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¿Por qué mi hijo no habla?

by Lisa Chen Facundo Agüero

Esta historia está basada en hechos reales y es una obra creativa de no ficción. Los sucesos relatados son reales pero en algunos casos se han modificado para darle más efecto o se han minimizado para proteger a las personas involucradas de forma directa. A pesar de que el autor y la editorial han hecho lo posible para asegurarse de que la información de este libro sea correcta a la hora de imprimirlo, el autor y la editorial no se hacen responsables y por la presente se desligan de toda responsabilidad por pérdida, daño o alteración causados por errores u omisiones, ya sea que los errores u omisiones sean consecuencia de negligencia, accidente o cualquier otra causa. La información que contiene este libro digital es únicamente para fines informativos generales. La intención de este libro no es reemplazar el consejo profesional de médicos, expertos y/o terapeutas. El lector debería, con regularidad, consultar con un médico por temas relacionados con su hijo/a y en particular con respecto a síntomas que puedan requerir un diagnóstico o atención médica. Ninguna parte de este libro digital podrá ser duplicada o transmitida de ninguna manera o por ningún medio, ya sea electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación o por ningún sistema de almacenamiento de información o de recuperación sin el consentimiento escrito del autor.

¿por qué no puedo comer?

by Karolina Lama

Un libro lleno de actividades que te ayudarán a sanar tu hambre emocional. Hay momentos en que la comida se convierte en una aliada indiscutible a la hora de manejar nuestras emociones; nos calma, nos da algo de qué preocuparnos e incluso nos puede ayudar a acercarnos a nuestros seres queridos. Lo hemos visto en miles de películas, ¿qué corazón roto no se cura con un poco de chocolate y helado? El problema comienza cuando esto se convierte en nuestro único mecanismo de defensa y no podemos parar de comer, lo que nos lleva a sentirnos inseguras con nuestro cuerpo y a enfermarnos. Karolina Lama, psicóloga que se ha especializado en este tipo de relaciones con la comida, nos invita a hacer un recorrido por nuestras vidas en este libro, que se convertirá en tu compañero y diario personal, gracias al que entenderás dónde nace esa hambre emocional, cómo aceptar que es parte de tu vida y qué hacer para sanar y conseguir tu peso sustentable, ese que te hace sentir bien sin convertirse en una lucha constante con los números.

Los porqués del insomnio: Sus causas biológicas y psicológicas. Propuestas de solución

by Martha Alicia Chávez

¿Estás cansado de no poder dormir? ¿Consideras que has intentado hacer todo para eliminar el insomnio de tu vida? ¿Conoces las causas biológicas y psicológicas que lo provocan? ¿Crees que no tiene solución? Este libro es lo que necesitas. Martha Alicia Chávez, autora bestseller y reconocida psicoterapeuta, regresa con Los porqués del insomnio para queconozcamos de fondo qué significa el sueño, cuáles son sus ciclos, qué es lo que nos afecta para poder dormir bien, cuáles son sus causas posibles tanto físicas como psicológicas, ejemplificadas con casos reales, para que logremos obtener un descanso profundo, sus beneficios y borremos de nuestras vidas los fantasmas que pueden aquejarnos para vivir este mal. Un libro que es una gran herramienta con distintas propuestas para que cada uno de nosotros decida el camino que más resuena con quienes somos.

A Porta Para a Eternidade

by Doug Simpson

Durante sua velhice, John, um professor de inglês aposentado do Ensino Médio, decide, finalmente, escrever sobre suas memórias. A sua história começa quando ele era criança, com a presença de um espírito da sua idade, que o visitava para brincar. Para John, Jason é uma criança normal como ele, e ele nunca parou para pensar de onde Jason vinha e para onde ia quando desaparecia. Ao passar dos anos, mais amigos se juntam a eles e, conforme John envelhece, mais e mais informações, sobre o mundo espiritual, são divididas com ele por esses amigos. Em A Porta para a Eternidade, John relata os diversos encontros que ele, sua família e amigos próximos vivenciam com espíritos, Mentores Espirituais, espíritos presos à terra, casas assombradas e visitas ao Paraíso. Explica também sobre grupos espirituais e o propósito de seus espíritos que reencarnam juntos, durantes diversas vidas, para, coletivamente, evoluírem e readquirirem seus estados originais: perfeitos, como quando Deus os criou.

