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Showing 31,726 through 31,750 of 31,951 results

Large Camel Farming: A Care-Management Guide from Breeding to Camel Products

by Bernard Faye Gaukhar Konuspayeva Cécile Magnan

This practical guide is intended for all actors in the sector who work with large camelids, whether in breeding, technical advice or veterinary care. It successively describes the general aspects of the species, the physiological bases of reproduction, lactation and feeding, the main production processes, and health and hygiene management in camel breeding. Chapters on slaughter, important camel products and their processing complete the volume.Large camels (camels and Bactrian camels) are domestic animals that are increasingly used in Western countries, as well as in Africa and Asia, for tourism, sport, and production of milk, meat, and wool. In addition, camel husbandry systems are changing, taking a greater share of sedentary systems, specializing in breeding, and intensifying production. At the same time, many veterinarians and breeders are not familiar with the animal, its needs, physiology, diseases, and management, which is often based on practices introduced for cattle and proving ineffective.This work is a practical aid for all interested readers who want to embark on the adventure of working with large camelids in a cultural context where they are not yet a dominant element of the agricultural landscape. The numerous photographs and drawings that support the text make it a unique and entertaining read.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (Advances in Biological Sciences Research #27)

by Bambang Sugiharto

This is an open access book.We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th International Confrerence on Life Sciences and Biotechnology, “Towards Sustainable Development: Application of Biosciences to Improve Welfare and Quality of Life“. The International Conference which will be held on by The Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember November 15-16, 2021.The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ICOLIB had been successfully held in 2015, 2017, and 2019 in University of Jember, respectively. This year’s conference will be held virtually, and present some outstanding speakers coming from Indonesia, Germany, Nederland, The United States of America and South Korea.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Animal Industry 2022 (Advances in Biological Sciences Research #28)

by Eko Widodo Vu Dinh Ton Rugang Tian Norsida Man Mashudi Mashudi

This is an open access book.The 3rd ICESAI aims to discuss issues related to the development of an eco-friendly and sustainable livestock industry using smart farming which is related to scientific research and how it is applied. The 3rd ICESAI offers opportunities for the for researchers and the livestock industry from all over the world to share experiences, learn and expand networking on several matters relating to the development of a sustainable and environmentally friendly livestock industry, especially with the implementation of smart farming.


by Maria Cristoff

Los zoológicos son lugares de diversión y recreo pero también son espacios políticos de admiración, preservación, canje, intercambio. Mao le regala a Nixon un panda cuando éste visita China. Los animales vistos en toda su escala, desde la aparente indefensión de las jaulas a la ferocidad emblemática en las distintas mitologías, por una observadora tan atenta que produce asombro y sorpresa en cada uno de sus recorridos. Un libro conceptual y divertido -preciso, económico-, nada pomposo, que nos permite seguir pensando con una sonrisa en los labios.

Hay que enseñarle a tejer al gato

by Ema Wolf

No importa si el gato es fino o ciruja, zurdo o diestro, anciano o jovencito. Todos aprenden a tejer. En caso de que a alguien le falte un gato, ya sabe lo que debe hacer para conseguir uno: ir con una albóndiga cruda al baldío mas cercano y gritar “mish”. O bien pedírselo directamente a quien tenga gatos de sobra.

Adiós: Cómo afrontar la partida de nuestros mejores amigos

by Valeria Schapira

Estas páginas son un material imprescindible para quienes comparten o han compartido su vida con un animal de compañía. Sea que esté sano, enfermo o ya haya partido, este libro es una guía práctica para acompañar ese proceso. Valeria Schapira relata de manera íntima, sincera y cercana su relación con Joy, el perro con quien convive desde hace diez años y a quien considera su gran maestro. La longevidad del animal y, en consecuencia, la idea de su finitud fue tal vez lo que la motivó a escribir este libro. Adiós. Cómo afrontar la partida de nuestros mejores amigos es un manual, una "cajita de herramientas", en palabras de la propia autora. Una guía con respuestas a cuestiones prácticas -como qué hacer cuando el animal se enferma, qué tipos de terapias podrían mejorar su calidad de vida, cómo hablar con los niños de la muerte, cómo superar su ausencia- y una ayuda para aquellos que atraviesan momentos similares. En definitiva, una caricia al alma para quienes aman a los animales y saben que ellos son el espejo en el cual todos los seres humanos deberíamos mirarnos para, al fin, evolucionar.

