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Showing 32,451 through 32,475 of 47,769 results

The Sexual Politics of Ballroom Dancing (Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences)

by Vicki Harman

This book presents an engaging sociological investigation into how gender is negotiated and performed in ballroom and Latin dancing that draws on extensive ethnographic research, as well as the author’s own experience as a dancer. It explores the key factors underpinning the popularity of this leisure activity and highlights what this reveals more broadly about the nature of gender roles at the current time. The author begins with an overview of its rich social history and shifting class status, establishing the context within which contemporary masculinities and femininities in this community are explored. Real and imagined gendered traditions are examined across a range of dancer experiences that follows the trajectory of a typical learner: from finding a partner, attending lessons and forming networks, through to taking part in competitions. The analysis of these narratives creates a nuanced picture of a dance culture that is empowering, yet also highly consumerist and image-conscious; a highly ritualised set of practices that both reinstate and transgress gender roles. This innovative contribution to the feminist leisure literature will appeal to students and scholars of anthropology, dance, sport, gender, cultural and media studies.

Shadows of Doubt: Stereotypes, Crime, and the Pursuit of Justice

by Brendan O'Flaherty Rajiv Sethi

Crime and punishment occur under extreme uncertainty. Offenders, victims, police, judges, and jurors make high-stakes decisions with limited information under severe time pressure. With compelling stories and data on how people act and react, O’Flaherty and Sethi reveal the extent to which we rely on stereotypes as shortcuts in our decision making.

Shaping Human Science Disciplines: Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond (Socio-Historical Studies of the Social and Human Sciences)

by Christian Fleck Matthias Duller Victor Karády

This book presents an analysis of the institutional development of selected social science and humanities (SSH) disciplines in Argentina, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Where most narratives of a scholarly past are presented as a succession of ‘ideas,’ research results and theories, this collection highlights the structural shifts in the systems of higher education, as well as institutions of research and innovation (beyond the universities) within which these disciplines have developed. This institutional perspective will facilitate systematic comparisons between developments in various disciplines and countries. Across eight country studies the book reveals remarkably different dynamics of disciplinary growth between countries, as well as important interdisciplinary differences within countries. In addition, instances of institutional contractions and downturns and veritable breaks of continuity under authoritarian political regimes can be observed, which are almost totally absent from narratives of individual disciplinary histories. This important work will provide a valuable resource to scholars of disciplinary history, the history of ideas, the sociology of education and of scientific knowledge.

Sharenthood: Why We Should Think before We Talk about Our Kids Online (Strong Ideas)

by Leah A. Plunkett

From baby pictures in the cloud to a high school's digital surveillance system: how adults unwittingly compromise children's privacy online.Our children's first digital footprints are made before they can walk—even before they are born—as parents use fertility apps to aid conception, post ultrasound images, and share their baby's hospital mug shot. Then, in rapid succession come terabytes of baby pictures stored in the cloud, digital baby monitors with built-in artificial intelligence, and real-time updates from daycare. When school starts, there are cafeteria cards that catalog food purchases, bus passes that track when kids are on and off the bus, electronic health records in the nurse's office, and a school surveillance system that has eyes everywhere. Unwittingly, parents, teachers, and other trusted adults are compiling digital dossiers for children that could be available to everyone—friends, employers, law enforcement—forever. In this incisive book, Leah Plunkett examines the implications of “sharenthood”—adults' excessive digital sharing of children's data. She outlines the mistakes adults make with kids' private information, the risks that result, and the legal system that enables “sharenting.”Plunkett describes various modes of sharenting—including “commercial sharenting,” efforts by parents to use their families' private experiences to make money—and unpacks the faulty assumptions made by our legal system about children, parents, and privacy. She proposes a “thought compass” to guide adults in their decision making about children's digital data: play, forget, connect, and respect. Enshrining every false step and bad choice, Plunkett argues, can rob children of their chance to explore and learn lessons. The Internet needs to forget. We need to remember.

