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Le Jardin de Megan: Un Guide Spirituel, un Tigre Fantôme et une Mère Terrifiante ! (La Série de Megan #15)

by Owen Jones

Le Jardin de Megan Un Guide Spirituel, un Tigre Fantôme et une Mère Terrifiante ! Megan décide qu’elle aimerait avoir son propre jardin après avoir vu à quel point sa nouvelle amie prenait plaisir à s’occuper du sien. Ses parents lui donnent la responsabilité du jardin arrière et Megan apprend beaucoup de son nouveau passe-temps.

Le régime paléo pour débutants : découvrez les 30 meilleures recettes de pâtes paléo !

by The Blokehead

Fettuccine de courgettes crémeux au poulet Ingrédients • 1 petit oignon haché • 2 gousses d’ail hachées • ½ cuillère à café de sel rose de l’Himalaya ou de sel de mer fin • ½ cuillère à café de poivre noir fraîchement moulu • 1 chou-fleur (600g) grossièrement haché • 2 tasses de bouillon de poulet • 1 cuillère à soupe de moutarde de Dijon • 2 cuillères à soupe de levure nutritionnelle • 2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre balsamique blanc • Jus d’1/2 citron vert • 1 cuillère à café de câpres • 225g de champignons émincés • 450g de poulet cuit haché (j’ai utilisé du poulet grillé) • ¼ de tasse de persil frais haché (pour décorer) • 2-3 grosses courgettes épluchées et coupées en julienne Préparation 1. Épluchez les courgettes (ou pas, j’ai épluché les miennes pour qu’elles soient plus jolies et grignoté les épluchures pendant que je cuisinais) et coupez-les en julienne en larges lamelles avec une mandoline. Mettez-les de côté. (J’ai utilisé le réglage le plus large de ma mandoline pour obtenir des “nouilles” de style fettuccine mais vous pouvez aussi obtenir des nouilles plus fines avec le réglage plus fin ou vous pouvez utiliser un spiraliseur de légumes.) 2. Dans une casserole de taille moyenne, ajoutez l’oignon, l’ail, le sel et le poivre. Faites cuire à feu moyen pendant une ou deux minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’ils embaument et ramollissent légèrement. 3. Ajoutez le chou-fleur et continuez à faire cuire pendant une ou deux minutes. 4. Ajoutez le bouillon de poulet, couvrez et portez à ébullition ; baissez le feu et continuez à faire cuire jusqu’à ce que le chou-fleur soit tendre, environ 5-7 minutes. 5. Pendant ce temps, faites cuire les champignons dans un grand poêlon, jusqu’à ce qu

Leading Through a Pandemic: The Inside Story of Humanity, Innovation, and Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Crisis

by Michael J. Dowling Charles Kenney

"A clarifying must-read in these uncertain times.&” —GOVERNOR ANDREW CUOMO Journey behind the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic with Northwell Health, New York&’s largest health system. What was it like at the epicenter, inside the health system that cared for more COVID-19 patients than any other in the United States? Leading Through a Pandemic: The Inside Story of Lessons Learned about Innovation, Leadership, and Humanity During the COVID-19Crisis takes readers inside Northwell Health, New York&’s largest health system. From the C-suite to the front lines, the book reports on groundwork that positioned Northwell as uniquely prepared for the pandemic. Two decades ago, Northwell leaders began preparing for disasters—floods, hurricanes, blackouts, viruses, and more based on the belief that "bad things will happen and we have to be ready." Following a course highly unusual for an American health system, Northwell developed one of the most advanced non-government emergency response systems in the country. Northwell reached a point where leaders could confidently say "we are comfortable being uncomfortable in a crisis." But even with sustained preparation, the pandemic stands as a singularly humbling experience. Leading Through a Pandemic offers guidance on how hospitals and health systems throughout the country can prepare more effectively for the next viral threat. The book includes dramatic stories from the front lines at the peak of the viral assault and lessons of what went well, and what did not. The authors draw upon the Northwell experience to prescribe changes in the health care system for next time. Beyond the obvious need for increased stockpiles of supplies and equipment is the far more challenging task of fundamentally changing the culture of American health care to embrace a more robust emergency response capability in hospitals and systems of all sizes across the nation. The book is a must read for health care professionals, policy-makers, journalists, and readers whose curiosity demands a deeper dive into the surreal realm of the coronavirus pandemic.

