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Sensory Integration and the Child Understanding: Hidden Sensory Challenges

by A. Jean Ayres

This classic handbook, from the originator of sensory integration theory, is now available in an updated, parent-friendly edition. Retaining all the features that made the original edition so popular with both parents and professionals, this book remains the best book on the subject. With a new foreword by Dr. Florence Clark and commentaries by recognized experts in sensory integration, this volume explains sensory integrative dysfunction, how to recognize it, and what to do about it. Helpful tips, checklists, question-and-answer sections, and parent resources make the new edition more informative and useful. Indispensable reading for parents, this book is also an excellent way to improve communication between therapist, parents and teachers. The original edition was the first book to explicate sensory integrative dysfunction, and this edition offers new insights and helpful updates in an easy-to-use format.

A Sensory Journey: Meditations on Scent for Wellbeing

by Jennifer Peace Rhind

Scent is often used to accompany meditation but is rarely the focus of it. This card set, which brings together ancient and contemporary understanding of the influence of aromatics on our wellbeing, is an introduction to meditating on scent and discovering the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of beginning your own sensory journey. 'A Sensory Journey' guides and informs scent meditations. By meditating on the fragrance itself, rather than using it as an adjunct to other meditation rituals (through burning incense or scented candles), fragrance can go beyond merely enhancing or modifying our moods and become a key means to personal and spiritual growth. These cards, and the accompanying booklet and sensory map, explore different fragrances and make the benefits of scent meditation accessible to all. Each of the 24 cards, which are arranged in botanical groupings, features a scent description, an image of the botanical source, and inspirational words about the scent's evocative influence to help guide meditation. This unique and accessible card set is perfect for anyone interested in meditation, personal growth and the use of fragrance to enhance wellbeing.

Sensory Modulation in Dementia Care: Assessment and Activities for Sensory-Enriched Care

by Tina Champagne

Understand and assess the sensory needs of people with dementia, and learn how to implement sensory modulation-based approaches for enriched care. Drawing on the author's Sensory Modulation Program, this approach aids with self-organization and meaningful participation in life activities. Explaining sensory-processing issues specific to older populations, this book provides a downloadable assessment tool to help review individual sensory-processing patterns. It includes a range of sensory-based activities which can be carried out with people at all stages of dementia, both with individuals and in groups. The book also provides recommendations for modifying physical environments to make care settings sensory-enriched.

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics

by Jozef J. Zwislocki

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics organizes part of psychophysics -- a science of quantitative relationships between human sensations and the stimuli that evoke them. Although psychophysics belongs to sensory neuroscience, and is coupled to neurophysiology, it has also branched out to various specialized disciplines, including the disciplines of vision and hearing, ophthalmology, optometry, otology, and audiology. Due to this diversification and fragmentation, psychophysics has had an ad-hoc, phenomenological orientation. Besides Weber's law of differential sensitivity, and the still-controversial Stevens' power law, it has lacked a systematic grid of scientific laws. Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics provides valid unifying principles and systematic applications for this otherwise fragmented precursor of experimental psychology, and defines four multisensory relationships of substantial generality between sensations and the underlying stimulus variables. This book will be particularly useful to auditory researchers, experimental psychologists, and behavioral neuroscientists.

Sensual Rejuvenation: Maintaining Sexual Vigor Through Midlife and Beyond

by Judith Sachs

Did you know that sex can dramatically boost your overall well-being? If you, like many people, are hitting midlife and feeling that sex is just not what it used to be, think again. While you are experiencing a variety of physical and emotional changes, sex can still be one of the enduring pleasures you can enjoy through midlife and on to your golden years. Now this unique guide provides important information on age-related changes in sexual function and offers a wide range of medical, holistic, and psychological tips and techniques that can relight your fire. Don't miss... Testosterone cream that restores a woman's libido; Zinc, the most important mineral for male potency, and all the must-have nutrients; The best herbal alternatives to Viagra; Ways to fulfill sexual needs if there is illness or disability; The Seesaw and other stimulating exercises to make sex feel great. Find out more in Sensual Rejuvenation.