The Portable Essential Oils: A Pocket Reference of Everyday Remedies for Natural Health & Wellness

by Anne Kennedy

Everyday ailments have a way of sneaking up on us. Compact enough to fit in the glove compartment or handbag, The Portable Essential Oils is your take-anywhere guide to 250 of the most fundamental essential oil remedies anytime you need them. Having access to your essential oils when you need them is important, and also that essential oils are not a one-size-fits-all remedy. In The Portable Essential Oils, natural health expert Anne Kennedy offers ailment-specific essential oil therapies to address common health concerns—enabling you with safe, convenient ways to take your well-being into your own hands—including: 50 of the most versatile essential oils, including 7 must-haves for home or on-the-go 250 essential oils remedies for or everyday health issues Essential Oil remedies that are safe for use with children and at which ages Shopper's guide on which essential oils to buy, which to be wary of, and important questions to ask

The Portable Miracle Ball Method: Relieve Your Pain, Reduce Your Stress

by Elaine Petrone

**Note: A Miracle Ball is not included with ebook edition. To purchase a Miracle Ball, please purchase a print edition of The Miracle Ball Method or visit to purchase a ball separately.** Introducing The Portable Miracle Ball, a book of simple exercises for pain and stress relief with an inflatable Miracle Ball. Ideal for business travelers and commuters or anyone who spends long hours away from home, these exercises require only one ball (which packs easily and is discreet to use in public) and can be done anywhere and everywhere. The fully illustrated book is filled with simple exercises that work miracles the minute you settle into your hotel room or board a plane. Stuck in a long line at the bank? Here are techniques to stretch the muscles and reduce tension right on the spot (and no, you won’t look silly). Feet worn out after a day at the museum? The author’s soothing exercises targeting the insteps and legs will have you up and moving again in no time. And for anyone who experiences discomfort when sitting for long periods, the book features exercises to be performed at your desk, on a plane, or even in a restaurant. A chapter on “Emergency Measures” provides quick relief for back spasms, waking up with extreme stiffness, and other acute problems. The author discusses proper breathing technique, ball placement, and the importance of listening to one’s own body when performing the movements.

The Portable Pediatrician: Everything You Need to Know About Your Child's Health

by William Sears Martha Sears James Sears Robert Sears Peter Sears

Imagine you are up at three o'clock in the morning with a sick child. Wouldn't it be nice to have expert advice readily at hand to help get you through the night? Encyclopedic in scope, THE PORTABLE PEDIATRICIAN features timely and practical information on every childhood illness and emergency, including when to call the doctor, what reassuring signs can help you know your child is okay, how to treat your child at home, and much more-all in a convenient A-to-Z format. Among the scores of topics covered: teething; sprains and broken bones; nosebleeds; measles; ear infections; choking; rashes; colic; headaches; eating disorders; fever; hip pain; warts; allergies; obesity; seizures; Asperger's Syndrome; bronchitis; masturbation; sunburns; pneumonia; speech delay; lice; vomiting; asthma; heart defects; blisters; sleep problems; and more. The Searses guide parents and caregivers from a child's infancy through the teen years, teaching them what to expect at regular checkups as well as how to boost a child's well-being, devise a family health plan, work effectively with their pediatrician, and more. Distinguished by the Searses' trademark comprehensiveness, reliability, and accessible, comforting one, this book is a must-have for all families who want to keep their children healthy and happy.

The Portable Personal Trainer

by Eric Harr

Exercise Your Body. Enjoy Yourself. Experience the Difference. Whatever your fitness level, world-class Iron Man triathlete Eric Harr shares 100 inspirational strategies to uncover your passion and improve your performance. -See each workout as a celebration and an opportunity for personal growth (#5). -Stop counting calories and listen to your body for nutrition information it knows what you need (#22). -Learn why morning workouts are best-and it's not just because you'll burn more body fat (#...

