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Veganistisch dieet voor beginners: Snelle en eenvoudige tips voor Het starten van een Vegan Lifestyle

by Kelli Rae

Wil je een veganistische levensstijl aannemen? Veganistisch dieet voor beginners: snelle en eenvoudige tips voor het starten van een veganistische levensstijl is voor de echte beginner die helemaal nieuw is in een veganistische levensstijl. Er is zoveel informatie beschikbaar, dus waar begin je? In dit korte boek vindt u veel tips en aanwijzingen die u zullen leiden naar succes op uw veganistische reis. Ik neem ook een aantal foto's op van maaltijden die ik heb geconsumeerd. Het mentale aspect is ENORM, dus ongeveer de helft van het boek zal zich concentreren op het hebben van een goede, stevige mentale basis voordat het precies aanvalt wat te eten. Wilt u meer weten? Download nu uw exemplaar! Scroll naar de bovenkant van de pagina en selecteer de knop Kopen.

42 veganistische proteïne shakes en smoothies Snel, makkelijk en perfect om schoon te eten

by Kelli Rae Yolanda Broekman

42 proteïne shakes en smoothies: snel, makkelijk en perfect om schoon te eten gaat over je goed voelen en gezonder worden, terwijl je een maaltijd bereiden ook sneller en makkelijker maakt. De oplossing? Smoothies en proteïne shakes! Naast dat het een gezonde maaltijd is, zijn ze ook handig omdat ze op elk moment van de dag kunnen worden geconsumeerd. Ze kunnen je ook helpen om een ​​‘hunkering naar iets zoets’ te verminderen. Je kunt zelfs misschien wat gewicht verliezen en nog wat geld tijdens het boodschappen doen besparen. Er is een grote verscheidenheid aan ingrediënten in deze recepten, waaronder: aardbeien, chiazaden, amandelmelk, watermeloen, kersen, en nog veel meer! De recepten zijn uniek, aangenaam en bevatten ook nog een gezond feitje over een ingrediënt in het recept. Wil je meer leren? Download dan nu jouw exemplaar! Scroll naar de bovenkant van de pagina en klik op de knop “Koop nu”.

Recetas de helado vegano a base de banana (Nice Cream): 56 deliciosas recetas de helado a base de banana para comer sin culpa

by Kelli Rae Lorena Grancelli

¿Está buscando una manera saludable y sencilla de disfrutar del helado? Este libro incluye 56 recetas de helado a base de banana para disfrutar sin culpa. El helado vegano a base de banana (llamado Nice Cream en inglés) es un gusto saludable ideal para los calurosos días de verano, o simplemente para cuando desea comer algo dulce. El helado vegano a base de banana es un reemplazo genial del helado tradicional, y además es mucho más saludable. El helado a base de banana es bajo en calorías y bajo en grasas, y todas las recetas que incluyo en este libro son veganas. Todas las recetas son sabrosas y saludables, lo que las hace perfectas para cualquier camino de pérdida de peso o de búsqueda de salud. En sólo minutos usted puede darse un gusto sin gluten, sin lácteos y apto también para la dieta paleo. Todo lo que necesitará es una procesadora de alimentos o una licuadora, unos pocos minutos y algunos ingredientes. En este libro encontrará sabores que son favoritos, como chocolate con menta, masa de galletas, chocolate, menta piperita y muchos más. ¡A disfrutar!

42 Ejercicios Cardio y Otras ideas para hacer que el ejercicio sea divertido y no aburrido

by Kelli Rae Luis Oswaldo Jimenez

El presente libro presenta una serie de ideas que pueden ayudar a realizar los entrenamientos en el gimnasio de una manera más divertida. Ofrece consejos para combinar las rutinas cardio, así como ideas adicionales para motivar a estar en forma y estar saludable.