Shift: A New Mindset for Sustainable Execution

by M. Kathryn Brohman Eileen Brown Jim McSheffrey

Organizations all too often create impressive strategies but fail at implementing them. Based on research with over 750 organizations, SHIFT conceptualizes execution with energy management in mind to offer discrete capabilitie that will help leaders "shift" into more sustainable and dynamic execution practices. With the importance of orchestrating balance between stability and flexibility at the core, SHIFT is written in four parts - identifying execution barriers, filling gaps, removing distractions, and differentiating execution leaders that are capable of driving improvement. Most novel is the introduction of a performance indicator, called the Cost of Execution (COx), that quantifies execution capabilities and challenges. SHIFT includes real case studies and describes a comprehensive approach that will help organizations satisfy the business demands of today and adapt to embrace the challenges of tomorrow.

Shifting Forms of Continental Colonialism: Unfinished Struggles and Tensions

by Dittmar Schorkowitz John R. Chávez Ingo W. Schröder

This book explores shifting forms of continental colonialism in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, from the early modern period to the present. It offers an interdisciplinary approach bringing together historians, anthropologists, and sociologists to contribute to a critical historical anthropology of colonialism. Though focused on the modern era, the volume illustrates that the colonial paradigm is a framework of theories and concepts that can be applied globally and deeply into the past. The chapters engage with a wide range of topics and disciplinary approaches from the theoretical to the empirical, deepening our understanding of under-researched areas of colonial studies and providing a cutting edge contribution to the study of continental and internal colonialism for all those interested in the global impact of colonialism on continents.

Shifting Perspectives in Tribal Studies: From an Anthropological Approach to Interdisciplinarity and Consilience

by Maguni Charan Behera

This book brings together multidisciplinarity, desirability and possibility of consilience of borderline studies which are topically diverse and methodologically innovative. It includes contemporary tribal issues within anthropology and other disciplines. In addition, the chapters underline the analytical sophistication, theoretical soundness and empirical grounding in the area of emerging core perspectives in tribal studies. The volume alludes to the emergence of tribal studies as an independent academic discipline of its own rights. It offers the opportunity to consider the entire intellectual enterprise of understanding disciplinary and interdisciplinary dualism, to move beyond interdisciplinarity of the science-humanities divide and to conceptualise a core of theoretical perspectives in tribal studies. The book proves an indispensable reference point for those interested in studying tribes in general and who are engaged in the process of developing tribal studies as a discipline in particular.

Shitstorms, Lügen, Sex: Steinzeitrituale in Gruppen und Hierarchien

by Gerhard Schwarz

​Ist es Ihnen auch schon passiert, dass Sie im Aufzug auf den Knopf für das siebte Stockwerk gedrückt hatten, aber im fünften Stockwerk ausstiegen, weil alle anderen ausstiegen? Sie fahren nur dann weiter, wenn Sie diesen unbewussten Drang überwinden und sich mithilfe Ihrer Vernunft überlegen, dass Sie eigentlich in das siebente Stockwerk wollen. Der Drang, mit den anderen zusammen auszusteigen, ist ein archaisches Muster, das einstmals in der Steinzeit den Sinn hatte (und meist bis heute noch hat), in einer Gruppe, zu der Sie immerhin vom Erdgeschoss bis zum fünften Stockwerk gehörten, ein einheitliches Verhalten herzustellen. Gruppen, die diesen Konformitätsdruck nicht entwickeln, haben geringere Erfolgschancen als solche, denen es gelingt, ihre Mitglieder „gleichzuschalten“. Sigmund Freud nannte vor 100 Jahren diesen Drang des Individuums, Gruppenverhalten nachzuahmen „unbewusst“. Die moderne Gehirnforschung gibt ihm weitgehend recht. Auch die Gruppendynamik erkennt immer mehr solcher unbewussten Verhaltensmuster, die plötzlich in Gruppen auftreten und meist alle Mitglieder der Gruppe mit einbeziehen. Eine Gruppe kann sich dann auch ganz „irrational“ verhalten und Handlungen setzen, die ihr später – wieder bei vollem Bewusstsein – leidtun. Denn Gruppen – und nicht nur sie – verhalten sich nicht immer rational. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen geht die Vernunft verloren und es greifen archaische Muster. Die Psychologie verwendet dafür das Wort „Regression“, was eigentlich „Rückfall“ bedeutet. Aber wohin fallen wir zurück?Videos per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature More Media kostenlos herunter - Abbildungen im Buch per App mit Handy oder Tablet scannen, um Videos zu streamen.

