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Showing 28,076 through 28,100 of 53,655 results

Kurze Geschichte der Urologie: Eine Einführung für Urologen und Interessierte (essentials)

by Friedrich H. Moll

Die historische Entwicklung der Fachdisziplin der Urologie ist spannend und interessant. Insbesondere, weil die Wurzeln des Faches u.a. in Deutschland und Österreich liegen.In diesem Essential werden wichtige Schlüsselmomente aus der Urologie, Andrologie und benachbarter Gebiete zusammengetragen. Kurzweilig erhält der Leser einen Überblick zur historischen Entwicklung dieses medizinischen Fachgebietes. Neben den großen Themenkomplexen wie der Steintherapie, Prostatachirurgie, Uro-Radiologie und Zystoskopie-Endoskopie finden auch spezielle Aspekte der Entwicklung der medizinischen Fachgesellschaft, der Urodynamik und der Transplantationsmedizin Berücksichtigung. Die Zielgruppen Urologen, angehende Fachärzte der Urologie, interessierte Mediziner, Allgemeinärzte, Medizinhistoriker

Kurzlehrbuch Psychiatrie

by Dirk Wedekind Veit Rößner Jürgen Müller Borwin Bandelow Harald Scherk Thomas Wobrock Oliver Gruber Anja Schneider Peter Falkai Jörg B. Schulz Aribert Rothenberger Ursula Havemann-Reinecke

Kompakt strukturiert und präzise formuliert, liefert das Lehrbuch das relevante Wissen für den Bereich Psychiatrie - unter Berücksichtigung neuester Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung, einschließlich neurobiologischer Hintergründe. So vermittelt das Buch einerseits das Wissen für den klinischen Alltag und andererseits den Stoff, der für die Beantwortung der Multiple-Choice-Fragen in den ärztlichen Prüfungen notwendig ist. Die Inhalte orientieren sich strikt an der evidenzbasierten Medizin und anerkannten Leitlinien. Mit realitätsnahen Fallberichten.

Kwaliteit en veiligheid in patiëntenzorg

by H.C.H. Wollersheim C. T. B. Ahaus J. F. Hamming C. Wagner T. van der Weijden

In opleidingen in de gezondheidszorg wordt in toenemende mate aandacht besteed aan kwaliteitsverbetering en het voorkomen van onveiligheid in patiëntenzorg.De toegenomen aandacht voor kwaliteit van zorg blijkt bijvoorbeeld uit het recente Raamplan. In het Raamplan Artsenopleiding 2020 gaat men uit van het (bijgestelde) CanMEDS-raamwerk. Had in 2009 nog ongeveer de helft van de competenties  een relatie met kwaliteit en veiligheid,  professioneel gedrag en ethisch moreel denken en handelen, in 2020 is dit meer dan driekwart. Bovendien zijn veel  competenties explicieter uitgewerkt in de richting van patiëntveiligheid, continuïteit van zorg, werken aan deugden en professioneel gedrag, reflectief vermogen en levenslang leren, interprofessioneel samenwerken, samen beslissen en het coproduceren van zorg. Deze onderwerpen komen uitgebreid aan bod in dit leerboek.Kwaliteit en veiligheid hebben zulk een hoge prioriteit vanwege de belangrijke consequenties voor patiënt en maatschappij. Maar wat betekent het precies om op een transparante wijze kwalitatief goede en veilige zorg te leveren? Welke rol speelt de zorgorganisatie, en hoe kan de arts, verpleegkundige of paramedicus individueel aan veilige patiëntenzorg bijdragen? Hoe worden calamiteiten voorkomen? Maar ook: hoe adequaat om te gaan met een gemaakte fout en hoe daarvan te leren?In Kwaliteit en veiligheid in patiëntenzorg wordt verhelderd wat kwaliteit van zorg is en wat voorwaarden zijn voor kwaliteitsverbetering. De verschillende dimensies als professionele, organisatorische en patiëntgerichte kwaliteit worden besproken, evenals het onderzoek naar kwaliteitsverbetering en de implementatie in de praktijk. Ondanks het streven naar optimale patiëntenzorg blijven er altijd incidenten optreden. Een apart hoofdstuk is daarom gewijd aan hoeom te gaan met een calamiteit, met oog voor patiënt, organisatie en voor eigen gevoelens en functioneren. De mogelijkheden van kwaliteitsverbetering worden in dit boek met tal van voorbeelden uit de klinische praktijk geïllustreerd.Kwaliteit en veiligheid in patiëntenzorg is geschreven door vooraanstaande Nederlandse kwaliteitsonderzoekers en verbeteraars, –professionals en zorgverleners, dieal vele bijdragen hebben geleverd aan daadwerkelijke verbetering van de patiëntenzorg. Met dit boek bieden zij iedere (aanstaande) zorgprofessional de kennis en handvatten om optimale patiëntenzorg na te streven en te reflecteren op de eigen rol hierin. 

