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Comment j'ai guéri ma tension artérielle ?

by Sudhir Dixit

Comment j'ai guéri ma tension artérielle ? de SUDHIR DIXIT Combattre avec la nourriture, le yoga et le pranayama ! Un livre qui vous motive à retrouver votre santé ! Si vous souffrez d'hypertension, vous n'êtes certainement pas le seul. Dans le monde, des milliers et même des millions en souffrent. Selon les statistiques de 2017, 1,1 milliard de personnes souffrent d'hypertension ou d'hypertension artérielle. Les hommes ont tendance à faire face au danger d'hypertension artérielle plus que les femmes, ainsi que les problèmes cardiaques. Que Dieu bénisse les hommes ! Et s'il vous plaît, faites quelque chose pour que les femmes soient plus gentilles, car elles sont responsables de plus de la moitié de nos chagrins d'amour ! Chez 90% des patients, les raisons d'hypertension ne sont pas connues. Il n’est donc pas du tout étonnant que votre médecin ne soit pas à 100% sûr du traitement à vous prescrire. Comment voulez-vous qu’il arrive à vous donner le bon remède s’il n’est pas sûr de la cause de votre problème. Le médicament contre l'hypertension devient alors votre compagnon à vie. N’en voulez à votre médecin, il ou elle essaie de prolonger votre vie. Soyez reconnaissant, mais ne vous attendez pas à ce qu'il/elle vous dise : « Maintenant, vous n’avez plus besoin de prendre votre médicament pour la PA. » Bienvenue dans le monde de l'hypertension artérielle ! De plus, l'hypertension artérielle n'a pas de symptômes visibles, d'où le surnom de « tueur silencieux ». Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), l'hypertension artérielle est la cause de 7,5 millions de décès, soit environ 12,8% du total des décès dans le monde. En 2016, l'hypertension a tué 1,6 million de personnes en Inde. Oups ! Oh, mon Dieu, un tiers de ces personnes ne savaient même pas qu'elles souffraient d'hypertension et qu’elles ont mourraient. Leur ignorance leur a fait payer le prix. Socrate a dit : « Apprends à te connaitre ! »

Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Luis R.G. Oliveira; and Kevin J. Corcoran

This book celebrates the research career of Lynne Rudder Baker by presenting sixteen new and critical essays from admiring students, colleagues, interlocutors, and friends. Baker was a trenchant critic of physicalist conceptions of the universe. She was a staunch defender of a kind of practical realism, what she sometimes called a metaphysics of everyday life. It was this general "common sense" philosophical outlook that underwrote her famous constitution view of reality. Whereas most of her contemporaries were in general given to metaphysical reductionism and eliminativism, Baker was unapologetic and philosophically deft in her defense of ontological pluralism. The essays in this book engage with all aspects of her unique and influential work: practical realism about the mind; the constitution view of human persons; the first-person perspective; and God, Christianity and naturalism. Common Sense Metaphysics will be of interest to scholars of Baker’s work, as well as scholars and advanced students engaged in research on various topics in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion.

Communicable Diseases: A Global Perspective (Modular Texts)

by Roger Webber

Completely updated and revised, and now published in its sixth edition, this best-selling text has provided an essential overview of the subject for almost 25 years. A comprehensive yet synoptic account of communicable diseases, it covers theory, epidemiology and control, then systematically groups diseases by their main means of transmission. There are special chapters on infections in pregnancy and the concern of new and emerging diseases, and an annex lists all 353 diseases in an easy reference table. This edition includes updates to all chapters and a new section on melioidosis. It: - Provides information concisely so it can be found at a glance. - Includes numerous clear diagrams, bullet points and tables for rapid review and learning. - Contains a new full-colour internal design and online lecture slides to facilitate teaching. Communicable Diseases continues to provide an essential resource for doctors, medical students and all those in public health, and for healthcare workers needing a comprehensive yet concise practical text.

