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Showing 28,076 through 28,175 of 36,392 results

Scripting the Life You Want: Manifest Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper

by Royce Christyn

A step-by-step guide to the process of &“scripting&” your future and successfully manifesting what you want in life • Explores the science behind how the scripting method works and shares the vivid journal entries from the author&’s big breakthrough--when he successfully used his method to land a lead role on a TV show• Details how the understanding of incredible new (and, until now, mostly unheard of) scientific discoveries and emerging technologies is the most important key to creating and manifesting in your life• Reveals fun, easy tools for manifesting and self-help, updated for a new generation In this step-by-step guide, filled with success stories and practical exercises, Royce Christyn details a simple &“scripting&” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in your life--happiness, wealth, travel, love, health, the perfect career, or simply a productive day. The process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic. And all you need is a pen and paper. Inspired by New Thought and Positive Thinking classics, Christyn explains how he developed his scripting method through 4 years of trial and error, keeping what worked and dropping what didn&’t until he brought his success rate from 5% to nearly 100%. Sharing pages from his own journals, he outlines how to create the life you want with daily journaling exercises, beginning with a simple list-making practice to figure out your wants and intentions and then progressing to actual scripting of your future, whether the next 12 hours or the next 10 days. He shows how, over time, your scripts will increase in accuracy until they converge with reality. He shares the vivid entries from his big breakthrough--when he successfully used his method to land a lead guest-starring role on Disney Channel&’s Wizards of Waverly Place with Selena Gomez. He explores how &“feeling&” your future success as you write your daily scripts helps attract your desired outcomes, and he shares the key phrases to include to make your script come true. The author also explores the science behind how the scripting method works, including a down-to-earth examination of quantum mechanics. From small dreams to lifelong goals, this book gives you the tools to put your thoughts into action and finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life.

Scripture and Counseling: God's Word for Life in a Broken World

by Bob Kellemen Jeff Forrey R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Today we face a tremendous weakening of confidence in the Bible. This is just as true for the pastor offering counsel in his office as it is for the person in the pew talking with a struggling friend at Starbucks or the small group leader who is unsure of what to say to a hurting group member. We need to regain our confidence in God’s Word as sufficient to address the real life issues we face today. We need to understand how the Bible equips us to grow in counseling competence as we use it to tackle the complex issues of life. Scripture and Counseling is divided into two sections of nine chapters each: Part One helps readers to develop a robust biblical view of Scripture’s sufficiency for “life and godliness” leading to increased confidence in God’s Word. Part Two assists readers in learning how to use Scripture in the counseling process. This section demonstrates how a firm grasp of the sufficiency of Scripture leads to increased competence in the ancient art of personally ministering God’s Word to others. Part of the Biblical Counseling Coalition series, Scripture and Counseling brings you the wisdom of twenty ministry leaders who write so you can have confidence that God’s Word is sufficient, necessary, and relevant to equip God’s people to address the complex issues of life in a broken world. It blends theological wisdom with practical expertise and is accessible to pastors, church leaders, counseling practitioners, and students, equipping them to minister the truth and power of God’s word in the context of biblical counseling, soul care, spiritual direction, pastoral care, and small group facilitation.

Scripture and the Skeptic: Miracles, Myths, and Doubts of Biblical Proportions

by Eric Huffman

The Bible is the best-selling, most widely read, and most quoted book in history. It is also misunderstood, misquoted, and fiercely debated. If, as Christians believe, the Bible is the Word of God, why is it so complex and difficult to interpret in parts, yet simple enough for even children to understand in others?In Scripture and the Skeptic Eric Huffman, author of 40 Days of Doubt, helps readers understand and cope with confusion about the Bible and provides answers to questions by reframing it as a perfect and seamless story. Huffman illustrates how the Bible, even the parts some consider ungodly, presents the beautiful story that God intended to tell. Through storytelling from his own experiences and his take on Bible stories, Huffman helps readers understand the Bible by interpreting the entire book through the lens of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. He shows how every part of the Bible is either crying out for Jesus, witnessing his incarnation, or responding in the aftermath of his resurrection. Readers discover how to trust the Bible as God’s beautiful and perfect salvation story. Includes questions with each chapter for personal reflection or group study. From the author of 40 Days of Doubt: Devotions for the Skeptic.

Scriptures and Meditations for Your Best Life Now

by Joel Osteen

If you're like me, you don't want to live your life with a 'barely-get-by' mentality. You want to crack the ordinary mold and become the best you can be. You want to break the power of the past and the chains of limitations and feelings of inadequacy. You want to learn how to live your best life now and discover the joy, peace, and enthusiasm that God has for you. In this book, you will discover just how to do that! Allow the Scriptures to speak to you. Be still and listen to what God is saying through His words. Explore what it means to enlarge your vision. Learn what God has to say about you and allow Him to rebuild your self-image. Understand the power of your thoughts and words, and begin to let go of the past. Renew your strength despite whatever adversity you face. Learn to live as a person who gives generously without reservations, and choose to be happy

Scripture's Way to Live Each Day

by R. W. Alley Juliette Garesché

The modern day proverbs tucked into the pages of this book, like the commandments, are pearls of wisdom that God shares with us, not to restrain or constrain us, but to give us the discipline we need to be truly free. Scripture's Way to Live Each Day combines insightful messages and meaningful passages from Scripture with delightful illustrations from R.W. Alley to bring guidance to everyday living.

Scrittori-imprenditori in pigiama: Crea la tua piattaforma autore senza muoverti da casa

by Geraldine Solon Erica Roggio e Loredana Marmorale

Questo potrebbe essere il momento migliore per essere uno scrittore, ma con migliaia di libri pubblicati ogni giorno, qual è il segreto per far emergere il tuo? Che tu decida di pubblicare attraverso un editore tradizionale o come scrittore indipendente, dovresti comunque promuovere il tuo libro. Sebbene gli autori debbano farlo anche di persona, Scrittori-imprenditori in pigiama si concentra su come costruire la propria piattaforma da casa, utilizzando strumenti online che aumentino l'esposizione e la visibilità. Viviamo in un mondo virtuale, dove il digitale ha preso il sopravvento sulla carta, dove gli smartphone, i tablet e gli eReader sono ormai indispensabili, e dove puoi costruire la tua piattaforma autore con un click. Questa guida ti insegna a farlo comodamente dal divano.

Scrivere per guarire

by Asma Elferkouss

Attraverso consigli pratici ed esercizi concreti, questo libro vi permetterà di liberare le vostre convinzioni, le vostre emozioni e la vostra fantasia...

Scrivi per essere felice: La scrittura, uno strumento geniale di auto-aiuto

by Mar Cantero Sánchez

Usa le parole per realizzare i tuoi sogni. Raggiungi il successo e il benessere scrivendo per te stesso. Immagina ciò che potresti ottenere se potessi parlare col cuore. Quando scrivi rendi conscio l'inconscio e recuperi la connessione con la tua saggezza interiore. Quando leggi ciò che hai scritto capisci le tue reazioni, i tuoi timori, i tuoi dubbi e i tuoi desideri più intimi. Inizia a conoscerti davvero! Terapie quali quella comportamentale e il coaching utilizzano la scrittura. Le tue parole scritte racchiudono la chiave per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi, affrontare le tue paure e gestire le tue emozioni. Mettiti all’opera con questo libro e i suoi esercizi di scrittura! Ti aprirà porte che sembravano chiuse! Usa l'immaginazione per il tuo bene! Dicono i lettori: "Bello e arricchente. Con gli esercizi sono cresciuto e ho guadagnato saggezza dalla parte positiva della vita. Queste conoscenze mi accompagneranno per sempre!" "Quando scriviamo siamo divinità creatrici. Scrivere mi è sempre servito per drenare e sgomberare le incognite, per guarire e per sorprendermi di me stessa. È una terapia eccellente!" "È stato uno strumento meraviglioso che mi ha aiutato a sfogarmi, scrivendo in modo guidato, e a scartare il pessimismo e la frustrazione attraverso una scrittura positiva. Lo consiglio!"

The Scroll: Inspiration From America's Most Revered Spiritual Leaders

by Parrish Smith

Life-Changing Inspiration. Unwavering Support.Scrolls have always been considered sacred, filled with prophecy and direction. Realizing that today's spiritual leaders fill a similar role, filmmaker Parrish Smith created the award-winning documentary series The Scroll, featuring modern-day prophets revealing more of themselves, their journeys, and their invaluable insights than ever before. Now, Parrish Smith draws on the words of America's most beloved spiritual leaders to create a guide full of contemporary wisdom that will uplift and encourage you through life's unexpected challenges. Finding our life's purpose. Creating lasting relationships. Surviving tragedy. Releasing self-destructive thoughts. These are just some of the trials faced--and joyously overcome--in these heartfelt accounts that are as healing as they are unforgettable. Featuring illustrative Bible verses, related parables, and transformative advice, The Scroll is a timely resource filled with the faith and inspiration that will lead you to life's greatest rewards. FeaturingBishop T.D. Jakes * Bishop Hezekiah Walker, Jr. * Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III * Rev. Bernice A. King * Rev. Al Sharpton, Jr. * Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. * Bishop George C. Searight * Dr. Marvin L. Sapp * Dr. Jamal H. Bryant * Bishop Noel Jones * Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. * Dr. Bill Winston * Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer * Rev. Wess Morgan * Bishop Vashti M. McKenzie * Rev. Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr. * Dr. R.A. Vernon * Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. * Rev. John K. Jenkins, Sr. * Dr. Alyn E. Waller * Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr. * Dr. Larry L. Macon, Sr. * Dr. Perry Simmons, Jr. * Rev. Corey B. Brooks, Sr. * Rev. Stanley Dumornay Parrish Smith is an award winning filmmaker whose projects have appeared on numerous networks and at film festivals. As a child and the son of a preacher, he always fell asleep in church. Nevertheless, it was the storytelling used by preachers during their sermons that engaged him, making the Word relevant to everyday life. Now, he strives to create projects that make a difference in people's lives, leaving them inspired. The Scroll is his first film and book combination that uses the stories of wise and insightful spiritual leaders as a way to assist people as they face life's struggles. Visit his website,, for information about his projects.