Learn to Dowse: Use the World's Most Powerful Search Engine: Your Intuition

by Uri Geller

By celebrity psychic Uri Geller, this simple, fun and visually attractive guide explains how to improve your life by unlocking your intuition and learning this ancient but effective divinatory art.Dowsing simply means searching for something by intuition. It's widely regarded as being a psychic method of looking for water, but it's so much more than that – you can dowse for everything from lost objects to the self-knowledge hidden in your subconscious – and this book will show you exactly how. All of us have intuition but in this modern world we have become disconnected from this ancient power. Uri Geller is famous around the world for his intuitive, paranormal powers, which range from bending spoons to astounding feats of dowsing, such as his location of huge offshore oil field on behalf of Mexico's national oil company (for which he was rewarded with Mexican citizenship). In this amazing book, he guides you step by step through the hidden world of dowsing that he knows so well. Simple exercises in the form of Uri mini-class activities, and fun games such as crystal hide-and-seek, teach the basic skills you need to dowse, whether you use divining rods, a pendulum, a forked twig or just your hands. The book then explains how to use these skills to find everything from lost objects to water, fossils, archaeological remains and even hidden treasure! Most importantly, Uri reveals how dowsing can help you unlock submerged thoughts and knowledge and evaluate vital choices in business, love and family life. Also including real-life case studies of amazing dowsing events, stories of celebrity dowsers through history and background explanation of the science of dowsing, this is a super accessible and fun guide to the most useful of the paranormal skills.

Leben In Annwn: Die Geschichte von Willy Jones’ Leben nach dem Tod (Annwn #2)

by Owen Jones

"Leben in Annwn" setzt direkt dort an, wo "Eine Nacht in Annwn" endete: Willy ist gestorben und endlich wieder mit seiner Ehefrau, seiner geliebten Sarah, vereint, die er mehr als ein Jahrzehnt zutiefst vermisst hat. Dennoch beginnt sein Leben in Annwn, Alt-Walisisch für "Himmel", nicht unbedingt so, wie er es sich in all seiner Zeit auf der Erde – oder der Oberfläche, da Annwn unterirdisch verortet wird – vorgestellt hatte. Die erste Überraschung erwartet ihn bei einem gemeinsamen Pub-Besuch mit Sarah nach seiner Beerdigung – doch jeder neue "Tag" hält weitere Überraschungen bereit, bis sich die mysteriöse Blockade lüftet und Willy endlich erfährt, was das Leben nach dem Tod wirklich bedeutet. "Leben in Annwn" ist ein erfrischend ungezwungener Blick auf eine alternative Realität, die jedoch näher an der Wahrheit dran sein könnte als alles, was Sie je zuvor gelesen haben! Ein Lektüre-Muss – denn es könnte die Art, wie Sie die Dinge sehen, für immver verändern!

The Legend of Bigfoot: Leaving His Mark on the World

by T. S. Mart Mel Cabre

Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Skunk Ape. He's everywhere. The most well-known cryptid in American history, Bigfoot is as feared as he is loved. The subject of thousands of stories, this creature has been pegged as a monster terrorizing the woods, a supernatural entity stealthily living among us with an otherworldly agenda, or simply an animal trying to live a life of seclusion. With various theories and beliefs abounding, research and discussion have become a hobby for many, and even an occupation for some. In The Legend of Bigfoot: Leaving His Mark on the World, T. S. Mart and Mel Cabre reveal the myths, personal stories, and pop culture surrounding the legendary icon. Featuring more than 80 images recreating the Bigfoot's appearance from firsthand accounts and folktales, The Legend of Bigfoot showcases the many faces of the creature. Included are the Boston Bahumagosh, which is said to weigh up to 400 pounds, stand up to 10 feet tall, and terrorize the Boston area; the Honey Island Swamp Monster—also known as the Louisiana Wookie—who roams the Louisiana swamps with yellow or red eyes; and the Wendigo, placed between 7 and 15 feet tall with long, yellow fangs and yellow-tinted skin. Half phantom, half beast, the Wendigo lives in the forest and dates back to the earliest Native American legends. Featuring legends, culture, and history from across the globe, The Legend of Bigfoot brings the famed cryptid to life in this entertaining and accessible guide.