The Sensuous Woman

by J

[From the back cover] THE BOOK THAT FIRED THE FIRST SHOT IN THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION Not too long ago only "bad" girls had a good time in bed. "Good" girls endured-and wondered what they were missing. Then along came "J" and suddenly everything was different. She opened the eyes-and minds-of millions of American women with her explicit step-by-step account of her pursuit of the ultimate in sexual pleasure. Now here's the book that has set off fireworks in bedrooms across America, the book that will teach every woman how to free her body, train her senses, and tap her own hidden erotic resources. The book designed to make you the woman every man yearns to make love to-the woman you yearn to be. "'J' IS UNMISTAKABLY FEMALE: NO MAN COULD POSSIBLY BE SO EXQUISITELY KNOWING ABOUT HOW A WOMAN CAN MAKE THE MOST OF WHAT SHE'S GOT." Playboy

Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness

by Nicholas Humphrey

The story of a quest to uncover the evolutionary history of consciousness from one of the world's leading theoretical psychologists.We feel, therefore we are. Conscious sensations ground our sense of self. They are crucial to our idea of ourselves as psychic beings: present, existent, and mattering. But is it only humans who feel this way? Do other animals? Will future machines? Weaving together intellectual adventure and cutting-edge science, Nicholas Humphrey describes in Sentience his quest for answers: from his discovery of blindsight in monkeys and his pioneering work on social intelligence to breakthroughs in the philosophy of mind.The goal is to solve the hard problem: to explain the wondrous, eerie fact of &“phenomenal consciousness&”—the redness of a poppy, the sweetness of honey, the pain of a bee sting. What does this magical dimension of experience amount to? What is it for? And why has it evolved? Humphrey presents here his new solution. He proposes that phenomenal consciousness, far from being primitive, is a relatively late and sophisticated evolutionary development. The implications for the existence of sentience in nonhuman animals are startling and provocative.



Senza Risposta. Mi rendo conto che sia un titolo alquanto insolito per un libro di poesie, fatta eccezione per qualche prosa. Prima di aggiungere qualsiasi altra cosa sul mio libro, vorrei dire qualcosa su di me e sui miei processi mentali. Nato e cresciuto a Dehradun (India settentrionale), ho sempre condiviso una stretta affinità con la natura. Ero solito amare, e lo sono ancora, osservare la natura e riflettere su quanto possa essere amorevole e crudele allo stesso tempo. Sono cresciuto con i miei pensieri e ho iniziato a navigare, un lavoro perfetto per me. La mia mente errabonda aveva così la possibilità di riflettere ulteriormente. Spesso me ne stavo tutto solo, sul ponte della mia nave, a sentire le vibrazioni dell'impetuoso oceano sotto di me, mentre il cielo cambiava colore e umore da un momento all'altro. Talvolta mi sono spaventato... sono rimasto sconcertato... ipnotizzato, contemporaneamente. Rispetto la natura in tutte le sue forme... la sua benevolenza... la sua furia... i suoi colori... la sua imperturbabilità... la sua imprevedibilità... tutto quanto! Poi osservo noi... intendo noi, esseri umani, così superiori, i più intelligenti... le creature viventi più progredite ma anche le più miserevoli di tutte, finché saremo preda del falso ego e dell'ignoranza. La natura ha le sue leggi, rigide, e non fa distinzioni. Siamo noi che creiamo quella che definiamo sfortuna. Cito Cassio dal Giulio Cesare: “La colpa, caro Bruto, non è delle stelle, ma nostra, se siamo sottomessi...”. Tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è scrutare dentro noi stessi e confidare nella divina provvidenza. Questo è il punto cruciale del mio libro “Senza risposta”. “Senza risposta” spiega come trovare le risposte che giacciono sepolte in fondo ai nostri cuori, ma che non riusciamo a trovare perché siamo accecati dalla nebbia dell'ego e dei desideri. “Senza risposta” si prefigge lo scopo di svelare quelle risposte. Le prose e

Separate Reality: Conversations With Don Juan

by Carlos Castaneda

"A man of knowledge is free...he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived." --don JuanIn 1961 a young anthropologist subjected himself to an extraordinary apprenticeship to bring back a fascinating glimpse of a Yaqui Indian's world of "non-ordinary reality" and the difficult and dangerous road a man must travel to become "a man of knowledge." Yet on the bring of that world, challenging to all that we believe, he drew back. Then in 1968, Carlos Castaneda returned to Mexico, to don Juan and his hallucinogenic drugs, and to a world of experience no man from our Western civilization had ever entered before.