42 Treinos de cardio e outras ideias para fazer exercícios de forma divertida e não tediosa

by Kelli Rae Jonathan R. Santos & Aleff E. Oliveira

Você fica entediado na academia? Precisa de outras ideias para fazer exercícios além de uma máquina de cardio? Ou você tem um tempo curto e só precisa de um plano para que você possa maximizar o seu treino de cardio? Este livro responde a estas perguntas e inclui: Tipos de cardio para manter-se motivado. 42 rotinas diferentes, com todos os diferentes tipos de máquinas, incluindo a bicicleta, a esteira e o elíptico. Exercícios que não requerem nenhum equipamento ou academia! Outras maneiras de manter-se animado para o próximo treino. E muito mais! Você também poderá me enviar e-mails com quaisquer perguntas ou comentários sobre os exercícios. APROVEITE e espero que este livro lhe dê algumas ideias divertidas para a sua próxima jornada à academia.

Alimentation végane pour débutant: conseils rapides et faciles pour commencer un mode de vie végane

by Kelli Rae Julie Nantel

Vous voulez adopter un mode de vie végane ? Alimentation végane pour débutant : conseils rapides et faciles pour commencer un mode de vie végane est pour les vrais débutants qui ne connaissent pas le mode de vie végane. Il y a tellement d'informations disponibles, alors où commencer ? Dans ce court livre, vous trouverez beaucoup de conseils qui vous conduiront vers le succès dans votre cheminement vers un mode de vie végane. J'ai également inclus quelques photos de mes repas. L'aspect mental du changement est ÉNORME, donc environ la moitié du livre porte sur la fondation d'un mental solide avant d'attaquer les repas. Vous voulez en apprendre plus ? Téléchargez votre copie dès maintenant ! Pour acheter, il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton « Acheter » au haut de la page.

Dieta Vegana per Principianti: Facili e Veloci consigli per iniziare un Lifestyle Vegano

by Kelli Rae Loris Palmitesta

Questa è una breve guida su come condurre un lifestyle vegetariano, incentrata molto sull'aspetto mentale. Dieta Vegana per principianti: veloci e facili consigli per iniziare uno stile di vita vegano per chi è totalmente nuovo ad uno stile di vita vegano. Così tante informazioni disponibili, da dove iniziare? In questo piccolo libro troverai molti consigli e indicatori che ti guideranno verso una fruttuosa vita vegana. Sono incluse inoltre delle foto di piatti preparati da me. Aspetto mentale è ENORME, per questo una buona metà del libro è incentrata sul conseguire una forte fondamenta mentale prima di assalire cosa bisogna mangiare. Vuoi imparare di più? Scarica la tua copia adesso! Scorri verso la parte alta della pagina e premi il bottone Compra.

42 Receitas Veganas de Hambúrguer e Sanduíche: Fácil e ideal para uma alimentação saudável

by Kelli Rae Cassia Pereira

Hambúrguer e sanduíche são excelentes e ambos são uma refeição potencialmente barata. Existem muitos tipos diferentes para se preparar. Este livro contém uma variedade incrível de 42 receitas veganas de hambúrguer e sanduíche. Algumas das receitas só precisam de poucos ingredientes, e algumas precisarão de um pouco mais. Estas receitas irão certamente deixar sua boca cheia de água e você vai querer preparar todas as receitas. Elas são perfeitas para fazer em casa ou mesmo para um grande evento com a família e amigos. Bom apetite!