Les Aliments pour réduire le Cholestérol (Comment faire... #23)

by Owen Jones

Les Aliments pour réduire le Cholestérol Bonjour et merci d'avoir acheté mon livre électronique 'Les Aliments pour réduire le Cholestérol’. J'espère que vous trouverez les informations pratiques, utiles et peut-être même rentables. Les informations contenues dans ce livre numérique sur le cholestérol et les sujets connexes sont organisées en 17 chapitres d'environ 500-600 mots chacun. Il vous aidera à comprendre et à gérer votre taux de cholestérol, et il vous aidera peut-être même à ne pas prendre de comprimés. En prime, je vous autorise à utiliser le contenu sur votre propre site web ou dans vos propres blogs et bulletins d'information, bien qu'il soit préférable que vous les réécriviez d'abord dans vos propres mots. Vous pouvez également segmenter le livre et revendre les articles. En fait, le seul droit que vous n'avez pas est de revendre ou de donner le livre tel qu'il vous a été livré.

Les Examens Scolairs de Megan: Un guide spirituel, une tigresse fantôme et une mère effrayante ! (La série Megan #4)

by Owen Jones

Les Examens Scolairs de Megan Un guide spirituel, une tigresse fantôme et une mère effrayante ! Mégane s'inquiète de plus en plus ses examens scolaires à venir ... Mégane est une adolescente de treize ans, qui se rend compte qu'elle a des pouvoirs psychiques que les autres n'ont pas. Au début, elle avait essayé d'en parler à sa mère, mais dû aux conséquences désastreuses, elle avait fini par se taire à leur sujet. Cependant, certaines personnes proposent d'aider et un animal lui avait montré une amitié particulière, mais ils n'étaient pas ‘vivants’ au sens normal du terme. Ils étaient décédés. Mégane a trois de ces amis : Wacinhinsha, son guide spirituel, qui avait été sioux dans sa dernière vie sur Terre ; son grand-père maternel, Grand-pa et une énorme tigresse de Sibérie, Trigra. Wacinhinsha est extrêmement compétent dans toutes choses spirituelles, psychiques et paranormales; son grand-père est un novice ‘mort’ et Tigra ne peut parler que la langue des tigres. Dans ‘Les examens de Mégane’, Mégane s'inquiète pour ses examens, car ce sera la première fois de sa vie qu’elle passera de vrais tests. Elle s'inquiète à s’en rendre malade, mais Wacinhinsha, son guide spirituel, arrive à l’encourager et à la laisser se sentir mieux.

Les Remèdes de Grand-mère: Les alternatives traditionnelles à la médecine moderne (Comment faire... #3)

by Owen Jones

Les Remèdes de Grand-mère Les alternatives traditionnelles à la médecine moderne J'espère que vous trouverez ces informations utiles et profitables. Les informations sur les différents aspects des remèdes naturels et les idées connexes contenues dans ce livre numérique sont organisées en 19 chapitres qui font chacun 500 à 600 mots. J'espère que cela intéressera ceux qui pensent que nous prenons trop de médaments chimiques de nos jours. En prime, je vous authorise à utiliser le contenu sur votre propre site web ou dans vos propres blogs et newsletter, bien qu'il soit préférable que vous le réécriviez d'abord avec vos propres mots. Vous pouvez également diviser le livre en ségments et revendre les articles. En fait, la seule chose qui vous est proscrite est de revendre ou de donner le livre tel qu'il vous a été livré.