Kwaliteit en veiligheid in patiëntenzorg

by H. Vermeulen C. T. B. Ahaus J. F. Hamming C. Wagner P.J.M. van Gurp

Kwaliteit van zorg staat onder druk door veel vraag, complexiteit en hoge kosten. Het idee van 'passende zorg' helpt om deze problemen aan te pakken. Dit boek geeft inzicht in theorieën (hoofd), het stimuleert zelfreflectie (hart) en bevat praktische tips. Het boek helpt bij het verdiepen van kennis, en ook bij het ontwikkelen van een eigen kijk op de kwaliteit van zorg. Voor (toekomstige) zorgprofessionals die niet alleen willen weten wat goede zorg is, maar ook willen begrijpen hoe ze écht het verschil kunnen maken. In deze geheel herziene druk waarvan de tekst ook online beschikbaar is, komen allereerst aan de orde: de fundamenten van het kwaliteitsdenken, zoals evidence-based practice en patiëntenparticipatie, de basismodellen van kwaliteit van zorg, de groei van de gezondheidszorg en daarmee de actuele uitdagingen. Daarnaast gaat het boek in op de context waarin (aankomend) zorgprofessionals werken. De brede context, zoals de wijze waarop in Nederland de gezondheidszorg en het kwaliteitsdenken georganiseerd is en de smallere context, zoals het teamklimaat waarin (aankomend) gezondheidsprofessionals werken, communiceren en samenwerken. De kennis wordt regelmatig afgewisseld met reflectievragen en suggesties voor verdere verdieping. De daaropvolgende hoofdstukken bieden een kader en handvaten om kwaliteitsverbeteringen daadwerkelijk vorm te geven en te implementeren in de praktijk. Dat vraagt van (aankomend) zorgprofessionals dat zij leiderschap tonen, problemen signaleren, systematisch analyseren en gericht zijn op het oplossen ervan, en zelf continu blijven leren. Immers de gezondheidszorg verandert razendsnel en dat vraagt flexibiliteit en veerkracht om de kwaliteit van zorg voor iedereen te blijven garanderen.

Kwaliteitszorg, onze zorg!

by Gabriëlle Verbeek

Dit handboek helpt (toekomstige) professionals in de zorg, zoals verpleegkundigen en paramedici, om hun visie op kwaliteitszorg te ontwikkelen of op te frissen en hun vaardigheden op dit gebied te vergroten. Ook is het boek erg geschikt voor wie een breed overzicht zoekt van theorievorming en praktijk bij kwaliteitszorg. Kwaliteitszorg, onze zorg! geeft je een interdisciplinair beeld van kwaliteitszorg. Theorie, praktijk en beleid komen afwisselend aan bod. Je leest interviewfragmenten en praktijkcases waarmee de gezichtspunten van hulpverleners, managers, patiënten, verzekeraars en overheid verduidelijkt worden. Bovendien word je uitgedaagd om je eigen mening te vormen. Je kunt de stof oefenen met een aantal praktische hulpmiddelen. Aan het eind van elk hoofdstuk staan werkopdrachten, waarmee je je de stof eigen kunt maken. Dit is de zevende druk van het boek Het spel van kwaliteit en zorg. Het boek heeft een nieuwe titel gekregen, om duidelijk te maken dat kwaliteit iedereen aangaat die werkt in de gezondheidszorg. Van patiënt en zorgprofessional tot inkoper en toezichthouder. In deze zevende druk zijn recente ontwikkelingen opgenomen op het terrein van overheidsbeleid, prestatie-indicatoren en de uitbreiding van het arsenaal aan kwaliteitsmethodieken. Bijvoorbeeld ‘lean’, kwaliteitskaders, zelfsturing door teams, Value Based Healthcare en richtlijnen over de kwaliteit van bestaan, DBC’s en de Doorbraakmethode.