Dieta Vegana para Iniciantes: Dicas fáceis e rápidas para ser vegano

by Kelli Rae Cassia Pereira

Bem-vindo e obrigado por ter escolhido este livro! Várias pessoas me disseram: Eu quero ser vegano mas eu não sei por onde começar. Em resumo, eu sempre digo para as pessoas começarem devagar e se houver dificuldades, tentar mudar uma coisa de cada vez. Então eu percebi que existe tanta informação sobre alimentação saudável, mas eu mesma não consegui encontrar livros que expliquem exatamente sobre COMO se tornar vegano. Para se tornar um vegano, a fórmula é bastante simples. Tudo que você precisa fazer é eliminar produtos de origem animal e você está pronto. Simples, sim. Fácil? NÃO! Neste livro eu mostrarei algumas dicas simples para mudar a sua mentalidade e entrar no modo de vida vegano. Eu também irei mostrar algumas dicas sobre o que comer e por onde começar com um planejamento alimentar. É apenas o básico e algo que vai te ajudar no começo. Preste atenção por favor, que este livreto se concentra no aspecto dos alimentos para se tornar um vegano. Existem muitos produtos de origem animal lá fora que muitos veganos querem eliminar, mas eu quero que se concentre na parte dos alimentos que são os mais difíceis de eliminar. Além disso, em relação aos outros produtos, eu poderia dizer "não comprem isso". Considerando que, quando eu digo, "não comprem laticínios", parece um pouco mais difícil porque as pessoas gostam de comer pizza e sorvete. Por último e mais importante, certifique-se de consultar com o seu médico ou com um nutricionista antes de iniciar qualquer programa novo. Por favor, esteja ciente de que eu não sou uma nutricionista, e tudo o que eu quero fazer é compartilhar informações que me ajudaram na minha jornada. Eu não sei sua história pessoal, por isso não posso ser responsabilizada por estas recomendações.

8 settimane di Allenamenti Weightlifting per aumentare la forza e perdere peso

by Kelli Rae Federica Piano

Questa mini guida è rivolta a persone che hanno già un po’ di esperienza in palestra, ma che necessitano di un piano d’allenamento dettagliato o qualche piccolo suggerimento. Do per scontato che tu abbia già ottenuto l’approvazione da parte del tuo medico curante per poter iniziare un allenamento di sollevamento pesi. Per le prossime 8 settimane avrai un piano di allenamento di sollevamento pesi. Troverai dai 4 ai 6 programmi di allenamento, divisi per diverse parti del corpo. Pronto a divertirti e a raggiungere il massimo della tua salute e dei tuoi obbiettivi? Continua a leggere!

Vegane Nice-Cream Rezepte: 56 vegane, gesunde und leckere Bananen-Eis Rezepte

by Kelli Rae Beatrice Rueckert

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer gesunden und leichten Art Eis zu genießen? Diese Buch ist randvoll mit 56 Rezepten für veganes und gesundes Bananen-Eis. Nice-Cream ist ein leichter und gesunder Genuß, perfekt für heiße Sommertage oder einfach nur als kleine Leckerei. Nice-Cream ist ein wunderbarer Ersatz für Eis, und doch viel gesünder. Bananen-Eis ist kalorienarm, fettarm und alle Rezepte hier sind vegan. Sie schmecken lecker und leicht, perfekt für jede Art des Abnehmen oder jegliche gesunde Lebensweise. In nur wenigen Minuten können Sie glutenfreie, paleo-freundliche und milchfreie Leckereien zaubern. Sie benötigen lediglich eine Küchenmaschine oder einen Mixer, ein paar Minuten Zeit und einige wenige Zutaten. In diesem Buch finden Sie unter anderem Geschmacksklassiker wie Minz-Schoko, Keksteig, Schokolade und Pfefferminze.

Dieta Vegana para Principiantes: Consejos rápidos y fáciles para iniciar un estilo de vida vegano

by Kelli Rae Sam Tojo

Dieta Vegana para Principiantes: Consejos rápidos y fáciles para iniciar un estilo de vida vegano es para el verdadero principiante que es completamente ajeno a un estilo de vida vegano. Hay mucha información disponible, por lo tanto ¿por dónde empezar? En este pequeño libro, encontrarás muchos consejos y sugerencias que te llevarán al éxito en tu nieva travesía vegana. También incluyo algunas fotos de las comidas que he preparado. El aspecto mental es DE GRAN IMPORTANCIA, por lo que aproximadamente la mitad del libro se centrará en tener una buena y sólida base mental, antes de comenzar exactamente con qué comer.