Les traitements naturels contre l’impuissance (Dr. Angela Fetzner #3)

by Dr Angela Fetzner

Comme vous le découvrirez dans ce guide, il n'est pas toujours nécessaire de prendre les pilules bleues... Il existe de nombreux traitements de l’impuissance à base de plantes doux mais sûrs. De nombreux traitements contre l’impuissance à base de plantes sont connus depuis longtemps dans les pays d'origine souvent lointains et leur effet de renforcement de la puissance y est utilisé depuis des siècles ; mais ce n'est que progressivement que ces stimulants sexuels à base de plantes conquièrent le marché européen. Derrière le désir en faveur des stimulants sexuels à base de plantes se cache bien sûr aussi le désir de ne pas avoir à « s’épuiser » lors de l'acte sexuel avec une pilule chimique, car au fond de nous, nous tendons vers le désir d’une sexualité holistique mystérieuse, unique et mystique. Et c'est exactement là que les plantes d’amour peuvent entrer en jeu : Non seulement elles renforcent la puissance, mais elles éveillent tous les sens et peuvent aider à réduire le stress et à se détendre correctement. Si nous la prenons à cœur, notre vie amoureuse (re)devient épanouissante et énigmatique.

Les Troubles Roubles Alimentaires Un Guide Simple Pour Surmonter Les Surconsommations Alimentaires

by Jason B. Tiller

Les troubles alimentaires de Jason B. Tiller Un guide simple pour surmonter la frénésie alimentaire. Des solutions simples pour mettre fin à l'alimentation émotionnelle. Un livre d'auto-assistance pour ceux qui souffrent de troubles alimentaires Voulez-vous vous débarrasser des problèmes alimentaires et avoir une vie plus heureuse et plus épanouie ? Est-ce qu’une bouchée dans un beignet peut-elle se transformer en une frénésie ? Avez-vous du mal à perdre du poids même lorsque vous suivez un régime ? Vous sentez-vous piégé par cette obsession et ces envies de nourriture ? Si oui, alors vous avez choisi le bon livre pour y remédier. La frénésie alimentaire ne concerne pas seulement l'impulsion physique à manger, mais la concentration émotionnelle et consciente sur la nourriture. Le désir d'une consommation continue de nourriture n'a rien à voir avec la malbouffe, mais l'impulsion mentale et émotionnelle sont également responsables de ce comportement. "LES TROUBLES ALIMENTAIRES : UN GUIDE SIMPLE POUR SURMONTER LES SURCONSOMMATIONS ALIMENTAIRES " est un guide de recherches bien détaillées, menées par des professionnels des troubles de l'alimentation. La science derrière la psychologie de la frénésie alimentaire a été démystifiée en phrases simples et faciles à comprendre. En suivant les conseils fournis dans ce livre, vous pouvez surmonter vos crises de boulimie. Vous serez en mesure de surmonter les fluctuations de poids, la boulimie et l'alimentation compulsive. Ce guide vous offre des solutions pour vivre une vie épanouissante, bien manger et parvenir à une totale liberté face aux problèmes alimentaires. Une fois les conseils fournis dans ce livre suivis, vous apprendrez comment développer une autonomie pratique pour une alimentation saine et mettre un terme aux frénésies de manière permanente. En prime, le dernier chapitre de ce livre fournit des conseils sur la façon d'aider un ami souffrant hyperphagie boulim

Let's Ask Marion: What You Need to Know about the Politics of Food, Nutrition, and Health (California Studies in Food and Culture #74)

by Marion Nestle

"There is no one better to ask than Marion, who is the leading guide in intelligent, unbiased, independent advice on eating, and has been for decades."––Mark Bittman, author of How to Cook Everything Let’s Ask Marion is a savvy and insightful question-and-answer collection that showcases the expertise of food politics powerhouse Marion Nestle in exchanges with environmental advocate Kerry Trueman. These informative essays show us how to advocate for food systems that are healthier for people and the planet, moving from the politics of personal dietary choices, to community food issues, and finally to matters that affect global food systems. Nestle has been thinking, writing, and teaching about food systems for decades, and her impact is unparalleled. Let’s Ask Marion provides an accessible survey of her opinions and conclusions for anyone curious about the individual, social, and global politics of food.