Scuola di seduzione

by Lázaro Droznes Martina Guglielmi

Questo libro sostiene che ogni comportamento umano tende ad essere subordinato al proposito dei geni di riprodursi.Questo punto di vista che chiameremo evolutivo ci permette di dare risposta a una serie di interrogativi a cui l'umanità ha cercato di rispondere da sempre e che fanno riferimento alla sessualità, alla coppia e alla seduzione: Cosa vogliono gli uomini? Cosa vogliono le donne? A cosa serve il sesso? Che strategia riproduttiva usa l'uomo? Che strategia riproduttiva usa la donna? Qual è l'obiettivo del corteggiamento? Cosa posso fare come donna per scegliere meglio? Perchè l'amore chiede sempre di più e non ottiene mai abbastanza? Perchè la selezione sessuale è un processo che non possiamo spiegare? Perchè ciò che è attraente per alcuni non lo è per altri? Perchè i nostri geni hanno scelto il sesso come meccanismo di riproduzione? Come possiamo migliorare le nostre capacità di seduzione? Come facciamo per essere quel che vogliamo essere? Come facciamo per mostrare la miglior versione di noi stessi? Perchè il pene ha la forma che ha? Perchè il prepuzio? Le dimensioni contano? Perchè il glande? Cosa è successo al baculum (osso interno del pene)? Cosa guardano le donne quando realizzano la loro selezione sessuale? Cosa attrae gli uomini? Come funziona la selezione sessuale? Perchè gli uomini a volte si innamorano solo con lo sguardo? Perchè le donne hanno bisogno di parlare per innamorarsi? Perchè le donne sono attratte da uomini che regalano loro diamanti? Perchè ai pavoni femmine piacciono i pavoni maschi con code grandi? Perchè siamo infedeli? Perchè tutti siamo contrari all'infedeltà ma tutti la pratichiamo o ci fantastichiamo sopra? Perchè l'attrazione ad essere infedeli è quasi irresistibile? Perchè

Se acabó el promedio: Cómo tener exito en un mundo que valora

by Todd Rose

¿Estás por encima del promedio? ¿Es tu hijo un estudiante de primer nivel? ¿Es tu empleado una persona introvertida o extrovertida? Todos los días se nos mide con la vara de los promedios; se nos juzga por lo cercanos o lejanos que estamos a ella. La suposición de que una medida que nos compara con el promedio, como los escalones en el desarrollo, las pruebas de personalidad, los resultados estandarizados de exámenes y las evaluaciones de desempeño, revela algo significativo en cuanto a nuestro potencial se encuentra tan grabado en nuestra conciencia, que pocas veces lo cuestionamos. Todd Rose nos dice que esa suposición es espectacular y científicamente, errónea. En este libro, Rose demuestra que nadie es promedio. Pero aunque sabemos que los seres humanos aprendemos y nos desarrollamos de maneras distintas, estos patrones exclusivos de conducta se pierden en nuestras escuelas y empresas, que han sido diseñadas alrededor de esa mítica «persona promedio». Durante más de un siglo, este modelo ha pasado por alto nuestra individualidad y ha sido incapaz de reconocer el talento. Ha llegado la hora de cambiar esa situación. Combinando la ciencia y la historia con sus propias experiencias, Rose trae a la vida la historia sin narrar de cómo llegamos a aceptar la idea científicamente equivocada de que se pueden usar los promedios para entender a las personas, y ofrece una poderosa alternativa: los tres principios de individualidad. El principio de la irregularidad (el talento nunca es unidimensional), el principio del contexto (los rasgos son un mito) y el principio de las sendas (todos andamos por el camino menos recorrido) nos ayudan a comprender nuestra verdadera exclusividad, y la de los demás, y cómo aprovechar al máximo nuestra individualidad para tener una ventaja en la vida.

Sê Água, Meu Amigo

by Shannon Lee

Manual de desenvolvimento pessoal, baseado na filosofia de vida de um dos maiores ícones do século XX. Um manual de desenvolvimento pessoal, que dá a conhecer a filosofia de vida de um dos maiores ícones do século XX. Para além de serum dos maiores ícones do século XX, mundialmente reconhecido nas artes marciais e no cinema, Bruce Lee era um pensador profundamentefilosófico. Aprendeu desde muito cedo que as artes marciais, muito mais do que uma disciplina física, são a metáfora perfeita paraalcançar uma vida plena. As lições de BRUCE LEE que vão transformar a sua vida. Em Sê Água, Meu Amigo, Shannon Lee partilha as poderosas filosofias do seu pai e como estas poderão ser um modelo para o crescimento pessoal e espiritual, partindo da icónica expressãoque lhe dá o título. Cada capítulo revela-nos uma lição de Bruce Lee e encoraja-nos a procurar o nosso ser essencial, aplicando estas práticas à vida quotidiana, na descoberta do nosso verdadeiro caminho. Este livro é um incentivo para encararmos as nossas vidascom um novo olhar. É, também, a prova de como a expressão e a determinação de um homem transcendem a dimensão do tempo e do espaço para nos inspirar e transformar nos dias de hoje. Os elogios da crítica: «Um guia inspirador para nos recordar que não é o obstáculoque conta, mas a forma como reagimos a ele.» – Publishers Weekly

Se Ao Menos A Minha Mãe Me Tivesse Dito... (ou Até Disse e Eu Não Ouvi)

by Dr Rosie Kuhn Mafalda Pinto

Não decidimos ter filhos para os estragar, para fazer a vida deles miserável e tentar arruinar qualquer possibilidade de serem felizes. E também não desejamos o pior dos piores aos nossos filhos, como uma maldição confecionada num caldeirão. Não é nada disso. A questão é que a maior parte de nós foi criada pelos nossos pais, em nome do amor. As esperanças de nos proporcionarem uma vida melhor do que a que tiveram foi o que idealizaram para nós: os seus rebentos de alegria. A outra questão é que, contudo, o melhor que cada pai consegue fazer no seu papel raramente é o que a criança exige. A vida é tão grande. A complexidade de cada vida humana é imensa. Como é que cada um de nós sabe verdadeiramente o que os nossos filhos precisam ou querem? Que este pequeno livro sirva para lembrar o leitor das muitas pérolas de sabedoria que possa ter ouvido ao longo da vida, vindas de pais, avós, professores, irmãos ou que tenha descoberto sozinho. E talvez exista alguma que consiga passar para os seus filhos, se estiverem a ouvir.

Sé consciente de tus debilidades: Sobre las compras por impulso

by Juanjo Cáceres

Las claves para comprar de forma inteligente y evitar los impulsos. En este breve ensayo Juanjo Cáceres, autor de Consumo inteligente (Debolillo, 2014), desvela los factores que nos llevan a comprar por impulso, como las ofertas o la organización de las tiendas. Las empresas lo han pensado todo para que nosotros compremos sin pensar. Pero, tal como demuestra Cáceres, si conocemos las trampas que nos tienden es posible evitar las tentaciones.

Se Débarrasser de la Procrastination: Réduire votre stress, gérer votre temps plus efficacement et arriver à en faire plus

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Se débarrasser de la procrastination par Hiddenstuff Entertainment Réduire votre stress, gérer votre temps plus efficacement et arriver à en faire plus Réalisez-vous souvent que vous perdez du temps à faire des choses qui ne sont pas très importantes ? Êtes-vous conscient des tâches que vous avez à accomplir ou vous n’arrivez tout simplement pas à le faire ? Êtes-vous une personne qui recherche toujours la perfection et qui finit par ne rien faire ? Avez-vous des problèmes de concentration ? Si vous avez répondu oui à l'une de ces questions, ce guide pourrait vous aider à transformer votre vie. Ce guide vous enseigne des techniques éprouvées sans utiliser de suppléments, d'ordonnances ou de cours coûteux. Depuis longtemps, des techniques ont été également conçues pour vous aider à gérer votre situation financière, à gagner de l'argent, à bien vivre, à manger sainement, à prendre les meilleures décisions possibles, à augmenter votre niveau d'énergie, votre concentration, votre bonheur général et bien plus encore ! Avec des décennies de stratégies testées, nos livres électroniques vous expliqueront les moyens les plus rapides et les plus efficaces pour vous débarrasser de la procrastination, gérer votre stress, avoir un corps sain, etc.

Sé extraordinario

by Wendy Wunder

Descubre las claves y secretos para dominar tus miedos y lograr el éxito ¿Qué nos hace únicos y especiales? En ocasiones, las circunstancias con las que crecemos definen quiénes somos y cómo enfrentamos el mundo. En el caso de Wendy, esas circunstancias son extraordinarias: se crio en un circo, rodeada de magia, espectáculo y personas con talentos únicos y sorprendentes.Wendy es speaker motivacional, empresaria, autora y pertenece a un círculo internacional de mujeres líderes. Asegura que crecer en un circo le enseñó a salir de lo convencional para alcanzar el éxito. A través de su memoria, la autora comparte la importancia de fortalecer cualidades como la empatía, la autoestima, la determinación y el coraje para enfrentar miedos y situaciones de incertidumbre. Nos recuerda la importancia de la empatía, de la adaptación, el autoconocimiento y la automotivación, así como el arte de la elocuencia y el liderazgo. Así, en un mundo donde lo normal es encajar, Wendy Wunder nos anima a probar un poco de la locura del circo y aplicarlo a nuestras vidas. Nos invita a atrevernos a ser extraordinarios.

Sé feliz ¡ya!: Descubre el poder de la Ley de Atracción

by Alicia Carrasco

Deja ir tu pasado, acepta tu presente y empieza a crear tu futuro. Este libro es la llave que te conduce hacia el verdadero éxito de tu alegría. Si sueñas con un futuro distinto, quieres cambiar de vida, descubrir cuáles son tus verdaderas aspiraciones y disfrutar de la felicidad en este momento, Sé feliz ¡ya! te propone un viaje interior que te recuerda lo poderoso que eres y que de ti depende hacer que te pasen cosas buenas. Alicia Carrasco, coach y conferenciante experta en Ley de Atracción, te invita a participar en una experiencia de felicidad que construyes tú mismo. Sé feliz ¡ya! es una combinación de teoría, Ley de Atracción, experiencias personales, herramientas de crecimiento personal, reflexiones y preguntas para que vayas entrenando y fortaleciendo el músculo de la felicidad. Las 5 claves de tu felicidad: 1. Relajación2. Conexión3. Entendimiento4. Entrenamiento5. Inspiración Sé feliz ¡ya! te propone un viaje desde la felicidad hacia el éxito. Para que tu experiencia de lectura resulte provechosa es imprescindible que tengas a mano un cuaderno o dispositivo de escritura donde puedas desarrollar los ejercicios que se plantean a lo largo del libro.

Sé hombre: El modelo de que Dios diseñó

by Mark Batterson

En algún punto de nuestro camino, nuestra cultura perdió su definición de hombría, dejando a generaciones de hombres y de niños camino a ser varones confundidos en cuanto a sus roles, responsabilidades, relaciones y la razón por la cual Dios los hizo tales. Es en esta «tierra de nadie» que el exitoso autor del New York Times, Mark Batterson, expresa su mantra para la hombría: Sé hombre.

Sé las manos y los pies de Cristo

by Nick Vujicic

#Si Dios puede usar un hombre que no tiene brazos ni piernas para que sea sus manos y sus pies, ¡ciertamente él usará cualquier corazón que esté dispuesto a dejarse usar!# ¿Estás listo para 'ser Jesús' en las vidas de otros? ¡Ahora es el tiempo de comenzar!-Nick Vujicic Siendo uno de los principales evangelistas del mundo, que ha logrado superar una discapacidad física severa, Nick comprende los sentimientos de duda y ha aprendido cómo compartir de Cristo de muchas maneras que te harán sentir cómodo y satisfecho. Al contar historias nunca antes reveladas sobre su vida personal #incluyendo sus retos espirituales y experiencias al borde de la muerte# Nick detalla ejemplos de la manera en que ha compartido su fe con los demás, desde familiares a desconocidos y hasta presidentes y primeros ministros. En este fascinante y conmovedor libro, nos ofrece ideas innovadoras para que puedas ayudar a otros a caminar en fe también

Se positivo en un mundo negativo

by Roger Campbell

Al combinar principios bíblicos con vivencias personales y ejemplos históricos, la obra de Campbell ofrece a los lectores cristianos una guía inspiradora para el crecimiento espiritual, y a los pastores, un recurso útil para la consejería. Combining biblically based principles with personal stories and historical examples, Campbell's work provides Christian readers with an encouraging guide to spiritual growth and pastors with a helpful resource for counseling.