42 Recetas de Hamburguesas y Sándwiches Veganos: Fácil, Sencillo e Ideal Para Una Alimentación Saludable

by Kelli Rae Valeria Lissbeth Aguirre Sánchez

Este libro de cocina contiene 42 recetas para preparar hamburguesas o sándwiches. ¡Una variedad de 42 recetas saludable de hamburguesas y sándwiches veganos que son tan sencillos de preparar! ¿Está cansado de comer comida procesada en las hamburguesas que dicen ser veganas?, ¿Está preparado para una alternativa más saludable y de la manera más sencilla? ¡42 Recetas de hamburguesas y sándwiches veganos es su solución! Contiene una extensa variedad de recetas. Es la manera perfecta para comer saludable y también, puede ayudarlo en esos "refrigerios culposos" antes de dormir. Puede seguir sintiéndose muy bien al saber que se está alimentando de la mejor forma y con todos los nutrientes necesarios para su cuerpo. Las recetas que contiene el libro, además de ser deliciosas, son excelentes para ahorrar su tiempo y comerlas ya sea de lonche en el trabajo, en la escuela o mientras se va a hacer mandados.

Bolos de caneca veganos: 20 receitas rápidas, saudáveis e deliciosas para fazer no micro-ondas

by Kelli Rae Carla Lorenzatti Venturini

Você só tem 5 minutos para matar aquela vontade de comer doce? Este livro contém 20 receitas diferentes de bolos de caneca. A maioria das receitas tem cerca de 5 a 8 ingredientes, os quais incluem frutas vermelhas, aveia, chocolate, manteiga de amendoim, proteína em pó, abóbora e mais. Todos os ingredientes são muito baratos, saudáveis e podem ser encontrados na seção a granel do supermercado. Elas são perfeitas se você não tem tempo de cozinhar e só quer um pouquinho de doce. Cada receita leva no máximo de 4 a 5 minutos para preparar. Elas são uma escolha excelente se você é ocupado e ativo. Você não precisa comê-las imediatamente - pode embalar elas para um lanche mais tarde. Aqui vai um exemplo: O básico dos básicos 1 medida de proteína em pó ¼ de colher de chá de óleo ¼ de colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio 1 pacote de stevia Canela Modo de preparo: 1. Pegue uma caneca de tamanho normal e coloque a proteína, o óleo, o bicarbonato e o stevia. 2. Misture devagar com água e mexa. Repita se necessário. Essa mistura deverá ficar como uma massa grossa de bolo. 3. Polvilhe com canela. 4. Leve ao micro-ondas por 2 minutos. 5. Deixe esfriar por 1 minuto.

Why We Need Vaccines: How Humans Beat Infectious Diseases (Orca Timeline #6)

by Rowena Rae

Vaccination is one of humanity's most effective and greatest discoveries. Infections like the plague, smallpox and other deadly diseases have affected and killed people for thousands of years, but the invention of vaccines forever changed our relationship with these diseases. More recently the urgency of developing an effective vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic brought vaccination to the public's attention. Simmering tensions around vaccine hesitancy, misinformation and mistrust of science came to the forefront. Although an earlier form of protection against infectious diseases has been practiced for a long time, vaccines have only been around for 200 years. Why We Need Vaccines explores the history of vaccine discovery, the science of how vaccines work and the public-health achievements that vaccines have made possible. It also discusses vaccine mandates and inequality in access to vaccines on local and global scales. It challenges young readers to take responsibility for themselves, their families and their communities so we can all be part of the solution to take down infectious diseases.

Bioethics: A Christian Approach in a Pluralistic Age

by Scott B. Rae Paul M. Cox

The authors assess various secular approaches to bioethics that are particularly influential today and develop a framework for a Christian approach to assist people in addressing the many pressing issues in the field. Throughout, the authors touch on the numerous debated issues in bioethics though they are primarily concerned to give an account of the central theological notions crucial to an informed Christian perspective on bioethics.

Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia

by Johan Raeder

Ambulatory care can be a challenging setting in which to provide anesthesia - not all patients are suitable for rapid discharge post-operatively and opinions differ as to which types of surgery should be performed as day cases. This comprehensive guide delivers up-to-date, evidence-based advice on how to provide optimal anesthesia care for ambulatory surgery. Written by a leading clinical anesthesiologist, it provides clear guidance about how to handle particular patients in particular situations. The evidence and scientific knowledge for each issue are presented with reference to major studies and review papers, followed by practical advice based on the author's continuous clinical and scientific experience over 30 years. Topics include planning, equipping and staffing ambulatory units, pharmacology, basic concepts of ambulatory care, pre- and post-operative issues and current controversies. Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia is essential reading for the clinical, postgraduate anesthesiologist as well as nurse anesthetists involved with ambulatory care.

The One-Pot Weight Loss Plan: Healthy Meals for Your Slow Cooker, Skillet, Sheet Pan, and More

by Shelley Rael

Quick weight loss that lasts—one-pot recipes and meal plans Sustainable weight loss is about more than dieting—it's about changing your lifestyle. The One-Pot Weight Loss Plan has 85 mouthwatering one-pot recipes and four meal plans to help you lose weight quickly—and keep it off over the long-term. You won't feel like you're missing out on your favorite foods with recipes like Pesto Quinoa Bowl, Turkey Chili, Ground Beef Tacos, and Strawberry Cheesecake that take only one "pot" to make and are packed with flavor. You'll also get a brief exercise plan, handy grocery shopping lists, a helpful template for creating your own meal plans, and more. This weight loss guide includes: Diverse dishes—Try a variety of delicious one-pot recipes using everything from sheet pans to Dutch ovens, skillets, blenders, and beyond. Lifestyle tips—Get practical pointers for adopting a healthier lifestyle, including tips for reducing stress, getting plenty of sleep, and establishing an exercise routine. Macro-level info—Learn what macronutrients are and why they matter, plus get guidance on how to balance your macros for optimal weight loss that lasts in the long-term. Drop the pounds and keep them off. These delectable one-pot recipes and healthy meal plans are everything you need for quick, lasting weight loss.

Food and Freedom: Discover Your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think, and Live Well

by Sue Van Raes

EIGHT LIFE-CHANGING STEPS TO MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR PLATE After working with thousands of clients over two decades, functional nutritionist and food psychology specialist Sue Van Raes knows that food is not just about food. More than ever, our relationship with food highlights other areas of our lives that need our love and attention. Her eight-step system combines the latest science and psychology with practical guidance to help anyone learn to cultivate self-trust based on their bodily sensations and organic intelligence. Food and Freedom is a journey to reclaiming your wholeness and experiencing more mindfulness, personal fulfillment, and pleasure with food and in life. This trustworthy guide is rich with personal memoir, inspiring case studies from clients, soulful teachings, self-study prompts, nourishing recipes, and techniques to support biochemistry, satiation, and metabolic health. It will help you create body compassion and give you the confidence to show up in life as who you truly are, remedy emotional eating, and prosper with embodied self-care.

The Symptoms of My Insanity

by Mindy Raf

For fans of Louise Rennison, Sarah Mlynowski, and Stephanie Perkins comes a laugh-out-loud, bittersweet debut full of wit, wisdom, heart, and a hilarious, unforgettable heroine. It's kind of crazy how you can pay so much attention to yourself and still not see a thing. Izzy is a hypochondriac with enormous boobs that won't stop growing, a mother with a rare disease who's hiding something, a best friend who appears to have undergone a personality transplant, and a date with an out-of-her-league athlete who just spilled Gatorade all over her. Yes, Izzy Skymen has a hectic life. But what Izzy doesn't realize is that these are only minor symptoms of life's insanity. When she discovers that the people she trusts most are withholding from her the biggest secrets, things are about to get epic -- or is it epidemic?

Jung and the Alchemical Imagination

by Jeffrey Raff

A study of Jung's theory of individuation and alchemy with some revisions and additions.