Communication Skills for the Health Care Professional: Context, Concepts, Practice, and Evidence

by Gwen van Servellen

Communication Skills for the Health Care Professional addresses the connection between communication practices and quality patient care outcomes. It provides future and practicing patient caregivers in all specialties and services with basic communication knowledge and skills and is an invaluable resource for those in administrative functions as well. The Third Edition is a thorough revision that features many new chapters while also combining other chapters for a text that can be used in a single semester course.

Cómo cura la avena

by Dr. Miquel Pros

Descubre los beneficios del cereal más completo con esta amena guía de medicina preventiva para cuidarse de manera sabrosa y sencilla. Para el Dr. Miquel Pros, médico naturista de larga trayectoria profesional y, probablemente, el mayor experto mundial en el uso terapéutico de la avena, prescribir una dieta que incluya este cereal es cumplir con la máxima hipocrática &“que tu alimento sea tu medicina&”. La avena es seguramente el cereal más completo que existe: entre sus múltiples efectos beneficiosos para la salud están su capacidad para purificar, dar energía y vitalidad, alargar la vida de nuestro organismo y proporcionar serenidad de espíritu. Esta guía analiza las propiedades de este alimento único y ofrece exquisitas recetas. Más de 85.000 ejemplares de este libro vendidos en todo el mundo y las más de tres millones de visitas a sus conferencias sobre la avena en internet han hecho posible que miles de personas comprueben cómo comer regularmente avena mejora su salud de forma rápida, sin grandes sacrificios, sin medicamentos y por una senda cien por ciento natural.

Cómo cura la avena

by Dr. Miquel Pros

Descubre los beneficios del cereal más completo con esta amena guía de medicina preventiva para cuidarse de manera sabrosa y sencilla. Para el Dr. Miquel Pros, médico naturista de larga trayectoria profesional y, probablemente, el mayor experto mundial en el uso terapéutico de la avena, prescribir una dieta que incluya este cereal es cumplir con la máxima hipocrática que tu alimento sea tu medicina. La avena es seguramente el cereal más completo que existe: entre sus múltiples efectos beneficiosos para la salud están su capacidad para purificar, dar energía y vitalidad, alargar la vida de nuestro organismo y proporcionar serenidad de espíritu. Esta guía analiza las propiedades de este alimento único y ofrece exquisitas recetas. Más de 85.000 ejemplares de este libro vendidos en todo el mundo y las más de tres millones de visitas a sus conferencias sobre la avena en internet han hecho posible que miles de personas comprueben cómo comer regularmente avena mejora su salud de forma rápida, sin grandes sacrificios, sin medicamentos y por una senda cien por ciento natural.

¿Cómo curé mi presión arterial?: ¡Contraatacando a través de la comida, yoga y pranayama!

by Dr Sudhir Dixit

Déjame decirte claramente que no soy médico, sino Doctor en Literatura Inglesa. Soy un joven de 52 años, no me digas que debería haber escrito 'viejo'. No me describiré como viejo, pase lo que pase. He mantenido el estilo deliberadamente divertido. Deberá ser una lectura interesante para ti. Entonces, como le digo a mi novia, ¡adelante!

Cómo Manejar Los Dolores Agudos, Crónicos Y Recurrentes Con Aceite De CBD

by Kurt McDermott

Guía para principiantes para tratar la artritis, el reumatismo, el cáncer, la fibromialgia, los cólicos menstruales y la migraña con Aceite de CBD