Sé que mientes

by Craig David

Conviértete en un detector de mentiras humano en menos de 60 minutos. Todo mundo miente. Las mentiras son parte de nuestra vida diaria, y no es tan malo. Hay ciertas situaciones en las que pequeñas mentiras blancas pueden considerarse útiles. Por ejemplo, cuando tu pareja pregunta: "¿Me veo mal con estos pantalones?" El gran problema de las mentiras es cuando se usan para lastimar y engañar a las demás personas; reconocer estas mentiras es una habilidad crucial que todos podemos desarrollar, ¡y utilizar! Sé que mientes te enseñará a aplicar tus habilidades de "detector de mentiras" en tus actividades cotidianas. Desde cómo negociar, hacer una compra o tratar con niños en situaciones complicadas, hasta asuntos más serios como cerrar tratos de negocios o identificar una infidelidad, este libro tiene tips sencillos y efectivos que te permitirán desenmascarar a la gente y llegar al fondo de la verdad. El libro es una guía fácil y avalada académicamente para detectar mentiras; además, es una herramienta útil y práctica para mantener el orden, educar a los hijos, mejorar las relaciones paternales, forjar relaciones de pareja más sólidas y tener una vida profesional más competitiva.

Se regalan dudas

by Lety Sahagún Ashley Frangie

Tenemos tantas dudas que te las queremos regalar. Lety Sahagún y Ashley Frangie, las creadoras del podcast más seguido de México y uno de los más escuchados de habla hispana, Se Regalan Dudas, nos comparten sus reflexiones, las de cientos de personas de su auditorio y las de autores que admiran, sobre algunas creencias y temas tabú que tanto nos inquietan en relación con el amor, la sexualidad, las relaciones, el cuerpo, la fe, el miedo, el éxito y mucho más. En éste, su primer libro, Lety y Ashley plantean más de 18 dudas que surgen de esta infinita necesidad de cuestionar todo lo que nos rodea, para poder tomar decisiones más conscientes y entender que aunque todas las personas estamos buscando las mismas cosas, el camino de cada quien es diferente. Abre una página, escoge una duda y cambia tu mundo.

Se Réveiller Prospère

by Sandra Giroux S. J. Scott

Description du livre :DÉCOUVREZ : Pourquoi les gens qui ont du succès accomplissent la plupart de leurs tâches avant 9 h.Vous avez de la difficulté à atteindre vos objectifs ? La raison pour laquelle la plupart des gens ne sont pas prospères est qu'ils ne sont pas capables de suivre une stratégie étape par étape. À la place, ils débutent chaque journée en « espérant » qu'ils auront suffisamment de temps pour prendre des mesures concernant leurs buts.Si vous examinez attentivement les gens les plus prospères du monde, vous verrez qu'ils commencent chaque journée dans un état énergique, prêt à accomplir n'importe quel objectif. Quel est leur secret ? La *seule chose* qu'ils font différemment c'est qu'ils donnent priorité à chaque jour pour que la tâche la plus importante soit complétée en premier. Pour dire les choses plus simplement, les gens prospères ont une routine matinale qui les aide à se sentir énergiques et prêts à se concentrer sur leur but le plus important.COMMENCEZ DÈS AUJOURD'HUI : Vivez chaque jour comme si c'était votre dernierDans « Se réveiller prospère », vous apprendrez comment vivre chaque jour comme si c'était votre dernier. Plus jamais vous ne sortirez de votre lit en titubant et en gaspillant les premières heures. À la place, vous apprendrez comment débuter chaque jour en produisant de l'énergie et en l'exploitant pour vous concentrer sur UN objectif important qui fera une différence dans votre vie.Une routine matinale est simple et efficace. Il est facile de l'adapter selon vos besoins et vos objectifs. Et le mieux dans tout ça, c'est que c'est testé. À l'intérieur de ce livre, vous découvrirez les stratégies vérifiées pour vous aider à tirer le maximum de ces précieuses premières heures.TÉLÉCHARGEZ : Se réveiller prospère -- Comment augmenter votre énergie et atteindre n'impor

Sé Sanado en el Nombre de Jesús: Exigiendo tu sanidad del Cielo

by Dy Wakefield Alissa Theresa Diego

Un testimonio impactante con un buen sentido de humor que aconseja de cómo, ultilzando a La Palabra de Dios, se puede exigir la sanidad del Cielo.

Se solo mia madre mi avesse detto... (o forse non stavo ascoltando)

by Dr Rosie Kuhn Elisa Buttà

Guardando al passato, se siamo saggi, vediamo la perfezione dei nostri genitori nell'allevarci secondo saggezza e carattere, che offriamo poi al mondo e ai nostri figli. Continuiamo a diffondere il meglio e il peggio che i nostri genitori hanno trasmesso a noi, finchè un giorno viviamo una sorta di risveglio, durante il nostro percorso, che ci fa' fermare. In quell'istante realizziamo che noi abbiamo la possibilità di fare scelte che i nostri genitori e i loro genitori non hanno mai avuto. Abbiamo consapevolezza, conoscenza, educazione ed esperienza maggiori, che ci danno il potere di amare e accudire i nostri figli meglio di chiunque ci abbia preceduto nella storia dell'umanità. Questa è una cosa buona. Possa questo piccolo libro ricordarvi delle tante perle di saggezza che avrete avuto modo di sentire lungo la strada da genitori, nonni, insegnanti, fratelli, o semplicemente che avete scoperto da voi. E forse ce ne sarà qualcuna che volentieri passerete ai vostri figli, se vi ascoltano.

Sé un inmigrante feliz: Disfruta de tu nueva tierra

by Héctor Teme

Si vives en una ciudad o un país donde no naciste, o quizás te mudaste a un lugar donde hay otras costumbres.Tal vez estas en medio de una cultura que no es la tuya, y deseas aprender adaptarte mejor y más rápido, "Se un Inmigrante Feliz" es para ti.Este libro ofrece solución para el problema de la inmigración. Muchos inmigrantes pasan años queriendo adaptarse al nuevo lugar, a las nuevas costumbres. Muchos se mudaron pero quieren vivir como en el pasado, con el estilo de vida de su antigua vida y sus corazones siempre estan llenos de nostalgia."Se un inmigrante Feliz", que deja la frustración y la incertidumbre atrás, comienza a vivir cada día con todo el potencial de ser exitoso como un inmigrante feliz.

Sé una pareja feliz: Cómo hacer de la felicidad un hábito para toda la vida

by Barton Goldsmith

Vivir feliz en pareja es posible Descubre cómo crear hábitos de confianza, amor, respeto y comprensión para toda la vida.¡Todos tenemos malos hábitos! Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando estos malos hábitos se extienden a nuestras relaciones? Con el tiempo pueden conducir al resentimiento, la indiferencia o la infelicidad. Sé una pareja feliz ofrece consejos y herramientas accesibles para fortalecer y desarrollar hábitos positivos en nuestras relaciones, tales como la gratitud, el humor, la unidad y la honestidad.Cambiar los hábitos negativos por hábitos positivos puede ser una tarea difícil de lograr; sin embargo aprender buenos hábitos es necesario para lograr una convivencia sana y amorosa con tu pareja. Simples actos de bondad y generosidad pueden aumentar la probabilidad de que una relación sea feliz, saludable y próspera.

Seal It with a Kiss: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Delivering the Knockout Kiss

by Violet Blue

Eager readers can get their smooch on with all the different tricks and practices found in Seal It with a Kiss. Best-selling author and columnist Violet Blue helps her audience come up with -- and perfect -- its very own style, from the novice kissers to the make-out queens. Discover how to time a kiss perfectly, how to deliver or receive that amazing first kiss, and how to ask for kisses, both with and without words. Solve problems such as stubble rash, and learn how to handle the kisses that don't turn out as planned. Violet Blue reveals all the kissing do's and don'ts in Seal It with a Kiss, with chapters including "Deliver a Knockout Kiss Techniques," "The Make-Out Artist," "Kissing Games," and many more.

Seal It with a Kiss

by Violet Blue

Eager readers can get their smooch on with all the different tricks and practices found in Seal It with a Kiss. Best-selling author and columnist Violet Blue helps her audience come up with - and perfect - its very own style, from the novice kissers to the make-out queens. Discover how to time a kiss perfectly, how to deliver or receive that amazing first kiss, and how to ask for kisses, both with and without words. Solve problems such as stubble rash, and learn how to handle the kisses that don't turn out as planned. Violet Blue reveals all the kissing do's and don'ts in Seal It with a Kiss, with chapters including "Deliver a Knockout Kiss Techniques," "The Make-Out Artist," "Kissing Games," and many more.

SEAL Survival Guide: A Navy SEAL's Secrets to Surviving Any Disaster

by Cade Courtley

Think and act like a Navy SEAL and you can survive anything. You can live scared--or be prepared. "We never thought it would happen to us." From random shootings to deadly wildfires to terrorist attacks, the reality is that modern life is unpredictable and dangerous. Don't live in fear or rely on luck. Learn the SEAL mindset: Be prepared, feel confident, step up, and know exactly how to survive any life-threatening situation. Former Navy SEAL and preeminent American survivalist Cade Courtley delivers step-by-step instructions anyone can master in this illustrated, user-friendly guide. You'll learn to think like a SEAL and how to: improvise weapons from everyday items * pack a go bag* escape mass-shootings * treat injuries at the scene* subdue a hijacker * survive extreme climates * travel safely abroad* defend against animal attacks * survive pandemic * and much more Don't be taken by surprise. Don't be a target. Fight back, protect yourself, and beat the odds with the essential manual no one in the twenty-first century should be without. BE A SURVIVOR, NOT A STATISTIC!

Seal the Deal

by Patti Stanger

This eBook original features advice from Become Your Own Matchmaker by "Millionaire Matchmaker" Patti Stanger on how to make your relationship last.In Seal the Deal, Patti offers tips on ensuring that you live happily ever after with three steps from her book Become Your Own Matchmaker. In Step One: First Days of Infatuation, Patti teaches you how to maintain perspective during the high of the first ninety days. In Step Two: Relationship Reality Check, she explains how to determine whether he's the one, and in Step Three: Negotiating the Ring, Patti offers advice on how to get him down the aisle."Patti lets you in on all her hard-earned matchmaking secrets." --Liz Tuccillo, bestselling coauthor of He's Just Not That Into You

Sealf-Care for Everyone

by Wang xx

We are so ordinary and so precious. Sometimes life feels dark and full of questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where should I go from here? But maybe it’s not that complicated. Let an ordinary seal and her little octopus friend remind you that everyone makes mistakes. That you can always lie down for a little while and do nothing. That there are many things we can’t control . . . and that’s okay. Your “inner seal” deserves every good thing, even on stormy days. Welcome to sealf-care.