La Badante

by Elaina J. Davidson

Una badante fa da confessore a una paziente malfamata. Emma Reed è la caposala di un centro di cura per anziani. Quando Celeste Harwood viene ricoverata, sospetta delle intenzioni della donna. Celeste è venuta a nascondersi dal mondo? Se è così, non è giusto; il suo letto è necessario per qualcuno che lo merita. Quando Emma vede quanto le infermiere siano diffidenti nei confronti di Miss Harwood, capisce che c'è qualcos'altro all'opera. Il suo medico arriva e racconta una storia di omicidio, di una donna che sta per subire una morte terribile, e la curiosità di Emma si scatena. Fortunatamente, Celeste vuole condividere la sua storia ...

La Balbuzie: La natura e un approccio pratico al trattamento

by A. N. Okonoboh

È possibile porre fine alla balbuzie entro 10 giorni? Qual è il sogno della tua vita? Se sei balbuziente, non vuoi che io o gli altri abbiano un'aria di comprensione quando parli. Questo libro, La Balbuzie, farà al tuo caso. Sappiamo che il metodo di smettere di balbettare è una qualcosa che pone molti quesiti tra la comunità dei balbuzienti in tutto il mondo. In effetti, ci rendiamo conto che, ai balbuzienti viene detto di non focalizzarsi più della guarigione, perchè tale sforzo è più gravoso dello stesso impedimento del linguaggio. La nostra breve introduzione contiene storie che ti aiuteranno ad alleviare le tue paure. Ti forniremo una panoramica sulle funzionalità che rendono il nostro metodo veloce ed efficace per il recupero della balbuzie. In primo luogo, questo libro si basa su uno studio durato anni sulle persone guarite dalla balbuzie. Pertanto, non si tratta di teorie di laboratorio. Ecco perché funziona veramente. La chiave centrale è la COSCIENZA che troverai nei vari capitoli. Intorno a ciò, costruiamo altri elementi che sono degni di riconoscimento per il loro ruolo positio o negativo nel discorso. Ad esempio il controllo del respiro, la respirazione dal torace o dai polmoni, l'arte della parola, affrontare gli ostacoli comuni, come usare gli schemi linguistici, ecc. Nella sezione Arte della Parola, ci occupiamo di tutti i problemi della patologia del linguaggio, SLP , terapia cognitivo-comportamentale, sollievo dall'ansia, auto-cura della balbuzie, nonché il quesito fondamentale, ovverro chi mi aiuterà a trovare la mia voce. La stessa sezione continua con l'efficacia dell'insegnamento del parlare, la terapia per i bambini, anche per i casi gravi, come per coloro che pensano che la loro situazione vada al di là della balbuzie.Abbiamo anche segnalato su come i genitori e i tutori abbiano un ruolo fondamentale nel prestare le cure necessarie, e su come il loro ruolo di osservatori sia fondamentale nella prima parte dell'infanzia. I nost

La Cellule Némésis

by Brian L. Porter

Un groupe de femmes rassemblées dans une clinique de fertilité Belge, où le docteur Margherita Dumas offre un traitement expérimental révolutionnaire à leurs problèmes d’infertilité. Un an plus tard, chacune des femmes donnent naissance à des bébés garçons en pleine santé. Trente ans après, un mystérieux tueur commence à éliminer les enfants nés à la suite du programme du docteur Dumas L’inspecteur et détective Harry Houston et son équipe sont assignés à reconstituer l’affaire et traîner le tueur en justice. Avec le temps et des indices au compte goutte, est-ce que Harry et son équipe peuvent trouver le lien entre les éléments du passé et les morts de la progéniture de la Clinique Sobel? La cellule Némésis de Brian L. Porter est une histoire effrayante d’exploitation scientifique, de meurtre et de mystère.