Ángeles con patas: Las más conmovedoras historias de rescates de perros

by María Victoria Gaiardelli

16 entrañables historias verdaderas y conmovedoras que muestran lo quesucede cuando una persona decide apostar a cambiar la vida de estosperros desvalidos y termina modificando su propio destino para siempre. El vínculo que se establece entre los hombres y los perros suele ser deun profundo amor y dedicación. Sin embargo, hay miles de animales ensituaciones marginales en todo el mundo. ¿Quién los cuida? ¿Quién seencarga de protegerlos? María Victoria Gaiardelli cuenta en estelibro dieciséis entrañables historias de rescates de perros. Biografíasde canes heroicos, ultrajados, abandonados, sobrevivientes, callejeros,de raza... «Ángeles con patas» emociona y hace pensar, en definitiva,quién ha rescatado a quién en cada uno de estos relatos y muestra cómoestos seres tan especiales se convierten en los auténticos guardianes detodo aquel que se cruce en su camino.

¡Miau!: Una guía para entender a tu gato

by Ricardo Bruno

Una guía para saber por qué los gatos hacen lo que hacen y para aprender a comportarnos con ellos. Entender a ese animal fascinante es la llave para disfrutar de su compañía. Por qué se dice que los perros y los gatos tienen patrones de conducta diametralmente opuestos. Cómo es un gato "normal". Su comportamiento social. Su vida cotidiana. El cachorro, el adulto y el anciano. Gatos outdoor y gatos indoor. Machos y hembras. Qué le pasa a un gato que se muestra agresivo. Espacio y territorio gatunos. Sonidos, posturas, gestos y olores: el sistema de comunicación de nuestro gato y cómo descifrarlo. Qué nos está diciendo cuando nos acerca sus presas muertas. La cola. Las orejas. Por qué marca objetos y superficies con su pis, entierra sus excrementos o invierte horas en acicalarse. El cuerpo del gato: una máquina perfecta. Huesos, músculos, circulación, aparato digestivo, el pelo. Su increíble olfato y su potente visión nocturna. ¿Dulce o salado?: el gusto gatuno. Bigotes de equilibrista. Por qué le fascinan las alturas (dentro de nuestra casa). Acomodándose en el aire: la belleza y la perfección de su cuerpo cuando salta desde lo alto. Por qué es inútil invertir tiempo y esfuerzo en acostumbrar a un gato a que salga a caminar, gaste energía y lleve una vida más entretenida. El mejor método a la hora de educarlo. Por qué ama masticar nuestra ropa, arruinar nuestros muebles, hacer mil piruetas para intentar atrapar una gota de agua de la canilla o dormir de día y molestar a la noche. Los gatos que viven en hogares pequeños sin acceso al exterior o tienen dueños que no les permiten salir libremente. Los gatos que se van a otras casas y vagabundean de noche cuando tienen acceso al exterior. Cuáles son los signos de vejez en un gato doméstico. ¿Adoptar un gato bebé o un gato adulto? Ideas falsas (y no tanto) sobre los gatos. Cómo hacerlos felices. Incluye hermosas fotos, una guía felina de estilo y buenos modales, primeros auxilios y una lista con los Diez Mandamientos gatunos.

Guardianes del alma: Animales que nos rescatan

by María Victoria Gaiardelli

Conmovedoras historias que revelan por qué son nuestras mascotas las que nos eligen a nosotros para sanar nuestra alma, y no nosotros a ellas, como muchas veces creemos. Todos alguna vez escuchamos historias de personas que dedican su vida a rescatar animales de la calle y del abandono. Pero ¿somos nosotros los que los salvamos, o en realidad son ellos los que vienen a rescatarnos de mil modos? En este libro, María Victoria Gaiardelli recopila una serie de relatos protagonizados por animales que eligieron a seres humanos para sanarlos y cambiarles la vida y se convirtieron en sus guardianes del alma para siempre. El gato adoptado que salvó de la muerte por asfixia a toda una familia, el perro que alertó a una joven sobre la inminente detonación de una bomba, la perra que revirtió los signos vitales de una niña minutos antes de que fuera sometida a una intervención quirúrgica y el caballo que liberó a su dueña del abismo de los ataques de pánico son algunas de esas historias de esperanza y oportunidad. Advertencia: si al leerlas se emocionan, es porque un alma animal se está apoderando de su alma humana. Y es lo mejor que podría pasarles.