The Company I Keep: My Life in Beauty

by Leonard A. Lauder

In his much-anticipated memoir, The Company I Keep: My Life in Beauty, Chairman Emeritus and former CEO of The Estée Lauder Companies Leonard A. Lauder shares the business and life lessons he learned as well as the adventures he had while helping transform the mom-and-pop business his mother founded in 1946 in the family kitchen into the beloved brand and ultimately into the iconic global prestige beauty company it is today.In its infancy in the 1940s and 50s, the company comprised a handful of products, sold under a single brand in just a few prestigious department stores across the United States. Today, The Estée Lauder Companies constitutes one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of prestige skin care, makeup, fragrance and hair care products. It comprises more than 25 brands, whose products are sold in over 150 countries and territories. This growth and success was led by Leonard A. Lauder, Estée Lauder’s oldest son, who envisioned and effected this expansion during a remarkable 60-year tenure, including leading the company as CEO and Chairman.In this captivating personal account complete with great stories as only he can tell them, Mr. Lauder, now known as The Estée Lauder Companies’ “Chief Teaching Officer,” reflects on his childhood, growing up during the Great Depression, the vibrant decades of the post-World War II boom, and his work growing the company into the beauty powerhouse it is today. Mr. Lauder pays loving tribute to his mother Estée Lauder, its eponymous founder, and to the employees of the company, both past and present, while sharing inside stories about the company, including tales of cutthroat rivalry with Charles Revson of Revlon and others. The book offers keen insights on honing ambition, leveraging success, learning from mistakes, and growing an international company in an age of economic turbulence, uncertainty, and fierce competition.

The Compassion Project: A case for hope and humankindness from the town that beat loneliness

by Lindsay Clarke Julian Abel

'A wonderful book' - Dr. Rangan Chatterjee'Highly convincing' - Daily Express'Pioneering' - The Telegraph'The strength of the book lies in its description of how community life can have a transformative effect on individuals' - British Journal of General PracticeAcross the country, general hospital admissions are on the rise. But in a small town in rural England, thanks to the simple introduction of kindness and compassion, that trend has been reversed. And what this town achieved, we can all adopt in our own lives to powerful effect. Through daily mindful acts of care we are capable of changing things for the better, both inside ourselves and for the world around us. Frome in Somerset isn't special. It could be any town; it could be your town. And yet the people who live there have a story to tell about the simple, ground-shaking power of compassion. If it came in tablet form, it would be hailed as a wonder of modern medicine. By contrast, it's entirely free but offers heartening evidence that when human beings make time for each other, the beneficial effects go far beyond the reach of naïve optimism.'A culture in which compassion is a prevailing value allows individuals to flourish and bring their talents and gifts to the communities in which they live. Unanticipated possibilities emerge, presenting fresh ways of addressing what previously appeared to be insoluble problems. Hearts are lifted. The case for hope is more strongly made. And as the people who work in this way begin to change the world immediately around them, so too, the wider world beyond begins to change.' Dr Julian Abel & Lindsay Clarke

The Compassion Project: A case for hope and humankindness from the town that beat loneliness

by Julian Abel Lindsay Clarke

'A wonderful book' - Dr. Rangan Chatterjee'Highly convincing' - Daily Express'Pioneering' -The Telegraph'The strength of the book lies in its description of how community life can have a transformative effect on individuals' - British Journal of General PracticeAcross the country, general hospital admissions are on the rise. But in a small town in rural England, thanks to the simple introduction of kindness and compassion, that trend has been reversed. And what this town achieved, we can all adopt in our own lives to powerful effect. Through daily mindful acts of care we are capable of changing things for the better, both inside ourselves and for the world around us. Frome in Somerset isn't special. It could be any town; it could be your town. And yet the people who live there have a story to tell about the simple, ground-shaking power of compassion. If it came in tablet form, it would be hailed as a wonder of modern medicine. By contrast, it's entirely free but offers heartening evidence that when human beings make time for each other, the beneficial effects go far beyond the reach of naïve optimism.'A culture in which compassion is a prevailing value allows individuals to flourish and bring their talents and gifts to the communities in which they live. Unanticipated possibilities emerge, presenting fresh ways of addressing what previously appeared to be insoluble problems. Hearts are lifted. The case for hope is more strongly made. And as the people who work in this way begin to change the world immediately around them, so too, the wider world beyond begins to change.' Dr Julian Abel & Lindsay Clarke