Let's Never Talk About This Again: A Memoir

by Sara Faith Alterman

Samantha Irby meets Bettyville in this darkly funny and poignant memoir about love, loss, Alzheimer's, and reviving her father's pornographic writing career, from writer and Mortified live producer Sara Faith Alterman.Twelve-year-old Sara enjoyed an G-rated existence in suburban New England, filled with over-the-top birthday cakes, Revolutionary War reenactments, and nerdy word games invented by her prudish father, Ira. But Sara's world changed for the icky when she discovered that Ira had been shielding her from the truth: that he was a campy sex writer who'd sold millions of books in multiple languages, including the wildly popular Games You Can Play with Your Pussy. Which was, to the naïve Sara's horror, not a book about cats. For decades the books remained an unspoken family secret, until Ira developed early onset Alzheimer's disease . . . and announced he'd be reviving his writing career. With Sara's help.In this cringeworthy, hilarious, and moving memoir, Sara shares the profound experience of discovering new facets of her father; once as a child, and again as an adult. Let's Never Talk About This Again is a must-read confessional from a woman who spent years trying to find humor in the perverse and optimism in the darkness, and succeeded.

Letters from Lockdown: A Selection of Covid Chronicles from BBC Radio 4’s PM Programme

by Evan Davis

A remarkable collection of 'Covid Chronicles' -- stories from lockdown sent in from listeners to BBC Radio 4 -- making a deeply moving people's history of the pandemic. On 23 March 2020, as the deadly virus spread around the world, the UK went into lockdown. In the following weeks and months, it became clear that in many ways we were all in this together, but the illness and the long period of isolation would hit people in entirely different ways.When BBC Radio 4's PM Programme launched the 'Covid Chronicles' series, listeners from across the country - and beyond - began sending in their lockdown stories to be aired on the show. The results are astonishing: moving, profound, funny, powerful and an invaluable record of our collective experiences. Ranging from the everyday (the thrill of booking a food delivery) to the momentous (a wedding on Zoom), we hear about birth and death, loneliness and loss, community and kindness, as well as remarkable stories from those working in the NHS on the front line.This book is a collection of some of these Chronicles, written in the midst of one of the most unexpected and intense moments in our history. Together they give us an unforgettable portrait of ordinary people caught in extraordinary times, with all the humour and tragedy and uncertainty we've been through. 'It's inspiring that so many people have shared their stories - some everyday, some life-changing, but all very human. This is a wonderful collection of experiences, to record and remember this devastating year' Christie Watson, bestselling author of The Language of Kindness

Letters on Motherhood: The heartwarming and inspiring collection of letters perfect for Mother’s Day

by Giovanna Fletcher

The heartwarming letters from Giovanna to her husband Tom Fletcher, their three sons, and mothers everywhere - from the bestselling author and host of the No. 1 Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast'Inspiring, beautiful and eye opening. Thank you Giovanna. You've made many mothers feel like they're not alone' 5***** Reader Review'As heartwarming as it is moving' Hello!NOW WITH FOUR EXCLUSIVE NEW LETTERS_______With stories parents everywhere can relate to, Giovanna writes beautiful, poignant and deeply heartfelt letters to everyone who has helped her to become the mother she is today. To her young sons: Buzz, Buddy and Max. To Tom, and her mum and dad. But also, to herself, her body, and more. And finally, to all of the mums, dads and mums-to-be out there doing the work too. These letters cover everything from her fears and hopes to the love and uncertainty of being a mother today. Honest, heartwarming and hilarious, Giovanna's relatable musings on motherhood are both a joy and a comfort, paying testament to the power of family._______'Fantastically honest, witty and real . . . I laughed and cried!' 5***** Reader Review'Giovanna is a real one' Candice Brathwaite, bestselling author of I Am Not Your Baby Mother'Cried, laughed and could relate to nearly every word' 5***** Reader Review'Giovanna is a one of a kind sort of person. She's genuine, talented, and well honestly? I just really like her' Rosie Ramsay, bestselling author of Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed.

The Lıfe-changıng Impact of Vıktor Frankl's Logotherapy

by Teria Shantall

This book provides an in-depth analysis of of the logotherapy of Viktor Frankl and delves into the spiritual depths of an inherent search for meaning in life. Written by a highly experienced and competent logotherapist trained by Frankl himself, this book is excitingly new and unique in that it takes the reader, in the role of a client accompanied by the author in the role of the therapist, through the unfolding phase-by-phase process of logotherapy. Logotherapy is explored as a depth and as a height psychology. From a provoked will to meaning out of the depths of a spiritual unconscious, the author takes the search for meaning to the ultimate heights in the achievement of human greatness. This book brings Frankl’s own profound life’s orientation back to life and, in its reader-friendly style, has the freshness of Frankl’s own way of writing. It is written in a refreshingly simple and straightforward style for easy accessibility to a wide readership. It includes cases studies and exercises for readers and is meant for use in logotherapy courses worldwide. Additionally, it will appeal to laypersons seeking a deeper meaning to their lives, psychology students and mental health professionals alike.