A Shoppers’ Paradise: How the Ladies of Chicago Claimed Power and Pleasure in the New Downtown

by Emily Remus

Popular culture assumes that women are born to shop and that cities invite their trade. But downtowns were not always welcoming to women. Emily Remus turns to Chicago at the turn of the last century to chronicle an unheralded revolution in women’s rights that took place not at the ballot box but in the streets and stores of the business district.

Sicherheitsmentalitäten im ländlichen Raum

by Daniela Klimke Nina Oelkers Martin K. Schweer

Der Band befasst sich mit der Analyse spezifisch ländlicher Sicherheitskulturen und den damit verbundenen Formen formeller wie informeller sozialer Kontrolle. Ländliche Regionen und Kleinstädte gelten im Alltag gemeinhin als relativ kriminalitätsarm und weitestgehend sozial integriert. Vergemeinschaftungsprozessen und informellen Kontrollmechanismen werden innerhalb dieser Deutungen eine herausragende Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Zugleich lässt sich zumindest für die Bundesrepublik feststellen, dass bisher weitgehend empirische Studien zum alltäglichen Sicherheits- bzw. Unsicherheitserleben in ländlichen und kleinstädtisch geprägten Milieus fehlen. Auf Grundlage der zwischen 2012 und 2015 im BMBF-Forschungsverbund „Sicherheitsmentalitäten im ländlichen Raum“ erhobenen Daten und rückgebunden an Diskussionen um das von Daniela Klimke entwickelte Konzept der Sicherheitsmentalitäten sollen die obengenannten Defizite aufgegriffen werden.

Los siete hábitos de la gente desinformada: Cómo informarse y tomar decisiones en las redes sociales

by Marc Argemí Ballbé

Vivimos el espejismo de creer que, como hemos consultado internet, estamos lo suficientemente informados para tomar buenas decisiones. Sin embargo, esta idea es errónea. Este libro permite identificar los hábitos que nos hacen más vulnerables a la desinformación en el entorno digital y ofrece las herramientas para decidir por nosotros mismos tanto en el terreno personal como profesional. Estar bien informado significa contar con suficientes datos para, de entre todas las decisiones posibles, poder elegir una. Sin embargo, la experiencia nos demuestra que muchas decisiones tomadas con seguridad están lejos de sustentarse en los datos, circunstancia que explica que podamos parecer al mismo tiempo unos perfectos ignorantes y muy decididos. Internet y las redes sociales han llevado esta problemática hasta el extremo. Nunca antes habíamos tenido acceso a tanta información, aunque esto no implica que seamos capaces de escoger mejor. Los algoritmos del entorno digital (donde conviven webs, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter o WhatsApp) no siempre están programados para ayudarnos a elegir de forma adecuada. Tenemos la engañosa percepción de que estamos bien informados y, por ello, decidimos correctamente. No obstante, la desinformación nos afecta en nuestra vida personal y profesional. ¿Soy víctima de este fenómeno? La respuesta, con toda probabilidad, sería afirmativa porque nos desinformamos con facilidad y de modos muy diversos. El objetivo de este libro es ayudar a identificar los hábitos que nos hacen más vulnerables: el cuñadismo, la incredulidad crédula, la indecisión crónica, la ansiedad, el confusionismo relacional, el activismo visceral y la precariedad informativa. Y, con sus herramientas prácticas para contrarrestar la desinformación, será de utilidad tanto para los expertos en redes sociales y profesionales de la gestión de cuentas en Twitter como para aquellas personas que solo visitan las páginas web de los periódicos de toda la vida.