La dieta dels colors: Com activar el teu metabolisme i mantenir-te en el teu pes, sa i jove

by Montse Folch

Una dieta senzilla, clara, efectiva i basada en la dieta mediterrània que t'ajudarà a perdre pes al tems que incorpores nous hàbits alimentaris saludables i lluites contra l'envelliment. Salut, bellesa, comoditat, sentir-nos millor amb el nostre cos, rejovenits i més àgils. Aquests són els principals objectius que ens fixem quan comencem una dieta i, tot i que són raons suficients per menjar de forma saludable durant la resta de les nostres vides, la realitat és que en general arraconem i recuperem els vells costums. La majoria de nosaltres estem sotmesos a un ritme de vida que ens fa difícil parar l'atenció necessària al nostre organisme i mimar-lo per aconseguir el benestar físic i psicològic. Als obstacles quotidians (poc temps per comprar i cuinar, àpats fora de casa, de compromís, etc.), s'hi afegeixen dietes que, sovint, exigeixen un alt nivell de sacrifici i són tan restrictives que ens fan abandonar benràpid. Per això la dieta dels colors és senzilla i variada, perquè una de les màximes és fer sempre del menjar un acte plaent i no convertir-lo en quelcom penós, cosa que augmentaria considerablement les nostres possibilitats de fallida. El menú de la nostra dieta es divideix en quatre colors: vermell per a les proteïnes, vegetals i animals; verd per als vegetals; groc per al sucre i els hidrats de carboni i marró per als greixos. A banda, en el blau inclourem els líquids i condiments. Les dones seguiran la pauta 3+3+3 (tres aliments del grup vermell, tres del groc i tres del marró) i els homes la 4+4+4 (quatre aliments de cada grup). I ara la bona notícia: el grup verd és de consum lliure en quantitats i racions per als dos sexes. A què esperes per començar la dieta dels colors i sentir-te millor, perdre els quilos que et sobren i endarrerir l'envelliment?

La feuille d'erable et la Croix-Blanche

by Christopher Mccreery

En tant que fondation de l’Ordre de Saint-Jean, Ambulance Saint-Jean assure la prestation de cours de secourisme au Canada depuis maintenant 125 ans. De l’aide apportée sur les chantiers ferroviaires de la Belle Époque et dans les hôpitaux militaires de la Première Guerre mondiale aux programmes et services offerts par l’organisme bénévole que nous connaissons aujourd’hui, le présent ouvrage décrit les inestimables contributions de l’Ordre à notre pays et retrace la remarquable histoire de tous ceux qui ont permis à l’Ordre d’exister. Perpétuant une ancienne tradition hospitalière qui remonte aux dixième et onzième siècles, l’Ordre de Saint-Jean moderne prit racine dans la reprise des activités de bienfaisance en Angleterre en 1831. En 1883, la constitution de l’Ordre de Saint-Jean au Canada marqua le début d’une longue et distinguée histoire de services rendus aux Canadiens et aux populations du monde entier. Organisme bénévole national regroupant plus de 25 000 Canadiens, Ambulance Saint-Jean demeure à ce jour le chef de file canadien en matière de formation en secourisme.