The Portable Spell Book

by Ashleen O'Gaea

You don't need a witch's cauldron to do magick. With this book, casting spells, creating charms, and brewing potions are as easy as wrinkling your nose. Designed for spellcasters on the go who want to practice informal magick without calling attention to themselves, this guide offers quick fixes for everyday problems, such as: Charms to find a soul mate Chants to stay in control during stressful times Quick potions to boost power at work Spells to attract that extra cash for a vacation With simple tools and ingredients, usually found around the house, readers will conjure effective magick to attract only positive elements in their life. This spell book reveals the secrets to practicing magick the quick and easy way!

The Portal

by Patrice Chaplin

The true-life memoir Patrice Chaplin began in City of Secrets continues here in the story of her spiritual initiation into the Kabbalistic tradition preserved since the Middle Ages by a secret society in the pre-Roman city of Girona, Spain. Salvador Dalí was a member of that society, as was the renowned author Umberto Eco, the filmmaker Jean Cocteau, and Jancint Verdeguer, one of the most celebrated Catalan poets. Importantly, so was the mysterious Berenger Sauniere, the priest who in the late 1800s built Rennes-le-Château in southern France, with the Tour Magdala, a tower that is twin to the neo-gothic tower in Girona. In this gripping story that reads like the adventures of a female Castenada, Chaplin is led through a series of initiatory stages which correspond to the magical square of Venus, containing the constellation of the Great Bear.

The Portal

by Patrice Chaplin

The true-life memoir Patrice Chaplin began in City of Secrets continues here in the story of her spiritual initiation into the Kabbalistic tradition preserved since the Middle Ages by a secret society in the pre-Roman city of Girona, Spain. Salvador Dalí was a member of that society, as was the renowned author Umberto Eco, the filmmaker Jean Cocteau, and Jancint Verdeguer, one of the most celebrated Catalan poets. Importantly, so was the mysterious Berenger Sauniere, the priest who in the late 1800s built Rennes-le-Château in southern France, with the Tour Magdala, a tower that is twin to the neo-gothic tower in Girona. In this gripping story that reads like the adventures of a female Castenada, Chaplin is led through a series of initiatory stages which correspond to the magical square of Venus, containing the constellation of the Great Bear.

Portfolio to Go: 1000+ Reflective Writing Prompts and Provocations for Clinical Learners

by Allan D. Peterkin

Preparing a learning portfolio has become a mandatory part of the course work in most clinical professions. Students and educators alike sometimes complain that these mandatory assignments become repetitive and uninspired. However, we all need to be able to speak and write clearly as we work with our colleagues, students and those we care for. In Portfolio To Go, Allan D. Peterkin insists that reflective capacity, critical thinking, creative expression, and narrative competence are attributes that should be developed in every health professional - regardless of the discipline or specialty. Trainees will find over 1000 prompts organized under themes highly relevant to students and educators, including those not formally addressed in class, such as coping with uncertainty and ambiguity, team conflict, and resilience through good self-care. Practical tips for writing effectively and for discussing and evaluating narratives in a helpful, respective manner are provided throughout. Peterkin is a pioneer in emphasizing patient-centred, humanistic care and Portfolio To Go will help to train and develop more reflective practitioners.

The Portion Teller Plan: The No Diet Reality Guide to Eating, Cheating, and Losing Weight Permanently

by Lisa R. Young

The Portion Teller Plan is a sensible eating guide and the end of diet deprivation. No forbidden foods, no calorie counting. Welcome to diet liberation.Would you ever consider going to the kitchen in the morning and grabbing five slices of bread for breakfast? No? Just one bagel is more like it, right? Well, your morning bagel is equivalent to eating five slices of bread. Your steak at dinner is equal to the protein in eighteen eggs. And that huge bowl of pasta you had at lunch is anybody's guess. Nobody likes to cut back but the cold hard facts are in: Portion sizes have steadily increased over the past thirty years and our collective waistlines are ballooning right along with them. You may need to eat a little less if you want to lose weight, but with The Portion Teller Plan you can eat all of your favorite foods. Nutrition and portion size expert Dr. Lisa Young presents an individualized guide to eating according to your portion personality and food preferences. You'll learn a simple system of visuals-a deck of cards, a baseball, your own hand-to help gauge portion size. You'll be able to eat out, eat in, cheat, and eat on the road without ever being a portion victim again.

