomic theory; nuclear reactor physics, design, control/dynamics, safety and thermal-hydraulics; nuclear fuel engineering; and health physics/radiation protection. It also includes the latest information that is missing in traditional texts, such as space radiation. The aim of the book is to provide a source for upper level undergraduate and graduate students studying nuclear engineering.

Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy

by Gopal B. Saha

Established as a classic text on nuclear chemistry and pharmacy, Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy has been thoroughly revised with new information added covering innovations in imaging technology and clinical applications in the field. The Sixth Edition also eliminates outdated information from previous editions on radiopharmaceuticals now discontinued from the market. Dr. Gopal B. Saha's books have continually been praised for their clarity and accuracy while setting new standards for making complex theoretical concepts readily understandable to the reader. Like past editions, this book is intended to be used as a textbook on nuclear chemistry and pharmacy for nuclear medicine residents and students and as a reference book for nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists. New sections in the Sixth Edition include: * PET/CT and SPECT/CT * Digital Imaging * Exploratory IND * Nanoparticle Imaging * Treatment of liver cancer with 90Y-TheraSpheres and 90Y-SIR-Spheres * Treatment of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with 131I-Bexxar

Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics

by Noboru Takigawa Kouhei Washiyama

This book introduces the current understanding of the fundamentals of nuclear physics by referring to key experimental data and by providing a theoretical understanding of principal nuclear properties. It primarily covers the structure of nuclei at low excitation in detail. It also examines nuclear forces and decay properties. In addition to fundamentals, the book treats several new research areas such as non-relativistic as well as relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations, the synthesis of super-heavy elements, the quantum chromodynamics phase diagram, and nucleosynthesis in stars, to convey to readers the flavor of current research frontiers in nuclear physics. The authors explain semi-classical arguments and derivation of its formulae. In these ways an intuitive understanding of complex nuclear phenomena is provided. The book is aimed at graduate school students as well as junior and senior undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. It is also useful for researchers to update their knowledge of diverse fields of nuclear structure. The book explains how basic physics such as quantum mechanics and statistical physics, as well as basic physical mathematics, is used to describe nuclear phenomena. A number of questions are given from place to place as supplements to the text.

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

by J. Kenneth Shultis Richard E. Faw

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Edition, presents the nuclear science concepts needed to understand and quantify the whole range of nuclear phenomena. Noted for its accessible level and approach, the Third Edition of this long-time bestselling textbook provides overviews of nuclear physics, nuclear power, medicine, propulsion, and radiation detection. Its flexible organization allows for use with Nuclear Engineering majors and those in other disciplines. The Third Edition features updated coverage of the newest nuclear reactor designs, fusion reactors, radiation health risks, and expanded discussion of basic reactor physics with added examples. A complete Solutions Manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors adopting the text.

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