Aullidos en el viento: Historias de galgos

by Isabel De Estrada

Aullidos en el viento está hilvanado por los retratos de esas miradas desesperadas que Isabel se cruzó en sus recorridos por la provincia de Buenos Aires; los ojos tristes y desconfiados, pero también el pequeño destello de esperanza; las aventuras de finales tristes en las que al mismo tiempo las heridas cicatrizan y reaparecen con vitalidad los ladridos y los lengüetazos. Una tarde, Isabel de Estrada recogió a una galga herida que caminaba perdida al costado de la ruta. A partir de aquel encuentro, se abrió ante ella con toda la fuerza del espanto, la desidia y el sufrimiento un mundo que no había conocido hasta el momento: las carreras de galgos, en las que muchos de los perros mueren después de ser descartados o quedan permanentemente dañados, víctimas del hambre, exigencias físicas desmedidas y otros brutales maltratos. Isabel se embarcó en la ardua tarea de dar a conocer estas carreras clandestinas, denunciarlas y trabajar activamente para terminar con ellas. Con la voluntad de salvar a todos esos perros de un destino cruel, creó Fundación Zorba. En el camino compartió momentos felices y desdichados junto con amigos, familiares y compañeros. Los doce cuentos con perros rescatados que componen este libro son historias de redención, humildad y salvación. Pero no solo de ellos, también es la redención y la gratitud de aquellos a quienes cruzárselos en el camino les ha cambiado la vida.

Cat Mojo: Todo lo que tienes que saber para una convivencia feliz con tu gato

by Jackson Galaxy

Esta guía de Jackson Galaxy, el conductor del exitoso programa "Mi gato endemoniado" de Animal Planet, nos muestra cómo eliminar los problemas de conducta felinos entendiendo el comportamiento instintivo de los gatos. Cat Mojo explica y muestra la confianza que los gatos exhiben cuando se sienten cómodos en su entorno y en contacto con sus instintos naturales: cazar, atrapar, matar, comer, acostarse y dormir. Y también lo que ocurre cuando esa confianza se debilitar, que se manifiesta en agresión o hacer sus necesidades fuera de su caja. El consejo número uno de Jackson Galaxy para sus clientes es ayudar a sus gatos a aprovechar su mojo. Este libro es la guía más completa hasta el momento sobre el comportamiento y el cuidado básico del gato. Desde como socializarlos cuando son cachorros hasta cuidarlos en sus últimos días. Además, aborda las necesidades físicas y emocionales de los pies a la cabeza en todo lo que tiene que ver con el aseo, la nutrición, el juego, o viajes sin estrés al veterinario.

¡Guau!: Guía para ser el mejor amigo de tu perro

by Ricardo Bruno

Si decidiste sumar un perro a la familia, este libro te enseña todo lo que tenés que saber sobre alimentación, higiene, salud, ejercicio, seguridad y adiestramiento. En ¡Guau! vas a encontrar las mejores herramientas para criar y convivir con un perro feliz en cada etapa de su vida. ¿Estoy listo para recibir un perro? ¿Está mi familia preparada para un cachorro? ¿Tengo en claro cuáles son los gastos que implica tener una mascota? ¿Adoptar o comprar? ¿De raza o un mestizo? ¿Qué me quiere decir con esos gruñidos? ¿Por qué necesita una rutina? ¿Está mal que duerma en mi cama? Ricardo Bruno, médico veterinario experto en comportamiento animal, autor de ¡Miau! y con largos años de experiencia, responde estas y muchas preguntas. Si decidiste sumar un perro a la familia, este es el libro que necesitás. Te enseña todo lo que tenés que saber sobre alimentación, higiene, salud, ejercicio, seguridad y adiestramiento. En ¡Guau! vas a encontrar las mejores herramientas para criar y convivir con un perro feliz en cada etapa de su vida.