The Compassion Project: A case for hope and humankindness from the town that beat loneliness

by Julian Abel Lindsay Clarke

'It could... be one of the most dramatic medical breakthroughs of recent decades. It could transform treatment regimes, save lives, and save health services a fortune. Is it a drug? A device? A surgical procedure? No, it's a newfangled intervention called community.' George Monbiot, The GuardianFrome in Somerset has seen a dramatic fall in emergency hospital admissions since it began a collective project to combat isolation. While emergency admissions to hospitals across Somerset have increased by 29%, incurring a 21% increase in costs, Frome has seen admissions fall by 17%, with a 21% reduction in costs.Society has developed in such a way to facilitate a drastic malnourishment of community, connection and compassion. This book sets out the case for the effective restoration of the active power of compassion as a widely available, fundamental force for good in all aspects of human life. In the process, it draws attention to research which demonstrates that an innate capacity and need for compassionate behaviour is closely woven into the fabric of our bodies.But this is also a book with stories to tell - the stories of how, by harnessing the power of compassion in the lives of real men and women, the small English town of Frome has opened up a new approach to the practice of medicine which has improved individual health and welfare while at the same time enhancing the vitality of the whole community. The effects of this approach have proved so beneficial that it has attracted international attention and is now transforming perspectives on issues of healthcare and social welfare across the world.(p) 2020 Octopus Publishing Group

Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice: A Practical Guide for Mindfulness Teachers, Yoga Teachers and Allied Health Professionals

by Karen Atkinson

Practical and informative, this hands-on manual clearly depicts the relationship between mindfulness and compassion, demonstrating how one supports the other. The book offers a fresh perspective on mindfulness that resonates with a human approach and helps practitioners to validate their work by giving a sense of grounding and direction, and providing a safe, appropriate and transformative process in which to conduct inquiry.Including chapters on the meaning of Compassionate Mindful Inquiry and the Model of Inquiry, Atkinson facilitates transformational change and offers guidance for those incorporating mindfulness teaching into their own professional practice.

Complete Children's Cookbook: Delicious Step-by-Step Recipes for Young Cooks

by DK

Put on your chef's hat and roll up your sleeves. It's time to get cooking! Filled with more than 150 delicious dishes and mouth-watering recipes for young chefs to create at home. This first cookbook is the perfect way to get your child interested in food, nutrition, and cooking for life! Cooking with children can be immensely rewarding. You can watch your budding chef learn something new, try different flavors, and celebrate their own achievements in the kitchen. DK Books has created the ultimate cookbook that every kid chef needs on their shelf.Each recipe has easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions alongside pictures that illustrate each stage of cooking. There&’s a tasty recipe for every occasion from blueberry muffins and apple crumble to sweet potato lasagna.Perfect for budding chefs and kid foodies, this cookbook helps build up basic cooking skills, safe kitchen practices, and an adventurous palate. Packed with healthy recipes, helpful tips, and fail-safe techniques, your child will be excited to create dishes that are both fun to make and delicious to eat!It&’s as Easy as Pie! From speedy suppers to delicious bakes, this kid&’s cookbook contains a wealth of imaginative recipes that will inspire your little chef to put on their apron and get going on their first food adventure! It&’s an essential introduction to cooking that will be treasured by generations to come.Inside the pages of this cookbook, you&’ll find everything your child needs to get started in the kitchen: • More than 150 fun, delicious, and healthy recipes for kids. • Easy-to-follow steps alongside pictures for each stage of cooking. • Helpful tips on how to stay healthy in the kitchen.

The Complete DIY Cookbook for Young Chefs: 100+ Simple Recipes for Making Absolutely Everything from Scratch (Young Chefs Series)

by America's Test Kitchen Kids

Now is the time for kids to make EVERYTHING from scratch. This is the third book in the NY Times Bestselling Cookbook series for Young Chefs and will inspire kids to make everything from ketchup to crackers... themselves.Ever wondered how ketchup is made? How do you bake the most-awesome-ever cheese crackers (fish-shaped, of course)? Can you really make homemade butter in 10 minutes? The third title in this bestselling series of complete cookbooks for young chefs goes back to basics to make many of today's store-bought staples better from scratch. Easy recipes ranging from pancake mix to homemade Sriracha sauce will make kids kitchen heroes, one DIY project at a time.