Portland Stair Walks: Explore Portland, Oregon's Public Stairways

by Laura O. Foster

Why is it so satisfying to walk up and down stairs? Maybe it's the new layer of discovery with each step up—a new far-off view and a new close-up look at the plants and buildings. Maybe it's the fleeting proximity one has to passing strangers. Maybe it's the great feeling of propelling yourself upward and then floating downward. Maybe it's the best workout you can get without putting on gym clothes. Whatever the reason, stairs are an excellent way to get yourself up or down a landscape, and Portland, Oregon has a whole lot of them built into our public sidewalk and trail infrastructures.

Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man: A Memoir

by Bill Clegg

Bill Clegg had a thriving business as a literary agent, a supportive partner, trusting colleagues, and loving friends when he walked away from his world and embarked on a two-month crack binge. He had been released from rehab nine months earlier, and his relapse would cost him his home, his money, his career, and very nearly his life. What is it that leads an exceptional young mind want to disappear? Clegg makes stunningly clear the attraction of the drug that had him in its thrall, capturing in scene after scene the drama, tension, and paranoiac nightmare of a secret life--and the exhilarating bliss that came again and again until it was eclipsed almost entirely by doom. He also explores the shape of addiction, how its pattern--not its cause--can be traced to the past. Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man is an utterly compelling narrative--lyrical, irresistible, harsh, honest, and beautifully written--from which you simply cannot look away.

Posers, Fakers, and Wannabes: Unmasking the Real You

by Brennan Manning Jim Hancock

Be who God made you to be. Adapted for teens and students from Brennan Manning's best-seller Abba's Child , this book will help you see how God's grace sets us free to be who we really are. No more games, no acts, no masks. Discover your identity in Christ and be set free.

The Posh Girl's Guide to Play: Fantasy, Role Play & Sensual Bondage

by Alexis Lass

Because little black handcuffs go with everything...In The Posh Girl's Guide to Play, Alexis Lass leads you into the romantic and wildly glamorous world of dominance and submission, and engages her lover, Mr. H, to address the interests of your play partner. Blending their his-and-her stories with encouraging, down-to-earth advice, Lass confides how to enter the world of fantasy and enjoy the power and delight of role play-all while feeling safe and sensual. Along the way, she shares insider wisdom on the psychological aspect of this kind of intimacy, including:Establishing trust between partnersThe yoga-like benefits of submission and sensory deprivationExploring secret fantasiesBuilding erotic tensionAdvancing the play (for the adventurous)Tantalizing and intelligent, The Posh Girl's Guide to Play is the perfect beginner's guide to go from "no way" to "let's play!"

Position of the Week

by David Delvin

Together, forever, in love. But what happens when forever turns out to be a mightly long time? What brings that special zest to a long-lasting relationship? What can you do to tickle the fancy of the one you love?Dr David Delvin provides the answer in this light-hearted Karma Sutra with 52 new ways to make love - one for every week of the year...Each one individually illustrated, and carefully described, POSITION OF THE WEEK is the best alternative to the biggest problem in any relationship - boredom. From Beziers to Benidorm, Biarritz to Bristol, Dr Delvin's ideas will entertain you - and help you entertain your lover.