Sealing the Deal: The Love Mentor's Guide to Lasting Love

by Diana Kirschner

Through her bestseller, Love in 90 Days, Dr. Diana Kirschner helped thousands of women find true love. Now she has written the perfect follow-up: SEALING THE DEAL, a unique guide to deepen any love relationship, to move from casual to committed, and ultimately to go from the anxiety of not knowing where things are the security of fulfilling and lasting love.Love Mentor Dr. Diana offers revolutionary advice for finding-and keeping-the one you love: Create irresistible attraction and an atmosphere that men love to be around. Find out the single most important thing you can do to get a sincere commitment from the guy you want. Keep that crazy-in-love feeling going, no matter how long you've been together. Learn the secret to instantly resolving conflict with your man. Know when to have "the talk": Don't think it matters when you bring it up? Think again. Avoid the biggest mistake women make when he's "not ready" for a commitment Get your relationship back and better than ever, even if he has cheated If you have love problems, Dr. Diana has the solutions. This book is your key to creating your own happiest-ever-after now.

The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work

by Steven Garber

We all want to make sense of life, of who we are and why we are, and to know that what we do—day in and day out—matters.allallallall

Seamos el mensaje

by Kerry Shook Chris Shook Rick Warren

¿Qué pasaría si solo te quedara un mes de vida? ¿Qué harías para que el resto de tu vida realmente importara? ¿Qué es lo que te impide vivir de ese modo ahora mismo? Un mes de vida te presentará el desafío de abrazarte a la vida que Dios te confió, de vivirla momento a momento, con toda autenticidad, de corazón. Cada uno de los capítulos de este libro único te dará el poder de centrar tu atención en ser todo lo que Dios ha creado en ti: alguien con pasión, que vive plenamente, que no tiene nada que lamentar.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Search: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World

by Bruce Feiler

Find work you love. On your own terms. From the New York Times bestselling author of Life Is in the Transitions comes a bold new road map for finding meaning and purpose in what you do, based on insights drawn from hundreds of life stories of Americans of all backgrounds. America is at a once-in-a-generation turning point around work: unprecedented numbers are quitting their jobs, rethinking their routines, breaking away from stifling expectations. The most suffocating iron cage of all is the idea that each of us must follow a linear career—lock into a dream early, always climb higher, never stop until you reach the top. Few ideas have squandered more human potential. Employing his signature, immersive approach, Bruce Feiler is known for taking complex challenges and converting them into actionable steps that can help each of us live with more fulfillment and joy. From thousands of hours of interviews, Feiler has distilled a powerful new vision of work: The people who are happiest don&’t chase someone else&’s dreams; they chase their own. Freed from outdated scripts, they identify what brings them meaning and write their own story of success. The Search introduces an all-new toolkit for achieving that goal, 21 Questions to Find Work You Love. Practical and empowering, these questions will help you unearth the story of work you&’ve been trying to tell your whole life—then go achieve it. You&’ll discover: · The upsides and downsides of work you learned from your parents; · Why your childhood role model offers the best clue to what you should do now; · Who is your waymaker; · When to leave a job and when to stay; · What is your purpose right now; …and much more. From a master storyteller who&’s helped millions transform their lives for better, The Search arrives as the world reimagines the basic assumptions of work and offers a timely, urgent playbook for each of us to get the happiness we seek, the meaning we crave, and the success we deserve.

The Search: Finding Your Inner Power, Your Potential

by Osho International Foundation Osho

Human beings have an inbuilt drive or urge to search for the inner power that is needed to reach our true potential. This search is the search for the origins and meaning of life itself.<P><P>We are here, we have life - but we don't know what life really is. We can feel our energy, but don't know where this energy comes from and to what goal this energy is going. We are that energy, we have glimpses of its true source and our connection to it, and those glimpses keep us going even when it seems we will never find what we are seeking - but still we do not know what that energy is.An ancient Zen story symbolizes the search for the source of this life. Zen master Kakuan's story of The Ten Bulls of Zen is a teaching that uses ten images, each representing a particular step on the journey of experiencing and understanding it means to be a conscious and aware human being.Osho takes us through this story and its lessons for the traveler on a journey into the inner world - that's what meditation is all about according to him. But reaching the pure, uncluttered freedom of meditation is not the end. The circle is only complete when the seeker comes back into the marketplace of the world, but as a transformed person.This is a book that belongs in the hands of everyone who is on the search, beginning the search, or just thinking about the search.The book is illustrated with ten original images of Gomizen's Ten Bulls of Zen from the Fuzoku Tenri Library, Tenri University, Japan.

The Search for Fulfilment: Revolutionary New Research That Reveals the Secret to Long-term Happiness

by Susan Krauss Whitbourne

In the fall of 1966, at a university in the Northeast, 350 students signed up for a psychological survey on personal development and happiness. In 1977, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, then a young psychology professor, came across the study and decided to expand it. She tracked down the study's original participants and questioned them every decade until she had forty years' worth of data. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Whitbourne reveals the findings of this extensive project, a seminal piece of research into how people change over the course of their lifetimes. The results indicate something fascinating: No matter how old or how content you might currently feel, it is never too late to steer your life toward a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction. Western society often paints a pessimistic view of aging, a "best years are behind you" attitude. But Whitbourne challenges this notion and posits that it's possible to find fulfillment at any age. Guided by her research, she identifies five different life pathways and provides a questionnaire that will help you discover which one you are currently on: bull; The Meandering Way You have a low sense of identity, lack priorities, and feel lost, unable to settle on a clear set of goals. bull; The Downward Slope You seem to have it all, until one or two poor decisions send your life into a spiral. bull; The Straight and Narrow Way You embrace predictability, shy away from risk, and don't enjoy shaking up your routine. bull; The Triumphant Trail Your inner resilience has allowed you to overcome significant challenges that could have left you despondent. bull; The Authentic Road You take a bold and honest look at your life, assess whether it's truly satisfying, and take the necessary risks to get back on track. Whitbourne shows how you can work yourself off a negative pathway and onto one that is more fulfilling. And if you identify yourself as being on one of the more positive pathways, you'll learn how to keep enhancing your feelings of satisfaction. Filled with insight and candid personal profiles of Whitbourne's subjects,The Search for Fulfillmentoffers proof that change is not only possible but ultimately rewarding. Revolutionary and inspirational, this encouraging book provides a new way of looking at our lives-and a guidepost for making changes for the better, at any age.

The Search for Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes (Revised Edition)

by Robert S. Mcgee

The book helps readers learn how to be free to enjoy Christ's love while no longer basing their self-worth on their accomplishments or the opinions of others.

The Search for Truth: Creation or Evolution

by Jaan Ranne

Is there any scientific merit to the creationist point of view? This book looks at that question in detail and studies the flaws of evolutionary thinking and even the lack of true science in the evolution model. The creation model can be backed up scientifically. The book looks at topics like dinosaurs coexisting with man, the flood, the age of the Earth, and the intelligence of early man.

The Search for Why: A Revolutionary New Model for Understanding Others, Improving Communication, and Healing Division

by Bob Raleigh

A groundbreaking new behavioral model that explains what drives us, and why.From tireless marketers to pandering politicians, the forces of modernity have lulled us into lazy categorizations of people, erasing the natural nuances of being human. We are all now accustomed to being reduced to a demographic—man, woman, black, white, old, young. But while these factors may inform our lived experience, what if there is something more fundamentally important that determines our behavior? Bob Raleigh, founder of PathSight Predictive Science, argues that biological instincts are the most foundational determinants of our behavior. PathSight has pioneered a new model that draws on the latest findings in neuroscience, data science, and behavioral science to classify people in five distinct groups, depending on what they instinctively care about most: nurturing, fairness, loyalty, authority, or purity. Their data, drawn from large-scale studies with over 50,000 participants, show that people who share the same instinctual patterns will engage the world in extremely predictable ways, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, income, and education. Knowing the impact that instinct has on behavior has all kinds of advantages. You can tailor any communication to make it maximally effective for a particular audience. You can strive to empathize with a person you&’ve always found mystifying. And of course, understanding what truly makes you tick is an invaluable step on your journey to self-discovery. In The Search for Why, Bob Raleigh offers the missing link that all the big data in the world can&’t deliver.

Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)

by Daniel Goleman Jon Kabat-Zinn Chade-Meng Tan

For the benefits of meditation to become widely accessible to humanity, it cannot just be the domain of bald people in funny robes living in mountains, or small groups of New Age folks in San Francisco. Meditation needs to become "real." It needs to align with the lives and interests of real people.--from Search Inside YourselfEarly Google engineer and personal growth pioneer Chade-Meng Tan first designed Search Inside Yourself as a popular course at Google intended to transform the work and lives of the best and brightest behind one of the most innovative, successful, and profitable businesses in the world . . . and now it can do the same for you. Meng has distilled emotional intelligence into a set of practical and proven tools and skills that anyone can learn and develop. Created in collaboration with a Zen master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and Daniel Goleman (the guy who literally wrote the book on emotional intelligence), this program is grounded in science and expressed in a way that even a skeptical, compulsively pragmatic, engineering-oriented brain like Meng's can process. Whether your intention is to reduce stress and increase well-being, heighten focus and creativity, become more optimistic and resilient, build fulfilling relationships, or just be successful, the skills provided by Search Inside Yourself will prove invaluable for you. This is your guide to enhancing productivity and creativity, finding meaning and fulfillment in your work and life, and experiencing profound peace, compassion, and happiness while doing so. Search Inside Yourself reveals how to calm your mind on demand and return it to a natural state of happiness, deepen self-awareness in a way that fosters self-confidence, harness empathy and compassion into outstanding leadership, and build highly productive collaborations based on trust and transparent communication. In other words, Search Inside Yourself shows you how to grow inner joy while succeeding at your work. Meng writes: "Some people buy books that teach them to be liked; others buy books that teach them to be successful. This book teaches you both. You are so lucky."

Searching For And Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise On Peace Of Heart

by Jacques Philippe George Driscoll Janice Driscoll

Searching for and Maintaining Peace A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart by Jacques Philippe. Published by Alba House,2002, Binding: Paperback

Searching for Enough: The High-Wire Walk Between Doubt and Faith

by Tyler Staton

A unique and validating look at the tension you feel between disillusionment and a desire for truth, Searching for Enough helps you see your doubt not as an emotion to fear but as an invitation to be followed.Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I'm not enough, and I'm never going to be. And I know I'm not supposed to say this, but God's not enough for me either." Whether or not we attend church, deep down we wonder if the biblical story of faith is really enough for the complexity of the world in which we live. We fill our lives with other things, hoping that maybe the next experience or accomplishment will complete us. Yet with every goal we reach, we still feel discouraged and anxious.In Searching for Enough, Pastor Tyler Staton draws on ancient and modern insights to introduce us, as if for the first time, to Jesus' disciple Thomas: history's most notorious skeptic. Like Thomas, we are caught between two unsatisfying stories: We want to believe in God but can't reconcile his presence with our circumstances and internal struggles.But what if there's a better story than shame? What if there's redemption so complete that there's nothing left to hide? What if there is a God who can heal your resentments, fears, and loneliness in such a profound way that you feel whole?From a place of spiritual companionship and deep authenticity, Tyler shows us that it is not an empty tomb that will change our lives, but the presence of the living God. Whether you are a distant skeptic, an involved doubter, or a busy but bored Christian, Searching for Enough invites you to find enough in a God who offers the only promises that never disappoint.