La lymphe: Protecteur de la santé et de la vitalité

by Dr Angela Fetzner

Le nettoyage lymphatique : le parent pauvre de toutes les cures de détoxication Sur plus de 250 pages, vous trouverez des informations complètes sur la lymphe, dont les fonctions sont plutôt inconnues par rapport à celles du sang, par exemple. Alors que le nettoyage intestinal ou la détoxication du foie sont en tête du programme de toute thérapie de détoxication, la détoxication du système lymphatique est généralement traitée de manière trop négligeable. Toutefois, une détoxication régulière du système lymphatique est d'une importance capitale, car un système lymphatique fonctionnel est indispensable à la santé physique et psychique. Le système lymphatique, épurateur de notre organisme Le système lymphatique détruit les substances nocives et inutilisables telles que les agents pathogènes, les déchets métaboliques, les toxines et les débris cellulaires. Le système lymphatique est donc une part extrêmement importante de la défense immunitaire et de la détoxication de l'organisme. La lymphe, source de vie, cause de décès La lymphe doit rester dans le fluxLe système lymphatique doit être nettoyé et détoxifié régulièrement pour rester dans son flux naturel. Cependant, si le système lymphatique est continuellement surchargé par trop de déchets, le flux s'arrête. La lymphe s'écoule très lentement et longuement, jusqu'à ce qu'un œdème lymphatique se développe. Par conséquent, toutes les substances problématiques ne peuvent pas être détruites et l'organisme entier est lentement empoisonné. De nombreuses maladies chroniques peuvent alors se développer. Le purificateur lymphatique holistique Ce livre décrit toutes les thérapies naturelles et les méthodes de traitement qui se sont avérées efficaces pour une détoxication essentielle et le nettoyage de la lymphe. Il s’agit des mesures quotidiennes, motivantes et efficaces d'auto-traitement. Cela inclut toutes les mesures de détoxica

La Maladie D'Alzheimer II

by Juan Moises de la Serna

Comment traite-t-on la maladie ? Quelle est son évolution ? Comment la prévient-on ? Découvrez les dernières avancées en matière de prévention et de traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer. L'une des questions les plus importantes que l'on se pose face à une maladie, quelle qu'elle soit, est de savoir comment l'affronter, c'est-à-dire si des remèdes existent et quels sont les traitements. À cet égard, des progrès ont lieu constamment dans le domaine de la recherche sur le traitement et la prévention de la maladie d'Alzheimer : c'est ce que nous présentons dans ce texte.

La prueba del cielo: el viaje de un neurocirujano a la vida después de la muerte

by Eben Alexander

Miles de personas han tenido experiencias cercanas a la muerte, pero los científicos han sostenido de que son imposibles. El doctor Eben Alexander era uno de esos científicos. Un neurocirujano altamente entrenado, Alexander sabía que las experiencias cercanas a la muerte se sienten reales, pero que simplemente son fantasías producidas por el cerebro bajo un estrés extremo. Luego, el cerebro del propio doctor Alexander fue atacado por una extraña enfermedad. La parte del cerebro que controla los pensamientos y las emociones —y en esencia nos hace humanos— se le apagó por completo. Estuvo en coma durante siete días. Entonces, mientras sus médicos consideraban parar su tratamiento, los ojos de Alexander se abrieron. Volvió. La recuperación de Alexander es un milagro médico. Pero el verdadero milagro de su historia yace en otro lugar. Mientras su cuerpo estaba en coma, Alexander viajó más allá de este mundo y se encontró con un ser angelical que lo guió a los terrenos más profundos de la existencia suprafísica. Allá conoció a, y habló con, la fuente Divina del universo. La historia de Alexander no es una fantasía. Antes de comenzar su viaje, no podía reconciliar su conocimiento de la neurociencia con ninguna creencia del cielo, Dios ni el alma. Hoy en día, Alexander es un médico que cree que la verdadera salud se puede adquirir solo cuando nos damos cuenta de que Dios y el alma son reales y la muerte no es el final de la existencia personal, sino solo una transición. Esta historia sería extraordinaria sin importar a quién le haya ocurrido. Que le haya ocurrido al doctor Alexander la hace revolucionaria. Ningún científico ni persona de fe la podrá ignorar. Leerla te cambiará la vida.