The Ravenous Gown: And 14 More Tales about Real Beauty

by Steffani Raff

In a day when princesses have been boiled down to beautiful ball gowns comes a new kind of fairy tale.Fall under the spell of a “Once upon a time…” where beauty is bigger than a reflection, where wisdom makes girls extraordinary, and where curses are broken through the strength and character of unlikely heroines.A magnificent collection of short stories written in fairy tale prose The Ravenous Gown captures the essence of a stronger, smarter princess—the kind that actually lives happily ever after.

Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies

by Meri Raffetto Wendy Jo Peterson

Benefit from the Mediterranean diet For decades, doctors and nutritional experts have observed—and confirmed—that people in Mediterranean countries have much lower occurrences in vascular disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes than their counterparts in northern European countries and the United States. Now, Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies shows you how to cook meals inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, Spain, and southern France so you too can live a healthier life free of excess weight and disease. The Mediterranean diet—ranked #2 in Best Diets overall, it is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats—has proven to be beneficial in reducing the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Now, a new study shows it may also be good for the brain. The Mediterranean diet isn't just a fad or a quick fix—it's a healthy lifestyle choice that's here to stay! Create more than 150 tasty recipes Get expert tips on meal planning and exercise regimes Prevent and fight diseases by eating delicious food Find delicious alternatives to unhealthy ingredients Whether you're just discovering the Mediterranean diet or are looking for some new recipes to add to your repertoire, this updated, hands-on guide offering the latest research has everything you need to start living a healthier life.

Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies

by Meri Raffetto Wendy Jo Peterson

Discover the world&’s healthiest and tastiest diet Ready to transform the way you&’ve been preparing dinner? Then it&’s time to dive into the Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies! You&’ll learn to bring home the flavors of Italy, Greece, Spain, Morocco, Lebanon, and southern France, as you discover the cuisine that&’s been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and cognitive decline while delivering extraordinary, authentic flavors. Unlike many of the quick fix and fad diets on the market today, Mediterranean cooking styles contribute to long-term, healthy lifestyles by focusing on fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, olive oils, and moderate amounts of protein and animal fats. And you&’ll learn how to combine and prepare these ingredients into delicious recipes, while tapping into the mindful eating habits of the Mediterranean. In this book you&’ll explore: Over one hundred and fifty tasty recipes you can cook for any meal of the day Brand-new updates regarding time-saving multi-cooker directions, the latest on the on-going supportive wellness research around the Mediterranean diet, and how to effectively plan and prep over a month of quick & easy Mediterranean meals Mindful eating and living approaches to savor and enjoy the foods and lifestyle of the MediterraneanMediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies is the perfect hands-on guide for anyone looking for an introduction to the Mediterranean cuisine, as well as those already familiar with the diet but need some fresh recipe ideas.

Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies

by Meri Raffetto Wendy Jo Peterson

Improve your health, lose weight, and prevent and fight diseaseFor decades, doctors and nutritional experts have observed and confirmed that Mediterranean countries have much lower occurrences of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes in their citizens than northern European countries and the United States. The Mediterranean Diet For Dummies features expert advice on transitioning to this healthful lifestyle by providing meal planning tips, exercise regimens, and more than 150 recipes inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, southern France, and Spain to improve your health, lose weight, and prevent and fight disease. Rather than focusing on restricting certain foods and ingredients, the Mediterranean diet embraces a variety of food choices that promote freshness, whole grains, healthy fats, more vegetables and less meat, understanding proper portion control, and using items like wine and olive oil to create rich flavors. With The Mediterranean Diet For Dummies you'll find out how a delicious diet can reduce the long-term risk of obesity, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, and more.More than 150 tasty recipesExpert tips on meal planning, exercise regimens, and healthy lifestyle choicesPrevent and fight diseases by eating delicious foodWhether you're just discovering the healthfulness of the Mediterranean diet or are looking for some new recipes to add to your repertoire, The Mediterranean Diet For Dummies has everything you need to start living a healthier life.Related Title: For a quick introduction to this hot, diet phenomenon, try Mediterranean Diet In A Day For Dummies. Only available as an E-book, it is the fastest way to start the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle!

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