Searching for God Knows What

by Don Miller Donald Miller

With equal parts wit and wisdom, New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller invites you to reconnect with your faith. Miller shares what he's learned firsthand--that our relationship with God is designed to teach us about redemption, grace, healing, and so much more.Searching for God Knows What weaves together timeless stories and fresh perspectives on the Bible to capture one man's journey to discover an authentic faith that's worth believing.Along the way, Miller poses his own questions about faith, religion, and community, asking: What if the motive behind our theology was relational?What if our value exists because God takes pleasure in us?What if the gospel of Jesus is an invitation to know God?Maybe you're a Christian wondering what faith you signed up for. Or maybe you don't believe anything and are daring someone to show you a genuine example of genuine faith. Somewhere beyond the self-help formulas, fancy marketing, and easy promises, there is a life-changing experience with God waiting for you--it just takes a little bit of searching.Praise for Searching for God Knows What:"Like a shaken snow globe, Donald Miller's newest collection of essays creates a swirl of ideas about the Christian life that eventually crystallize into a lovely landscape...[He] is one of the evangelical book market's most creative writers." --Christianity Today"If you have felt that Jesus is someone you respect and admire--but Christianity is something that repels you--Searching for God Knows What will give you hope that you still can follow Jesus and be part of a church without the trappings of organized religion." --Dan Kimball, author of The Emerging Church and Pastor of Vintage Faith Church, Santa Cruz, CA"For fans of Blue Like Jazz, I doubt you will be disappointed. Donald Miller writes with the wit and vulnerability that you expect. He perfectly illustrates important themes in a genuine and humorous manner...For those who would be reading Miller for the first time, this would be a great start." --Relevant

Searching for God Knows What

by Donald Miller

In Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller's provocative and funny book, he shows readers that the greatest desire of every person is the desire for redemption. Every person is constantly seeking redemption (or at least the feeling of it) in his or her life, believing countless gospels that promise to fix the brokenness. Typically their pursuits include the desire for fulfilling relationships, successful careers, satisfying religious systems, status, and escape. Miller reveals how the inability to find redemption leads to chaotic relationships, self-hatred, the accumulation of meaningless material possessions, and a lack of inner peace. Readers will learn to identify in themselves and within others the universal desire for redemption. They will discover that the gospel of Jesus is the only way to find meaning in life and true redemption. Mature believers as well as seekers and new Christians will find themselves identifying with the narrative journey unfolded in the book, which is simply the pursuit of redemption. "Miller ... writes on faith with candor and passion reminiscent of Frederick Buechner and Anne Lamott. "The Oregonian" Like a shaken snow globe, Donald Miller's newest collection of essays creates a swirl of ideas about the Christian life that eventually crystallize into a lovely landscape . . . [He] is one of the evangelical book market's most creative writers. " -Christianity Today"For fans of Blue Like Jazz, I doubt you will be disappointed. Donald Miller writes with the wit and vulnerability that you expect. Sharing stories of his upbringing and his journey in more recent years, he perfectly illustrates important themes in a genuine and humorous manner . . . For those who would be reading Miller for the first time, this would be a great start. -Relevant"Whenever people ask me about Donald Miller, I notice the first thing I say is, 'That guy can write. ' Having met Don, I also know he seeks to live what he writes, or better said, he writes what he lives. That, I think, is the top credential for a person who writes about ultimate concerns-spirituality, meaning, purpose, life, God, and joy. In Searching for God Knows What, you'll find more of his great writing, honest feeling, and spiritual insight to help you on your journey. -Brian McLaren Pastor, Author-www. anewkindofchristian. com

Searching for Happiness : How Generosity, Faith, And Other Spiritual Habits Can Lead To A Full Life

by Martin Thielen

The key to happiness is being rich, successful, and beautiful…right? Martin Thielen, best-selling author of What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?, insists that this is far from the truth. Happiness, Thielen argues, does not come from external factors like getting a job promotion or finally reaching your goal weight. Rather, happiness is an inside job. <P><P>In brief, easy-to-read chapters, Thielen offers ten traits of happy and fulfilled people. Using psychological research, personal anecdotes, and Scripture, Thielen begins the path to contentment by showing how life circumstances—including income, health, physical appearance, and marital status—only account for about 10 percent of a person's overall life satisfaction. From there, he offers alternatives to the frequent methods we use to make ourselves happy. Instead of aiming to make more money, Thielen contends that expressing gratitude and cultivating optimism are surer paths to joy. Rather than focusing on constant advancement in our careers, let's practice our ability to forgive, to be generous, and to use trials as growth opportunities. These lessons, and much more, help readers who may be dissatisfied in their lives see that authentic contentment is closer than they ever imagined. <P><P>The book features a guide for group or individual study, which includes questions for reflection and a challenge for each individual to reflect on during the week.

Searching for Heaven on Earth Journal: How to Find What Really Matters in Life

by David Jeremiah

Key Bible verses, quotes from the book, reflective readings, and questions for self-discovery accompany the reader on the most crucial pilgrimage of all.

Season of Heartbreak: A Path to Healing a Broken Heart

by Mark Gregory Karris

"Simply masterful."-- Dr. Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian CounselorsAfter a devastating breakup, many people are left heartbroken, lonely, confused, even devoid of hope. Science proves that the grief of losing a romantic partner is similar to grieving a loved one’s death. Yet, too often, friends, family, and church leaders see these breakups as trivial events. So how do we find our way through the uncharted territory of deep grief?As a therapist and ordained pastor, Mark Karris sees the devastation of heartbreak every day. He’s experienced the anguish of heartbreak himself and he knows that the pain is anything but trivial.Drawing from cutting-edge neuroscience and liberating spiritual wisdom, Season of Heartbreak moves past platitudes and into action, offering hope for true recovery. Mark pulls from a variety of spiritual practices, including contemplative prayer, journaling, self-compassion, an original four-step transformational practice, and much more. Case studies from real clients prove that it is possible to move past the shame, anger, and hurt--and into secure relationships with God, our community, and ourselves.Mark writes in a compelling, creative, and compassionate style perfect for a right-brained, metaphor-hungry, and spiritually thirsty generation. Optimistic but never condescending, this is an invaluable guidebook to a healthy, healing grief process.

The Seasonal Soul: A Mystic's Guide to Inner Transformation

by Lauren Aletta

Brimming with mystical practices and hundreds of evocative illustrations, The Seasonal Soul is an enchanting guide to self-discovery. Spiritual teacher Lauren Aletta takes readers through the metaphorical "seasons" of personal growth and illuminates the ways your springs, summers, autumns, and winters provide opportunities for insight, healing, transformation, and rejuvenation. Organized by season, the book is packed with enriching practices and advice, including self-care rituals, crystal and chakra guides, and journaling exercises. In an eye-catching, shimmery package with black dyed edges, this book is perfect for modern mystics and the spiritually curious.

The Seasoned Foodie: Nutritious Dishes for a Healthier, Longer Life

by Manju Malhi

Incredibly simple, delicious recipes that encourage healthy ageing and boost immunity, based on Manju Malhi's popular Open Age cookery classes.Whatever your age, it is beyond doubt that an active lifestyle and eating a balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health. It helps to reduces risk of disease, infection and other illnesses. But, above all, it can help you feel your best. As we get older, many of us find our appetite shrinks because our energy output lessens. However, our fundamental needs haven't changed. Even if you have a smaller appetite and require fewer calories, your body still needs the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients to sustain you. Manju Malhi wants to inspire people of all ages to enjoy the time they spend in the kitchen and view cooking as a joy instead of a chore, and she has been awarded the British Empire Medal for her work with Open Age. The Seasoned Foodie is a collection of dishes that are easy to follow and will satisfy both your dietary needs and your love of good food, however young you feel. Inside you will find simple, tasty recipes that pack maximum nutrition, such as:- Scandi-style Salmon with Pickled Potatoes- Herby Pumpkin Soup- Brazilian Black Beans- Jerk Jambalaya- Oat and Ginger CookiesThis collection of delicious recipes that encourage healthy ageing and boost immunity make you fall in love with the kitchen again.

The Seasoned Foodie: Nutritious Dishes for a Healthier, Longer Life

by Manju Malhi

Incredibly simple, delicious recipes that encourage healthy ageing and boost immunity, based on Manju Malhi's popular Open Age cookery classes.Whatever your age, it is beyond doubt that an active lifestyle and eating a balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health. It helps to reduces risk of disease, infection and other illnesses. But, above all, it can help you feel your best. As we get older, many of us find our appetite shrinks because our energy output lessens. However, our fundamental needs haven't changed. Even if you have a smaller appetite and require fewer calories, your body still needs the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients to sustain you. Manju Malhi wants to inspire people of all ages to enjoy the time they spend in the kitchen and view cooking as a joy instead of a chore, and she has been awarded the British Empire Medal for her work with Open Age. The Seasoned Foodie is a collection of dishes that are easy to follow and will satisfy both your dietary needs and your love of good food, however young you feel. Inside you will find simple, tasty recipes that pack maximum nutrition, such as:- Scandi-style Salmon with Pickled Potatoes- Herby Pumpkin Soup- Brazilian Black Beans- Jerk Jambalaya- Oat and Ginger CookiesThis collection of delicious recipes that encourage healthy ageing and boost immunity make you fall in love with the kitchen again.

Seasons of Grief: Creative Interventions to Support Bereaved People

by Louise Allen Sharon Strouse Oceana Sawyer Dorit Netzer Evie Lindemann Ilana Rowe Yon Walls Robert Neimeyer Sarah Vollmann Deborah Mesibov Elizabeth Coplan Topaz Weis Heather Stang Catharine DeLong Deborah Koff-Chapin Becky Sternal Steven 'Mud' Roues

The quiet letting go of Autumn, the reflective stillness of Winter, the bright rebirth of Spring, and the flourishing warmth of Summer trace the natural path of grief as it grows and changes to fit the spaces left behind by those we love. Easy-to-use exercise guides and activities invite readers to explore the changeable nature of grief through the ebb and flow of the seasons.As well as contributions from diverse creative practitioners, poems from Dr. Robert Neimeyer and reflections from Claudia Coenen create a starting point to delve into the emotional context of each chapter, encouraging the reader to view each personal account and case study through the lens of a different phase of grief. This heart-centred, compassionate approach infuses bereavement therapy with much-needed warmth, supporting clinically-proven techniques to guide users towards practical, healthy ways of processing their loss. Bringing together voices and art from across the spectrum of creative grief therapy, Coenen provides an accessible, compassionate guide to supporting those coping with bereavement throughout their journey.

Seasons of the Day

by Stanislaus Kennedy

Based on the traditional Book of Hours - psalms said daily, at set times, by religious communities throughout the world - Seasons of the Day reveals the enduring relevance of this ancient practice to contemporary living.In Seasons of the Day, Sister Stan, knowing that our modern-day understanding of time pushes us to our stressed-out limits, passes on the monastic ritual to the layperson.Here, as she slows us down, she reveals the psalms through her own words, her own prayers. Using them, she also guides us tenderly through a four-week period, from the silence and mystery of pre-dawn (matins) through to the reflective conclusion of the day (compline). In a world that can often seem hostile and unfriendly, her gentle reflections help the reader find inner peace and confidence.A prayer book for today

The Seat of the Soul: An Inspiring Vision Of Humanity's Spiritual Destiny

by Gary Zukav

The twenty-fifth anniversary of this beloved bestseller is celebrated in Prefaces by Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou and contains a new Foreword by the author, website links, and a new Study Guide to help readers find even deeper meaning and fulfillment.The Seat of the Soul encourages you become the authority in your own life. It will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your own actions and motivations. Beginning with evolution, Gary Zukav takes you on a penetrating exploration of the new phase humanity has entered: we are evolving from a species that understands power as the ability to manipulate and control--external power--into a species that understands power as the alignment of the personality with the soul--authentic power. Our evolution requires each of us to make the values of the soul our own: harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. Using his scientist's eye and philosopher's heart, Zukav shows us how to participate fully in this evolution, enlivening our everyday activities and all of our relationships with meaning and purpose. The Seat of the Soul has sold millions of copies around the globe, and as it changes lives, more and more people begin to live by the values of the spirit. Indeed, a new world is emerging, and this book brings its message to you.

Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison

by Heather Holleman

As Christians find themselves trapped in the rhetoric of platform, influence, retweets, and fame, they need a ladder out of the fray.Many of us live in a prison of self-absorption. Shackled with pride and despair, we compare ourselves to others constantly in our frantic, unending pursuit of perfection. Seated with Christ gets to the root of this behavior and charts a path to freedom.Scripture says that God&’s beloved are seated with Christ in the heavens (Eph. 2:6), treasured by Him and given a place at His table. Heather Holleman unveils what this means for us.It means we walk out on the fight for acceptance. We quit measuring ourselves to others.We leap free from cycles of shame. Securely-seated people can ask themselves hard questions about their lives; they can deal with sin, grieve their losses, and move forward in hope. From a position of security and self-forgetfulness they can joyfully do the good works prepared for them uniquely. They can even celebrate the successes of others. Seated with Christ is a deeply personal, liberating look at a glorious truth: that we have a place at God's eternal table.

Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison

by Heather Holleman

As Christians find themselves trapped in the rhetoric of platform, influence, retweets, and fame, they need a ladder out of the fray.Many of us live in a prison of self-absorption. Shackled with pride and despair, we compare ourselves to others constantly in our frantic, unending pursuit of perfection. Seated with Christ gets to the root of this behavior and charts a path to freedom.Scripture says that God&’s beloved are seated with Christ in the heavens (Eph. 2:6), treasured by Him and given a place at His table. Heather Holleman unveils what this means for us.It means we walk out on the fight for acceptance. We quit measuring ourselves to others.We leap free from cycles of shame. Securely-seated people can ask themselves hard questions about their lives; they can deal with sin, grieve their losses, and move forward in hope. From a position of security and self-forgetfulness they can joyfully do the good works prepared for them uniquely. They can even celebrate the successes of others. Seated with Christ is a deeply personal, liberating look at a glorious truth: that we have a place at God's eternal table.

Second Act: What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Success and Reinventing Your Life

by Henry Oliver

"Henry Oliver is a rare talent: smart, funny and insightful. SECOND ACT showcases his wide reading, deep understanding and playful prose style. Read this book to discover why it's never too late for a second act in your own life."HELEN LEWIS, author of Difficult WomenHave you ever dreamed that you might be far more successful than you are today? Our society tells us over and over that if we're going to achieve anything, we'd better do it while we're young. But whether you're at the start of your career, sensing you're on the wrong path, or feeling unsettled later in life, you're likely wondering just how to reinvent yourself? Have you left it too late?This book has answers. Late bloomers - individuals who experience significant success later in life - offer lessons for people who feel frustrated. This book encourages people to think about themselves as potential late bloomers and to discover and encourage and advocate for late blooming in others. After all, it's never too late to discover our hidden talents and our accomplish our goals - the road to success is never as straightforward as we are lead to believe. Julia Child didn't discover that she loved to cook until she was thirty-seven. Vera Wang started her design business at forty. And Michelangelo painted The Last Judgment in his sixties.This inspiring, passionate book combines wonderful storytellingwith fascinating new research, to shift expectations around our life trajectories. You'll discover a range of blueprints for self-reinvention, pairing the newest insights from psychology and neuroscience with late bloomers' remarkable life stories, from Penelope Fitzgerald to Samuel Johnson, from Frank Lloyd-Wright to Malcolm X.

Second Act: What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Success and Reinventing Your Life

by Henry Oliver

"Henry Oliver is a rare talent: smart, funny and insightful. SECOND ACT showcases his wide reading, deep understanding and playful prose style. Read this book to discover why it's never too late for a second act in your own life."HELEN LEWIS, author of Difficult WomenHave you ever dreamed that you might be far more successful than you are today? Our society tells us over and over that if we're going to achieve anything, we'd better do it while we're young. But whether you're at the start of your career, sensing you're on the wrong path, or feeling unsettled later in life, you're likely wondering just how to reinvent yourself? Have you left it too late?This book has answers. Late bloomers - individuals who experience significant success later in life - offer lessons for people who feel frustrated. This book encourages people to think about themselves as potential late bloomers and to discover and encourage and advocate for late blooming in others. After all, it's never too late to discover our hidden talents and our accomplish our goals - the road to success is never as straightforward as we are lead to believe. Julia Child didn't discover that she loved to cook until she was thirty-seven. Vera Wang started her design business at forty. And Michelangelo painted The Last Judgment in his sixties.This inspiring, passionate book combines wonderful storytellingwith fascinating new research, to shift expectations around our life trajectories. You'll discover a range of blueprints for self-reinvention, pairing the newest insights from psychology and neuroscience with late bloomers' remarkable life stories, from Penelope Fitzgerald to Samuel Johnson, from Frank Lloyd-Wright to Malcolm X.

Second Act: What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Success and Reinventing Your Life

by Henry Oliver

"Henry Oliver is a rare talent: smart, funny and insightful. SECOND ACT showcases his wide reading, deep understanding and playful prose style. Read this book to discover why it's never too late for a second act in your own life."HELEN LEWIS, author of Difficult WomenHave you ever dreamed that you might be far more successful than you are today? Our society tells us over and over that if we're going to achieve anything, we'd better do it while we're young. But whether you're at the start of your career, sensing you're on the wrong path, or feeling unsettled later in life, you're likely wondering just how to reinvent yourself? Have you left it too late?This book has answers. Late bloomers - individuals who experience significant success later in life - offer lessons for people who feel frustrated. This book encourages people to think about themselves as potential late bloomers and to discover and encourage and advocate for late blooming in others. After all, it's never too late to discover our hidden talents and our accomplish our goals - the road to success is never as straightforward as we are lead to believe. Julia Child didn't discover that she loved to cook until she was thirty-seven. Vera Wang started her design business at forty. And Michelangelo painted The Last Judgment in his sixties.This inspiring, passionate book combines wonderful storytellingwith fascinating new research, to shift expectations around our life trajectories. You'll discover a range of blueprints for self-reinvention, pairing the newest insights from psychology and neuroscience with late bloomers' remarkable life stories, from Penelope Fitzgerald to Samuel Johnson, from Frank Lloyd-Wright to Malcolm X.

Second-Act Careers: 50+ Ways to Profit from Your Passions During Semi-Retirement

by Nancy Collamer

A career guide that rethinks the golden years, this handbook offers 50+ income models for creating flexible, fulfilling, and profitable work during the encore stage of one's career.RETHINK YOUR RETIREMENT For many people, retirement is no longer a trifecta of golf, grandkids, and gardening-- it's an opportunity for new pursuits that involve both earning income and exploring personal passions. If you're planning for retirement or already at "retirement age" but want to continue working--whether to supplement your income or to stay mentally and physically active--veteran career coach Nancy Collamer shows how to identify your favorite interests and expertise and repackage them into more than fifty ways to earn income. These second acts range from the traditional (part-time employment, consulting) to newer Internet-based options (teaching online, writing a blog). With a prescriptive approach to securing second-act careers that are flexible, fulfilling, and fun, this book offers a wide variety of income-generating examples as well as exercises to clarify your lifestyle goals and help you plan for your next move. Second-Act Careers shows how to create a profitable and meaningful semi-retirement on your own terms and in your own way.

Second Acts

by Stephen M. Pollan Mark Levine

Second Acts is a guide to reinventing your life. Whether you wish to change careers, move to a more desirable part of the country, start a business, write a novel, or drop everything to pursue a life dream, Stephen Pollan offers a powerful message ofhope and guidance that has benefited his own clients. Through a series of exercises, you will develop a comprehensive "script" for your second act-a step-by-step action plan that will lead you to the life you've always wanted.

Second Acts that Change Lives: Making a Difference in the World

by Mary Beth Sammons

Are you realizing that the first half of your life is over? And you've been so busy concentrating on building a career or raising a family, or both, it has suddenly dawned on you that you may have lost yourself in the process and that the dreams you had when you were younger were set aside for more immediate concerns. Or are you frustrated that you have not had the time to truly give back? Mary Beth Sammons offers readers a chance to change all that in Second Acts That Change Lives. The book offers a collection of honest and inspiring stories delving into the lives of a community of mid-life trailblazers who wanted to make changes in their lives and found that as they reached inward for the strength to change, almost unanimously reached out to share their better self, their skills, their talents to make the world a better place.

The Second Brain

by Michael D. Gershon

This book explains, in readable terms, what scientists now know about how the autonomic and the enteric nervous systems interact, what functions they perform, what causes such problems as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and how scientists arrived at this knowledge.

Second Chances: Inspiring Stories of Dog Adoption

by Joan Banks

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Second Chances: An Inspiring Collection of Do-Overs That Have Made People's Lives Brighter

by Erin McHugh

A treasury of motivational anecdotes from people who wanted another chance at something good—and took it.The book collects the hopeful examples of people who found a leg up, another spurt of energy, a hidden talent, or even an untapped strength, sometimes with the unexpected help of friends or strangers, to make a happier life for themselves. It’s the big stuff like going back to college after the kids have grown up, as well as the little things like getting a judo belt when you thought you could hardly manage a push-up. From the author of One Good Deed, Like My Mother Always Said, and other entertaining and motivating volumes, this book is an inspiring guide to letting the future win over the past.

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul: More Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Women

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Jennifer Read Hawthorne Marci Shimoff

This latest collection of stories celebrates the shared experiences of being a woman in a 101 new ways. You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself, and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul: 101 More Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Women

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Jennifer Read Hawthorne Marci Shimoff

This latest collection of stories celebrates the shared experiences of being a woman in a 101 new ways. You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Marci Shimoff Jack Canfield Jennifer Reade Hawthorne

This latest collection of stories celebrates the shared experiences of being a woman in a 101 new ways. You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself, and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

The Second Circle: How to Use Positive Energy for Success in Every Situation

by Patsy Rodenburg

The world's leading voice and acting coach provides a revolutionary program to focus your energy and connect with other people. The world's leading voice and acting coach provides a revolutionary program to focus your energy and connect with other people. Are you as successful as you could be? Are your good ideas appreciated? Could your sex life be more fulfilling? In this high-paced yet lonely world, Patsy Rodenburg teaches you how to communicate more effectively and intimately--at home, at work, at school, and, most importantly, with yourself. Her remarkable program transforms your negative patterns of energy into a positive presence that she calls "the second circle"--the optimal state between the first circle of introversion and self-negation and the third circle of aggression and narcissism. Containing a wealth of insights that will break the habits that constrict your real power, The Second Circle helps you deal with the debilitating and manipulative behaviors of your immediate family, friends, and colleagues while bringing out their best qualities. Filled with easy-to-apply exercises (breathing, voice, posture), The Second Circle, in dealing with such emotional issues as loss, violation, and self-esteem, will begin a journey that will revitalize your life.