El libro de cocina para tener una buena vida tras una cirugía para perder peso: Recetas para comer sana y felizmente tras una cirugía bariátrica

by Rosemary Dolloff

Cocinar es uno de los muchos desafíos después de la cirugía para perder peso. Este libro de recetas simple y claramente escrito lo ayuda a mantenerse enfocado en su dieta y salud con 32 comidas sabrosas y fáciles de preparar que toda su familia puede disfrutar. Las recetas se clasifican en desayuno, almuerzo, cena y refrigerios para que coincidan con las dietas estándar posteriores a la cirugía. Las porciones se calculan para un total de 1 a 1-1/ taza, lo que facilita mantenerse dentro de los límites del plan de alimentación recomendado por su médico. Las medidas se pueden multiplicar para alimentar a una pareja o a toda la familia. Cada receta incluye un detalle nutricional que enumera calorías, grasas, carbohidratos y proteínas. Las comidas poseen un alto contenido de proteínas y mantienen bajas las grasas, los carbohidratos y el azúcar. La mayoría de las comidas son adecuadas para la etapa de alimentos sólidos de la dieta, pero pueden adaptarse para la etapa de alimentos blandos. Las recetas saludables y deliciosas incluyen: • Quiche sin corteza de jamón y queso • Vieiras fritas y calabaza de verano • Ensalada de pollo y tortellini • Hamburguesas de cordero con queso feta • Champiñones rellenos de Portobello En la sección Refrigerios, el autor decodifica el contenido de azúcar y carbohidratos de los batidos de proteínas y barras energéticas de marca y recomienda los que tienen mejor sabor y lo llenan sin sabotear su dieta. Las recetas cuentan con ingredientes frescos que se encuentran fácilmente en su supermercado local, con una fácil limpieza posterior. ¡Date un capricho con la excelente comida de este libro y disfruta de tu nuevo estilo de vida saludable! Enviar comentarios Historial Guardadas Comunidad

El libro de la lactancia

by Dr. José Paricio

El libro sobre la lactancia materna de uno de los referentes mundiales en su campo. El doctor José María Paricio comparte, en este libro, los conocimientos sobre aspectos científicos, técnicos, emocionales, sociales, culturales e históricos de la lactancia, plasmando tanto lo publicado en el ámbito de la ciencia y la medicina como lo aprendido en su experiencia profesional, de más de cuarenta años, de trato con madres y bebés. Con un estilo divulgativo y ameno, comprensible y útil para todos -desde madres y familias hasta profesionales--, el autor aborda cuestiones clave para comprender la riqueza de la lactancia: su apasionante historia, el funcionamiento del pecho materno, la composición y propiedades de la leche, las técnicas para amamantar aprendidas de las mujeres, el influjo de la misoginia en la cultura de la lactancia y en los modelos sanitarios de asistencia maternoinfantil, las dificultades y problemas médicos y sociolaborales, los falsos problemas, las malas soluciones y falsas creencias, los efectos de la tecnificación y la medicalización, los retos que se plantean al amamantar en una sociedad compleja y la rica cultura artística y narrativa generada en torno a la lactancia. Madres, profesionales sanitarios y especialistas en lactancia encontrarán una recopilación completa y actualizada del saber de la lactancia, basada en pruebas científicas y con referencias bibliográficas orientadas a profundizar más en el tema.