Complete Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes: Over 150 Recipes for Health and Wellness

by Pam Farley

Craft Your Own Essential Oil Blends! Do you pine for a clean, fresh-smelling home without the dangerous chemicals found in traditional &“air-freshening&” products? Do you want to feel the blissful escape as aromatic scents permeate the air in your workspace? Complete Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes will teach you how to combine, use, and diffuse essential oils so that you can scent your home or workspace and create a peaceful and immersing ambiance. Within this book, you&’ll find descriptions of different oil diffusers that will help you decide which product will help you embark on your journey to serenity. Following these descriptions are more than 150 recipes to create scents that assist you in cultivating mental clarity, relaxation, and sleep, as well provide you with immune support, stress relief, mood enhancement, romantic atmosphere, and much more! Fifty beautiful color photographs accompany the recipes, providing readers with stunning visuals to aid the book&’s instruction. These recipes include: Wake Me UpMama's Little HelperFreshly FocusedNature's BlissMargarita SunriseForest StaycationRespiratory ReliefLove PotionMan CaveHibernateNo More SnifflesMountain RainStress LessPillow TalkSo Many More! These recipes can be used with any brand of essential oil. Start experiencing all of the amazing benefits that aromatherapy has to offer today!

Complete Guide to Respiratory Care in Athletes

by John W. Dickinson

Complete Guide to Respiratory Care in Athletes introduces the respiratory system and its function during exercise. It considers the main respiratory conditions affecting athletes and delivers practical advice for the management of respiratory issues in athletic populations. With contributions from leading international experts, the book discusses fundamental scientific principles and provides pragmatic ‘hands-on’ clinical guidance to enable practical application. Each chapter includes useful pedagogical features such as case studies and guides for carrying out assessments. The book covers wide a range of topics, including: respiratory system function during exercise impact of the environment on the upper and lower airways asthma related issues in athletes allergic rhinitis in athletes exercise induced laryngeal obstruction exercise induced dysfunctional breathing paterns respiratory muscle training role of screening for respiratory issues in athletes assessing and dealing with respiratory infections in athletes. This text is key reading for both newly qualified and established medical, scientific and therapy practitioners who are working with athletes with respiratory issues. It is also a valuable resource for students of sports medicine, sports therapy, and sport and exercise science courses.

Complete Intermittent Fasting: Practical Guidelines and Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight and Improve Wellness

by Jean LaMantia

Harness the health benefits of intermittent fasting—a comprehensive guide with meal plans and more Intermittent fasting (IF) is an evidence-based eating program that's existed in multiple forms for nearly 2,500 years, with roots in evolution and religion. That said, there are many ways to approach it and apply it to your life. Complete Intermittent Fasting is filled with essential information, how-to advice, FAQs, meal plans, and recipes to help you adopt and maintain an intermittent fasting lifestyle for weight loss and improved health. Discover guidance on how to incorporate intermittent fasting into your life. Learn how to choose the right feeding and fasting window for you, overcome challenges, and maintain an intermittent fasting lifestyle over the long term. Whether you choose 16:8, 5:2, 20:4, 24-hour, or alternate-day fasting, you'll find convenient meal plans and healthy recipes to get you started on the right foot. Complete Intermittent Fasting includes: The science of IF—Learn more about what intermittent fasting is, its benefits, and the different feeding and fasting windows. 50 Delicious recipes—Explore healthy and flavorful recipes to eat (when you do eat), including broths and drinks, low-carb and keto dishes, low-calorie and low-fat fare, and clean-eating meals. Guidance for variations—Get practical advice for how to successfully implement intermittent fasting if you're a woman, eat a keto diet, or have high-fat intolerance. Here's everything you need to apply intermittent fasting to your life so you can look and feel your best. Let's get started!