El Monte Era una Fiesta

by Gustavo Roldán

Cuentos donde los protagonistas son animales del monte del Chaco Argentino

Yo te curaré, dijo el pequeño oso: la historia de cómo una vez el pequeño tigre estuvo enfermo

by Janosch Regino García Badell

Un otro cuento del osito y el pequeño tigre. El tigre "se cayó al suelo. Y allí se quedó tumbado en mitad de la pradera. ..."

Arthropod Diversity and Conservation in the Tropics and Sub-tropics

by Akshay Kumar Chakravarthy Shakunthala Sridhara

Arthropods are invertebrates that constitute over 90% of the animal kingdom, and their bio-ecology is closely linked with global functioning and survival. Arthropods play an important role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, provide livelihoods and nutrition to human communities, and are important indicators of environmental change. Yet the population trends of several arthropods species show them to be in decline. Arthropods constitute a dominant group with 1. 2 million species influencing earth's biodiversity. Among arthropods, insects are predominant, with ca. 1 million species and having evolved some 350 million years ago. Arthropods are closely associated with living and non-living entities alike, making the ecosystem services they provide crucially important. In order to be effective, plans for the conservation of arthropods and ecosystems should include a mixture of strategies like protecting key habitats and genomic studies to formulate relevant policies for in situ and ex situ conservation. This two-volume book focuses on capturing the essentials of arthropod inventories, biology, and conservation. Further, it seeks to identify the mechanisms by which arthropod populations can be sustained in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and by means of which certain problematic species be managed without producing harmful environmental side-effects. This edited compilation includes chapters contributed by over 80 biologists on a wide range of topics embracing the diversity, distribution, utility and conservation of arthropods and select groups of insect taxa. More importantly, it describes in detail the mechanisms of sustaining arthropod ecosystems, services and populations. It addresses the contribution of modern biological tools such as molecular and genetic techniques regulating gene expression, as well as conventional, indigenous practices in arthropod conservation. The contributors reiterate the importance of documenting and understanding the biology of arthropods from a holistic perspective before addressing conservation issues at large. This book offers a valuable resource for all zoologists, entomologists, ecologists, conservation biologists, policy makers, teachers and students interested in the conservation of biological resources.

Economic and Ecological Significance of Arthropods in Diversified Ecosystems

by Akshay Kumar Chakravarthy Shakunthala Sridhara

Arthropods are invertebrates that constitute over 90% of the animal kingdom, and their bio-ecology is closely linked with global functioning and survival. Arthropods play an important role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, provide livelihoods and nutrition to human communities, and are important indicators of environmental change. Yet the population trends of several arthropods species show them to be in decline. Arthropods constitute a dominant group with 1. 2 million species influencing earth's biodiversity. Among arthropods, insects are predominant, with ca. 1 million species and having evolved some 350 million years ago. Arthropods are closely associated with living and non-living entities alike, making the ecosystem services they provide crucially important. In order to be effective, plans for the conservation of arthropods and ecosystems should include a mixture of strategies like protecting key habitats and genomic studies to formulate relevant policies for in situ and ex situ conservation. This two-volume book focuses on capturing the essentials of arthropod inventories, biology, and conservation. Further, it seeks to identify the mechanisms by which arthropod populations can be sustained in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and by means of which certain problematic species be managed without producing harmful environmental side-effects. This edited compilation includes chapters contributed by over 80 biologists on a wide range of topics embracing the diversity, distribution, utility and conservation of arthropods and select groups of insect taxa. More importantly, it describes in detail the mechanisms of sustaining arthropod ecosystems, services and populations. It addresses the contribution of modern biological tools such as molecular and genetic techniques regulating gene expression, as well as conventional, indigenous practices in arthropod conservation. The contributors reiterate the importance of documenting and understanding the biology of arthropods from a holistic perspective before addressing conservation issues at large. This book offers a valuable resource for all zoologists, entomologists, ecologists, conservation biologists, policy makers, teachers and students interested in the conservation of biological resources.