El libro de recetas de difusor de aceites esenciales: Más de 350 recetas para difusores de aceites esenciales

by Kimberly Brian

El libro de recetas de difusor de aceites esenciales de Kimberly Brian Más de 350 recetas para difusores para pérdida de peso, hogar, salud, antiestrés, estado de ánimo, cuerpo y alma Difusores de aceites esenciales El libro de recetas de difusores de aceites esenciales El libro de recetas de difusores de aceites esenciales: Difusores para aceites esenciales: 350 recetas difusoras para una mente, cuerpo y alma saludables ¿Desea mejorar su estado de ánimo, su hogar, su salud y su entorno? Esta guía que tiene más de 350 recetas de difusores de aceites esenciales que desbloquean los poderes terapéuticos que vienen junto con los aceites esenciales. ¿Se han preguntado por qué las personas se unen en la cruzada del uso de difusores para aplicar aceites esenciales donde se necesita un efecto terapéutico? El tipo de aire que respiramos determinará el estado de la salud. Debido a los beneficios para la salud que acumulan los aceites esenciales aquellos que se unen a la revolución ahora son más visibles. Los difusores vaporizarán los aceites esenciales en el aire al esparcir pequeñas cantidades en el espacio. Inhalar aceites esenciales (los mencionados en esta guía) no es dañino, es de bajo riesgo y seguro para el consumo.Esta guía explora muchos beneficios terapéuticos para la salud que incluyen: Supresores del apetito Resfrio y Congestión Blends para Alergias Curas para la resaca Dolores de cabeza Refuerzos inmunes Mejoradores de humor Meditación Aroma scent Insecticidas Memoria y concentración Ansiedad y estrés

A Life a Bit Less Ordinary: Bipolar Disorder for the Average Joe

by Mark Lucas

It wasn't meant to be like this. I won student of the year at college and then was nominated for national awards in the first year of my apprenticeship. I had come from inauspicious beginnings, but I was motivated and hard working. I had every intention of going places. And I did. It seems like every other week, another celebrity is diagnosed with bipolar disorder by the tabloid media. The public are led to believe that the latest superstars' fall from grace is more deep-seated than over indulgence in drink or drugs; or is this sometimes just canny image management to remove any responsibility for bad behaviour? Mark Lucas takes us on a real journey of a bipolar life, as experienced by an everyman, complete with the humour and wit to balance the heartache and crises of this rollercoaster ride. Having been effectively labelled second rate at the end of his teens, Mark has had to fight for everything he has achieved and gritted his teeth through illness, ridicule and unfair treatment at work, and ostracism due to occasional incidences of illness and asks why, in a world obsessed with celebrating the self and individual rights, do the sufferers of mental health problems often have to live a lie whilst hiding in plain sight?

Life in Motion: Unlocking the Secret to Healthy Aging

by University of Florida

The University of Florida has an ambitious goal: to harness the power of its faculty, staff, students, and alumni to solve some of society’s most pressing problems and to become a resource for the state of Florida, the nation, and the world. In the upcoming decades, an unprecedented demographic shift will take place; the eighty-five and over population is projected to climb far higher than any other age group. To keep the current elderly population healthy and help prevent future generations from experiencing poor health outcomes, researchers are studying crucial connections between skeletal muscles and whole-body health. The University of Florida is at the forefront of this research, utilizing its nationally recognized excellence in the fields of muscle biology and exercise physiology to discover unique ways to preserve muscle health in the aging and those with diseases. Find out how the proteins within muscle can be manipulated to reduce recovery times for individuals who are bedridden. Learn how older, elite athletes have resisted the inevitable degeneration that comes with aging, and how intermittent fasting may help you live longer and healthier. Step inside the lab where a researcher is uncovering the origins of cancer cachexia—a wasting syndrome responsible for 20 percent of cancer deaths worldwide—to improve the lives of patients. The loss of skeletal muscle through disease, disuse, or aging is associated with a host of poor health outcomes, but promising new avenues of research are being studied every day at the University of Florida to make for a healthier tomorrow. The stories chronicled in GATORBYTES span all colleges and units across the UF campus. They detail the far-reaching impact of UF’s research, technologies, and innovations—and the UF faculty members dedicated to them. Gatorbytes describe how UF is continuing to build on its strengths and extend the reach of its efforts so that it can help even more people in even more places.