The Complete Notes From the Universe

by Mike Dooley

The New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities brings &“his signature wisdom, wit, and warmth&” (Mike Robbins, author of Nothing Changes Until You Do) to this inspirational collection based on his bestselling Notes from the Universe trilogy, featuring a new foreword, introduction, and fresh, invaluable truths. For the first time ever, the hugely popular Notes from the Universe trilogy is presented in one volume, making it even easier to share the love and wisdom of Mike Dooley&’s Universe. Since 2000, Mike Dooley has created empowering and positive affirmations to remind us that we have power over our lives and a say in our destiny. In order to bring about change, we must simply ask and show up. His insights can help you harness the metaphysical laws of the Universe so that you can be swept off your feet and carried along, as divine intelligence puts the right people in your path at just the right time. Soon you can find yourself living in a physical world that mirrors the life you thought could only exist in dreams. Now, you can discover fresh and inspirational notes in this ultimate volume, spread goodwill, and bring happiness and hope to your everyday life.

The Complete Summer Cookbook: Beat the Heat with 500 Recipes that Make the Most of Summer's Bounty

by America'S Test Kitchen

The only cookbook you'll need during the year's warmest monthsA hot day and hanging over your stove were never meant to be. When fresh produce beckons but you haven't much energy to respond, these recipes help you settle into a more relaxed kind of cooking designed to keep you and your kitchen cool. Untether yourself from the oven with make-ahead meals best served cold (or at room temp), like Poached Salmon with Cucumber and Tomato salad and Tzatziki. Fix-and-forget recipes like North Carolina-Style Pulled Pork made in the electric pressure cooker won't steam up the kitchen. Equally easy are dinner salads; we've got enough to keep them interesting and varied, from Shrimp and White Bean Salad with Garlic Toasts to Grilled Caesar Salad. Barely more effort are fresh summer recipes requiring the briefest stint in a pan, such as Beet and Carrot Noodle Salad with Chicken or Braised Striped Bass with Zucchini and Tomatoes. Ready to take the party outside? You'll find all you need for casual patio meals prepared entirely on the grill (from meat to veggies, even pizza). Throw a fantastic cookout with easy starters, frosty drinks, and picnic must-haves like Picnic Fried Chicken, Classic Potato Salad, and Buttermilk Coleslaw. Visited the farmers' market? Find ideas for main dishes as well as sides inspired by the seasonal bounty, plus the best fruit desserts worth turning on the oven for. To end your meal on a cooler note, turn to a chapter of icebox desserts and no-bake sweets.

The Complex Reality of Pain (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Jennifer Corns

This book employs contemporary philosophy, scientific research, and clinical reports to argue that pain, though real, is not an appropriate object of scientific generalisations or an appropriate target for medical intervention. Each pain experience is instead complex and idiosyncratic in a way which undermines scientific utility. In addition to contributing novel arguments and developing a novel position on the nature of pain, the book provides an interdisciplinary overview of dominant models of pain. The author lays the needed groundwork for improved models and targeted treatments at a time when pain science, pain medicine, and philosophy are explicitly searching for both and failing to find them. The Complex Reality of Pain will be of interest to a broad range of researchers and students, including those working in philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, cognitive science, neuroscience, medicine, health, cognitive and behavioural psychology, and pain science.

The Comprehensive NCLEX-PN Review

by Assessment Technologies Institute

The book is intended to accompany a live review presentation and then be used as an outline for continued review prior to taking the NCLEX. Each unit focuses on a specific area of nursing care. Tables and graphics are provided throughout to simplify more challenging content. <p><p>Unit 1 offers practical information about the exam, including how to prepare and test-taking strategies. The next eight units review essential content for the exam: Coordinated Care, Community Health Nursing , Pharmacology in Nursing, Fundamentals for Nursing , Adult Medical Surgical Nursing , Mental Health Nursing, Maternal and Newborn Nursing, Nursing Care of Children. <p><p>The content provided in this book is organized by specific areas of nursing and focuses on descriptions, contributing factors, manifestations, and collaborative care, which includes nursing interventions, diagnostics, medications, therapeutic measures, client education, and referrals. The information is presented in a manner that promotes analysis and application of knowledge and reinforces the priority of care when managing client care. <p><p>In the Practice Questions section, additional NCLEX-style questions are provided. Remember to apply clinical reasoning and use your test-taking strategies to select the correct answers.