La Verità dietro il Covid-19 Anteprima

by Mack C. Moore

La Cina ha approvato la legge sul vaccino prima della pandemia? Esistono report accurati sul Covid-19? I vaccini sono sicuri? È davvero il COVID la reale minaccia? Trova le risposte a queste domande e tanto altro ancora in La Verità dietro il Covid-19 Anteprima. Questo libro analizza i report riguardanti la pandemia e fuga i timori e le preoccupazioni che abbiamo per il COVID. Svela la verità dietro la pandemia di COVID-19. Questa è un'anteprima di una versione più dettagliata ed esplosiva in uscita nel 2021. Scopri le verità che ci stanno nascondendo!

Lab Values: 63 Must Know Labs for Nurses

by Jon Haws Sandra Haws

#1 Best Selling Nursing Reference Book on Amazon Want to study better, but don't have the time? This book outlines the 63 MUST KNOW lab values for nurses to help them prepare for the NCLEX ® and care for patients on the floor. Whether you are a student nurse or an experience this book contains the information you need to know to provide superior patient care. <p><p> Charts + Brief Descriptions = Fast Learning <p> The book includes a brief introduction followed by charts including 63 important lab values with their units, normal ranges, and abbreviations. The charts are followed by a brief description for each individual value including: indications, what would cause abnormal values, and a description of the lab value itself. <p> Download :: Lab Values: 63 Must Know Lab Values for Nurses <p>Lab Values contains an easy to read and follow catalog of the most essential labs for nurses.<br> Color graphics and charts<br> Normal lab values and common abbreviations<br> Descriptions of each value<br> Correct filling order for specimen tubes<p> Stop wasting time on you studies and start acing exams and spending more time actually caring for patients. With this ebook for kindle or kindle app you will learn the 63 most important labs for nurses and the NCLEX - RN ®. This is the perfect pocket guide and makes lab value interpretation easy. **FREE** Gift included (4 Page PDF download and lab charts).<p> NCLEX, NCLEX-RN, and NCLEX-PN are registered trademarks of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. They hold no affiliation with this product.

Label-Free Biosensing: Advanced Materials, Devices and Applications (Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors #16)

by Michael J. Schöning Arshak Poghossian

This volume summarizes the state-of-the-art technologies, key advances and future trends in the field of label-free biosensing. It provides detailed insights into the different types of solid-state, label-free biosensors, their underlying transducer principles, advanced materials utilized, device-fabrication techniques and various applications. The book offers graduate students, academic researchers, and industry professionals a comprehensive source of information on all facets of label-free biosensing and the future trends in this flourishing field. Highlights of the subjects covered include label-free biosensing with:· semiconductor field-effect devices such as nanomaterial-modified capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor structures, silicon nanowire transistors, III-nitride semiconductor devices and light-addressable potentiometric sensors· impedimetric biosensors using planar and 3D electrodes· nanocavity and solid-state nanopore devices · carbon nanotube and graphene/graphene oxide biosensors· electrochemical biosensors using molecularly imprinted polymers· biomimetic sensors based on acoustic signal transduction· enzyme logic systems and digital biosensors based on the biocomputing concept· heat-transfer as a novel transducer principle· ultrasensitive surface plasmon resonance biosensors · magnetic biosensors and magnetic imaging devices

Label-Free Biosensor Methods in Drug Discovery

by Ye Fang

This volume explores label-free biosensors, advantageous in part because this technology bypasses the need of labels, reporters, and cell engineering, all of which are common to labeled techniques but may introduce artifacts in assay results. Addressing several fundamental and practical aspects as to how to implement label-free methods in the drug discovery process, this book covers a wide range of topics, including binding kinetics determination, fragment screening, antibody epitope mapping, protein-protein interaction profiling and screening, receptor pathway deconvolution, drug pharmacology profiling and screening, target identification, drug toxicity assessment, and physical phenotype profiling and diagnostics based on various cellular processes such as cell adhesion, migration, invasion, infection, and inflammation. As part of the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology series, chapters aim to provide key detail and implementation advice to aid with progress in the lab. Practical and thorough, Label-Free Biosensor Methods in Drug Discovery provides a new avenue for rapid access to a focused collection of highly regarded contributions in the field.