The Second Circle: Using Positive Energy For Success In Every Situation

by Patsy Rodenburg

The key to unlocking your power—and the inspired life that comes with it—from the renowned voice and acting coach. You know that person: the one with that certain something. And you’ve probably dismissed that something as unattainable, simply innate. But it’s a myth that some are born with “it” and others aren’t. Everybody can have that presence—and the peaceful self-acceptance that powers it. Patsy Rodenburg reveals that the secret is learning to inhabit “the second circle”: the optimal state between the first circle of introversion and self-doubt and the third of aggression and narcissism. She provides exercises to help you break the habits that constrict your real power and to better cope with the negative behaviors and attitudes of those around you. With wisdom and patience, Rodenburg teaches you how to communicate effectively at home, work, school, and—most important—with yourself. The Second Circle will empower you to meet life’s most extraordinary trials with brio and to embrace the joys and challenges of every single day.

The Second Circle: This Book Will Transform Your Life, Minute to Minute

by Patsy Rodenburg

The world's leading voice and acting coach provides a revolutionary program to focus your energy and connect with other people. Are you as successful as you could be? Are your good ideas appreciated? Could your sex life be more fulfilling? In this high-paced yet lonely world, Patsy Rodenburg teaches you how to communicate more effectively and intimately--at home, at work, at school, and, most importantly, with yourself. Her remarkable program transforms your negative patterns of energy into a positive presence that she calls "the second circle"--the optimal state between the first circle of introversion and self-negation and the third circle of aggression and narcissism. Containing a wealth of insights that will break the habits that constrict your real power, The Second Circle helps you deal with the debilitating and manipulative behaviors of your immediate family, friends, and colleagues while bringing out their best qualities. Filled with easy-to-apply exercises (breathing, voice, posture), The Second Circle, in dealing with such emotional issues as loss, violation, and self-esteem, will begin a journey that will revitalize your life.

Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, And Love Again

by Christina Rasmussen

After studying to become a therapist and crisis intervention counselor—even doing her master’s thesis on the stages of bereavement—Christina Rasmussen thought she understood grief. But it wasn’t until losing her husband to cancer in her early 30s that she truly grasped the depths of sorrow and pain that accompany loss.Using the knowledge she gained while wading through her own grief and reading hundreds of neuroscience books, Rasmussen began to look at experiences in a new way. She realized that grief plunges you into a gap between worlds—the world before loss and the world after loss. She also realized how easy it is to become lost in this gap.In Second Firsts, Rasmussen walks you through her Life Reentry process to help you break grief’s spiral of pain, so you can stop simply surviving and begin to live again. She shows you that loss can actually be a powerful catalyst to creating a life that is in alignment with your true passions and values. The resilience, strength, and determination that have gotten you through this difficult time are the same characteristics that will help you craft your wonderful new life.Her method, which she has used successfully with thousands of clients, is based on the science of neuroplasticity and focuses on consciously releasing pain in ways that both honor suffering and rewire the brain to change your perception of the world and yourself. Using practical exercises and stories drawn from her own life and those of her clients, Rasmussen guides you through five stages of healing that help you open up to new possibilities. From acknowledging your fear, to recognizing where you stand now, to taking active steps toward a new life, Rasmussen helps you move past the pain and shows that it’s never too late to step out of the gap and experience life again—as if for the first time.

Second Firsts: A Step-by-Step Guide to Life after Loss

by Christina Rasmussen

After studying to become a therapist and crisis intervention counselor—even doing her master’s thesis on the stages of bereavement—Christina Rasmussen thought she understood grief. But it wasn’t until losing her husband to cancer in her early 30s that she truly grasped the depths of sorrow and pain that accompany loss. Using the knowledge she gained while wading through her own grief and reading hundreds of neuroscience books, Rasmussen began to look at experiences in a new way. She realized that grief plunges you into a gap between worlds—the world before loss and the world after loss. She also realized how easy it is to become lost in this gap. In Second Firsts, Rasmussen walks you through her Life Reentry process to help you break grief’s spiral of pain, so you can stop simply surviving and begin to live again. She shows you that loss can actually be a powerful catalyst to creating a life that is in alignment with your true passions and values. The resilience, strength, and determination that have gotten you through this difficult time are the same characteristics that will help you craft your wonderful new life. Her method, which she has used successfully with thousands of clients, is based on the science of neuroplasticity and focuses on consciously releasing pain in ways that both honor suffering and rewire the brain to change your perception of the world and yourself. Using practical exercises and stories drawn from her own life and those of her clients, Rasmussen guides you through five stages of healing that help you open up to new possibilities. From acknowledging your fear, to recognizing where you stand now, to taking active steps toward a new life, Rasmussen helps you move past the pain and shows that it’s never too late to step out of the gap and experience life again—as if for the first time.

Second Half for the Man in the Mirror

by Patrick Morley

"Like a good coach at ‘halftime,’ Morley helps men evaluate their past mistakes and provides the kind of practical insights, encouragement, and inspiration that will help them ‘run to win’ the rest of the way--and reach their full potential in Christ."--Bill McCartney, founder & CEO, Promise Keepers "Morley’s analogy of the ‘midlife lake’ is worth the price of the book. He asks the right questions and rightly predicts that your ‘second half’ can be the most significant part of your life."--Bob Buford, author of Halftime Refocus Your Life The first part of your life was like a river running swiftly within its banks. You were working hard to make your mark. You were intense. Focused. Then your river broadened into a lake. Now you find it hard to focus. Often, instead of feeling drive and purpose, you feel distracted--even insignificant. Patrick Morley shows how this season of perplexity can become a man’s golden opportunity to “reinvent” himself for life’s second half. If this sounds like you--or someone you know and love--this book is exactly what you’re looking for. Morley gives biblical insights, lived out in the crucible of his own life experience. This book will help you redefine your vision, your goals, and the heart that drives them. Second Wind for the Man in the Mirror will help you find a fresh sense of authenticity. Once again, you’ll feel your life regaining speed as the waters are gathered by the converging riverbanks just ahead.

The Second Happy: Seven Practices to Make Your Marriage Better Than Your Honeymoon

by Kevin and Myers

What is the secret to a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage?Nearly every marriage starts out happy, and if we're honest, nearly every marriage at some point becomes unhappy. Is there a solution? Can an unhappy marriage really get back to being happy? Can it be truly and authentically happy--even better than it was at first? Kevin and Marcia Myers, married for thirty-seven years through nearly every challenge a couple can face, emphatically say yes. Revealing seven practices that offer help and hope for a happy and enduring marriage, The Second Happy is a captivating, practical resource that provides the tools necessary to tune-up, overhaul, or even rebuild your marriage. Practices to sustain and strengthen marriage include the following:breaking the quit cycle;picking a fair fight so both people win;keeping disagreements from escalating; andremoving pretense from your relationship.Rooted in Scripture and contemporary insights from the Myers' marriage, as well as real stories from other couples, this revelatory book shows how any marriage can regain depth, meaning and, yes, happiness.

Second Innings: On Men, Mental Health and Cricket

by Barry Nicholls

Life is like facing an opening bowler: the pitch is unknown, the ball is new and you don't know what will be delivered.A reflection on Barry Nicholls's life, Second Innings explores the author's struggle with mental health and the road to recovery, using his love of the game of cricket to make sense of it all. Set partly in the present, Second Innings includes flashbacks through five decades of life and focuses particularly on the lives of the men across the generations of Barry Nicholls' own family, and tells the story of Barry's journey from teacher to print journalist to broadcaster.

Second Innocence: Rediscovering Joy and Wonder

by John Izzo

John Izzo's concept of "second innocence" means recovering those feelings of enthusiasm, faith, presence, and curiosity associated with childhood and blending them with the knowledge and experience of adulthood. Through a series of compelling stories, he offers a collection of uncommon thoughts on common themes. the author's experience as a minister, teacher, author, corporate advisor, and leader of spiritual retreats provides a wealth of wisdom for this journey. In the spirit of Robert Fulghum and Garrison Keillor, Izzo shows that while love may disappoint, work may not satisfy, and suffering will occur, we can still transform ourselves by applying intentional focus to finding the wonder in the world and staying focused on what really matters.

Second Innocence: Rediscovering Joy and Wonder

by John B. Izzo

A Guide to Renewal in Work, Relationships, and Daily Life. Second Innocence is a book about rediscovering the wonder and joys of life at whatever age we find ourselves. Full of witty and provocative stories, it explores how to renew our life in four realms-daily life, faith, work, and relationships.

The Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself

by Joan Anderson

From the bestselling author of A Year by the Sea, this memoir is a coming-of-age story for every woman who has asked herself: "Now what?"The Second Journey chronicles Anderson's quest to restore equilibrium to her life after the responsibilities of being a mother, wife, grandmother, caretaker, and bestselling author distract her--almost dangerously--from taking care of herself. Suffused with Anderson's characteristic humor and warmth, this book is a permission slip for any woman who seeks to step out of line and create her own destiny. As Joan shares her stories of balancing love, marriage, family, parents, and spirituality, she inspires and instructs readers to find peace and a unique purpose within their own lives. She offers reassurance that the best is yet to come, and empowers other women to come of age in the middle of life.reassurance that the best is yet to come, and empowers other women to come of age in the middle of life.

The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life

by David Brooks

Everybody tells you to live for a cause larger than yourself, but how exactly do you do it? The bestselling author of The Road to Character explores what it takes to lead a meaningful life in a self-centered world. Every so often, you meet people who radiate joy—who seem to know why they were put on this earth, who glow with a kind of inner light. <P><P>Life, for these people, has often followed what we might think of as a two-mountain shape. They get out of school, they start a career, and they begin climbing the mountain they thought they were meant to climb. <P><P>Their goals on this first mountain are the ones our culture endorses: to be a success, to make your mark, to experience personal happiness. But when they get to the top of that mountain, something happens. They look around and find the view . . . unsatisfying. They realize: This wasn’t my mountain after all. There’s another, bigger mountain out there that is actually my mountain. <P><P>And so they embark on a new journey. On the second mountain, life moves from self-centered to other-centered. They want the things that are truly worth wanting, not the things other people tell them to want. They embrace a life of interdependence, not independence. They surrender to a life of commitment. <P><P> In The Second Mountain, David Brooks explores the four commitments that define a life of meaning and purpose: to a spouse and family, to a vocation, to a philosophy or faith, and to a community. Our personal fulfillment depends on how well we choose and execute these commitments. <P><P>Brooks looks at a range of people who have lived joyous, committed lives, and who have embraced the necessity and beauty of dependence. He gathers their wisdom on how to choose a partner, how to pick a vocation, how to live out a philosophy, and how we can begin to integrate our commitments into one overriding purpose. In short, this book is meant to help us all lead more meaningful lives. <P><P>But it’s also a provocative social commentary. We live in a society, Brooks argues, that celebrates freedom, that tells us to be true to ourselves, at the expense of surrendering to a cause, rooting ourselves in a neighborhood, binding ourselves to others by social solidarity and love. <P><P>We have taken individualism to the extreme—and in the process we have torn the social fabric in a thousand different ways. The path to repair is through making deeper commitments. In The Second Mountain, Brooks shows what can happen when we put commitment-making at the center of our lives. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Second Ring of Power

by Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda's extraordinary journey into the world of sorcery...he takes the reader into a sorceric experience so intense, so terrifying, and so profoundly disturbing that it can only be described as a brilliant assault on every preconceived notion of life that is don Juan's remarkable legacy to his apprentice.