Sepher Rezial Hemelach

by Steve Savedow

The long-awaited first English translation from ancient Hebrew of the rare and complete 1701 Amsterdam edition, of this famous magical text. According to Hebrew legend, the Sepher Rezial was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden, by the hand of God. The myth suggests that this diverse compendium of ancient Hebrew lore was the first book ever written. Includes an explanatory text on the holy names of God, the divisions of Heaven and Hell, and the names and hierarchy of the angels and spirits.

The Sequence of Event Analysis in Criminal Trials

by Fabrizio D'Errico Maurizio Dalla Casa

This book presents a general method that lawyers, prosecutors and judges can follows to assess the quality and scientific content of technical work done for an accident and crime scene reconstruction. Using multilevel sequence of events analysis allows all key events to be fully identified, which in turn assists judicial bodies in identifying where to assign specific criminal liability. Created from a concept long sought by the two authors (an engineer and an attorney), the method allows readers without any technical background to progress from an examination of evidence gathered at the scene of a complex accident and to reconstruct "beyond reasonable doubt" the events that took place. Once created and scientifically verified by the sequence of events analysis, the chain of key events serves as a reference source for various levels of complex organizations and inter-organization structures in cases involving complex criminal responsibilities.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

by Mike White

The southern High Sierra, including Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and the surrounding John Muir, Jennie Lakes, and Monarch Wildernesses, is one of the most magnificent natural areas in the world. Blessed with the largest trees on earth (giant sequoias), one of the deepest canyons in North America (Kings Canyon), and the highest mountain in the continental U.S. (Mt. Whitney), the greater Sequoia-Kings Canyon region offers unparalleled mountain majesty. Along with such superlatives, hundreds of miles of trail provides access to a boundless number of high mountain lakes, wildflower-covered meadows, cascading streams, deep forests, and craggy peaks. Mike White's guide is the only comprehensive guide to this portion of John Muir's Range of Light.

SER: Siente, Expresa, Renueva tus Emociones con Reiki

by Leticia García Rello

SER Siente, Expresa, Renueva tus emociones con Reiki. Cualquier acontecimiento o circunstancia por la que atravieses en la vida provocará un movimiento de la energía que circula dentro de ti. Aunque a veces no te das cuenta, siempre tienes la capacidad de elegir, y las consecuencias de ello se reflejan en las diferentes emociones que experimentas. Cuando lo notas, comprendes que sólo tú eres el creador de la vida que tienes, otorgándote una gran libertad y, al mismo tiempo, la extraordinaria responsabilidad de disponer de tus recursos internos para elevar tu calidad de vida y ser plenamente dichoso. SER te ofrece, por medio del sistema de sanación conocido como Reiki, el camino para renovar tus emociones y trasladarlas a un lenguaje conocido, ya que éste surge de tu propia energía. Conocerá cómo el dolor y el miedo son dos maestros de vida que te conducen al amor genuino que reside en tu interior, ya que cuando lo experimentas, dejas de culpar a los demás por lo que te sucede y te conviertes en el autor y creador de tu existencia. Date la oportunidad de crear la vida que siempre has deseado. No hay límites cuando el anhelo de transformación es más grande que el miedo que lo impide.