Label-Free Monitoring of Cells in vitro (Bioanalytical Reviews #2)

by Joachim Wegener

This book is dedicated to label-free, non-invasive monitoring of cell-based assays and it comprises the most widely applied techniques. Each approach is described and critically evaluated by an expert in the field such that researchers get an overview on what is possible and where the limitations are. The book provides the theoretical basis for each technique as well as the most successful and exciting applications.Label-free bioanalytical techniques have been known for a long time as valuable tools to monitor adsorption processes at the solid-liquid interface in general – and biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) in particular. The underlying concepts have been progressively transferred to the analysis of cell-based assays. The strength of these approaches is implicitly given with the name 'label-free': the readout is independent of any label, reagent or additive that contaminates the system under study and potentially affects its properties. Thus, label-free techniques provide an unbiased analytical perspective in the sense that the sample is not manipulated by additives but pure. They are commonly based on physical principles and read changes in integral physical properties of the sample like refractive index, conductivity, capacitance or elastic modulus to mention just a few. Even though it is not implied in the name, label-free approaches usually monitor the cells under study non-invasively meaning that the amplitude of the signal (e.g. electric field strength, mechanical elongation) that is used for the measurement is too low to interfere or affect. In contrast to label-based analytical techniques that are commonly restricted to a single reading at a predefined time point, label-free approaches allow for a continuous observation so that the dynamics of the biological system or reaction become accessible.

Label-Free Super-Resolution Microscopy (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering)

by Vasily Astratov

This book presents the advances in super-resolution microscopy in physics and biomedical optics for nanoscale imaging. In the last decade, super-resolved fluorescence imaging has opened new horizons in improving the resolution of optical microscopes far beyond the classical diffraction limit, leading to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014. This book represents the first comprehensive review of a different type of super-resolved microscopy, which does not rely on using fluorescent markers. Such label-free super-resolution microscopy enables potentially even broader applications in life sciences and nanoscale imaging, but is much more challenging and it is based on different physical concepts and approaches. A unique feature of this book is that it combines insights into mechanisms of label-free super-resolution with a vast range of applications from fast imaging of living cells to inorganic nanostructures. This book can be used by researchers in biological and medical physics. Due to its logically organizational structure, it can be also used as a teaching tool in graduate and upper-division undergraduate-level courses devoted to super-resolved microscopy, nanoscale imaging, microscopy instrumentation, and biomedical imaging.

Label-Free Technologies For Drug Discovery

by Matthew Cooper Lorenz M. Mayr

Over the past two decades the benefits of label-free biosensor analysis have begun to make an impact in the market, and systems are beginning to be used as mainstream research tools in many drug discovery laboratories.Label-Free Technologies For Drug Discovery summarises the latest and emerging developments in label-free detection systems, their underlying technology principles and end-user case studies that reveal the power and limitations of label-free in all areas of drug discovery.Label-free technologies discussed include SPR, NMR, high-throughput mass spectrometry, resonant waveguide plate-based screening, transmitted-light imaging, isothermal titration calorimetry, optical and impedance cell-based assays and other biophysical methods. The technologies are discussed in relation to their use as screening technologies, high-content technologies, hit finding and hit validation strategies, mode of action and ADME/T, access to difficult target classes, cell-based receptor/ligand interactions particularly orphan receptors, and antibody and small molecule affinity and kinetic analysis.Label-Free Technologies For Drug Discovery is an essential guide to this emerging class of tools for researchers in drug discovery and development, particularly high-throughput screening and compound profiling teams, medicinal chemists, structural biologists, assay developers, ADME/T specialists, and others interested in biomolecular interaction analysis.