Fundamentals of Applied Acarology

by Manjit Singh Dhooria

Acarology - the study of mites and ticks, is a subdiscipline of Zoology, and is many times considered in the field of Entomology (the study of insects). Mites and ticks are distributed throughout the world and inhabit almost every ecosystem (both terrestrial and aquatic) including grassland soils. More than 55,000 species of mites and ticks are already described. Mites and ticks directly affects humans as pests of different crops, fruit plants, vegetable crops and field crops; as parasites of human beings, veterinary animals, poultry and pets; pests of stored grains and other products; mushrooms and cheese; and as parasites of honeybees. Mite infestations are responsible for economic losses worth billions of dollars in terms of reduced crop yields and lowered quality of produce. Many species of mites serve as vectors of various plant diseases; some species of ticks cause losses through blood feeding and by transmitting many diseases among man and animals. House-dust mite allergies, and tick bite allergies are also common in many parts of the world. Present Book, "Fundamentals of Applied Acarology," is written keeping in view non-availability of any standard text dealing in different aspects of acarology at one place. Separate chapters in this book are devoted to Importance of Acarology, Historical account, acarine technology, morphology and anatomy of Acari; Feeding, Development and Reproduction. Molecular developments in relation to mites and ticks are also discussed. Role of mites and ticks in Quarantines of plants and animals; forensic/criminal investigations; and importance of accidental acarophagy are discussed in detail. Safe usage of pesticides based on their mode of action (IRAC's Groups), development of acaricide resistance and measures to mitigate it are discussed. Mite pests of fruit trees, vegetable plants, and floricultural plants; field crops; mite problems in greenhouses/polyhouses; and mite problems encountered under organic cultivation of plants; and their management through minimum usage of pesticides are emphasized. Role of different predaceous mites in controlling plant pests like thrips, aphids and scale insects is elaborately discussed. Biological control of phytophagous mites is discussed in detail. Different animal parasitic mites and ticks are discussed from veterinary and medical point of view. At the end of each chapter, many important references for further reading; and Electronic References (ER) in the form of youtube links and other weblinks are given to understand fully how these tiny creatures look like; behave, feed and reproduce; nature of damage they cause to plants and animals; and measures to mitigate them. Weblinks will stimulate interest in the readers for more information about different mites and ticks. The knowledge contained in the book may prove as best material for "General and Applied Acarology" course for graduate and post-graduate levels, teachers and researchers in entomology, pest control advisors, professional entomologists, pesticide industry managers, policy planners, and others having interest in mites and ticks.

Mental Health, Mental Illness and Migration (Mental Health and Illness Worldwide)

by Dinesh Bhugra Driss Moussaoui Rachel Tribe Antonio V. Ventriglio

This book unravels the mental health challenges of the migrants and the socio economic and cultural conditions that bear on the mental well being. In addition, it covers the measures of intervention that can help the migrants maintain or restore their mental well being. Research included in the book is timely given that there is ever increasing mobility of people which on one hand has led to better livelihoods, but on the other has created conditions of stress for the migrants and their families. As migrants are often found to be hesitant of using the health care facilities in the new place which may be due to the lack of awareness, this book elaborates on the health care facilities, cost issues, stigma, and several other factors.

Industrial Entomology

by Omkar

This book is a compilation of writings focused on conventional and unconventional insect products. Some of these products are commercials successes, while others are waiting to be launched and are the potential produce of the future. In addition to the well known products honey, mulberry silk, and lac, the book primarily concentrates on silk producing insects other than the mulberry silkworm, insects as food, as sources of medicines, pest and weed managers, and as pollinators. The book highlights the all pervasive role of insects in improving human lives at multiple levels. Accordingly, while most books on insects concentrate on how to limit growth in their population, it instead focuses on how to propagate them. In each chapter, the book brings to the fore how insects are far more beneficial to us than their well publicised harmful roles. This book approaches both unconventional and conventional insect products, such as honey, silk and lac in much more depth than the available literature. It investigates different aspects of the production of these insects, such as the related processes, problems and utilities, in dedicated chapters. Because this book deals with the production of insects or their produce, it has been named Industrial Entomology, perhaps the only book that truly reveals the tremendous potential of insects to help humans live better lives. Based on the research and working experience of the contributors, who are global experts in their respective fields, it provides authentic, authoritative and updated information on these topics. The book offers a unique guide for students, teachers, policy planners, small scale industrialists, and government ministries of agriculture and industry across the globe. It will provide a much required stimulus to insect appreciation and generate enthusiasm for research and the broader acceptance for insect produce. Hopefully, it will also present the Indian perspective on these topics to a global readership.