Ser feliz allí donde estés: Mindfulness

by Margarita Ungo Paula Brandino

Este es un libro documentado e inspirador, que sabe llegar al corazón y nos ayuda a ver más claro y elegir mejor en dónde vale la pena invertir nuestra energía para cultivar una mente más feliz y salir fortalecidos. ¿Es posible entrenar nuestra mente para sentirnos más felices? En nuestras vidas ocupadas, no podemos hacer todo lo que nos haría bien, por eso es importante aprender a reconocer aquellos hábitos que tienen el potencial de afectar nuestra vida de forma poderosa, pequeños actos cotidianos que, al repetirse, tienen el potencial de «recablear» áreas de tu cerebro relacionadas con el bienestar y la resiliencia. Este libro ofrece una lectura amena y vivencial para explorar los cuatro pilares del bienestar y la fortaleza mental y descubrir cuáles son los hábitos que de forma realista puedes comenzar a practicar. Durante la lectura, los ejercicios y las prácticas que te propone, podrás reconocer las áreas que más necesitas expandir y los hábitos que —de adoptarlos— pueden hacer un diferencial en tu vida.

Ser luz: Brillar con la belleza, la verdad y la esperanza de Dios en un mundo oscuro

by Samuel Rodríguez

Nuestro mundo se siente cada día más como si nos ahogáramos en un mar agitado lleno de codicia, violencia y lujuria. A medida que la oscuridad avanza, la esperanza se oscurece. Sin embargo, dentro de esa realidad, Dios nos da un mandato profundo ... Ser Luz. La luz siempre ha definido a Dios y a sus seguidores. En la creación, Dios dió luz a la existencia. Jesús es la luz del mundo. Y nacimos para absorber y luego reflejar la luz de Dios. En Ser Luz, Samuel Rodríguez provee un plan para superar la oscuridad y vivir en la luz de Dios.

Ser madre a los 40 (y más allá): Lo que has de saber

by Marta Devesa Alberto R. Melcón Anna Veiga

Todo lo que hay que saber si te planteas ser madre a partir de los 40 años, de la mano del Hospital Universitario Dexeus, entidad puntera en salud femenina y fertilidad. <P><P>«Tengo 40 años, ¿todavía puedo tener un bebé?» <P> Cada vez es más habitual que la maternidad se posponga. El concepto de familia joven y hogareña se ha transformado a causa de las circunstancias sociales y laborales a las que las mujeres modernas se han visto abocadas en estos últimos años. <P>A veces, incluso, se plantea la posibilidad de un nuevo hijo con una segunda pareja en la madurez. En cualquier caso, la biología juega en nuestra contra, y no todas las mujeres son conscientes hasta qué punto descienden las posibilidades de tener un hijo en edades más avanzadas. Aquí encontrarás orientación y acompañamiento para cumplir tu sueño: antes, durante y después de tener a tu bebé. <P>En este libro, te hablarán sobre las posibilidades de tener un hijo de forma natural, y los riesgos más comunes, de las técnicas más modernas de reproducción asistida, además de los aspectos psicológicos que condicionan a las mamás tardías. Con este manual, que acerca la vanguardia de la medicina reproductiva a la mujer actual, podrás tomar decisiones informadas y con libertad.

Ser madre a los 40 (y más allá): Lo que has de saber

by Marta Devesa Alberto R. Melcón Anna Veiga

Todo lo que hay que saber si te planteas ser madre a partir de los 40 años, de la mano del Hospital Universitario Dexeus, entidad puntera en salud femenina y fertilidad. «Tengo 40 años, ¿todavía puedo tener un bebé?» Cada vez es más habitual que la maternidad se posponga. El concepto de familia joven y hogareña se ha transformado a causa de las circunstancias sociales y laborales a las que las mujeres modernas se han visto abocadas en estos últimos años. A veces, incluso, se plantea la posibilidad de un nuevo hijo con una segunda pareja en la madurez. En cualquier caso, la biología juega en nuestra contra, y no todas las mujeres son conscientes hasta qué punto descienden las posibilidades de tener un hijo en edades más avanzadas. Aquí encontrarás orientación y acompañamiento para cumplir tu sueño: antes, durante y después de tener a tu bebé. En este libro, te hablarán sobre las posibilidades de tener un hijo de forma natural, y los riesgos más comunes, de las técnicas más modernas de reproducción asistida, además de los aspectos psicológicos que condicionan a las mamás tardías. Con este manual, que acerca la vanguardia de la medicina reproductiva a la mujer actual, podrás tomar decisiones informadas y con libertad.