Labeling the Mentally Retarded: Clinical and Social System Perspectives on Mental Retardation

by Jane R. Mercer

This eight-year study of an American city traces the answer to the question "Who is retarded?" by analyzing the labeling process in a large number of community agencies. Data for the study are drawn from a representative sample of 7,000 persons under fifty years of age who were tested ans screened for "symptoms" of mental retardation. The author finds that that schools label more persons as mentally retarded than any other agency and share their labels more widely with others in the community. Relying on IQ test scores for diagnosis, schools place many persons with scores above 70 and with no physical disabilities in the role of retardate. The author contends that both the statistical model of "normal" and the unicultural viewpoint of educators and clinicians work to the disadvantage of the poor and the ethnic minorities. Given the opportunity, many persons demonstrate by their ability to cope with the problems in other areas of life that they are not comprehensively incompetent. The author makes serval policy recommendations. First, she suggests lowering the IQ score cutoff point used by schools in determining who shall be labeled as retarded. Second, she recommends that the clinicians use the two-dimensional definition of retardation proposed by the American Association of Mental Deficiency, subnormality in both intellectual performance and adaptive behavior. Third, she concludes that pluralistic assessment procedures must be employed to take into account cultural biases in IQ tests designed to measure cognitive skills. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1973.

Labor and Delivery Care

by Wayne R. Cohen Emanuel A. Friedman

Labor and Delivery Care: A Practical Guide supports and reinforces the acquisition of the practical obstetric skills needed for aiding a successful birth.Beginning with the most important element of successful labor care, communicating with the patient, the authors guide you through normal delivery routines and examination techniques. They then address the best approaches to the full range of challenges that can arise during labor and delivery. Throughout, the 15 chapters provide concise practical guidance with:algorithmic decision treesclinical management tipsdetailed drawingsLabor and Delivery Care: A Practical Guide provides a thorough tour-de-force of the practical obstetric skills needed for best and safest practice based on clinical experience and evidence.

Labor of Love: Gestational Surrogacy and the Work of Making Babies

by Heather Jacobson

While the practice of surrogacy has existed for millennia, new fertility technologies have allowed women to act as gestational surrogates, carrying children that are not genetically their own. While some women volunteer to act as gestational surrogates for friends or family members, others get paid for performing this service. The first ethnographic study of gestational surrogacy in the United States, Labor of Love examines the conflicted attitudes that emerge when the ostensibly priceless act of bringing a child into the world becomes a paid occupation. Heather Jacobson interviews not only surrogate mothers, but also their family members, the intended parents who employ surrogates, and the various professionals who work to facilitate the process. Seeking to understand how gestational surrogates perceive their vocation, she discovers that many regard surrogacy as a calling, but are reluctant to describe it as a job. In the process, Jacobson dissects the complex set of social attitudes underlying this resistance toward conceiving of pregnancy as a form of employment. Through her extensive field research, Jacobson gives readers a firsthand look at the many challenges faced by gestational surrogates, who deal with complicated medical procedures, delicate work-family balances, and tricky social dynamics. Yet Labor of Love also demonstrates the extent to which advances in reproductive technology are affecting all Americans, changing how we think about maternity, family, and the labor involved in giving birth. For more, visit

The Labor Progress Handbook: Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia

by Lisa Hanson Penny Simkin Ruth Ancheta

Praise for the previous edition: "This…edition is timely, useful, well organized, and should be in the bags of all doulas, nurses, midwives, physicians, and students involved in childbirth."–Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health The Labor Progress Handbook: Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia is an unparalleled resource on simple, non-invasive interventions to prevent or treat difficult or prolonged labor. Thoroughly updated and highly illustrated, the book shows how to tailor one’s care to the suspected etiology of the problem, using the least complex interventions first, followed by more complex interventions if necessary. This new edition now includes a new chapter on reducing dystocia in labors with epidurals, new material on the microbiome, as well as information on new counselling approaches specially designed for midwives to assist those who have had traumatic childbirths. Fully referenced and full of practical instructions throughout, The Labor Progress Handbook continues to be an indispensable guide for novices and experts alike who will benefit from its concise and accessible content.

The Labor Progress Handbook

by Penny Simkin Ruth Ancheta

The third edition of The Labor Progress Handbook builds on the success of first two editions and remains an unparalleled resource on simple, non-invasive interventions to prevent or treat difficult labor. Features new to this edition include two new chapters on third and fourth stage labor management and low-technology interventions, a complete analysis of directed versus spontaneous pushing, and additional information on massage techniques.

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