Pet bird diseases and care

by Indranil Samanta Samiran Bandyopadhyay

This book provides fundamental information on pet birds, menaces, and advances made in the diagnosis and treatment of menaces. It is the only book covering all species of pet birds, menaces and their individual management. The handful of related books available worldwide are largely outdated and focus on a single species or breed of pet bird. The book encompasses the history of bird keeping, common breeds of birds, their nutritional requirements, list of zoonotic diseases transmitted by birds and guideline for their prevention. It covers infectious, non-infectious clinical and metabolic diseases, and toxicity in detail with a special focus on the history of diseases, etiology, affected hosts, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment. Separate chapters detail relevant diagnostic techniques, management and care practices, including updated information. The book offers an invaluable guide for students and teachers in the field of (avian) veterinary medicine, scientists/research scholars working in related fields, and avian medicine practitioners, as well as all those progressive bird owners who want to know the basics of their care and management.

Avian Reproduction: From Behavior to Molecules (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1001)

by Tomohiro Sasanami

This book provides everything from basic knowledge to the recent understandings of avian reproductive physiology, covering many unique aspects. It will inspire avian biologists as well as researchers in varied fields and will offer important steps towards better fertilization success in birds. In spite of the recent remarkable developments in modern technology, a comprehensive understanding of the reproductive mechanisms is still far in the future due to the diverse reproductive tactics in vertebrates. Birds have highly refined reproductive strategies and some of those strategies are unique to birds. However, together with ongoing progress of the genome analysis of birds and the crying need for further increase in meat and egg production, research on avian reproduction is now accelerating and becoming more important. With contributions by leading scientists, the book explains avian primordial germ cells; the sex-determining mechanism; reproductive endocrinology and immunology; sperm, egg, and egg coat; sperm-egg interaction; polyspermic fertilization; seasonal reproduction; social triggers; hormonal and behavioral changes; broodiness; oviductal sperm storage; and biotechnology. This book is recommended for all researchers and students who are interested in birds or reproduction.

Sheep Production Adapting to Climate Change

by Veerasamy Sejian Raghavendra Bhatta John Gaughan Pradeep Kumar Malik S. M. K. Naqvi Rattan Lal

This book presents a compilation of the latest findings from reputed researchers around the globe, covering in detail climate change and its effects on sheep production. In the current global climate change scenario, information related to its impact on livestock agriculture is lacking. The negative impacts of climate change are already being felt by all livestock species. Further, the mitigation and amelioration strategies that are applicable for one species may not hold true for another. As such, concerted research efforts are needed to identify species-specific strategies for mitigation and adaptation. With that goal in mind, this book is the first of its kind to gather comprehensive information pertaining to the impact of climate change on various aspects of sheep production. It also sheds light on the role of sheep with regard to the global greenhouse gas pool. The book highlights the status quo of sheep production from climate change perspectives and projects the significance of adapting future sheep production to the challenges posed by climate change. It addresses in detail the various adaptations, methane mitigation and amelioration strategies needed to sustain sheep production in the future. In addition, the book presents development plans and policies that will allow the sheep industry to cope with current climate changes and strategies that will lessen future impacts. Bringing together essential information prepared by world-class researchers hailing from different agro-ecological zones, this book offers a unique resource for all researchers, teachers and students associated with sustaining the sheep production in the face of global change.