Ser mamá. Guía de embarazo, parto y posparto con evidencia y emoción

by Nazareth Olivera Belart (@comadronaenlaola)

El manual más completo, visual y actualizado. En este manual para las futuras madres se habla de los nueve meses de embarazo, el parto y el posparto desde la evidencia científica y, a la vez, con una perspectiva absolutamente respetuosa con el bebé y la mamá, escuchando sus necesidades, resolviendo dudas y abarcando todas las opciones sin tendencias, para dar tranquilidad, serenidad y confianza. Cada mujer debe escoger qué es lo mejor para ella y su bebé. La autora explica los procesos de embarazo, parto y postparto, de manera concisa pero amena. Desde el desarrollo del bebé semana a semana y los cambios que van a producirse en el cuerpo de la mujer, hasta las diferentes emociones que podría experimentar, recomendaciones básicas nutricionales por los cambios del embarazo, molestias y posibles remedios, actividad física y ejercicio, la sexualidad y el inicio de la lactancia, el papel de la pareja si la hay, y las pruebas médicas fundamentales y seguimiento habitual que se realiza.

Ser mujer

by Dr Rafael Jiménez Ruiz Dr Juan Vidal Peláez

Nacer, crecer, empezar a andar, jugar, tener la primera menstruación, hacerse mujer, descubrir la sexualidad, quedarse embarazada por primera vez, madurar, vivir... Ser mujer es un recorrido por todas las etapas de la vida de una mujer desde la pubertad hasta la tercera edad. Conocer tu propio cuerpo, tu fisiología y los cambios que va sufriendo a lo largo de los años es fundamental para conocerte a ti misma, cuidarte y poder tomar tus decisiones.Capítulo a capítulo, Ser mujer aborda todos los temas, dudas y preocupaciones de la mujer en sus distintas etapas: desde los cambios en la pubertad hasta cómo disfrutar de una vejez saludable, pasando por todas las dudas acerca de la sexualidad en la adolescencia, recomendaciones para embarazos no deseados, la preparación para el parto, el control de la natalidad o cómo afrontar la menopausia. Sin lugar a dudas, Ser mujer es un libro fundamental, una guía indispensable para mujeres de todas las edades.

Serenity: Inspirations by Karen Casey, author of Each Day a New Beginning

by Karen Casey

Best-selling author Karen Casey helps readers unlock the secret to finding serenity in the midst of everyday annoyances and serious life challenges.But serenity is available to everyone, promises Karen Casey in her newest book, fittingly titled, Serenity. The best-selling author helps readers unlock the secret to finding serenity in the midst of everyday annoyances and serious life challenges. Through inspirational passages gleaned from A Life of My Own, Casey gently reminds readers to detach from worries based on matters beyond their control--worries that fuel resentment and bitterness. Serenity is possible, she assures, by accepting the things one cannot change and turning problems and worries over to a Higher Power. Colorful pages and fine print quality make Serenity a wonderful gift book.

Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS

by Celia Farber

“Farber [is] a lucid and courageous witness to the power-play behind the first ‘scamdemic,’ . . . [Her] work is journalism at its best—solid, lucid, and humane, attacking wrongs that few dare touch, and thereby helping right them.” —Mark Crispin Miller, bestselling author and professor of media studies at NYU On April 23, 1984, in a packed press conference room in Washington, DC, the secretary of health and human services declared, “The probable cause of AIDS has been found.” By the next day, “probable” had fallen away, and the novel retrovirus later named HIV became forever lodged in global consciousness as “the AIDS virus.” Celia Farber, then an intrepid young reporter for SPIN magazine, was the only journalist to question the official narrative and dig into the science of AIDS. She reported on the “evidence” that was being continually cited and repeated by health officials and the press, the deadliness of AZT, and Dr. Fauci’s trials on children, infants, and pregnant mothers. Throughout, Faber’s reportage was largely ignored. She was maligned, maliciously attacked, and ultimately canceled. Now, forty years after her original reporting, Farber’s Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS is reissued with a new foreword by Mark Crispin Miller, shining much-needed light on her groundbreaking work once again. More relevant than ever, this book serves as an essential foundation to understanding its catastrophic sequel: COVID-19. Serious Adverse Events makes clear that the tactics employed at the height of HIV/AIDS—the fearmongering, cancel culture, and “woke” takeover of science, medicine, and journalism—persist today. The response to COVID-19 isn’t new: it is a well-trod and dangerous path in the social landscape. “Groundbreaking work.”—Bob Guccione, Jr., founder of SPIN magazine "Farber’s research give context to the Covid catastrophe which she all but predicted. Despite the medical cartel’s brutal crusade to silence and vilify her, Farber never compromised. . . I’m happy she has lived to experience her own utter vindication. I also love her writing style."—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Seriously Good! Gluten Free Baking