Life in the Fasting Lane: How to Make Intermittent Fasting a Lifestyle - and Reap the Benefits of Weight Loss and Better Health

by Eve Mayer Megan Ramos Dr Jason Fung

Fasting is emerging as one of the most exciting medical advancements in recent memory. Its list of benefits extends far beyond weight loss and includes improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, protection against cancer and better cognitive function.While many of us may be able to handle the physical effects of fasting, the mental and social challenges are often daunting. There are so many opportunities to eat during the day, and sometimes it's rude not to participate in meals. what do you do with the time you used to spend eating? How do you navigate social situations while fasting? How can a food addict mentally prepare for a fast?Life in the Fasting Lane fills all of these gaps, and more, by bringing together three leading voices in the fasting community to provide a book written for both the body and the mind, helping people cope with all aspects - physical, social, emotional, medical - of fasting. It blends cutting-edge medical and scientific information about fasting with the perspective of a patient who has battled obesity the majority of her adult life.

Life in the Fasting Lane: How to Make Intermittent Fasting a Lifestyle—and Reap the Benefits of Weight Loss and Better Health

by Jason Fung M.D. Eve Mayer Megan Ramos

Take the guesswork (and fear) out of fasting with real-life and expert advice In recent years, intermittent fasting—restricting calorie intake for a set number of hours or days—has become an increasingly popular diet strategy. While some in the medical community initially dismissed the idea as a dangerous fad, recent research not only validates the safety of fasting for weight loss but also offers compelling evidence of wide-ranging health benefits, from reversal of diabetes and other metabolic disorders to enhanced cognitive function and increased longevity.But for many who are eager to try out fasting, the regimen can feel a bit intimidating. After all, abstaining from food doesn’t sound like much fun. People rightly wonder: How often can I eat? Will I be able to focus at work? Will I have enough energy to exercise? And perhaps the most concerning question of all: Won’t I be hungry all the time?!Enter Dr. Jason Fung—world-renowned fasting expert—his colleague, Megan Ramos, and Eve Mayer, who has experienced the life-changing benefits of fasting through Dr. Fung’s program. Together, they’ve teamed up to write a one-of-a-kind guide that answers the most common questions people have about fasting—and offers a customizable program that provides real results.In Life in the Fasting Lane, Dr. Fung, Ramos, and Mayer take the reader by the hand and walk them through the basics of a fasting lifestyle—from the science behind fasting as a health and weight loss strategy to the real-life choices and dilemmas people commonly encounter. While Dr. Fung and Ramos explain the fundamentals of fasting and offer a customizable approach, Mayer shares her in-the-trenches perspective and hard-won knowledge as a success story who turned her life around with fasting. With chapters that address everything from meal planning to mental strategies; exercise to socializing, Life in the Fasting Lane is a unique and accessible guide to developing a sustainable and beneficial fasting routine that offers dramatic, lifelong results.

The Life of Pasteur

by René Vallery-Radot

Translated from the French by Mrs. R.L. Devonshire, here we have the fascinating biography of Louis Pasteur 1822-1895, French microbiologist, chemist, and founder of modern microbiology. We learn of his investigation into the ways of excluding the airborne microorganisms which were responsible for fermentation in milk, beer, and other liquids using heat, today known as pasteurisation, and of his development of vaccines for anthrax, rabies, and chicken cholera.

Life with the Afterlife: 13 Truths I Learned about Ghosts

by Amy Bruni

Star of Kindred Spirits and paranormal investigator Amy Bruni shares stories from her years of experiences with ghosts, organized around thirteen truths that guide her approach to the supernatural. Amy Bruni, co-star of Kindred Spirits and one of the world's leading paranormal investigators, has learned a lot about ghosts over her years of research and first-hand experience. Now, in Life with the Afterlife, she shares the insight she has gleaned and how it has shaped her unique approach to interacting with the spirits of the dead and those who encounter them. From her earliest supernatural encounters as a child, through her years appearing on Ghost Hunters and the creation of her company Strange Escapes, which offers paranormal excursions to some of America's most notoriously haunted destinations, and into her current work on The Travel Channel's Kindred Spirits, this book is full of astonishing and deeply moving stories of Amy's efforts to better understand the dead but not yet departed. With Amy's bright humor and fierce compassion for both those who are haunted and those who are haunting, Life with the Afterlife is an eye-opening look at what connects us as people, in life and beyond.

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