Silk Road to Belt Road: Reinventing the Past and Shaping the Future

by Md. Nazrul Islam

This volume approaches China’s Belt and Road Initiative as a process of culturalization, one that started with the Silk Road and continued over the millennium. In mainstream literature, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been portrayed as the geo-economic vision and geo-political ambition of China’s current leaders, intended to shape the future of the world. However, this volume argues that although geo-politics and geo-economy may play their part, the BRI more importantly creates a venue for the meeting of cultures by promoting people-to-people interaction and exchange. This volume explores the journey from the Silk-Road to Belt-Road by analyzing topics ranging from history to religion, from language to culture, and from environment to health. As such, scholars, academics, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business will find an alternative approach to the Belt and Road Initiative.

Simplify Work: Crushing Complexity to Liberate Innovation, Productivity, and Engagement

by Jesse W. Newton

In urgent response to the epidemic of crippling complexity affecting organizations around the world, Simplify Work reveals the common sources of this virus and outlines practical steps that can be taken to liberate innovation, productivity, and engagement. Complexity is like a vine that gradually grows and expands, wreaking havoc in organizations and individual lives. Growing complexity has traditionally been met with added structures, processes, committees and systems. Consequently, organizations often become a complicated mess, clouding strategic focus, slowing innovation and breeding complacency. It is no wonder that large organizations around the world are failing at an increasing rate and employee engagement levels have never been so low. Simplify Work reveals the typical drivers of complexity and provides a practical method for simplifying work. Inside, global management consultant Jesse Newton delivers a newfound clarity on the case for simplification and the steps organizations and individuals need to take to unleash its potential. He reveals the common drivers of debilitating complexity and provides a recipe for reducing and removing those things getting in the way of peak performance. Based on the research and experiences of a recognized organization effectiveness expert, Simplify Work leaves readers inspired and equipped to create a new liberating reality in both their organization and their life.

Simulating Societal Change: Counterfactual Modelling for Social and Policy Inquiry (Computational Social Sciences)

by Peter Davis Roy Lay-Yee

This book presents a method for creating a working model of society, using data systems and simulation techniques, that can be used for testing propositions of scientific and policy nature. The model is based on the example of New Zealand, but will be applicable to other countries. It is expected that collaborators in other countries can emulate this example with their data systems for teaching and policy purposes, producing a cross-national "collaboratory". This enterprise will evolve with, and to a degree independently of, the book itself, with a supporting website as well as teaching and scientific initiatives. Readers of this text will, for the first time, have a simulation-based working model of society that can be interrogated for policy and substantive purposes. This book will appeal to researchers and professionals from various disciplines working within the social sciences, particularly on matters of demography and public policy.

Situational Privacy and Self-Disclosure: Communication Processes in Online Environments

by Philipp K. Masur

Using both a theoretical argumentation and an empirical investigation, this book rationalizes the view that in order to understand people’s privacy perceptions and behaviors, a situational perspective needs to be adopted.To this end, the book is divided into three parts. Part I advances the theory of situational privacy and self-disclosure by discussing impacts of new information and communication technologies on traditional theories of privacy and self-disclosure. Based on five basic suppositions, it describes three major processes of the theory: pre-situational privacy regulations processes, situational privacy perception and self-disclosure processes, and post-situational evaluation processes. Next, Part II presents the application of the theory to smartphone-based communication. It first analyses how people choose certain communication environments on their smartphones, how they manipulate them, and how these external factors affect self-disclosure within these environments. It then details a multi-method study conducted to test the derived assumptions and discusses the obtained results. Part III reflects on the overall implications of the theory, summarizes the major findings and lastly considers possible extensions and perspectives on future research.Intended mainly for researchers in privacy and communication studies, the book offers privacy scholars a systematic review of both classic and contemporary theories of privacy and self-disclosure. At the same time, communication scholars benefit from an additional methodological discussion of the mobile experience sampling method, which provides an invaluable approach to measuring situational communication processes.

Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice

by Andrea Freeman

Born into a tenant farming family in North Carolina in 1946, Mary Louise, Mary Ann, Mary Alice, and Mary Catherine were medical miracles. Annie Mae Fultz, a Black-Cherokee woman who lost her ability to hear and speak in childhood, became the mother of America's first surviving set of identical quadruplets. They were instant celebrities. Their White doctor named them after his own family members. He sold the rights to use the sisters for marketing purposes to the highest-bidding formula company. The girls lived in poverty, while Pet Milk's profits from a previously untapped market of Black families skyrocketed. Over half a century later, baby formula is a seventy-billion-dollar industry and Black mothers have the lowest breastfeeding rates in the country. Since slavery, legal, political, and societal factors have routinely denied Black women the ability to choose how to feed their babies. In Skimmed, Andrea Freeman tells the riveting story of the Fultz quadruplets while uncovering how feeding America's youngest citizens is awash in social, legal, and cultural inequalities. This book highlights the making of a modern public health crisis, the four extraordinary girls whose stories encapsulate a nationwide injustice, and how we can fight for a healthier future.

Skin Deep: Journeys in the Divisive Science of Race

by Gavin Evans

Everything you need to know about race (but were afraid to ask). MYTH: Early Europeans were white. REALITY: The first Europeans had dark skin, black, curly hair and blue eyes. MYTH: Between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago, a &‘cognitive revolution&’ led to the birth of culture in Europe. REALITY: Modern intelligence evolved tens of thousands of years earlier, leading to the birth of culture in Africa.Does racism have a rational basis in science? In Skin Deep, Gavin Evans tackles head-on the debate that has been raging on internet message boards and in academic journals. No longer limited to the fringe, race-based studies of intelligence have been discussed by thinkers such as Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. If these studies were true, they would provide an intellectual justification for inequality and discrimination. Examining the latest research on how intelligence develops and laying out new discoveries in genetics, palaeontology, archaeology and anthropology to unearth the truth about our shared past, Skin Deep demolishes the pernicious myth that our race is our destiny and instead reveals what really makes us who we are.

Smart and Digital Cities: From Computational Intelligence to Applied Social Sciences (Urban Computing)

by Vitor Nazário Coelho Igor Machado Coelho Thays A. Oliveira Luiz Satoru Ochi

This book presents up-to-date information on the future digital and smart cities. In particular, it describes novel insights about the use of computational intelligence techniques and decentralized technologies, covering urban aspects and services, cities governance and social sciences. The topics covered here range from state-of-the-art computational techniques to current discussions regarding drones, blockchain, smart contracts and cryptocurrencies.The idealization of this material emerged with a journey of free knowledge exchange from a diverse group of authors, who met each other through four different events (workshops and special sessions) organized with the purpose of boosting the concepts surrounding smart cities.We believe that this book comprises innovative and precise information regarding state-of-the-art applications and ideas for the future of cities and society. It will surely be useful not only for the academic community but also to the industry professionals and city managers.

Smart Blockchain: Second International Conference, SmartBlock 2019, Birmingham, UK, October 11–13, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11911)

by Meikang Qiu

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Smart Blockchain, SmartBlock 2019, held in Birmingham, UK, in October 2019.The 13 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. They focus on a broad range of topics in the area of blockchain, from privacy-preserving solutions to designing advanced blockchain mechanism, from empirical studies to practical manuals.

Smart Cities: First Ibero-American Congress, ICSC-CITIES 2018, Soria, Spain, September 26–27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #978)

by Sergio Nesmachnow Luis Hernández Callejo

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the First Ibero-American Congress, ICSC-CITIES 2018, held in Soria, Spain, in May 2018. The 15 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. The papers cover wide research fields including smart cities, energy efficiency and sustainability, infrastructures, smart mobility, intelligent transportation systems, Internet of Things, governance and citizenship.

Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems: 6th International Conference, SMARTGREENS 2017, and Third International Conference, VEHITS 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 22-24, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #921)

by Brian Donnellan Cornel Klein Markus Helfert Oleg Gusikhin António Pascoal

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2017, and the Third International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2017, held in Porto, Portugal in April 2017.The 8 full papers of SMARTGREENS 2017 presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. VEHITS 2017 received 77 paper submissions from which 9 papers were selected and published in this book. The papers reflect topics such as smart cities, energy-aware systems and technologies, sustainable computing and communications, sustainable transportation and smart mobility.

Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems: 7th International Conference, SMARTGREENS, and 4th International Conference, VEHITS 2018, Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, March 16-18, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #992)

by Brian Donnellan Cornel Klein Markus Helfert Oleg Gusikhin

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2018, and the 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2018, held in Funchal-Madeira, Portugal in March 2018.The 18 full papers presented during SMARTGREENS 2018 and VEHITS 2018 were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers reflect topics such as smart cities and green ICT systems; vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems.

Smart Cities of Today and Tomorrow: Better Technology, Infrastructure and Security

by Joseph N. Pelton Indu B. Singh

Hackers, cyber-criminals, Dark Web users, and techno-terrorists beware! This book should make you think twice about attempting to do your dirty work in the smart cities of tomorrow.Scores of cities around the world have begun planning what are known as “smart cities.” These new or revamped urban areas use the latest technology to make the lives of residents easier and more enjoyable.They will have automated infrastructures such as the Internet of Things, “the Cloud,” automated industrial controls, electronic money, mobile and communication satellite systems, wireless texting and networking. With all of these benefits come new forms of danger, and so these cities will need many safeguards to prevent cyber criminals from wreaking havoc. This book explains the advantages of smart cities and how to design and operate one. Based on the practical experience of the authors in projects in the U.S. and overseas in Dubai, Malaysia, Brazil and India, it tells how such a city is planned and analyzes vital security concerns that must be addressed along the way.Most of us will eventually live in smart cities. What are the advantages and the latest design strategies for such ventures? What are the potential drawbacks? How will they change the lives of everyday citizens? This book offers a preview of our future and how you can help prepare yourself for the changes to come.

Smart Cities/Smart Regions – Technische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Innovationen: Konferenzband zu den 10. BUIS-Tagen

by Jorge Marx Gómez Andreas Solsbach Thomas Klenke Volker Wohlgemuth

In diesem Tagungsband zu den 10. BUIS-Tagen (20. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.) werden Thematiken „smarter“ Städte und Regionen unter Einsatz von nachhaltigen IKT-Lösungen in Beiträgen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis vorgestellt. Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme erfassen, analysieren und stellen hierbei umweltrelevante Daten für vielschichtige Prozesse bereit. Das Spektrum der Fachbeiträge zeigt die Vielfalt der Fragestellungen und den Einsatz von IKT-Lösungen in der Förderung der Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf. Wesentlichen Raum nehmen Beiträge zur Wissenschaftskooperation und zum Erfahrungstransfer zwischen afrikanischen und europäischen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern auf allen Themenfeldern der Tagung ein.

Smart und digital: Wie künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändert

by Klaus Henning

Künstliche Intelligenz verändert alles.Dieses Buch ermutigt, sich der Herausforderung durch die digitale Transformation mit Künstlicher Intelligenz zu stellen. Der Leser erfährt, warum diese Transformation als größte Kulturrevolution seit der Erfindung des Massenbuchdrucks anzusehen ist und wie diese wert-orientiert positiv gestaltet werden kann. Dabei verfolgt der Autor die These, dass Intelligente Objekte im Netz und Gegenstände dieser Welt ein eigenes Bewusstsein bekommen. Er zeigt anhand vieler Beispiele, wie diese digitalen Begleiter zu unseren digitalen Partnern werden. Dieses Sachbuch gibt viele Anregungen für das eigene Lebens- und Arbeitsumfeld und ist voller Beispiele für die Umsetzung von Systemen der künstlichen Intelligenz. Der Leser erfährt, was heute schon geht und was in den nächsten zehn bis zwanzig Jahren zu erwarten ist. Das Werk ist für alle interessant, die sich für KI und die digitale Transformation interessieren – von Verantwortlichen in Unternehmen, öffentlichen Einrichtungen und Politik, wie auch alle Lehrer und Eltern, die verstehen wollen, was die nächste Generation erwartet.

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