by Phil Vickery

This is a collection of 70 mouthwatering gluten-free baking recipes that coeliacs have until now only been able to dream about. Baking is often the most difficult aspect of the gluten-free diet to overcome, as it is gluten that gives bread its elasticity and cakes their spring. Recipes for delicious gluten-free cakes, puddings and pastries are hard to find - all too often the results are disappointingly crumbly and dry. But Phil Vickery's easy-to-follow instructions and practical advice, which draw on his Michelin-honed cooking skills, will have you whipping up melt-in-the-mouth Blueberry Cheescake, Chestnut and Roasted Onion Bread, Springy Scones and Squidgy Chocolate Brownies in an instant.

Seriously Good! Gluten Free Baking

by Phil Vickery

This is a collection of 70 mouthwatering gluten-free baking recipes that coeliacs have until now only been able to dream about. Baking is often the most difficult aspect of the gluten-free diet to overcome, as it is gluten that gives bread its elasticity and cakes their spring. Recipes for delicious gluten-free cakes, puddings and pastries are hard to find - all too often the results are disappointingly crumbly and dry. But Phil Vickery's easy-to-follow instructions and practical advice, which draw on his Michelin-honed cooking skills, will have you whipping up melt-in-the-mouth Blueberry Cheescake, Chestnut and Roasted Onion Bread, Springy Scones and Squidgy Chocolate Brownies in an instant.

Seriously Good! Gluten-Free Cooking

by Phil Vickery

Phil Vickery believes that he can revolutionise the notoriously restrictive gluten-free diet. Using his Michelin-starred cooking talents and his nurturing of simple, honest ingredients, Phil has created over 150 recipes that coeliacs have until now only dreamed of. Food to enjoy, food that is nutritious, food that will make you feel good. There are recipes for breakfasts, healthy snacks, light lunches, easy suppers and sophisticated dinners, including Crispy Pork Salad with Lemon Dressing and a Lemon and Leek Risotto. Phil also brings his skills to cakes, puddings and pastries - recipes that are the hardest of all to find if you are following a gluten-free diet. The 30 sweet ideas include a Fudgy Almond Cake with Mint Syrup & Frosting, Millionaire's Shortbread with Bramley Apple Dip and a great kids' Birthday Cake Sponge. There are also a number of delicious bread ideas, including Chestnut & Roasted Onion Bread.

Seriously Good! Gluten-Free Cooking

by Phil Vickery

Phil Vickery believes that he can revolutionise the notoriously restrictive gluten-free diet. Using his Michelin-starred cooking talents and his nurturing of simple, honest ingredients, Phil has created over 150 recipes that coeliacs have until now only dreamed of. Food to enjoy, food that is nutritious, food that will make you feel good. There are recipes for breakfasts, healthy snacks, light lunches, easy suppers and sophisticated dinners, including Crispy Pork Salad with Lemon Dressing and a Lemon and Leek Risotto. Phil also brings his skills to cakes, puddings and pastries - recipes that are the hardest of all to find if you are following a gluten-free diet. The 30 sweet ideas include a Fudgy Almond Cake with Mint Syrup & Frosting, Millionaire's Shortbread with Bramley Apple Dip and a great kids' Birthday Cake Sponge. There are also a number of delicious bread ideas, including Chestnut & Roasted Onion Bread.

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