Second Sight: The True Story of Britain's Most Remarkable Medium

by Sharon Neill

"She said I was a psychic, that she dabbled herself and recognised my talent. I thought she was barmy, didn't think anything more of it - until the night Granny appeared to me..."Sharon Neill was studying at college when she first discovered she had an ability to talk to the dead. She began trying out readings on her friends for fun and soon developed her talent. She now works as a full-time medium and is highly revered within the psychic world.In this revealing autobiography Sharon gives an insight into many of the visions that have appeared to her over the years, with a glimpse of the dark and dangerous as well as the rewarding and uplifting.Read by the author.(p) 2007 Orion Publishing Group

Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story And Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom

by Judith Orloff

In this compelling self-portrait, psychic and psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff draws on her own experience and that of her patients to explore the mysterious and poorly understood realm of the psychic. In riveting detail, she describes how an ignored premonition of a patient's suicide attempt convinced her to embrace her gift and incorporate it into her medical practice -- and how using psychic abilities can provide powerful healing. More than simply one woman's journey, this book will also outline effective ways to cultivate natural psychic abilities, including how to -- recognize psychic experiences in everyday life -- increase clairvoyance -- practice psychic exercises -- discover psychic empathy -- tune into messages the body is sending -- record and interpret dreams -- and more.

Second Star: and other reasons for lingering

by Philippe Delerm

A #1 bestseller in France, Second Star is an inspiring series of lyrical meditations on life's smallest moments, from peeling a clementine, drinking a cold mojito, to washing your windowsA still life in motion, Second Star "consumes the present" with a patient curiosity, asking us to "put off tomorrow" and join Philippe Delerm in tasting, touching, listening, and noticing.Whether biting into a bitter turnip or savoring a summer evening in June, Philip Delerm's literary snapshots transport us to simple, often overlooked sensations and pleasures, and, pausing, expand a moment or emotion outwards in concentric circles. Vividly translated by Jody Gladding, these evocative vignettes invite us to linger, to "savor the few moments of silence"––as if each bite of a ripe watermelon, each exhaled breath on a bitterly cold day, each cloudy evening on the beach, were our last.

Second Wind: One Woman's Midlife Quest to Run Seven Marathons on Seven Continents

by Cami Ostman

Second Wind is the story of an unlikely athlete and an unlikely heroine: Cami Ostman, a woman edging toward midlife who decides to take on a challenge that stretches her way outside of her comfort zone. That challenge presents itself when an old friend suggests she go for a run to distract her from the grief of her recent divorce. Excited by the clarity of mind and breathing space running offers her, she keeps it up - albeit slowly - and she decides to run seven marathons on seven continents; this becomes Ostman's vision quest, the thing she turns to during the ups and downs of a new romance and during the hard months and years of redefining herself in the aftermath of the very restrictive, religious-based marriage and life she led up until her divorce. Insightful and uplifting, Second Wind carries the reader along for the ride as Ostman runs her way out of compliance with the patriarchal rules about "being a woman" that long held her captive and into authenticity and self-love. Her adventures - and the personal revelations that accompany them - inspire readers to take chances, find truth in their lives, and learn to listen to the voice inside them that's been there all along.

Second Wind

by Dr Bill Thomas

How do you know that you are outgrowing adulthood? When you begin to feel that the life you have been living is out of balance; when the need to perform, to hurry, and to acquire is no longer compelling. It's like the moment when your favorite tennis shoes start to give you blisters. The way you've been living your adult life doesn't fulfill you anymore. Dr. Bill Thomas, one of the most innovative thinkers in medicine, explains that a new life phase is beginning to emerge within our society. When the Baby Boom generation came of age in the 1960s and 1970s, they jump-started a cultural revolution that shaped today's society. Now, many feel they are living a life of frenzied disharmony. This out-of-balance feeling is a signal that you are ready for your second coming of age, your life beyond adult­hood. Second Wind illuminates how to recognize and navigate the most challenging and fulfilling developmental stage of life. Life can and should be reimagined. New ways of living and working are waiting to be discovered on the far side of adulthood. Dr. Thomas treats the Baby Boom generation as he would one of his patients, sympathetically exploring its history before recommending a path toward a life rich with developmental opportunities. Predicting that Boomers will choose the path of the Denialist, the Realist, or the Enthusiast, he discusses the behav­iors and attitudes that will provide new and more nourishing fuel for the rest of life's journey: hope and a renewed sense of all that is possible.

The Second Wives' Club

by Lonore Millian Stephen Millian

Are you or someone you know a second wife? Are you tired of arguing about your husband’s first marriage? The Second Wives’ Club is the book you’ve been waiting for. Join the Club and learn the six secrets of successful second marriages. Learn how you can have wedded bliss while avoiding the pitfalls that second marriages bring. Don’t be put off by his ex-wife. Help him get rid of his old “baggage” and make space in your relationship to be lovers for life.

Second Year Sobriety: Getting Comfortable Now That Everything Is Different

by Guy Kettelhack

In this second volume, people in recovery share their experiences and insights in dealing with long-suppressed feelings of anger, loss, guilt, love, and self-acceptance.This second volume in Kettelhack's series takes on the "terrible twos." Here people in recovery share their experiences and insights in dealing with long-suppressed feelings of anger, loss, guilt, love, and self-acceptance. Kettelhack shows how "sticking with it"--persevering with the struggle to deal with new feelings and refusing to give in to addictive impulses--ultimately creates the sense of life as an ongoing adventure, one more vivid, exciting and sustaining than had ever been thought possible. Guy Kettelhack has written seven books on recovery. He is completing a Master's degree in psychoanalysis, and is an analyst-in-training at the Boston and New York Centers for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. A graduate of Middlebury College, Kettelhack has also done graduate work in English literature at Bread Loaf School of English at Oxford University. He lives in New York City.

Secondo IO

by Antonio Almas

Ciò che a volte nascondiamo di noi stessi è il riflesso di ciò che non vogliamo vedere allo specchio. Dobbiamo percepirci e accettarci o non saremo capaci di proseguire. Questo racconto è un'introspezione verso la parte narcisista che abita in noi. È un viaggio verso l'ego che non deve sopraffarci, ma bensì renderci fiduciosi verso il fatto che siamo capaci. Guardare il nostro riflesso nell'acqua non deve solo servire ad ammirarci, ma soprattutto è utile per conversare con noi stessi.

The Secret (The\secret Library #8)

by Rhonda Byrne

Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, 'the secret' of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now 'the secret' is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives.

The Secret (The\secret Library #8)

by Rhonda Byrne

Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, 'the secret' of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now 'the secret' is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives.

The Secret: Daily Teachings (The Secret Library #1)

by Rhonda Byrne

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it. In this book, you'll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life -- money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You'll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that's within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life. The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers -- men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

Secret America: The Hidden Symbols, Codes and Mysteries of the United States

by Barb Karg Rick Sutherland

The Washington Monument.The pyramid on the $1 bill.The Skull and Bones Society at Yale University.Common American icons-or secret symbols? From our founding fathers to our most prestigious institutions, this is a nation built on such secret symbols, rites, and rituals. So forget the textbook version of history-and embark on a fascinating and fantastic journey of America's hidden past.This tell-all handbook is your personal guide to the secret-laden people, places, and things of our great nation, including:Sign-filled national treasures in museums from coast to coastAncient mysteries of our most familiar cities, landmarks, and parksHotbeds of current Masonic, Kabbalistic, and Rosicrucian activityFreemason-planned architecture of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.Covert clubs, societies, and associations of the ultra-rich and powerful From the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., to the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California, this book is all you need to discover the true nature of the oldest republic on Earth-past, present, and future!

The Secret Art of Being a Grown-Up: Tips, Tricks, and Perks No One Thought to Tell You

by Bridget Watson Payne

Hello, grown-ups of all ages! Eclectic, bite-sized bursts of advice meet quirky illustrations in this playful guide to feeling like the grown-up we all wanted to be as a kid. From thoughts on the best way to open a champagne bottle to a short list of the kitchen tools you actually need, these tips and tricks reveal secrets that are attainable, not intimidating. Anyone can make a life upgrade using these insights alongside the traits they already have—their wits, creativity, and enthusiasm. This engaging guide is the perfect gift for recent grads, first-apartment dwellers, and anyone who's ready to grow up, one step at a time.

The Secret Cemetery

by Doris Francis Leonie Kellaher Georgina Neophytou

Burial sites have long been recognized as a way to understand past civilizations. Yet, the meanings of our present day cemeteries have been virtually ignored, even though they reveal much about our cultures. Exploring an extraordinarily diverse range of memorial practice - Greek Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish, Roman Catholic and Anglican, as well as the unchurched - The Secret Cemetery is an intriguing study of what these places of death mean to the living. Most of us experience cemeteries at a ritualized moment of loss. What we forget is that these are often places to which we return either as a general space in which to contemplate or as a specific site to be tended. These are also places where different communities can reinforce boundaries and even recreate a sense of homeland. Over time, ritual, artefact and place shape an intensely personal landscape of memory and mourning, a landscape more alive, more actively engaged with than many of the other places we inhabit.

The Secret Code on Your Hands: An Illustrated Guide to Palmistry

by Vernon Mahabal

When properly understood, the human hand is an unsurpassed tool for character and emotional analysis. The Secret Code on Your Hands is a captivating instruction guide to understanding how to read your own destiny in your hands, as well as your friends. Fully illustrated, with quick pointers and distinct section dividers, it is a great reference book for any aspiring palmist; a quick and accurate method to assess talents, abilities, psychology, and emotional personality in both business and romance.

The Secret Daily Teachings

by Rhonda Byrne

Take the next step with The Secret Daily Teachings - the much-loved companion guide for living The Secretday by day is now available in a new hardcover format. The Secretcontains clear principles on how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe, but the important thing for every person is to LIVE IT. Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, Rhonda Byrne takes you through a year of teachings, sharing wisdom and insights for living in harmony with the laws that govern all human beings, so that you may become the master of your life. Building upon The Secret's powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, more abundance, more magnificence - every single day of the year.

The Secret Daily Teachings

by Rhonda Byrne

Take the next step with The Secret Daily Teachings - the much-loved companion guide for living The Secretday by day is now available in a new hardcover format. The Secretcontains clear principles on how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe, but the important thing for every person is to LIVE IT. Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, Rhonda Byrne takes you through a year of teachings, sharing wisdom and insights for living in harmony with the laws that govern all human beings, so that you may become the master of your life. Building upon The Secret's powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, more abundance, more magnificence - every single day of the year.

The Secret Daily Teachings: Daily Teachings

by Rhonda Byrne

First time available in ebook! The Secret Daily Teachings, the much-loved companion guide for living The Secret day by day, is now available in a new ebook format.Take the next step with The Secret Daily Teachings—the much-loved companion guide for living The Secret day by day is now available in a new ebook format. The Secret contains clear principles on how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe, but the important thing for every person is to LIVE IT. Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, Rhonda Byrne takes you through a year of teachings, sharing wisdom and insights for living in harmony with the laws that govern all human beings, so that you may become the master of your life. Building upon The Secret’s powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, more abundance, more magnificence—every single day of the year.

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