Methods For Monitoring Tiger And Prey Populations

by K. Ullas Karanth James D. Nichols

This book addresses issues of monitoring populations of tigers, ungulate prey species and habitat occupancy, with relevance to similar assessments of large mammal species and general biodiversity. It covers issues of rigorous sampling, modeling, estimation and adaptive management of animal populations using cutting-edge tools, such as camera-traps, genetic identification and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), applied under the modern statistical approach of Bayesian and likelihood-based inference. Of special focus here are animal survey data derived for use under spatial capture-recapture, occupancy, distance sampling, mixture-modeling and connectivity analysees. Because tigers are an icons of global conservation, in last five decades,enormous amounts of commitment and resources have been invested by tiger range countries and the conservation community for saving wild tigers. However, status of the big cat remains precarious. Rigorous monitoring of surviving wild tiger populations continues to be essential for both understanding and recovering wild tigers. However, many tiger monitoring programs lack the necessary rigor to generate the reliable results. While the deployment of technologies, analyses, computing power and human-resource investments in tiger monitoring have greatly progressed in the last couple of decades, a full comprehension of their correct deployment has not kept pace in practice. In this volume, Dr. Ullas Karanth and Dr. James Nichols, world leaders in tiger biology and quantitative ecology, respectively, address this key challenge. The have collaborated with an extraordinary array of 30 scientists with expertise in a range of necessary disciplines - biology and ecology of tigers, prey and habitats; advanced statistical theory and practice; computation and programming; practical field-sampling methods that employ technologies as varied as camera traps, genetic analyses and geographic information systems. The book is a 'tour de force' of cutting-edge methodologies for assessing not just tigers but also other predators and their prey. The 14 chapters here are lucidly presented in a coherent sequence to provide tiger-specific answers to fundamental questions in animal population assessment: why monitor, what to monitor and how to monitor. While highlighting robust methods, the authors also clearly point out those that are in use, but unreliable. The managerial dimension of tiger conservation described here, the task of matching monitoring objectives with skills and resources to integrate tiger conservation under an adaptive framework, also renders this volume useful to wildlife scientists as well as conservationists.

Breeding Insect Resistant Crops for Sustainable Agriculture

by Ramesh Arora Surinder Sandhu

This book reviews and synthesizes the recent advances in exploiting host plant resistance to insects, highlighting the role of molecular techniques in breeding insect resistant crops. It also provides an overview of the fascinating field of insect-plant relationships, which is fundamental to the study of host-plant resistance to insects. Further, it discusses the conventional and molecular techniques utilized/useful in breeding for resistance to insect-pests including back-cross breeding, modified population improvement methods for insect resistance, marker-assisted backcrossing to expedite the breeding process, identification and validation of new insect-resistance genes and their potential for utilization, genomics, metabolomics, transgenesis and RNAi. Lastly, it analyzes the successes, limitations and prospects for the development of insect-resistant cultivars of rice, maize, sorghum and millet, cotton, rapeseed, legumes and fruit crops, and highlights strategies for management of insect biotypes that limit the success and durability of insect-resistant cultivators in the field. Arthropod pests act as major constraints in the agro-ecosystem. It has been estimated that arthropod pests may be destroying around one-fifth of the global agricultural production/potential production every year. Further, the losses are considerably higher in the developing tropics of Asia and Africa, which are already battling severe food shortage. Integrated pest management (IPM) has emerged as the dominant paradigm for minimizing damage by the insects and non-insect pests over the last 50 years. Pest resistant cultivars represent one of the most environmentally benign, economically viable and ecologically sustainable options for utilization in IPM programs. Hundreds of insect-resistant cultivars of rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, cotton, sugarcane and other crops have been developed worldwide and are extensively grown for increasing and/or stabilizing crop productivity. The annual economic value of arthropod resistance genes developed in global agriculture has been estimated to be greater than US$ 2 billion Despite the impressive achievements and even greater potential in minimizing pest- related losses, only a handful of books have been published on the topic of host-plant resistance to insects. This book fills this wide gap in the literature on breeding insect- resistant crops. It is aimed at plant breeders, entomologists, plant biotechnologists and IPM experts, as well as those working on sustainable agriculture and food security.

Indian Hotspots: Vertebrate Faunal Diversity, Conservation And Management Volume 2

by Krishnamoorthy Venkataraman Chandrakasan Sivaperuman

This book offers a comprehensive account of India’s four biodiversity hotspots: the Himalaya, Indo-Burma, Western Ghats and Sri Lanka and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. With a focus on tropical rainforests, it includes more than 30 chapters covering different vertebrate fauna e.g. fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, as well as topics such as conservation and management aspects.Written by experts in the field of biodiversity conservation and management, it offers ample new insights into a number of subjects related to the faunal communities of tropical forest ecosystems, providing a valuable resource for conservationists and researchers in the field of flora and fauna diversity.

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