Position of the Week

by David Delvin

Together, forever, in love. But what happens when forever turns out to be a mightly long time? What brings that special zest to a long-lasting relationship? What can you do to tickle the fancy of the one you love?Dr David Delvin provides the answer in this light-hearted Karma Sutra with 52 new ways to make love - one for every week of the year...Each one individually illustrated, and carefully described, POSITION OF THE WEEK is the best alternative to the biggest problem in any relationship - boredom. From Beziers to Benidorm, Biarritz to Bristol, Dr Delvin's ideas will entertain you - and help you entertain your lover.

Positional Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

by Nico De Vries Madeline Ravesloot J. Peter van Maanen

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent sleep disordered breathing disorder. It has become apparent that in more than half the patients with OSA, the frequency and duration of apneas are influenced by body position. To treat patients with Position Dependent OSA (POSA), positional therapy can be considered for preventing patients from sleeping in the worst sleeping position. Treatment of POSA has advanced dramatically recently with the introduction of a new generation of positional therapy. Positional Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea presents improved OSA diagnostic methods and the tools needed to implement positional therapy in clinical practice. This includes patient work-up, positional therapy with or without other treatments, consequences of guidelines and future developments. Clinicians, students and researchers will find this comprehensive guide to be an invaluable resource for evaluating and treating sleep breathing disorders.

Positive: A Memoir

by Paige Rawl Ali Benjamin

Paige Rawl was an ordinary girl.Cheerleader, soccer player, honor roll student. One of the good kids at her middle school. Then, on an unremarkable day, Paige disclosed the one thing that made her "different": her HIV-positive status.It didn't matter that she was born with the disease or that her illness posed no danger to her classmates.Within hours, the bullying began.They called her PAIDS. Left cruel notes on her locker. Talked in whispers about her and mocked her openly. She turned to school administrators for help. Instead of assisting her, they ignored her urgent pleas . . . and told her to stop the drama.She had never felt more alone.One night, desperate for escape, Paige found herself in front of the medicine cabinet, staring at a bottle of sleeping pills.That could have been the end of her story. Instead, it was only the beginning.Finding comfort in steadfast friends and a community of other kids touched by HIV, Paige discovered the strength inside of her, and she embarked on a mission to change things for the bullied kids who would follow in her footsteps.In this astonishing memoir, Paige immerses the reader in her experience and tells a story that is both deeply personal and completely universal: a story of one girl overcoming relentless bullying by choosing to be Positive.

The Positive Ageing Plan: The Expert Guide to Healthy, Beautiful Skin at Every Age

by Dr Vicky Dondos

'This book will make you rethink everything the world has erroneously told you about ageing' Farrah Storr, Editor of Elle *****When we look in the mirror we want to see a fresh-faced, radiant and confident version of ourselves and Dr Vicky Dondos has spent fifteen years helping her clients see just that. In The Positive Ageing Plan she shares her advice for how you can enjoy an effortless, confident glow, at every age.The aim isn't to look younger, but to look and feel good about yourself and your appearance throughout your life. In this empowering guide, Dr Vicky demystifies the ageing process, reveals the products that are worth investing in and shows you how to create your own personalized programme, so that you can care for your own health and appearance in a way that works for you, your schedule and your budget.The expert advice in this book will help you:- Better understand your own skin- Find the skincare approach that works for you- Learn radiance-boosting lifestyle tips- Get the lowdown on the cosmetic treatments available to you- Above all, appreciate your own natural beautyWhatever your reasons for picking up this book, it is a science-based, straight-talking, judgement-free guide to finding the best options for your skin and will help you grow the confidence that comes with looking great.*****'Tatler's finest ... one of the most rigorous, skilled, clever and charming specialists out there.' Francesca White, Tatler Beauty Editor 'A brilliant book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and learned so much. I finished it feeling empowered and in control' Lily Boulle, Founder & Managing Director of Sleep Siren