Con Pochi Carboidrati: Basso Contenuto Di Carboidrati E Dieta Ricca Di Proteine Per Perdere Peso

by Arthur Hill

I giorni in cui il conteggio delle calorie sembrava la via per una salute migliore sono finiti. Questo libro di cucina parla della scienza della dieta chetogenica, sottolineando come può aiutare a combattere molte malattie e come può tenervi pieni di energia. Le ricette di questo libro di cucina sono gustose, e vi aiuteranno a vivere correttamente lo stile di vita chetogenico. La dieta chetogenica è rivoluzionaria in quanto può aiutare a combattere il cancro, la sindrome metabolica, l'obesità, il colesterolo alto, le malattie coronariche, il morbo di Alzheimer, la demenza, l'ADHD, l'ansia e persino la depressione. La dieta keto introduce alcuni semplici ma potenti cambiamenti nella vostra dieta.

Concentric Space as a Life Principle Beyond Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur: Inclusion of the Other

by Paul Downes

Concentric Space as a Life Principle beyond Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur invites a fresh vision of human experience and search for life meanings in terms of potential openings through relational space. Offering a radical spatial rereading of foundational ideas of influential thinkers Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur, it argues that these ideas can be rethought for a more fundamental understanding of life, self and other. This book offers a radical reconceptualisation of space as an animating principle for life through common, although previously hidden, features across the thought of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur. It offers a fresh spatial interpretation of key themes in these thinkers’ works, such as compassion, will to life, Dionysian rapture, will to power, selfovercoming, re-valuation of values, eternal recurrence, living metaphor and intersubjectivity. It proposes a spatial restructuring of experience from diametric spaces of exclusion towards concentric spaces of inclusion for an experiential restructuring towards unifying modes of experience. This spatial rereading of these major figures in philosophy directly challenges many previous understandings, to offer a distinctive spatial-phenomenological framework for examining a life principle. This book will appeal to academics, researchers and postgraduates engaged in the study of philosophy, wellbeing, education and human development. The book’s interdisciplinary scope ensures that it is also of interest for those in the fields of psychology, anthropology, psychoanalysis and culture studies.

Concussion Rescue: A Comprehensive Program to Heal Traumatic Brain Injury

by Kabran Chapek

Daniel Amen and The Amen Clinics have become widely known and respected across America and internationally via television, print, and the online world reaching millions of viewers and consumers each year. We now have the wonderful opportunity to publish a line of health care books under the Amen Clinics imprimatur.#1 New York Times bestselling author, Daniel Amen, will write a foreword for each book and promote the book through all of his channels (mailing list, newsletter, social media). The first book we will be publishing is Concussion Rescue, which will give readers the natural and effective protocols for healing from traumatic brain injury.In Concussion Rescue, Dr. Kabran Chapek shares the programs and protocols that he uses at the Amen Clinics to put patients on the pathway to healing from traumatic brain injury. From general assessment using sophisticated tools (SPECT imaging, MRIs and CAT scans) to very specific blood tests (out-of-balance lab values in blood can point to symptoms of brain injury and may explain why the brain is not healing), Dr. Chapek guides readers to getting the proper medical care. He shares the cutting edge and most effective treatments for acute traumatic brain injury, as well as chronic traumatic brain injury, and provides the most powerful natural treatments including diet and supplements. Concussion Rescue will be an invaluable and potentially lifesaving resource for athletes, parents of student athletes, coaches, and anyone who suffers a mild or severe brain injury.

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