Positive Aging: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals and Consumers

by Robert D. Hill

<p>Retirement, senility, disability, and death were all notions previously associated with growing old. <p>Today, with the average life span of men and women in the United States exceeding 76 years, the words successful, optimal, and positive dominate the lexicon of scientists and, increasingly, the general public. We not only plan to live longer, but expect to enjoy a superior standard of physical and emotional health for longer than any previous generation. Leading an active and purposeful life no longer stops at the outdated 65-year mark of retirement, but continues well into what was once termed "old age." With these changing attitudes comes the need for new conceptualizations of what it means to grow old. <p>In a groundbreaking book, Robert Hill, a psychologist, professor, and leading researcher in geriatric care, rethinks the traditional ideas we have of aging by offering us a new framework from which to understand the nature of growing old. Positive Aging offers a more innovative model of old age that focuses on achieving and fostering a positive mindset. In doing so, Hill not only explores the social and psychological trends of aging in the 21st century, but offers an illuminating examination of how advances in the science of gerontology influence the phenomenology of growing old. <p>Written for all those concerned about their own course of aging as well as the practitioner who provides mental health services to older adults, Positive Aging begins with a review of the term "aging" itself, its history and its changing meaning. Hill then delves into the many lifestyle choices we can make to improve our happiness as we grow older. Traditional theories of adult development and how Positive Aging plays into them are examined; successful, normal, impaired, and diseased trajectories of age-related decline are defined and explored; and useful strategies are provided for coping with common old-age issues—including cognitive deficits, depression, anxiety, and psychological barriers to happiness. Hill also covers important late-life concerns such as the role Positive Aging plays in physical disability, caregiving, grief, bereavement, death, and spirituality and meaning-based counseling. Along the way, poignant case studies help elucidate and contextualize the arguments, and keep the discussion rooted in very tangible, human terms. <p>Ushering in an era of new understanding of what it means to grow older, Positive Aging is an enlightening guidebook for consumers navigating such uncertain, and often worrisome terrain, as well as an invaluable resource for clinicians working with this growing population. By combining a novel approach to human aging in the contemporary world with specific suggestions and ideas to optimize that process, this book promises to help all of us cope with the vicissitudes of growing older to continue to get the most out of living.</p>

Positive Drinking: Control the Alcohol Before it Controls You

by Kevin Laye

Do you sometimes worry that you drink too much?Do you wonder why you rely on alcohol to relax or have fun?Think of what having control over this will do for both your health and your wealth!Most people wonder at some point if their relationship with alcohol is a positive one and feel guilty that 'just the one' more often turns into 'just the seven'. There's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy yourself, but if you do worry about drinking too much, help is at hand. This book was written to make you more in control of your drinking habits, and to enable you to make a change for the better.Full of useful and proven techniques that are easy to follow, it will put you back in control if you feel that excessive or 'binge' drinking has become a problem in your life. Following the simple guidelines inside will allow you to change and control your behaviour so that you can choose to enjoy alcohol if you wish, when you wish, and how you wish – without feeling that it is controlling you.

Positive Health: 100+ Research-based Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine Tools to Enhance Your Wellbeing

by Jolanta Burke Pádraic J. Dunne Trudy Meehan Ciaran A. O’Boyle Christian van Nieuwerburgh

This comprehensive compendium offers a wealth of research-informed tools that can boost both physical and mental wellbeing throughout the lifespan. Filled with more than 100 activities to help you live life better, this book is the first of its kind to integrate the latest research from the fields of positive psychology and lifestyle medicine. Striking a careful balance between theory and practice, the book first reviews what is known about positive psychology and health, presenting a novel approach to holistic wellbeing. It then goes on to provide more than 100 tools designed to increase physical, mental and social health and wellbeing, and also to decrease the risk of illness and disease. The tools described can be used by people of all ages, whether well or experiencing illness. It includes tools that you can use to improve your nutrition and sleep, to increase your physical activity, to develop positive relationships, to develop a positive mindset and to pursue a meaning in life. These tools provide research-informed, practical advice to help you to make lasting changes and become the best possible version of yourself. This book is invaluable for anyone who wishes to maintain and enhance their health and wellbeing using tools that have been shown through research to be effective. It is also a key text for students in positive psychology and healthcare, as well serving as an evidence-based reference book for coaches and health professionals who wish to recommend research-informed tools to their clients and patients.

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